Download - Environmental Monitoring and Industrial Measurement · PRODUCT CATALOGUE QUALITY ASSURED ISO9001:2008 DNV Certification Pty Ltd Environmental Monitoring and Industrial Measurement

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Environmental Monitoring and Industrial Measurement

Page 2: Environmental Monitoring and Industrial Measurement · PRODUCT CATALOGUE QUALITY ASSURED ISO9001:2008 DNV Certification Pty Ltd Environmental Monitoring and Industrial Measurement

Unidata Pty (Unidata) owns the copyright in this catalogue and much of the information in it is Unidata’s proprietary information. No person may reproduce or otherwise deal with this Catalogue (or any part of it) or any of the proprietary information (or any part of it) for commercial purposes except with Unidata’s prior written consent. Commercial use of this Catalogue (or any part of it) otherwise than for the purposes that Unidata prepared it for is strictly prohibited.

The following words or marks appearing in this Catalogue are Unidata’s registered trade marks:


The use of any word or mark substantially identical to or deceptively similar to any of those words or marks that are Unidata’a registered trade marks, in relation to any of the categories of goods and/or services to which Unidata has registered those words or marks, is prohibited.

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Neon Metering Module – 2G / 3G 8

Neon Remote Module – 2G / 3G 8

Neon Remote Terminal – 2G / 3G 9

Neon HSIO LCD Display Unit 9

NRT Display Unit 10

Neon Remote Terminals 10

Neon Camera Systems, Terminals and Modules 14

Neon Server Applications Software 17



Prologger 44

Starlog 4 Software 45


Solar Powered Systems and Controllers 48

SIGNAL TERMINATION – FIELD TERMINATION STRIPS 50Datalogger Field Termination Strips 50

Input and Output Modules 52


CABLES, CONNECTORS & INTERFACES 58Cables, Connectors and Interfaces 58


Page 4: Environmental Monitoring and Industrial Measurement · PRODUCT CATALOGUE QUALITY ASSURED ISO9001:2008 DNV Certification Pty Ltd Environmental Monitoring and Industrial Measurement

Neon Web Based Technology Overview

Unidata provides a range of Internet

Protocol Telemetry data loggers (Neon

Products) and associated Neon

Server Applications Software facilitate

transport of data from the measuring

instruments in the field to a central office.

In this section we provide some

background to Internet Protocol (IP)

telemetry and some rational as to why

this is a growing method of providing

connection between loggers in the field

and central offices.

Telemetry systems have been used

extensively for successfully transporting

data from field measurement devices

to central computer systems for many

years. With the growth of the internet

and telecommunications networks

there are now more options available

for telemetry.

Pull and Push TelemetryIn past years data was recorded from

field instruments with chart recorders

and the charts were collected from

the field and brought into the office

for analysis. In the 1970’s data

loggers came into wide usage and

data was recorded in the memory of

loggers which were brought back to

the office to download the recorded

data from them for analysis, or the

data was downloaded into portable

computers in the field which were

then brought back to the office for

analysis. Soon after fixed phone lines

at the measurement site and dial up

modems were used to allow the office

to dial up the data logger in the field

and download the data via the fixed

line phone system, and this was the

first real uptake of telemetry, which was

initially pull telemetry or connection

oriented telemetry, where a dedicated

connection was needed

Dial up telemetry also expanded with

the introduction of mobile phones and

satellite phones however a modem was

still used so the basic method did not

change. The transaction still required

a manual or semi automatic or fully

automatic system of establishing a

circuit (either landline, mobile phone

line or satellite line first, and then using

a modem to transfer data via a circuit

Neon Server Features:

• View data from any browser on the internet

• Reconfigure Neon remote loggers on-line

• Diagnose and reset Neon remote loggers on-line

• Upload new logger schemes on-line

• Automated FTP/ Web Services/email reports

• Automated email and SMS alarm notifications

• True IP services/guaranteed data delivery system

• Industry standard architecture

Typical Applications:

• Remote data monitoring and acquisition

• Environmental compliance reporting

• Metering for utilities

• Asset monitoring

which was primarily designed as a voice

circuit. The main principle here is that

a new circuit needed to be established

for each transfer or each modem. There

were also some “leased lines” used,

whereby a permanent circuit was set

up for such transfers, but the principles

remained the same.

With the arrival of the internet and the

wide use of TCP/IP data a new method

was possible, whereby shared packet

networks could be used to transfer

data from the field to the office by

sending the data in packets across

shared TCP/IP networks. There are

both private and public IP networks,

and telecommunications providers use

other technologies within their networks,

such as frame relay and asynchronous

transfer (ATM) to transport TCP/IP

packets however from a user’s point of

view it remains a TCP/IP network from

end to end. With a packet network many

users can send packets across the

same network at the same time and the

sending end initiates the transfer, hence

this type of telemetry is called push

telemetry or connectionless telemetry,

where a dedicated connection is not

needed for each transfer. Another

method of push telemetry is SMS

or other short message services

where a simple text message is sent

across a shared network. Most SMS

or short message services are not

guaranteed delivery methods and

this is an important consideration for

telemetry applications. With the TCP/

IP method each packet is sent, and an

acknowledgement for that packet is

requested and if not acknowledged, the

packet will be resent, thereby ensuring

data packet delivery. With SMS type

messages there is generally no such

acknowledgement method built into

the system and messages may be

lost. Message loss is unusual, but it is

still possible and therefore SMS type

messages are not a guaranteed delivery

method hence such methods are less

desirable than true TCP/IP methods.

To balance this argument, SMS type

messages may be less expensive and

they need to be considered in the mix of

services available.


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Mobile Phone / Cellular Phone NetworksIn times past, each home had a phone

line which was fixed at the house or

office, i.e. it was location centric and

many users in that home or office

used that service. Now we see the

decline of these fixed phones and the

networks are now mobile or person

centric. Telecommunications providers

are now expanding such networks to

provide more services across mobile

phone / cellular phone services and

the expansion is by adding services,

such as SMS messaging, and internet

connection services. The growth is

in speed of internet connection, (G3/

HSPDA etc) and this speed increase is

interesting but not especially relevant

to telemetry as the current lower speed

GPRS (General Packet Radio Service)

type services are generally as fast as

the telemetry application needs are

today and will be into the future.

Mobile Phone / Cellular phone networks

using GPRS services seem an ideal fit

for push telemetry however there is one

design aspect which is very relevant

to telemetry applications. These

networks growth is generally related to

population growth, with most providers

advertising they have 90% of the

population covered by their networks.

However most of the population is in

the large cities where infrastructure can

be shared across many users, thereby

making it economic for the provider to

install new base stations. Generally

telemetry is needed in remote areas

and this is where there are few people

and where providers do not want to

install base stations as they cannot

amortise the cost across enough users

to make the system economic. Hence

while 90% of the population may be

covered by such networks, perhaps

only 50% of the country area is covered

by the network.

Regardless of this, Mobile Phone /

Cellular phone networks will always

offer the most economic method of

communication in more than 50% of

the land area and there will usually be

a very good economic benefit when

utilising these networks in a telemetry

system. It is also interesting to note

that in developed countries such as

Australia, where fixed line phones

have been widely installed the need for

Mobile Phone / Cellular phone networks

is not as important than in developing

countries where there is little fixed line

phone infrastructure, for example in

India and Thailand. In such countries

Mobile Phone / Cellular phone network

coverage in remote areas is probably

a lot better than Australia as they

don’t have as much fixed line phone


Also, as the data needs of telemetry

systems are relatively small, the lower

speed GPRS services are the most

likely services appropriate to telemetry


Satellite ServicesSome of the history of satellite services

is detailed here for general background.

Commercial satellite communications

services started in the late 1960s / early

1970s primarily as undersea cable

technology could not keep up with the

growth need for international circuits.

As analogue undersea and land based

coaxial cables were limited in capacity

(to around 1000 voice circuits per cable)

satellite circuits offered an immediate

and economic capacity increase and

offered a good commercial offering for

circuits. When fibre optic cables were

developed in the 1980s, and these

cables offered much larger capacity

(to around 250,000 voice circuits for

a similar cost) they became a much

better alternative to satellite circuits

for major demand. However Satellite

technology offered and still offers some

unique benefits of wide / global coverage

especially in areas where there is limited

infrastructure albeit at a higher cost.

Technology Considerations for Satellite CommunicationsThere are two main types of satellite

services, equatorial orbit satellites and

low earth orbit satellites. The diagram

below shows in diagrammatic for such


Equatorial satellites orbit the earth at

the same speed as the earth rotates;

hence they appear to be stationary to

a user on the earth’s surface. These

satellites are at a height of around

25000 km above the earth’s surface

and act as a stationary radio repeater,

receiving microwave signals transmitted

from the earth, amplifying them and

changing their frequency and re

transmitting them back to earth usually

using focused antennas which point to

the required area of coverage.

The focused antennas are called spot

beams. There are some satellites which

have wider beams, called global beams

and these provide wider coverage with

less power in a given coverage area.

Equatorial Orbit Satellites

Low Earth Orbit Satellites


Equatorial Orbit Satellite








Satellite Control & Management Ground Station

Low earth orbit (LEO) satellites orbit

the earth within an hour or two and

cover a smaller area which is only

visible during the time when they are

overhead, within view of the user on the

earth. They are at a height of around

1000 km above the earth’s surface

and there are generally 20 or more

satellites in any LEO system and on

average there will be at least one to 4

satellites in view to use at any one time. 3

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Satellite communications frequencies

are specified in bands, for example

KU band (around 20 GHz Hz), C Band

(around 5 GHz) and L Band (around 1.5

GHz). As the frequencies are different

the loss in different atmospheric

conditions needs to be considered. KU

band in particular suffers high signal

loss in heavy cloud and rain. Antenna

size also needs to be considered. As a

general rule the smaller the frequency

the smaller the antenna. Generally

L Band downlink has been more

widely used for mobile or semi mobile

communications as it does not suffer

much rain fade and the small antenna

size on the earth based receiver is

more convenient. Some satellite data

providers use two frequencies, an

uplink from the earth to the satellite

from a central location on the earth and

a different downlink frequency from the

satellite to the earth.

Satellite communications delay or

latency is another very important

consideration. Radio signals

travel at about the speed of light,

and the transmission delay for an

equatorial satellite is typically 250ms

(milliseconds), or a quarter of a

second. The transmission delay for a

comparable LEO Satellite is 25 times

less as it is 25 times closer to the earth.

While this delay does not seem much,

there are important considerations

when using packet based services,

especially when packets are sent

and acknowledged as part of the

transmission system.

Satellite power is expensive and

systems are designed to allow effective

communications within a small

calculated link margin. Link margins

are calculated based on free space

loss from the satellite to the earth and

other factors, such as transmission

speed and bandwidth. The commercial

consideration is to ensure the satellite

provider provides a reasonable link

margin, or margin for error above the

minimum power required to operate

the system. For fixed installations, link

margins are generally very small, but

for mobile satellite systems, where the

antenna may be moved, received signal

levels can vary widely and a higher link

margin is required.

Satellite availability for equatorial

satellites is straight forward. If the

satellite is in the correct orbit then

it should be always available. For

equatorial satellites the provider

needs to have a backup or redundant

satellite available. In the event of a

failure of the primary satellite and the

availability of the backup, as well as

the time to switch to the redundant

satellite needs to be specified.

Satellite availability for LEO satellites

is different, as there may be 20

or more satellites available at any

one time. For LEO satellites, the

satellite provider needs to specify

the availability in minutes to acquire

a satellite and the minimum number

of working satellites it will provide

over a given period and their plans

and actions if more than one or

two satellites in the system fail.

Generally LEO systems can tolerate

the failure of 1 or 2 satellites without

much degradation of service. If 4

or 5 satellites failed there may be

a problem, with extended times to

acquire a satellite.

