Download - Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Page 1: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.


Page 2: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.


• Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions

• Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions of a cell take place. They do not affect the equilibrium constant.

Page 3: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Mechanism of Enzyme Action

• Enzymes interact with reactants at specific places in the enzyme structure termed the active site.

• The enzyme is specific for a given substrate.

• The enzyme substrate complex is then converted to product which is released.

Page 4: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.
Page 5: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Enzyme Substrate Complex

E + S <----->ES <----------> P

Thus in a closed system free enzyme availability limits the rate of the reaction in the presence of saturating amounts of substrate.

Page 6: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Enzyme Substrate Complex

Fig. 8.16 p.160

Page 7: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Enzyme Kinetics

• Vmax = maximum rate an enzyme reaction can occur at saturating substrate concentration.

• Km = the substrate concentration which gives 1/2 Vmax

Page 8: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Lowering the Activation Enzymes Work by Energy of a Reaction

• Even exergonic chemical reactions do not occur spontaneously but require enough energy input to raise the reactants to a “transition state”.

• Transition state in between the free state of reactants and free state of products.

Page 9: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Activation Energy

Page 10: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Enzymes and substrate interaction

Induced Fit Model• The induced fit model says that the

specific site for substrate is a very close fit but not exact.

• When the substrate hits the active site it binds and induces a change in the protein which positions and stresses the substrate so that a reaction is most likely to occur.

Page 11: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.
Page 12: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Enzymes As Catalysts

Enzymes work by:

• Concentrating them at the active site

• Poising the substrate to lower the activation energy and correctly orient them in a position most likely to allow for a reaction.

Page 13: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Enzymes lower energy of activation

Page 14: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Influence of Environment on Enzyme Activity

• Effect of Temperature. The Arrhenius Plot.

Enzyme reactions will double in rate for every 10C increase in temperature until they reach an optimum.

• Effect of pH. Most enzymes have an optimal pH between 7 and 8.

Page 15: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Effect of pH and temperature on enzyme activity

Page 16: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Enzyme Composition

Enzymes which are made only of protein

• Those whose activity is optimal with only substrate

• Those which require external cofactors to be fully active: Cofactors include such things as Mg+2 or Mn+2, NAD,FAD, Zn+1, etc

Page 17: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Enzyme Composition

Enzymes which contain organic or inorganic molecules covalently bound to proteins.

• Apoenzyme describes the protein part of such an enzyme

• Prosthetic group is the non protein component

• Holoenzyme is the entire complex

Page 18: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Enzyme Composition

Examples of Holoenzymes• Cytochromes. Heme = prostetic group.• Aconitase. Enzyme of the TCA cycle.

FeS is the prosthetic group• Alpha Ketoglutarate dehydrogenase

and pyruvate dehydrogenase. Dihydrolipoic Acid is the prosthetic group

Page 19: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Allosteric enzyme regulation

Page 20: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Examples of allosterism, aspartate carbamoyltransferase and carbamoyl phosphate synthetase

Page 21: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.


• Solute Transport• Catabolism-Breaking complex

molecules into simple molecules to generate biological energy

• Anabolism-Building macromolecules (lipids, protein, nucleic acids and polysaccharides) from simple molecules. Biosynthesis

Page 22: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.


• Simple Diffusion: gases, water

• Facilitated or passive transport: glycerol

• Active transport: most solutes

• Group translocation: sugars including glucose and other sugars such as fructose, mannose, maltose and sucrose.

Page 23: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.


Simple Diffusion• No protein carrier molecule and therefore

does not obey saturation kinetics• No biological energy requirment• Does not work against a concentration

gradient• Examples: water (osmosis), gases.

Page 24: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Facilitated Diffusion

• Requires a protein carrier thus obeys saturation kinetics

• No biological energy requirement

• Cannot move solute against a concentration gradient

• Example : glycerol transport

Page 25: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Transport by facilitated diffusion and passive diffusion`

Page 26: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Facilitated Diffusion

Page 27: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Active Transport

• Requires metabolic energy

• Requires protein carrier and thus obeys saturation kinetics

• Moves solute against a concentration gradient

• Example: amino acid transport systems

Page 28: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Specific Active Transport Systems of E. coli

Binding Protein Transport Systems• Metabolic energy source is ATP directly• Binding proteins located in periplasmic space

bind substrate• Substrate carrying binding proteins lock with

cytoplasmic membrane carriers which transport substrate using ATP as energy. Histidine transport is an example.

