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    870 J. Agric. Food Chem.Arnon, D. I. Plant Physiol. 1949,24, 1.Association of Official Agricultura l Chemists (AOAC). OfficialMeth ods of Analysis, 7th ed.; AOAC: Washington, D C, 1950.Beute lmann, P. ; Kende , H. Plant Physiol. 1977, 59, 888.But ler , R . D.; Simon, E. W. Adv. Gerontol. Res. 1971, 3, 73.Cuello, J.; Sabater , B . Plan t Cell Physiol. 1982, 23, 561.Dybing, C. D.; Lay, C. Crop Sci. 1981, 21, 879.Fischer, R. A.; Kohn, G. D. A u s t . J. Agric. Res. 1966, 17, 281.Hall, N. P.; Keys, A. J.; Marre t t , M. K. J.E x p . Bot. 1978,29, 31.Heuer, B.; Plaut, Z. Physiol. P lant . 1978, 43, 306.Hunt, R. Plant Growth Analysis;Edward Arnold Ltd.: London,Kende , H. Proc. Nut . Acad. Sc i. 1965,53, 1302.Malik, N. S. Plant Cell Physiol. 1982, 23, 49 .Mart in , C .; Thim ann, K. V. Plant Physiol. 1972a, 49, 64.Mart in , C .; Thim ann, K. V. Plant Physiol. 197213, 50 , 432.Miller, G. L . Anal. Chem. 1959, 31 , 964.Mishra , D.; P r a d h a m , P . K . E x p . Gerontol. 1973, 8 , 153.Mu ller, K.; Leopold, A. C. Planta 1966, 68, 167.Peterson, L. W.; Huffaker, R. C. Plant Physiol. 1975,55,1009.


    1985, 33 , 870-875Ries, S. K. In H erbicides Physiology, Biochemistry, Ecology,2nd ed.; Audus, L. J. , Ed.; Academic Press: New York, 1976;Vol. 2, Chapter 11.Shibaoka , H.; Thim ann, K. V. Plant Physiol. 1970, 4 6 , 212.Singh, B. W.; Mish ra, D. Physiol. Plan t. 1965, 34, 67.Snow, J. T., Ed. Handl ing of Carcinogens and HazardousCompounds; Calbiochem-Behring Corp.: La Jolla, CA, 1982.Spier tz , J. H. J.; Tenhag, B. A.; Hupers , L. J. P. N e t h . J.Agric.Sci. 1971, 19, 211.Thim ann, K. V. Bot. Mag. Spec. Issue 1978, I , 19 .Thomas , H.; Stoddart , J. L. Ann u. Rev. Plant Physiol. 1980, 31 ,Wallsgrove, R. M .; Keys, A. J.; Bird, I. F.; Cornelius, M . J.;Lea,Windholz, M., Ed. T he Merck Index, 105th ed.; Merck an d Co.,Wit tenbach, V. A. Plant Physiol. 1977, 59, 1039.

    83 .P. J.; Miflin, B. J. J. E x p . Bot. 1980, 31, 1005.Inc.: Rahway, N J, 1983.

    Received for review April 4, 1985. Accepted M ay 6, 1985.

    Isolation and Characterization of the Sucrose Esters of the CuticularWaxes of Green Tobacco Leaf

    R. F. Severson,* R. F. Arrendale, 0. T. Chortyk, C. R. Green, F. A. Thome, J. L. Stewart,and A. W. Johnson

    The cuticular waxes of a tobacco budworm resistant tobacco, TI-165, contain a series of polar, highmolecular weight compounds, which were separated from other components by solvent partitioning andSephadex LH-20 gel chromatography. Glass capillary gas chromatography (GC-2) of these constituentsas trimethylsilyl ethers and GC-2/mass spectrometry indicated that there were six groupings of isomersdiffering in mass, each from the next by 14 amu. Saponification of the total mixture of compoundsyielded sucrose and a series of Cz- o C8-diphatic acids. The major acids were acetic, 2-methylbutyric,and 3-methylvaleric acids. Repeated gel chromatography resulted in the isolation of 6-0-acetyl 2,3,4-tri-0- 3 -methy lv a l ery l ] -cr -~ -g luco py ra no sy l -~ -~ - f~c to f~a no s~de ,he major isomer, as defined by NMRand MS data. Other sucrose esters with similar molecular weights were isolated by preparative gaschromatography and saponified, and their acid compositions were determined. Part ial hydrolysis ofthe SE yielded known tetraacylglucopyranosides.

