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If you are looking for an analytics tool to help you measure your online marketing, then you’re in luck. There are hundreds, if not thousands that measure

various online marketing strategies. Heck, there are hundreds that you can use just help you measure your Twitter activity. But the question is, which

metrics are just for show and which ones actually affect your bottom line? In this guide, we’re going to explore popular metrics for different avenues of

online marketing, whether they matter for your business, and the one metric that rules them all.


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Website metrics are probably the most visited on a day-to-day basis by marketers and business owners alike. Most will be

able to quickly tell you the average number of visits their website receives within a month, or that they are actively trying

to improve their bounce rate. Are they just vanity metrics, or can they be valuable? Let’s dig in to the most popular metrics

of a website as a whole.

By looking at what causes major shifts in your number

of visits, you can identify potential problems before

they get worse.

VISITSTraffic is important - without it, most businesses wouldn’t function. Focusing on the number of visits you receive in any given month isn’t the important

part of this metric. What you should monitor is the trends in your traffic. Are there particular low or high trends that are unexplained? Especially when

compared to a previous period’s traffic?

For low trends, you will want to find out whether these are related to

a site outage, change in traffic from a top referral source, suspension

of an ad campaign, missed newsletter distribution, or other cause. For

high trends, you will want to find out if your business was mentioned by

a major media outlet or blogger, if a particular ad or email campaign

worked like magic (so you can repeat it), or other cause.

By looking at what causes major shif ts in your number of

visits, you can identify potential problems before they get

worse. You can also find rewarding strategies and see

if there is a way to replicate

them for further success.


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If you aren’t turning new traffic into repeat traffic, then you may want to

think of ways to make people want to return to your website. This can

include everything from the promise of new content to turning visitors

into social media followers or email list subscribers with the intent of

marketing to them so they will return to your website again.



Analyzing your new vs. returning visitor numbers can tell you if you are retaining the traffic you acquire. It’s not a perfect number because, depending

on the analytics program you are using, a visitor could be counted as new each time they visit if they clear their cookies in between. But it could help

you see whether you are actually capitalizing on your traffic and giving them a reason to return.

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Bounce rate (as defined in Google Analytics) is the number of people who visit one page of your website and

leave without interacting with it. A high bounce rate means that people come to your website, look at the page

they landed on, and then leave.

This metric can be tricky for some businesses. For example, if your main goal for your website is for people to

call your 800 number to place an order, people could be leaving your website after jotting down your phone

number. In this case, assuming you are getting lots of phone calls, a high bounce rate may not be a bad thing.

On the other hand, if you have an online store where people are coming to your homepage and leaving quickly, then a high bounce rate could mean a

loss of potential sales.


If you do notice your website has a high bounce rate, you can take measures to improve it. Sometimes

it can be something as simple as making sure the content on each page of your website satisfies

visitors from search when they reach the page using a particular keyword phrase. Also, make sure

your navigation from page to page is clear enough that visitors can find what you want them to. If

someone is researching a purchase from your website and your competitors, and they can’t see a

link to your pricing page immediately, they might stick with your competitors and bounce right off

your homepage or another landing page on your website.

Make sure your navigation from page to page is clear

enough that visitors can find what you want them to.

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If your business relies on content marketing, then there are several metrics that you might focus on. Here are the ones that

count and whether you can use them to improve your business.

TOP LANDING PAGESIn Google Analytics under the Content section, you can

find a section that shows you your top landing pages, or

the top pages on your website where the most visitors

start their journey. Note that this is not landing pages

in the sense of squeeze pages or sales landing pages

optimized to convert, but just the pages that the most

people enter your website upon.

Why are your top landing pages important? If you view the bounce rate column, you can find the ones that are receiving a lot of traffic, but also a lot of

bounces. If you see a high bounce rate on a page that tells people to call you for more details, then that’s fine. For the rest, you need to look at ways to

encourage people to stay on your site or complete a call to action, such as a mailing list opt-in or sale.

To lower your bounce rate on the top landing pages of your website, you can do the following:

• Find out what keywords people search to land on that page. Make sure the content on those landing pages relate to the keywords or keyword phrase.

• Make sure there is a strong call to action on each landing page, whether it is something that directs people to your online store or gets people to opt-in.

• Make sure there are internal links on each landing page to ensure that visitors will keep browsing through your site.

In addition, if some of your top landing pages have outdated content, be sure to update that content so that visitors won’t automatically exit simply because

the date stamp is a year or two old.


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Social shares can show that your content is well received amongst the masses. Assuming that you are not buying tweets

or likes, then you can gauge your content’s popularity using the number of tweets, likes, +1’s, and other shares it receives.