Technology Comparisons- TCP / IP versus Short Message Service OfferingsSatellite data service offerings are

either true TCP/IP services or short

message services. Some discussion

in regard to these services is needed

for comparison.

TCP/IP services are standard and do

not require further comment, other

than the fact that only a few offerings

are appropriate for TCP/IP services.

Latency / delay is the most important

consideration for such services and

any equatorial service will struggle to

offer good end to end TCP/IP services

as the latency is high for equatorial


Short service messages offered

by LEO satellite providers allow

the operator to deal with the earth

to satellite and inter satellite hop

and satellite to earth delays. Some

LEO satellite providers consolidate

messages to reduce cost which also

adds to the latency/delay.

For communications to occur one of

these satellites needs to be acquired

communications established and the

call or data transfer to be completed in

10 to 20 minutes while the satellite is in

view overhead.

Some systems can effectively transfer

the call or data transfer to another

satellite automatically as indicated in

the diagram below.





U sSatellite Control & Management Ground Station

Low Earth Orbit Satellite Low Earth Orbit


Low Earth Orbit Satellite

Low Earth Orbit Satellite

Low Earth Orbit Satellite

Low Earth Orbit Satellite

Satellite Control & Management Ground Station

Internet / Private Network



Satellite Control & Management Ground Station

Field User

Low Earth Orbit Satellite

Low Earth Orbit Satellite

Low Earth Orbit Satellite

Low Earth Orbit Satellite

Low Earth Orbit Satellite

Low Earth Orbit Satellite

The LEO systems are analogous to a

set of orbiting mobile phone / cellular

phone system base stations.

As a general rule equatorial satellites

require more power and are more

expensive per call than a LEO satellite

system. Also as the equatorial satellite

does not move in relation to a user on

the earth, they are always available


There are four other important aspects

of the technology discussion in regard

to satellite communications, satellite

communications frequency, satellite

transmission delay, and satellite power

and satellite availability.4

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Neon Terminals & Modules

Neon Systems include three main


• Field Units (called Neon Remote

Terminals and Modules)

• A suitable Neon Server

• Neon Server Applications Software

Neon Remote Terminals and ModulesThe tables on the following pages

provide a summary of the inputs

and outputs available in the various

models of the Neon Remote Modules

& Terminals suitable for cellular phone


An appropriate GPRS service and SIM

cards, or appropriate Satellite services

must be arranged through a telephone

company / carrier to use these systems.

Neon Server OptionsThe Neon Applications software can run

on a small laptop computer ( running

Windows XP or later) or a standard

Windows 2003/2008 Server running on

a single server, or a large enterprise

server which uses virtual server

technology to provide one or many

instances of the Windows 2003/2008

Operating System.

The Neon System can also be provided

as a hosted system, using Unidata

Servers, where Unidata provides

access to our servers for customers

not wishing to arrange for a server


Neon Server Applications Software & Services There are many options available for

purchase of Neon Applications Software

and Neon Hosted Services. Please

refer to the detailed information on the

Neon Server Applications Software


Unidata Technical staff can assist in

advising the various different service

offerings available from most telephone

companies / carriers. Unidata Staff can

also provide technical assistance for

networking and firewall settings issues

when needed.


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Neon Terminals & Modules

Analog Channels 4 (12-bit resolution) 4 (12-bit resolution) 2 (12-bit resolution) unipolar unipolar unipolar single-ended single-ended single-ended

Accuracy Accuracy Accuracy Analog Ranges 0 to 2.50V ± 0.25% 0 to 2.50V ± 0.25% 0 to 2.50V ± 0.25% (typical) (typical) (typical)

HSIO 1 bi-directional 1 bi-directional 1 bi-directional 16-bit channel 16-bit channel 16-bit channel

Counter Channels 1 x 16 bit, 3kHz 1 x 16 bit, 3kHz 1 x 16 bit, 3kHz 3 x 8 bit, 300Hz 3 x 8 bit, 300Hz

Control Outputs 1 open collector 1 open collector 1 open collector

Base Memory 30KB 30KB 30KB

Add Memory Option Yes – 8MB Yes – 8MB Yes – 8MB

Instrument Voltages 5V unregulated, 5mA max 5V unregulated, 5mA max 5V unregulated, 5mA max 2.5V ref, 5mA max 2.5V ref, 5mA max 2.5V ref, 5mA max

Display No Yes No

SDI-12 Yes Yes Yes

Computer RS-232 level RS-232 level RS-232 level Communications 300-38,400 bps 300-38,400 bps 300-38,400 bps

Modbus Yes Yes Yes

Models NEON Metering NEON Remote NEON Remote Module - 2G / 3G Module - 2G / 3G Terminal - 2G / 3G

4 (12-bit-resolution) 4 (12-bit-resolution) 4 (12-bit-resolution) 4 (12-bit-resolution) Unipolar Unipolar Unipolar Unipolar Single-ended Single-ended Single-ended Single-ended

Accuracy Accuracy Accuracy Accuracy 0 to 2.50V ± 0.25% 0 to 2.50V ± 0.25% 0 to 2.50V ± 0.25% 0 to 2.50V ± 0.25% (typical) (typical) (typical) (typical)

1 bi-directional 1 bi-directional 1 bi-directional 1 bi-directional 16-bit channel 16-bit channel 16-bit channel 16-bit channel

1 x 16 bit, 3kHz 1 x 16 bit, 3kHz 1 x 16 bit, 3kHz 1 x 16 bit, 3kHz

1 open controller 1 open controller 1 open controller 1 open controller

30KB 30KB 30KB 30KB

Yes – 8MB Yes – 8MB Yes – 8MB Yes – 8MB

5V unregulated, 5mA max 5V unregulated, 5mA max 5V unregulated, 5mA max 5V unregulated, 5mA max 2.5V ref, 5mA max 2.5V ref, 5mA max 2.5V ref, 5mA max 2.5V ref, 5mA max

No No No No

Yes Yes Yes Yes

RS-232 level Ethernet – RJ45 RS-232 level Ethernet RJ45 300-38,400 bps 300-38,400 bps WiFi

Yes Yes Yes Yes

NEON Remote NEON Remote NEON Remote Neon Remote Terminal Globalstar Terminal Ethernet Terminal Inmarsat Terminal Ethernet Satellite M2M Satellite Wi-Fi


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4 (12-bit-resolution) 4 (12-bit-resolution) 4 (12-bit-resolution) 4 (12-bit-resolution) Unipolar Unipolar Unipolar Unipolar Single-ended Single-ended Single-ended Single-ended

Accuracy Accuracy Accuracy Accuracy 0 to 2.50V ± 0.25% 0 to 2.50V ± 0.25% 0 to 2.50V ± 0.25% 0 to 2.50V ± 0.25% (typical) (typical) (typical) (typical)

1 bi-directional 1 bi-directional 1 bi-directional 1 bi-directional 16-bit channel 16-bit channel 16-bit channel 16-bit channel

1 x 16 bit, 3kHz 1 x 16 bit, 3kHz 1 x 16 bit, 3kHz 1 x 16 bit, 3kHz

1 open controller 1 open controller 1 open controller 1 open controller

30KB 30KB 30KB 30KB

Yes – 8MB Yes – 8MB Yes – 8MB Yes – 8MB

5V unregulated, 5mA max 5V unregulated, 5mA max 5V unregulated, 5mA max 5V unregulated, 5mA max 2.5V ref, 5mA max 2.5V ref, 5mA max 2.5V ref, 5mA max 2.5V ref, 5mA max

No No No No

Yes Yes Yes Yes

RS-232 level Ethernet – RJ45 RS-232 level Ethernet RJ45 300-38,400 bps 300-38,400 bps WiFi

Yes Yes Yes Yes

NEON Remote NEON Remote NEON Remote Neon Remote Terminal Globalstar Terminal Ethernet Terminal Inmarsat Terminal Ethernet Satellite M2M Satellite Wi-Fi




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Neon Metering Module – 2G / 3G

Model 2011E/2013D

Ordering Information

Model Description

2011E-A00 Neon Metering Module (2G) inc Ant & No Li Batt

2011E-AB0 Neon Metering Module (2G) inc Ant & Li Batt

2013D-A00 Neon Metering Module (3G) inc Ant & No Li Batt

2013D-AB0 Neon Metering Module (3G) inc Ant & Li Batt

The NMM Terrestrial is a small

selfcontained unit in a compact case

which connects to sensors in the field,

collects readings from those sensors,

and transmits the collected data to a

central server via a cellular telephone


The Neon central server system is

provided on a Neon Data Service basis

and on a Neon Client System basis and

provides a central computer system to

monitor and receive data from many

Neon NRT units in the field.

The NMM Terrestrial terminal is

designed to automate collection of

remote data from environmental

monitoring, industrial measurements,

and utility metering via cellular networks

from any location within the cellular

network coverage area.

Fully bi-directional communications are

possible via the Neon server. Data can

be collected directly and the NMM

Terrestrial programmed from any

internet connection.

The NMM Terrestrial supports

integrated logging or automated

collection of data from an external


Its built-in modem supports packet

data, and SMS communications. It

has long battery life and low operating

costs through use of advanced

microcontroller technology.

Neon Remote Module – 2G / 3G

Model 2011E/2013D

The NRM Terrestrial is a small

selfcontained unit in a compact case

which connects to sensors in the field,

collects readings from those sensors,

and transmits the collected data to a

central server via a cellular telephone


The Neon central server system is

provided on a Neon Data Service basis

and on a Neon Client System basis and

provides a central computer system to

monitor and receive data from many

Neon NRM units in the field.

The NRM Terrestrial also incorporates

an LCD status display and operating


It is designed to automate collection

of remote data from environmental

monitoring, industrial measurements,

and utility metering via cellular networks

from any location within the cellular

network coverage area.

Fully bi-directional communications

are possible via the Neon server.

Data can be collected directly and the

NRM Terrestrial programmed from any

internet connection.

The NRM Terrestrial supports integrated

logging or automated collection of data

from an external data logger.

NRM Terrestrial’s built-in modem

supports packet data, switchboard

circuit data, and SMS communications.

It has long battery life and low operating

costs through use of advanced

microcontroller technology.

Ordering Information

Model Description

2011E-A0L Neon Remote Module (2G) inc Ant & No Li Batt

2011E-ABL Neon Remote Module (2G) inc Ant & Li Batt

2013D-A0L Neon Remote Module (3G) inc Ant & No Li Batt

2013D-ABL Neon Remote Module (3G) inc Ant & Li Batt


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Neon HSIO LCD Display Unit

Model 2504E

Neon Remote Terminal – 2G / 3G

Model 2014E/2016D

The NRT GPRS 2014E is a small

self-contained unit which connects to

sensors in the field, collects readings

from those sensors, and transmits the

collected data to a central server via a

cellular telephone network.

The Neon central server system is

provided on a Neon Data Service basis

and on a Neon Client System basis and

provides a central computer system to

monitor and receive data from many

Neon NRT units in the field.

The NRT 2G/3G 2014E terminal

is designed to automate collection

of remote data from environmental

monitoring, industrial measurements,

and utility metering via cellular networks

from any location within the cellular

network coverage area.

Fully bi-directional communications

are possible via the Neon server. Data

can be collected directly and the NRT

2G/3G 2014E programmed from any

internet connection.

The NRT 2G/3G 2014E supports

integrated logging or automated

collection of data from an external


Ordering Information

Model Description

2014E-A00 Neon Remote Terminal (2G) inc Ant & No Li Batt

2014E-AB0 Neon Remote Terminal (2G) inc Ant & Li Batt

2016D-A00 Neon Remote Terminal (3G) inc Ant & No Li Batt

2016D-AB0 Neon Remote Terminal (3G) inc Ant & Li Batt

Inputs include analog, digital and SDI

12 datalogger interface standard. There

is also an option for Modbus support,

a partial implementation of the Modbus

protocol which allows for extract data

(get) and place data (put) from/to a

specific register within the Modbus RTU

on an RS485 connection.

