Download - Equiboost Horse Coaching Center - 3 year training in coaching with horses

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Equiboost presents



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1. Introduction

2. Filly Class

3. Seabiscuit Class

4. Oro’s Class

5. Support during and after your training

6. Practical information

7. In short

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Coaching with horses is not something one learns in a day, nor

during a training of a couple of days, weeks or even months – it is a lifelong process that never seems to end, where you continue to learn and grow as a horse coach ànd as a human being through every horse coaching session. The horses and your coachees are your most important Teachers. Continuous self reflection,

humility, an open mind that does not judge or interpret events, regular continued education, creativity, daring to fully live Here and Now like horses do and understanding that every human being perfectly knows what is ‘best’ for him or her at the ‘right’

moment, are some of the qualities that will make you a successful horse coach. The 3 year training Equiboost offers, goes far beyond delivering you the necessary tools to use in your future profession – it simply is a way of life. You may expect important changes in

your perception of the world and life in general and a transformation of your personal and professional life.

Contrary to what most people seem to believe, a training in horse

coaching is not about learning certain ready-to-use exercises with the

horses, where exercise X leads person Y from A to Z. This is not how it

works. The secret lies in knowing who is standing there in front of you in a matter of seconds, what drives him or her, what is the

cause of a certain behavior or belief system, and to propose your coachee a tailor made exercise to eliminate that cause, asking the right questions at the right moments. This requires a thorough understanding of who you are, who your coachee is and who the

horse is, that is working with you as a co-trainer. The essence of the whole process is a profound understanding of how coaching and connecting with horses truly works – a question many have

asked, but only few have answered.

Horse coaches who are operating from a ‘classic’ vision on what a

human being really is, will find themselves stuck at a certain point

during a horse coaching session and will not be able to deliver lasting

results – only a temporary fix. An in-depth understanding of what you are doing, is step number 1. You could compare it to a surgeon,

who will not immediately start performing surgery on his patient, but

who will first thoroughly study the anatomy, biochemistry, physiology

etc. of his patient.

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The Equiboost Filly Class lays exactly this foundation, from where you

can start and grow as a horse coach. The Equiboost Seabiscuit Class

continues to build on this foundation and goes more in-depth, so you

can gradually start working with more complex themes. The intensive

Equiboost Oro’s Class, reserved for highly advanced and experienced

horse coaches, crosses all boundaries in horse coaching and lifts the

applications of horse coaching to an unseen level.

Each training year consists of both theory and practice and ends with

a theoretical and/or practical test or project.

Each year, the entire Equiboost professional training is revised,

improved, refined, based on new insights and techniques we learn

ourselves through our personal ongoing training, which we then

integrate in horse coaching, thoroughly try out and test before passing

on our knowledge to the participants of our training program. This is

how we ensure that you always receive the best and latest in coaching

with horses. Innovation remains one of our core priorities.

There is no such thing as ‘the’ horse coaching method. Horse

coaching as offered by Equiboost, integrates a large number of classic

coaching methods like NLP, systemic coaching/constellations, the

enneagram, body language and non-verbal communication, breathing

techniques etc. … with intuitive, spiritual, energetic healing and

balancing techniques. Knowledge of both rational and energetically inspired exercises is necessary to be able to offer fast and, more

importantly, lasting results in horse coaching. This approach allows

you, depending on which coachee is in front of you, to pick from a large

variety of methods so you can accompany each coachee in realizing his

or her goals in a tailor made way. What works with one coachee,

doesn’t necessarily work with another. Swearing by one single method

of coaching is therefore extremely unwise. Keeping an open mind and

experimenting a lot with the horses is essential in becoming a

successful horse coach. We highly encourage intervisions.

Horse coaching is not a rational process. It is an experience based

coaching method that works on the subconscious level. So during the 3

year training, we are going to DO a lot. You will also be offered an in-

depth theoretical framework to work with. During each training

weekend, we will foresee time to address a wide variety of practical matters that will arise when setting up your activity as a horse coach

(What job will I be able to do after this training ? Who are my target

groups ? How do I go about realizing this ? What factors should I take

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into account ? Who are my clients ? What will be my obstacles ? Which

solutions work – and which don’t ? How do I ‘train’ my horse in becoming

a horse coach ? How about the legalities of the profession, insurances ?

What costs should I foresee ?). We take time to answer your personal

questions and to accompany you in setting up and developing your

professional activities as a horse coach.

Participating in the Equiboost 3 year professional training in horse

coaching is extremely intensive and should not be underestimated. We

kindly ask you and highly recommend you to foresee the necessary time

for try-out sessions, your exam and research project, literature,

intervisions, etc.. Your output will equal your input.

