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  • 8/11/2019 Ephemeral Serendipity


    Syamim Akmal Bin Wahab (5 Ruby)

    Ephemeral Serendipity

    Love is like a beautiful flower which I may not touch, but whose fragrance makes the garden

    a place of delight just the same.

    -Helen Keller-

    Her visage was a transient countenance of beauty and elegance. Her perfectly sculpted face

    was exceedingly riveting; from her almond-shaped brown eyes to her luscious cerise lips. Her

    skin was the colour of winter snow and her hair cascaded down her back to her waist like a

    waterfall of shadowy water. She was the epitome of grace; a fallen angel blessed with

    beauteous features.

    However, her physical appearance was merely a fascia to hide the broken and forlorn girl she

    was; alone and sad. She was the inamorata to the darkness that consumed her. She allowed

    her inner demons to reign over her soul. Little by little, she had lost herself to despair. She

    had lost the person who she used to be. What was left of her was an empty shell of a woman.

    Her seraphic features were mesmerizingly enchanting but at a closer look, one would notice

    how she had wizened and matured with age in her appearance. She looked calm and poised

    even when she was wearing the plain hospital gown, gazing aimlessly at the sky. Her lips

    were pressed into a thin firm line. Her eyes were void of any emotions. She was a living

    statue, an image of aesthetics; no more, no less. What was on her mind, nobody knew as she

    had so brilliantly hid away all her emotions and confined them in the deepest chambers of her

    soul; she was undecipherable, an enigma of mysteries.

    Miss Wang.

    The woman was awakened from her reverie and slowly, she turned to the direction of the

    voice. Standing in her presence was a girl about her age wearing a nurse uniform. It was a

    familiar sight since that person was someone she saw almost every day. Nonetheless, they

    were nothing more than strangers despite the familiarity. The only connection that the two

    possessed was nothing short of professional.

    The nurse looked at the beautiful woman in front of her in awe though she tried her best to

    conceal her admiration. Needless to say, everyone was enchanted by her beauty. However,

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    she always caught the woman looking pensive; as if she was preoccupied with something.

    The nurse would always wonder what was on her mind. But then again, what right did she

    have to probe?

    Its time for you to take your medicine.

    The nurse dutifully put the tray with a packet of medicine and a bottle of plain water on a

    table. The nurse bowed respectfully towards the woman but received not even the slightest of

    acknowledgment; not even a nod but the nurse wasnt offended at all. She was used to her

    indifference. In fact, she would have been really surprised if the lady said anything since it

    was out of character for her to do so. To the nurse, the woman was slowly becoming an

    empty vessel of a person. Life was slowly seeping away from her body. Shaking her head, the

    nurse went out of the room and closed the door with a small thud.

    When the nurse was finally out of her sight, the woman turned her attention towards the

    unopened packet of medicine. She picked it up and threw it into the dustbin without

    hesitation. They said that the first step to recovery is acceptance. She had long accepted her

    fate; accepted everything but she knew that it was no form of recovery; not even the least bit.

    It seemed like Wang Yifei was forever going to be imprisoned in the eternal winter of her

    own demons.


    Spring was in the air. The sweet fragrance of blooming flowers was lingering in the air;

    giving off a sense of serenity. It was breath of fresh air; the beginning of a new life. The

    courteous breeze sweeping through her hair was welcoming the world to embrace the warmth

    of spring. Just like the flowers that rose from the dead after the seemingly endless slumber in

    winter. It was a burst of colour in all its glory. Like the sunshine after rain. The sun was

    smiling as the people dancedin the city, willingly allowing themselves to be touched by the

    sunlight. It was as if they were being set free from the confinement of the cold and dreary


    But the same thing could not be said about the little young girl who was lying on her bed. She

    could not smell the fresh air; only the bitter scent of chemicals. Her fingers couldnt feel the

    softness of grass and nature; only the smooth fabric of the white sheet. The warmth of the sun

    was unable to caress her face; only the fluorescent light as her companion in the night.

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    know the nurse who had attended to her so dutifully. Wang Yifei was not amicable and she

    knew it.

    What brings you here Nurse Song? You have given me the medicine this morning so I dont

    see any reason why you should be here at this time of the day.

    It took a few moments for Nurse Song to reply to her question as she was too flabbergasted

    with the sudden change in character of her aloof patient.