Page 29: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.
Page 30: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Gradient Driven Active Transport

• Metabolic energy used is usually proton motive force (H+ gradient) established through respiration

• No binding protein but has transmembrane carrier protein

• Systems incude Antiport, Symport and uniport. Examples, sodium export, lactose transport and nitrite export

Page 31: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Antiport and symport

Page 32: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Group TranslocationGroup Translocation

Phosphoenolpyruvate:sugar phosphotransferase system

§ Requires no net metabolic energy§ Requires protein carrier as well as

cytoplasmic proteins§ Solute is modified during transport

and therefore cannot discuss concentration gradients

Phosphoenolpyruvate:sugar phosphotransferase system

§ Requires no net metabolic energy§ Requires protein carrier as well as

cytoplasmic proteins§ Solute is modified during transport

and therefore cannot discuss concentration gradients

Page 33: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Phosphoenolpyruvate:Sugar Phosphotransferase System (PTS)

Phosphoenolpyruvate:Sugar Phosphotransferase System (PTS)

Page 34: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Microbe of the Week

Salmonella typhiGram-negative, motile, mesophilic enteric bacterium

Causative agent of typhoid fever (aka “enteric fever”

Page 35: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.
Page 36: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Typhoid fever: the illness

7-28 days (avg. 14 days)Fever, malaise, anorexia, spots on trunkDiarrhea or constipationDelirium75% hospitalizedFatality rate = 0.4%Recovery: 1-8 weeks

Page 37: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.


Humans are sole reservoir (does not infect animals)Carriers may harbor the organism in their gall bladderContaminated food – by handlers (milk, sandwiches, meat, cake!)

or …Contaminated water – e.g. shellfish in polluted watersOrganism survives in shellfish up to 4 days, sea water up to 9 days, for weeks in sewageTransmission: mainly from water contaminated with human waste or human carriers

Page 38: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Typhoid MaryTyphoid MarySociological implications of infectious disease

Typhoid Mary's real name was Mary Mallon. Irish immigrant who made her living as a cookMallon was the first person found to be a "healthy carrier" of typhoid fever in the United States.

She herself was not sick – but over 30% of the bacteria in her feces were S. typhi

Mallon is attributed with infecting 47 people with typhoid fever, three of whom died.Interred on a N. Brother Island, NY for 26 years

1907-1910 1915- till her death in 1938

Page 39: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Sociological Implications of Infectious DiseaseTyphoid Mary

Mary Mallon (wearing glasses) photographed with bacteriologist Emma Sherman on North Brother Island in 1931 or 1932, over 15 years after she had been quarantined there permanently.

Page 40: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.


Page 41: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.


Page 42: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

The Two General Mechanisms for Making Energy

• Substrate Phosphorylation: ATP is made directly through a specific enzymatic exergonic reaction. Examples: 3 phosphoglycerate kinase and pyruvate kinase.

• Respiratory driven proton translocation coupled with ATP synthesis otherwise known as the Chemiosmotic Mechanism

Page 43: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Substrate Phosphorylation

General Concept

A + B + ADP + Pi<--------->C + D + ATP

Usually specific reactions of glycolysis are given as examples of these kinds of


Page 44: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Chemiosmotic Theory

Couples respiration with a proton gradient that can be used to drive ATP synthesis

through the ATPase enzyme

Page 45: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Fig.9.11 p.172

Page 46: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Fig. 9.1 p.165

Page 47: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Fig.9.3 p.166

Page 48: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.


Page 49: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

ATP requiring and ATP yielding reactions in glycolysis

ATP requiring and ATP yielding reactions in glycolysis

Requiring ATP1. Glucose + ATP------->glucose-6P + ADP

(6C) Hexokinase (6C)2. Fructose-6P + ATP----->Fructose-1,6 bisphosphate +ADP

(6 carbons) phosphofructokinase (6carbons)Yielding ATP

1. 1,3 bisphosphoglycerate+ADP----->1phosphoglycerate + ATP

(3Carbons) phosphoglycerate kinase (3Carbons)

z Phosphoenolpyruvate + ADP-----------> Pyruvate + ATP (3Carbons) pyruvate kinase (3Carbons)

