Download - Established 1914 Volume XVI, Number 246 8th Waning of ... · 20/12/2008  · Group of Hydropower Implementation Department ... Nahdha neighbourhood on 17 Dec, 2008. Twin blasts killed

Page 1: Established 1914 Volume XVI, Number 246 8th Waning of ... · 20/12/2008  · Group of Hydropower Implementation Department ... Nahdha neighbourhood on 17 Dec, 2008. Twin blasts killed

Established 1914

Volume XVI, Number 246 8th Waning of Nadaw 1370 ME Saturday, 20 December, 2008

Comrades,Today is the gradu-

ation day of the 11th In-take of the Defence Serv-ices Technological Acad-emy. Since you will soonhave to enter the practical

Future Tatmadaw depends upon soldiers, who possesspatriotism, perseverance, deligence, endeavour and

efforts of the intellectuals and the intelligentsia

NAY PYI TAW, 19 Dec— The following is the full text of the address delivered by Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior GeneralThan Shwe at the graduation parade of the 11th Intake of Defence Services Technological Academy in PyinOoLwin today.

field of your professionand discharge your dutiesas junior leaders of mili-tary engineers, I wouldlike to impart to you whatyou should know in allseriousness.

Comrades,Since you are mili-

tary personnel havingbeen trained and nurturedto become brilliant engi-neering officers, you willhave to discharge your

With the rapid advancement andprogress in science and technology in theworld today, we need a modern Tatmadawfor the total defence of the nation.

primary duty of defend-ing the nation.

As you all have al-ready studies the militaryscience and technologyand have undergone mili-tary training as a platooncommander, for the sakeof national security anddefence, you are to dar-ingly discharge your du-ties in a battlefield whenrequired, in maneuveringas infantry unit. In ourTatmadaw history, evi-dences show that there areinstances in which battleswere fought and won ex-clusively by EngineeringCorps without infantryunits. It is a fine tradition

of our Tatmadaw whichpossesses the qualities ofa good tough soldier.Therefore, you, being gal-lant and having the char-acteristics of a good sol-dier must preserve this no-ble tradition at risk to yourlife. Moreover, to dis-charge your assigned du-ties successfully, everyunit and every soldiershould possess the FiveBasic Qualities and ThreeForevers.Comrades,

Being young lead-ers of the Tatmadaw, youmust lead your troopsthroug correct leadership.

To take command

of your troops in accord-ance with leadership char-acteristics, you must pos-sess the three capabili-ties, namely, militarycapabil i t ies, persua-sive capabilities andadministrative capa-bilities. Moreover, asyou are all techno-crats, you must takethe leading role in thetechnological f ield.Therefore, in order tohave a sense of initia-tive and innovation morethan your men, youneed to study continu-ously. With regard to mo-rale and discipline, (See page 8)

Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than Shwedelivers an address at Graduation Parade of the 11th Intake of Defence

Services Technological Academy.—MNA

Basic foundation for the perpetuity of sovereignty of the nationwhere different national races are residing is national unity

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2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 20 December, 2008

Saturday, 20 December, 2008

In its efforts to bring about ruraldevelopment the government is fulfilling therequirements in economic, education, healthand social sectors.

In that regard, more school buildings,affiliated basic education high schools, stationhospitals, medical wards and rural healthcare centres are being opened in rural regions.As a result, more rural people have access toeducation and health care.

Likewise, altogether over 50,000 self-reliant libraries have been opened in villagesof different regions in order to broaden thehorizons of rural people.

The emergence of self-reliant librariesin rural regions helps the people cultivate thereading habit. This will also help those withreading habit and adult neo-literates continuestudying different kinds of publications andfurther foster their reading habit.

In the meantime, continued efforts areto be made for perpetual existence anddevelopment of the already opened self-reliant libraries. And concerted and well-coordinated efforts need to be made for allthe self-reliant rural libraries to be completewith own buildings, furniture, publicationsand librarians.

As the emergence of more librarieshelps inculcate rural people with educationand knowledge, it is incumbent upon localauthorities, social organizations, well-wishersand local people to try their utmost forperpetual existence and development of theself-reliant rural libraries.

Towards perpetual existenceof self-reliant rural libraries

* Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views* Oppose those trying to jeopardize stability of the State and progress of the nation* Oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of the State* Crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy


YANGON, 18 Dec — The basic vocational trainingcourse No. 50 and tailoring course No. 25 of thevocational training school of the Education andTraining Department of the Ministry of Progress ofBorder Areas and National Races and DevelopmentAffairs were opened at the school in KengtungTownship on 15 December.

Chairman of Shan State (East) Peace andDevelopment Council Commander of Triangle RegionCommand Brig-Gen Kyaw Phyo made an address. Atotal of 30 trainees are taking the course.

Hakha Township’s vocational training school

Golf Championship inMyitkyina 2-5 JanYANGON, 19 Dec—The Golf Championship,

jointly organized by the Myanmar Golf Federation andthe Myanmar PGA, will be held at Northern Star GolfClub in Myitkyina from 2 to 5 January 2009.

Professional golfers and the amateur golfers(handicap 0-12) may take part in the championship.Altogether four golfers of the team are to participate inthe team scratch event. One golfer must have handicap0-12 and the remaining three players, handicap 0-18.The senior division for the golfers of above 55 years oldwill be held. The championship will be organized inline with the Saint Andrew rules and regional rules.The hole-in-one scorers will be awarded deservingly.

Those wishing to compete in the competitionmay enlist at Myanmar Golf Training Range at 9th mile,Tel: 01-651374, 09-2037671 and 09-5017049 and atNorthern Star Golf Club, not later than 2 pm on 31December.—MNA

YANGON, 19 Dec — Minister for NationalPlanning and Economic Development U Soe Thainspected construction of earth road linking PadanYaykyaw village and Khattiya village and building ofditches at the northern part of Twantay on 15 December.

Next, the minister made an arrangement for useof public telephones at 13 villages in the township andmet with local people at Pyawbwelay village in theTownship.

In meeting with townselders, teachers andmembers of social organizations, the minister heard

Vocational training courses openedopened women’s basic vocational training courseNo. 39 and tailoring course No. 22 at the trainingschool, with address by Chairman of Chin State Peaceand Development Council Brig-Gen Hon Ngai.Altogether 28 trainees are participating in the course.

Similarly, vocational training courses wereopened in Lashio, Muse in Shan State (North) andTachilek and Monghsat in Shan State ( East), Falam,Tiddiam, Mindat, Matupi,and Kanpetlet in Chin State,Yinmarbin, Pale, Salingyi in Sagaing and Lashe,Lahel, Nanyon in Naga.


NPED Minister performs regional developmenttasks in Twantay Township

reports and attended to the needs.Next, the minister also met with local people at

Khaloke village and Shansugyi village.On 16 December, the minister looked into the

chosen site for construction of dispensary at HsukalukYaykyaw village and met with local people at AtwinYaykyaw village and Basic Education High School(Branch), in Kayin Chaung model village in thetownship. He also inspected fish breeding in Toe riverat Twantaywa village and pottery at Obo ward inTwantay. — MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 19 Dec—A ceremony to finalizeconcrete laying tasks of Yeywa hydropower projectthat is being implemented by No. 2 ConstructionGroup of Hydropower Implementation Departmentof the Ministry of Electric Power No. 1 was held at theproject on 15 December.

It was attended by Deputy Minister for ElectricPower No. 1 U Myo Myint and heads of departmentunder the ministry, Chinese Ambassador to MyanmarMr Guan Mu and members, responsible persons of the

Concrete laying tasks finalized at Yeywahydropower project

companies and guests.The deputy minister and party inspected progress

in laying concrete of RCC main dam and then supervisedto finalize concrete laying tasks by means of 2.5 tonVibrating Roller.

Yeywa hydropower project is 2264 feet longand 433 feet high and it will generate 790 megawattupon completion. It is RCC type concrete dam that isfirst being built in Myanmar and stands at ninth positionon the fastest chart of RCC concrete laying.—MNA

Minister U Soe Tha inspects building of village-to-village road and dredging of ditches inTwantay Township. — MNA

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 20 December, 2008 3

US military’s Iraq withdrawalplan differs from Obama’s promise

A woman looks at the wreckage of a vehicle used in bomb attacks in Baghdad’sNahdha neighbourhood on 17 Dec, 2008. Twin blasts killed 18 people andwounded 53 in central Baghdad on Wedensday as British Prime Minister Gordon Brown made an unannounced visit to Iraq, police said.—INTERNET

WASHINGTON, 19 Dec—The USmilitary has drafted an initial plan to pulltroops out of Iraq, which somehow differsfrom the promise of President-electBarack Obama on the issue, the Pentagonsaid Thursday.

Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrelltold reporters the military briefed Obamaand his national security team on theplan during a recent meeting.

The military’s plan proposes removingall US combat troops from Iraq’s urbanareas in 2009, and all American troopsfrom Iraq by 2011, in keeping with therecent Status of Forces Agreement

(SOFA), signed by the incumbentPresident George W Bush.

However, the plan will make thewithdrawal at a slower pace than Obamapromised during the campaign, when hecalled for all combat troops to be outwithin 16 months — by the summer of2010.

Officials said Obama might seek tospeed up the troop withdrawal once hewas inaugurated.

Reuters reported that the United Stateshas some 143,000 troops in Iraq. TheAssociate Press put the number at around150,000.—Internet

Iraq—again—is deadliestplace for journalists

BAGHDAD, 19 Dec—Iraqwas the deadliest place forjournalists in 2008, arespected media watchdoggroup said Thursday,putting the country atopthe list for the sixthconsecutive year.

The Committee toProtect Journalists said 11journalists died in Iraq in2008 — a sharp drop fromthe 31 recorded for 2007,but still substantially higherthan anywhere else.

The organization said

the second-deadliestcountry this year wasPakistan with five killed,followed by India, wherefour journalists died in civilstrife. Three journalistswere killed in Georgiaduring the war with Russia,which lasted only five days,and three died in civil unrestin Thailand.