    Im here to inform you that a new doctor would be in charge of your treatments from now

    onwards. His name is Dr Zhang. He has just transferred from Peking Union Medical College

    Hospital in Beijing and we have been told that he is one of the best doctors in the country in

    spite of his young age.

    Wang Yifei merely hummed in reply. She didnt have to ask why the doctor was assigned to

    her. It was merely rhetorical if she were to even ask because she had always known the

    answer all along. Her father possessed wealth and power so naturally everyone had to

    conform to his every whim.

    Youre dismissed.

    Nurse Song bowed before she exited the room; still pondering over the fact that the silent and

    mysterious Wang Yifei actually spoke to her.


    Zhang Yixing dumped his suitcase on the couch and went straight into the kitchen. He

    stretched his arms in an attempt to ease the pain after a long flight. He had not rest adequately

    for the past few years as he had a very hectic schedule as a doctor. And although he had just

    arrived in Hong Kong that morning, he would have to go to the hospital which he was

    transferred to later on that evening. He had no time for rest. He filled a glass with whiskey

    and downed it all in one shot.

    He looked at his reflection in the glass overlooking the wide expanse of Hong Kong and let

    out a tired sigh.

    At first glance, he could easily enchant every woman with his seraphic good looks. He

    possessed jet black hair and pale skin; desirable traits that could make every maiden swoon inglee. He also had dimples which he rarely showed since smiling was never something he was

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    fond of. In fact, his smile was robbed from him the day his parents left him under the care of

    his paternal grandparents.

    Shaking his head in what could be perceived as an attempt to get rid of the painful memories;

    Zhang Yixing went to his room and quickly got changed into a black Ralph Lauren dress shirt

    and white Polo slacks. He combed his hair and sprayed a bit of Hugo Boss cologne to conceal

    the smell of alcohol. After ensuring that he looked decent enough, the handsome man

    grabbed the keys to his car and left the solitary apartment.

    It was a new beginning leaving China for Hong Kong and he could only hope for the best.


    Tell me, what is love?Wang Yifei asked out of the blue.

    Zhang Yixing was taken aback by her question especially since he considered something as

    fictitious as romance should not be spoken of in a professional capacity. He was a trained

    doctor and he was expected to always maintain a respectable distance with his patients and he

    had been doing so for the past few years since he graduated medical college; until now that is.

    He deemed her question irrelevant since he was not the kind of doctor who entertained

    question unrelated to his profession in anyway.

    When he first saw her exactly a month ago, the first thought that came to his mind was that

    Wang Yifei was an attractive woman. At least, that was his first impression. Then, he noticed

    that she was very cold and distant with everyone around her. It was as if she was in a world

    of her own; dismissive of her surroundings and environment. He was somewhat glad that she

    was that kind of person since it made it easier for him to remain detached from his patients.

    Therefore, he didnt complain when he was assigned to her and only her when he first came

    to Hong Kong Medical Institute.

    At least, until that moment when she decided to ask him that question. However, when he

    saw the curiosity reflected in her eyes, he didnt have the heart to ignore her question.

    He was an ever logical and pragmatic person so Zhang Yixing truly had no idea regarding

    love. He had never been in love before. He had a few flings here and there but that was it. He

    had never had a serious relationship. He didnt believe in romance; having experienced the

    divorce of his parents and how he was left to emotionally fend on his own as he was deemedas a painful remainder of a failed marriage.

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    But now, that question that the reticent maiden had asked had caused him to ponder on the


    On the other hand, Wang Yifei didnt know why she asked such a question especially to

    someone who she wasnt close to. She had come across a book chronicling the love story of a

    man and a woman. It piqued her interest and she decided to read it. Her curiosity heightened

    when she read the stupid decisions that the man and woman made in the name of love. After

    she had finished reading the book, she asked herself; just what is love? Why does it affect

    these people so much?

    She waited patiently for her doctor to respond to her question.

    Zhang Yixing shifted his attention from the medical report in his hand and met eye to eye

    with the beautiful woman lying in her bed. For the first time, he saw something else in the

    girls seemingly detached eyes; he saw pain, regret, sorrow and a miscellaneous of other

    emotions that reflected her brokenness. He traced the contour of her face with his eyes and

    realized that the beauty had went through so much for her to mature so fast regardless of her

    young age. Thats when he felt something weird stirring at the pit of his stomach. He could

    feel a sudden rush of adrenaline and his heartbeat was rapidly increasing.