(Further details on request)


Dimensions (HxW):

115mm x 105mm.

Display Format:

4 lines x 16 characters.

LCD Type: Supertwist (STN),

yellow-green. no backlight.

Optimum Viewing: 6 o’clock.

Power Supply: 8 to 18 VDC

@ 20mA.

Operating Temp: 0° to 50°C

(32° to 122°F).

Storage Temp: -10° to 60°C

(14° to 140°F).

Serial Signal: HSIO Standard

Synchronous Protocol – RS232

also available.

Serial Protocol: ASCII text with

special commands for formatting.

The Neon Liquid Crystal Display

(LCD) Module interfaces with all Neon

Remote Terminals and Modules. It

displays the values obtained from the

most recent scan.

The Neon’s scheme defines which

parameters will be displayed. For

example, one of the supplied schemes

displays battery supply voltage,

analogue and counter channel values or

SDI 12 channel values.

The 2504E is packaged in a compact

weatherproof polycarbonate enclosure.

The display module power supply can

be wired to a user-installed switch

so that it can be switched on only

when necessary. The module display

is refreshed every scan (normally

15 seconds) and will display a test

message when power is applied until

a message from the instrument is

received. Pressing the button on the

front panel resets the display.

Ordering Information

Model Description

2504E Neon HSIO LCD Display Unit




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NRT Display Unit

Model 2500E

The Neon NRT Display Unit is a

compact display and operating button

unit designed to connect to existing

Neon Remote Terminals (NRTs) and

Ordering Information

Model Description

2500E NRT Display Unit

Neon Remote Modules (NRMs) to

assist with field operations.

The display provides a limited subset

of indicators available via the Starlog 4

support software.

The display unit connects to the RS232

port on the NRT or NRM.

Neon Remote Terminal – Inmarsat BGAN M2M Satellite

Model 2018E

The 2018E NRT Inmarsat Satellite is a

small self-contained unit which connects

to sensors in the field, collects readings

from those sensors, and transmits the

collected data to a central server via a

standard Ethernet port connected to an

Inmarsat BGAN Terminal.

The Neon central server system is

provided on a Neon Data Service basis

and on a Neon Client System basis and

provides a central computer system to

monitor and receive data from many

NRT units in the field.

The 2018E NRT Inmarsat Satellite

is designed to automate collection

of remote data from environmental

monitoring, industrial measurements,

and utility metering via the Inmarsat

BGAN Satellite Network.

Fully bi-directional communications

are possible via the Neon server. Data

can be collected directly and the NRT

can be programmed from any internet


The 2018E NRT Inmarsat Satellite

supports integrated logging or

automated collection of data from an

external datalogger.

The 2018E NRT Inmarsat Satellite

supports TCP/IP packet data. Long

battery life and low operating costs are

made possible through use of advanced

microcontroller technology.

The 2018E NRT Inmarsat Satellite

supports integrated logging or

automated collection of data from an

external datalogger.

Inputs include analog, digital and SDI

12 datalogger interface standard.

There is also Modbus support, a partial

implementation of the Modbus protocol

which allows for extract data (get)

and place data (put) from/to a specific

register within the Modbus RTU on an

RS485 connection.

Ordering Information

Model Description

2018E-1-A00 Neon Remote Terminal Inmarsat BGAN M2M Satellite 1 port inc Ant

2018E-3-A00 Neon Remote Terminal Inmarsat BGAN M2M Satellite 3 port inc Ant

2018E-1-AB0 Neon Remote Terminal Inmarsat BGAN M2M Satellite 1 port inc Ant & Li Batt

2018E-3-AB0 Neon Remote Terminal Inmarsat BGAN M2M Satellite 3 port inc Ant & Li Batt10

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Neon Remote Terminal – Ethernet

Model 2017E

The 2017E NRT Ethernet is a small

self-contained unit which connects to

sensors in the field, collects readings

from those sensors, and transmits the

collected data to a central server via a

standard Ethernet port.

The Neon central server system is

provided on a Neon Data Service basis

and on a Neon Client System basis and

provides a central computer system to

monitor and receive data from many

NRT units in the field.

The 2017E NRT Ethernet is designed

to automate collection of remote data

from environmental monitoring, industrial

measurements, and utility metering via

the Internet.

Ordering Information

Model Description

2017E-1-000 Neon Remote Terminal Ethernet 1 port

2017E-3-000 Neon Remote Terminal Ethernet 3 port

2017E-1-0B0 Neon Remote Terminal Ethernet 1 port inc Li Batt

2017E-3-0B0 Neon Remote Terminal Ethernet 3 port inc Li Batt

Fully bi-directional communications

are possible via the Neon server. Data

can be collected directly and the NRT

can be programmed from any internet


The 2017E NRT Ethernet supports

integrated logging or automated

collection of data from an external


The 2017E NRT Ethernet supports TCP/

IP packet data. Long battery life and

low operating costs are made possible

through use of advanced microcontroller


The 2017E NRT Ethernet supports

integrated logging or automated

collection of data from an external


Inputs include analog, digital and SDI

12 datalogger interface standard.

There is also Modbus support, a partial

implementation of the Modbus protocol

which allows for extract data (get)

and place data (put) from/to a specific

register within the Modbus RTU on an

RS485 connection.




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Neon Remote Terminal – Globalstar Satellite

Model 2015D

The NRT Satellite 2015D is a small

self-contained unit which connects to

sensors in the field, collects readings

from those sensors, and transmits the

collected data to a central server via

satellite communications.

The Neon central server system is

provided on a Neon Data Service basis

and on a Neon Client System basis and

provides a central computer system to

monitor and receive data from many

Neon NRT units in the field.

The NRT Satellite 2015D is designed to

automate collection of remote data from

environmental monitoring, industrial

measurements, and utility metering

via the international Globalstar LEO

Satellite network from any location on

the globe, except the Arctic, Antarctica,

and Africa.

Fully bi-directional communications

are possible via the Neon server.

Data can be collected directly and the

NRT programmed from any internet


The NRT Satellite 2015D supports

integrated logging or automated

collection of data from an external


The NRT Satellite 2015D’s built-in

modem supports packet data. Long

battery life and low operating costs are

made possible through use of advanced

microcontroller technology and an

efficient protocol that takes advantage

of Globalstar’s packet transfer


The NRT Satellite 2015D supports

integrated logging or automated

collection of data from an external


Inputs include analog, digital and SDI

12 datalogger interface standard. There

is also an option for Modbus support,

a partial implementation of the Modbus

protocol which allows for extract data

(get) and place data (put) from/to a

specific register within the Modbus RTU

on an RS485 connection.

(Further details on request)

Ordering Information

Model Description

2015D-A00 (Metal Enclosure)

Neon Remote Terminal (Satellite)- No Li Batt

2015D-AB0 (Metal Enclosure)

Neon Remote Terminal (Satellite) – Inc Li Batt

2012D-A00 (Plastic Enclosure)

Neon Remote Terminal (Satellite)- No Li Batt

2012D-AB0 (Plastic Enclosure)

Neon Remote Terminal (Satellite)- Inc Li Batt

2012D-ABL (Plastic Enclosure)

Neon Remote Terminal (Satellite)- Inc Li Batt & LCD Display


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Neon Remote Terminal – Ethernet Wi-Fi

Model 2019E

The 2019E NRT Ethernet Wi-Fi is a

small self-contained unit which connects

to sensors in the field, collects readings

from those sensors, and transmits the

collected data to a central server via a

standard Ethernet Wi-Fi port.

The Neon central server system is

provided on a Neon Data Service basis

and on a Neon Client System basis and

provides a central computer system to

monitor and receive data from many

NRT units in the field.

Ordering Information

Model Description

2019E-1-000 Neon Remote Terminal Ethernet Wi-Fi 1 port

2019E-3-000 Neon Remote Terminal Ethernet Wi-Fi 3 port

2019E-1-0B0 Neon Remote Terminal Ethernet Wi-Fi 1 port inc Li Batt

2019E-3-0B0 Neon Remote Terminal Ethernet Wi-Fi 3 port inc Li Batt

The 2019E NRT Ethernet Wi-Fi is

designed to automate collection of

remote data from environmental

monitoring, industrial measurements,

and utility metering via the Internet.

Fully bi-directional communications

are possible via the Neon server. Data

can be collected directly and the NRT

can be programmed from any internet


The 2019E NRT Ethernet Wi-Fi supports

integrated logging or automated

collection of data from an external


The 2019E NRT Ethernet Wi-Fi supports

TCP/IP packet data. Long battery life

and low operating costs are made

possible through use of advanced

microcontroller technology.

The 2019E NRT Ethernet Wi-Fi supports

integrated logging or automated

collection of data from an external


Inputs include analog, digital and SDI

12 datalogger interface standard.

There is also Modbus support, a partial

implementation of the Modbus protocol

which allows for extract data (get) and

place data (put)

from/to a specific register within the

Modbus RTU on an RS485 connection.

(Further details on request)




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Page 16: Environmental Monitoring and Industrial Measurement · PRODUCT CATALOGUE QUALITY ASSURED ISO9001:2008 DNV Certification Pty Ltd Environmental Monitoring and Industrial Measurement

Neon Camera System and Module

Model 2502A

The 2502A Neon Camera System is

a Neon Camera Module interfaced to

a Neon Remote Module all housed

within a rugged security camera case,

which can be mechanically adjusted to

the required image view. The system

has lithium battery power for both the

camera and the Neon Remote Module

so it can operate as a stand alone

system without the need for external

wiring or external power.

Alternatively the 2502A Neon Camera

Module can be supplied as a stand

alone component to be connected to

an existing Neon remote Terminal or

Module. The Neon Remote Terminal

or Module can be programmed to

send a ‘take picture’ command to the

camera either routinely based on a fixed

schedule or on demand.

The camera electronics will take the

picture and return the image to the

Neon Remote Terminal or Module which

will then upload the image to a Neon


The view / focus / initial setup of the

camera can be performed on site using

a laptop computer and companion

camera software. This process sets up

the actual view needed on site.

Once these initial view parameters are

set, the camera will take a picture of

the required view when requested to

do so by the Neon Remote Terminal or


Typical set up configurations include:

- daily picture taken and the image

sent to Neon Server as a record of

the site each day

- on demand picture taken and image

sent at any time when requested

by the Neon Server if there is an

unusual event or activity at the site

The Neon Server Applications Software

has the facility to view, store and recall

images in a similar way it does for

logged data.

Ordering Information

Model Description

2502A-00 Neon Camera Module only

2502A-1E Neon Camera System with 2G NRT

2502A-3E Neon Camera System with 3G NRT

Option of small or large camera case

Physical specifications

System material: Aluminium

System size:

110mm x101 mm x388 mm


System weight: …1.7 kg

(including battery pack)

Module material: Polycarbonate

Module size:

55mm x115 mm x65 mm (HxWxD)

Module weight: …0.5kg

(including battery pack)

Operating temperature:

-20 °C to 60 °C.

Not affected by humidity

Electrical specifications

Battery: 3.6V 13Ah lithium


Battery life: 5 years (based on

daily schedule)/ 8000 photos

External power: 6V to 24V DC

input available if required

Interface: RS-232C

Camera specifications

JPEG4 Resolutions: 80x64,

160x128, 320x240, 640x480


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Neon High Resolution Image and Video Camera System

Model 2502B

This is Unidata’s high resolution Neon

Camera system which can be set up to

take still images in a range of resolutions

and can also take video snapshots and

display those images and video captures

and send them to a central neon Server.

