Download - Euro 2015 prioritisation presentation

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© 2015 Cogentus Consulting Ltd

The human element in prioritizing R&D projects

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People vs. Process

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People vs. Process “Soft” vs. “Hard”

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People vs. Process “Soft” vs. “Hard” Managing contradictions

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People vs. Process “Soft” vs. “Hard” Managing contradictions •  A bit about me •  The Case Study

•  US Department of Energy (DOE) •  Prioritization •  Process •  Issues •  Lessons Leaned

•  Summary •  Questions


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Ian Seed  

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Ian Seed, CEO Cogentus  

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Chemical Engineer  

Ian Seed, CEO Cogentus.  

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Chemical Engineer MBA  

Ian Seed, CEO Cogentus.  

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Chemical Engineer MBA Technical, financial and business positions  

Ian Seed, CEO Cogentus.  

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Chemical Engineer MBA Technical, financial and business positions Heavily involved in OR for most of my career  

Ian Seed, CEO Cogentus.  

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Case Study

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140 R&D projects

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n  US DOE, R&D to support nuclear clean up n  $120M a year budget, 4 departments n  Multi-discipline, complex wide

n  Problem: More R&D projects than funding

n  Solution: Resource Allocation

About the case study


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n  Each R&D project will cost money and will deliver some benefits to DOE.

n  We just need to work out the optimum combination of projects that will give DOE the best benefit for their budget.

n  Used MCDA – specifically resource allocation n  Criteria n  Options n  Weights n  Scores



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n  Criteria are the factors against which options will be judged

n  We develop criteria from the hierarchy of objectives n  Line of Sight / Strategic alignment

n  DOE has mission & vision so it should be easy to identify criteria

n  No it isn’t!

Step 1 - Criteria


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n  Some not aware of what has been published

n  What do the words really mean?

n  How do you measure? n  Differences amongst

stakeholders n  Inside team n  Outside team n  Outside DOE

Issue 1 – Leadership Team Knowledge


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n  Do not assume that previously published and approved information has been read

n  Expect to revisit objectives and success criteria n  Strategy development session with Lead Team. n  Useful and necessary but not really “prioritization”

n  Expect that different stakeholders will have very different views on objectives and success criteria n  Use multiple sessions or role play to elicit those


Criteria – Lessons Learned


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n  Options are the things you want to compare. n  In this case, options are the R&D projects that

people want to do. n  All they need to do is to explain their proposed

project so it should be easy to identify options. n  No it isn’t.

Step 2 - Options


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n  Wide variation in “quality”. n  Might have a meaningful title if we’re lucky

n  Variable descriptions n  Technospeak n  Vague

n  Different stages of maturity of thinking

Issue 2 - Options


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n  Standardise quality n  Each option (project) should be at the same level of

detail n  Template n  Technical Support n  Peer reviews

n  In department n  Across departments

n  Maturity index

Options – Lessons Learned


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n  Yet to meet anyone who knows what weighting actually means.

n  Most believe it is “importance” n  But all criteria, if aligned to the strategy, are equally

important. n  It’s all about equalizing scale lengths.

n  Lessons Learned n  Expect to have to re-educate everyone what

weighting means!

Step 3 – Weighting


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n  Scoring is where the performance of each option is established on each criterion

n  Most participants expect a “scoring workshop” n  Consensus decision making n  Expert knowledge n  A good thing right?

n  Not particularly!

Step 4 – Scoring


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n  Experts aren’t expert on things outside of their expertise n  That’s all criteria except one (if we’re lucky)

n  Scores are a matter of opinion, not fact n  There’s no evidence provided

n  Workshops are subject to Groupthink n  Groupthink, gaming, influencing

n  Impossible to validate scores n  Different groups on different days will provide

different scores

Issue 4 – Scoring


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n  Collect the evidence beforehand n  Datasheets for each option n  Performance data for each criterion n  Criteria stage will have defined relevant measures

n  Peer Review and validate data n  Use workshop for experts to investigate the

data on each option, but not to “score” n  Datasheets provide the evidence-base

necessary for any future reviews n  This gives robustness

Scoring – Lessons Learned


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Step 4 – Results


Compare portfolios. Can we develop ones that have greater benefit to the Organization for the same, or less budget?

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Step 4 – Results


Balancing. Cash Flow – is the annual budget within required limits?

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n  Departmental Heads prioritise on benefits only n  Cost is secondary n  Huge disparity between opinion and “fact”

n  People cannot process multiple datasets n  Trading off benefits and costs n  Actual performance of options against criteria n  Lifetime cost vs. annual costs n  Balancing across departments n  Short terms vs. long term, big vs. small

n  That’s why we do multi-criteria!

Issue 5 – Results


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n  Need substantial time to analyze n  People need to unravel their own perceptions n  Why are their favorite projects not more of a priority? n  What about projects already started?

n  Lewin’s is a good model to use n  Unfreeze, Change, Refreeze

Results – Lessons Learned


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Who is the DM?

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n  The “process” is straightforward. n  People make it more difficult.

n  More people generally means more difficult. n  Every stage has its issues. n  Lessons learned to address most of them n  Still left with: Who is the DM?

n  Challenge is to present and communicate. n  Not models, networking and negotiation. n  No such thing as “optimal”. n  Good enough. Needs to be better than the others!



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Who is the DM?

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Erroll Southers n  Counter Terrorism Expert. n  FBI Special Agent. n  Deputy Director for California

Office of Homeland Security, appointed by Governor Schwarzenegger.

n  Nominated by President Obama to lead the Transportation Security Administration.

n  "In my 30+ years of experience, Cogentus facilitated the most effective brain-storming session I have attended. It was challenging and produced viable future considerations for a major interdisciplinary initiative. Excellent use of time and expertise!”

People can be very nice!


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Ian  Seed    

[email protected]  0787  282  5027  