    I dont know.


    DrZhang, heres the medical report that you asked for the other day.

    A young nurse placed a green folder on his desk. Yixing nodded his head absentmindedly,

    acknowledging her presence. He was preoccupied with something; or rather, in a different

    context,someone. In fact, someone with obsidian black hair, a beautiful pair of hazel brown

    eyes, flawless milky white skin free from blemishes, a sharp nose with a small philtrum

    reaching her luscious pale pink lips.

    An image of an angel and untainted innocence was who she really was. However, his vision

    was a paradox to the distant taciturnity in her eyes. She was not one to actually bother about

    anything that revolved around her. She was different than other girls her age who only knew

    about enjoying life. This demure maiden knew Death herself first hand like a very dear and

    close friend; a confidante; yet one that is also constantly feared albeit being accepting of hercondition. She was an inexplicable character and this meant something as Yixing was an

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    excellent judge of character; a trait owing to his observant eyes. But Wang Yifei was just too

    complex when in truth she was really simple. It was her simplicity that made her complex.

    Slowly, he flipped open the file in front of him. A picture of an extremely familiar woman

    with her personal details was the first thing he saw. Although the pictures seemed so long ago,

    when she was younger, he immediately recognized the look of detachment and aloofness

    apparent in her brown orbs which was void of life.

    The smile gracing her lips was merely a pretence to faade the pain and hurt that she carried

    deep within her wounded soul.

    Zhang Yixing felt the same feeling from earlier simmering yet once more. It was something

    so unfamiliar and yet it was comforting. He liked that feeling but he was also afraid.

    A knock came on his door. Zhang Yixing put away the folder in haste and coolly gave

    permission for the person to come in.

    DrZhang, Miss Wang requested an audience with you.

    Dr Zhang did little to conceal his puzzlement. Nonetheless, he relented and left his office;

    heading towards the ward where the maiden had resided.

    Little did he knew, he was about to make a decision which could possibly change his life



    All this while, Wang Yifei knew she was living on borrowed time. Eventually, everyone will

    die and it was an undeniable fact. It was the very reason why she was so distant as she viewed

    it pointless to have friends when you knew that one day, you would have to leave everything

    behind. So, why bother yourself with something that would imminently end. She had always

    despised goodbyes and farewells. Not that she had the chance to actually say goodbye to a


    Yifei knew that her time was rapidly running out. It was a miracle that she had managed to

    live this long especially given the fact that she had a very weak and ailing heart. She was

    born with a very sick and frail body which was the major reason why she was not allowed to

    leave the confinement of her chamber. She felt suffocated and asphyxiated. She felt trapped.

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    She yearned for freedom but at the same time she knew that it was a luxury she could never


    But for once in a long time, she wanted something else. She wanted to at least experience

    love at least once. Though she had no idea or any prior experience, she wanted to know what

    it felt like to be loved.

    Miss Wang, you called for me?

    Yifei looked at him and searched his face. She must admit that Zhang Yixing was a very

    good-looking man. But he was renowned for his professionalism and aloofness. And that

    made him convenient; at least in her perspective.

    I want you to be my boyfriend.

    Wang Yifei had always been known for her straightforwardness.

    However, her statement caught Yixing by surprise as it was the least that he had expected

    from her. And the fact that he could feel blush colouring his pale cheeks didnt help at all in

    that situation.

    But why?

    He was at a loss for words. He didnt know how to respond at all.

    Dont worry. You still have to keep your distance. I just want to experience the feeling of

    being in a relationship albeit without any form of emotional attachment. You dont have to

    agree if you dont want to Dr Zhang but I would appreciate it if you agree, Wang Yifei

    explained her reason.

    Dr Zhang furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. Why me though?

    You seem like someone who is capable of keeping his emotions and feelings in check. Im

    asking you to be my boyfriend for the sake of experiencing a relationship therefore you are

    the most suitable candidate since I doubt that youll have any feelings for me since you are

    well-known for your acute sense of professionalism. Correct? I know that you would like to

    keep a professional distance with your patients and I respect that about you. However, would

    you consider making an exception for me? Consider it my last wish, Yifei further elaborated

    in hope of making the young doctor relent to her wish.