WordPress users can invest in a plug-in called Social Metrics Pro ( This plug-in will tally up the

social shares each of your posts receive and put it into a sortable, exportable table. You can use this to quickly find out which

pieces of content have the most social popularity, and thus make sure you keep creating content that your audience loves to


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Links will always be important to your website’s rankings in search. In addition to figuring out which pieces of content are

shared most often on social networks, you will want to find out which pieces of content are linked to most often. One tool

that can help is CognitiveSEO ( - you can enter your website’s domain and analyze a list of the pages

on your website with the most incoming links or use their visual explorer to see link clusters going to your main domain and

the most popular content.


For those who don’t enjoy looking at lists

and tables, this can be an excellent way

to visualize how incoming links to your

content pages help strengthen the whole

of your link profile.

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Serious email marketers focus on a variety of metrics to determine the success of a particular campaign. Here are three

metrics that many focus upon, and why they matter - or don’t.

1 – OPEN RATEHave the new Gmail tabs affected the number of people who are receiving your email marketing messages? A change in open rate would certainly

give the answer. The open rate is also a good indicator of whether a subject line was effective or not, as this is usually what determines whether a

person will be intrigued by the content of your email.

When comparing stats from multiple email campaigns and A/B testing, you should take notes on

different variables such as the subject line copy, day of the week, time of day, and segments an email

was sent to. This can help you optimize your email campaigns for success.


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The main goal (for most business emails) is to encourage recipients to click through to your website. Looking at just the number

of clicks a particular email has received is not enough - you want to know whether people are more likely to click on a text link

in the beginning of the message, a banner in the bottom, or a social icon in the header. So don’t just stop at clicks. Find out

exactly what gets people excited about clicking so you can further optimize your emails to drive traffic back to your website.


No one wants to think about them, yet it’s important to analyze which email messages result in the most unsubscribes. While a small number of unsubscribes

per email is common, if you notice a spike on a particular email campaign, you will want to analyze it to see why people unsubscribed.


Was this email sent too closely to another? Was it the fifth email in a line of sales emails for a particular product that people might not be interested in? Were

there more links in the email? Did you add a new sponsor? Think about anything that is different in this email from previous ones to see if you can pinpoint a

possible strategy that you should not repeat in the future.

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If you talk to a search engine marketer, you’re likely to hear about a ton of different metrics when it comes to your website

and to your competitors. The following are the most popular and how they affect your business.

KEYWORD RANKINGSKeyword rankings are probably one of the more important metrics when it

comes to organic search marketing. If you aren’t ranking for your business’s

main keyword phrases on the first page, you aren’t going to get much

traffic from search engines for those phrases. Anytime you are actively

working on search engine optimization, you should see your keyword

rankings preferably improving, or at least maintaining if you are already in a

good spot on the first page of search results.

To monitor your keyword rankings, you can use tools like Authority Labs

( This tool allows you to log in and view your

current keyword rankings. You can also click through to see how your

website has been performing with a particular keyword since you started

monitoring it.

You can also try Whoosh Traffic ( This tool will

allow you to login and check your keyword rankings as well as receive

daily ranking updates via email. What you will want to watch out for

in particular with your keyword rankings is a sharp decline. While it is

common to see small fluctuations on a regular basis, if you see one or

more of the main keywords you focus upon drop dramatically, it can be

an indicator that you have been affected by a major Google algorithm

change or penalized by Google for suspicious search engine optimization

strategies. Tools like the Fruition Penalty Checker (

google-penalty-checker-tool) can help you quickly identify whether or

not your website has been affected negatively by Google.

You can use this tool to find out when your website was affected and

what specific algorithm change (if any) caused it. Then, you can research

that specific algorithm change to find out what you can do to repair your

website’s reputation on Google.


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The number of backlinks a website has can be misleading. One website

could have 10,000 low-quality backlinks whereas another website could

have 100 high-quality backlinks. The one that ranks higher would really

depend on a lot of factors including keyword optimization of the anchor

text, possible Google penalties of low-quality links, and the on-site

optimization of both websites.

The main thing you want to know about your own backlinks is not the quantity, but the quality. Whether you outsource your link building activities or have

them performed in-house, don’t let the reporting only show a number of backlinks attained. Make sure that the reporting includes where the backlink is

from, why it is relevant to your business, and how much traffic the website linking to yours receives. Although the latter detail is not commonly reported by

SEOs, it can be useful to determine how authoritative the website really is.


