Download - ES6: Features + Rails


ES6Features & Rails

Santosh Wadghule@mechanicles

ES6 + Its Features + Setup on Rails

ES6? What is it?

ES6• ES6 is short name of “ECMAScript Language

Specification, Edition 6”

• It’s a new version of ECMAScript

• ECMAScript is the official name of JavaScript

• ES6 provides very nice powerful features

• ES6 helps writing more modular and less quirky code in JavaScript.

ES6 Features

ES6 Features• Let + Const

• Template string

• Destructuring Assignment

• Default + Rest + Spread

• Loops, Generators

• Enhanced object literals

• Map + Set

• Arrows

• Modules

• Classes

Let + Const

Let + Const

• Variables before ES6 are function scoped

• ‘let’ & ‘const’ are block-scoped binding constructs

• ‘let’ is the new variable

• ‘const’ is single-assignment.


// ES5

"use strict";

function superHeroes() { var superHero1;

{ superHero1 = "Spider-Man";

var superHero2 = "Batman";

console.log(superHero1); // => "Spider-Man" console.log(superHero2); // => "Batman" }

console.log(superHero1); // => "Spider-Man" console.log(superHero2); // => "Batman"}


function superHeroes() { let superHero1;

{ superHero1 = "Spider-Man";

let superHero2 = "Batman";

console.log(superHero1); // => "Spider-Man" console.log(superHero2); // => "Batman" }

console.log(superHero1); // => "Spider-Man" console.log(superHero2); // => "superHero2 is not defined"}



// ES6

function superHeroes(){ const NAME = 'HULK'

{ const COLOUR = 'green'

console.log(NAME); // => 'HULK' console.log(COLOUR); // => 'green'


console.log(NAME); // => 'HULK' console.log(COLOUR); // => COLOUR is not defined



// ES6

function superHeroes(){ const NAME = 'HULK'

{ const COLOUR = 'green'

console.log(NAME); console.log(COLOUR);

NAME = 'other_name'; }

console.log(NAME); console.log(COLOUR);



// Error: ”NAME" is read-only

Template Strings

Template Strings

• A new way of string interpolation

• It adds syntactic sugar for constructing strings

• Easy to handle multiline strings

// ES6

// basic template string creation.var str = `How you doing?`;var name = 'Joey';

var output = `${name}: ${str}`;

console.log(output) // => Joey: How you doing?

var first_name = 'john';var last_name = 'smith';

// Instead of handlling this stuff'HTTP://' + first_name + '&last_name=' + last_name

// we can do this very easily.


// Multiple Strings.

`Oh, I'm sory, Did I break your concentration?`

// => Oh, I'm sory,// => Did I break your concentration?

Enhanced Object Literals

Enhanced Object Literals

• Object literal is the most popular pattern in JavaScript

• Based on its syntax, JSON was built

• ES6 recognised the popularity of the object literal and extended it in several ways to make it more powerful and even more succinct

Property Initializer Shorthand

// ES5function createPost(title, content) { return { title: title, content: content };}

//ES6function createPost(title, content) { return { title, content };}

Method Initializer Shorthand

// ES5var car = { name: "Mustang GT500", startEngine: function() { console.log('starting...'); }};

//ES6var car = { name: "Mustang GT500", startEngine(){ console.log('starting...'); }};

Computed Property Names

// ES5var car = { "name": "Mustang GT500"};

console.log(car["name"]); // "Mustang GT500"

// ES6var maxSpeed = "max speed";var prefix = "min ";

var car = { "name": "Mustang GT500", [maxSpeed]: "160", [prefix + "speed"]: "0"};

console.log(car["name"]); // "Mustang GT500"console.log(car["max speed"]); // "160"console.log(car["min speed"]); // "0"

Destructuring Assignment

Destructuring Assignment

• Destructuring allows you to pattern match against array and objects

• It extracts specific values to the individual local variables

// ES6

// Array matchingvar [a, , b] = [1,2,3];

console.log(a, b); // => 1 3

// Swapping using array[b, a] = [b, a];console.log(b, a); // => 3 1

// Object Matchingvar {emacsUser, atomUser, vimUser } = getEditorUserInfo();

function getEditorUserInfo(){ return { vimUser: 'Tim', emacsUser: 'Sam', atomUser: 'Chris' };}

console.log(emacsUser); // => 'Sam'console.log(vimUser); // => 'Tim'console.log(atomUser); // => 'Chris'

// ES6

// Object Deep Matchingvar { user: { fN: firstName, lN: lastName } } = getUserInfo();

function getUserInfo(){ var user = { user: { fN: 'Adam', lN: 'Collins'} } return user;}

console.log(firstName); // 'Adam'console.log(lastName); // 'Collins'

Default + Rest + Spread

Default + Rest + Spread

• Using these features we can handle function’s parameters


// ES5function dailyWorkIncome(workHours, hourlyRate, bonus) { hourlyRate = hourlyRate || 25; bonus = bonus || 0

return (workHours * hourlyRate) + bonus;}

dailyWorkIncome(7, 30); // 175

// ES6function dailyWorkIncome(workHours, hourlyRate = 25, bonus = 0) { return (workHours * hourlyRate) + bonus;}

dailyWorkIncome(7); // 175dailyWorkIncome(7, 30); // 210dailyWorkIncome(7, 30, 15); // 225



function userNames(mainName, ...socialNames) { var allNames = []; allNames.push(mainName);

for (let i of socialNames) { allNames.push(i); }

return allNames;}

userNames('MyName', 'TwitterName', 'GithubName');

