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Jess Stanton

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• Are you finished pieces fit for their intended purposes? I believe this piece of work is suitable to be a poster for my campaign as it informs my audience on animal cruelty and makes them aware of what is happening, two of the main purposes I aimed for my work to achieve from the start. Comparing my final products to those that already exist, I feel as though my work is to the same standard as other and helps connote the meaning of the organisation well through each piece of work.

• Do they communicate your message clearly? Due to the clear message on the poster with a fact to highlight the reality of what is happening to Elephants in the wild, the message of the poster is conveyed clearly with the added aid of the tagline ‘Help us stop them disappearing.’ With this message on the poster, audience members are aware of what the social issue is; the social media features then show the audience where they can go to find out more and how they can help elephants from disappearing.

• Are they appropriate for your target audience? When planning my campaign I wanted as diverse an audience as possible to allow the majority of people to be aware of animal cruelty. This meant my campaign had to be suitable for all ages, religions and social classes therefore when planning merchandise and poster, the designs and language had to be thought out carefully. I think this poster isn’t as appropriate for younger members of my target audience as it is for older members. The colours of the poster are dark and the younger audience may be more drawn towards brightly coloured designs with less of an abrupt tone to them. However I feel as though teenagers may be drawn to the poster and will find ways to get involved due to the use of the social media features enabling them to help in a way which is familiar to them.

• Compare and contrast your original intentions with the outcomes you arrived at. For this poster, my original intentions were to use my own images of animals in the posters to make it look more realistic. Even though I have stuck with this plan and the image is realistic and my own, the original picture didn’t match with the style of the posters. To make the style consistent but still keep an sense of realism I rotoscoped around the elephant to eliminate the background and put a filter on it using filter gallery to change the style of the image.

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• How effective are the techniques you have used? I feel as though each technique used in this poster contributes to the overall quality and look of it. The bold text font makes the poster look more serious and abrupt with the help of the key words in red to make them stand out to the audience also helps with the process of making the poster effective. The link between the elephant disappearing and the word ‘disappearing’ itself fading away connotes to the audience that Elephants are slowly decreasing. When it came to adding the elephant to the poster I put an effect on the image using threshold to make the image black and white which I then found would make some of the image disappear into the background, an effect I found was fitting and effective for the poster and matching tagline.

• Is the content effective? With all the assets placed together, I believe that the final poster appears effective. The hard hitting facts make the audience aware of just how fast the rate of elephants dying out is and why they are decreasing. The realistic image of the elephant is effective as it makes the message more real because the audience can see what is being killed. I also think the social media features are affective as it gives the audience an immediate place to go to help support the campaign and also find out more such as how to donate or find more products such as other posters which would lead them to gathering information about the different kinds of animal cruelty. Looking back at my original ideas and with the audience feedback I have now, I also feel as though a feature which may have improved the effectiveness of this poster would have been to include more contact information as a few said in the survey that there wasn’t enough which lead to them not knowing where to go for all the information on the charity e.g. a website address or telephone number or other possible features. I found this information out from my feedback survey in which I asked the question ‘Do these posters make it clear how you can help solve the issue of animal cruelty? If no, how can this be improved?’ to which I received answers such as “Although the poster includes a #, it does not say that you can donate, or where you can donate. A simple phrase like ‘donate now; may be effective” and “I think they do make it clear however it could be made more clear on how people can get involved, maybe with a website links or Twitter and Facebook usernames.”

• What impact do you think your advertising campaign will have on the public? Due to the look of the poster with the harsh text font, I think the campaign will come across to the audience as powerful and will have an impact on them. This could be a negative impact as the campaign could make them aware of what is happening to elephants and that they are being exploited for their tusks, however it may also impact them in a positive way as by realising steps are being taken to stop animal cruelty and improve animal’s welfare.