CPJ said all thejournalists who died in Iraqin 2008 were Iraqisworking for local media.The organization said the

lower death toll appearedto reflect several factors,including the cease-firedeclared by Shiite clericMuqtada al-Sadr againstUS-led coalition forces, thedeclining presence ofWestern media and Sunnitribal leaders turningagainst al-Qaeda. World-wide, 41 journalists werekilled in connection withtheir work in the pastyear—28 of themmurdered, the organi-zation said.—Internet

Last S Koreantroops leave Iraq

SEOUL, 19 Dec —South Korea haswithdrawn the last of its troops fromIraq, ending what was once the third-largest mission there, after the US andUK deployments.

About 600 soldiers were greeted inSeoul after leaving their base near Irbil,in the north of Iraq. South Korea sentabout 3,600 soldiers to Iraq in 2004 butlater scaled back the force due to publicopposition.

A number of countries havewithdrawn from Iraq recently as a UNmandate authorising their presenceexpires.

The troops “have successfullyaccomplished their four-year and three-month long mission and have come backto Seoul,” the South Korean militarycommand said in a statement.

South Korea had originally sent troopsat the request of its major ally, theUnited States. They were engagedmostly in construction work in the northof Iraq, in the semi-autonomous Kurdishregion.


SULAIMANIYAH, 19 Dec— Iraqi police say attackershave decapitated the leader of the women’s league ofthe Kurdish Communist Party.

A police officer says gunmen on Thursday stormed theKirkuk home of Nahla Hussein al-Shaly and shot andbeheaded her. The city of Kirkuk lies 180 miles north ofBaghdad. The officer who spoke on condition of anonymitybecause he was not authorized to talk to the media.

Party spokesman Azad Gahareeb says the 37-year-old al-Shaly may have been targeted because shepromoted women’s rights. He says the married motherof two was alone in the house when she was attacked.


South Korean soldiers of Zaytun andDaiman unit get off an airplane upontheir arrival from Iraq at a military

airport in Seongnam, near Seoul, on19 Dec, 2008. South Korea, which

once had the third-largest contingentof foreign soldiers in Iraq, ended itsmission there on Friday by bringing

home all of the troops it had deployedto the country.



says leaderof women’s


Journalists crowd a table as they pick up their voting papers during the 18thIraqi Journalist’s Syndicate committee elections held in Baghdad in July

2008. Eleven journalists were killed in Iraq in 2008, making it the deadliestcountry in the world for the press for the sixth straight year, the Committee

to Protect Journalists (CPJ) said on Thursday.—INTERNET

Dutch soldier killed in Afghanistan

Missiles fired from Gaza as truce ends

KABUL, 19 Dec — ADutch soldier was killedFriday in southernAfghanistan, the NATOcommand confirmed.

The soldier died in animproved explosive

device strike, according toa news release fromNATO’s InternationalSecurity Assistance Force.

“Our sincerecondolences andsympathies are with the

family and friends of thisbrave soldier, especiallyduring this holidayseason,” said ISAFspokesman Capt MarkWindsor Royal Navy.


JERUSALEM, 19 Dec—The Israeli military willrespond to missile firingsfrom Gaza with airstrikesnow that a cease-fireexpired, officials saidFriday.

The expiration of thesix-month truce betweenHamas and Israel wasfollowed by militants in

Gaza firing three missilesinto Israel and engagingin sniper fire,, a militaryintelligence Web sitebased in Jerusalem.

Shortly after the cease-fire ended, an Israeli armyspokesman said, “Quietwill be met by quiet butwe will not hesitate to

respond to missileoffensives.”

Defence officials saidIsrael would continue airstrikes against missilecells and Hamasinstallations rather thanengage in a large-scalemilitary operation at thistime.


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4 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 20 December, 2008

A police officer throws a bag of cocaine into an incinerator at a police base inLima, Peru on 18 Dec, 2008. Police say they destroyed more than 4,000

kilograms (8,818 pounds) of drugs seized in 2008, including cocaine,marijuana and heroine.—INTERNET

TV broadcaster vehicles are parked in front of the Bank of Japan headquar-ters in Tokyo on 19 Dec, 2008. The central bank is weighing worries about a

global downturn as its policy board ends a two-day meeting to decide on abenchmark interest rate on Friday.—INTERNET

Members of a kidnappers gang are shown to the media with their sized gunsafter being arrested by Mexican Army in Tijuana, Mexico, on 18 Dec, 2008.

Mexican Army liberated three kidnapped men and arrested eleven gangmembers after an operation on 17 Dec, 2008.—INTERNET

COSTA DO SAUIPE,19Dec— Latin Americannations should expel USambassadors until theUnited States lifts its em-bargo on Cuba, BolivianPresident Evo Moralessaid Wednesday. But hisremarks found little sup-port from other regionalleaders.

Morales made the de-mand during a summit ofLatin American and Car-ibbean leaders in thisbeach resort in northeast-ern Brazil.

“I want to make a pro-posal that many are not

Bolivia:Expel all US ambassadorsgoing to like: Set a timelimit for the new US gov-ernment to lift the eco-nomic blockade” againstCuba, Morales said, usingthe tough term for USsanctions that Cuba andits allies use.

“If the new govern-ment doesn’t lift the eco-nomic blockage, we aregoing to lift our ambassa-dors,” said Morales, whoexpelled the US ambassa-dor to Bolivia in Septem-ber over a different issue,accusing him of sidingwith violent oppositionprotests.

The Bolivian presi-dent’s demand did not re-ceive much support fromother leaders, many ofwhom have expressedhope that President-electBarack Obama will havea friendlier approach tothe left-leaning govern-ments that now holdpower in many LatinAmerican nations.

The summit’s host,Brazilian President LuizInacio Lula da Silva saidthe region should wait tosee what policies the newUS administration willfollow.—Internet

WASHINGTON, 19 Dec— US Secretary ofDefense Robert Gates hasordered his staff to pre-pare a plan to shut downthe prison at the US navalbase in Guantanamo Bay,Cuba, the Pentagon saidThursday.

Pentagon spokesmanGeoff Morrell said Gates’instructions are based onPresident-elect BarackObama’s declaration thatclosing Guantanamo is apriority.

Obama has askedGates, who took officetwo years ago, to remainon his post.


BRASILIA, 19 Dec—Brazil will beef up troops in itsvast Amazon rain forest, build nuclear and conven-tional submarines to protect offshore oil fields andmodernize its weapons industry under a national de-fence plan outlined in a report Thursday.

Strategic Affairs Minister Roberto MangabeiraUnger said the plan calls for investments to modern-ize and equip the armed forces, create a rapid deploy-ment force and update its weapons industry. Officialsdid not provide a cost estimate.

“The plan includes the restructuring of Brazil’sweapons industry to guarantee the supply of defencematerial without depending on foreign suppliers,”President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva said at a ceremonyto unveil the plan.

Defence Minister Nelson Jobim said the govern-ment will increase the number of troops in the Ama-zon from 17,000 to 25,000, though he did not offer atimetable.

The report says Brazil “will develop its capacity todesign and manufacture conventional and nuclear sub-marines” to protect its coastline, as well as recentlydiscovered offshore oil reserves that could hold up to55 billion barrels of oil.

“Investments will be accelerated and partnershipsestablished to execute the nuclear submarine project,”the report said.—Internet

SAN’A, 19 Dec—Kidnappers holding three Germansin Yemen are demanding the release of a cleric jailedin the United States on terrorism charges, tribal me-diators said Thursday.

The mediators said the kidnappers’ leader, SheikAbed Rabbo Saleh al-Tam, told them he wants the re-lease of Sheik Mohammed Ali Hassan al-Moayad.

Al-Moayad was sentenced in 2005 in New York to75 years in prison for supporting terrorism. In October,an appeals court overturned his conviction and ordereda retrial because of inflammatory testimony about unre-lated terrorism cases in his first trial.—Internet

SACRAMENTO, 19 Dec—Democratic lawmakerson Thursday pushedthrough an $18 billionpackage to reduce Cali-fornia’s burgeoningbudget deficit, but GovArnold Schwarzeneggersaid he would veto it be-cause it didn’t meet hisdemands for an economicrecovery plan.

Schwarzenegger saidCalifornia will continue ona path toward “fiscal Ar-mageddon” since Demo-crats sent him a “terriblebudget” that didn’t makedeep enough cuts or in-clude the kind of stimulus

Democrats’ budget plan to be vetoedhe wanted to boost thestate’s ailing economy.California’s deficit is ex-pected to hit $42 billion inthe next 18 months.

“This package thatthey are sending downdoes really only do onething, and this is punishthe people of California,”he said at a news confer-ence shortly after the vote.

But Assembly SpeakerKaren Bass, D-Los Ange-les, said the Democraticpackage included eco-nomic stimulus provi-sions and other measuresthat should have satisfiedthe Republican governor.

“I am frankly surprisedhow willing Gov Sch-warzenegger is to pushCalifornia over a cliffwhen he clearly is not fullyaware of what the bills wepassed today do,” Basssaid. “The governor claimshe wants to negotiate andthen says things must beexactly as he wants. Thatis astonishing given thecrisis we face.” Lawmak-ers adjourned for the holi-days, even as the governorcalled on them to solve theproblem before Christ-mas. He did not say whenhe would call them backinto session.—Internet

Pentagonchief ordersplan to shut



demandrelease of

clericin US

Brazil to boost troops in Amazon,weapons industry

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 20 December, 2008 5

Sailors defend from pirates’ attacks on the deck of the Chinese ship “Zhenhua4” in the Gulf of Aden, on 17 Dec, 2008. The Chinese ship escaped pirate hijackin the Gulf of Aden on Wednesday, after the crew fought for four hours with thehelp of a multi-coalition force. No injuries or deaths were reported. Nine piratesarmed with rocket launchers and heavy machine guns boarded the ship. The 30crew members locked themselves in their accommodation area, using firehydrants and firebombs to prevent the attackers from entering, said an official with China Maritime Search and Rescue Center (CMSRC).—XINHUA

Olmert says peace dealbetween Israel, Syria feasible

TEL AVIV, 19 Dec—Outgoing Israeli PrimeMinister Ehud Olmert saidThursday evening that itwas possible to negotiate apeace deal between Israeland Syria, days ahead ofhis visit to mediator Turkeyto advance the indirectpeace talks. “A peace treatybetween Israel and Syria isfeasible,” said Olmert at aconference of the Institutefor National SecurityStudies at Tel AvivUniversity.

