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By Tanveer Mahil

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The main objective for me was to appeal to the target audience, and make this thriller a lot more altered – in the sense that it uses a wide range of camera shots, such as a track; to enable all of the story is clear, We did this to make sure that this thriller played away from the general stereotype of thrillers, as we wanted Incognito to stand out. The plot of the film had both thriller and action pieces, so we decided that the thriller opening will consist of both thriller and action themes too ensure the target audience we wanted were correct.

Example : - We base the victim around the a character victimised in the film of scream.

Example: - We based the stalker around the character of the Joker from Batman: The Dark Knight

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Our Opening Sequence shows difference as we include social realism within the film the thriller to make it play against the neutral stereotype given to thrillers in which they are portrayed in a non realistic manner. Amritpal shows the audience social realism, as he is portrayed to the group to be a very normal person, however ; the social realism is shown when Amir, becomes visible to the audience, as it is seen within the opening that society is not a very nice place , as Amir is a very dark character and represents the darkness within society, he also does demerit things in which are looked down upon in society ; carrying weapons and smoking would be an example of this. However Amritpal shows the exact opposite within the clip and shows the bright side of society, they counter battle throughout the opening to show society will have both good and bad people and this shows how social realism is shown within the opening.

Another way in which our media product appealed to a certain social group was in the way we portrayed the characters. We had Amritpal look very innocent to do this, we had him wear average clothes, and look as if he were coming back from school, as any other student. We also didn’t represent him within any other of his characters and friends as kids in modern society are seen as rude people, when in large crowds and groups, so we isolated him throughout the opening to ensure that it was impossible for the audience to have a negative opinion toward Amritpal, and just have empathy toward his character as this would increase the impact of the audience when he confronts his opposite, Amir. When Amir is confronted we make it certain that our social group will be people who understand Social Realism and have a understanding of the real society out there, as Amir is seen to be the Villain within the opening.

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I have chosen a distributor called Warp Films, to be able to distribute my media product. I chose this as I believe my target audience will not be international. Warp Films was my choice as it was made clear to me through research that it is a independent firm which also prefers social realism films. This works in my favour as it made clear that my opening sequence is a thriller in which has elements of social realism. Warp Films, will not having any problem with distributing this film to the whole of the country as it is a national firm which has distribution rights all over the country allowing the target audience to be met.

Also the budget of the film is seen to be a mere £200,000 as it is this small it will enable a higher chance of having this distributor. This small budget includes all prices for the film, actors, cameras.

Another reason in which I chose Warp Films was to ensure that, this film was not sold to an international monopoly such as universal as it would not make as much money as wanted as the budget of the film would sincerely increase as it will be needed for the over the top advertising, as it will not be needed as this is a low budget film which only insist of staying within the country to widen peoples knowledge towards society and raise awareness of people who live within the country and make sure it is seen clear that this film is a social realist not just a ordinary thriller.

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I chose a target audience of people who are over the age of eighteen plus. I chose this age for the target audience as I believe will be able to relate to society in this way. Although the film is certificated at the age of 15+, as it doesn’t consist of much eighteen rated scenes, as there are only two violent scenes and in both it is not shown clearly the person being killed/hurt. There is one love scene within this film and it will not be shown at all only the two characters kissing , however, coitus will not be shown.

Also I believe that the target audience should be eighteen plus, as it is made certain that to understand the social realism in the film how we have chosen it to be, not mislead into a action thriller, and under mimed for something it is not. I believe eighteen year olds will be old enough to understand what we were trying to explain to the audience and convey the message that society is no longer a nice place and there are evil people out there – this was done through social realism as it shows both sides of society, we have the evil side portrayed by the Hitman and the bright side portrayed by the victim.

Another way in which I chose my target audience was by deciding which of the age groups would be most suited for the film noir effects added, and I decided it was unlikely for fifteen year olds to understand the true meaning of what film noir is and this could most probably only be seen through older eyes in society, so I decided for the target audience to be eighteen plus.

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I attracted my target audience by using the word ‘Incognito’ this ensured confusion within the audience and in would not trouble those who are linguistically able; this was one way of attracting my target audience as it enabled me to find people in which will be able to understand the social realism within the film and not just watch the film for it to not set a point within the audiences mind about society.

I adjusted the opening sequences to ensure a lot of action within the thriller film, as within the thriller opening there is an action scene straight away this scene enables the audience to be addressed well, as it is straight into the action forcing the audience to concentrate for clues and hints, for why this person is being beaten up.

I also used camera angles within the opening to attract the audience as it starts off with a CCTV shot which is also know as a tilt, this tilt representing a CCTV, then switches to a track and then a pan, this immediately grabs the audiences attention and helps with the film become taken more seriously as there is no build up and hence no anticipation and thus catching the audience when not expected.

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I have used many software and hardware within the constructing of the product.

I used the software IMovie within the Apple Macs, for the first time. At first the software was hard to use, I then researched on how to use IMovie, after watching a view guides on YouTube, I discovered different skills on IMovie, such as ;

How to crop out parts of a scene How to upload the video to YouTube

How to insert music

How to play two clips at one time

How to add effects

How to add text

I used the software Garage Band, this aloud us to create our own music, with a range of different instruments, I had experience with this software as my family own a mac, and I had watched videos previously on how to make creative music to fit the piece. The skills I developed were ;

How to create music

How to Upload the music to YouTube

How to Upload music to ITunes.

I used this to me was a new software in which I had never used before. I learnt the skills of how to upload images, URL links, and embed Prezi’s into the blog, I uploaded music and videos. This was all new to me and creating my product helped me use this software.

I also used the website this enabled me to put presentations I made onto my blog, in just a few seconds, this was beneficial as some of my research and textual analysis was as a presentation and being to upload these enabled me to save time by not changing the format.

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The skills I had picked up on the way to the final task enabled me to excel in creating, filming and editing, also the research I had carried out increased by chances of a better final product as it was made clear that the research help with the final product as research about thrillers, was very key within the making of the final product as it enabled us to consist of more camera shot/movements, sounds and editing techniques within the final product to enable a higher level of quality.

With the technological ‘edge’ I had after the research I carried out on how to use editing and music software it was easier for me to have a understanding of what to do within the group to have a better final product. I believe technical ‘edge’ granted the group a higher chance of receiving better grades for the final product as of the research I carried out and the videos I watched on YouTube, these helped greatly as it made a large progression from the preliminary task editing, to the main task editing.