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Equipping Counselors forYour Church

Want to Change Lives?

Robert W. Kellemen,

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Some Instructions Are Just Plain Wrong!

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Some Instructions Are Just Plain Wrong

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Some Directions Are Just Plain Wrong

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Some Signs Are Spot On!

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Equipping Godly Ministers for MinistryPreparing for the Race

Imagine you were forwarding your résumé to the Divine Counselor. What items would you highlight to demonstrate your qualifications to be a biblical counselor?

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Where We’re Headed in Lap Three

So what do we do with these folks??? What’s our goal? How do we get there? What does an equipped BC look like?

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Where We’re Headed in Lap Three

Develop comprehensive four-dimensional training goals and objectives…

Map out focused curriculum and materials... Apply transformational training strategies and


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The Big Picture

Vince Lombardi… “Gentlemen, this is a football!” Me: My First Day… A boy in his Dad’s over-sized suit.

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Running the Race: For Discussion and Application

As you think about equipping biblical counselors, what fears, doubts, and discouragement do you feel? How are you handling these feelings and thoughts?

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The Apostle Paul and theOrdinary, Average Christian in Rome

Romans 15:14 “I myself am convinced,

my brothers, that you yourselves are full of goodness,

complete in knowledge,and competent to instruct

one another.”

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The Apostle Paul and theOrdinary, Average Christian in Rome

The Sufficiency of Christianity And the Survey Says…

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Running the Race: For Discussion and Application

How confident are you that God’s people can be equipped? Basis? Increase? That God has equipped you to be a competent equipper? Further?

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The “4Cs” of Biblical Counseling Equipping

Character: “Full of Goodness” Content: “Complete in Knowledge” Competence: “Competent to Instruct” Community: “Brothers”/“One Another”

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Christ-Like Character

What Paul Means: Relational Goodness What It Looks Like

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Biblical Content/Conviction

What Paul Means: Truth/Life and Scripture/Soul: Philippians 1:9; 1 Thess. 2:8; Eph. 4:15 What It Looks Like

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Counseling Competence

What Paul Means: Parakaletic Nouthetic

What It Looks Like

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Christian Community

What Paul Means: Christ Body of Christ

What It Looks Like

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Comprehensive: 4Cs/4H

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Running the Race: For Discussion and Application

If one of the 4Cs de-emphasized? Over-emphasized? Omitted?Which 4C: Emphasize/Deemphasize? Trained? Best prepared to equip? Least prepared?

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Mapping Our Curriculum and Materials

Questions We Each Need to Ponder??? Your Answers

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Mapping Our Curriculum and Materials

One Man’s Answers Core Proficiencies Two Dozen Best Practice Answers

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Running the Race: For Discussion and Application

In your 4C training, what content, competence, character, and community do you want your trainees to develop?

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Biblical Content: Six Ultimate Life Questions

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God’s Word: Where Do I Find Truth?

How do my trainees need to view and use God’s Word in order to speak Gospel truth in love? Sufficiency/Necessity of Scripture Purpose/Nature of Scripture Relevance/Richness of Scripture

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The Trinity: Who Is God? Know Him?

How can I help my trainees to know the Soul Physician personally in order to be a soul physician? The Trinity: Our Relational Model God’s Holy Love Spiritual Warfare

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Creation: Who Am I?

How do my trainees need to view people in order to know, love, and minister to them God’s way? Pursue God’s Target: Imago Dei Understanding People Comprehensively: RRVEP

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Fall: What Went Wrong?

How do my trainees need to view suffering and sin in order to counsel people with compassion and discernment? Biblical Sufferology Diagnosing Sin Biblically: RRVE

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Redemption: How Does God Change People?

What comprehensive understanding of salvation do my trainees need in order to counsel people toward prog. sanc.? Our Complete Salvation: JRRR Progressive Sanctification: Reflect Christ Role of Church

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Consummation: How Does Our FutureDestiny Impact Our Present Reality?

How could reading the end of the story impact how my trainees live and counsel? The Big Picture: The End of the Story Eternity Motivates Us Today…

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Running the Race:For Discussion and Application

Of the 6 ultimate life questions, surprise? Have taught? Have not taught? Not include? Add?

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Biblical Counseling Competence:Four Core Relational Competencies

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Our GPS: Suffering and Sinning

“Pastoral care is defective unless it can deal thoroughly both with

the evils we have suffered and

with the sins we have committed.”

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Our Soul Care GPS: Sustaining and Healing For Suffering

Sustaining: “It’s Normal to Hurt”—Empathize (Romans 12:15) Healing: “It’s Possible to Hope”—Encourage (Genesis 50:20)

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Our Spiritual Direction GPS: Reconciling and Guiding for Sinning

Reconciling: “It’s Horrible to Sin, but Wonderful to Be Forgiven”—Enlighten (Romans 5:20) Guiding: “It’s Supernatural to Mature”—Empower (Philippians 3:10)

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Our GPS: Sustaining, Healing, Reconciling, and Guiding

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Running the Race:For Discussion and Application

Of the 4 counseling competencies, surprise? Equipped people for? Not equipped people for? Not include? Add?

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Transformational Training Strategies and Methods

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Running the Race:For Discussion and Application

Before this chapter, what was your definition of spiritual maturity? Measure? Goal? Now…different? What is the ultimate goal of biblical counseling?

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Christlike Character:Four Marks of Christlike Character

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Christlike Character:Four Marks of Christlike Character

We want ourselves, our trainees, and their counselees all moving toward these Christ-like characteristics? Spiritual formation—formation into the likeness of Christ RRVE—is the goal of BC. Whether the issue has a “solution” this side of heaven, there is always a SOUL-u- tion—WWJ R-R-V-E?

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Running the Race:For Discussion and Application

Take a Redeemed Personality Inventory

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Christian Community:Two Kinds of Christian Community

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Christian Community:Two Kinds of Christian Community

Ephesians 3:17-19 Community Colossians 3:1-17 Community Hebrews 3:9-17 Community Hebrews 10:19-25 Community

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Christian Community:Two Kinds of Christian Community

Individual and Corporate Spiritual Disc.

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Running the Race:For Discussion and Application

Of the two kinds of Christian community, which one surprises? Focused on? Not focused on? Include? Add?

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Transformational Training Strategies and Methods

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Transformational Training Strategies and Methods

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Transformational Training Strategies and Methods

Transformational Student-Oriented Teaching Training Transformational Small-Group Lab- Oriented Training

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Running the Race:For Discussion and Application

Of the 5 elements of transformational teaching, most important? Strength? Work on? (Book pages 259-264) Regarding transformational labs, surprised? Similar/dissimilar? Incorporate?

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Outside Training for 4C Equipping

Transformational Meetings Transformational Assignments

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Running the Race:For Discussion and Application

How have the three-fold relationships impacted your life? How could you use each in your equipping?

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Organizing for 4C Equipping

Length of Training Schedule, Scope, Sequence of Training

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Running the Race:For Discussion and Application

How surprised are you at the typical duration? How would your congregation respond? Prepare them?In your church, what duration do you think is important?

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Equip Like Jesus EquippedTo Be Like Jesus

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Equipping Counselors forYour Church

Want to Change Lives?