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  • 1. The main character in our film. 1933575-466725Evaluation The Future
    The future is our short film it is simple and easy to understand and also thefilm title does tend to give it away to a certain point. We watched many short films such as plastic bag, Kiwi, Logorama and many more to gain ideas of how to bring something to life as these are the concepts that are used in these productions; they have personified an object and bought it life. That is exactly what we tried to aim our film on and what we have forgotten about in the past and how we do not think about it again. The narrative is from an Iphones point of view who is quite young, naive and a little selfish at times who embarks on a journey of self discovery through other characters in the film. These characters have seen a lot more of life and how the humans forget about them. The characters involve, a book, Nintendo DS, computer and IPod, Playstation 3 all these characters provide the Iphone with an insight into their lives but also what is the future for the Iphone and where the phone will end up in the near future.
    In our film production we had decided that we were going to challenge forms and conventions so as we go from filming to stop motion and we thought that it was different and unusual we looked at a main streamproducts such as the filmToy Story were it is all animated but the comparison to our product is that the objects are personified so as in Toy Story the toys are personified and become real people, in our own production the book, Iphone, Nintendo Ds, Computer, PS3, IPod all get personified as they become real people and gain a voice. We also looked at a smaller production film called Plastic bag the comparison that this has with our own film production is that it has personified the plastic bag so gives it a voice just like our production but the difference is that in this production they do it all in filming and we do most of our production in stop motion, when it comes to our main characters.
    As we are aiming our film at all ages we wanted to keep it simple but furthermore for the elder audience keep they engaged so when we looked at products such as Toy Story we knew that they caught the attention of all ages. We found it more proficient not to use actors, since they can be unreliable and that would off meant that a lot of time would be wasted so the quality of the production would not be off a high standard. It was fun to experiment with objects that are not alive and we got to move the characters around in any which way so got to play with the shots and the shots that we used were the ones that are normally used so we developed on them as in toy Story when Andy comes back in to the room all the toys assemble back to their normal positions and we did that exactly with our own production, as soon as they heard a noise they went back to their own position and we did that all through stop motion, it was challenging as we had to remember where they had started from to make sure that the continuity was there in the production so when it came to editing it was easy to see if any of the actors were not placed in the right place, the way that we got round this was that we went back and looked at the first photo that we had taken of all the actors and made sure that we put them back that way.
    27813002933700 We developed our ideas as we initially decided that it was all going to be in stop motion but then when we started researching andthought that if we had a bit of both in the production then the audience can instantly been familiar with the film so therefore are more inclined to watch it. Also firstly we had decided thatit was going to be from the books point of view but as not many people like to read books or donot read books anymore wefelt that they would relate with the character but with the Iphone everyone can relateif the audience could see a moving image such as the Iphone thenthey might relate better with the characters that are in front of themas well asthe use of new technology is much better as everyone has a phone that they use daily and many people are attached to their phones and do see them as their children especially people who are teenagers./ young adults compared tobooks that maynot read anylonger due to being involved in their phone but also on an Iphone you get an app for books so you do not have to go out and buy them but instead just read if on your Iphone.We changed it to an Iphone, since it was more modern, and the audience have a shared frame of reference. The personification of the object shows the audience a different perspective of life. We aimed to educate and entertain our audience. We did this by providing a clear moral image of what society is really like and how it is changing but also how we are the ones that are making this change.
    For the ancillary tasks we developed on the ideas if the forms and conventions as we wanted to keep it simple and easy. We did not try anything that was too complicated as we want to attract our audience through the poster and magazine review. By looking at magazine reviews of other genres we decided to follow on the ideas that they did but also to make it easy for our audience to understand the concept of our film. The poster follows the conventions of other products like other products and we wanted the audience to make a connection with the two. As all the other posters tend to have to the main image in the middle we decided to do that all we due to then they can relate and also have an idea of who the film is based around. The same rule applies with the magazine and idea of keeping it similar to other magazine reviews.
    In this production we were given the chance to do a poster and magazine. In our AS we didnt do one so it was different and therefore meant that we had to research a lot of magazine and posters to understand how make our magazine and poster be linked in with our film. The main reason for the magazine and poster is so that the audience can relate it with the film and can familiarise themselves with the characters so that they instantly know who is the main character and they start to make their own opinions on what they think they character may be like, the characteristics of this particular character furthermore if they like the character or not. This was done effectively by using the screen shots from the film in the poster and the magazine so that the audience can relate the two together with film but also they know the main character would be and what the film is going to be about and dont feel like they are lost about who the main character is. They will watch the film through the poster which is promoting it but also making them aware of what to expect.
    The magazine is linked to the film as may want to read what the film is about and what critics make of it. Should they go and watch the film or if they have already seen the film do other people have the same views as them.