• What are the technical and aesthetic qualities of your work? There a mixture of technical and aesthetical qualities within this piece of work. The image on this poster of the elephant is a technical feature as I have put a threshold on the image to create the black and white look to make it run with the style of the poster. A technical quality in this poster is how I have composed the features within it. The text, with the aid of rulers in Photoshop have allowed me to ensure all the text is equally spaced apart which even though is technical, contributes to the aesthetical side of the poster. A feature which is part aesthetics and part technical is the ‘disappearing.’ The technical use of the gradient I have applied to the word along with the fact it makes the word look as if it is disappearing makes this feature a mixture of both qualities.

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• Are your finished pieces fit for their intended purpose? I think this poster helps raise awareness of what happens behind the scenes in circuses and as a result of this also changes attitudes towards circuses, therefore I believe it achieves the purposes and is a suitable poster for this animal rights campaign. When researching other posters tackling animal cruelty in entertainment I noticed not many approach their posters factually and instead show the animals in the circus which may be effective however I found a different approach and that was to include a fact. This not only allows the audience to know the charity is a reliable organisation for giving out information about animal cruelty but to also gives them numbers and figures to think about instead of just the statement which basically states that animals get treated badly in entertainment, as this would give them more information in the poster before exploring animal rights more in depth.

• Do they communicate your message clearly? Although I have not included a line on the campaign which states what action should be taken to help end animal cruelty in entertainment, I have used the tagline ‘Animal are not clowns’ which connotes to the audience what animals are being used for. By using a # this encourages audience members, especially those who are more familiar with social media to research for themselves about the issue and get involved.

• Are they appropriate for your target audience? I believe out of my three final posters, this is the one which is the most suitable for any age range as it doesn’t contain language which may not be appropriate for younger members of my audience. I also think it would have a bigger impact on a younger audience as they would be learning about animal cruelty in entertainment from a young age and as they grow up they would learn seeing animals in entertainment isn’t where they belong and is a negative as most young people may go to circuses and think that seeing animals there is normal without knowing what they suffer.

• Compare and contrast your original intentions with the outcomes you arrived at. Even though my initial idea is not the same as my outcome as I didn’t include features I had planned to such as having 2 images next to each other showing an animal in it’s natural habitat and one of it in the circus, with the purpose to compare the lives some animals are having to what they should have I have included a fact about the harsh reality of circus animal’s lives. I believe this is more effective as it allows the audience to have the hard hitting truth in the poster. I also included the tagline ‘Animals are not clowns’ to make the message more clear about what they are being forced to do and how being used for entertainment is not why they are on this earth. I also did not stick to my theme of using cartoon characters or cartoon based assets as a part of my final design as when I made a couple of cartoon like posters I found that they didn’t both follow the same style which let down the consistency of my work and also didn’t make the posters look very realistic like the ones I had found during my research before production.

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• How effective are the techniques you have used? I think the techniques I have used in the poster are extremely effective due to how realistic they make the poster look. Using a harsh font on this poster, a font not likely seen on a campaign for the text adds emphasis to the fact presented on the poster and makes it all the more serious. The highlighting of the text in red aids the look of the poster and adds more colour however also helps draw attention to it and the figures. I also used rotoscoping throughout this poster on several features including my logo and the social media features. I believe these to be effective as they still work well with the poster along with the monkey image however add variety to the poster still with a professional look. In order to maintain the realistic look of the monkey I applied a threshold effect, I was able to keep the monkey realistic however the effect also made the colour of the animal blend in with the poster allowing this asset to follow the house style.

• Is the content effective? I think that the image of the monkey being realistic and not cartoon like makes the poster look more professional however as I put threshold effect on it to make it black and white, it ties in with the house style of the poster whilst still standing out. I also like the feature of the social media icons as this would encourage audience members to become involved, proving the content to be effective. Much like the other poster, key words and statistic are in red, not only to match with the logo and maintain the house style but to also imprint the numbers into the audience's minds and for that to be what they are drawn towards first. Highlighting the shocking percentage of how long animals are kept in chains and cages also makes them more abrupt and reflects the harsh reality of animal cruelty.