1. Net Gain from substrate phosphorylation per glucose=2ATP

Requiring ATP1. Glucose + ATP------->glucose-6P + ADP

(6C) Hexokinase (6C)2. Fructose-6P + ATP----->Fructose-1,6 bisphosphate +ADP

(6 carbons) phosphofructokinase (6carbons)Yielding ATP

1. 1,3 bisphosphoglycerate+ADP----->1phosphoglycerate + ATP

(3Carbons) phosphoglycerate kinase (3Carbons)

z Phosphoenolpyruvate + ADP-----------> Pyruvate + ATP (3Carbons) pyruvate kinase (3Carbons)

1. Net Gain from substrate phosphorylation per glucose=2ATP

Page 50: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Specific Glycolytic Reaction forming Reduced NAD

Glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate + NAD + Pi<------->1,3 bisphosphate glycerateglyceraldehyde 3 phosphate dehydrogenase

Page 51: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Generation of Electron Donors for RespirationGeneration of Electron Donors for Respiration

l The two primary sources of electrons The two primary sources of electrons for the respiratory chain come from for the respiratory chain come from NADHNADH++ or FADH or FADH++

l These reducing equivalents come These reducing equivalents come primarily from the final degradation of primarily from the final degradation of glucose via the TCA cycleglucose via the TCA cycle

l The two primary sources of electrons The two primary sources of electrons for the respiratory chain come from for the respiratory chain come from NADHNADH++ or FADH or FADH++

l These reducing equivalents come These reducing equivalents come primarily from the final degradation of primarily from the final degradation of glucose via the TCA cycleglucose via the TCA cycle

Page 52: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Pyruvate Dehydrogenase RXPyruvate Dehydrogenase RX

Pyruvate + CoA + NAD ---------> AcetylCoA +NADH2 +CO2

*First decarboxylation after glycolysis before TCA*Generates NADH *Generates the AcetylCoA which then enters TCA

Page 53: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Fig.9.7 p.170

Page 54: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Specific Reactions of TCA forming Reduced NAD and FAD

• Isocitrate + NAD <--isocitrate dehydrogenase-> alpha ketoglutarate + NADH2 + CO2

• Alpha ketoglutarate + NAD<---------------->succinate CoA + NADH2 + CO2

alpha ketoglutarate dehydrogenase

• Succinate + FAD<------------------------------>fumarate + FADH2

succinate dehydrogenase

• Malate + NAD<-------------------------------------> oxaloacetate + NADH2

malate dehydrogenase

Page 55: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.


s The respiratory chain is composed of electron carriers ordered by redox potential from more negative to more positive

s The initial source of electrons is NADH+ or FADH+

s Initially two electrons and two protons enter the respiratory chain and are passed according to redox potential with the ultimate reduction of oxygen to water.

s The respiratory chain is composed of electron carriers ordered by redox potential from more negative to more positive

s The initial source of electrons is NADH+ or FADH+

s Initially two electrons and two protons enter the respiratory chain and are passed according to redox potential with the ultimate reduction of oxygen to water.

Page 56: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Components of Respiratory Chain

Components of Respiratory Chain

NADH dehydrogenaseSuccinate dehydrogenase

(flavoprotein)Quinones (organic molecule)Cytochromes a, b, c and

cytochrome oxidase (a, d, o)

NADH dehydrogenaseSuccinate dehydrogenase

(flavoprotein)Quinones (organic molecule)Cytochromes a, b, c and

cytochrome oxidase (a, d, o)

Page 57: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Fig. 9.9 p.171

Page 58: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Fig. 9.10 p. 172

Page 59: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Inhibitors of Respiration

• Inhibitors of respiration specifically block the transfer of electrons from one specific respiratory carrier to the other.

• These inhibitors do not affect the permeability of the membrane and a PMF can still be maintained through the hydrolysis of ATP

Page 60: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Examples of Inhibitors of Respiration

• Antimycin blocks electron transport between cytochrome b and cytochrome c

• Cyanide and Azide prevent the transfer of electrons to oxygen e.g. they inhibit cytochrome oxidase.

Page 61: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Fig. 9.11 p. 172

Page 62: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Uncouplers of Oxidative Phosphorylation

• Uncouplers basically make membranes permeable to ions such as H+ thus the PMF collapses and can’t support ATP synthesis.

• Most uncouplers cause the cell to increase oxygen respiration rate

• Examples of uncouplers are dinitrophenol (DNP) , nigericin and valinomycin.

