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  • 8/17/2019 Epc Basics



    Piping Fundamentals

    Piping System - What is that?Concept Layout Development

    Piping Components & their access requirement.

    Straight length requirements.

    rientation o! various tapings" components" etc.Piping Drains & #ents


    %aterial & Siing

    Critical piping system consideration.

    Pipe Stress 'nalysis.

    Pipe Supports

  • 8/17/2019 Epc Basics



    $t is a (u)ular item made o! metal" plastic" glass etc.meant !or conveying Liquid" *as or any thing that


    $t is a very important component !or any industrialplant. 'nd it,s engineering plays a maor part in overall

    engineering o! a Plant.

    Piping Fundamentals

  • 8/17/2019 Epc Basics



    In any plant various fluids flow through pipes

    from one end to other.

    Now let us start with a plant where we see three


    Tank-1, Tank-2 and Tank-3

    We have to transfer the ontent of Tank no. 1 to

    the other two tanks.

    We will need to onnet pipes to transfer the

    fluids from Tank-1 to Tank-2 and Tank-3

    !"T #$ %&IN' T(" )I)"$.

  • 8/17/2019 Epc Basics



    We have *ust +rought the pipes, now we

    need to solve some more pro+lems.

    )ipes are all straight piees.

    We need some



    We need some +end


      " v e n  s o m

     e  p  i p e

     s  a r e 

     o f  d  i f

     f e r e n t  s  i ,

     e s  -

    To solve these

    pro+lems we need the

    pipe omponents,

    whih are alled 

    )I)" ITTIN'$

  • 8/17/2019 Epc Basics



    These are the pipe fittings,

    There are various types of fittings for various

    purposes, some ommon types are -

    "l+ows/%ends, Tees/%ranhes,

    &eduers/"0panders, ouplings, lets, et.

    nyway, the pipes and

    fittings are in plae, +ut the

    ends are yet to +e *oined withthe Tank noles.

    We now have to omplete theend onnetions.

    These, in piping term, we all

    T"&4IN! NN"TIN$.

  • 8/17/2019 Epc Basics



    These are flanged *oints

    This is a welded *oint

    $o far this is a nie arrangement.

    %ut there is no ontrol over the flow from Tank-1

    to other tanks.

    We need some arrangement to stop the

    flow if needed

    To ontrol the flow in a pipe line weneed to fit a speial omponent.

    That is alled - 5!5"

  • 8/17/2019 Epc Basics



    There are many types of valves, ategoried

    +ased on their onstrution and funtionality,

    Those are - 'ate, 'lo+e, hek, %utterfly, et.

    ther than valves another important

    line omponent of pipe line is a filter,

    whih leans out der+ies from theflowing fluid. This is alled a


  • 8/17/2019 Epc Basics



    (ere we see a more or less funtional piping

    system, with valves and strainer installed.

    !et us now investigate some aspets of pipe


    If this tank nole

    e0pands, when

    the tank is hot.

    In suh ase we need to fit a fle0i+le

    pipe omponent at that loation,

    whih is alled an "6)N$IN


  • 8/17/2019 Epc Basics



    When some fluid is flowing in a pipe we may

    also like know the parameters like, pressure,

    temperature, flow rate et. of the fluid.

    To know these information we need

    to install IN$T"NT$ in thepipeline.

  • 8/17/2019 Epc Basics



    There are various types instruments to measure various

    parameters. lso there are speifi riteria for installation

    of various pipe line instruments.Ne0t we shall look

    into how to

    $#))&T thepipe/and it8s


  • 8/17/2019 Epc Basics



    (ere are some of the pipe supporting arrangements.

    There an +e numerous variants. ll depend on piping

    designer8s preferene and *udgement.

    !et us see some T("& types of supports

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  • 8/17/2019 Epc Basics



  • 8/17/2019 Epc Basics



    While arrying out pipe routing we also need to onsider the following

    5alves, strainers, instruments on the pipe should +e easily aessi+le.

    If needed separate "$$ )!T&4$ to +e provided to failitate these.

    9esired loation and orientation of valves / instruments and other pipeomponents are to +e heked and maintained, like some valves or strainers

    an only +e installed in horiontal position.

    $peifi re:uirements for instrument installation to +e heked, like

    temperature gauge an not +e installed in pipe whih is less than ; inh in sie.

    $peifi re:uirements of $T&I'(T !"N'T( of pipe for some omponents to+e maintained, like for flow orifie we need to provide 1< times diameter

    straight pipe length at upstream of orifie and < times diameter straight at down

    stream of orifie.

    "0ample of $traight length re:uirement for low rifie

  • 8/17/2019 Epc Basics



    lso arrangement is kept in the

    pipeline so that li:uid an +e

    drained out if re:uired.

    To ahieve this a 9&IN onnetion

    with 5alve is provided at the lowest

    point of the pipeline )ipes are also slopped towards low


    or )ipeline whih shall arry li:uid, we have to make sure that all air is

    allowed to vent out of the line when the line is filled with li:uid.