Each participant is free to decide how far he or she goes in the

professional training in horse coaching. Participating in the Filly

Class holds no obligation to participate in the Seabiscuit Class, likewise

for the Oro’s Class.

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EQUIBOOST - FILLY CLASS The Filly Class lays the foundation of professional horse coaching and

allows you to coach on the level of behavior and competences.


In the theoretical part of the training, we address amongst others, the

following subjects:

- natural behavior of the horse + link to humans

- psychology of the horse + link to humans

- horse coaching and safety

- the wellbeing of horses in horse coaching

- the role of the coach, the coachee, the horse

- introduction to the enneagram (coaching method)

- introduction to NLP (coaching method)

- body language and non-verbal communication

- introduction to energetic work

- the secret of coaching with horses

- theory Just 4 Fun and Equi-Challenge

- theory Horse Hugging

- the profession ‘Horse Coach’ (possibilities, obstacles, solutions, …)

In the practical part of the training, we address amongst others, the

following subjects:

- exercises to ‘train’ your horse in horse coaching

- exercises intuitive communication with horses

- exercises enneagram

- exercises energetic work

- breathing techniques

- relaxation techniques

- practice Equi-Challenge and Just 4 Fun

- practice Horse Hugging

- group session horse coaching

- exercises in expanding your consciousness

There is a theoretical and a practical test at the end of the Filly Class.

Details are provided on the first day of the training. If necessary, a

‘second chance’ can be foreseen.

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You can immediately start working after the Equiboost Filly Class while continuing your training After the Filly Class, you will have the necessary tools to start working

with the following target groups:

- children and teenagers (not traumatized)

- children and adults with autism, ADHD, ADD, HSP

- children and adults with a mental handicap

- families (discovering and playing with horses)

- companies: setting up teambuilding activities with horses

For who ?

The Equiboost Filly Class is accessible for everybody, regardless of age,

degrees, education, professional experience, background. There are no

specific admission criteria.

Participation does not require any prior experience with horses or

with coaching – everything is taught and explained step by step. Our

experience even shows that people without previous experience with

horses, learn faster.

The Equiboost Filly Class is an enrichment for both ‘horse people’ and

people who are interested in personal development – be it for

professional or personal reasons. The Equiboost Filly Class can also be

attended by people on their journey of personal growth. People who are

looking for ways to connect with their horse(s) in a respectful and

harmonious way, will also find great joy and appreciate the tools

presented to them in the Filly Class.

Where & when ?

The Equiboost Filly Class takes place at the Equiboost Horse Coaching

Center in Montmarault (France). This training consists of 10 days,

spread over 2 periods (Easter + July) of 5 days each.


Registration fee Filly Class: 2.250 euro (Ambassadors: free with 4)

Optional: lodging at the Horse Coaching Center: 35 euro/night

Optional: livery for your own horse during the training days: free

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Those who wish to obtain more in-depth knowledge about horse

coaching after completing the Filly Class, can enroll in the second

training year: the Seabiscuit Class, named after one of the most

inspiring horses who has ever lived on this planet. The Seabiscuit Class

consists of five training weekends of 4 consecutive days, spread over

the year, and 2 exam days. You will learn to coach with horses on the

level of values and beliefs.


In the theoretical part of the training, we address amongst others, the

following subjects:

- learn how to determine a person’s enneagram type

(coaching method)

- energetic work (part 2)

- systemic coaching / constellations (coaching method)

- theory individual horse coaching

- theory horse coaching for couples

- theory horse coaching for families

- theory horse coaching for management teams

- the development of your horse coaching activities

In the practical part of the training, we address amongst others, the

following subjects:

- exercises to ‘train’ your horse in horse coaching (part 2)

- exercises intuitive communication with horses (part 2)

- exercises determining the enneagram type

- exercises energetic work (part 2)

- exercises systemic coaching / constellations

- practice individual horse coaching

- practice horse coaching for couples

- practice horse coaching for families

- each participant receives a personal horse coaching session

- exercises in expanding your consciousness (part 2)

- guidance for the research project

There is a practical test at the end of the Seabiscuit Class. A research project of your own choice with a research report is required. It is

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possible to work in a team. Details are provided on the first day of the

training. If necessary, a ‘re test’ can be foreseen.

You can immediately start working with the new target groups after the Equiboost Seabiscuit Class while continuing your training

After completing the Equiboost Seabiscuit Class, you will be able to

assist children, teenagers, adults, couples, families, special care groups and management teams.

Some examples of issues you will be able to address, are :

depression, burnout, stress, chronic fatigue ; fear, phobia, insecurity,

doubt, worrying, fear of failure, fear of abandonment ; self confidence,

assertiveness, communication, discrimination ; sleeping disorders, eating

disorders, concentration problems ; counseling in case of terminal disease,

mourning, divorce ; addiction problems (drugs, alcohol, medication) ;

anger management, domestic violence, physical and mental abuse ;

trauma related to incest and rape ; personality disorders (borderline, ...)

and codependency + all themes mentioned on the Equiboost website

related to companies and Human Resources

For who?