“Syria does notnecessarily want to be partof the axis of evil,” he said.“Syria wants to reconnect

with the West and theUnited States. RemovingSyria from the axis of evilis an Israeli interest.”

An Israeli-Syrian peacedeal will bring “substantialadvantages” to the Jewishstate, said the primeminister. “A peace treatywould lower the possibilityof war, break the strategicties between Damascusand Tehran, lead to theexpulsion of the IslamicJihad and Hamas head-quarters from Syria andwould stop the cash flowto Hezbollah,” said Olmert.

The prime ministerstressed that though he

could not guarantee successof a peace process withSyria, it was important totry. “How will we know ifwe don’t try? How can wetry if we are not prepared totake any risks?” he asked.

On the indirect Israeli-Syrian peace talks mediatedby Turkey, Olmert said thatthe talks were importantand could lead to directnegotiations.

The Turkey-brokeredindirect talks with Syriaare pivotal. They haveproven that real negoti-ations are doable,” said theprime minister.


Chinese Premier promises support toHong Kong, Macao amid global financial crisis

Nicaragua, Russia signcooperation agreements

MANAGUA, 19 Dec—Nicaraguan President DanielOrtega, currently on a visit to Russia, signed a series ofcooperation agreements and memorandums ofunderstanding Thursday with his Russian counterpartDmitry Medvedev to boost economic and politicalties, local media reported.

The agreements cover areas such as agriculture,fishing, space research for peaceful uses,telecommunications and energy.

The two sides also agreed to cooperate in the field ofeducation. President Medvedev said about 5,000Nicaraguan students have so far graduated from Russianuniversities and institutions.

Calling Nicaragua a key and strategic partner ofRussia in Latin America, Medvedev stressed Russia’swillingness to boost bilateral economic cooperationand trade, which is practically nilat the moment.

In a joint statement, both presidents made a call,among other things, to stand up against externalpressures against Nicaragua.

The United States has threatened to cancel aid toNicaragua over alleged election fraud during theNovember municipal elections.—Xinhua

DPRK top leader callsfor pushing forwardtechnical revolution PYONGYANG, 19 Dec—

Kim Jong Il, top leader ofthe Democratic People’sRepublic of Korea(DPRK), has called forpushing forward thetechnical revolutionthroughout the country,state media said Friday.

He called on all thesectors of the nationaleconomy to realize mo-dernization based on thelatest scientific andtechnological achieve-ments, the state mediareported. Kim made thestatement during a visit tothe February General SteelEnterprise, a machine plantin the northern province ofJagang, the state mediaadded.—Xinhua

Rescue workers sift through the wreckage after a light aircraft slammed into asuburban house in Sydney on 18 Dec. Two women were killed when two

flying school planes collided, officials have said.—XINHUA

A cameraman films the remains of rockets that landed in Sderot at the policestation in Sderot, southern Israel, on 18 Dec, 2008. —XINHUA

BEIJING, 19 Dec—Chinese Premier WenJiabao said Friday that thecentral government will“take measures” to ensureHong Kong and Macao’sfinancial stability andeconomic developmentamid the global financialcrisis.

The central governmentwould help Hong Kongovercome challenges

brought by the worldfinancial crisis bypromoting financial coo-peration between themainland and the HongKong Special Admini-strative Region(HKSAR),he said.

The central governmentwould help Hong Kongupgrade infrastructureconstruction and grantfavorable policies for

small and medium-sizedHK enterprises, Wen saidduring a meeting withDonald Tsang, ChiefExecutive of HKSAR.

The mainland wouldalso ensure stable food andnatural resources supplyfor the region and furtheropen of its service industrymarket to HKSAR, hesaid.


SANTIAGO, 19 Dec— A 6.3 Richter degreesearthquake shook on Thursday Chile’s coast near thecity of Valparaiso, 148 kilometre away from Santiago,without damages reported, Chilean Emergency Bureausaid. The US Geological Survey (USGS) said thatearthquake struck at 6:19 pm local time (2119 GMT),70 kilometres north to Valparaiso, with a depth of 35kilometers.

Head of the Chilean Emergency Office (ONEMI)Carmen Fernandez said that “there are not reports ofdamages due to the quake. It’s part of a normal seismicactivity.”—Xinhua

All items from Xinhua News Agency





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6 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 20 December, 2008

Helminthes or worm infestation refers to wormsthat live as parasites in the human body and are afundamental cause of disease associated with healthand nutrition problems beyond gastrointestinal tractdisturbances. These parasites consume nutrients fromchildren they infect, thus retarding their physicaldevelopment. They destroy tissues and organs, causeabdominal pain, diarrhea, intestinal obstruction,anemia, ulcers and other health problems. Heavy orlong-term intestinal worm infection frequently resultsin death if treatment is not given in time. All of theseconsequences of infection can slow cognitivedevelopment and thus impair learning in these children.

Globally, one-third of population is infectedwith intestinal worms, of which 2 billion areunknowingly facing the adverse effects of worminfestation. Among those infected, 1.47 billion are dueto roundworm, 1.3 billion people due to hookwormand 1.05 billion due to whipworm. Hundreds ofmillions of people do not enjoy a healthy, productivelife because they are debilitated and unable to achievetheir full potential. Parasitic infections contributesignificantly to this widespread deprivation. Parasiticinfections are the hallmark of poverty andunderdevelopment. Soil-transmitted worms infestationdue to roundworm, whipworm and hookworm andwater-transmitted Schistosomiasis occur all over theworld. Pregnant women and school children aged 5-14years suffer the highest infection rate and worm burdenthat attributes to poor sanitation and hygiene. About400 million school-age children are infected withroundworm, whipworm and hookworm worldwide.

According to a study conducted in Thailand in1996, common helminthes were hookworm (21.6%),whipworm (3.9%) and roundworm (1.9%). In Vietnam,a nationwide estimation on roundworm infection isabout 60 million and hookworm is about 40 million in2000. In one study conducted in Cambodia at 1997showed that children were mostly infected by soil-transmitted worms.Worm and maternal health

Anaemia is one of the main underlying causesof poor pregnancy outcomes in the developing worldand is caused by general nutritional deficiencies andworm infestation. In developing countries, 75% ofpregnant mothers are suffering from moderate to severeanemia. Women and adolescent girls bear a particularburden of losing blood due to hookworm infectionresulting in iron deficiency anemia. Heavy infectionwith hookworm causes anemia among women, whichis believed to be one of the factors contributing tomaternal morbidity and mortality. In anemic women,the risk of dying during pregnancy or childbirth isabout 3.5 times higher than in non-anemic women.

A recent study conducted in Nepal showed thatde-worming pregnant women could bring about muchmore advantage than expected. That study wasconducted by John Hopkin’s Bloomberg School ofPublic Health and found that 74 percent of pregnantwomen in Nepal were infected with hookworm andthat 54 percent had moderate to severe anemia becauseof the worm. Most of the women in the study weregiven one pill of the drug albendazole in both thesecond and third trimester of pregnancy at (5th and 8th

of pregnancy). When researchers checked on infants atsix months, they found 14% fewer deaths amonginfants of mothers given one dose of the drug and 41%

fewer deaths of children whose mothers were given twodoses.

Since anemia reduces resistance to blood loss,death may occur from bleeding associated with normaldelivery. Association of anemia with worm infestationwhich can lead to adverse maternal outcome such aspuerperal sepsis, antepartum hemorrhage, postpartumhemorrhage and maternal mortality is no longer adebatable issue. Presence of parasitic infestation and itsrelationship with anemia and fatal outcomes was alsostudied by Stratton and associates in the United States.They found that, there was a significant three-foldincrease in the incidence of neonatal hyperbilirubinemiain mothers that had the presence of helminthes in thestool. Hook worm and ascariasis were the main causalparasites of anemia.Worm and child health

Estimates have been made of the quantitativecosts of worm infections to cognition and education byWHO. The total lost years of schooling due to worm-associated absenteeism amounts to over 200 millionyears; with almost all this loss occuring in developingcountries. The average IQ loss per worm infection is3.75 points. Feeding a child infected by worms is likefilling a leaking bucket with water and such childrenalways suffered from nutritional deficiencies. Worminfection weakens very young children in ways thatincrease their vulnerability to infectious diseases. Onerecent study indicated that worm infections disrupt theimmune response in ways that could hasten theprogression from HIV infection to AIDS. Anemia causedby worm infection worsens malaria. Recent studiesconducted in areas where malaria is a major childhoodkiller showed that deworming and the resulting reductionsin anemia improve the chances of surviving severemalaria. Deworming school children by anthelminthicdrug treatment is a curative approach for expelling theheavy worm load. Deworming increases attendance atschool not only because they are free from illness butalso because their cognitive performance improves andthey learn significantly better.Treatment and Prevention

Anthelminthic treatment is recommended for allrisk groups, adolescent girls, pregnant mothers, school-aged children and also recommended for children asyoung as 12 months because it improves their health. Byreducing anemia, deworming drugs which can be safelyadministered during pregnancy, contribute directly tomaternal survival. Abundant evidence shows that regulardeworming reduces anemia in adolescent girls andwomen of childbearing age, thus preparing them for ahealthier pregnancy. Deworming drugs should be taken6 monthly (2 times a year). However, drug therapy aloneis only a short-term measure of reducing worm infectionand re-infection is frequent. Control measures throughimproved sanitation, hygiene and deworming are neededto prevent infection and re-infection.

A national survey performed in school-agechildren of Cambodia, dewormed using Mebendazole500 mg indicated intestinal worms dropped to aboutone-third of the initial level, but re-infection occursfrequently because of a lack of access to adequatesanitation, safe water and unhygienic habits. A children’sdeworming programme has proven to be an effectiveentry point and educational tool to create the demand forhousehold sanitary latrines, for use of safe water andimproved hygiene behavior change in communities

Worm infestation, and Maternal and Child HealthProfessor Dr. Paing Soe

based on some project experiences. One successfulpilot project was implemented in ten villages in WestBengal, India, to promote a package that consisted ofdeworming young children, hygiene education,improved sanitation by building family toilets, andchlorination of drinking water at house level byhousewives. On seeing worms coming out from theirchildren bodies, parents were convinced of the need fora clean environment, for the use of sanitary toilets andfor hand washing with soap. An 80% reduction ofchildhood diarrhea was achieved within 12 months ofintervention and many households had built and usedsimple sanitary toilets.