• What impact do you think your advertising campaign will have on the public? This campaign will not only make more people aware of what conditions circus animals are kept in but also shed some light on how animals are not meant to be used as entertainment and when put in a different context such as ‘animal’s are not clowns’ audience members will realise how out of place animals are in circuses when they should be in their own environment with a better quality of life. Having created a survey for audience members to fill in giving me their feedback on my work, I was able to see if they found my work and this poster effective in a question asking if the posters made them more aware of issues surrounding animal cruelty, to which they all responded with ‘Yes.’

• What are the technical and aesthetic qualities of your work? A technical quality in this poster is the red writing in the text. This is present through every poster as a key feature so that audience members are able to easily distinguish which posters are related to my organisation. A aesthetical quality is the font I used, again over every poster. I chose this as it reflected the serious tone of the poster I wanted to aim for. In order to help me achieve this, I used tracking and leading in Photoshop, a technical element in order to ensure the letters were equally spaced apart.

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• Are your finished pieces fit for their intended purpose? The main purposes for this poster were to make people aware of the draize eye test, a process in which animals such as rabbits are trapped in boxes and have chemical injected into their eyes causing issues such as blindness and hemorrhaging. Another purpose for this campaign was to decrease the number of products and brands who test on animals being sold to limit the number of rabbits being harmed and making people aware of which brands do test on animals. I believe I have achieved these two purposes within this poster and I can tell this from the responses to a question I created asking if the products made the audience aware/more aware of animal cruelty, to which all 10 answers were ‘yes’. This also means that, much like other existing products I researched prior to producing my own, mine are able to impact and influence people much like popular organisations which aim to tackle the same issues as mine.

• Do they communicate your message clearly? Looking back through my feedback I received from members of my target audience, I can see that most think the way I have portrayed the message is clear however they can get involved is limited to an extent. A handful of responses gave me constructive criticism and pointed out improvements I could create such as adding extra social media features including usernames for social media platforms to make the contact information more detailed and additional features of a website address or number to call. Responses I received to the question ‘Which part of this campaign needs to be improved’ included “The contact info on the posters” “Put more information on how I can get involved on the posters” and “Could add links where people could find out more about animal cruelty, like different websites.”

• Are they appropriate for your target audience? This poster contains language which may not be suitable for younger members of my target audience who would be learning about animal cruelty from a young age in order to help decrease it as they grow older. However I believe this poster’s contents may not be appropriate for them due to the harsh language used and would may be more effective targeted at an older age range in my demographic. When I asked in my survey what age range my target audience believed would be most suitable, some responders had included children in their answers which makes me believe I could make them aware of the issue of animal cruelty however this may be by using alternative posters as the campaign can still be effective to the younger age ranges.

• Compare and contrast your original intentions with the outcomes you arrived at. Out of my final three posters, I think this one is the one which has remained the most similar to my first design, however due to this being the last I produced, changes were made to the appearance in order for the poster to match the other two. Even though the style is not the same as the initial idea, the colour choices of reds still tie in to one of my ideas of using red and pinks in the poster as these are two of the main colours of make up and also relate to blood and pain.

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• How effective are the techniques you have used? I aimed for the text on this poster to have an impact on the audience as the font is not what is normally seen on a campaign poster as it rather sudden and looks harsh. However to allow the poster to be more effective I opted for a dramatic change in the fonts for the text as it is one of the main features of this poster and will be something everyone sees when looking at this campaign poster. I purposely chose the font to be less harsh and contain a rhetorical question for the audience to think about and to juxtapose the quick and harsh language to the simple question, this also helps achieve the purpose of putting the audience in the rabbit’s position.