    I N T R O D U C T I O NDuring our investigation of the cuticular leaf waxes ofgreen tobacco from budworm-resistant and budworm-susceptible genotypes, several tobacco introductions (TI)were found to produce a series of polar, high molecularweight (MW) components. The observed field resistanceof these tobaccos was postulated to be due to an antibiosisfactor (Johnson and Severson, 1984). These high MW

    components were first detected when the glass capillarygas chromatographic (GC-2) profile of the cuticular waxesfrom the green leaf of a budworm-susceptible, flue-curedtobacco, NC 2326, was compared to that of the waxea froma resistant tobacco, TI-165 (Figure 1). Major componentscommon to both tobaccos were the diterpenes, a- ndP-4,8,l&duvatriene- 1,3-diols (diols), docosanol (C,,OH),Tobacco Safety Research Unit, Agricultural ResearchService, US. Department of Agriculture, Athens, Georgia30613 (R.F.S., R.F.A., and O.T.C.), R. J. Reynolds TobaccoCompany, Winston-Salem, North Carolina (C.R.G., F.A.T.,and J.L.S.),and Pee Dee Research and Education Center,Clemson University, Florence, South Carolina (A.W.J.).

    and the CZ5-Cs aliphatic hydrocarbons. The high MWComponents were very apparent in the GC-2chromatogramof the TI-165 cuticular waxes. A crude isolate of the highMW components from TI-165 was obtained by columnchromatography on basic alumina (Severson et al., 1981).NMR analysis of the isolate indicated the presence of asucrose ring system with the glucose moiety fully esterifiedand with an acetate group on the C6 position, while thefructose portion showed four free hydroxy groups (Figure2) . Alkaline hydrolysis of the isolate confirmed thepresence of sucrose. GC-2 analysis of the hydrolyzate, afteracidification, confirmed the presence of Cz-cS acids, withthe major acids being acetic, 3-methylbutyriq and 3-methylvaleric acids. We postulated that these green leafsucrose esters (SE) were the precursors of the 6-0-acetyltriacylglucopyranosides (glucose esters, GE), previouslyisolated from a hexane-soluble fraction of cured Turkishtobaccos (Schumacher, 1970; Rivers, 1981). In addition,we have found SE in the cuticular extracts of the greenleaf of Turkish cultivars (Severson et al., 1984). These SEand GE are believedto be the precursors of the importantTurkish tobacco smoke flavor components, 3-methyl-butyric and 3-methylvaleric acids (Kallianos, 1976; Chu-

    This article not subJect to U.S. Copyright. Published 1985 by the American Chemical Society

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    J. Agrlc. Food Chem., Vol. 33, No. 5, 1985 871scribed by Severson et al. (1984).The gel chromatographic system consisted of glassCheminert LC columns (2.54 i.d. X 76 cm and 1.37 i.d. X12 2 cm) packed with Sephadex LH-20 in CHCl,, loop in-jection valves, an Altex Model 110 pump, a Gilson Mini-Escargot fraction collector, and a Laboratory Data ControlRefracto Meter III. A flow rate of 2 mL/min was used and5-mL fractions were collected. Electron ionization (EI) andchemical ionization (CI) mass spectral (MS) data andEI/GC-2/MS data were obtained on an HP 5985 systemmodified for GC-2/MS (Arrendale et al., 1984). The directchemical ionization (DCI) spectra were obtained on aNermag R10-10 system at Columbia University. The fielddesorption (FD) and fast atom bombardment (FAB)spectra were taken on a MAT 731 instrument at theUniversity of Illinois.NMR data were obtained with a Varian CFT-20 13Cspectrometer operating a t ambient temperature (25 "C).Samples were dissolved in 100% deuterated CHC1, andrun in the micro mode in a 1.7-mm 0.d. capillary tube.