The project proved that hygiene education alonewould not lead to behavior change unless strengthenedby the availability of safe drinking water and sanitaryfacilities in an enabling environment. UNICEF hassupported many governments in this (and other) regionsto assist in the provision of water supply and sanitaryfacilities and intensive hygiene education in manyschools through the Water, Environment and Sanitation(WES) programme. The UNICEF supported schoolsanitation and hygiene education (SSHE) programme,and other programmes that could effectively enhancebehavior change in children to break the routes ofworm transmission and other waterborne diseases.

Implementation of any helminth controlprogramme at country level requires strong links withexisting interventions that are already in place to reachwomen and children. e.g., deworming may hitch a liftfrom health care programme like immunization, vitaminA supplements, antenatal care. This intervention hasbeen successful in the Democratic People’s Republicof Korea and in several other counties. Today, controlof these infections can be achieved through regulartreatment with inexpensive, single-dose and highlyeffective drugs, so safe they can be given to all groupsat risk.

Deworming improves not only health anddevelopment of individual but also development ofthe nation. Deworming is a particularly effectiveintervention because the capacity costs arenegligible. It is an investment for future health anddevelopment and the small investment that cangive a large profit. Periodic administration ofanthelminthic tables to school-age children is nowpart of the policy of many well-designed schoolhealth programmes in endemic countries. Thisintervention is expanding all over the world towardsthe 75% global coverage target. WHO’s target isregular treatment of at least 75% of all school-agechildren at risk of morbidity for schistosomiasisand soil-transmitted helminth infections by 2010.There is evidence that antheminthic treatment ofwomen during pregnancy improves maternal health,increases birth weight and reduces infant mortality.Benefits for participating communities includeincreases in growth rates of children, better schoolattendance and performance, improved iron status,decline in anemia rates, healthier pregnancies andbirth outcomes, and greater adult productivityleading to development of the nation. Therefore,let’s promote maternal and child health bydeworming with safe, effective and inexpensiveanthelminthic drugs and by improving personalhygiene.

(see page 7)

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 20 December, 2008 7

Worm infestation, and Maternal…(from page 6)

Benefits of deworming towards maternal and child health- Anemia associated with worm infestation can lead to adverse maternal outcome such as

puerperal sepsis, ante partum hemorrhage, postpartum hemorrhage and maternal mortality.- There is a three-fold increase in the incidence of significant neonatal hyperbilirubinemia in

the mothers that had the presence of helminthes in the stool.- Deworming promotes maternal health and decreases maternal mortality and infant mortality

rate.- A child free from worm infections and lack of nutritional deficiencies has good immunity

and cognitive performance with less school absenteeism.- Worm infected child may suffer from the average IQ loss of 3.75 points than a normal,

healthy child.- Worm infections disrupt the immune response in ways that could hasten the progression

from HIV infection to AIDS and worsen malaria.- Malnutrition and anaemia, major problems that affects mother and children in developing

countries, can be prevented and treated by regular deworming.- Nowadays, inexpensive, single-dose and highly effective deworming drugs are available.- Deworming drugs should be taken 6 monthly (2 times per year).- It is safe to carry out deworming even during pregnancy (at 5th and 8th month of pregnancy).

YANGON, 18 Dec—Mobilemate Distribution,branch of Mobilemate Telecommunications Co. Ltd-dealing in communications devices industry willorganize a ceremony in Park Royal Hotel at 2 p.m.on 23 December to introduce Korean brand CDMA450 MHz, fixed wireless phones of AXESSTELCorporation and manufacturing technology as it isnow entering the telecommunications devices marketas sole agent in Myanmar.

AXESSTEL fixed wireless phones are multi-functional devices with a number of features such asvoice, SMS, data, e-mail and FM radio which can beused not only in coastal towns like Sittway, Thandwe,Pathein, Hinthada, Maubin, Pyapon, Kungyangon,Yangon, Bogale, Danubyu, Myaungmya, Thaton,Mawlamyine, Dawei, Myeik and Kawthoung and inany other towns within CDMA 450 MHz network.

Mobilemate Distribution will organize SpecialPromotion Sales from 27 to 31 December at CapitalHyper Market.

Details can be enquired at MobilemateTelecommunications Co. Ltd No. 290/A, Pyay Road,Myaynigon, Sangyoung Township, Yangon,(Tels: 01-526989,01-537283).—MNA

AXESSTEL brand CDMAphones to be introduced

NAY PYI TAW, 19Dec — A female lionnamed Lonmei gavebirths to three baby lionsin Zoological Gardens(Nay Pyi Taw) 7.22 p.m.yesterday. Herpregnancy period was114 days.

The female lionarrived from GermanyZoological Gardens toYangon ZoologicalGardens on 17 August2006. The mother lion hasbeen at the ZoologicalGardens (Nay Pyi Taw)since its opening.


Three lion cubs born

YANGON, 19 Dec— Old engineering students ofYIT and YTU held a ceremony to donate cash forholding 3rd respect paying ceremony to facultymembers who discharged the part time and full timeduties at the meeting hall of Myanmar EngineeringSociety on Yangon University (Hline Campus) on 13December.

At the ceremony, chairman of the organizingcommittee U Ohn Kyaw, Vice-Chairman U Ko Ko Gyiand executive U Win Naing donated K200,000 forfund of Myanmar Engineering Society’s Library tochairman U Than Myint of MES, CEC member UMyint Pe and U Myint Soe.

Afterwards, on behalf of civil engineeringstudents graduated in 1995, U Myat Khaing Swe, DawAung May Oo and Daw Khin Thida doanted K1,100,000 to Chairman U Ohn Kyaw and Daw MalarSwe, Daw Thin Thin Cho, Daw Hnin Nwe Aye andDaw Than Than Win, K 500,000 to Secretary U KyawLin on behalf of civil engineering students graduatedin 1982.

Key chains, sport shirts, photos and towels maybe punchase at the ceremony day.—NLM

Cash donated for respectpaying of YTU and YIT


YANGON, 19 Dec—Rice donation ceremony tothe victims of three village-tracts in Bogale and LabuttaTownships of AyeyawadyDivision, funded byMinistry of Agriculture,Forestry and Fishery ofJapan and jointly organizedby Settlement and Land

Donation for storm victimsRecord Department underthe Ministry of Agricultureand Irrigation and East AsiaEmergency Rice Reserve(EAERR), was held at BasicEducation Primary Schoolof Kyinechaunggyi modelvillage in Bogale Townshipon 18 December.

At the ceremony,

Director-General U WinKyi of the departmentdelivered a speech. Afterthat, general manager DrMulyo Sidik of EAERRexplained facts about thedonation. Afterwards, DrMulyo Sidik donated riceto Kyeinchaunggyivillage-tract, the director-general to Dhniseikvillage-tract andChairman of PyaponDistrict Peace andDevelopment Council toTebinkine village-tract.

A total of 164metric tons was donatedto 13,120 storm victimsin Bogale and LabuttaTownships. East AsiaEmergency Rice Reserve(EAERR) is beingcarried out aspreliminary project for

providing rice ration inthe situation whennatural disaster occur inASEAN countries, thePeople’s Republic ofChina, the Republic ofKorea and Japan.


Old civil engineering students present cash donation to responsible

persons of MES. —NLM

Director-General U Win Kyi presents bags ofrice to Daniseik village PDC Chairman.


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8 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 20 December, 2008

Future Tatmadaw dependsupon soldiers, who possess…

(from page 1)everyone of you should bea model leading the life ofa good soldier, and con-stantly striving for the bet-terment of your unit. AsTatmadaw is a firmly es-tablished organization, unitmembers should carry outtheir duties with team spiritin building unity within theTatmadaw in taking theleadership role.Comrades,

With the rapid ad-vancement and progress inscience and technology inthe world today, we need amodern Tatmadaw for thetotal defence of the nation.

In building a mod-ern Tatmadaw, all of youmilitary engineers mustperform duty vigorously.Nowadays, in modern war-fare, advanced weaponrywith pin-point accuracy,vehicles, armoury are be-ing used together with the

combination of militarysciences such as Com-mand, Control, Commu-nications, Computers (C-4), Intelligence, Surveil-lance and Reconnaissance(ISR) and Military Strat-egy. In Science and Tech-nology, we have come tothe stage ‘invent and uti-lize’ from ‘produce andmake use’, thus in order tohandle them skillfully youall must study continuously.Moreover, all of you needto put all out effort to makeinnovations to become in-ventors yourselves. You allshould believe that the fu-ture Tatmadaw dependsupon you soldiers, whopossess the patriotism, per-severance, diligence, en-deavour and efforts of theintellectuals and the intelli-gentsia.Comrades,

You all may be fullyaware that today, countries

that possesse highly ad-vanced technology are in-terfering in the sovereigntyof countries that have lowercapacity. Moreover, it isclearly visible all-over theworld that natural re-sources from under-devel-oped countries are beingexploited by various waysand means. Our country,basically is, endowed withplentiful of natural re-sources. In striving to buildthe country, rapid progresscan be achieved if we canproduce with modern tech-

nology without dependingon others. Since natural re-sources can be exhaustedone day, we must acquireindustrial technology byourselves for the survivalof mankind. Thus, in build-ing a modern developednation, we have laid downand implemented the FourEconomic Objectives.

Since the industrialsector is mainly based onhuman resources, it is wellknown to all comrades thatpriority has been given tothe education sector tobring up human resourcesin all regions of the coun-try. Because of evil legacyof the colonialists, ourcountry lagged behind indevelopment of technol-ogy and I would, there-fore, like to insist all ofyou to try your best tobuild our country to be-come a modern one whichis able to keep abreast ofthe world.Comrades,

Different nationalraces have been residingtogether in our countrysince time immemorial.Even though they are en-joying different cultures indifferent places, they havesimilarities in having lov-ing-kindness, simplicity,nationalism, helpfulness,

tolerance and the spirit offorgiveness. The basicfoundation for the perpe-tuity of sovereignty of thenation where different na-tional races are residing isnational unity.