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    Seeing the hopefulness in the maidens eyes, he felt weak in his knees. She looked so

    vulnerable and nave that he took it as his responsibility to protect her. Which was why

    Zhang Yixing found himself nodding his head and he did not regret agreeing to her request

    when he saw the ghost of a smile gracing her lips.

    And that alone was enough to make him feel content.


    It was only a few weeks since he agreed to her request and already he could feel himself

    slowly becoming a hopeless romantic. Before he closed his eyes at night, the first person he

    would always think of was Wang Yifei. Whenever he had nothing else to do, she would come

    to his mind. If he ever saw something pretty, he would always be reminded of Wang Yifei.

    It was as if she was slowly taking over his mind. He was unsure of what he was feeling but he

    was scared of this unfamiliar feeling like the other times. He couldnt fathom it at all and he

    disliked the idea of being uncertain of his own emotions.

    And now he was walking to her room with two packed lunch that he cooked himself. It was

    rather surprising that despite him being a good cook, he didnt really enjoy cooking, not even

    for himself much less someone else whom he supposed was his girlfriend albeit erstwhile.When he was cooking earlier that morning, he imagined her reaction and felt somewhat

    nervous of her opinion. He didnt know how it was possible for her to affect him this much

    but she did.

    Before he was about to enter her room, he took a whiff of his smell and ensured that there

    was not even the remotest of foul odour coming from him. Satisfied, he knocked on her door

    and a faint come in ensued not long after.

    When he opened the door, he was awestruck by her beauty especially since she was being

    illuminated by the bright sunlight coming from the window. She was indeed majestically


    I brought lunch, Yixing declared whilst desperately trying to maintain his composure. He

    didnt know why he was being so anxious.

    Yifei patted the space beside her, gesturing for him to sit down. It had become habitual for

    them to spend their lunchtime together since Yifei made him her boyfriend.

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    In him, she found comfort and companionship. And she felt cherished for the first time since


    Here, this is yours.

    Yixing handed her a pink container whilst sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck with his

    other hand. If one were to see him then, one would not expect that he was the same Zhang

    Yixing from a month ago. He was changing even though he kept denying it.

    Yifei quickly opened her lunchbox and the delicious smell of fried rice vermicelli and

    Changsha-style stinky tofu filled the room.

    It looks delicious, Yifei praised and smiled at him. After she had asked Yixing to be her

    boyfriend, she found herself smiling more.

    She took a bite of the food and closed her eyes.

    Zhang Yixing was looking at her in anticipation. Is it good? Is it too salty? Would you want

    something else? Do you need water?

    His questions however were ignored as Yifei opened her eyes; face expressionless. Yixing

    felt dejected as he thought that his cooking was not to her liking but was immediately

    surprised when she kissed his right cheek.

    It was great really, she smiled sincerely and Yixing was mesmerized as he felt as if his

    breath was taken away.


    Love was something that he used to scoff at. He had always thought that love was childish

    and for the weak. He had gotten rid of any vestiges of the goodness of love that he had ever

    experienced; replacing it with an affinity to remain emotionally detached from everyone.

    However, Wang Yifei had successfully changed everything that he used to believe in. He

    found himself doing things he didnt expect of doing. Yesterday, he bought a bouquet of red

    roses and gave it to her. Two days ago, he gave her a silver bracelet and a week ago, he

    bought her a white teddy bear.

    He wanted to deny his feelings but knew that it was futile. He had fallen for her and he hadfallen so deep that there was seemingly no way out.

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    It was why he decided to come to terms with it. However, he knew that he was in for

    heartbreak in the end. It was no use. Their love story was going to end in tragedy even before

    it actually started.

    Zhang Yixing came home that day feeling happy and contented when he saw just how happy

    Yifei was to receive the bouquet of roses. She was changing. Her indifference was being

    replaced by affableness and she was starting to interact more with everyone else.

    He was puzzled as to why he was happy when it was she who was changing into a better

    person. Soon, he questioned himself. One question led to another before he came to a

    conclusion;He liked her.

    He didnt know when it started but it was as clear as day that he had feelings for her.

    But he knew that it would not work out for the two of them. He just knew it.

    It was because she was going to die.


    Yixing went to visit Yifeis room as per usual. It was a routine of his to visit his supposed

    lover every morning to check on her conditions. However, it was different that morning.

    Yixing felt unease stirring at the pit of his stomach.

    This was why he seemed to be in haste to get to her room that morning.