The Equiboost Seabiscuit Class is open to all who have successfully

completed the Filly Class (minimum 70 % for both the theoretical and

practical test).

A video report of at least 10 try-out sessions at the Filly Class level is

required. Details will be given at the end of the Filly Class.

Where & when? The Equiboost Seabiscuit Class takes place at the Equiboost Horse

Coaching Center in Montmarault (FR). This training takes 22 days and

is spread over 5 weekends of 4 consecutive days + 2 exam days.


Registration fee Seabiscuit Class: 5.850 euro (Ambassadors free with 4)

Optional: lodging at the Horse Coaching Center: 35 euro/night

Optional: livery for your own horse during the training days: free

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Students who wish to take their competences and skills in coaching

with horses to an even higher level, can submit their candidature for

the third training year: the Equiboost Oro’s Class. This professional

training consists of 5 training weekends of 3 consecutive days each,

spread over the year. You will learn to coach on the level of identity and

mission and you will make the link with neuroscience and quantum

medicine. ‘Un-learning’ forms the corner stone of this third training

year. The added value of Oro’s Class lays in understanding and eliminating chronic diseases like cancer and integrating horse

coaching in karmic processes.

Because of the unique character of this training, and the wide spread

copying by colleagues of our programs, we do not publicly disclose details

about the contents of this program. We thank you for your understanding.

Participation is reserved to highly advanced horse coaches who have

successfully completed the Seabiscuit Class and who present a video

report of at least 25 try-out sessions on the level of the Equiboost

Seabiscuit Class.

A research project, that can be conducted in a team, is required to

graduate. The quality of this research project will determine if you

receive the certificate of the Oro’s Class.

The cost of this training year is 3.975 euro. Equiboost Ambassadors can

participate for free by enrolling 4 new students.

Detailed information about the Equiboost Oro’s Class program and the

dates will be presented to Seabiscuit Class’ graduates.

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1. Participants who do not own their own horses, or do not possess

a private location yet, can use the Equiboost horses and the

Equiboost Horse Coaching Center for free for 1 intervision per

training year. They only pay the minimum fee for their personal


2. Participants of the professional 3 year training in Horse

Coaching can use the Equiboost horses and the Equiboost Horse

Coaching Center for free during their research project. They only

pay the minimum fee for their personal lodging.

3. Participants who wish to (partly) organize their professional

activities at the Horse Coaching Center, can apply for the

Equiboost Ambassador program and benefit of the advantages of

the Ambassadorship.

4. After the training, assistance by telephone is possible in case of

problems or questions. This assistance is free and limited to 3

hours per participants.

5. Participants who wish to train their own horse(s) at the Horse

Coaching Center, can do so for 1 week to 1 month at minimum


6. The horses of the participants can stay for free at the Horse

Coaching Center during the training days.

7. Participants who wish to leave their horse(s) at the Horse

Coaching Center during the entire training year, in order to

avoid unnecessary stress for their horse(s) and costs for

transport, can do so at minimum cost. They will also have the

opportunity to stay at the Horse Coaching Center and train their

own horse(s) at minimum cost.

8. People with limited financial resources who wish to participate

in the Equiboost professional training, are given this opportunity

for free through the Equiboost Ambassador program.

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Diploma / certification

Nowhere in Europe, the USA, or elsewhere in the world does an official

‘degree’ in horse coaching exist. In Europe, ‘official’ education falls

under EU regulations and at this moment, there is not one ‘officially

recognized’ school or university in Europe that offers a training in

coaching with horses. Even if they would want to offer such a training,

they could not, as technically and legally, the profession ‘horse coach’

does not even exist and is not recognized. Don’t be fooled when you

read you can obtain an ‘official’ degree or certificate somewhere.

More information about ‘official’ degrees in horse coaching can be

found in the interview we gave in CAP Magazine



Equiboost does deliver its own certificate. This certificate mentions if

you succeeded with satisfaction (70 %), honors (80 %), big honors (90

%) or cum laude (+ 95 %). Participating in the Equiboost professional

training, always stands for a quality education.

Take your first steps as a horse coach with your own horse(s)

The Equiboosters are highly experienced ‘horse coaches’ who live in an

exceptional environment – they will react differently than your own

horse, for who coaching with horses is new. Don’t feel disappointed if

your horse does not react with the same intensity – your horse needs

time to get used to ‘the new you’ and this approach.

