Download - Eric van Hove Curriculum Vitae englisch...Curriculum Vitae Eric van Hove, „Atchilihtallah – Von der Transformation der Dinge“ / Eric van Hove, “Atchilihtallah – On the Transformation

Page 1: Eric van Hove Curriculum Vitae englisch...Curriculum Vitae Eric van Hove, „Atchilihtallah – Von der Transformation der Dinge“ / Eric van Hove, “Atchilihtallah – On the Transformation

Curriculum Vitae Eric van Hove, „Atchilihtallah – Von der Transformation der Dinge“ / Eric van Hove, “Atchilihtallah – On the Transformation of Things” November 11, 2016 – February 12, 2017

Geboren / born 1975 in Guelma, Algerien / Algeria Lebt und arbeitet / lives and works in Brüssel und Marrakesch / Brussels and Marrakesh Eric van Hove was born in Algeria and grew up in Cameroon. The majority of his lifetime he spent outside of Europe. He studied fine arts in Brussels. In Japan he studied and graduated in calligraphy. He subsequently pursued art projects in various countries. It was Marrakesh where he chose to settle. The traditional and aspiring city of crafts and arts offers him the best conditions for his work.

Einzelausstellungen (Auswahl) / Solo Exhibitions (selection) 2016 Anthropocene Geodesy - Voice Gallery, Marrakesch / Marrakesh (MA)

The Art of Craft - Hood Museum of Arts, Hanover, New Hampshire (USA) 2014 Atchilihtallah - STUK kunstencentrum Museum, Leuven, (B)

V12 - CØPPERFIELD Gallery, London (GB) Testosterone - Voice Gallery, Marrakesch / Marrakesh (MA)

2013 V12 Laraki – CCC (Centre de Création Contemporaine), Tours (FR) Gruppenausstellungen (Auswahl) / Group Exhibitions (selection) 2016 What New Now? – 6. Marrakesh Biennial (MA)

Merchants of Dreams - BRANDTS Museum of Art and Visual Culture, Odense (DK) Where Do We Migrate To? - Värmlands Museum, Karlstad (S) und / and Richard E. Peeler Art Center, DePauw University, Greencastle, Indiana (USA)

Page 2: Eric van Hove Curriculum Vitae englisch...Curriculum Vitae Eric van Hove, „Atchilihtallah – Von der Transformation der Dinge“ / Eric van Hove, “Atchilihtallah – On the Transformation

2015 Les Mondes Inversés - B.P.S.22 Museum, Charleroi (B) Eppur si muove - MUDAM Museum, Luxembourg-Kirchberg (L)

2014 Le Maroc Contemporain - Institut du Monde Arabe, Paris (F) Where Are We Now? – 5. Marrakesh Biennial (MA)

2013 All the visible features of an area of countryside or land - Fordham University’s Center Gallery, New York (USA) My Joburg - La Maison Rouge, Fondation Antoine de Galbert, Paris (F)

2012 Road Directions - Museo d'Arte Orientale, Turin / Torino (I) Where Do We Migrate To? - CAC, New Orleans (USA)

2011 Portrait Show - Gallery I-20, New York (USA) Conceptualizing the Body: Gaze, Masquerade, and Spectacle - Amelie A. Wallace Gallery, New York (USA)

2010 Danse l’Afrique danse! Biennial – Bamako (MLI) Foreign Affairs - Museum of Ansembourg, Liège (B)

Stipendien, Preise, Residenzen (Auswahl) / Scholarships, Awards, Residencies (selection) 2017 Montgomery Fellow, Dartmouth College, New Hampshire (USA) 2016 Artist Studio Program, Dartmouth College, New Hampshire (USA) 2012 Dar Al-Ma'mûn Artist Residency, Marrakesch / Marrakesh (MA), unterstützt

durch die belgische Regierung / supported by the Belgian government 2011 Nominated for Sam Art prize 2011, Paris (F)

CDA-Projects Grant Honorary Mention, Istanbul (TR) 2010 International Residence at Recollets (Ville de Paris), Paris (F)

Sammlungen (Auswahl) / Collections (selection) Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens, Sint-Martens-Latem (B) Verbeke Foundation, Kemzeke (B) Hood Museum of Arts, New Hampshire (USA)

Seine Werke sind Teil von Privatsammlungen in Belgien, Italien, Marokko, England, den Vereinigten Staaten, Frankreich, Spanien, Israel / His works are part of private collections in Belgium, Italy, Morocco, U.K., USA, France, Spain, Israël Publikationen / Publications 2014 Eric van Hove: V12 Laraki - Fenduq Press, Marreksch / Marrakesh (MA) & Motto

Publishing, Berlin (D) 2010 Exonymie - Design Nina Støttrup Larsen, Edition ISELP, Brüssel / Brussels (B) 2009 25/25 - Eric van Hove & Michel Assenmaker, Saskia Gevaert Edition, Brussels,


Ausbildung / Education 2008 Promotion Dr. phil. / Graduation Ph.D - Tokyo University of the Arts (J) 2005 Master of Arts (M.A.) in Traditional Japanese Calligraphy - Tokyo Gakugei University (J) 2001 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - École de Recherche Graphique, Brüssel / Brussels (B)