Download - Evaluation


Throughout constructing my final film opening I have used more technologies. I have used YouTube throughout, as it has allowed me to publish my work and gain any feedback from what I have produced so far. By publishing my preliminary, my final film opening, my animatic and any other necessary products, it means I am open to any feedback (positive or negative) and therefore can work and progress from the comments I gain. Furthermore, it is quick and easy to use and access and was somewhere I could view my final video.

Whilst constructing my film opening I used Blogger throughout to upload any planning I did, as it is easy to access. It also allowed me to look back at my blog to view any planning ideas and take them into consideration during the filming and editing process. I also uploaded my final film opening once I had finished as it meant that it was safe and was accessible to both my teacher and myself. By using Blogger it meant that my work was organised and in a certain order, so all my filming process and planning was all together.

The DSLR camera was used throughout the filming process. It gave a clear picture and was easy to use. This helped when it came to editing as it meant there were no blurry shots and the quality of the overall film opening would be high. However, one of the issues we faced when filming with the DSLR was that the battery went half way through filming and therefore had to replace the battery with another one.

We used Premiere Pro to edit our shots and put them in a structured order- relating to our storyline. Although it is a very detailed software, we already had experience with it and therefore was able to use more difficult features such as colour grading and fading the shots in and out to make them less sharp. Using Premiere Pro was very time consuming as it took many hours to edit 2 minutes 30 seconds.

We used social media websites such as Facebook and Twitter to post any planning ideas and the overall film opening to get feedback and any comments on what is good or how we can improve the overall film product. Additionally, it helped to post planning ideas as we were able to gain more ideas which we could include in our film.