The images and video snapshots can

be displayed on any web browser on the

Internet, as well as being sent routinely

by FTP to a further system for display

and archive purposes.

The system uses the Inmarsat M2M

service as the bandwidth requirements

are high. It supports video, with the

ability to capture an immediate or

scheduled high resolution image and an

immediate video capture for a defined

period, from 1 to 5 minutes, and to set

up a suitable frame rate and resolution.

For most applications a slower frame

rate of 5 frames per second, similar

to security camera frame rates will

provide a reasonable video performance

reducing the bandwidth requirements.

The Neon Applications Software

maintains the hi res and video files in

the same SQL database and these can

be viewed on the web interface and or

reported out of the neon system in the

same way data logging files are reported

out. For example by ftp, email and web

services or by direct SQL database


The screen shots show how the Unidata

Neon High Resolution Satellite Telemetry

Cameras are added to Neon via the

Ordering Information

Model Description

2502B Neon High Resolution/ Video Camera System

Cameras tab on the Loggers tab, and

how the resolution and frame rate and

encoding can be selected via the web

interface at a central location, while the

equipment is located at the very remote


Multiple camera buttons may be added

so that different resolution images

and videos may be captured from

the same camera without the need to

reconfigure the camera. Simply press

the appropriate capture button to take

a photograph or video at the required

resolution or frame rate.

Photographs and captured videos

may be viewed on the photographs

tab. An historical list of photographs is

presented. Photographs and videos may

be previewed on screen or downloaded

for viewing at full resolution.




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Neon Terminals and Modules - Field Termination Options

Field Termination Strips are used to allow

for easy connection to field sensors

This is the standard Field Termination

Strip used with Neon remote Terminals.

It allows easy screw terminal

connection for field inputs.

Ordering Information

Model Description

2103E NRT Field Termination Strip

Model 2104E

This is an extended Field Termination

Strip used with Neon remote Terminals.

It allows easy screw terminal connection

for field inputs and allows for Instrument

power, where sensors need to be

provided with power to operate. It also

allows for special purpose modules to

be added inside a small enclosure when

specific signal conditioning is needed.

Ordering Information

Model Description

2104E- 6144A

NRT Field Termination Strip with 4x4-20mA isolation modules

Comparison of Features

Models 2103E 2103-O5 2103E-O9 2103E-S5 2103E-S9

Terminations 30 30 30 30 30

Analog Inputs 4 4 4 4 4

External Power In 12-24V 12-24V 12-24V 12-24V 12-24V

Instrument Power Supply NoneOUT0 5.1V

OUT0 9.9V



Model 2103E


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Neon Server Applications Software

Model 2301A/2302A

The Neon Applications software is a

suite of software and documentation

which allows clients to set up their

own Neon system on existing server

hardware, or new server hardware

located at the client’s premises. The

software is provided on a licence

basis and allows clients to set up a

measurement system using Neon

Remote Terminals/loggers in the field

and have these communicate with the

central server. Services to install, set

up, commission, and support the Neon

server are provided. Annual software

maintenance and application support

agreements are available.

The Neon Applications software uses

leading technologies to provide access

to remote instruments in the fields via

standard internet access methods and


The Neon Applications software

provides remote data collection and

logger-scheme updating for Neon

Remote Terminals (NRTs) and any

connected loggers (e.g., Starlogger,

Prologger, Starflow Instrument,

Precision Water Level Instrument)

from any internet access point in

the world. The system has been

specifically designed for environmental

data collection and automated meter

reading. Low cost and very low power

consumption with a high level of on-line

access, diagnosis, and reconfiguration

have been key design targets.

Ordering Information

Model Description

2301A Data Services Initial Subscription Setup Fee

2301A-01 Neon Data Service Fee (1-50 NRT) per unit/day

2301A-02 Neon Data Service Fee (51-100 NRT) per unit/day

2301A-10 Neon Data Service Fee Metering, per unit/day

2302A Neon Server Software License (incl 5 NAL)

2302A-10 Additional 10 NRT Access License (NAL)

2302A-20 Additional 20 NRT Access License (NAL)

2302A-50 Additional 50 NRT Access License (NAL)




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Page 20: Environmental Monitoring and Industrial Measurement · PRODUCT CATALOGUE QUALITY ASSURED ISO9001:2008 DNV Certification Pty Ltd Environmental Monitoring and Industrial Measurement

Environmental Monitoring Instruments

The Model 6506C Tipping Bucket

Rainfall Gauge collects rainfall using

a funnel receiver of 203mm diameter.

The rain is then strained through

metal gauze before being passed to

the metallic tipping bucket measuring

system. The bucket tips when a

specified volume of rain is collected. A

reed switch detects the tipping action

and sends a signal which is counted by

the logger. This cycle continues while

rain falls. The amount of precipitation

which tips the bucket can be adjusted

from 0.1 to 0.5mm. It is preset to

0.2mm. A bullseye is fitted to the

instrument for correct level adjustment.


Sensitivity: One tip.

Range: 0-500mm of rain per hour.

Accuracy: ±2% to 200mm/hr.

±3% up to 380mm/hr.

Output Signal: Counter channel.

Signal Element: Sealed reed

switch, debounce CCT fitted.

Cable: PVC 2-wire, 10m supplied.

Material: Stainless steel jacket,

copper collector and painted

anodised aluminium base.

Size (HxD): 300mm x 275mm.

Funnel: 203mm diameter.

Weight: 3kg.Ordering Information

Model Description

6506C Tipping bucket rainfall gauge

Tipping Bucket Rainfall Gauge Model 6506C


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Wind Monitor Instrument Model 6533


Wind Speed

Range: 0 to 60 m/s (130 mph).

Gust survival: 100 m/s (220 mph).

Accuracy: Speed ±0.2m/s (0.4 mph).

Threshold: Propeller 1.0m/s (2.2


Output signal: 8 or 16 bit counter

channel. 3 pulses per revolution.

(0.098 m/s per Hz).

Wind Direction

Range: 360° mechanical, 355°

electical (5°C open).

Accuracy: ±3°.

Threshold: Vane – 0.5 m/s

(1.0 mph) at 10° displacement.

0.7m/s (1.6 mph) at 5° displacement.

Output signal: 1 analog channel.

0 to 2.50V calibrated. 0 to 359°.

Power: 5VDC from logger.

Mounting: Standard 1 inch

(25mm) pipe.

Size (HxL): 38cm x 65cm,

propeller 20cm.

Weight: 0.7kg.

Sensor Interface

Operating Temp.: -20 to 60°C.

Output signals: 0-2.50VDC full

scale (direction). 5.00V square wave.

Power: 5VDC (4mA from logger).

Cable (optional)

Type: 8 core (Model 6600F).

Length: 30m (max.).

Line Driver (optional)

The two channel line driver converts

wind speed and wind direction to

separate 4-20mA signals.

Operating Temp.: -20 to 60°C.

Output signals: 4-20mA full scale.

Power: 12-30VDC.

Ordering Information

Model Description

6533A Wind monitor instrument.Requires 8-core cable (Model 6600F).

6533PCB RM Young 05103 Micropower Interface.

6533LD 4-20mA Interface – 2 channels.

The Wind Monitor is a high performance

wind speed and direction sensor

manufactured by R.M. Young Company

and designed specifically for air quality

measurements. It combines simplicity

and lightweight corrosion resistant

construction with a low threshold, fast

response, and excellent fidelity.

The wind speed sensor is a four blade

helicoid propeller. Propeller rotation

produces a sinewave voltage output

where frequency is directly proportional

to wind speed. Slip rings and brushes

are not used.

The wind direction sensor is a

lightweight vane with sufficiently high

damping ratio and low aspect ratio

to ensure excellent fidelity in rapidly

fluctuating winds. Vane position is

sensed by a precision conductive

plastic potentiometer. With a known

excitation voltage applied to the

potentiometer, the output signal is

directly proportional to azimuth.

The instrument is made of UV stabilised

plastic with stainless steel and anodised

aluminium fittings. All bearings are

precision grade stainless steel.

A micro-power interface circuit, housed

in a junction box on the mounting post,

converts the sinewave to a 5V signal

and potentiometer output to a calibrated

2.50 V signal, suitable for connection to

the data logger.

An 8 core cable (Model 6600F) can

be used to connect the instrument to

the logger. The instrument mounts on

standard 1 inch pipe.


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Environmental Monitoring Instruments


Wind Speed

Range: 0 ... 60 m/s

Response time: 250 ms

Accuracy 0 ... 35 m/s: ±0.3 m/s or

±3%, whichever is greater

Accuracy 35 m/s ... 60 m/s: ±5%

Output resolutions and units:

0.1 m/s, 0.1km/h, 0.1 mph, 0.1 knots

Wind Direction

Azimuth: 0 ... 360°

Response time: 250 ms

Accuracy: ±3°

Liquid precipitation

Rainfall: cumulative accumulation

after the latest automatic or manual

reset output resolutions and units

0.01 mm, 0.001 inches

Accuracy: 5%

Air temperature

Range: -52 ... +60 °C (-60 ... +140 °F)

Accuracy for sensor at +20 °C:

±0.3 °C (±0.5 °F)

Barometric pressure

Range: 600 ... 1100 hPa

Accuracy: ±0.5 hPa at 0 ... +30 °C

(+32 ... +86 °F)

±1 hPa at -52 ... +60 °C (-60 ... +140 °F)

Output resolutions and units:

0.1 hPa, 10 Pa, 0.0001 bar,

0.1 mmHg, 0.01 inHg


Diameter: 127mm

Height: 240mm


Operating temperature:

-52 ... +60 °C (-60 ... +140 °F)

Storage temperature:

-60 ... +70 °C (-76 ... +158 °F)

Operating voltage: 5 ... 32 VDC

Typical power consumption:

3 mA at 12 VDC (with defaults)

Serial data interface:

SDI-12, RS-232, RS-485, RS-422,

USB connection

Weight: 650 g (1.43 lb)

Housing: IP65

Housing with mounting kit: IP66

Ordering Information

Model Description

6501V Weather Transmitter.

With the world becoming increasingly

sensitive to weather and climate, it

is important to measure the weather

accurately. The Weather Transmitter

6501V offers a six-in-one solution to

measure barometric pressure, humidity,

precipitation, temperature, and wind

speed and direction - all with one

instrument! Compact and lightweight,

the 6501V is suitable for weather

stations, dense networks, buildings,

golf courses, marinas, harbors, and

hotels - almost anywhere where real

time weather data is needed. Accurate

and reliable data provided to you early

enough can increase safety to life and


To measure wind speed and direction,

the 6501V has the Vaisala WINDCAP®

sensor that uses ultrasound to

determine horizontal wind speed

and direction. The array of three

equally spaced transducers on a

horizontal plane is a Vaisala specific

design, which ensures accurate wind

measurement from any horizontal

wind direction without blind angles

and corrupted readings. Barometric

pressure, temperature, and humidity

measurements are combined in

the PTU module using capacitive

measurement for each parameter. It is

easy to change the module without any

contact with the sensors. Precipitation

measurement is based on the Vaisala

RAINCAP® sensor.

Weather Transmitter Model 6501V


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Humicap® Humidity & Temperature Probe Model 6539B


Range: 100% RH via Humicap


Accuracy at 20°C:

±2%RH (0-90% RH).

±3%RH (0-100% RH).

Temp. dependence:


Temperature: -40°C to 60°C.

Output Signal: 1 analog,

0-1VDC (R.H.) 1 analog, 0-1VDC


Cable: 4 core, 3.5 metres.

Power: 12VDC, 4mA.

Enclosure: ABS plastic, IP55.

Size (LxD): 235mm x 24mm.

Weight: 350g.

Ordering Information

Model Description

6539B Humicap® humidity and temperature probe.