    He knocked on her door but no reply came. He was perplexed since Yifei always responded

    to his knocks. He opened the door without awaiting permission and was stunned when she

    saw Yifei lying on her bed, skin as pale as porcelain and perspiration on her forehead. Yixing

    felt as if his world stopped right then and there.


    He rushed to her side and checked her vitals. Her pulse was very weak and it made Yixing

    much more afraid. He had dealt with this kind of situation countless of times before but for

    the first time, he was stumped.

    He desperately called for the nurse and performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation on Yifei in

    an attempt to bring her back. He couldnt lose her. He couldnt afford it. He pressed on her

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    chest trying to get her heartbeat back but to no avail. A few nurses came scurrying in pushing

    a defibrillator along with them.

    Dont you dare die on me Wang Yifei!!! Dont you dare! Not when I finally realised that I

    love you! Yixing yelled in desperation as he ordered the nurse to place the paddle on her


    After a few tries, he let out a sigh of relief as he saw that her heartbeat had returned. He felt

    weak all of a sudden and he found everything starting to become bleak. Before he knew it,

    everything became dark.


    When Yixing woke up, he was greeted by bright lights which caused him to close his eyes

    out of reflex. The brightness was too much for him to get used to after losing consciousness

    for god knows how long.

    He was feeling vertiginous as he tried to remember what had happened. Then, everything hit

    him like a tidal wave.

    Wang Yifei! Zhang Yixing was about to stand up when he saw the familiar figure standing

    at the threshold to his room. She looked beautiful in spite of the fatigue on her face.

    It was none other the apple of his eyes; Wang Yifei. Yixing let out a sigh of relief seeing that

    she was alright but it was soon replaced by concern.

    Yifei, you shouldnt be walking around in your current condition. You should be resting

    right now, Yixing advised her but she seemed unmoved. It was then that Yixing noticed that

    she looked guarded and circumspect.

    Yixing, Yifei stated his name in a tone of indifference and Yixing didnt like it not even the

    slightest. He hated the fact that she seemed to have reverted to her old distant self.

    I apologize for making you worry over me but I believe its time for us to end our non-

    existent relationship.

    It took a while for Yixing to process her words before it finally dawn on him. But still, he

    couldnt believe in his own ears; no, he wouldntbelieve in his own hearing.

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    What do you mean? Yixing said and clenched his fists till his knuckles turned white in an

    effort to cover his indignation and frustration. He didnt save her to break up with him.

    Why should we allow this relationship to go on when youand I both know nothing good

    would come out of it? Isnt it like waiting for something impossible to happen, holding on to

    something which is bound to wither away, Yifei spoke calmly to placate Yixing who

    seemed to have a hard time in controlling his exasperation. Just end this and the both of us

    can go on with our lives like we used to. And you dont have to worry about things becoming

    awkward between us since Ive already asked my father to assign me a new doctor.

    Yixing was appalled that she had requested her father to assign her another doctor without a

    hint of remorse. He felt betrayed; he felt like something which was left in desuetude after

    being used.

    How could you do this to me? Yixing asked in a soft voice, too tired to argue.He was

    exhausted from everything and he didnt think that his heart could take it anymore.

    Its for the best, Yifei said before she left the room. Yixing looked up but he saw that she

    was no longer in his room. It all felt so surreal. He closed his eyes, grabbed the thing nearest

    to him and threw it across the room, followed by the sound of shattering glasses. He went

    down on his knees and allowed his tears to freely flow down his cheeks.

    Yifei leaned her back against the wall. She didnt leave; at least not yet. She could hear his

    sobs from the room and her heart was breaking as seconds passed. She didnt want to leave

    him but she had to. It was stupid of her to propose the plan in the first place. She was selfish

    to make him her boyfriend. Now, the both of them were hurting.

    Im sorry.

    A lone tear left her eyes as she slowly trudged back to her room, feeling enervated.

    I love you too.


    Yixings mind was so clouded with anger and frustration. He didnt know what when wrong.

    He was satisfied just beingby her side. He didnt need her to love him back. He just wanted

    her to stay but even that was not possible. He felt betrayed even if she had every right tobreak up with him. Their relationship wasnt real to begin with. It was a whim of hers.

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    And yet, he found himself succumbing to his emotions. He didnt expect to fall in love with

    her. He wasnt a diviner nor a mystic. He couldnt tell the future.