    To ahieve this a 5"NT onnetion with 5alve is provided at the top most point

    of the pipeline.

    !et us look

    into typial5ent and



    in a pipeline

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    - When hot fluid flows through pipe then generally pipe is


    There are two primary reasons for insulating the pipe arrying hot fluid.

    ontaining the heat inside the pipe. Insulation preserves the heat of the fluid. Itis alled (ot Insulation

    )ersonnel safety, so that people do not get +urn in*ury +y touhing hot surfae

    of pipe. It is alled )ersonnel )rotetion Insulationold pipes are also insulated

    old or hilled fluid arrying pipes are insulated to prevent heating of old fluid

    from outside. It is alled old Insulation. $ome times old pipes are insulated to prevent ondensation of atmospheri

    water vapor on pipe surfae. It is alled nti-$weat Insulation.

    ther types of Insulation

    When gas flows through pipes at high veloity, it reates noise. In suh ases

    pipes are insulated to redue noise. It is alled ousti Insulation. $ome times pipe and it8s ontent are heated from outside, +y heat traing

    element. In that ase pipe along with heat traing element are insulated to

    onserve the heat of the traer. It is alled (eat Traing Insulation.

  • 8/17/2019 Epc Basics



    IN$#!TIN 4T"&I! - The insulating material should +e +ad ondutor of heat.

    There are two +asi ategories

    1= i+rous 4aterial, whih has large voids full of air +etween fi+ers - ork, 'lass Wool

    4ineral Wool, rgani i+ers. Note stagnant air is a +ad ondutor.

    2= ellular 4aterial, whih has losed void ells full or air - alium $iliate, ellular

    'lass >oam 'lass=, )olyurethane oam >)#=, )olystyrene >Thermool=, et.

    $ome times ast material like ement )laster or )laster of )aris are also used.

    IN$#!TIN !99IN' - Insulation materials are generally soft or fragile. $o the

    outer surfae of insulation are proteted with luminum sheet or 'I sheet


    Have a look at how

    pipes are insulated,

    and general

    components ofinsulation

    )i 4 t i l $ l ti t l t i t i t i l + d fl i fl id t

  • 8/17/2019 Epc Basics



    )ipe 4aterial $eletion - to selet appropriate pipe material +ased on flowing fluid property.

    Find out type

    of Fluidflowing

    Check Pipe


    Select suitable

    aterial perpractice !"ote#$%

    Check at&

    'isted in(esign Code




    See "ote#$

    ")Note-1 ? 4aterial is seleted per past e0periene with ost in

    mind and per material listed in design ode. If material isnot listed in ode we may selet ne0t suita+le material


    Find out

    Fluid emp&- Pressure

    )ipe $iing alulation - to selet re:uired pipe diameter +ased on veloity and pressure drop.

    Find out

    Flow volumeper second

    Check .elocity

     /llowable persecond

    Calc& flow area

    re0uired andPipe si1e

    Calc& Press&

    (rop for thatPipe si1e

    Check Press&

    (rop meetsPress& 2udget





    Pipe Si1e


    )I)" $T&"$$ N!@$I$

  • 8/17/2019 Epc Basics



    )I)" $T&"$$ N!@$I$


    'eometri layout of )ipe

    )ipe supporting onfiguration

    )ipe 9iameter and Thikness

    )ressure inside )ipe

    old and (ot temperatures of )ipe

    Weight of )ipe and insulation

    Weight of arrying luid

    )ipe material )roperty >@oung8s 4odulus,

    Thermal "0pansion oeffiient=

    Thrust on pipe due to +lowing wind.

    Thrust on pipe due to earth:uake

    !oad of $now on pipe ny transient loading like $team (ammer


    ny other load on the piping

    Tools we use

    )I)$@$ - is an integrated pipe stress

    analysis module of )!9"$ 2AAA

    "$"& - ommerial )iping analysis


    There are many other ommerial software



    $tress of the pipe at various loadingonditions

    !oad at various supports and restrains.

    4ovement of pipe at support loations

    )ipe terminal point loading.

    odes and $tandards In general )ower )lant )iping have to

    omply stipulations of $4" N$I %31.1

    In India )ower yle )iping to omply I%&

    ode re:uirements.

  • 8/17/2019 Epc Basics



    Types of )ipe $upports

    There are three general types

    &igid type >no fle0i+ility inthe diretion of restrain=

    $pring type >llows pipe

    movement in diretion of


    9ynami $upport >9egree of

    restrain depends on

    aeleration of load=

    There are two types of spring


    5aria+le load type, here

    support load hanges as thepipe moves.

    onstant load support, the

    load remains onstant within

    some range of movement.

    onstant !oad $pring

    5aria+le $pring

       &   i  g   i   d

       (  a  n  g  e  r

       &   i  g   i   d

       $  u  p  p  o  r   t

    9ynami $upport,


    &igid $upport