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Evaluation 3: What have you learned from

your audience feedback?

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As you can see from this image, we got people to answer questions about our documentary, newspaper advert and radio trailer. This helped us in many ways as it had lots of different peoples opinions and a variety of age groups and genders so we were able to see if it fitted to our target audience. From the feedback we gathered we found the target audience was well suited as they all said it was very interesting and would like to watch the rest of the documentary after seeing the first 5minutes.

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We have learnt from our Audience Feedback of our Documentary is that things we need to improve upon are adding in music throughout the documentary this was the main weaknesses as it makes it more appealing to watch with having some background noise. Also maybe adding in more questions throughout to the public and possibly getting the interviewees opinions on cruelty to pets/animals. I have also learnt that our filming technique was very good as the audience thought it looked very professional. The editing was also seen as excellent as they commented on the fact we used cutaways and not just having the interviewee on screen. They also commented on the mise en scene as they thought it was very appropriate for each interview as you could tell from the background what they did etc.

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From our Newspaper Advert we found out that our main weaknesses was the image as some people thought the documentary came across as cruelty from the look of the dogs face. Others thought that we may need to add in more images of different animals as it looks like the main focus is on dogs. However some did say that they could see the contrast with the title and the image as the pet is in his home. Positives about our newspaper advert is that it grabbed the audiences attention and the slogan was seen as very appropriate and catchy and went well with the theme of the documentary. We learnt that we need to create more images of pets to make this more relevant to our documentary.

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I have learnt from the feedback for our radio trailer that this grabs the audiences attention and makes the documentary sound interesting. One thing they liked was that we used clips from our documentary so it makes the audience feel the need to see the rest of that interview and view peoples different opinion on pets whether they like them or hate them. Altogether we learnt that our radio trailer was very interesting and made the audience want to watch the documentary.

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From all our audience feedback I have learnt to make sure the newspaper advert is giving off a clear image of what the documentary is about and not to show an image that could also convey a different theme towards pets. I have also learnt that throughout the documentary the audience like to have background noise for example music to make it more entertaining and appealing to watch, this is something I will look out for in the future. I have also learned how the audience like to see different things throughout the documentary so if I were to do this topic again and would ask what people would look for in a pets documentary and see what ideas they come with to make it more appealing to the target audience. I have also learned that a lot of people found the ancillary texts attention grabbing which is a positive and said that they will make them watch the documentary. I have also learnt that the audience liked our filming and editing which made it look very professional like a real documentary, this has helped me realise what a real production company would be like.