• Is the content effective? One of my questions in my survey was which poster did the audience find the most effective and the poster against animal testing proved to be it. One of the biggest assets which contributed to the poster being so effective was the text and all aspects of it- the colours used and how I implemented hints of red to make each point stand out, the contrast between the fonts used and also the colour of the fonts – how the one which contained the strong language was bolder than the more relaxed questions afterwards.

• What impact do you think your advertising campaign will have on the public? An impact I strived to achieve whilst creating this poster was that people would go and donate to my organization after seeing it, or take other action such as volunteer to the organisation. However from the responses in my survey, I found many people would have liked to have seen more contact information on the posters as I only included a # for social media. Despite this I feel as though this may be the most effective poster as it is the one which makes the audience feel most like the animal and therefore the most vulnerable, this is backed up by the answers the a question I asked in my survey asking which poster my audience found to be the one which raises the most awareness towards animal cruelty.

• What are the technical and aesthetic qualities of your work? A technical quality in this poster which spanned over multiple features was where to place them and ensuring with help form the rulers that all of the were in the same place on each poster. These features included the logo, making sure it was always in the top left corner, the social media icons and the # always being in the bottom right and even the main animal image always being roughly in the same place, while also giving the text enough room in order for the poster to not look too crowded. Another technical quality is the threshold effect on the rabbit, again something which I did on all three posters to make it fit with the style of the posters which makes it an aesthetical quality too. An aesthetical quality in this poster are the two fonts I used in the poster which provide a contrast not only in attitude of the poster going from harsh to a soft tone but also visually contrasts. Another technical quality in this poster, to allow the bold, main words to be in a place which would attract people’s attention straight away was by putting a grid on the poster to ensure a correct ratio was applied throughout the poster. This meant that each section of text was placed in a box to make it a certain size meaning a ratio is kept throughout the poster in each feature. For example, the logo on this poster is roughly half the length of the rabbit below which is the same length as the text.

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• Are your finished pieces fit for their intended purpose? Throughout production on my logo, my main aim for it was that my audience would look at it and straight away know what it aimed to do and what the charity stood for, and therefore holds a good representation of the organisation. From research of existing logos for animal charities, I found that many of their colour choices reflect the house style of the charity and so this was something I wanted in my logo.

• Do they communicate your message clearly? I believe my logo communicates all the messages I intended for it to convey and I can tell this from the responses in my feedback survey as everyone who has answered has at least recognised one message I hoped to convey within the logo. Out of the 11 responses I received, 10 respondents clearly stated what the message of the logo was and how it links to animal rights, highlighting that my logo does communicate the message of protecting animal’s and their rights.

• Are they appropriate for your target audience? The last question I asked on my survey was what age range my audience members thought would be best suited to this campaign. I received a variety of different answers some thinking the best ages would be children as it would be effective to target this campaign at them from when they were little as they would remain with this knowledge throughout their life. Some said teenagers because they have the most access to social media and so will be able to spread a message faster. On the other hand, many said adults ranging from 25-50 years old as they have the biggest impact due to having the most responsibility. I can conclude form this that the campaign could be suitable for all ages as it is a universal issue and with certain aspects of the campaign aimed at different age ranges, could make the campaign appeal to everyone. Another category which was suggested was targeting the campaign at pet owners as it would effect them the most. This was an area in which I was keen to discover more about at the start of planning to see if those with pets had a bigger opinion on animal cruelty than those who didn’t.

• Compare and contrast your original intentions with the outcomes you arrived at. When producing my logo, the final product was long awaited as I produced two very distinctly different logos prior to the final one. I wanted the same colours in my logo as the ones in my other work to tie all the products together, something which would add to the organisation and aid my work style to be consistent however this wasn’t present in the first two logos and so I created a third one. Out of all the three logos I prefer this final one as much like my audience’s opinions which I found out in a feedback survey, the logo gives people context as to what the charity is aiming to do and has been set up for, it also features colours of red and black which are apparent in my posters, merchandise and my website. Having a constant theme through all the work helps the audience to identify the charity but also improves the standard of the work to make it look more professional.

