Download - EQ- August 2011 News Update

Page 1: EQ- August 2011 News Update


Pastor Ronel at our Princess Diaries

see pg. 5

Desire (All star of Range ) showing

some heart .... See pg 4

Mr Kayster ( Head of Range) with two

of his students and Mamma Charlotte

Touching Heaven Changing Earth ...

This edition of August is dedicated to BENITA LONDT

a mother ,counselor, friend and mentor... (see pg 7)

Page 2: EQ- August 2011 News Update


Happy Womans month from all at Equilibrium ......

Dear Partners and Friends, Greetings in the name of Jesus from all of us at Equilibrium! Welcome to our August 2011 edition of Changing Times. Let me start off by expressing our heartfelt thanks for partnering with us. Please know that we keep on praying for you, that ―our God will make you worthy of the life to which He called you and that by His power, He may fulfil every good purpose of yours and every act prompted by your faith.‖ (2Thes 1:11) August is Woman's month in South Africa. We were so honoured to be able to celebrate all the woman who impacted our lives and communities! Albert Einstein said ―Only a life lived for others, is worth living‖. LOVE IN ACTION is what will bring Transformation in our families, communi-ties, workplace, schools, and churches. And over the last month , we at Equi-librium have endeavoured to increase our acts of love and service to others; without a doubt it‘s been worth it! All Star Leadership Academy touches the hearts of many (read more on pages 3 & 4) Woman of Equilibrium who leaves a lasting legacy ( read more on pages 5) The Key for the work of Equilibrium is influencing through Relationship ( read more on page 6).

So I hope that this update will encourage you to also confront the issues that diminish the glory of God in your life and community. Once again, our heartfelt thanks for your ongoing support. It is our prayer that God may ―bless you with His special favour and wonderful peace. God Bless You Richly! Elroy

Finance Update Financially, the last cou-ple of months were chal-lenging; and at the time of writing (this update), we are trusting God for R30,000 to cover operat-ing costs for September & October The “100 by 100” Project kicked off with a rather slow start; so would you consider becoming part of the 100 people to pledge R100 monthly (for a period of 3, 6 or 12 months)? We also started in our churches a chains for change project. Please pray that God will send His provision and may you also prayerfully consider sowing into this ministry knowing that God “who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness. You will be enriched in every way for all your generos-ity, which through us will produce thanksgiving to God.” [2 Cor 9v9-10]

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In order for us to understand the Circle of Courage, we first need to understand that the individual parts within the circle connect with every other; and what happens to one, or what one part does, affects all within the circle. The Circle of Courage include areas of belonging; mastery; independence; and generosity. The All Star Leadership Academy strives to mend the Circle of Courage that had been under attack—be it by a word of encouragement, nurturing a skill to a point of mastery; teaching them values and providing positive role modeling to provide opportunities to learn to make choices without coercion; and then finally impart the paying forward concept by doing good to others. CIRCLE OF COURAGE- Brendtro, Brokenleg & Van Bockern (2002)

Belonging, mastery, independence, and generosity are universal human needs. ―In a society that believes children are sacred beings, these become the birthrights of all our chil-dren.‖ Brendtro, Brokenleg & Van Bockern (2002) The All Star Projects at Range High and Goodwood College is well on the way. Naomi Petersen‘s Reflection on August 2011: What an awesome exciting Women‘s month filled with fun, challenges and hard work. Our newly selected All Star members are fully integrated at the All Star Academy. The senior All Stars are starting to take their mentor role more seriously. Craig Bantam being the shortest in the group is very proud that he is able to mentor learners and peers who happens to be taller then him. Week1: Goal setting—learners were asked to identify their plan of action on the use of substances. They completed their personal shield of short term and long term goals. Week2: Trustworthiness—the blindfolded trust walk activity enhanced cooperation and interaction that brought about great achievement within the group. They were challenged with the following questions: ― What about your character makes people doubt you?‖; ― What can you do to make people trust you?‖ Week3: An Outreach event to Range Primary was done to raise awareness around peer pressure and substance abuse; and to develop a sense of responsibility for self and the group. The small group discussions provided a platform for All Stars to share , motivate and facilitate these issues. Week 4: the All Stars will be doing an outreach to The Home For Senior Citizens in Elsies River. We‘ll keep u posted on this event in the next newsletter. The development of our youth is an investment in our families, communities and our country. Presidents Award Event: The Arts and crafts event was an immense success, as the All Stars had to make use of their creative talents by creating candles, invitations, decorating crosses and photo frames. It was a fun event under the supervision of Ms. Marilyn Farao who sacrificed her time and resources and all materials to foster this learning situation. ―Thank you Aunt Marilyn‖ echoed at the end of the day when they proudly look upon their finished products. Highlight of the month: Kaylan Cupido, one of our All Stars, also a member of Range High Soccer Team did us proud on 16August 2011 when he scored the two winning goals for his team against Goodwood College. Well done Kaylan! We wish to acknowledge Mr. Andrew Hoffmeester who donated those soccer balls that also produced the winning goals at the golden boot of Kaelin.