While taking the re-sponsibilities of the State, theTatmadaw, based on the his-torical experiences, laid downthe national policy of “OurThree Main NationalCauses”, and the 12 political,economic and social objec-tives have been implemented.As we have been implement-ing these objectives with thegenuine “cetana” (good-will), national unity hasbeen regained throughoutthe country that has neverbeen achieved before un-der any previous time. Con-sequently, regional devel-opment projects have beenimplemented with momen-tum.

As you are goingto serve throughout thecountry time and again,you are required to strictlyabide by the codes of con-duct of the Tatmadawmenin order to gain the trustand confidence of the lo-cal people. Apart fromthat, it is also required toobey the dos and don’tsof the region.

(See page 9)

In striving to buildthe country, rapidprogress can be achievedif we can produce withmodern technologywithout depending onothers.

Dignitaries seen at graduation parade of 11th Intake of Defence ServicesTechnological Academy. —MNA


of Defence Services

Senior General Than

Shwe meets three

outstanding cadets

and their parents.




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Future Tatmadaw dependsupon soldiers, who possess…

(from page 8)I wish to urge you to join hands with the local

national brethren in implementation of the regionaldevelopment projects and build a solidified andstrengthened national unity.Comrades,

Finally, I would like to urge you that in accord-ance with the motto of DSTA’s Alma Mater “Tech-nology for Military Might”, it is incumbent upon allof you to try to establish yourselves as technocratsand to utilize effectively your know-how and abilityin building a modern Tatmadaw. In striving to buildan industrial nation, you all, to be a trusted technocrat,will have to study constantly the subjects on militaryscience and technology that are advancing. I have aword that, all of you, wherever your assigned postmay be, in achieving a firm and strong nationalsolidarity must join hands with the local brethren inprojects for their development. With this, I concludemy speech.—MNA

Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe takes the salute of graduating companies.— MNA

Distinguished guests at graduation parade of 11th Intake of Defence Services Technological Academy. —MNA

Commander-in-Chief of Defence ServicesSenior General Than Shwe presents Award forExcellent Performance in Study to Cadet Phyo

Kyaw Swa Pe.— MNA

Commander-in-Chief of Defence ServicesSenior General Than Shwe presents Awardfor Excellent Performance in Training to

Cadet Kyaw Zeyar Lin. —MNA

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10 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 20 December, 2008

NAY PYI TAW, 19Dec — Under thecollaborative efforts of theMinistry of Health, ShweParami Tawya SayadawAshin Chandhadhika andlay persons and membersof social organizations andYenangyoung TownshipAssociation (Yangon), aceremony to mark thesuccessful completion ofproviding free health careto patients with eyecomplaints inYenangyoung Townshipand surroundingtownships was held atPeople’s Hospital inYenangyoung Township,Magway on 15 December.

It was attended bySayadaw AshinChandhadhika, Head ofA d m i n i s t r a t i o nDepartment of MyanmarWomen’s AffairsFederation Dr Daw Khin

Dignitaries seen at graduation parade of 11th

Intake of Defence Services Technological

Academy. (News on Page 16)— MNA

Eye specialistsproviding free

medical treatment topatients at

YenangyoungTownship People’s

Hospital. MNA

Dignitaries seen at graduation parade of

11th Intake of Defence Services

Technological Academy.

(News on Page 16)—MNA

Minister Brig-Gen Lun Thi inspects installation of imported drillingmachine to be used in Kyauk-kwat test well No. 1. —ENERGY


NAY PYI TAW, 19 Dec—Minister for EnergyBrig-Gen Lun Thi looked into Kyauk-kwat, Latpantooil fields in Myaing Township in Magway Division on15 December.

The minister inspected installation of importedZJ 70 L SR II drilling machine to be used in kyauk-kwat test well No.1. The minister urged the staff to tryto be proficient in respective fields and called forcarrying out work in time.

Out of 4 drilling machines imported , 3 sets ofmachine have arrived here while the remaining onewill be delivered soon and preparations for drillingworks are in progress.

The minister also looked into LPG plant inMagway Division.


Energy Minister inspectsoil fields

Free medical treatment provided inYenangyoung Township

Hsan Nwe, eye specialistsof the Ministry of Health,departmental officials,nurses, the medicalsuperintendent ofYenangyoung TownshipPeople’s Hospital andhealth staff, responsiblepersons of YenangyoungTownship Association(Yangon), members ofsocial organizations,wellwishers andtownselders.

The eye specialistteam comprising 18doctors, 10 nurses and onehealth staff from AlcomCo led by Eye SpecialistDr Kan Nyunt and Dr DawKhin Hsan Nweperformed eye surgeries.

They provided freehealth care services to4507 outpatients and 560patients with eyecomplaints and presentedglasses to 991 local

people.Sayadaw Ashin

Chandhadhika andwellwishers, Yenan-gyoung TownshipAssociation (Yangon),five pharmaceuticalcompanies providedmedicines and cost formedical treatments andthe medical su-perintendent of Yenan-gyoung TownshipPeople’s Hospital andhealth staff, socialorganization members andlocal people gave helpinghands to the eye specialistteam.—MNA

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Artist Jano Yang performs with soapbubbles in the ‘Europapark’ leisurepark in Rust, southern Germany. A

new “science house”, which explainsnatural sciences to children, opens in

Rust this spring.

Vasan, a baby Tapir, explores with itsmother Sayang the enclosure at Edin-burgh Zoo, Scotland. The birth orVasan is a special event as it is the firsttime a Malayan Tapir has been bornat the zoo and is also the first baby forthis particular adult Tapir. Tapirs arehoofed mammals and are related to rhinos and horses.

Sydney Olympics synchronizedswimming silver medalist Miho

Takeda (C) and swimmers perform inthe water during a preview of the

Muscle Musical at a Tokyo theater.

Another Florida manaccused of sandwich

assaultPolice said a Port St Lucie man was

arrested for throwing a sandwich at hisgirlfriend, the second food attack thatsent a man to jail in about a month.According to a police report releasedMonday, the 20-year-old man threw thesandwich at his girlfriend’s face duringan argument about auto insurance andthen hit her head with his fist.

The man admitted to throwing thefood but not hitting her. He was arrestedFriday and faces a battery charge.

Last month, another man was arrestedon a battery charge for hitting hisgirlfriend with a sandwich, knockingher glasses off and nearly causing atraffic crash.

Police reports did not what type ofsandwich was used in either attack.

Boy, 4, breaks into Texas store, plays with toysPolice called to a variety store by a

burglar alarm overnight found a toddlerinside, playing with the toys. Policesaid store surveillance video showedthe unidentified boy trying to openone of the front doors to a FamilyDollar store, only to find it locked. Butthe second door was unlocked and thechild went inside.

That triggered the silent alarm.Detective Randy Stevens said the

child apparently unlocked a door at hisnearby home, got out, then crossed amultilane street to reach the store.

A canvass of the neighborhoodturned up a family member searchingfor the child.

CPS spokeswoman Shari Pulliam saidChild Protective Services claimedoversight of a 4-year-old boy during areview of the incident. The boy will beallowed to stay with other relatives, notthe parents, during the CPS reviewperiod.

Man accused of stealingfridge with urine

samplesAuthorities say a man was arrested

for stealing a small refrigerator from aprobation office used to store urinesamples, including his own. The AlachuaCounty Sheriff's Office said a 26-year-old man stole the fridge after testingpositive for drug use. Police said he wentto the office Sunday, shot out a windowto get inside and removed the lockedrefrigerator.

Probation officers gave investigatorsa list of names of those whose drugsamples were stored in the stolen fridge.Investigators tracked down the suspectat his home where they found shards ofglass with blood on them.

The fridge is still missing, but theman was being held at the AlachuaCounty jail. He's charged with arson,destroying evidence, burglary andlarceny.

SALEM, 19 Dec—Authorities found bomb-making material at the ruralhome of a man accusedalong with his son of killingtwo law enforcementofficers in an explosion ata bank, according to a courtdocument released onThursday.

Some of the materialfound at Bruce Turnidge’shome matched that usedin the bomb that killed theofficers and criticallyinjured a third 12 Dec, theprobable cause statement

LAS VEGAS, 19 Dec—Flights resumed in and outof Las Vegas, but schoolsand highways were closedThursday after a record-setting snowfall coatedmarquees on the Strip,weighed down palm treesand blanketed surround-ing mountain areas. Thecity awoke to clear wea-ther after a storm that left3.6 inches at McCarranInternational Airport. Itwas biggest Decembersnowfall on record there,and the worst for anymonth since a 7 1/2-inch

TOKYO, 19 Dec— Theworld’s first cargo shippartly propelled by solarpower took to the seas onFriday in Japan, aiming tocut fuel costs and carbonemissions when auto-makers export theirproducts.

Auriga Leader, afreighter developed byshipping line NipponYusen KK and oil distri-butor Nippon Oil Corp,took off from a shipyardin the western city ofKobe, officials of the twofirms said.

The huge freightercapable of carrying 6,400automobiles is equippedwith 328 solar panels at a

DHAKA, 19 Dec— Thefirst coal mine in Bang-ladesh built by the Chinesewas highly lauded by bothsides saying it is a modelof successful cooperationbetween the two countries.

Balarpukulia CoalMine, situated in north-western Bangladesh, is thefirst and the only coal mine

Bomb material found in Ore suspect’s homesaid. It also said some ofthe material was found ina nearby stream, withfresh foot and tire tracksleading to it.

The document said thesearch turned up two tubesof the explosive Tovex,which manufacturer Websites say is a replacementfor dynamite used inmining and excavating.Bruce Turnidge in the pasthas worked as anexcavator.

Other items turned upin a search of Turnidge’s

home and shop and thenearby stream were angleiron, sheet metal, metalgrating, bolts, wiring andplywood with green spraypaint matching the colorof a metal box containingthe bomb that exploded atthe West Coast Bank inWoodburn, the documentsaid. Several of the itemsmatched materials used inthe bomb, the documentsaid, but aside from thepaint it did not say whichitems matched.