    The posters is child friendly, meaning everyone can see it, without worry as like the toy Story posters as they are there so that young children will watch the film and with the use of the main image the children can also be able to sympathise with the character. With the magazine, the audience can find out information on it and see similar films, for the same age group and the same target audience as our own production, we have the releases of new films that fit our audience genre and that can mean the target audience can be aware of what there rating is and if they should go and watch it or not. The way that it is effective is that the audience have a shared frame of reference with the poster, magazine and film, so therefore are more inclined to watch the film and read the review. They also can instantly see who the main character in the film is and they can convey who it is. The audience do not feel betrayed in sense due to they feel that they have been let in to a secret by knowing who the main character and by reading the review can have a sense of what the film is going to be about so therefore feel like they hold a superior role by knowing this information which they may feel is meant to be kept a secret to them. As the magazine review can tell the target audience quite a lot of information about the film and who the characters are so the audience can feel is if they already know the film before they have even watched it.
    The audience feedback was done through showing a group of our peers as they are who are targeting for our audience, we asked them to write down their views on a piece of paper of what they thought of our film. We showed our film and gained a good insight in to what they thought of ourfilm and they told us what they liked and what we needed to improved this has been a really big help and has help us understand what we need to do in the future . The responses that we got back were mixed. Even after showing the film some of them were saying how they remembered the old Nintendo DS that we had shown and also how they will look at their phone differently. They all got the message that we were trying to appeal to them and also guessed where our influences where from and really liked the concept of our imagination and creativity. These are the responses that we got from our audience feedback:
    Good feedback! To improve
    This really helped us understand what they thought about our film and how they knew where we got the ideas from. This also made us realised what we need to work on and one person gave us good advice on how to fix the microphone from popping. This has helped with our overall production as they are coming back to us and letting us know their thoughts. One of my friends had given me the initial idea of making this film so through interacting and talking to our target audience we understood what they wanted from us and we went about achieving it through using our imagination and creativity.
    We used the camera to film the moving image and then the photography camera for the stop motion but also in some shots we had to use a digital camera due to the lighting was coming through and the photography camera was not getting the shot that we needed didnt that particular point. Mobile phones, msn, email to communicate to one another and also to arrange times for filming and also to keep organised and on top of things which was a lot better compared to our preliminary task and therefore this production was a lot easier and made meeting the deadlines much easier.
    The Blog used to upload all our work that has been completed instead of printing it out; it is all on the Internet and therefore has been easier as we can access the Internet at any point.The range of new technology that we used in this production compared to our foundation portfolio in AS has improved dramatically We were able to keep organised during working through this production compared to our AS due to the time management and getting contact of each other was an issue and being in a smaller group this time has worked in our favour.
    We relied on technology all the time throughout our production which is quite ironic as that is what our film is about. Whilst making this production did not only we start to value our phones but also the other technology that we had used. The way that we contacted each other was via the Internet through the means of the social networking site Facebook and talking to each other through Email to send work across that some may have not got or one piece of work that had improved on and texting was the major factor as we were also texting each other to arrange where to meet, what time we were going to meet to get the filming done and editing done. We also used MSN to get the voiceovers for the characters.
    The Internet was not only for a form of communication but was were we gained all our information from. It was on the internet that we watched our short films, on websites such as future states and YouTube to analyse them and research them to see what conventions they have used in their own production that can help us with our own. For our production we have had to use the internet to upload on to our blogs which was the first time that we both had done so it was something new and exciting to experience. Unfortunately at the beginning of our research to when we had to upload the film one of our group members had trouble uploading on to her blog but the problem had been resolved and she has been able to upload and change her blog around as she wishes. It was good in a way that this problem had occurred at the beginning as then we were prepared for any other problems that may of occur.It was easy but the problems that came were overlooked and resolved in the end and this mean that we were able to put more time towards trying to make this enjoyable for our audience to watch.
    When it came to writing up our work the use of ICT helped us, as we were able to combine our work together on PowerPoint and as we have used it before it was easy to get the work done quicker.Also when it came to uploading our work we did not just copy and paste it in the blog but instead we uploaded on to slideshare and then uploaded on to our blogs so that the whole word document and PowerPoint presentation can be seen.
    As our film is about technology the technology that was used in the film played such an important role so the technology that we used in our film is, a Nintendo DS, computer, Play station 3, IPod, Iphone, Game boy advance, Game boy colour, GameCube and Nintendo 64 these were are out actors and it made it easier as they were reliable and we had easy access to them. We got to play around with them in the shots and also got to move them in the way that we had in mind. Also the audience can familiarise themselves with these products as they may own one or more of them also know what they are.
    In our production for all the stop motion we used a Photography camera as it was easy to capture the shots that we wanted furthermore, when the lighting was right we had to use a digital camera for some of the micro shots as then it could really grab what we wanted. We also used a JVC camera for all the filming and also a tripod as we wanted to get the right angle when it came to the beginning of the film. The editing software that was used was Sony Vegas which was done at a member of our groups house as she had all the software and could play around with editing to see what sound better in each particular scene. We used Adobe Premier Pro at college as we need to get the moving image off the tape and as it was a college camera we decided that it would be easier to get the scenes that we needed so when it came to editing we were prepared beforehand.
    Overall, we feel that this is a very good production and that we have reached our target audience which was what we were aiming for. From the audience feedback we got some points on what we could improve on and that will help us with our future productions.