    Extractionof CuticularSE. Cuticular waxes, con-taining the SE, were collected from TI-165, grown at theClemson University Pee Dee Research and EducationCenter, Florence, SC, under conditions normally used forthe production of flue-cured tobacco. Whole plants, 50-60cm in height, were cut off 20-25 cm above the ground andthe cuticular components were extracted by dipping thewhole plant tops four times (2 s/dip) into a 4-L beakercontaining 3 L of methylene chloride. The plants werethen reextracted (as above) in a second beaker. Afterwashing 50plants, the extract in the first beaker was fil-tered through anhydrous Na2S04 nto an amber glasssolvent bottle. The beaker was refilled to the 3-L markand became the second wash beaker, and another 50 plantswere extracted. The processwas repeated until the desiredquantity of cuticular components was obtained. Extractswere cooled (dry ice), transferred to the laboratory, andstored at -18 "C. The above procedure was found to re-cover 95+% of the extractable SE.

    Isolation of Sucrose Esters. After warming to roomtemperature, the whole leaf wash (WLW) was filteredthrough anhydrous Na2S04 nd the CH2C12wa s removedon a rotary evaporator at 40 "C under 80-100 mmHg ofvacuum. The residue was placed in a vacuum desiccatorfor 2 h to yield the WLW fraction. A 3-g portion of WLWwas partitioned between 150 mL each of hexane and 80%MeOH-H20 (Figure 3). The MeOH-H20 solubles wereextracted with hexane (2 X 50mL). A mixture of 200 mLof chloroform (CHCl,), 100 mL of H 2 0 , and 50 mL ofsaturated KC1wa s then added to the MeOH-H20 solutionand the mixture was shaken and partitioned. The CHC1,solubles were removed and the aqueous fraction was ex-tracted with CHC1, (2 X 50 mL). The combined CHC1,fractions were washed with H 2 0 2 X 100 mL) and filteredthrough anhydrous Na2S04,benzene (50mL) was added,and the solvent was removed in vacuo as above to yieldfraction A (2.1-2.3 g).Approximately 3 g of fraction A in CHC1, (total volume10 mL) were added to the top of a 2.54 cm i.d. SephadexLH-20 column (bed length 58 cm). Elution with CHC1,produced a crude SE fraction in gel fractions (GF) 75-140(fraction B, Figure 3). After elution of fraction B, thecolumn was eluted with 10% MeOH-CHC13 for 3 h andthen reequilibrated overnight with CHC13 (flow rate 0.5mL/min).Fraction B was dissolved in 3 mL of CHC13 and re-chromatographed on a 1.37 cm i.d. column (bed length 110cm). Elution with CHC13 produced fraction C (GF 45-65,

    Sucrose Esters of Tobacco LeafD I OLS

    0 10 20 30

    0 10 20 IOTIME (MIN)


    H I G H MOL W T


    Figure 1. Glass capillary gas chromatography (GC-2) profilesof the cuticular waxes of NC 2326 and TI 165tobaccos.

    1 4 i H Q HO0 0 $H,OHORR O 3 2 n

    H OR OH H5 1 ,R -C-CH,-$H-CH,-CH,d o

    y 3Figure 2. Structure of isolated sucrose esters (R = C34& ettersrefer to NMR chemical shifts shown in Table and Noguchi, 1977; Matsushima et al., 1979). Inagreement with these assumptions, the smoke of curedTI-165 yielded a flavor characteristic of Turkish tobaccos.In this paper, we will describe methods for the isolationof the SE and will present data to confirm the basicstructure of the isolated sucrose esters.EXPERIMENTAL SECTION

    Materials and Methods. Solvents were Baker "Resi-analyzed" grade and were used as received. The chloro-form contained 0.75% by volume of ethanol. Dimethyl-formamide (DMF) and N,O-bis(trimethylsily1)trifluoro-acetamide (BSTFA) were silylation grade (Pierce ChemicalCo., Rockford,IL).Aliphatic acid standards were obtainedfrom Aldrich Chemical Co. and Sigma Chemical Co.(99+%).Whole leaf wash and SE samples were analyzed as heirtrimethylsilyl (Me3Si)ethers with a Hewlett Packard 5840reporting gas chromatograph on a thin film SE-54 fusedsilica glass WCOT column (0.3 mm i.d. X 25 m), as de-

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    87 2 J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 33, No. 5,1985ISOLATION OF SUCROSE ESTERSWhole L e a f Wash ( - 3 e )(TI-16ISolvent I EexanePartition I 80% McOH-H20