    He pressed on the pedal and drove past the speed limit. He needed closure but he knew he

    couldnt get one,not from her, not from anyone else. He was all alone; just like how his

    parents had left him before. Slowly, he found himself crumbling. His heart was breaking.

    His vision was blurred with hot tears. However, he didnt care. Instead, he kept driving

    aimlessly without a clear sense of direction. He just allowed himself to be taken to wherever.

    Just then, he heard a loud honk but it was too late.

    There was a deafening crash and everything came to a halt.

    Yixing felt numb although he was supposed to feel indescribable pain. He could see his life

    passing right before him like an old film. Then, she appeared, with a bright smile on her face.

    He tried to reach for her but she seemed to slip away from him.

    No, no, no! Please dont leave me! he pled but she left him behind; like everyone else.

    The last thing he remembered before everything disappeared before his eyes was the shrill

    sound of siren reverberating in the air.


    Mr Wang, Im sorry but she might not be able to past the night.

    The doctor patted the shoulder of the old man who was smartly dressed in a Savile Row suit.

    He knew that it was futile to hope for miracle. Her daughter was actually on her deathbed. He

    didnt actually expect to outlive his daughter but he was only human; he could not determine

    fate. He loved his daughter though he rarely showed his affection. He felt like he was the one

    to be blamed; for not doing his best to find a doctor who could heal his daughter. Slowly, he

    stepped into the room and saw the tired-looking woman on the bed. Her health seemed to

    have greatly deteriorated within the past hour. She was a withering rose; a flower which is

    slowly losing its beauty.

    Dad, she greeted her father though the simple act was really tiresome for an ailing person

    like her. How is he?

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    The elder Wang didnt have to ask to know who she was referring to. Hes yet to regain his

    consciousness but hell be alright though it seems that hes going to have amnesia. The

    impact of the collision of his head with the asphalt road seemed to have taken its toll. But

    theres another thing

    What is it? the young woman asked worriedly but still maintained her composure.

    He might be blind.


    His cornea is badly damaged.

    I dont have long to live but he has a future ahead of him. If my cornea is suitable donate itto him, Yifei said with tremble in her voice. Her Yixingshe would never allow her Yixing

    to suffer.


    I heard what the doctor said. Dont worry, Im not mad at you or anything. Just promise me

    one thing.

    Anything for you sweetheart, Mr Wang agreed as he kissed the forehead of his young

    daughter. He suppressed his own tears. He would not send her daughter away in tears. She

    wouldnt appreciate it.

    Please take care of Yixing. Only then I can go in peace,Yifei asked with a smile on her

    pallid face.

    Anything for you.


    Zhang Yixing took a sip of his warm coffee as he relished the calm and serenity that the park

    had offered. The flowers were in full bloom. There was a sense of joviality in the air. The

    breeze had a soothing effect on him. Yixing was working as a cardiologist at a Taiwanese

    hospital owned by the Wang family. It was a new hospital founded by the Mr Wang himself

    in memories of his precious daughter who passed away.

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    He didnt know how long it had been since he enjoyed himself like this. Nature provided

    leisure like no other and it was nearly saddening to know how greatly underappreciated

    nature was.

    Yixing decided to stroll around to take a breather. It had been hectic. It had been a year since

    he recuperated from the accident and yet he had no recollection of his previous life with the

    exception of a few fragmented flashbacks of his past here and there. But there was one

    memory that piqued his interest. It was the memory of a girl.

    Yixing closed his eyes. He saw the familiar image of a young lady with a bright smile

    decorating her face. Her black hair was flowing effortlessly. Her voice was enchantingly

    melodious as she laughed gracefully. She was so near yet so far.

    At the remembrance, Yixing felt a sudden pang of hurt and confusion. He couldnt remember

    who she was yet he knew that she was someone very dear to him; someone very important.

    He had always felt a sudden sense of loss and emptiness; as if there was an unfilled void in

    his heart.

    Every step he took, leaves started to fall to the ground as if empathizing with his

    despondency. And at moments like these, the breeze would blow on his face. It was caressing

    his face gently and calming him. He saw the silhouette of a woman, nearly luminescent

    standing by a tree. He couldnt see her face clearly since she looked misty but strangely

    enough he knew she was smiling. It was enough to convince Yixing that whoever that person

    was; she would always be watching over him and for that, he was eternally grateful. And he

    also knew, that wherever she was, she was happy.