Las Vegas gets record Dec snowfall, 3.6 inchesaccumulation in January1979, forecasters said.

The storm Wednesdayand early Thursday alsodumped snow or rain andsnarled travel in other partsof Nevada, much ofsouthern California andparts of northern Arizona.

“It looks like Whoville,all snowy, but with lessjoy and more extrememisery,” said CalenWeiss, 19, who was stuckWednesday when snow inthe Cajon Pass east of LosAngeles disrupted travelon Interstate 15.

Cajon Pass and anotherleg of Interstate 15 nearthe Nevada line bothreopened by middayThursday, while Interstate5, the major route betweenNorthern and SouthernCalifornia, partially re-opened. In Washingtonstate, Seattle got a rare 4-inch accumulation, and the19.4 inches of snow thatpiled up at Spokane Inter-national Airport smashedthe 24-hour record total of13 inches set in 1950. Andsnow continued to fall.


Japan launches first solar cargo ship

The Toyota Vehicle Distribution Centre at the Portof Long Beach.—INTERNET

cost of 150 million yen(1.68 million dollars), theofficials said.

The ship will initiallytransport vehicles beingsent for sale overseas byJapan’s top automaker

Toyota Motor Corp Theproject was conceivedbefore the global eco-nomic crisis, which hasforced automakers todrastically cut productionas sales dwindle.—Internet

First coal mine in Bangladesh built by Chinesehighly lauded by both sides

in the country.The coal mine constru-

ction project agreementwas signed in 1994between China NationalMachinery Import andExport Corporation(CMC) and Petrobangla,the national oil, gas andmineral company ofBangladesh.

The constructionstarted in 1996 andfinished in 2005.

The signing ceremonyfor closing the constructi-on project agreement washeld here recently,marking the formal hand-over of the coal mine toBangladesh.


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12 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 20 December, 2008

CLAIMS DAY NOTICEMV SUPA BHUM VOY NO (121N)Consignees of cargo carried on MV SUPA BHUM

VOY NO (121N) are hereby notified that the vessel willbe arriving on 20.12.2008 and cargo will be dischargedinto the premises of M.I.P where it will lie at theconsignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelawsand conditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 amto 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm up to Claims Day nowdeclared as the third day after final discharge of cargofrom the vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admitted afterthe Claims Day.



Phone No: 256908/378316/376797

China-EU joint work onbiodiversity protection bears fruit BEIJING, 19 Dec—The

European Commission(EC) Delegation to Chinaand the EU-ChinaBiodiversity Conser-vation Program (ECBP)held a “BiodiversityEvening” here on Thurs-day to launch a book onbiological diversity acrossChina.

“Green Gold of China”has 500 images of theliving situation of wildanimals and plants. Itcovers the economicsignificance of protectingbiological diversity.

Serge Abou, Amb-

assador of the ECDelegation to China, saidChina has seen environ-mental deterioration andcould learn from theexperience of Europe,which also neglected bio-diversity protection yearsago.

“Conserving biodi-versity is a fundamentalpart of development,” hesaid. “China’s exceptionalbiodiversity makes it evenmore relevant.”

John Mackinnon, co-author of the book anddirector of the Visibilityand Awareness Compo-

nent of ECBP, said:“Whether China can saveits rare species and theirnatural habitats dependson the public’s aware-ness of protection andtheir resolution to takeaction.”

Wang Haibin, anotherco-author and a formerState Forestry Adminis-tration employee onanimal protection, said:“We hope this book notonly helps adults becomemore aware of bio-diversity protection, butalso their children.”


A worker adjust a gaspump for gasoline

price changes at a gasstation in Chengdu,southwest China’s

Sichuan Province, on19 Dec, 2008.


Moroccan jailed overMadrid bombs

RABAT, 19 Dec — A Moroccan man has been sen-tenced to 20 years in prison for his part in the Madridtrain bombings of 2004.

Abdelilah Ahriz was found guilty of being part ofthe criminal group that carried out the attack and ofraising money for terrorist activities.

He denied the charges and his lawyer said he wouldappeal.

Nearly 200 people were killed and more than 1,800injured in the commuter train bombings, which werecarried out by a group linked to al-Qaeda.

Ahriz is the latest Moroccan to receive a heavyprison sentence for playing a role in the Madridbombings.

Two weeks ago another Moroccan received a 10-year sentence over the attack.—Internet

Australian Navy to rescuestricken French sailor

SYDNEY, 19 Dec—An Australian Navy ship is sailinginto the Southern Ocean on Friday to rescue a strickenFrench round-the-world sailor who broke his leg whenhis yacht hit a large wave.

The HMAS Arunta frigate may take three days toreach 34-year-old Yann Elies on his 60-foot yacht,which is about 900 nautical miles south of Perth onAustralia’s west coast.

“But he’s in a pretty dire situation with a brokenleg and onboard a yacht by himself in the middle ofthe Southern Ocean,” Stephen Langford, a doctor, toldlocal radio from the Arunta.

Elies is competing in the Vendee Globe round-the-world solo yacht race. His yacht Generali was hit by alarge wave on Thursday night as he changed sails,throwing him against the boat and breaking his thigh-bone.—Internet

Hamas declares end toceasefire with Israel in GazaGAZA,19 Dec — Hamas on Thursday declared an

end to a six-month-old Egyptian-brokered cease-firewith Israel in the Gaza Strip, raising the prospect ofan escalation in cross-border fighting.

“The calm is over,” Hamas official Ayman Taha saidin an announcement after concluding talks with Pal-estinian factions in the coastal enclave controlled bythe Islamist group.

He said the cease-fire, which Hamas says wasscheduled to expire on 19 December , would not berenewed “because the enemy did not abide by itsobligations” to ease a crippling blockade of the GazaStrip and halt all attacks.

Hamas stopped short of threatening an immediateescalation against Israel, which had hoped to extendthe truce and appears wary of a confrontation thatcould cause heavy casualties on both sides.—Internet

Australian Andrew Hoods, 36, arrives at Bang-kok’s Criminal Court on 19 Dec, 2008. Hoods wasarrested at Bangkok’s Suvarnabhumi internationalairport on Wednesday with 3kg of heroin strapped

to his body.—INTERNET

SYDNEY, 19 Dec—When your grandfather’s the world’s richest man, you’d hardlyexpect to have to worry about paying the bills.

But Nicole Buffett, the dreadlocked granddaughter of the notoriously frugalNebraska mega-billionaire Warren Buffett, has lifted the veil on just how toughthe so-called Oracle of Omaha makes life for his family.

In an interview published yesterday, the 32-year-old artist reveals that she hasbeen financially cut off by her grandfather and lives on the money she makesselling her paintings.

In part because of her famous surname, she has made about $US40,000 ($57,000)in sales this year from her modest base in the hippie enclave of Berkeley, outsideSan Francisco. —Internet

Nicole Buffett,


of the world’s

richest man,

Warren Buffett,

cut offDonate Blood

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Page 13: Established 1914 Volume XVI, Number 246 8th Waning of ... · 20/12/2008  · Group of Hydropower Implementation Department ... Nahdha neighbourhood on 17 Dec, 2008. Twin blasts killed

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 20 December, 2008 13

NASA set to launch‘CO2 hunter’

The US space agency is set tolaunch a satellite that can map in

detail where carbon dioxide is in theatmosphere. —INTERNET

HOUSTON,19 Dec — The US spaceagency is set to launch a satellite thatcan map in detail where carbon dioxideis in the atmosphere.

NASA’s Orbiting Carbon Observa-tory (OCO) will pinpoint the key loca-tions on the Earth’s surface where CO2is being emitted and absorbed.

CO2 from human activities is thoughtto be driving climate changes, but im-portant facts about its movementthrough the atmosphere remain elusive.

The agency believes the technology

on OCO can end some of the mysteries.Dr Crisp has been presenting details

of the mission here at the American Geo-physical Union’s (AGU) Fall Meeting.

As he did so, OCO’s launch on a Tau-rus XL rocket from Vandenberg AirForce Base in California was booked for23 February. NASA already has a CO2detection instrument on its Aqua satel-lite but this looks at the greenhouse gassome five to 10km above the surface.

OCO, on the other hand, will detailthe concentration of carbon dioxide closeto the ground where its warming effectis most keenly felt.

The observatory will be engaged inwhat amounts to carbon accountancy. Itsfortnightly global maps of CO2 concen-tration will help the mission team workout where the gas is entering the atmos-phere and where it is being absorbed byland plants and the oceans.

Scientists have calculated that naturecycles about 330 billion tonnes of car-bon every year.


Secret sketches a da Vincimystery

Experts from the Louvre are carryingout tests on the painting.—INTERNET

PARIS, 19 Dec — Drawings on theback of a Leonardo da Vinci paintingmay have been sketched by the ItalianRenaissance artist, but only more testsby museum experts will tell.

The Department of Paintings at theLouvre Museum in Paris and restora-tion and research experts from the Mu-seums of France discovered the imagesthis year on the back of the painting“The Virgin and Child with St Anne,”the Louvre said in a news release Thurs-day.

The style of the sketches resemblesthat of da Vinci, but the experts saidcloser examinations must be done toconfirm they are his.

After the art experts began studyingthe circa 1500 painting, an oil on wood,a conservator from the Paintings De-partment discovered two barely visibledrawings on the back of it — a horse’shead and a partial skull.

Closer scrutiny also revealed anothersketch showing the infant Jesus with alamb.

The drawings, almost impossible tosee with the human eye, were photo-graphed with an infrared reflectographiccamera, to reveal the underdrawings.

The technique intensifies the degreeof absorption of certain pigments, suchas those that are carbon-based, which wasthe preferred material used for prepara-tory drawings during da Vinci’s era.

According to the experts, drawings onthe back of paintings is “extremely rare,”and none have been found so far that canbe attributed to da Vinci.—Internet

Tumour in baby’s braincontained a foot

Newborn ... the surgeonwho operated on Sam

Esquibel said thetumour containing afoot was “unheard


BA and Qantas scrap merger talks

BA and Qantas failed to resolve their differ-ences.—INTERNET

SYDNEY , 19 Dec —British Airways andQantas have ended talksafter failing to reach a dealon a potential $6.4bn(£4.1bn) merger.