    75 -


    I IIHexane Solnbles WeOE Solnbles


    84% L - 6 O m Q )

    1 S a t . KC1, E20, cBCl3

    \'\ '.---../

    E 20 Solubles cBCl3 SolublesFraction AII

    (2.1-2.3 g; -15% SE)3 g Fraction A I CECl3 (0.75% EtOB)Sephadex LE-20 I ( 2 mL/min)

    5-mL 1 FractionsI I IGF 1-74 GF 75-140 GF 141-Fraction B

    ( 600 mg ; 7 5 4 SE )I600 mg Fraction B 1 CBCl (0.75% EtOH)Sephadex LE-20 I 2 d m i n(1.3 x 110 om) II5-mL I FractionsI I IGF 1-44 GF 45-65 GF 66-Fraction C

    (-450 mg; 9 5 4 SE)Figure 3. Scheme for the isolation of SE from cuticular waxesof TI 165 tobacco (GF= gel fractions).95+% SE). The column wa s reconditioned as above.Isolation of Group V Sucrose Esters. The isomer ingroup V of fraction C (Figure 3)was isolated by SephadexLH-20 chromatography on three 1.37 cm i.d. columns (bedlength 109 cm) connected in series (Figure 4) . The ma-terial from GF 45-50 of fraction C (high in group V SE)and isolation run I and I1 isolates were placed on thecolumn with a 2-mL injection loop and eluted with 1%MeOH-CHC13(1% EtOH preservative in CHCl,, Burdickand Jackson, distilled-in-glass) at a 2 mL/min flow rate.The elution of SE was monitored by GC-2 on an SE-54column. About 36 mg of group V SE (93+% purity) wasobtained in isolation run 111.Analysis of Sucrose Ester Acids. About 30mg of SEisolate (fraction C, Figure 3) were dissolved in 3.00mL of1.0 N KOH in 80% MeOH-H20. After 24 h at roomtemperature, 30pL of the saponificate was transferred toa 100-pL injector vial, the vial was capped, 10 p L of 6 NHC1 was added, and the vial was gently agitated. (Aprecipitate of KC1 formed immediately.) The mixture wasanalyzed immediately on a 0.2 mm X 10 m SP-lOOOfusedsilica glass capillary column (Arrendale et al., 1983a), witha temperature program of 80-170 "C at 8 "C/min, injectortemperature 200 "C, detector temperature 300 "C, andhydrogen carrier gas.For determination of chromatographic response, 30 pLof a standard mixture, containing 2 pg/pL of each acid in1N KOH 80% MeOH-H20, was treated with 10pL of 6N HC1 and analyzed as above. Free acids were identifiedby GC-2 retention data, by GC-2/MS, and by GC-2 re-tention data of their butyl esters. To convert the acid saltsto their butyl esters, 0.5 mL of the SE saponificate wastaken to dryness under a stream of N2 a t 40 "C . Theresidue was dissolved in 0.5 mL of n-butanol, 3-4 dropsof concentrated H2S04was added, and the mixture washeated a t 110 "C for 1h. After cooling, 2 mL of hexanewas added and the mixture was extracted with H2 0until

    100h,Severson et al.



    25 Ii\

    neutral. The hexane solubles were directly analyzed ona thick film 0.2 mm i.d. X 25 m SE-54 glass capillarycolumn (Arrendale et al., 1983b), with a temperatureprogram of 70-100 "C at 4 OC/min, injector temperature200 "C, detector temperature 300 "C, and hydrogen carriergas. When the standard acid salts were converted to theirbutyl esters and analyzed as above, unitary chromato-graphic responses were found for the butyl esters of themethylbutyric acids.PreparativeGC Isolation of SE Groups I-VI. Se-lected fractions from the isolation of group V SE (Figure4) were converted to their Me3& derivatives and subjectedto preparative GC with an HP 5750 gas chromatograph,equipped with a 3.2 mm X 76 cm stainless steel columnof 5% Dexsil 300 GC on Chromosorb W/AW (100-120mesh). The temperature program was 200-300 OC at 4"C/min, injector and thermal conductivity detector tem-peratures were 275 and 310 "C, respectively, and the flowrate of He was 40 mL/min. After several collections, eachgroup was dissolved in BSTFA/DMF and rechromato-graphed. A portion of the final preparative isolate for eachgroup was analyzed by GC-2 (Figure 5). The remainingsamplewas subjectedto microsaponification,asabove, andthe acid salts were converted with HC1 to free acids, whichwere analyzed as described.Conversion of Sucrose Esters to Glucose Esters.About 10 mg of SE fraction C (Figure 5) were dissolvedin 500 FL of 80% MeOH in an 8-mL stoppered test tube.To this mixture were added 5 mL of hexane and 250 pLof 0.05 N HC1. After48 h at room temperature, the hexaneportion was removed and washed with water. It yielded