Ordering Information

Model Description

6535A Linear temperature probe.

The Humicap® Humidity Probe is

designed for humidity and temperature


The probe’s small diameter allows it

to be used in applications with space

restrictions, for example, shipping

containers or between planks in timber

drying kilns. It can also be used in

conjunction with the Model 6704A

Radiation Gill Screen & Mount in

standalone situations.

The probe is very accurate, has

excellent long-term stability and

negligible hysteresis.

Linear Temperature Probe (LM34) Model 6535A

The Linear Temperature Probe is

used for measuring temperatures

between -17.8°C and 100°C. It outputs

a DC voltage, the value of which is

directly proportional to temperature.

This temperature probe is especially

useful with the Model 6004-2 and

6004-3 Starloggers and Model 7001-1

Prologger since they can only display

linear formulae.


Accuracy: ±0.6°C, precalibrated.

Stability: ±0.4°C, over

1000 hours.

Range: -17.8°C to 100°C.


16-bit channel 0.004°C

10-bit channel 0.14°C

8-bit channel 0.6°C.

Output Signal: 1 analog,

0-2120mVDC. (18mV/°C).

Power: 5VDC, 150mA

from logger.

Cable: 4 core shield,

10m supplied.

Material: Stainless steel.

Size (LxD): 100mm x 6.5mm.





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Environmental Monitoring Instruments

The Thermistor Temperature Probes

are designed for many applications

of temperature measurement like air,

water, soil, snow, ice, etc. They are fully

sealed and can be used in fresh and

sea water to a depth of 2-3 metres.

The Thermistor Temperature Probes

use a Negative Temperature Coefficient

(NTC) thermistor as their temperature

sensor. The NTC thermistor is a high

quality, precision curve matched

element. Its operating temperature is

from -100°C to 150°C.


(Models 6507A)

Accuracy: ±0.2°C.

Stability: ±0.3°C change over

1000hrs (0-60°C).

Output Signal: 1 analog,


Power: 5VDC, 300uA from logger.

Cable: 2 wire shielded, max. 80°C

10 metres supplied.

Material: Stainless steel, Epoxy


Size (LxD): 50mm x 4mm.

Ordering Information

Model Description

6507A Red, 3,000Ω @ 25°C.

Consult the table of ranges below to

determine which probe and reference

resistor will best suit your project. The

last listing is the Theoretical maximum.

Due to the type of cable being used the

measurement range of the standard

Thermistor Temperature Probe is from

-30°C to 100°C. Higher temperature

values are quoted as a guide only.

Model 6507D offers improved accuracy

(±0.1°C) and is ideally suited to

measuring temperature profiles in water.

Thermistor Temperature Probes Model 6507


Page 25: Environmental Monitoring and Industrial Measurement · PRODUCT CATALOGUE QUALITY ASSURED ISO9001:2008 DNV Certification Pty Ltd Environmental Monitoring and Industrial Measurement

This probe includes a precision

thermistor with a high accuracy of

0.1°C. Can be used to measure

humidity in a wet and dry set-up.

Temperature Ranges – Models 6507A & 6507D with 15k Ref. Resistor

Max Measured Temp for

Stated ResolutionData Logger Min Temp. °CTheoretical 0.1°C 0.2°C 0.5°C 1.0°CPrologger -40 100 125 150 150 200Starlogger (10-bit ch) - 9 30 50 70 95 200Starlogger (8-bit ch) - 9 N/A 8 35 55 150

For example, if you use a Model 6507A with the standard 15k reference resistor

connected to a STARLOGGER and you require 0.5°C (or better) resolution,

then the useable temperature range will be -9°C to 70°C. And the maximum

theoretical temperature able to be registered would be 200°C, although the probe

is not suitable for temperatures above 150°C.

Ordering Information

Model Description

6507D-10 Red, 3,000Ω, 10 metre cable.

6507D-20 Red, 3,000Ω, 20 metre cable.

Precision Thermistor Probe Model 6507D


Accuracy: ±0.1°C.

Stability: ±0.08°C change over

1000 hrs (0-60°C).

Output Signal: 1 analog,


Power: 5VDC, 0.5mA

from logger.

Cable: 2 wire shielded. Model

6600A order length required,

max. 50m.

Material: Stainless steel,

Epoxy sealed.

Size (LxD): 120mm x 12mm.





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Page 26: Environmental Monitoring and Industrial Measurement · PRODUCT CATALOGUE QUALITY ASSURED ISO9001:2008 DNV Certification Pty Ltd Environmental Monitoring and Industrial Measurement

Environmental Monitoring Instruments

Pyranometer Sensor – Solar Energy Model 7241A

This pyranometer sensor from SKYE

offers a compact sensor for solar

energy measurements. It compares

favourably with thermopile sensors and

offers considerable financial savings.

The pyranometer sensors are calibrated

against precision reference thermopile

sensors in natural light conditions.

Radiation Sensors

UNIDATA has a range of radiation

sensors which can be directly

connected to a 7001 Prologger

or via a Model 6142A Universal

Amplifier Module to a Model 6004

Starlogger. Three of the most

widely used sensors are listed

below. Other types of radiation

sensors are available. Contact

UNIDATA for further information.


Temperature: -35 to 75°C.

Sensor: Cosine corrected.

Detector: Silicon photocell.

Output Signal: 1 analog,

1mV per 100W/m2.

Cable: 2 core, screened.

Material: Delrin, fully sealed to

IP65, submersible to 4m.

Size: 33mm diameter, 40mm high.

Weight: 100g.

Ordering Information

Model Description

7241A Pyranometer sensor – solar energy.

7241B PAR sensor – 350 to 750nm.

7241M Radiation sensor mounting assembly.


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Temperature: -35°C to +75°C.

Sensor: cosine corrected.

Detector: silicon photocell, low.

fatigue characteristics.

Output Signal: 1 analog, 1mV per


Cable: 2 core, screened.

Material: Delrin, fully sealed to

IP65,.submersible to 4m.

Size: 33mm diameter,

40mm height.

Weight: 100g.

The Photosynthetic Active Radiation

(PAR) sensor from SKYE is widely

used in plant growth studies. It can

be submersed to study algal growth

in water.

Within the PAR waveband the response

of different plant species is variable

but characteristically similar for most

plants. Hence it has been possible to

design this sensor which simulates the

photosynthetic response of plants.

PAR Sensor – 350 to 750nm Model 7241B





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Measurement Terms

Net Solar Radiation – is the sum of the incoming direct beam and diffuse

solar radiation minus reflected solar radiation. It is measured with a Net


Albedo – is the ratio of outgoing solar radiation over incoming solar


Shortwave Radiation – is defined as wavelengths from 0.25 to 4µm.

Longwave Radiation – is defined as wavelengths from 4 to 100µm.

Incoming Radiation – consists of shortwave reflected solar radiation as

well as longwave terrestial radiation.

Outgoing Radiation – consists of shortwave reflected solar radiation and

longwave terrestrial radiation.

Global Solar Radiation – is the total incoming shortwave radiation, direct

and diffuse. It is measured with a Pyranometer.

Photosynthetic Active Radiation – is the total incoming shortwave

radiation, direct and diffuse, with wavlengths from 0.4 to 0.7µm and

maximum sensitivity at 0.555µm. It is measured with a Lux sensor.

Photometric Light – is the visible spectrum received by human vision with

wavelengths from 0.4 to 0.7mm and a maximum sensitivity at 0.555mm.

Measured by Lux Sensor.

Sources: Radiation and Energy Balance Systems Inc. (USA), Skye

Instruments Ltd (UK).

Environmental Monitoring Instruments

This mounting assembly consists of

a levelling unit fitted with a 30mm

diameter bulls eye, a mounting arm

and mounting hardware for poles of a

maximum of 60mm diameter. Sensors

must be optically levelled for repeat


Radiation Sensor Mounting Assembly Model 7241M


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Water Monitoring Instruments

The Ultrasonic Doppler Instrument is

a compact, easy-to-use system for

measuring the velocity and depth of

water in drainage channels, large pipes,

and in rivers and streams.

It is suitable for use in a wide range

of water qualities, from sewerage

and waste water to clean streams,

potable water, and even sea water.

The instrument measures forward and

reverse flow conditions and may be

programmed to compute Flow Rate and

Total Flow in pipes and open channels.

The Model 6526H combines an

ultrasonic transducer assembly (profiled

to reduce flow disturbance) with signal

processing electronics. It is designed

to be placed at (or near) the bottom of

a water channel for “upward looking”



Range: 21mm/s to 4500mm/s


Accuracy: 2% of measured


Resolution: 1mm/s.


Range: (see table below).

Accuracy: ±0.25% of calibrated

lower range.


Temperature: -17°C to 60°C.

Resolution: 0.1°C.


Computation: Flow rate,

totalised flow.

Channel Type: Pipe, open channel,

natural stream.

Integrated MicroLogger

Storage Memory: 512kB,


Log Interval: Programmable,

5s to 1 week.

Communication: RS-232,


SDI-12: 1200bps, instrument


Control: CMOS output trigger

(water sampler).

Compatibility: STARLOG 4



Cable: 15 metres, 9 way vented,

<SQL> compatible.

Power Source: External battery


Power Useage: 11.5VDC to

15VDC, 65uA standby, 200mA

active, 90mA comms.

Operating Temp: 0°C to 60°C

water temperature.

Material: PVC body.

Size (LxWxD):

290mm x 70mm x 25mm.

Weight: 850g (2kg with 15m cable).

Ordering Information

Model Description

6526H-21 2m depth Starflow System.

6526H-51 5m depth Starflow System.

Both units include models: 6526H, 6526M, 6603D, 6603DT and 6301A/AUE.

Model Depth Resolution6526H-21 0 to 2 m 0-1m at 1mm

1-2m at 2mm6526H-51 0 to 5m 0-2.5m at 2.5mm

2.5-5m at 5mm

Ultrasonic Doppler Instrument Model 6526

measurement. A single cable connects

the instrument to a 12VDC power


Water velocity is measured by the

ultrasonic Doppler principle which

relies on suspended particles or small

air bubbles in the water to reflect

the ultrasonic detector signal. The

instrument will not operate in very

clean, “de-gassed” water. Water depth

is gauged by a hydrostatic pressure

sensor, referenced to atmospheric

pressure through the vented power and

signal cable.

Water temperature is also measured

so the instrument can adjust for the

change in velocity due to speed of

sound. Water temperature can also

be logged.


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Water Monitoring Instruments

This interface converts a serial signal

to a 4-20mA output. Any MicroWire

compatible 3-wire synchronous serial

signal channel can be used as an

input. It supports two 16-bit resolution


The Starflow, Prologger and Starlogger

support MicroWire as an alternative use

of the SDI-12 channel. This enables the

connection of any measured channel to

a 4-20mA transmitter.


Resolution: 16 bits, ±0.0015%.

Accuracy: ±0.015%.

Input: 16-bit serial.

Output: 4-20mA.

Operating Temp: -20°C to 60°C.

Input Connector:

7 pin SQL Female Connector.

Output Connector:

7 pin SQL male connector

2 by PG7 Glands

Power: 11VDC to 18 VDC 3mA

plus 4 -20mA per channel.

Size (HxWxD):

115mm x 65mm x 56mm.

To keep the vent tube in vented cable

dry, a Drying Tube containing “Silica-

Gel” desiccant is connected to the

cable. The Drying Tube needs to vent to

the atmosphere.

Use this model with the Starflow and

Water Depth Probes (Model 6542).

Replace or recharge the desiccant in

the Drying Tube when it turns pink.

Ordering Information

Model Description

6122C Starlogger, Prologger & Starflow – MicroWire to 4-20mA Interface, 2 channels.

MicroWire to 4-20mA Interface Model 6122C

Drying Tube Model 6603DT

Ordering Information

Model Description

6603DT Drying Tube.

