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Ethnicity of Parisians in 2010

France has always attracted people from across the globe for numerous reasons, including commerce, culture and tourism. Migration here especially picked up in the 19th century as the Industrial Revolution opened new job opportunities. As with many European countries, France faced an acute shortage of labour after WWII and the government decided to recruit immigrants as workers. Most of them came from Europe, Latin America and Africa, and they took this call to earn their livelihoods in a developed country. From 1962 to 1975, Algerians, Vietnamese, Pakistanis and Japanese too came here in substantial numbers and the government granted refugee status to most of them. This resulted in another coming of immigrants from dictatorial countries of Europe, mostly as refugees.

Being the capital of the nation, Paris attracted majority of these immigrants. Even in the contemporary times, immigrants are arriving, though in less numbers, but steadily. A study on the ethnic mix of population in the city can be easily done, sighting the data recorded in the official census of 2010. The authorities do not ask the residents their ethnic background as per the prevailing law, but they do record their original nationality. Many of these nationalities have significant numbers in the city and during vacations travellers may interact with them and learn about their native cultures. Below is a description of some of the largest nationalities, represented by its inhabitants.


Paris perhaps is the best place to mingle with native Frenchmen during holidays as they make up the majority here. The 2010 census recorded 8100250 of them, residing in the French capital, and they are the ones who have influenced the culture here the most. They have a diverse and complex ethnic background as they descended from various communities, such as the Belgae, Visigoths, Celts, Franks, Greeks, Iberians, Saxons and Vikings. As of 2010, 3885076 of these inhabitants in the city were males, while 4215178 were females. The report also reveals that the majority of these residents were in the age-group of 25-54, while the age-group of 15-24 had the least of them.


Tours to the French capital can also be utilised to be a part of the various African cultures that thrive here proudly. The largest African community is of Algerians, who recorded a population of 180849. The middle part of the 20th century saw a heavy Algerian migration to France and its capital. After Algeria became independent in 1954, the migration of its citizens to the nation increased further. Moroccans are the second largest African community in the city, with over 130440 members. Tunisians with over 60000 inhabitants is the third-largest community from Africa here. The city is also home to 56263 inhabitants from Mali, 33248 from Ivory Coast, 25029 from Cameroon and 281810 of those who trace their origins to Congo. Courtesy these immigrants,

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Paris has developed a rich African culture, characterised by stores selling traditional things from the continent like decorated teapots.


Meeting some Portuguese people in the city during vacation trips here is also a possibility, as in 2010, they were the largest nationality here after the French themselves. In the above-mentioned year, there were about 197739 Portuguese people living here. They came to Paris mainly in the 1960s and 1970s owing to the dictatorial situation in their homeland. Since the Middle Ages, the Italian community too has grown continuously here and in 2010, approximately 40555 residents said that they had Italian origins. Renaissance led to a boom in Italian migration, and artists, architects and writers were invited by the French Monarchy to give a new dimension to their native culture. France and Spain share a close relationship with each other due to the overwhelming number of Spaniards in the former nation. As per the report cited, 31196 people of Spanish descent were living in the French capital. Romania and Poland also had significant representatives in the city, with 27098 and 24012 descendants, respectively.

Asia, Americas and Oceania

Paris has a buzzing Chinatown district owing to its ever-growing Chinese population. As per the 2010 census, more than 59000 inhabitants of Chinese ancestry and origin reside here. WWI brought a large number of Chinese citizens to the city and many of them settled here after the war ended. Numbering around 52323, the Turks make up the largest Asian community here after the Chinese. The earliest Turks came here as slaves and merchants from the Ottoman Empire in the 16th and 17th centuries. In 1965, an agreement was signed between France and Turkey, as the former was in need of workers and the latter agreed to provide some. In comparison to all these, there are only about 16540 people from the Americas with over 15400 from the USA alone. Australians and New Zealanders are represented by only 1891 residents here, accounting for an acute minority here.