Generosity: Belonging

“I have a “I am loved”

purpose for my life” acceptance, to long,

Giving to others, caring


Independence Mastery

“I have power to “ I can succeed”

make decisions” coping skills

Teaching values, cultivating learning, Mr Kayster is showing his support

as Range All Stars making a

difference in the Elsies River Sen-

ior Citizens Home.

Kaylan ( left) Beatrice stu-

dents of Range who part of the

All Star Academy.

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All Stars showing their skill...... Benita helping Lauren,,,,,

Naomi lending a helping....

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SUBSTANCE EVENT – 16 AUGUST 2011 August the month of celebrating women, kick off with a Sub-stance Event at Huis Vredelust, 16 August 2011 with Social Development and stake holders that are providing service to the community. 20 Parents accompanied us to the workshop. The latest news reports focus on the increase of drug use in the Western Cape. Currently the Western Cape has the high-est statistics for drug abuse( news report on KFM, 22 August 2011). Community members indicated that they have gained knowl-edge about the resources available to communities. The testi-monies of ex-drug addicts were inspiring and as one parent mentioned: ‗I am hopeful that my son can also become drug free‘. The event was a huge success and an indication that govern-ment is taking the fight against substance serious. PARENTING WORKSHOP – 18 August 2011 Our Parenting Workshop was attended by +-50 parents. The event was held at Norwood Primary who provided the venue for the event, which are a clear indication of the partnership between Equilibrium and Norwood Primary. Pastor Ronel Stringer elaborated on the power of words and the effect it has on our children. Ms M Farao, an expert in the field of sub-stance abuse, informed parents about the effects of drugs on families as well as guidance on how to deal with this disease. One parent said: ‗I feel empower knowing how to deal with my child‘ During this workshop, the late Mrs. B. Londt– the Equilibrium counselor, was honored for her priceless love service she ren-dered on a voluntary basis at the school. Mr. Matthys, the principal,: ―Our school will dearly miss this mom of so many of our learners. Mrs. Londt was a sincere mother figure to our learners, always willing to listen to our learners, provide sup-port and would not hold back on even sharing her bread with our poverty-stricken hungry kids. She will be dearly missed.‖ Ms. Theresa Van den Berg, lay counselor and co-worker with Mrs. Londt wrote a beautiful poem in memory of the late Mrs. Londt. SUBSTANCE SUPPORT GROUP Good news ….one of our group members has found permanent employment. We have linked her with Tehillah who have a support group that are on every second Monday to help her to strive to stay drug free.

Equilibrium donating a bag of po-

tatoes to a woman in community

Jennifer van de berg one of the

lay-councillors at Norwood Pri-

From left : Naomi , Benita , Heather , Zuki ,

Yolanda , Margerate ,

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ELSBURY PRIMARY LEARNERS ON COURSE WITH THE POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR PROGRAMME Mr. Neville Goliath, school psychologist and programme coordinator of the Positive Behavior Programme: Western Cape Education Department (WCED) entered into a partnership with Equilibrium to address discipline challenges at said school. With the permission of the School Governing Body and Mrs. Jantjies, the principal, a workshop was arranged with the learners and their parents. The parents and learners promised their full cooperation and participation. In order to win the trust of the learners, we had to streamline the programme, ―Mapping my future.‖ Equilibrium value relationships, and under the watchful eye of our social worker, Yolanda Groep, she identified the lack of trust within the diverse group of learners. A get-to-know session was the great breakthrough. During the blindfold trust walk exercise the learners had an opportunity to learn the value of trust. The programme includes parental involvement and might be one of the reasons we are making such progress with these learners. The pro-gramme kicked off on 4August 2011 and hope to terminate on 15Septem-ber 2011. The amended programme aims to mend that broken circle of courage, whereby we hope to address that quadrant of Belonging– to create a safe, trusting environment, a sense of acceptance and respect in order to address the discipline challenge. We will keep you posted on the progress of these potential all star learners. Positive Behaviour Intervention at Goodwood College Ella Deloria says: “ Be related, somehow, to every one you know.” The two pioneers, Deon Pietersen and Neldene Kleinsmidt, are piloting the Positive Behaviour Programme at Goodwood College since the start of the quarter. During this short period these two Equilibrium life coaches were afforded an opportunity to build relationships with learners who are labeled ―difficult‖ learners. The process of getting to know someone, to build a trusting relationship and to provide an environment where a learner feels safe enough to disclose ‗heart matters‘ is a progressively slow but fruitful journey. It takes time to nurture the above mentioned elements of relationship building. Treating others as related is a powerful social value that transform human relationships. Drawing them into one‘s circle motivates one to show re-spect and concern , and live with a minimum of friction and a maximum of good will. This also strengthens a sense of belonging which all of us needs to complete our circle of courage. The learners involved in the Positive Behaviour group is showing slow, but certain progress. Dr James Dobson, psychologist and founder of Focus on the Family, always recommends that we must ―catch our kids doing something good.‖ Learners moved from a stance of ―Why must I be here?‖ to ― I am respected , my opinion counts, and I want to make a change in my behaviour.‖ ―One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.‖ (Neil Armstrong) On 23 August 2011 Mr. N. Davids requested that the two life coaches should address the Grade 8 learners during their assembly slot. Mr. Davids is the grade head for the Grade 8‘s. The request was made since an alarming lack of discipline among the Grade 8‘s was identified. The EQ life coaches, Deon and Neldene, gladly accepted the invitation to work with the grade 8 learners. The +-200 learn-ers where challenged with the following questions: What do you think of yourself? What do you think of your school? What can the school do to improve…? What can you do to improve things in your school? These data was collected in the form of a questionnaire which is currently been analysed in order to give us insight into the minds of these learners. The outcome of the data will also provide us with a needs list and ideas to cater for the needs of these learners. We hope to establish those legs of the circle of courage where their sense of belonging will be mended, and their opinions counts. The data will hopefully provide much needed solutions from the learners point of view and therefore provide a contract for the way forward regarding the discipline issue. This is the response from one of the learn-ers: Keanan says: ―