This Adaptor Cable is an extension

to the Starflow vented cable which

enables you to connect a battery and a

computer to the Starflow instrument.

A 9-pin socket provides a connection

to your computer. Two 6.3mm Quick

Connect Receptables connect to a

12V battery. These connectors must

be located within a weatherproof


Adaptor Cable Model 6603D

Ordering Information

Model Description

6603D-SDI Adaptor cable.


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The Model 6705 Expanding Band

kit allows you to install a Starflow

instrument in a pipe. The design is

modular, allowing it to fit into any size

pipe. The band is flexible enough

to fit irregular shapes such as ovoid

sections. All components are made

from stainless steel and the band

fittings are 100mm wide to match the

6526M Mounting Bracket.

Expanding Band Kit Model 6705

Ordering Information

Model Description

6705A Small expanding clamp. 100mm to 150mm. 100mm wide. Fits up to 600mm diameter pipe.

6705B Large expanding clamp. 150mm to 250mm. 100mm wide. Fits bigger than 600mm diameter pipe.

6705D 1800mm Band Segment 100mm wide stainless steel.

6705F 50mm Band Joiner 100mm wide stainless steel.


Material: 0.6mm thick, 316 stainless

steel with 2 x M3 locating holes

spaced 50mm.

Weight: 0.5 kg Model 6705A.

0.6 kg Model 6705B.

1.2 kg Model 6705D.

0.2 kg Model 6705F.


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<SQL> Vented Extension Cable Model 6603V

Extend the cable on a Starflow

system using these vented extensions.

The vent tube is also extended past the

connector through a PVC

breather tube.

The connection point must not be



Cable: 8 wire, 19/0-13mm

trimmed copper with polypropylene



0.6kg Model 6603V/10 metres.

1.2kg Model 6603V/20 metres.Ordering Information

Model Description

6603V-10 <SQL> 10 metre vented extension cable.

6603V-20 <SQL> 20 metre vented extension cable.

A versatile mounting clamp to secure

a Starflow instrument into a channel

or a pipe. Loosening the Nylock nuts

enables the instrument to be removed

for inspection. The bracket saddle locks

the instrument into its correct position

and alignment.

Stainless Steel Mounting Bracket Model 6526M

Ordering Information

Model Description

6526M Stainless steel baracket saddle with M5 Nylock nuts.


Material: 316 stainless steel.

Dimensions (WxL):

100mm x 110mm.

Securing nuts: M5 Nylock.

Mounting holes: 4 x M5.


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Ordering Information

Model Description

6103K Starflow Field Termination Strip.

6103M-L Mounting Frame.

Water Monitoring Instruments

The Model 6103K Starflow Termination

Strip is designed to simplify installation

of a Starflow system. It provides for:

• Directterminationofthe

Starflow Instrument Cable to

screwed terminals.

• ScrewterminationforBattery,

Solar Panel and External Power.

• ControlRelayforPumpSampler

or other external equipment (such

as Cellular Telephone).

• ScrewTerminationfor

interconnection with SDI-12

Sensors or Recorders.

• RS-2329-pinsocketforconnection

to portable computer or data modem.

• OPTIONAL:Facilitytoconnecta

second Starflow unit.

The 6103K Termination Strip can be

used with the Model 6103C Mounting

Frame and Model 6701 Weatherproof


A normally open relay is provided

allowing control of a pump sampler or

switching power to a Cellular Telephone

or data modem.


Dimensions (HxW):

115mm x 105mm.

Display Format:

4 lines x 16 characters.

LCD Type: Supertwist (STN),

yellow-green. no backlight.

Optimum Viewing: 6 o’clock.

Power Supply:

8 to 18 VDC @ 20mA.

Operating Temp:

0° to 50°C (32° to 122°F).

Storage Temp:

-10° to 60°C (14° to 140°F).

Type II Connectors SQL 7 pin

connectors (pass through –

1 x male, 1 x female).

Serial Signal: HSIO Standard

Synchronous Protocol – RS232

also available.

Serial Protocol: ASCII text with

special commands for formatting.

The Starflow Liquid Crystal Display

(LCD) Module interfaces with the Model

6526 Starflow Ultrasonic Doppler

Instrument. It displays the values

obtained from the most recent scan.

The Starflow’s scheme defines which

parameters will be displayed. For

example, one of the supplied schemes

displays water temperature, battery

supply voltage, totalised flow and

logging status.

The 6526LCD-C is packaged in a

compact weatherproof polycarbonate

enclosure, fitted with pre-wired SQL

type connectors. These connectors

enable direct connection to an

instrument, and computer/external

power supply (using a 6603D cable


The SQL connections are designed to

be ‘pass through’ so that the computer

can connect to the instrument without

disconnecting the power or display.

The display module power supply can

be wired to a user-installed switch so

that it can be switched on only when

necessary. The module display is

refreshed every scan (normally 15

seconds with a Starflow or 60 seconds

with a DWLR) and will display a test

message when power is applied until

a message from the instrument is

received. Pressing the button on the

front panel resets the display.

Starflow Termination Strip Model 6103K

Starflow LCD Display Unit Model 6526LCD-C

Ordering Information

Model Description

6526LCD-C LCD Display Unit, 140mm x 80mm polycarbonate enclosure.


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Weatherproof Enclosures for Starflow Models 6701S and 6701S/LCD


Display Format: 4 lines x 16

characters Super Twist Display –

no backlight.

LCD type: Supertwist (STN),


Optimum Viewing: 6 o’clock.

Power Supply:

8 to 18 VDC @ 20mA.

Housing Size: (HxWxD)

280mm x 190mm x 130mm

(Standard Enclosure).

Operating Temp: 0° to 50°C

(32° to 122°F).

Storage Temp: -10° to 60°C

(14° to 140°F).

Connectors: SQL 7 pin

connectors (pass through – one

male and one female).

Serial Signal: Starbus HSIO

standard Synchronous Protocol –

RS232 also available.

Serial Protocol: ASCII text with

special commands for formatting.

The 6701S is a weatherproof

polycarbonate enclosure fitted with a

Field Termination Strip (FTS) (6103K),

mounting hardware for a 12V 12Ah

Sealed Lead-Acid Battery (6907C),

and Drying Tube (6603DT).

There are four SQL connectors

mounted in the base of the cabinet.

These are wired to the FTS and enable

connection to the instrument, computer,

solar panel/external power, and

auxiliary equipment.

The 6701S/LCD has an LCD

mounted on the hinged lid of a large

weatherproof polycarbonate enclosure.

It displays the values of parameters

obtained from the most recent scan.

The LCD unit communicates with the

Starflow via the HSIO bus. The RS232

interface is available for other purposes

such as connecting a modem.

The Starflow’s scheme defines which

parameters will be displayed. For

example, one of the supplied schemes

displays water temperature, battery

supply voltage, totalised flow and

logging status.

The display module power supply can

be wired to a user-installed switch so

that it can be switched on only when

necessary. The module display is

refreshed every scan (normally 15

seconds with a Starflow or 60 seconds

with a DWLR) and will display a test

Ordering Information

Model Description

6701S Weatherproof Enclosure IP67, 4 cable glands.

6701S/LCD Weatherproof Enclosure IP67, 64 character LCD, 4 cable glands.

Both units include the following: 6103K Field Termination Strip and 6603DT Drying Tube.

message when power is applied until

a message from the instrument is

received. Pressing the button on the

front panel resets the display.


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Water Monitoring Instruments

The Model 6541 Precision Water Level

instrument can achieve operating

accuracy and resolution of 0.2mm. This

accuracy is maintained for the service

life of the instrument without calibration

or maintenance, apart from battery


This instrument has the range to

monitor surface and underground

waters, and the precision to monitor

rainfall and evaporation.

The instrument is normally connected to

the water surface by a float system. As

the water level changes, the input shaft

rotates. An optical encoder is mounted

on the input shaft. On installation, the

instrument is set to display the water


The encoder is continuously monitored

as the instrument tracks water level

changes. These changes update the

LCD display and the readings can be

recorded by an associated data logger.

The very low mechanical friction and

inertia of the instrument mean that it

can produce data with high precision

and accuracy. A replaceable battery

pack powers the instrument for more

than six months. A practical design

and rugged construction ensure easy

operation and long service life.

The 6541 Precision Water Level

Instrument is available in a number of

models. The key differentiating features

are the:

• Presenceorabsenceofa

Micrologger assembly.

• Presenceorabsenceofaninternal


• Pulleydiameter.

• Floatsizeandshape.

• Typeoffloatline.

Precision Water Level Instrument Model 6541

Ordering Information

Model Description

6541C-11 Water Level - 500mm & Alk Batt

6541C-11-C WLI with microLogger - 500mm & Alk Batt

6541C-11-NRT WLI with NRT+LCD - 500mm & Alk Batt

6541C-21-C WLI with microLogger - 12in wheel & Alk Batt

6541C-31-C WLI with microLogger - 100mm & Alk Batt

6541C-CL Additional parts for 4-20mA option

6541C-L Micrologger with Cable Harness and Mounting HW

6541D-I Beaded Floatline 3 inch spaces

6541D-M Beaded Floatline, 125mm spaces

6541D-U Unbeaded Floatline, 1mm dia

6541E Unbeaded Floatline, 0.4mm dia

6541F-115 115mm Float Assembly - CYLINDER

6541F-170 170mm Float Assembly - CYLINDER

6541F-60 60mm Float Assembly - CYLINDER

6541F-90 90mm Float Assembly - OVOID

6541O Offset Pulley Kit - Borehole

6541P-I12 Pulley - 1 foot circ. Beaded

6541P-M100 Pulley - 100mm circ. Unbeaded

6541P-M500 Pulley - 500mm circ. Beaded

6541S Counterweight - 160 gram


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Range: Standard 0 to 65.5 metres. Switch to 13.1 metres or 65.5 feet.

Resolution: 1.0mm, 0.2mm or 0.01 foot, depending on the float pulley used.

Accuracy: Same as resolution when a suitable float system is used.

Tracking: Up to 500mm/second.

Display: 6 digit LCD.

Temperature: -10° to 60°C.

Cable: 5 metres (supplied). Up to 30 metres can be used.

Size: 275mm x 180mm x 140mm (H x W x D).

Weight: 2.7kg (including battery).

Construction: Exterior PVC, aluminium and stainless steel.

Enclosure: Rigid PVC IP65.

Output: SDI-12 and Dual STARBUS HSIO standard. Option for programmable

4-20mA output.

Power: Internal alkaline battery pack. Expected life expectancy of over

12 months. Exchange battery pack UNIDATA Model 6910A.

External battery power 9-15VDC can be connected.

Configuration Considerations


Standard model which is

usually installed in a still well

of approximately 240mm (10")

diameter. This model uses a float

and counterweight and beaded

float line to rotate the pulley

attached to the shaft. Metric



This model is fitted with a borehole

cable guide assembly to measure

water level in bores down to

102mm (4") diameter. It uses a

small float and borehole float line.


For applications requiring imperial

measurement, use a pulley with

an imperial circumference and

a beaded float line with imperial



6506G – up to 1 to 2 litres/minute

6506H – up to 2 to 5 litres/minute.

Bucket Capacity:

6506G – 50ml per tip.

6506H – 125ml per tip.

Output Signal: Potential-free reed

switch changeover.

Material: Stainless steel housing,

Teflon pivot bearing.

Size (LxDxH): 400mm x 300mm

x 155mm.

Weight: 2.7kg.

The Tipping Bucket Flow Gauge is used

for small volumetric flows which exceed

the capacity of common rainfall gauges.

Typical applications include: monitoring

rainfall under a tree canopy; leakage

in water storage dams; seepage and


The gauge can be set on the ground

(see photo) or mounted above ground

on bricks or concrete blocks.