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• How effective are the techniques you have used? I believe the main technique in this logo is the emphasis and incorporation of the ‘PAW’ and how the name is relevant to the cause but also how it is abbreviated to PAW, something else which relates the animals and the campaign. The bold font on the PAW also adds to the logo as it makes it stand out and allows people to be aware of it making the logo more accessible for everyone as this is a quick way for them to gain an insight into the charity which I believe to be effective.

• Is the content effective? By conducting a survey I was able to find out audience members’ opinions on my logo and what they thought of it. From the 10 responses I received, all the comments were positive and said my logo was effective due to features such as the use of the name of the organisation in the logo, giving people information as soon as they saw it. Some responses include ‘Yes it is effective because it’s simple and not too over the top, but still links in with the campaign well.’ One of the most mentioned and praised features was the addition of the ‘PAW’ abbreviation with comments saying it ‘draws you in’ and ‘relates back to the subject.’ To highlight this I have also included a paw, not only to relate to the campaign but to also add colour into the logo, something else which I feel makes the logo all the more effective.

• What impact do you think your advertising campaign will have on the public? So far, with feedback from my survey, I can see that this piece of work has been one of the best for having an effect on the audience. Respondents have said it has been effective and they have gathered information just from the logo showing it to be effective but also given a positive impact not only on the logo itself but all the work as a collection as it has shown them how similar all the products are and how it has made them more aware of issue surrounding animal rights.

• What are the technical and aesthetic qualities of your work? A technical quality of this logo was lining up each word using the rulers in Photoshop to ensure it looked to a professional standard. A quality which is more aesthetical was applying a slight drop shadow onto the paw shape to give the logo more depth. Another aesthetical quality was choosing the font for this logo as I wanted a soft font which looked similar to the other soft font used on the third poster, however I ended up using two different fonts for the writing as an alternative font was used for the ‘PAW’ text.

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• Are your finished pieces fit for their intended purpose? I believe that the website I have created is fit for its intended purpose as when I was researching other websites such as the website for PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) I took note of what features I wanted to include on my website which would make it more effective. Some of these features included a search bar, to improve the accessibility of finding stories or campaigns ran by the organisation.

• Do they communicate your message clearly? I believe that every feature on the website is easy to find and the website is easy to navigate with the aid of the search bar, the headings and the three main selections at the bottom clearly labeled. Audience members can easily search through the website researching different areas of the campaign such as the campaigns running at the moment, how to get involved, hoe to donate and volunteer, how to contact the charity and more just from the homepage. This allows the message to be communicated from the organisation to the audience clearly as everything they may want to know and find out is presented on the website. The logo is also present in the top left corner showing the audience whose website it is.

• Are they appropriate for your target audience? When looking back through the answers I received from my survey, responders have answered a question I asked asking them what they thought the message of the campaign is. All 11 responses correctly identified the message of the campaign being to “stop animals being treated improperly” and “That animals should be thought about more and we should take animals into consideration when we are thinking about entertaining people.”

• Compare and contrast your original intentions with the outcomes you arrived at. The website I created was an extra product I decided to create when I had finished production on my other products. I decided to create a website as this was what I thought would be the central place for an organisation, with information about all aspects of the charity and extra information which wouldn’t go on the poster and a place for anyone to access wherever they are in the world. When researching different animal charities’ websites such as the RSPCA and PETA, I made note of aspects which I wanted to replicate on my website. I always wanted to have elements of the posters in my website theme which lead me to start creating the website with a black and red house style. I featured elements of red throughout the website design in places such as the slideshow arrows, the search bar icon and the homepage title to allow these areas to strand out against the background and other surrounding assets. The feedback I have received about my website was been positive as some responders mentioned it in their comment on which part of the campaign they liked the best saying they thought was “really effective because it allows people to take part in the campaign, whether it be volunteering or donating.” and how it is their favorite part because they “like the layout and the overall appearance as it has a very professional look about it.”