Page 63: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Fig. 9.12 p.173

Page 64: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Respiration/ATP stoichiometry

• Per molecule of phosphate and 1/2 O2

microoganisms generate a certain amount of ATP. This is called a P/O ratio and is usually 3/1 in mitochondria

• The ratio is thought to be lower in E. coli

Page 65: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.


• NADH2<------->NAD yields 3 ATP in mitochondria

• FADH2<----------->FAD yields 2 ATP in mitochondria

• From glucose to CO2, 10 NADH2 and 2 FADH2 are formed. Therefore 34ATP formed from O/P and 4 from SP.

Page 66: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Table 9.2

Page 67: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Generation of Energy Under Anaerobic Conditions

• Fermentation: Energy is generated strictly by substrate level phosphorylation (SLP). NADH2 is recycled to NAD by specific fermentation reactions.

• Anaerobic Respiration: Energy is generated in the same way as aerobic respiration but with lower energy yields. NADH2 is recycled to NAD through an anaerobic respiratory chain.

Page 68: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Specific Reactions Forming Substrate Level ATP


• 1,3 bisphosphate glycerate +ADP<---------->3 phosphoglycerate +ATP

3 phosphoglycerate kinase

• Phosphoenolpyruvate + ADP<------------------> pyruvate + ATPpyruvate kinase

Page 69: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Specific Glycolytic Reaction forming Reduced NAD

• Glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate + NAD + Pi<------->1,3 bisphosphate glycerate

glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate dehydrogenase

Page 70: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Fermentation is an Anaerobic Process

• Necessary to limit reactions that generate NADH2 and to develop specific reactions to regenerated NAD so glycolysis can continue.

• ATP formed strictly from SLP.

Page 71: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Fermentation Strategy

• Fermentation reactions are aimed at converting the NADH2 to NAD

• Intermediates of the TCA cycle are necessary for biosynthesis. A split TCA cycle so that there is a limitation of NADH2made.

• Formation of Acetyl CoA is by Pyruvate formate lyase so that NADH2 is not formed

Page 72: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Fermentation Reactions

• Microorganisms have developed diverse reactions to regenerate NAD for glycolysis

• Strategy is to use organic compounds as electron and proton acceptors for the oxidation of NADH2

Page 73: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.
Page 74: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Examples of Fermentation Reactions

• Pyruvate + NADH2 <-------->Lactate + NAD

lactate dehydrogenase

• Pyruvate + <--------> acetaldehyde + CO2

acetaldehyde + NADH2<------->ethanol + NAD

alcohol dehydrogenase

Page 75: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

TCA cycle During Fermentation

• The TCA cycle has a both catabolic and anabolic functions.

• During biosynthesis intermediates of the TCA cycle are drawn off to provide carbon skeletons for important biosynthetic pathways

• The TCA cycle is modified during fermentation to limit production of NADH2

Page 76: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

TCA Cycle Is Modified During Fermentation

• Split TCA cycle limits amount of NADH2

formed• The enzyme alpha ketoglutarate

dehydrogenase is not made under fermentation conditions

• The last half of the cycle runs backwards

• Thus all intermediates are made but NADH2 production is limited

Page 77: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Split TCA

• Pyruvate + CO2 <-----> Oxaloacetate

• 1/2 of the Oxaloacetategoes to form citrate and 1/2 to the backward reactions of TCA

Page 78: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Fermentation End Products of Commercial Value

• Alcohol (wine, beer, distilled beverages)

• Amino acids

• Acetone

• Butanol

• Citrate

• 2,3 butanediol for butter flavor

Page 79: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Anaerobic Respiration

• Some but not all bacteria can also grow anaerobically using compounds other than oxgen as terminal electron acceptors for respiration.

• Examples of anaerobic terminal electron acceptors are NO3

-, and SO4-.

• NO3- respiration is by far the most


Page 80: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Anaerobic Respiration

• Catabolic pathways are similar to aerobic pathways

• NADH2 and FADH2 are formed in the same way as aerobically (glycolysis and TCA)

• NADH2 and FADH2 are oxidized by the appropriate specialized anaerobic respiratory chain located in the membrane

Page 81: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Energy Generation during Anaerobic Respiration

• Energy is generated by the same mechanisms as during aerobic respiration.

• Because the redox potential of the terminal electron acceptors are not as positive as the oxygen/water couple the PMF generated is not as strong and thus per 2 electrons passed down the chain less ATP can be made through the chemiosmotic mechanism.

