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  • 8/12/2019 Essential Oils Market Brief


    Essential Oilstheir role in

    Fragrance FlavourIndustry

  • 8/12/2019 Essential Oils Market Brief


    Index What Are Essential Oils Their Production In Plants Parts Of The Plant Yielding These Oils The Different Extraction Methods Uses Scenario Of Global Fragrance FlavourIndustry

  • 8/12/2019 Essential Oils Market Brief


    Essential oilsFlavours and Fragrances have been part of life since ancient times, some orother way we all use perfumery and flavour materials, in our daily life. Fromearly morning to late night whatever we use for personal care and hygiene tocosmetics and confectionaries all are added with some type of perfume orflavours. These come naturally from many plant and animal sources. The verysimple example which all would have experienced in their life time is verycommon plants like mint (Pudina), coriander and Tulsi (Ocimum) etc. leavesof which we use for preparations in our kitchen, if one pick-up the leaves ofany one of above plant and rub or press between two fingers and smell, we willfind some smell or aroma. This smell is known as aroma (a Latin world) andthose plants which bear this aroma are known as aromatic plants. Thesearoma come from certain odoriferous substances called essential oils.

  • 8/12/2019 Essential Oils Market Brief


    How are they produced?Essential oils are present in plants in specialised cells/glands(subcuticlar spaces of glandular cells, organelles.), these glandsmay be at anywhere on plant body depending upon themorphology and physiology of the plant. Some time it may be onleaves, flowers, stems, roots, bark or wood . When these glandsrupture by pressing, rubbing or heat the smell /aroma come out.Essential oil are composed of aromatic compounds, volatile andhydrophobic in nature. Fragrance that we sense is the compositeeffect of all the constituents present in it.

  • 8/12/2019 Essential Oils Market Brief


    The parts of plants yielding essential oils Flowers : Jasmine, Rose, Violet, Hyacinth etc. Leaves : Lavender, Rosemary, Eucalyptus, peppermint etc. Fruits : Lemon, Oranges, Bergamot, Bursera etc. Barks : Cinnamon, Casia, Camella etc. Stem : Citronella, Geranium, Patchouli etc. Wood : Sandal, Cedar, Bursera Rhizome: Ginger, Calamus Roots : Vetiver

  • 8/12/2019 Essential Oils Market Brief


    EXTRACTION OF ESSENTIAL OILFor extraction of essential oils various methods are used, the choice of methoddepends upon quality, amount and stability of volatiles obtained, the type of plantmaterial ,economy and also the time required for extraction. The methods used forextraction of volatiles from herbal resources can be classified as followsPressing / Cold expression: oils are extracted from the fruit by machinery whichmechanically squeezes the oil from the peel.Enfleurage (absorption of the fragrant oil in a greasy oil and then separated bysolvent extraction): An intensive and traditional way of extracting oil from flowers.The process involves layering fat over the flower petals. After the fat has absorbedthe essential oils, alcohol is used to separate and extract the oils from the fat. Thealcohol is then evaporated and the essential oil collected.

  • 8/12/2019 Essential Oils Market Brief


    Solvent extraction /Alcohol extraction (absolute): Solvent extraction isa technique for the production of concretes absolutes of aromaticflowers such as rose, jasmine ; production of oleoresins fromspices.Essential oils can be extracted by using organic solventssolvents and alcohol are mixed with the plant material in order toproduce an absolute.Steam distillation Water distillation. Distillation converts theessential oils into a vapor and then condenses the vapor back into aliquid - it is the most popular, and cost effective method in use todayin producing essential oils.Hydro diffusion by application of gentle pressure during distillation.Carbon dioxide extraction (supercritical fluid extraction)

  • 8/12/2019 Essential Oils Market Brief


    Essential oil in Therapeutics (In Aromatherapy):Aromatherapy means treatment or prevention of disease by use ofessential oils. Two basic mechanisms are involved in aromatherapy Influence of aroma on the brain, especially the limbic systemthrough the olfactory system. The direct pharmacological effects of the essential oils.

  • 8/12/2019 Essential Oils Market Brief


    How essential oil works? Aroma enters nose Converts smell Connects with cilia Reaches olfactory bulb Connected to rain Impulse Reach the limbic system to electrical Impulse

  • 8/12/2019 Essential Oils Market Brief


    UsesGenerally essential oil are utilised in aromatherapy as Inhalants ,Bathing,and MassageCommon medicinal properties of essential oils include: analgesic,antimicrobial, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, astringent, sedative,antispasmodic, expectorant, diuretic, and sedative.Many aromatic herbs, essential oils and aroma chemicals are mentioned asofficial drugs in the various pharmacopoeias and formularies of differentcountries In most pharmaceutical preparations, the essential oils are useddirectly. Formulations may contain single essential oils or mixtures ofseveral essential oils to enhance their efficacy.

  • 8/12/2019 Essential Oils Market Brief


    Herbs their Essential oils as Perfumery andflavoring agents:The essential oils are used in creation of fragrances for incense,cosmetics, toiletries and laundry productsCosmetic uses of essential oils Essential Oils for Facial Care by skin creams, face packs, gels,astringents, scrubs etc. Examples : German chamomile, geranium,fennel, frankincense, jasmine, lavender, lemon, neroli, palmarosa,rose, etc Essential Oils for Hair Care, dandruff, hair loss in form of tonics,shampoos, etc. Examples : Basil, birch, clary sage, cypress,eucalyptus, lavender, lemon, lemongrass, rosemary, sage, thymecedar wood, tea tree, mints etc.

  • 8/12/2019 Essential Oils Market Brief


    Concretes and AbsolutesVolatiles and waxes extracted from plant material withhydrocarbon solvents (usually benzene and hexane) throughwashing and removal of the volatile solvent with distillation. Awaxy aromatic substance remaining is called a concrete. Theconcrete is washed with alcohol to remove the volatile materialsand ethanol removed through vacuum distillation to leave anabsolute.

  • 8/12/2019 Essential Oils Market Brief


    Flavour Fragrance IndustryThe flavour and fragrance ingredients trade has its own culture and businessstrategies, which can be summarised as follows:a) Flavour and fragrance ingredients are subject to derived demand, wheredemand originates from final flavoured and fragranced end product

    demand,b) Demand for flavour and fragrance ingredients is relatively inelastic in theshort term,c) Flavour and fragrance ingredients are subject to fluctuating and cyclicdemand,d) Purchasing and use of flavour and fragrance ingredients is based onartistic and technical complexity, ande) The world market is geographically concentrated.

  • 8/12/2019 Essential Oils Market Brief


  • 8/12/2019 Essential Oils Market Brief


    The Size of the Essential Oil Market

  • 8/12/2019 Essential Oils Market Brief


    The market size for Natural Raw Material for theFlavor and Fragrance Market is USD650 MFragrance & Flavour


    USD 20 Billion

    Essential Oil Production

    USD 650 million

  • 8/12/2019 Essential Oils Market Brief


    Flavor/Fragrance Split








  • 8/12/2019 Essential Oils Market Brief


    Top Twenty Essential Oils Produced in the World

  • 8/12/2019 Essential Oils Market Brief


    Problems in developing essential oils1. Lack of industry knowledge2. Regulatory environment3. Lack of novelty4. Technical expertise5. Planting wrong chemotype6. Cost timeframe (first returns)7. Politics