Tipping Bucket Flow Gauge Model 6506G/H

Ordering Information

Model Description

6506G Tipping Bucket Flow Gauge, 50ml per tip.

6506H Tipping Bucket Flow Gauge, 125ml per tip.


• Displays water level continuously.

• Smaller and easier to install and operate.

• Adjustable LCD display, reverse rotation, change scale and reset.

• New battery exchange system.

• Low battery indication.


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Water Monitoring Instruments


Range Accuracy Resolution (metres (mm) (mm) water)

3.5 +/- 3.5 0.05

10.5 +/- 10.5 0.16

21 +/- 21.5 0.32

Operating Temp: -5°C – 70°C

Over pressure:

3.5m – up to 2 times fs

10.5m – up to 2 times fs

21m – up to 2 times fs

Power: 9.0 – 16VDC, 3mA ave

10mA peak

150µA sleep

Digital Output:

SDI-12 v1.3

Measurement Latency:

1.3 sec (approx.)

Diameter: 19mm

Length: 200mm long

Weight: 400 g

Casing: Marine grade stainless

steel or titanium case with Delrin

nose cone

Vented cable: 8.7mm OD, black

polyurethane jacket, braided screen

Probes provide accurate long term

measurements of water depths of 3m

to 50m in standard ranges, with an

accuracy of 0.06% full scale.

The 6542 is fully sealed and

temperature compensated. A

hermetically sealed case with a

protection type IP 68 allows the

pressure sensor to be immersed down

to a depth of 100m. The inner vented

connection cable makes pressure

compensation of the measuring cell

against the atmosphere possible

and thus hydrostatic pressure

measurement. The pressure sensor

special for submersible measurement

meets the electromagnetic compatibility

(EMC) requirements to EN 61326. The

mechanical fastening of the pressure

sensor does not require any additional

strain relief, as the construction of the

cable is suitable to take a maximum

tensile force of 1000 N. The cable’s

individual signal wires are epoxy sealed

into the casing to protect against

water ingress. This probe is ideal for

monitoring drainage, bore depth and

river height. It can also be used to

measure water with dissolved solids

and other liquids.

Consult your Unidata representative for

details on the effects of a liquid on the

6542 instrument.

Ordering Information

Model Description

6542D-A Water Depth Probe 3.5m Stainless Steel

6542D-B Water Depth Probe 10m Stainless Steel

6542D-C Water Depth Probe 20m Stainless Steel

6542D-CBL Water Depth Probe PU Cable/meter *

6542D-T-A Water Depth Probe 3.5m Titanium

6542D-T-B Water Depth Probe 10m Titanium

6542D-T-C Water Depth Probe 20m Titanium

6542D-T-CBL Water Depth Probe FEP Cable/meter *

* cable length to be specified at time of order

Hydrostatic Water Depth & Temperature Probe – SDI 12 Model 6542D


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Ordering Information

Model Description

6529-2 Evaporation Recording System.

Evaporation Monitoring System Models 6529-1

The Evaporation Monitoring System

measures how much water evaporates

from a Class A evaporation pan

by measuring the water level in an

adjoining stillwell. The stillwell reduces

fluctuations in the pan’s water level

caused by wind.

The 6529-1 comprises the following:

6529C Evaporation Pan.

6529D Bird and Leaf Cover.

6529M Manual Measurement System.


Range: 30mm to 250mm. Pan empty to full.

Resolution: 0.2mm of evaporation or rainfall.

Accuracy: ±0.4mm.

Level Reset: Programmable. Default reset to 200mm (±1mm) at a preset time each day.

Water Level: 6541 Water Level Instrument with Micrologger.

Power Supply: 0.3Ah/day.

Battery: Model 6907B 12V, 7Ah sealed lead acid.

Charger: Model 6904B 12V 2W solar panel mounted on aluminium enclosure.

Pan Type: ID 1208mm, OD 1290mm,

Depth: 250mm – US Class A compatible.

Pan Mounting: Timber frame 1300mm x 1300mm treated plantation softwood.

Pan Bird Guard: 12mm square steel mesh. Hot dip galvanised.

Control Enclosure: 320mm x 300mm x 750mm (WxDxH), Aluminium.

System Weight: Approx. 52kg.

This system is similar to the 6529-1

but includes a Micrologger fitted to the

water level instrument.

Water level is measured using a

modified Model 6541 Water Level

Instrument fitted with a 100mm

circumference pulley. This provides

measurements with a resolution of

0.5mm. An optional thermistor probe

float assembly may be purchased to

rest on the surface of the water in the

pan to obtain a surface temperature


It also has an LCD display that shows

the current depth in the evaporation

pan. The stillwell, the measurement

system, including LCD display and

MicroLogger, are housed in an

aluminium enclosure.

Ordering Information

Model Description

6529-1 Evaporation Monitoring System.


Level Range: 0 to 250mm.

Resolution: 0.5mm.

Output: 1 serial, 1 analog.

Temperature: Thermistor Probe

(model 6507A).

Pan Size: 1207mm diameter,

250mm high.

Material: galvanised steel.

Weight: 31kg (including pallet).

Evaporation Recording System Model 6529-2

The 6529-2 comprises the following:

6529C Evaporation Pan.

6529D Bird and Leaf Cover.

6541C-31 Water Level Instrument.

6541P/M 100 Pulley Wheel.

6541E Floatline.

6529G Evaporation Components.

6541C-L MicroLogger.

6706A Aluminium Enclosure.

6910A Battery Pack.

6529M Manual System.


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Range: 30mm to 250mm. Pan empty

to full.

Resolution: 0.2mm of evaporation or


Accuracy: ±0.2mm.

Level Reset: Programmable. Default

reset to 200mm (±1mm) at a preset

time each day.

Water Level: 6541 Water Level

Instrument with 512k Micrologger.

Power Supply: 0.3Ah/day.

Battery: Model 6907B 12V, 7Ah sealed

lead acid.

Charger: Model 6904B 12V 2W solar

panel mounted on aluminium enclosure.

Pan Type: ID 1208mm, OD 1290mm,

Depth 250mm – US Class A compatible.

Pan Mounting: Timber frame 1300mm

x 1300mm treated plantation softwood.

Pan Bird Guard: 12mm square steel

mesh. Hot dip galvanised.

Control Enclosure: 320mm x 300mm

x 750mm (WxDxH), Aluminium.

System Weight: Approx. 52kg.

Ordering Information

Model Description

6529-3 Automatic Evaporation Recording System.

Water Monitoring Instruments

This system is designed to operate for

long periods without maintenance.

It is similar to the 6529-2 but

automatically refills and discharges

water from the evaporation pan.

The unit is supplied with a high or low

pressure solenoid (you must specify).

The high pressure solenoid is used for

mains pressure water supplies. The low

pressure solenoid is used for gravity fed

water supplies.

Rainfall removed from the pan can

be recycled if required. The system

also comes with a solar panel and a

rechargeable battery system.

A water temperature sensor and a

range of weather sensors can be added

to identify the relationship between

pan evaporation and site conditions.

These are required for evaporation

and evapotranspiration studies and


A telemetry system (optional) can

be connected to the Data Logger so

landline, cellular, satellite and radio

communication links can be used to

monitor data acquisition and operate

the site.

The system comprises the following:

6529C Evaporation Pan.

6529D Bird and leaf cover.

6541C-31 Water Level Instrument.

6541P-M 100 Pulley Wheel.

6541E Floatline.

6529G Evaporation Components.

6541C-L 512k MicroLogger.

6706A Aluminium Enclosure.

6910A Battery Pack.

6529M Manual System.

6529E Auto Level Control.

Automatic Evaporation Recording System Model 6529-3


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Range: 0-50mV (5mV per ppm


Output imped: 1kΩ.

Type: galvanic cell, self polarising.

self temperature-compensating.

Operating Temp.: 0 to 40°C.

Pressure: Up to 10 atmospheres.

Cable: 3m.

Size: 58mm diameter, 59mm long.

Weight: 350g including cable.


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Oxygen diffuses through the membrane

onto the cathode, where it reacts

chemically and then combines with the

anode. This chemical process develops

an electric current, which flows through

a built-in resistor. The resistor converts

the current (microamps) into millivolts.

This millivolt signal is led to the Data

Logger via a two core cable.

The probe is virtually maintenance

free, requiring only that its membrane

be kept reasonably clean. The anode

remains fully active through its lifetime

of several years. The membrane is very

robust and can be wiped clean with a

cloth or paper. It is recommended that

the membrane be cleaned from time to

time to ensure maximum reliability.

Ordering Information

Model Description

7422A Dissolved Oxygen Probe.

Dissolved Oxygen Probe Model 7422A

The Dissolved Oxygen Probe is a

galvanic measuring element which

produces a millivolt output proportional

to the oxygen present in the medium it

is placed in. It consists of an upper part

with cathode, anode and cable, and a

cap with membrane and electrolyte.


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Water Monitoring Instruments


EC Operating Ranges

Operating Range: 0 to 200,000uS/cm in three autoranged stages:-

Range: Scale (uS/cm) Res (uS/cm) Typical AccuracyLow 0–200 0.2 ±2%Mid 200–20,000 2.0 ±1%High 20,000–200,000 20 ±1%

Temp Range: -20°C to 60°C.

Temp Accuracy: ±0.1°C.

Temp Resolution: 0.0612°C.

EC Temperature

Compensation range: 0–60° C.


Conductivity: 0–200,000 (uncompensated).

Conductivity: 0–200,000 (temperature compensated).

Conductivity: 0–65,535 (uncompensated). Low resolution (for SDI-12)

Conductivity: 0–65,535 (temperature compensated). Low resolution

(for SDI-12) Water Temp. Battery Voltage.

Scan Rate: 5 seconds to 5 minutes (programmable).

Log Interval: 5 seconds to 1 week (programmable).

Memory: 512K CMOS.

Instrument Cable: <SQL> cable with computer and battery connections.

Power Source: Internal alkaline battery pack with 12 month life expectancy.

External power 9–12V DC can also be connected.

Power Consumption: 0.1Ah per day (at 1 minute scan rate), 55mA operating,

50uA standby.

Housing Material: ABS.

Size (HxWxL): 75mm x 75mm x 250mm.

The 6536E Water Electroconductivity

Instrument measures the electro-

conductivity and temperature of

water. The temperature is measured

within the sensing cell to provide

precision correction. Both temperature

corrected and uncorrected conductivity

measurements are available for


A STARLOG compatible MicroLogger

is part of the instrument, providing all

the standard features such as SDI-12,

intelligent battery supervision, modem

interface and all the programmability

found in STARLOG Data Loggers.

Ultra low-power consumption makes the

instrument ideal for remote, unattended

operation. This instrument will operate

for months from a single Model 6910A

or 12V battery.

Combined with the Model 6526H

Starflow water flow measurement

system, the Model 6536E Conductivity

instrument provides a complete salt

load recording package.

The Model 6536E Instrument consists

of a small sensing probe connected

by a cable to the measurement and

recording electronics housed in a

separate enclosure.

Ordering Information

Model Description

6536E Water Electroconductivity Instrument.

6536P-2-10 Graphite EC Probe, 22mm x 150mm (DxL), 10m Cable, 7-pin SQL Plug.

6536P-2-20 Graphite EC Probe, 22mm x 150mm (DxL), 20m Cable, 7-pin SQL Plug.

*Contact Unidata for special lengths upto and beyond 100m.

Water Electroconductivity Instrument Model 6536E


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This probe is designed for use with

the 6536E Water Electroconductivity



Sensor Type: Four (4) Electrode,

cocentric graphite.

Immersion Depth: 36mm

minimum to more than 100m.

Pressure Resistance: 10 bar.

Cell Constant: 0. 475cm-1 ±2.0%.

