Download - EPIGENETICS AND!GENE!EXPRESSION! · EPIGENETICSAND!GENE!EXPRESSION! Organized!by!the!Center!for!Epigenetics!and!Metabolism,!UCI! Thorp!Conference!Center,!4th!Floor!Gross!Hall! January!12,!2015

Page 1: EPIGENETICS AND!GENE!EXPRESSION! · EPIGENETICSAND!GENE!EXPRESSION! Organized!by!the!Center!for!Epigenetics!and!Metabolism,!UCI! Thorp!Conference!Center,!4th!Floor!Gross!Hall! January!12,!2015

                             EPIGENETICS  AND  GENE  EXPRESSION  Organized  by  the  Center  for  Epigenetics  and  Metabolism,  UCI  

Thorp  Conference  Center,  4th  Floor  Gross  Hall  January  12,  2015  



 9:00   Welcome    9:30     Marc  Montminy,  The  Salk  Institute,  San  Diego     Paring  down  the  list:  target  gene  activation  via  the  CREB  pathway    10:10   Enrico  Gratton,  University  of  California,  Irvine     Single  cell  level  transcription  kinetics  visualization  of  highly  mobile  identical  genes    10:40   Kyoko  Yokomori,  University  of  California,  Irvine     Cohesins:  chromatin  regulation  and  human  disease    Break      11:30   Timothy  Bredy,  University  of  California,  Irvine     Epitranscriptomic  mechanisms  of  memory  stability    12:00   Kathrin  Plath,  University  of  California,  Los  Angeles     The  inactive  X  as  a  tool  to  understand  reprogramming  and  pluripotency      Lunch    

Page 2: EPIGENETICS AND!GENE!EXPRESSION! · EPIGENETICSAND!GENE!EXPRESSION! Organized!by!the!Center!for!Epigenetics!and!Metabolism,!UCI! Thorp!Conference!Center,!4th!Floor!Gross!Hall! January!12,!2015

   1:30   Christopher  Glass,  University  of  California,  San  Diego     Mechanisms  driving  distinct  epigenetic  landscapes  of  tissue  macrophages    2:00   Ernesto  Guccione,  Institute  of  Molecular  and  Cell  Biology,  Singapore     Transcription  and  chromatin  dynamics  in  postnatal  male  germline  stem  cells  and  

spermatogenesis    2:30   Danica  Chen,  University  of  California,  Berkeley     Sirtuin  regulation  of  metabolism  and  aging      Break      3:20   Yongsheng  Shi,  University  of  California,  Irvine     From  polyadenylation  to  pluripotency    3:50     Xing  Dai,  University  of  California,  Irvine     Signaling  meets  chromatin  –  epigenetic  control  of  adult  epithelial  stem  cells    4:20   Rama  Natarajan,  Beckman  Research  Institute  of  City  of  Hope,  Duarte     Role  of  epigenetics  in  diabetic  complications  and  metabolic  memory        5:00   Reception      


Page 3: EPIGENETICS AND!GENE!EXPRESSION! · EPIGENETICSAND!GENE!EXPRESSION! Organized!by!the!Center!for!Epigenetics!and!Metabolism,!UCI! Thorp!Conference!Center,!4th!Floor!Gross!Hall! January!12,!2015

The  Center  for  Epigene/cs  and  Metabolism    invites  you  to  a  special  Epigene1cs  Day:  




Gross  Hall,  School  of  Medicine  Thorp  Conference  Center,  4th  Floor  


**Please  note  change  in  venue**  

January  12,  2015        


   9:00  Welcome  

   Marc  Montminy  (Salk)    Enrico  GraSon    (UCI)    Kyoko  Yokomori    (UCI)    Timothy  Bredy    (UCI)    Kathrin  Plath    (UCLA)  

12:30  Lunch  

 Christopher  Glass    (UCSD)    Ernesto  Guccione  (IMCB)    Danica  Chen    (UCB)    Yongsheng  Shi    (UCI)    Xing  Dai      (UCI)    Rama  Natarajan  (COH)  

   5:00  Recep/on  


Unite 904

Limited  sea1ng!  Contact:  Catherine  Cao  –  [email protected]