Earlier this month thetwo airlines had said theywere in talks about join-ing forces through a dual-listed company. In a jointstatement the airlines said

that despite the “potentiallonger term benefits” theyhad “not been able tocome to an agreement”.

The two said theywould continue to co-op-erate on their joint busi-ness between Australiaand the UK. Qantas chiefexecutive Alan Joyce hadwarned last week that themerger faced major hur-

dles and would only goahead if Qantas could se-cure major revenue andcost benefits. He also saidhe regretted the fact thatnews of the talks had be-come public knowledge.

A tie-up between BAand Qantas faced severalchallenges, particularlyover how ownership ofthe combined businesswould be divided betweenthe two carriers.

The idea was for thetwo airlines to come to-gether as a dual-listedcompany - in both the UKand Australia.

BA said in a statementon Thursday that it wouldnot agree to Qantas own-ing more than 50% of thecombined firm - eventhough Qantas is currentlythe larger company bymarket value. —Internet

One report said the bombs were packed with nails.—INTERNET

NEW YORK, 19 Dec —A tumour removed froma baby’s brain containeda foot and other partiallyformed body parts, a USpaediatric neurosurgeonsays. Dr Paul Grabb saidSam Esquibel had a mi-croscopic tumour that wasidentified after an MRIscan.

He said he discovereda nearly perfect foot, theformation of another foot,a hand and a thigh whichremoving the tumour, theAssociated Press re-ported. “It looked like thebreach delivery of a baby,

coming out of the brain,”Dr Grabb said.To find a perfectly formedstructure (like this) is ex-tremely unique, unusual,

borderline, unheard of.”Dr Grabb said the growthmay have been a type ofcongenital brain tumour,or the start of a twin form-ing within another. “Butsuch cases rarely occur inthe brain,” Dr Grabb said.Manual and TiffnieEsquibel said their son,only three days oldwhen the October3�operation tookplace,�would�have�monthlyblood tests to check forsigns of cancer orregrowth, the AssociatedPress reported.


South Philippines blasts kill twoILIGAN ,19 Dec —Two

people have died in twinexplosions at shops in thecity of Iligan in the south-ern Philippines.

At least 47 people wereinjured — two critically— in the blasts, whichwent off minutes apart intwo shops packed withChristmas shoppers.

Police have blamed“terrorists” for the bombs,

and Philippines PresidentGloria Macapagal Arroyohas vowed to bring theperpetrators to justice.

Iligan is on the islandof Mindanao, which hasan active Muslim insur-gency. There have beensporadic clashes betweengovernment troops andrebels fighting for selfrule since August, when acourt blocked a land deal

aimed at ending years offighting.

The bombs appeared tobe home-made, and onereport said they werepacked with nails.

They were placed atbaggage counters close tothe entrance of both storeswhere customers checktheir bags before shop-ping, police said.


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14 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 20 December, 2008


LONDON,19 Dec —Tottenham managerHarry Redknapp revealedBrazilian Gilberto's timeat White Hart Lane wasabout to be over follow-ing their 2-2 draw againstSpartak Moscow in theUEFA Cup.

The result meant Spursgo into Friday’s draw forthe two-leg, round of 32matches scheduled fornext February.

It was Gilberto’s errorwhich conceded the firstgoal for Spartak thoughstrikes by Luka Modricand Tom Huddlestoneearned the north London-ers the draw they neededto progress.

“He (Gilberto) wasquite happy to come off,”Redknapp said. “There’s

LONDON,19 Dec —Manchester City’s starBrazilian striker Robinhois a doubt to play WestBrom in Sunday’s Pre-miership fixture after in-juring his ankle in the 3-1UEFA Cup defeat by Rac-ing Santander.

The former Real Ma-drid front man was ham-pered by the injury whenhe was surprisingly na-med in the starting elevenby manager Mark Hughesthough City had alreadyqualified for next year’sround of 32 knockoutstage.

Hughes said: “Robin-ho was not able to con-tinue so he is a big doubtfor the weekend. It is hisankle again. We are stay-ing here overnight so wewill check everyone in themorning.

“He has made a greatimpression on everyone in

YOKOHAMA, 19 Dec —Cristiano Ronaldo insistshe is “very happy” at Man-chester United after reportslinking him with a move toReal Madrid at the end ofthe season infuriated SirAlex Ferguson.

Spanish newspaper ElMundo reported that thetwo clubs had a gentle-man’s agreement to trans-fer Ronaldo to the Ber-nabeu next summer fol-lowing a bitter tug-of-warfor him this year.

“I don’t care what peo-ple are saying,” the Portu-guese star, who has not hid-den his desire to play inSpain one day, told report-ers here, where ManchesterUnited are playing in theClub World Cup.


THOUSAND OAKS,19Dec— In what amounts toa one-week break fromhis four-month vacation,Jim Furyk surprised him-self on Thursday with a 4-under 68 that gave him atwo-shot lead after thefirst round of the ChevronWorld Challenge.

Furyk has not played acompetitive round sincewinning the PGA GrandSlam of Golf in Bermudaon 15 Oct. After thisweek, he won’t play againuntil beginning his 2009season at the AT&T Peb-ble Beach Pro-Am.

“The goal was obvi-ously to come in and playwell and try to win thegolf tournament,” Furyksaid, “but as little as I’vebeen playing, I wanted to

PARIS,19 Dec—Lyon’sBrazil international strikerFred has told club presi-dent Jean-Michel Aulas toterminate his contractwhich runs till June nextyear, the player toldFrench radio on Thursday.

Fred, who has had sev-eral injuries during thepast year, said he wantedto leave the seven-timeFrench league championsbecause of lack of firstteam action.

“As I am not playing, Iasked the president to ter-minate my contract,” Fredtold RTL radio station.“My aim is to play in the2010 World Cup. At clublevel I want to play, toscore goals and I think thatis difficult here at Lyon.

“When I come on with20 to 15 minutes to go,that is not enough time to

LONDON ,19 Dec —Newcastle United man-ager Joe Kinnear is in-creasingly confidentMichael Owen will stay atSt James’ Park after hold-ing contract talks with theEngland striker.

Owen’s current 103,000pounds-a-week (153,969dollars) deal expires at theend of the current season.

Kinnear said on Thurs-day that Owen had been

Brazilian Gilberto on the wayout at Tottenham

Tottenham managerHarry Redknapp, seen

here, revealed BrazilianGilberto’s time at WhiteHart Lane was about tobe over following their

2-2 draw againstSpartak Moscow in theUEFA Cup.—INTERNET

not really a way back forhim here. The boy doesn’twant to play here. He’s anice guy but just doesn’tfeel confident playinghere.”—Internet

Man City’s Robinho doubtfor West Brom

Manchester City’s starBrazilian striker


Manchester, scoring eightgoals in the PremierLeague. We are delightedwith his impact.

“In the last three gameshe has been strugglingwith an injury and that wasa concern to him tonight.We are pleased with whathe has produced.”

Even though City’scampaign in the groupstages ended in disappoint-ment, they advance to theknockout stages in topspot. That means they willface a third-placed side inone of the other groupswhen the draw is made onFriday.—Internet

Ronaldo says I’m happy at United

Cristiano Ronaldo, seenhere, insists he is “veryhappy” at Manchester

United after reportslinking him with a move

to Real Madrid at theend of the season

infuriated Sir AlexFerguson.—INTERNET

Furyk shakes off rust at Woods’World Challenge

Jim Furyk tees off on thethird hole during the firstround of the ChevronWorld Challenge golftournament.—INTERNET

just kind of get my feetwet and little by little,chip away and try to put agood round together.”

The entire 16-man fieldgot its feet wet at SherwoodCountry Club, which wassoggy from a week of coldrain.—Internet

ROME ,19 Dec –Young midfielder PaoloDe Ceglie has signed acontract extension atJuventus until 2013, theclub said on Thursday.

While not a first teamregular, the 22-year-old,who spent last season onloan at Siena, has madeseven starts and eight sub-stitute appearances thisseason and provided thecross for one of Amauri’sgoals against AC Milanlast weekend.

“This extension is an

Fred asks for a termination ofhis Lyon contract

Lyon’s Brazil interna-tional striker Fred.

express myself at 100 per-cent and I cannot give myall. Because of that I wantto leave.” Fred said he hadalready told Aulas andLyon coach Claude Puelthat he would not be ex-tending his contract.“Even if I got very goodterms financially, money isnot everything in life andI need to play footballwhich gives me so muchpleasure.”—Internet

Kinnear optimistic Owen willstay in Magpies’ nest

offered a new three-yearcontract and that, havinginitially been downbeatabout holding onto theformer Liverpool andReal Madrid forward, hewas optimistic of keepinghis highly-prized asset.

“I spent about an hourwith him a couple of daysago,” former Wimbledonmanager Kinnear, 61, saidon Thursday.


Gamba coach rues missed opportunitiesYOKOHAMA, 19 Dec –

Gamba Osaka coachAkira Nishino was leftrue missed opportunitiesin their 5-3 loss to Man-chester United at theClub World Cup, and hemade clear he wasn’t sat-isfied.

“People told me itwas an exciting game,but for me, it’s not excit-ing at all. When theteams score goals, it’s

De Ceglie signs Juve contract extension

Young midfielder PaoloDe Ceglie, seen here in

November 2008, hassigned a contract exten-sion at Juventus until2013, the club said onThursday.—INTERNET

important step in my ca-reer and the result ofmany years of sacrifice,”said De Ceglie.


exciting for the specta-tors. I accept it if thescore was reversed,” hesaid of their semi-finalon Thursday.