Equiboost offers you the possibility to participate in the Filly Class,

Seabiscuit Class and Oro’s Class with your own horse(s). This way, you

and your horse can get a joint training. There is no extra charge for your

horse staying at the Horse Coaching Center during the training days.

During the free moments, you can use our riding arena’s and fields to

exercise or you can take your horse on a relaxing walk in the beautiful

countryside that surrounds the Center.

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Please remember: the well being of the horses remains our number 1 priority. We wouldn’t feel comfortable with horses traveling

back and forward over a + 200 km distance for only 3 to 5 days training.

Relocation and long distance travel is extremely stressful for horses,

especially if they are traveling without their usual herd. If you are

located further away, we ask you to avoid the stress of multiple

transports and prefer that you use our horses. Another option can be to

leave your horse(s) at the Center for the duration of the training (April

– July for Filly Class ; February – November for Seabiscuit Class and

Oro’s Class) at a minimum cost. Of course you’re welcome to visit them

any time and practice as much as you like.

Note: Having your own horse is NOT a requirement to participate in the

Equiboost Filly Class.

Carpooling Equiboost encourages carpooling. Please let us know if you will allow us

to share your contact information with other participants and if you are

interested in carpooling. This will allow you to contact each other and

share costs. You’ll be happy to be able share your experiences while

driving back home !

Meals You are responsible for preparing your own meals, for 3 reasons:

- Keep the cost of staying at the Center as low as possible

- Enhance the team spirit between participants / divide tasks

- In case of diabetes/allergy/… you decide what comes on the


Of course there will be enough time to go grocery shopping. There is a

supermarket, several bakeries, butcher, etc. at 6 km from the Center.

You will have a semi-professional and fully equipped kitchen at your

disposal with refrigerator, oven, cooking plates, microwave oven, dish

washer etc. and plenty of pots, pans, plates, utensils, etc.. We also have a

BBQ, perfect for a nice summer evening.

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Chez Oro You are staying in total peace and privacy in an untouched piece of

countryside consisting of 20 ha of fields and forest with its own little

creek, where

you can fully restore yourself physically and mentally during your

horse coaching training. You can find some impressions here:!/pages/Paardencoaching-Center-Centre-


What to bring ? Sheets for a single bed and pillow cases. Blankets and pillows are


A little mat.

Pen and paper/notebook to take notes.

Sun cream and after sun in the summertime – the sun can be very

strong here in the summer.

Shoes, clothes, towels.

Optional for your free time: tennis/badminton rackets. Pingpong &

beachball are available. Music instruments, books.

Rooms There are 4 separate, simply decorated rooms, with a total of 15 beds

(3 x4 + 1x3). You may contact other participants who consented in

sharing their contact information before arriving ; if not, we will sort

out who sleeps where upon your arrival. There are 2 shared bathrooms

(1 for women, 1 for men) and 3 toilets.

Registration process We appreciate learning a bit more about your motivation, expectations,

objectives and background before enrolling in the Equiboost training.

Registrations for the Equiboost professional training in horse coaching

are closed 1 month before the starting date of a new cycle.

All amounts mentioned in this brochure, are VAT excluded.

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Your registration is final after receipt of the full registration fee. The

registration fee for the full training year must be paid at the latest 3

weeks before the training year starts. You can pay for your lodging per

weekend upon arrival.

In case of cancelation up to 3 months before the training year starts, we

reimburse you 60 % of the registration fee. In case of cancelation up to

1 month before the training starts, we reimburse you 30 % of the

registration fee. We can not reimburse you within 1 month of the start

of the training as we can not fill your place with another participant

anymore. Of course, we make an exception in case of serious

unexpected circumstances (serious disease, accident). We thank you for

your understanding.

Questions ? We are happy to answer any question you may have.

The easiest way to reach us, is by email: [email protected]

In case you wish to join us by telephone, you can dial this number:


If you ask a horse nothing,

it will give you everything.

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Filly Class Seabiscuit Class Oro's Class

duration (days) 10 (2 x 5 d) 22 (5 x 4 d)( + 2 d) 15 (5 x 3 d)

price (euro) 2250 5850 3975

languages NL, FR, ENG NL, FR, ENG NL, FR, ENG

conditions none

Filly Class

+ 10 sessions

Seabiscuit Class

+ 25 sessions

test theory + practice research project + practice research project


competences &

behavior values & beliefs identity & mission

theory 50% 40% 30%

practical 50% 60% 70%

Step 1 : Understand how coaching and connecting with horses REALLY works Step 2 : Understand your horse – become like a horse

Step 3 : Know yourself and you will know the universe and the Gods

Step 4 : Understand others – learn to look at the world through their eyes Step 5 : Boost, heal and cure – both emotionally and


Grow, enjoy, transform, transcend.