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Europe Climate Culture Famous Cities Landforms History


Portugal’s climate,maritime temperate; cool and rainy in north, warmer and drier in south.

Germany’s climate temperate and marine; cool, cloudy, wet winters and summers; occasional warm mountain wind.

Italy’s climate Predominantly Mediterranean; Alpine in far north; hot, dry in south.

Culture of Norway Literacy: definition: age 15

and over can read and write total population: 100%

Religions: Church of Norway 85.7%, Pentecostal 1%, Roman Catholic 1%, other Christian 2.4%, Muslim 1.8%, other 8.1% (2004)

Population: 4,660,539 (July 2009 est.)

Culture of Belgium

Birth rate: 10.15 births/1,000 population (2009 est.)

Death rate: 10.44 deaths/1,000 population (July 2009 est.)

Education expenditures: 6% of GDP (2004)

Famous Cities of France Paris

The French capital, the Romans called her Lutetia.

AvignonA city full of history, temporary the residence of the Pope (1309-1377).

CamembertThe village in the Orne département of Normandy where the famous French cheese is originated from.

Landforms in France The Northern France Planis

include the capital city of Paris

The Northeastern Plateaus include the provinces of Alsace and Lorraine.

The Brittany Normandy Hills lie in northwestern France across the eroded remains of ancient rock.

Landforms in Poland Polish landforms

developed on a geological foundation of three major structural units of continental Europe:

(1) the Pre-Cambrian shield

(2) the Hercinides (3) the Alpinides.

Landforms in Germany The Bavarian Alps, the highest

mountains in Germany stretch across its southern border with Austria.

The Danube, which rises in the Black Forest to then stretch across central Europe all the way to the Black Sea.

Rugen, Germany's largest island, is forested and rather hilly with steep cliffs and sandy beaches.

Germany’s History Henry the Fowler became

the first king of Germany in 919.

The Nazis imposed a totalitarian regime and followed an expansionist foreign policy that led to World War II.

In 1990, East Germany was reunited with West Germany.

Ireland History The history of Ireland

began with the first known settlement in Ireland around 8000 BC.

What little is known of pre-Christian Ireland comes from a few references in Roman writings.

The Bronze Age properly began once copper was alloyed with tin to produce true bronze artifacts.

Early Bronze Age