Download - Evaluation 4


EVALUATION 4Research, planning and constructing our music


YouTube was a big part of my research and was used a number of times. For example the idea of using projections came from Ariana Grande’s music video ‘The way. Ariana’s video was found on her Vevo music channel on YouTube. YouTube is extremely useful for research as it has a vast number of songs and music videos that are available to anyone for free. It was also used to upload our own videos.

My and teammate used to email Steve Ashford at Sony music as he is responsible for giving us the permission to use the song. Steve told us that it must be for educational purposes only. Originally we had a lot of problems with getting through to Sony when we were told to speak to a women named Elizabeth Peers. But after weeks of emailing and calling she never replied. We only got a response when we asked to speak to the manager – Steve.

Adobe Premiere Pro is the software that we used to edit our video. This was also used for our thriller last year but this year I believed I improved in editing techniques, for example overlay two different clips. I’m used to working with the editing sites I have at home so using this software was a challenge for me.

Ipiccy is an online free editing site that I used to create my synaesthesia post and the posters. Unlike Photoshop, Ipiccy is an easy and quick way to create simple things like interesting posts on the blog.

Vimeo was used to post our blooper video as we didn’t want to only use YouTube. After using it I found I prefer YouTube as it is easier to find what you are looking for.

To create the website we used Wix which allows you to create websites for free. It took me a while to understand how to use it. Even though it has an instruction video you still have to work a lot out for your self.

Keeping in contact

Facebook is a great way to keep in contact and we created a group to post videos and links that were relevant to our project. Both me and Shoshie have smart phones so we both have a Facebook app on our phone. This meant that we could check our notifications where ever we were.

WhatsApp is another way to communicate on our mobile phones which gave us a range of ways to contact each other. This meant that if one way failed we weren’t reliant on it.