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    Sucrose Esters of Tobacco Leaf J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 33, No. 5, 1985 873111 - 94% v - 98%

    I IV - 98%II - 85% I

    Ill // VI - 95 %

    I I I I 111 II I1111 IV- ----0 24 20 2 4 2 4 28 24 28 26 30 28 32

    TIME (MINIFigure 5. GC-2 profiles of material from preparative GC sepa-rations to obtain SE group I-VI isolates.a crude mixture of SE and GE.RESULTS AND DISC USSION

    Isolation of Sucrose Esters. The flow chart for th eisolation of the SE from the whole leaf wash (WLW) ofTI-165 tobacco is given in Figure 3. WLW concentrate waspartitioned between hexane and 80% MeOH-H,O. TheSE and other polar components were soluble in theMeOH-H,O fraction. After the addition of water andsaturation with KC1, the SE were quantitatively extractedwith CHC1,. Th e majority of the water-soluble nicotinein the WLW was retained in the water. The GC-2 chro-matogram of the CHCl, soluble material (Fraction A) isshown in Figure 6 . The major components were the a-and @-4,8,13-duvatriene-l,3-diolsa- nd &diol) and t heSE. Six groupings of ester isomers, differing by 14 amu,were observed. In the chromatogram of the total WLWextract (Figure l) ,SE groups I and I1 coeluted with theC3, and C3* paraffinic hydrocarbons.Preparative gel chromatography was used to separatethe S E from the a- nd @-diolsand other polar compo-nents. GC monitoring of the resulting gel fractions (GF)showed that the SE eluted in GF 75-140 (fractionB). Themajor contaminants in fraction B were oxidative degra-dation products of a- and @-diols (oxydihydroxy- andtrihydroxyduvanes). Subsequent gel chromatography ona more efficient Sephadex LH-20 system resulted in theisolation of 95+% pure SE isolate (fraction C), as deter-mined by GC-2 (Figure 6).During the gel chromatographic isolation of the SE, weobserved some separation of the SE groups. Group VIeluted slightly earlier than group V and so on. The dataindicated that a higher efficiency gel system should be ableto separate a fraction greatly enriched in group V, whichappeared to consist of a single isomer. Three columns(connected in series) were used to rechromatograph frac-tion C. To obtain reasonable elution volumes, a 1%MeOH-CHCl, (1% EtOH preservative in CHC1,) solventmixture was used as eluting solvent. Figure 4 shows theseparations obtained for consecutive isolation runs. Theelution data were calculated from GC-2 analyses of eachGF, assuming unitary detector response for each group.Since these da ta are based on composition and not weight,elution volumes of each group of esters were not deter-mined. However, the upper chromatogram in Figure 4clearly shows tha t different elution volumes are obtainedfor the different SE groups and that more than one runwould be required to isolate a single SE group. I t alsoshows that it was only practical to isolate the single isomerin group V. The first isolation run yielded material con-



    0 10 20 30TIME (MIN)

    Figure 6. Gas chromatogram of total SE isolates, fractions Aand C.Table I. The Composition an d GC-2 Response Data onFraction C Acids"

    relative molarb moles acidc/acid response (f e1 S/ D ) sucrose moietyacetic 0.19 f 0.2 1.00propionic 0.41 f 0.04 0.01isobutyric 0.64 f 0.03 0.08butyric 0.60 f 0.03 0.032-methylbutyric 0.84 f 0.01 0.65dvaleric 0.77 f .02 0.023-methylvaleric 1.00f 0.00 2.10ecaproic 0.98 f 0.04methylcaproic o.odheptanoic 1.10 f 0.04methylheptanoic 0.01foctanoic 1.23 f 0.02Moles Acetic/Moles C& Acids 1.0:3.0

