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Evaluation 7

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What have you learnt about the conventions of magazine

productions and what progress have you made

from the student mag?

I’ve learnt that attention to detail is the important factor when portraying the conventions of a magazine. With the student mag I hardly took into consideration any detail or looked at any existing one nut what the music magazine I found that to get it looking professional the detail and depth in everything from the photo graph to the layout is extremely important.

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With the student mag I decided to only use publisher which I think was wrong because Photoshop allowed me to improve the pictures in a major way from helping to remove the back ground of my model to the actual skin texture of the model it made life easier. Publisher is a very basic program and it only allowed me to make mediocre choices leaving me not entirely happy. Whereas the music magazine felt complete because if the editing I was able to do with Photoshop. Also I didn’t do much research into the student magazine which made it harder for me to construct one that looked genuine this can be seen in my odd decisions for instance the font colour I chose.

Think about every aspect of both productions and scrutinize every decision you made?

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From the initial sketching I knew what I wanted to do this is because hi hop is my favorite genre of music so I incorporated my vision into my product, although it was a difficult challenge for example in my dps my model is seen to be holding money which isn’t easy to obtain considering I am a student and don’t work. But there was easy more enjoyable bits like creating the article for the Dps, there aren’t many opportunities do to things like this. I have learnt a lot from the transition from a student mag to music mag this is due to factors like the amount of detail that goes into a magazine, its not as easy at its appears to be, the thought process and level research required is unprecedented.

Think about the production as a journey form the initial sketching to the final product?

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What have others said about your magazine since you finished it?

Since I have finished my magazine I have received nothing but positive comments. My targeted audience and peers have complemented my use of models mostly and my photography skills. I used these to portray hip hop culture well and that the use of props and costumes had also giving my magazine a realistic view of the genre.