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• How effective are the techniques you have used? Due to this being a bigger product than others such as my posters and merchandise I was able to experiment more with techniques and content in order to include many more assets. The main technique I used to create the website was rotoscoping as this allowed me to create shapes easily and efficiently. I rotoscoped assets such as the search bar, the language options and the slideshow assets which have all aided the overall appearance of the website and makes it look more realistic therefore has made the product effective as a whole as well as the individual techniques. I also used the same font as the logo for the headings on my website to stick with a theme and allow the logo to not look out of place on the website. A slight change I made on the website which contributes to it looking realistic was to highlight the ‘Home’ in a different colour to clearly show the audience which page of the website they were on. I chose black for the main text colour however when a different page was clicked on it would turn to red – the two colours I have used most throughout this campaign.

• Is the content effective? There are many features on this website which I believe to be effective. I think the search bar works well as it is found on most websites and allows my audience to quickly and easily find stories or campaigns. I still wanted to include to logo, as most of the already existing charity websites have it included and I aimed to put it in the top left corner which will be effective as it will be in the same place as it is on my posters. One of the most effective aspects, in my opinion is the three sections at the bottom, which are three of the main parts of the website. I wanted to make them big for people to see and find easily and also feel as though this will encourage people to volunteer, donate and buy merchandise if it is clearly advertised. Something which I took inspiration for from PETA’s website was the slideshow in the center of the first page on the website which displayed current stories the charity is tackling. This becomes effective as it is on view as soon as the audience click on the website and will be one of the first things, if not the first thing they take an interest. The most important stories or serious cases will be placed here in order to gain more people’s attention and help. Another feature which I find effective and fitting is the language choices above the search bar in the top right corner as I have always felt as though my campaign can be appropriate to all ages and worldwide too. This language option will add to the effectiveness as more people will be encouraged to look through the website if it is available in their language, also expanding our charity global in order to tackle animal cruelty all around to globe too.

• What impact do you think your advertising campaign will have on the public? I think the website will have a positive impact on the public as it is another way for them to get involved and get behind the campaign. By improving my posters to include a website address, more access will be granted to the website. The website will also be another way of advertising my organisation which could lead to a bigger demographic and as it can be available worldwide, this factor will help increase who has access to it.

• What are the technical and aesthetic qualities of your work? A technical quality in this product was using the rulers tool in Photoshop in order to make sure each of the assets were equally spaced out, these included the web page titles, the three selections at the bottom of the website and the social media assets. In order to create the web page titles I used the font which was the same as the one in my logo, this was an aesthetical quality as it improves the website by making it more visually stimulating to look at.

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Travel cup iPhone 6 phone case

CushionMen & Women T-Shirts

Tote bag

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• Are your finished pieces fit for their intended purpose? For my merchandise, I wanted to create products which my target audience would like to wear and have, which lead me to think of what products I could have which would appeal to a lot of people to but still prove effective at advertising my campaign. I chose items like the travel mug, tote bag, t-shirt and phone case as these items are used by a wide range of people and when travelling around whether this be to work, school, college, university etc. my products will be seen by many more, increasing the audience and those who are aware of the campaign. I also included a cushion to show the audience the campaign can be supported in their own home not just when they’re out and about.

• Do they communicate your message clearly? From responses I have gathered from a feedback survey I created, I can see that when I asked the audience which part of the campaign was best, multiple said merchandise and how it “will allow you to learn more about the campaign.” I also believe the merchandise clearly communicates the message of the campaign as the logo is clearly resented on each piece of merchandise in clear view which allows the logo to be seen by all.