    "Determined as free acids by GC-2 analysis on an SP-1000 col-umn. *Molar response of acid X/molar response of 3-methyl-valeric; average of three determinations. Calculated assuming 1mol of acetic acid per sucrose moiety; average of three determina-tions. 63% 3-methylbutyric; 37% 2-methylbutyric; determinedafter conversion to butyl esters and GC-2 analysis on thick filmSE-54 column. e 97% 3-methylvaleric; 3% 4-methylvaleric; deter-mined as above. /Calculated assum ing response identical with thatof normal chain acid.taining 72+% of group V, which was essentially free ofgroups I1 and 111. Materials from two run I isolates (GF97-104) were combined and chromatographed in isolationrun I. The combination of GF 99-112 produced an isolatewhich was 84+% pure group V. As shown on the bottomchromatogram, two run I1 isolates were chromatographedto give a 93+% purity isolate of group V in combined GF100-110 material.

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    87 4 J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 33, No. 5, 1985 Severson et al.Table 11. Mass Suectral Analyses of Su crose Esters

    high mass ion type of MS analysesgroup EI" EI/GC-MS" CI (CH JQ (4 Me,Si) DCI (NH,)' FAB /positive iond(mol wt) (neat) (4 MeS&) (M + 288 + H') (M + NHS + H') (NaC1 , M + 23) FD/MS'

    I( 62 2) 443 443 640 645 622I1 (636) 457 457 654 659 636I11 (650 ) 471 471 668 673 650IV (664) 485 485 682 687 664V (678) 499 499 967 696 701 678VI (692) 513 513" Electron impact ionization, H P 5985. *Chemical ionization, H P 5985. ' irect chemical ionization, Columbia University. NermagFast atom bombardment, University of Illinois, J. C. Cook. e Field desorption, University of Illinois, MAT10-10, Vinca Parmakovich.731. J. C. Cook.Characterization of the Sucrose Esters. To deter-mine acid composition of SE, fraction C was saponified.The acid salts were converted to free acids, and the mixturewas analyzed by GC-2 on an SP-1000 column (Table I).It should be noted that peak areas were not representativeof component levels. The relative molar response increaseddramatically from C2 to Ca acids, with the response ofoctanoic acid being about six times that of acetic acid. Themethyl branched isomers showed a higher response thanthe normal isomers. However, the difference in responsebetween branched and normal chains decreased with in-

    creasing carbon number. The major acids identified infraction C were acetic, 3-methylbutyric, 2-methylbutyric,and 3-methylvaleric acids.Molecular ions from the SE in fraction C could not beobtained in direct probe MS analyses in the electron im-pact mode (EI). Instead, ions for the glucose and fructosemoieties, with the bridge oxygen atom being transferredto the neutral fragment moieties, were observed. Six highmass ions, differing by 14 amu and corresponding to thedifferent glucose moieties (Table 11), were observed for theneat sample. Relative intensities of these ions were inagreement with the relative amounts of the sixSE groups,as determined by GC-2. Ions from the major acids werealso present: acetyl, m l e 43; valeryl, m / e 85; caproyl, m l e99.The fragmentations of the SE tetramethylsilyl ethersvia EI/GC-B/MS were similar. For the fructose portionof the dissacharide, all isomers yielded weak ions at 451(4 Me3Si) and a stronger ion of 361 (3 Me3&). The glucosemoiety produced a series of ions identical with those of theneat sample. Selected single ion profiles of GC-MS dataprovided additional valuable information on the chemicalcomposition of each SE group. The fragments related tothe glucose moiety of each SE group were unambiguouslydetermined, and each group yielded identical fructose ions.This indicated that the SE possess a structure with acompletely esterified glucose portion and a fructose moietywith four free hydroxyl groups. The composition of themajor acids of each group could also be determined. Incomparing MS profiles, the acetyl ( m / e 43) selected ionchromatogram was identical with the total ion chromato-gram. This is consistent with one acetyl moiety per SEmolecule. The C6 acid ion ( m / e 99,3-methylvaleryl) wasabundant in groups 111-VI. The valeryl ion ( m l e 85, frommethylbutyryl groups) was abundant in groups I-IV. Theabundant C3H,Si ion ( m / e 71) from the MeBSimoietiesdid not permit meaningful selected ion monitoring of thebutyryl substituents.Mild ionization methods were required to obtain mo-lecular weight data. Only in DCI, FAB, and FD M Smodes, where thermal energy is not used to vaporize theSE, was molecular ion information obtained on fractionC. In the DCI, it was possible to detect the molecular ionof the Me3Si derivative of group V only after the MS

