Download - Enzymes IRSC General Biology I Lab. Metabolism All the chemical reactions that occur in a cell – A + B C + D – ReactantsProducts – Substrate – These.

Page 1: Enzymes IRSC General Biology I Lab. Metabolism All the chemical reactions that occur in a cell – A + B  C + D – ReactantsProducts – Substrate – These.


IRSCGeneral Biology I Lab

Page 2: Enzymes IRSC General Biology I Lab. Metabolism All the chemical reactions that occur in a cell – A + B  C + D – ReactantsProducts – Substrate – These.


• All the chemical reactions that occur in a cell

– A + B C + D– Reactants Products

– Substrate

– These reactions can take a long time – an enzyme is needed to speed the reaction and to lower the activation energy needed to jumpstart the reaction

Page 3: Enzymes IRSC General Biology I Lab. Metabolism All the chemical reactions that occur in a cell – A + B  C + D – ReactantsProducts – Substrate – These.

What are Enzymes?

Organic catalysts that speed metabolic reactions Some very important metabolic processes would take

years to occur if enzymes weren’t involved Cells don’t have years to perform these metabolic


Most are proteins Therefore, they can be affected by pH and


Enzymes are specific and speed only one type of reaction Names for enzymes usually end in -ase

Page 4: Enzymes IRSC General Biology I Lab. Metabolism All the chemical reactions that occur in a cell – A + B  C + D – ReactantsProducts – Substrate – These.

Example of catabolic reaction involving an enzyme; Enzymes can also be involved in synthesis reactions

Page 5: Enzymes IRSC General Biology I Lab. Metabolism All the chemical reactions that occur in a cell – A + B  C + D – ReactantsProducts – Substrate – These.

Effects of Concentration of Enzyme• Think of an enzyme like a key that is to a specific lock• Now think of yourself alone in a room with 100 doors

(substrate) with the same lock with only 1 key– It would take you a while to open all the doors (although

you could do it)• 1 key (enzyme) to 100 doors (substrate)

• However, if all of your classmates enter the room with the same key, the doors will be opened faster

• 25 keys (enzyme) to 100 doors (substrate)– 4x faster

Page 6: Enzymes IRSC General Biology I Lab. Metabolism All the chemical reactions that occur in a cell – A + B  C + D – ReactantsProducts – Substrate – These.

What does CATALASE do?

Hydrogen peroxide is a dangerous product of metabolic processes in cellsThe enzyme, catalase, is used by cells to

rapidly catalyze the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide to less reactive oxygen and water

Remember, 4 things can alter enzyme efficiency: Temperature pH Concentration of the enzyme Whether or not you have the correct substrate for the enzyme to react


Page 7: Enzymes IRSC General Biology I Lab. Metabolism All the chemical reactions that occur in a cell – A + B  C + D – ReactantsProducts – Substrate – These.

How will we see if catalase is working?

• Bubbles!– Resulting from the production of oxygen

Remember, bubbles will only form when catalase iseffectively breaking downhydrogen peroxide into oxygen and water

Page 8: Enzymes IRSC General Biology I Lab. Metabolism All the chemical reactions that occur in a cell – A + B  C + D – ReactantsProducts – Substrate – These.

There will be 4 experiments – 3 mixtures/experiment1.Enzyme Activity

• Catalase and hydrogen peroxide• Hydrogen peroxide and water

• Is enzyme present in this mixture?

• Catalase and sucrose• Remember what you know about enzyme specificity

2.Temperature• Hydrogen peroxide and boiled catalase

• What does boiling do to an enzyme (protein)?

• Hydrogen peroxide and incubated catalase (body temp)• Hydrogen peroxide and cold catalase

• When a mixture is cooled, what does that do to the speed of the molecules in the mixture?

Page 9: Enzymes IRSC General Biology I Lab. Metabolism All the chemical reactions that occur in a cell – A + B  C + D – ReactantsProducts – Substrate – These.

Effect of Temperature on Enzyme Activity

Page 10: Enzymes IRSC General Biology I Lab. Metabolism All the chemical reactions that occur in a cell – A + B  C + D – ReactantsProducts – Substrate – These.

3. pH• Hydrogen peroxide, catalase, and water pH 3• Hydrogen peroxide, catalase, and water pH 7• Hydrogen peroxide, catalase, and water pH 11

• What pH do you think catalase will work best? Think about what catalase does in your body

4. Concentration• Hydrogen peroxide and catalase• Hydrogen peroxide and increased amount of catalase (more

than tube 1)• Hydrogen peroxide and increased amount of catalase (more

than tube 2)

Page 11: Enzymes IRSC General Biology I Lab. Metabolism All the chemical reactions that occur in a cell – A + B  C + D – ReactantsProducts – Substrate – These.

The Scientific Process• Think about your observations and previous

knowledge on enzyme activity; what can cause proteins to denature?

• What is your hypothesis for each experiment?• Follow the directions for each experiment

• If we were doing actual scientific research, we would perform these experiments over and over to gather a large amount of data and to hopefully eliminate instances where human error could have been a factor

• Collect data

• Write results for each in the appropriate table• What are your conclusions?