• Are they appropriate for your target audience? I think the merchandise is appropriate for all ages, as they include a variety of products which all ages ranges use. I have included both men and women’s t-shirts as the social issue is appropriate for both genders as well as items such as phone cases as I think these will be a popular item to sell as many people of all ages will be suitable for them and many people have phone cases, meaning there is already a market for them and when doing my research I found not many charities, especially animal rights organisations have phone cases as merchandise however I have produced a design which is suitable for 12 different phones with multiple types of case.

• Compare and contrast your original intentions with the outcomes you arrived at. My original idea in terms of the design for my merchandise was to use the logo of my campaign as it was the main piece of work which would always be associated with the campaign and a big factor in how people recognised it. When first designing my merchandise I knew I wanted to create t-shirts for the campaign however I wasn’t sure what else would appeal to my audience and prove to be effective when making more people aware of the social issue. I generated ideas of other organisations merchandise products in order to find items which would appeal to my audience. Whilst researching I decided to design a phone case as these are a popular item with many people right now including those in my target age range. After I had thought of this idea, I started to think about products which people would have on the go and out and about as if people are already aware of the campaign after seeing the posters or the website, they will be able to recognise the logo and colour scheme from the merchandise which may lead them to buy some; this is when I decided to produce travel mugs and tote bags. Looking back at my merchandise now and seeing the feedback I have been given by members of my target audience, I can find ways to develop my work the next level to make a wider selection of merchandise by creating more designs as this was one comment which cropped up when I asked what could be improved in my campaign products. “Add more of a variety of merchandise” “You could create another design to go alongside your current merchandise.” “I think you could benefit from having different designs for the merchandise to give more awareness towards the audience of the campaign, as it’s limited to only the logo.”

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• How effective are the techniques you have used? Using the technique of the animal paw print on my merchandise as part of the logo engages audience members and makes them aware of the social issue. It stands out which makes the logo more recognizable as well as the large text. Because I didn’t design and create the logo with a block of colour for the background, it means the logo will stand out and contrast with any potential background it may be against for the merchandise products.

• Is the content effective? I believe this content to be effective as it is the logo of my campaign, the product which is the most recognizable feature in my campaign which is on every poster, the website and every piece of merchandise. The content will prove to be effective as when others see the logo, they will know what the campaign is for and what it is called allowing them to find out more. I received comments from my audience feedback survey which told me how I could improve my campaign when I asked them. A response I got was “You could add the hashtag to the merchandise so that anyone who sees someone with it can check it out on social media” which I believe to be constructive and one comment I shall take into account. Although I do believe my merchandise was and is effective at making people aware that we need to help protect animal welfare, if I were to develop my merchandise further I would include more designs on the products; some would include the addition of the hashtag which appears on my posters and my website and another idea which may prove effective is to re design my posters to go onto my merchandise. I would keep the graphics the same however to make the products as effective as possible I would re arrange them to fit onto each individual product to ensure the graphics fit the shape on the product and don’t just look like the poster has been placed on the item. This will allow the merchandise to still link and associate with the posters but still have their own place in the campaign and allow them to look like individual products.

• What impact do you think your advertising campaign will have on the public? I think the campaign has a positive impact as it will make people more aware of issues surrounding animal cruelty and enable support for the charity. I will know this because for my target audience to show their support on the campaign they would use their own money and buy the merchandise. This money along with other donations will have a positive impact on the campaign as it will allow for funding on future projects as part of the organisation which in turn will allow products to be out in the public domain to draw attention to the campaign and raise the public’s awareness of it.

• What are the technical and aesthetic qualities of your work? One of the aesthetical qualities of my merchandise, something I aimed for in each product was to have to one logo on these products and for it to be right in the middle in clear view so that everyone can see it and what it says clearly. I also think this quality helps make the products visually stimulating to look at as the logo is placed in the middle and not off center. A technical quality for the merchandise is when I was putting it from Photoshop to the merchandise I had to turn off the background layer and convert it into a png file. I was also careful when creating this logo to use specific colours which would show up on the majority of background colours for the merchandise items in order for them to stand out clearly.