// ["MyName","TwitterName","GithubName"]


// ES6

function f(a, b, c) { return a * b * c;}

var values = [2,4,6,7];

f(...values); // 48

Loops & Generators


// Using forEeach on an array.['John', 'Smith'].forEach(function(item){ console.log(item);});

// Using for-in for objectvar obj = { name: 'Hulk', color: 'green'}

for(var k in obj) { console.log(obj[k]);}


// Using for-of for an arrayfor(let item of ['John', 'Smith']){ console.log(item);}

// Using for-of for an objectvar obj = { name: 'Hulk', color: 'green'}

for(let k of Object.keys(obj)) { console.log(obj[k]);}

Generators• Generator is function which has multiple

return points

• Allows you to “pause & resume” a function

• Interruptible Computations

• Shallow Coroutines

• Great for simplifying asynchronous code

function* numbers(){ var n = 1; var a; while(n < 3) { a = yield n++; console.log('a:', a); }};

var gen = numbers();console.log(;console.log(;console.log("three"));

// {"value":1,"done":false}// a: 2// {"value":2,"done":false}// a: three// {"done":true}

function* numbers(){ var n = 1; var a; while(true) { yield n++; }};

for (var n of numbers()) { if (n > 50) break; console.log(n);}

// output:// 1// 2// 3// .// .// .// 50

Map + Set

Map + Set

• Efficient data structure for common algorithms

• These provide methods likes ‘entries()’, ‘values()’ & ‘keys()’

// Map

var m = new Map();m.set("name", 'John');

var s = new Set();s.add('Apple').add('Banana');

m.set('fruits', s);

for(let entry of m.entries()){ console.log(entry);};// ["name","John"]// ["fruits",["Apple","Banana"]]

for(let entry of m.keys()){ console.log(entry);};// name// fruits

for(let entry of m.values()){ console.log(entry);};// John// ["Apple","Banana"]

// Set

var s = new Set();s.add('Apple').add('Banana').add('Apple');console.log(s.size === 2); // trueconsole.log(s.has('Apple') === true); // true

for(let entry of s.entries()){ console.log(entry);};

// ["Apple","Apple"]// ["Banana","Banana"]

for(let entry of s.keys()){ console.log(entry);};

// Apple// Banana

for(let entry of s.values()){ console.log(entry);};

// Apple// Banana


Arrows• One of the cool features of ES6

• Arrow function has shorter syntax “=>” syntax compared to regular function

• Unlike functions, arrows bind the “this” value as their surrounding code

• Arrow functions are always anonymous functions

• It throws the error when we use it with “new”

// ES5

var sum = function(num1, num2) { return num1 + num2;};

var evens = [2,4,6,8];

var odds ={ return v + 1;});

// ES6var sum = (num1, num2) => num1 + num2;

var evens = [2,4,6,8];

var odds = => v + 1);


var name = 'Tom';var obj = { name: 'Jerry', sayName: function(){ console.log(; }, greet: function(){ setTimeout(function(){ console.log('Hi,' + ); },100); }};obj.sayName(); // logs Jerryobj.greet(); // logs Hi, Tom


var name = 'Tom';var obj = { name: 'Jerry', sayName: function(){ console.log(; }, greet: function(){ setTimeout( ()=> { console.log('Hi,' + ); },100); }};obj.sayName(); // logs Jerryobj.greet(); // logs Hi, Jerry


Modules// lib/math.js

export const pi = 3.141593;

export function double(x){ return x + x;}

// app.jsimport * at math from "lib/math";console.log(math.pi); // 3.141593console.log(math.double(10)); // 20

// other_app.jsimport {pi, double} from "lib/math";console.log(pi); // 3.141593console.log(double(10)); // 20



• ES6 classes are syntactical sugar over JavaScript's existing prototype-based inheritance

// ES5

function Car(name) { = name;}

Car.prototype.getName = function() { console.log(;};

let car = new Car("Mustang GT500");car.getName(); // "Mustang GT500"

console.log(car instanceof Car); // trueconsole.log(car instanceof Object); // true

// ES6class Car {

// equivalent of the PersonType constructor constructor(name) { = name; }

// equivalent of PersonType.prototype.sayName sayName() { console.log(; }}

let car = new Car("Mustang GT500");car.sayName(); // outputs "Mustang GT500"

console.log(car instanceof Car); // trueconsole.log(car instanceof Object); // true

ES6 setup on Rails

ES6 setup on Rails

• Work in progress in Sprockets 4.x

• Still, we can use sprockets-es6 gem

• sprockets-es6 gem uses babel gem internally to transpile your ES6 file to ES5

• Another way using Node.js and Gulp

ES6 setup on Rails

In your Gemfile, add these gems,

• gem 'sprockets', ‘>=3.0.0.beta'

• gem ‘sprockets-es6’

Run bundle install.

Write down your ES6 code in files using .es extension and thats it :)
