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Page 1: Evaluation 5 final

The Masthead: This is an important

factor in drawing in the readers

attention. We have made this bold

and colourful so that it is eye

catching, and positioned it so that it is

easily visible, in the standard top-left

hand corner placement.

The main image is used to catch the

readers attention and features a well

known celebrity, covered by a brief

introduction to the story. The celebrity

fits in with the genre of the magazine.

The main image also dominates a

large area of the magazine, which in

my magazine is on the left hand side.

Cover lines are essential when making a

magazine, as you do not want to miss

potential readers by not advertising what

else the magazine has to offer other than

the main story. I have used this when

creating my magazine, and kept the

stories short and simple so they are eye

catching and do not take away from the

main focus of the cover page.

An exclusive is a definite for a pop

magazine due to there being quite a

few around, you need to sell it to your

readers, and a way to do this is to

include exclusive information or

images on certain celebrities, which

the readers will trust they will not find


The banner at the top of the cover page is used to draw people into the magazine. I have

decided to advertise a quiz which is inside my magazine, which connotes that the

magazine is full of activities and also a true story, which will interest and grip the readers.

Colloquial language has been used on

the front cover, where I have abbreviated

Britain's got talent to BGT. The use of this

language attracts readers into picking up

the magazine, as it is the kind of

language they use in everyday


The footer of the magazine simply lists

other celebrities and artists that will

feature of the magazine. Using the word

PLUS, makes it feel like the magazine is

going to be jam packed full of extra’s,

again drawing in the target audience and

ensuring something will interest them as

they are bound to like one of the celebs.

There is no background colour used,

which helps to make the celebrity image

stand out further. It also means that

everything on the page is readable, and

is not wasted by being took away from by

the background.

The main colours used are pink

purple and white, and by using these

throughout the magazine it gives a

more structured approach. It also

means that they are of stereotypical

colours, therefore another hint at the

target audience. The use of 3 colours

means the reader will not be


A short, concise slogan that catches

the readers attention

I have included the issue number and the cost

at the bottom, small, but will be identifiable to

the reader, helping them to keep track of issues

and show them the price of the magazine which

is affordable. The barcode is placed

appropriately, big enough to be scanned.

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I have included a picture of

the front cover and the page

numbers next top where you

will find this section. It helps

the reader find what they are

interested in.

Sections are used on the

contents page to include

different factors that the

magazine holds. The

sections organise the

contents page and

categorise what is in the

magazine. There are brief

headings which informs the

reader what is going to be

on each page, appealing to

the target audience.

The fonts are easily

readable, and do not distract

from the information. There

are no capital letters used in

the headers and the page


The contents page uses the

colours pink and white

mainly, with black writing.

These are colours which are

associated with the target

audience which is teenage

girls. Using more colours

than this would distract the

reader and they may miss

out on important information

which isn't ideal.

The contents page is not too

cluttered, which means that

the audience will take time

to read the page, as the

information is organised. I

think presenting the

contents page like this

highlights the best features

for each category in the

issue and presents them in

an understandable format.

The contents page does not

simply state that it is a

contents page, as I feel like

this is boring. I have

attracted the audience by

saying “inside the mag”

which is a more appropriate

introduction to the page. It

shows who the target

audience is, as mag is


The language used on the

contents page is informal

which will appeal to the

target audience as it is

easily understood. I have

used abbreviated language

and colloquial language to

show the intended audience/

The colour scheme is

basic which could

connote the idea of the

artists are stripped back.

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I have included the logo from the front cover

which shows consistency, as it is in the same

position and stands out to the audience. It

also helps to show the audience that this

article is going to be jam packed full of juicy

gossip, which will attract the audience.

I have decided to use

the word exclusive as

this will entice the

reader into looking at

the article, as they will

believe that they are

receiving a story that

they won’t elsewhere,

therefore trusting in the

magazine that the

story is trustworthy and

100% accurate.

I’ve used an interesting

pull quote that will

attract the readers

attention and hopefully

make them want to

read the entire article. I

have used a black

background to make

this stand out and the

use of the white and

pink font shows


The double page spread sticks to three main colours for

the colour scheme, and this is pink, white and black. This

shows the house style throughout the magazine, and is

an effective way of drawing in the audiences attention

right from the beginning.

I have used an interview style for the article, as I think this works best and

fits with the “exclusive” as you are receiving conversation straight from the

featured celebrity, which makes it more accurate and honest. The use of

the interview makes it easier to know more about the chosen celebrity, as

there are questions asked which give you an insight to their life.

The celebrity image takes up the majority of the focus. The model

has direct eye contact with the camera, which addresses the

reader and makes them feel involved. There are three smaller

images, each in a polaroid frame, where the model is again

looking at the camera, this shows that the model is exposed in the


The artist featured, despite being of young

age is wearing clothes that could be

admired by the audience. Slogan t-shirts

are in fashion, and this is what the model

is wearing. Girls in the target audience

could see the model as style inspiration.

By the large

dominating image, it

splits up the text and

the images, so that

there is a balance.

This is appealing to

the target audience

because they do not

like heavily dominated

text pages, and

therefore they will be

more likely to read the

interview if there is a

page of images next

to it. As the article is

made to be exclusive,

the use of text in the

top third with the

different fonts creates

a good effect as it

again, takes away

from the large body of

text and is eye

catching to the reader.

The page numbers

are easily visible

which is helpful to the

reader, as they can

find the page easily.