Download - ESA’s Science Toolbox Exploitation Platform (STEP) · 2015-11-03 · ESA’s Science Toolbox Exploitation Platform (STEP)

Page 1: ESA’s Science Toolbox Exploitation Platform (STEP) · 2015-11-03 · ESA’s Science Toolbox Exploitation Platform (STEP)

ESA’s Science Toolbox Exploitation Platform (STEP)

Desnos, Y-L.1; Malik, J.2; Ducoin, N. 2; Veci, L. 3; Fomferra, N. 4; Cara C. 5 ; Ramoino, F. 6 and Foumelis, M.7

(1) European Space Agency, (2) C-S France, (3) Array Canada, (4) Brockmann Consult, (5) C-S Romania, (6) Serco S.p.A c/o ESA-ESRIN & (7) RSAC c/o ESA-ESRIN


Page 2: ESA’s Science Toolbox Exploitation Platform (STEP) · 2015-11-03 · ESA’s Science Toolbox Exploitation Platform (STEP)

STEP Objectives

The main objectives of Scientific Toolbox Exploitation Platform are:

• Dialoguing within the science community

• Communicating with the developers

• Promoting results and achievements

• Providing tutorials and material for training

• Downloading the software installers

• Accessing the documentation

• Preparing for Third Party development uptake

Page 3: ESA’s Science Toolbox Exploitation Platform (STEP) · 2015-11-03 · ESA’s Science Toolbox Exploitation Platform (STEP) Science Toolbox Exploitation Platform

Information on Sentinel Toolboxes’ development including frequently asked questions (FAQs)

SNAP download page Access to Beta versions for testing

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Technical documentation for both end-users and developers

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Step-by-step tutorials including YouTube videos

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Technical forum, gathering user feedback and communicating results

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JIRA Issue Tracker for S1TBX

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STEP User Forum

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STEP statistics

Number of unique visitors on STEP by week

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SentiNel Application Platform

Benefits of SNAP ‒ A common platform and host for the Sentinel Toolboxes and others

‒ Developed as open source software

‒ Common Java core framework

‒ Joint development plan for Sentinel toolboxes

‒ Interchangeable Java/Python plugins

‒ Portable engine to Cloud infrastructure

‒ Single installer

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SNAP Modular Plugin Architecture


YOUR Toolbox

SNAP Engine

Java SE 8 Platform

NetBeans RCP

SNAP Desktop

Sentinel-3 Toolbox (S3TBX) Sentinel-2 Toolbox (S2TBX) Sentinel-1 Toolbox (S1TBX)


GeoTools JAI NetCDF …

Any combination of toolboxes add-ons is allowed, even none, as SNAP Desktop is a already a useful stand-alone application for EO data exploitation.

Programming language layer

3rd-party library layer

SNAP layer

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JIRA Issue Tracker for SNAP

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First User feedback on SNAP

How easy was it to install Sentinel Toolboxes? How user-friendly is the software’s interface?

Are you aiming to continue working with SNAP? How likely is it that you would recommend SNAP to a colleague?

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The Sentinel Application Platform (SNAP)

• Nr. of people involved in the SNAP Beta Testing There has been 1694

registered beta testers

• Nr. of improvements , new features and bugs solved 394 issues have been closed

during the beta testing phase

• STEP Forum Currently 271 registered

active users on the Forum 303 discussion topics 1147 posts 9815 mail sent

Cumulative weekly unique downloads by OS

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• Launch 3 April 2014 • Kourou spaceport • Soyuz-2 rocket

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Sentinel-1 Toolbox

1. Sentinel 1 data readers : L1, L2 a. Multi-mission : ALOS PALSAR, ALOS 2, Cosmo-Skymed,


b. Import/Export of PolSARpro, GAMMA, RAT product formats 2. Sentinel 1 scientific tools

a. Automatic Orbits update b. Automatic DEM download (ACE 5Min, Ace30, GETASS30, SRTM