Ninisho guided Japanto a historic victory overpowerhouse Brazil in theAtlanta Olympics, the so-called “miracle in Mi-ami,” but his tactics oftight defence and counter-attacks were criticized asboring.—Internet

Manchester Uniteddefender Nemanja Vidic

(2nd right) heads theball to score as Japaneseclub team Gamba Osaka

goalkeeper YosukeFujigaya (2nd left)

watches during the semi-final match of the FIFAClub World Cup 2008 inYokohama.—INTERNET

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 20 December, 2008 15


Summary of observations recorded at 09:30 hrMST: During the past 24 hours, weather has been partlycloudy in Rakhine State, upper Sagaing, Bago andTaninthayi Divisions and generally fair in the remain-ing areas. Night temperatures were (3˚C) to (4˚C) belowDecember average temperatures in Mon State, upperSagaing and Taninthayi Divisions, (6˚C) below Decem-ber average temperatures in Chin State, (3˚C) to (4˚C)above December average temperatures in Kachin andShan States, Mandalay and Bago Divisions and aboutDecember average temperatures in the remaining areas.The significant night temperatures were Hakha (-2˚C)and Loilem (1˚C).

Maximum temperature on 18-12-2008 was 89˚F.Minimum temperature on 19-12-2008 was 64˚F. Rela-tive humidity at (09:30) hours MST on 19-12-2008 was68%. Total sunshine hours on 18-12-2008 was (8.9) hrsapprox.

Rainfall on 19-12-2008 was (Nil) at Mingaladon,Kaba-Aye and Central Yangon. Total rainfall since 1-1-2008 was (110.31) inches at Mingaladon,(120.95) inchesat Kaba-Aye and (140.94) inches at Central Yangon.Maximum wind speed at Yangon (Kaba-Aye) was (4)mph from North at (18:30) hours MST on 18-12-2008.

Bay inference: Weather is partly cloudy in theAndaman Sea and Bay of Bengal.

Forecast valid until evening of 20th December2008: Weather will be generally fair in Kayah, Kayinand Mon States and partly cloudy in the remaining Statesand Divisions.

State of the sea: Seas will be slight to moderate inMyanmar waters.

Outlook for subsequent two days: Generally fairweather in the whole country.

Forecast for Nay Pyi Taw and neighbouring areafor 20-12-2008: Partly cloudy.

Forecast for Yangon and neighbouring areafor 20-12-2008: Partly cloudy.

Forecast for Mandalay and neighbouring areafor 20-12-2008: Generally fair weather.

Weather outlook for fourth weekend of Decem-ber 2008: During the coming weekend, weather will bepartly coludy in Nay Pyi Taw and Yangon Divisions,generally fair in Mandalay Division.

Friday, 19 December, 2008

Saturday, 20 DecemberView on today

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8:30 am 8. International news8:45 am 9. Musical programme11:00 am 1. Martial song11:10 am 2. Musical programme11:25 am 3. Yan can cook11:45 am 4. Round up of the week’s

TV local news12:40 pm 5. Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´



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R 489 Published by the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information, Union of Myanmar. Edited and printed at The New Light of Myanmar Press,No 22/30 Strand Road at 43rd Street, Yangon. Cable Newlight, PO Box No. 43, Telephones: Editors 392308, Manager 392226, Circulation 392304, Advertisement 392223,Accounts 392224, Administration 392225, Production/Press 392369


2:45 pm 8. International news4:00 pm 1. Martial song4:10 pm 2. At^;‘pic\p∑´At^;‘pic\p∑´At^;‘pic\p∑´At^;‘pic\p∑´At^;‘pic\p∑´

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5:00 pm 6. Songs to uphold

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5:15 pm 8. Games for children

5:35 pm 9. �mn\ma.Del.Riu;ralk\ew>�mn\ma.Del.Riu;ralk\ew>�mn\ma.Del.Riu;ralk\ew>�mn\ma.Del.Riu;ralk\ew>�mn\ma.Del.Riu;ralk\ew>

5:50 pm10. Musical programme6:00 pm11. Evening news6:30 pm12. Weather report6:35 pm13. Al˙r˙amy\l˙kmıawy\Al˙r˙amy\l˙kmıawy\Al˙r˙amy\l˙kmıawy\Al˙r˙amy\l˙kmıawy\Al˙r˙amy\l˙kmıawy\

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8:00 pm16. News17. International news18. Weather report19. Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´



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Three Russianwarships visit Cold

War ally CubaHAVANA, 19 Dec—A

Russian anti-submarinedestroyer and twologistical warships areentering waters off Cubain a nonmilitary visitthat’s the first of its kindsince the 1991 collapseof the Soviet Union.

The Admiral Chab-anenko vessel is unfurling

black plumes of smoke asit chugs toward HavanaBay, flanked by twosmaller boats. Closer toshore, a barge thatroutinely ferries foodfrom the United States tothe communist-run islandis apparently moving tomake room for theRussian boats. Washi-ngton’s trade embargoallows direct sale of USagricultural pro-ducts toCuba. The Russian shipsplan to moor on Friday inHavana in a show ofincreased cooperationbetween the twocountries, though Cuba’sgove-rnment is notcommenting.


A snowboarder heads down a side street and pastsnowed-in cars in Seattle’s Queen Anne

neighbourhood during a snow storm on 18 Dec,2008. The snow was a day late, but it arrived

dramatically in Seattle on Thursday, swirling downamid lightning and thunder to snarl traffic andclose schools for tens of thousands of students.

Heavy snow fell on most of Washington, with theNational Weather Service predicting frigid

temperatures into next week, along with moresnow possible by the weekend.—INTERNET

One dead, 15 injured in bridge collapseATLANTA, 19 Dec—One worker is dead and 15

other people injured after a bridge under constructioncollapsed at the Atlanta Botanical Garden.

Atlanta Fire Capt Gregory Shinkle says the bridgecollapsed just after 9 am Friday. He says scaffoldingbeing used to pour concrete for a new elevated bridgeat the garden collapsed. About a dozen ambulanceswere on the scene at the park in Midtown Atlanta.Shinkle said some injured workers were taken out ofthe accident area on backboards.—Internet

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8th Waning of Nadaw 1370 ME Saturday, 20 December, 2008

* Development of agriculture as the base and all-rounddevelopment of other sectors of the economy as well

* Proper evolution of the market-oriented economicsystem

* Development of the economy inviting participation interms of technical know-how and investments fromsources inside the country and abroad

* The initiative to shape the national economy must be keptin the hands of the State and the national peoples

* Uplift of the morale and morality ofthe entire nation

* Uplift of national prestige and integ-rity and preservation and safeguard-ing of cultural heritage and nationalcharacter

* Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit* Uplift of health, fitness and education

standards of the entire nation

* Stability of the State, community peaceand tranquillity, prevalence of law andorder

* National reconsolidation* Emergence of a new enduring State

Constitution* Building of a new modern developed

nation in accord with the new StateConstitution

Four economic objectives Four social objectivesFour political objectives

NAY PYI TAW, 19Dec—The Graduation Pa-rade of 11th Intake of De-fence Services Techno-logical Academy was heldat the parade ground ofDSTA in PyinOoLwin at8.30 a.m. today, with anaddress by Commander-in-Chief of Defence Serv-ices Senior General ThanShwe.

Also present at theparade were Member ofthe State Peace and Devel-opment Council GeneralThura Shwe Mann of theMinistry of Defence,SPDC Secretary-1 Quar-termaster-General Lt-GenThiha Thura Tin AungMyint Oo, SPDC MemberLt-Gen Tin Aye of theMinistry of Defence,Commander-in-Chief(Navy) Rear-AdmiralNyan Tun, Com-mander-in-Chief (Air)Lt-Gen Myat Hein,Maj-Gen Ohn Myint

Senior General Than Shwe addresses GraduationParade of 11th Intake of DSTA

and Lt-Gen Khin Zaw ofthe Ministry of Defence,Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Thura Myint Aung,Defence Services In-spector-General Maj-Gen Thein Htaik, Mili-tary Appointment-Gen-eral Maj-Gen HsanHsint, Judge Advocate-General Maj-Gen SoeMaung, Lt-Gen MyintHlaing of the Ministryof Defence, Chief ofArmed Forces TrainingMaj-Gen Hla Htay Win,Defence Service In-spection and Auditor-General (Army, Navyand Air) Maj-GenMaung Shein, Com-mander of North-EastCommand Maj-GenAung Than Htut, Com-mander of Coastal Re-

gion Command Maj-Gen Khin Zaw Oo,Commander of North-West Command Maj-Gen Myint Soe, Com-mander of Central Com-mand Maj-Gen TinNgwe, ministers Maj-Gen Htay Oo, U AungThaung, Maj-Gen SawTun, U Thaung, Col ZawMin, Maj-Gen KhinMaung Myint, Brig-GenThein Zaw, Brig-GenLun Thi, Dr Chan Nyeinand Brig-Gen TheinAung, Vice-Chiefs ofArmed Forces TrainingMaj-Gen Zaw Win andBrig-Gen Thoe Htein,Directors Maj-Gen MyaWin, Maj-Gen Tin Soe,Brig-Gen Kyaw Nyunt,Brig-Gen Maung MaungOhn, Maj-Gen Khin

Maung Tint, Brig-GenNyan Tun, Maj-GenThan Htay, Maj-GenSein Lin, Maj-Gen AyeMyint, senior militaryofficers, PyinOoLwinStation CommanderBrig-Gen Zeyar Aung,Mandalay Mayor Brig-Gen Phone Zaw Han, de-partmental officials,Commandant of theacademy Brig-Gen HsanOo, officials, distin-guished guests and par-ents and relatives of thegraduate cadets.

Senior General ThanShwe took the salute ofthe cadet companies.

The Senior Generalinspected the graduatingcompanies.

The cadet companiesmarched past the Com-

mander-in-Chief of De-fence Services.

The Senior Generalpresented Best CadetAward to Cadet ThantZaw Oo, Award for Ex-cellent Performance inTraining to Cadet KyawZeyar Lin and Award forExcellent Performancein Study to Cadet PhyoKyaw Swa Pe.

After delivering aspeech to the cadet com-panies, the Senior-Gen-eral left the paradeground.

After the graduationparade, Senior GeneralThan Shwe received thethree outstanding cadetsand their parents at thehall of DSTA and spokewords of encouragementto them.—MNA

Commander-in-Chief of Defence ServicesSenior General Than Shwe presents Best

Cadet Award to Cadet Thant Zaw Oo.—MNA

Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe inspects graduating cadet companies of DSTA.—MNA

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