Page 82: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.
Page 83: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.


Two sets of reactions

• Light reactions: light energy is trapped and converted to chemical energy

• Dark reactions: the energy generated during the light reaction is used to fix CO2 to sugar.

Page 84: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Bacterial Photosynthesis

• Blue green algae perform eucaryotic like photosynthesis which is oxygenic

• All other eubacterial photosynthesis is anoxygenic i.e. does not generate oxygen.

Page 85: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Oxygenic Photosynthesisblue green algae

• Occurs in specialized organelles called chloroplasts which contain the chlorophylls and other pigments that absorb light energy

• Light reactions occur in the thylakoid membrane (inner membrane) of the chloroplast

• Dark reactions are in the fluid surrounding the thylakoid membranes called stroma

Page 86: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.
Page 87: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.
Page 88: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.
Page 89: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.
Page 90: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.
Page 91: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.
Page 92: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Plant photosynthesis

Page 93: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.
Page 94: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Carbon Dioxide Fixation

• Requires lots of reducing power (NADH and NADPH)

• Occurs via the Calvin Cycle in both bacterial and eucaryotic photosynthesis

Page 95: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.
Page 96: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

4 families of anaerobic photosynthetic bacteria

• Purple non sulfur bacteria• Purple sulfur bacteria• Green sulfur bacteria• Green gliding bacteriaThese organisms do anoxygenic

photosynthesis and use something other than water as a source of electrons for reducing equivalents

Page 97: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Reduction potential in anaerobic photsynthetic bacteria

1. Reverse Electron Flow

2. Direct shuttle via specific enzymes from inorganic and Organic molecules such as H2S or H2

Page 98: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Bacterial anaerobic photosynthesis

• Cyclic photosynthesis

• Reducing power usually from reverse electron flow or directly from inorganic or organic compounds

• CO2 fixation via Calvin Cycle

Page 99: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.
Page 100: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.
Page 101: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Chemolithotrophic Metabolism

• Energy source is an inorganic compound

• Carbon source is CO2

• Reducing power for biosynthesis comes from organic or inorganic compounds such as succinate, malate or sulfur.

Page 102: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Examples of Chemolithotrophic Activity


• Ammonia------------------->NitriteNitrosomonas

• Nitrite------------------------>NitrateNitrobacter

Page 103: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Chemolithotrophic autotrophNitrobacter

Page 104: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.
Page 105: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.


Page 106: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Building Blocks for Macromolecules

• Amino acids (AA)--------------->proteins

• Glycerol + fatty acids-------------->lipids

Glycerol + fatty acids +AA + Pi--->phospholipids

• Monosaccharides--------->polysaccharides

• Pyrimidines +purines +nitrogen +riboseP---->nucleic acids

Page 107: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.
Page 108: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Metabolic Pathways Providing Intermediates of Metabolism for The Synthesis for Macromolecular

Building Blocks

• Embden Myerhoff Parnas (Glycolysis)

• Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle (Krebs)

• Pyruvate Dehydrogenase reaction

Page 109: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.
Page 110: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Anaplerotic Reactions

Fill-in intermediates of TCA that are drawn-off for biosynthesis so cycle can


• PEP + CO2-------> Oxaloacetate

• Pyruvate + CO2------->Oxaloacetate

• Glyoxylate by-pass

Page 111: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Sources of Nitrogen, and Sulfur for Amino Acids and Nucleotides

• Organic nitrogen and sulfur containing compounds. Amino Acids (20), pyrimidine and purine bases (ATUGC) from the breakdown of protein and nucleic acids.

• Assimilation of inorganic nitrogen and sulfur compounds (N2, NH4

+, NO3-, SO4


Page 112: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.
Page 113: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.
Page 114: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Peptidoglycan Synthesis

• NAG and NAM-peptide are made in cytoplasm. The peptide is synthesized via a non ribosomal enzyme system.

• The above are then transported across the membrane by proteins called bactoprenols

Page 115: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.

Antibiotics Interfering with Peptidoglycan Synthesis

• Penicillin and vancomycin inhibit transpeptidation

• Cycloserine inhibits the cytoplasmic synthesis of the pentapeptide unit

• Bacitracin interfers with the transport of NAM-peptide and NAG through the membrane by bactoprenol.

Page 116: Enzymes Enzymes are usually proteins which act as biological catalysts for metabolic reactions Enzymes enhance the rate at which the chemical reactions.