    T abl e 111. Carbon-13 Chemical S hi f t s and Ass ignments for6 - 0 Acetyl 2 ,3 ,4-Tri-O [3-methylvalerylI -a-~-glucopyranosyl-@-D-fructofuranoside Group V SE)carbon" chemical shiftb carbon chemical shift

    a 11.2 k 69.4b 19.2 1 70.6b' 20.8 m 74.1C 29.2 n 77.8d 31.6 0 82.2e 41.0 P 89.3f 61.4 q 104.3g 61.8 c=o 171.1h 63.0 171.81 68.0 172.6j 68.6 172.9

    " See Figure 2 for carbon designations. 6 values in CDCI, rela-tive to Me4%source temperature was decreased to 100 OC.NMR data on a crude SE isolate also supported thepresence of a completely esterified glucose ring with anacetyl moiety at the 6 position. Group V, isolated as above,wa s analyzed by 13C NMR and the data are given in Table111. The da ta confirmed tha t the major isomer in groupV of the SE fraction of TI-165 tobacco was 6-0-acetyl2,3,4-tri-O- 3-methy~valeryl]-a-D-g~ucopyranosyl-~fructofuranoside. There were 22 different resonances forthe 32 carbon atoms in the molecule; 1 2 for the sucrosecarbons, 5 for the saturated carbons in the three 3-methylvaleric moieties, 4 for the carbonyl carbons, and 1for the acetyl methyl carbon.Thus MS, NMR, and fraction C acid composition dataindicated that each SE molecule contains one acetatemoiety at the C6 carbon and different combinations of C3to Ca acids attached to the oxygen atoms at the C2,C3, andC4 positions of glucose to yield the six groups (groupI-VI)of SE, differing by 14 amu. To confirm this by chemicalanalysis, specific GF from isolation run I (Figure 4) wereselected for their high contents of individual groups. Thesewere converted to their Me3& derivatives and subjectedto repetitive, preparative GC. The GC-2 chromatogramsof the SE groups are shown in Figure 5. High purityisolates were obtained for groups 111-VI. Collected GCfractions were then hydrolyzed and analyzed for their acidcontents (Table IV). In agreement with NMR and MSdata, group V was essentially a single SE, containing anacetyl and three 3-methylvaleryl acid moieties. All SEgroups yielded ratios of one acetic acid to three C3-C8acids. For SE groups with mixed acids (I-IV, VI), severalarrangements of the acids at the C3, C4, and C5hydroxylsof the glucose molecule are possible. This would accountfor the numerous peaks observed on GC-2 analysis. Theprobable major acid constituents for each SE group aregiven at the bottom of the table.It is postulated that the GE of Turkish tobaccos, re-ported by Schumacher (1970) and Rivers (1981), were

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    Sucrose Esters of Tobacco Leaf J. Agric. food Chem., Vol. 33 , No. 5, 1985 875Ta ble IV. Fa t ty Acid Compos i tion o f P r e p a r a t i v e GC S u c r o s e E a t e r G r o u p s

    SE group (% purity)acid I( 70 ) I1 (85) I11 (94) IV (98) V (98) VI (95)


    Mol/Sucrose Moietyb1.00 1.00 1.000.11 0.03 0.010.60 0.42 0.160.07 0.02 0.022.21 1.74 1.520.08 0.02 0.030.32 0.82 1.350.010.03

    1.00 0.032.89 1.830.04 0.040.03 0.890.01 0.030.01 0.03

    Mol Acetic Acid/Mol C3-CBAcidsMajor Acid Moieties

    1/3.3 1/3.1 1/3.1 1/2.9 1/3.1 1/2.9c2c42cS C23CS c22c6c6 c2cS2c6 C23C6 c22c6c7c22c4c6 c2c4c6c6 c2c42c6

    Determ ined by GC-2 on (Me&), derivatives assuming unitary detector response. *De term ined by GC-2 on free acids assuming 1mol ofacetic acid per sucrose moiety, corrected for differences in detector response. 2- and 3-m ethylbutyric. 3- and 4-methylvaleric.