Google PageRank was a numerical rating from 1 to 10 given to websites, once used religiously to measure

the authority of a page you receive a backlink from. Since Google has seemingly stopped updating Google

PageRank, the new popular metric to rank a website’s authority is Domain and Page Authority. This metric,

measured by Moz ( (formerly SEOmoz) is a score from 0 to 100 that says how likely a domain

/ page will rank in search based on number of incoming links, MozRank (determined by number of quality

of incoming links), and MozTrust (determined by authority of incoming links).

This is another good metric to use when evaluating the strength and quality of a backlink. You can also

use it to measure your own website’s strength and backlink profile. So long as your website’s domain

authority continues to rise, your search engine optimization campaign is going in the right direction. To

quickly check your domain authority, visit Open Site Explorer ( and enter your



Download MozBar ( and check any website you are

visiting (including your own) for Domain Authority, Page Authority, and other on-site

optimization details.

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When it comes to social media marketing, there are tons upon tons of analytics tools that will help you measure a variety

of metrics. The three most measured and talked about are as follows.


The number of fans and followers your business has is important, assuming you or your agency has not resorted to buying fans and followers for your

social accounts. While it ’s easy to compare yourself to a competitor and wonder why you have 10,000 followers when they have 100,000, the actual

number isn’t always the most important.

First of all, you want to look at trends. If your business is increasing in popularity, it should be increasing in fans and followers as well. Tools like TwitterCounter

( can help you see your Twitter account’s growth in followers over time.

Sharp changes, such as a drop in followers, can indicate potential issues.

Sometimes they are out of your control, such as Twitter pruning accounts

they consider inactive or bots. Others, they could be within your control,

such as whether you posted a tweet that might have offended your active

followers. Be sure to revisit your activity on the date of any major shift in

follower count to see if there is a message you should - or should not -

consider sharing again.

More important than your number of followers, you should be tuned into

if they have engaged with your business.


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You could have a million followers, but if they are

not engaged with your business, then they are not

necessarily valuable beyond just being a number.

Engagement can be measured by the number of

interactions people make with your status updates

and posts - likes, retweets, shares, +1’s, and comments.

You can measure these using Facebook Insights and

social media management tools like:

• HootSuite (

• Buffer (


Engagement can be measured by the

number of interactions people make

with your status updates and posts.

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If you were to only choose to measure one particular metric throughout your entire marketing campaign, what should it

be? The answer is simple. Conversions.

Tracking conversions is the key to discovering online marketing ROI. Conversions are the most important metric because

they tell you what makes the biggest impact on your business. If you are tracking conversions, you can find out:

• The landing pages lead to the most conversions.

• The website referrals amount to the most conversions.

• The organic and paid keywords have the highest conversions.

• The social networks drive traffic that lead to conversions.

This can help you determine what online marketing strategies you should focus more or less upon. For example, if one of your goals is to collect opt-ins,

you can add it as a goal in Google Analytics (, an event in KISSmetrics (http://support., or whatever analytics program you use.

Once set up, you can find out if your video opt-in pages convert more

visitors into opt-ins than your text-based opt-in page. Or you can find

out if visitors coming to your site by searching for your business name

convert more visitors into opt-ins than your optimized keyword anchor

text. These discoveries can be the most valuable in making sure you

are using your marketing dollars wisely.

What metrics does your business focus on most, and how do you measure them? Please share in the comments!


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MARKETING ANALYTICS TOOLS Mentioned in this White Paper

EMAIL MARKETINGPinpointe — www.pinpointe.comTracks your email marketing campaign results with Google Analytics and gives you comprehensive activity reports for all of your email marketing campaigns.

SOCIAL SHARESocial Metrics Pro — www.socialmetricspro.comA plug-in for WordPress users that tallies up the social shares each of your posts receive and puts it into a sortable, exportable table.

INCOMING LINKS CognitiveSEO — www.cognitiveseo.comEnter your website’s domain and analyze a list of the pages on your website with the most incoming links or use a visual explorer to see link clusters going to your main domain and most popular content.

DOMAIN & PAGE AUTHORITYMOZ Bar (on — Check any website you are visiting (including your own) for domain authority, page authority, and other on-site optimization details.

Open Site Explorer — www.opensiteexplorer.orgEnter your domain to quickly to check your domain authority.

FANS & FOLLOWERSTwitterCounter —

Helps you see your Twitter account’s growth in followers over time.


Allows you to log in and view your current keyword rankings and click through to see how your website has been performing with a particular keyword since you started monitoring it.

Whoosh Traffic —

Allows you to login and check your keyword rankings and receive daily ranking updates via email.

Fruition Penalty Checker —

Helps you quickly identify whether or not your website has been affected negatively by Google.


Provides a dashboard to manage and measure your social networks.

Buffer —

Shares your content at the best possible times throughout the day so that your followers and fans see your updates more often.

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