Deon Facilitating a Positive

Behavior session ....

Neldene Sharing at the Posi-

tive Behavior session ....

Students leading each other

Blind folded.

Yolande doing her group work

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Tribute to a Unsung Hero Benita Londt who have finished the race .... Before I begin my tribute to our beloved Sis Benita Londt, permit me to

begin with the following prayer:

“Oh, Heavenly Father, we pray for strength for this difficult time and for

these difficult moments. Teach us acceptance of what we cannot under-

stand. Teach us understanding of what we cannot change. For our lives,

dear God, are in Your good hands. You give life, and sustain life, and

grant eternal life. You, and You alone, know us individually in our

depths. You, and You alone, know the sorrow in our hearts. Keep us,

comfort us, and surround us with the presence of our Lord and Saviour

Jesus Christ, who loves us and so holds our beloved Benita Londt before your Holy Throne. Even as we

walk through this veil of tears, we thank you Father, that through Your Son, our beloved Benita Londt

lives in Your Eternal Heavenly Kingdom. Amen.”

We are always saddened when death enters a family circle, and quite naturally so. However, as we re-

member our beloved Benita as a faith full warrior & ambassador for Christ . She ran — and finished the

race of life to be with or Lord and Saviour. We thank God for prayer warrior but also a coun-

cilor ,mother ,aunty like Benita Londt who’s been part of our team ever since 2009 she councilor by Nor-

wood Primary. The Principal of Norwood Primary said “the students at our school didn’t just lost a coun-

cilor but also a mother”.

Apostle Paul in his first Letter to the Thessalonians writes: “But we

would not have you ignorant, brethren, concerning those who are

asleep, that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope. For

since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, through Je-

sus, God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep.”

If we were without hope, we might despair; however, the very essence

of our centuries-old Christian faith is hope. Hope, which is irrepressi-

ble and unshaken, despite trials, tribulations, and tragedy. Hope is the

“anchor” of the soul and steadies us in storms, holds us up, and gives

us a spirit to go on with our lives. When hope vanishes, our faith is

weakened and there is pain, sadness, suffering, and mourning, for all has vanished. When hope is alive,

our faith is strengthened and there is peace, comfort, joy, and love!

Benita Londt we will miss you & one day we will meet again.

Benita (middle) receiving her life

coach awards .....

Benita busy with a session with the

students at Norwood Primary .....

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Equilibrium is a registered NPO and Section 18A organisation when you make a donation you can claim it back on your tax. Equilibrium also has its own website. If you want to know more about the organization or if you are interested to become a partner, please visit Or go on our Equilibrium Face book page for updates If you have a church or a friend that might be interested to becoming involved, please give them the address. Or Contact us : Inside SA (021) 931 7745 Outside SA (+27) 931 7745 Website: E-mail: [email protected]

Address: 9 Lower Balvenie Avenue


Elsies River, 7940

Cape Town ,

South Africa


The Equilibrium vision are sustained by the generous giving of our partners.

[email protected]

Our on going Needs Prayer, Finance and People After School Feeding Scheme Please pray health & protection as we tak-

ing our All Stars on a Camp. 100 by 100 project Our workers starting back in school Computers ,

Watch out for the next EQ-News in September 2011

Account Holder: Equilibrium Bank Name: FNB Account No: 62310255543 Branch Code: 200510 (Only Outside South Africa) Bank Name: FNB Account No: 62310255543 Branch Code:200510 Swift Code/IBAN- FIRNZAJJ