    Gluc os eE s t e r s

    VI1 i SucroseE sters


    I15 30

    TIME ( M I N IFi gu re 7. Gas chromatogram of the crude glucose esters isolatefrom th e partial hydrolysis of SE.formed by hydrolysis from the SE. Under normal labo-ratory acid hydrolysis conditions, SE are hydrolyzed di-rectly to free acids, glucose, and fructose. However,preferential solubility of the GE in hexane, compared toSE,has permitted t he initially formed GE to be trappedbefore significant hydrolysis of their ester linkages oc-curred. Fraction C was hydrolyzed in a mildly acidicMeOH-HzO-hexane system. The MeOH-HzO insolubleGE were partitioned into the hexane as hey formed andwere thus protected from further hydrolysis. GC-2 analysisof the hexane solubles (after conversion to Me3Si deriva-tives) indicated that a series of GE, with a distributionsimilar to the parent SE,was formed (Figure 7). This wasconfirmed by GC-Z/MS data. As for many Me3Si ethers,a molecular ion was not obtained. The high mass peakswere a t M - 15 and M - 90, resulting from the loss of amethyl group from the MeaSi moiety and the eliminationof hydroxytrimethylsilane. The mass spectrum of group

    V Me3Si-GEwas denticalwi th that of the Me3Si derivativeof an authentic sample of 6-0-acetyl 2,3,4-tri-0-[3-methylvaleryl]glucopyranoside (Schumacher, 1970).With this last piece of information, we have chemicallyand spectrometrically confirmed the basic structure of theSE. We are currently conducting studies to determine theeffect that SEhave on tobacco smoke flavor and on larvalmortality and development of the tobacco budworm.A C K N O W L E D G M E N TWe thank J. C. Cook, University of Illinois, or obtainingFAB and FD spectra, V. Parmakovich, Columbia Univ-ersity, for obtaining DCI spectra, and K. L. McDuffie,P.R. Granzow, and L. B. Smith for their technical assistance.

    R e g i s t r y No. 6-0-acetyl 2,3,4-tri-O-[3-methylvaleryl]-a-D-glycopyranosyl-fi-D-fructofuranoside,7614-61-4.L I T E R A T U R E C I T E DArrendale,R. F.;Severson,R. F.; Chortyk,0.T.Anal. Chem. 1984,Arrendale, R. F.;Severson, R. F.;Chortyk, 0. T.J. Chromatogr.Arrendale, R. F.; Severson, R. F.;Chortyk, 0.T.J.High Resolut.Chuman, T.; Noguchi, M. Agric. Biol. Chem. 1977, 4 1 , 1020.Joh nso n, A. W.; Severson, R. F. J. Agric. Entomol. 1984, I , 23.Kallianos, A. G. Recent Adu. Tob Sci. 1976 ,2 ,61 .Matsushima, S.; Ishiguro, S.;Sugawara, S. Beitr. Tabakforsch.Rivers, J. M. Proceedings of 35th Tobacco Chem ists ResearchSchumacher, J. N. Carbohydr. Res. 1970, 13, 1.Severson, R. F.;Arrendale, R. F.;Chortyk, 0.T.;Johnson , A. W.Proceedings of 32nd South eastern Regional American Chem -ical Society Meeting, Lexington, KY, 1981.Severson, R. F.;Arrendale, R. F.;Chortyk, 0. T.; Johnso n, A. W.;Jackson , D. M.; Gwynn, G. R.; Chaplin, J. F.; Stephenson, M.G. J. Agric. Food Chem. 1984 ,32, 566.

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    Received for review Decemb er 3,1984. Accepted May 30,1985.Presented in par t a t the 37th Tobacco Chemis ts ResearchConference, Washing ton, DC, Oct 10-13, 1983. R eference to acompany or produ ct name does not imply endorsement or rec-ommendat ion by the USDA.