
How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Evaluation: Question Two

A social group can been defined as two or more people who interact with one another, share similar characteristics, and collectively have a sense of unity.

With my film I aimed at representing male adolescents, so I adapted the media language accordingly. I also stared teenage actors; in this way my audience could see what people they can relate to are going through. As a result, my audience could notice the fear in my

actors’ eyes in the second scene, but the calm monologue of Francis in Scene One presents their bravery which shows that they are not so young. In my film my

protagonists are 19-22 years old. Proof for that is the gun which Francis is carrying in Scene One. The use of male actors represents the bravery of their characters: Scene One

serves as evidence of that by the way they introduce their story. Scene Two is another example how brave they are by staying calm when the antagonists are trying to kill them.

Bravery is a masculine characteristic rather than a feminine.


Example that Cliff and Francis are scared

And loyal to each other which is another masculine characteristic.

This is my first scene and as my audience can see Francis and Cliff are sad and scared but they still going to sacrifice their life for the good of

their country.

This picture was taken during the filming of the second part of the opening scene of ‘’NAIVETY’’. It represents the bravery and the

selflessness of the boys.