1sec HGT, SRTM 3sec) c. S1 TOPS Utilities (Thermal noise removal, Slice Assembly, TOPS

Split, Deburst, Sub-swath merge, remove border noise etc.) d. S1 TOPS Coregistration e. Terrain flattening f. Texture analysis g. Feature Extraction (Ocean object and oil spill detection, Wind

field estimation)

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Building Sentinel-1A Mosaic of EUROPE

Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data [2014]

Europe Mosaic (R:VH G:VV dB B:VV) processed by S1TBX/SNAP

“This is amazing job guys - this will set new ground for a wide community of (new) users"

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Building Sentinel-1A Mosaic of EUROPE

Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data [2014]

Detail over Spain processed by S1TBX/SNAP

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Napa Valley Earthquake Fogo Volcano Eruption

Sentinel-1 TOPS Interferometry processed by SNAP/Sentinel-1 TBX

Contains modified Copernicus data (2014)

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Xinjian Earthquake (China) User Feedback from using the Sentinel-1 TBX

“I would like to share an interferogram of a recent earthquake of Xinjian, China, which was produced with Sentinel 1a data and ESA's Sentinel 1A toolbox. The data is quite good for capturing earthquake deformation in this rural region, given short time revisiting and short baseline. The ESA's toolbox is also very good for the processing. It's in user friendly GUI and very easy to operate” Jianbao Sun Lab. of Earthquake Dynamics, Institute of Geology, China Earthquake Administration No. 1 Huayanli Jia, Beijing, China 100029

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Sentinel-2 A

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Sentinel-2 Toolbox

1. Sentinel 2 data readers : L1B, L1C, L2A a. Multi-mission : new land-products readers b. Spot 1-7, RapidEye, UK-DMC, Deimos, Ingenio/SEOSAT,

EnMAP 2. Sentinel 2 scientific processors

a. Sen2Cor : Atmospheric correction for S2-MSI L1C b. Reflectance to radiance converter c. Level 3 processor : temporal synthesis d. L2B processor : biophysical products e. Water processors (to be defined) f. Forest mapping processor

3. Image processors with OTB tools integration

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Sentinel 2 Copenhagen (Denmark) - Natural Colour (10m)


“Very easy to download and install”

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Sentinel 2 Nador (Morocco) - False Colour (10m)


“just start using it and I like it”

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Sentinel 2 Pavia (Italy) - ‘Red Edge’ False Colour (20m)


“Thank you for the great tools!”

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Page 27: ESA’s Science Toolbox Exploitation Platform (STEP) · 2015-11-03 · ESA’s Science Toolbox Exploitation Platform (STEP)

S3TBX Functions

1. Reading Sentinel-3 OLCI and SLSTR 2. Reading MERIS, AATSR, ATSR, MODIS, SeaWiFS, VIIRS, Proba-V, Landsat TM, … 3. Uncertainty information exploitation

a. OLCI and SLSTR „error“ variables b. Various visualisation modes (blending and overlays) c. „Error“ propagation (Standard Combined Uncertainty, GUM 95)

4. Remote in-situ database access tool (MERMAID for MERIS/OLCI) 5. Data Processors

a. OLCI/SLSTR collocation tool b. OLCI IOP, FLH+MCI, NDVI, pixel classification processors c. SLSTR LST, SST, cloud screening processors

6. Commissioning support tools a. OLCI/SLSTR collocation accuracy assessment (L1C product) b. SLSTR PDU stitching tool


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S3TBX Uncertainty Example


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• Foster scientific cooperation on the scientific exploitation with ESA Toolboxes

• Develop new Science 2.0 functionalities;

• Integrate third party open source scientific processors and algorithms in the SNAP environment;

• Performance optimization and benchmarking on Cloud infrastructure;

• Preparation of scientific training material and tutorials

• Exploitation of the synergy between S1/S2/S3 products;