Connections: Cable: 7-pin <SQL>

plug – IP67. Measuring Cell: IP68.

Thermistor Type: Integrated NTC


Material: Epoxy, black.

Dimensions: 15.3mm dia x

120mm long shaft. 21.7mm dia

connection head. 162.5mm total


Sensor Cable: 10 metres.

These double junction probes have

a rugged design and an epoxy body

housing filled with a non-refillable

buffer gel. They use a double junction

reference system to minimise the

effects of contamination due to clogged

pores or ingress of sample. They are

designed as a low power instrument

and include built-in conditioning

electronics for direct connection to a

Data Logger.

The Model 6528A pH probe consists of

a pH sensor with a voltage output that

varies proportionately to the hydrogen

Four Electrode Water Conductivity Probe Model 6536P-2-10

Double Junction Gel Filled pH and ORP (Redox) Probes Model 6528

Ordering Information

Model Description

6528A Double Junction, Gel, pH Probe.

6528B Double Junction, Gel, ORP Probe.

It is available in standard cable lengths

of 10m and 20m as well as custom

lengths up to and beyond 100m.

ion activity between a reference

electrode and an electrode immersed in

an alkaline (basic) or acidic solution.

Model 6528B is an ORP or Redox

probe. It measures the Oxidation-

Reduction Potential (ORP) of a solution.

The ORP value is a measure of the

electron activity of a solution containing

a reversible chemical reaction system.

Typical applications include water

treatment and swimming pool or spa

water sanitation.


Range: 0 to 14pH (pH probe).

±700mV (ORP probe).

Temperature: 0 to 80°C.

Impedance: 10kΩ.

Type: Combined Ag/AgCl sensor

and reference. Double junction.

Cable: 2 wire shielded, 5 metre.

(200 metre max.).

Size: 12mm diameter,

150mm long.

Weight: 50 grams.


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Dataloggers, Starlog 4 Software & Accessories

Unidata’s STARLOG data loggers are used throughout the world in an enormous variety of applications.

The key features of the

STARLOG range are:

• They are robust.

• They are easy to install.

• They require little maintenance.

• They are simple to use.

• They are extremely versatile.

Configuration ConsiderationsTo choose the model of STARLOG

data logger best suited to your data

logging project, consider both the

duration of the project and the type

of measurement instrument that will

be used. The table below provides an

overview of the features offered by

each data logger. Microloggers are only

available for OEM and high volume


Note that a number of Unidata’s

instruments incorporate a STARLOG

compatible MicroLogger. Standard

features of the MicroLogger are

also listed in the table opposite for


Memory TableProject Duration

Memory Simple* Complex**Capacity Project Project512K 10yrs 1.8yrs

*Simple Project: Log raw data of five

channels every hour

**Complex Project: Log raw and

average data, five channels every

fifteen minutes.

The STARLOGGER range includes

the Standard STARLOGGER (Model

6004-1), the Display STARLOGGER

(Model 6004-2) and the top-of-the-line

PROLOGGER (7001-1).

Because of their low power

consumption, they are particularly well

suited to automated data collection in

remote and unmanned sites.

The STARLOG data loggers are

connected to measuring instruments

and sensors for data acquisition. A wide

range of instruments and sensors is

available from Unidata.

The acquired data can be obtained

from the data loggers by connecting

a computer directly to the unit or by

using a remote telemetry system, or

the analogue, GSM and NextG/3G

communications networks.


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Analog Channels 8 (10-bit resolution) 8 (10-bit resolution) 16 (16-bit resolution) 2 (10-bit resolution) unipolar unipolar bipolar/unipolar unipolar single-ended single-ended single-ended (16) single ended differential (8)

Accuracy Accuracy Accuracy Accuracy Analog Ranges 0 to 2.55V ± 0.1% 0 to 2.55V ± 0.1% -5.00V to 5.00V ± 0.1% 0 to 2.50V ± 0.1% -500mV to 500mV ± 0.1% -50mV to 50mV ± 0.2% -5mV to 5mV ± 0.2%

HSIO 2 bi-directional 2 bi-directional 2 bi-directional 1 bi-directional 8 16-bit channels 8 16-bit channels 8 16-bit channels on each 4 16-bit channels

Counter Channels 4 x 16 bit 4 x 16 bit 4 x 16 bit 1 x 16 bit 20kHz 20kHz 20kHz 20kHz

Control Outputs 2 2 2 1

On/Off Inputs 2 2 - 1

Memory 512kB 512kB 512kB 512kB

Instrument Voltages 5V regulated 5V regulated 5V regulated 5V regulated + battery switched + battery switched ± 12V + battery switched ± 10V regulated

Display No 32 character 64 character No Alphanumeric Alphanumeric

SDI-12 Yes Yes Yes Yes Models 6004-2 & -3 Models 6004-2 & -3

Computer RS-232 level RS-232 level RS-232 level RS-232 level Communications 300-38400 bps 300-38400 bps 300-76800 bps 300-76800 bps

* available to high volume and OEM customers only


Dataloggers, Starlog 4 Software & Accessories







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Standard Starlogger Model 6004D-11

Designed for trouble-free operation

in a wide range of applications, the

Starlogger is a high performance,

upward-compatible replacement for

the original STARLOG Portable Data

Logger (PDL). The Starlogger is easy to

program and offers wide signal capacity

and range.

All Starloggers feature eight (10-bit)

analog channels, four (16-bit) counter/

frequency channels, and 2 (16-bit)

HSIO lines with 8 channels each. Their

memory capacity is 512K CMOS RAM,

enough storage for many months of

recording. They also provide two power

sources for external instruments. The

range of scan rates extends from 125

milliseconds to 5 minutes.

The Starlogger uses standard

asynchronous RS-232 serial

communications to communicate with

an IBM PC or compatible computer

or a modem connected to a telemetry


Starloggers are completely portable.

They contain an internal battery supply

for one year of normal operation.

Starloggers are fully programmable

using the STARLOG programming


Ordering Information

Model Description

6004D-11 6004D Starlogger with 512K and 6910A Alkaline Battery Pack.


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The Display STARLOGGER adds the

convenience of a display and keyboard

to the functions of the STARLOGGER.

The 32 character, two-line LCD enables

you to view signal readings while

recording data. Battery, memory and

program status can also be displayed.

With the eight-key keyboard you can

control the display, make adjustments to

the STARLOGGER’s configuration, and

give simple commands. Remember that

frequent use of the display will reduce

battery life.

Ordering Information

Model Description

6004D-2 6004D Starlogger with 512K, key-board, display and 6910A Alkaline Battery Pack.


Display Starlogger Model 6004D-2


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The Prologger 7001D-11 sets new

standards in accuracy and input

range. It is packaged in the robust

enclosure so familiar to Starlog users

with twice the accuracy, eight times

the resolution, and sixteen times the

dynamic range. It is the ideal upgrade

from its predecessor the 7000 Macro

Logger. All Prologger analogue and

digital inputs are processed with 16

bit resolution. The sixteen inputs now

support the following ranges:

±5.000V (155uV/bit resolution)

±500mV (15.5uV/bit resolution)

±50mV (1.55uV/bit resolution)

±5mV (155nV/bit resolution)

The superior accuracy of the new

design means that input voltages will

be converted to better than 0.05%

of full scale over the full operating

temperature range, and 0.1% in the

5mV range.

The Prologger’s increased memory

capacity means you can acquire more

data or increase the period between

downloads. The unit also includes all

the familiar Starlog features such as

SDI-12 instrument support, modem

command/dial-out support, universal

battery pack, continuous power source,

scheme control of power supplies, and

field upgradable control firmware.

Ordering Information

Model Description

7001D-11 Prologger High Precision 512k, Alk Batt

Prologger Model 7001D-11


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Starlog 4 Software

Starlog 4 Logger & NRT Management Software Model 6308A/AUE


• CompletesupportforUnidata

Starlogger, Prologger, Starflow, and

Micrologger data loggers.

• Automaticloggerconfiguration.

• Scheme/instrumentediting.

• Loggerandschemetesting.

• Reportandplotcreation.

• Multi-buffersupport.

• Extendedsupportforlogging


• Facilitytoviewandplotdataasitis

being logged.

• Dataisstoredinrobustand

accessible CSV (comma separated

value) text file format.

• OpendatadirectlyinExcelforbasic

reporting and analysis.

• SMSalarmmessagingsupport.

• RemoteLCDdisplaysupportwith

Starflow and 4EC instruments.

• Supportforaverageswitha

sampling time longer than 24 hours.

• SDI-12TransparentMode.

• Loggerfirmwareupgrading.

• WorkswithexistingV3schemes.

Ordering Information

Model Description


Computer Requirements


• 233MHzPentiumProcessor


• 32MBharddrivespace

• WindowsXPor2000

• SVGAmonitor

• Mouse

• RS232serialport


Starlog 4 is the Unidata software

used to manage your data logging

projects. The previous Starlog V3 is

also available on request. Starlog 4 is a

full Windows-based system with all the

functions integrated into one, easy to

use package.

With a similar look and feel to other

Unidata software packages, such as

Starlite4w and Recorder, users will

become comfortable using Starlog 4

quickly and effortlessly.

Having a feature rich and powerful

software package to support the

Unidata range of loggers, users can

create complicated schemes simply and


A comprehensive Instrument Library

makes it easy to add instruments to

your scheme. Saving and programming

your logger is as simple as the click of

the mouse button.

Presentation of your archived data

using the intuitive graphing tools makes

it simple to view your data in a text or

graph view. Identifying values on the

graph is as easy as placing your cursor

over the point of interest. You can then

print your favourite graphs or tables for

reference, or output your data for import

into your third party data viewing and

analysis software applications.

The CD also contains our entire

hardware support documentation library

for your reference.

You can download a 30 day trial version

of Starlog 4 software from the Unidata



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Model 6910A 10 Ah/6.

Maximum Life: 3 years.

Operating Temp.:

-20°C to 60°C.

Type: ‘D’ size, Alkaline Dry

Cell non-rechargeable.

Weight: 950g.

Batteries & Chargers

To ensure STARLOG’s self-contained operation in the field, power for STARLOG data loggers and some STARLOG instruments is supplied by integral battery packs.

External Power (12VDC)

All data loggers can be supported

by 12VDC external power. We

recommend that you also use

an internal battery pack (Alkaline

type) as a backup battery in the

event of power failure.

The alkaline battery pack is the

standard for all data loggers. The life

expectancy of an Alkaline Battery Pack

is typically one year in a Prologger,

Starlogger and MACRO. See the

Logger Battery Duration Table.

Alkaline Battery Life Comparator

Logger Battery Duration Table

Scan Rate 6910A

0.5 sec 70 days

1 sec 100

2 sec 200

5 sec 500

10 sec 2 years

15 sec 2 years

Ordering Information

Model Description Usage

6910A Alkaline 6004 Star-logger & 7001 Prologger.

Alkaline Battery Pack Model 6910A


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General purpose mains power pack

suitable for charging 12V sealed

lead-acid batteries.

Sealed Lead Acid Battery Charger Model 6905E

Ordering Information

Model Description

6905E Plug Pack 12VDC GelCell charger 350mA (for 6907 battery).


Charging Voltage: 14.4V.

Charging Current: Max 0.8A.

Type of Charger: 6 step,

fully automatic charging cycle.

Type of Battery: 12V

lead-acid batteries.

Battery Capacity: 1.2-32Ah,

up to 100Ah for maintenance.

Insulation: IP65

(splash and dust proof).

These batteries play an integral part

in ensuring reliable performance at

unmanned data logging sites and

are normally recharged via a Solar

Powered Recharge System or via an

external source of 12VDC.

Model Capacity Weight Size

6907A 1.2Ah 0.6kg 97x48x55mm

6907B 7Ah 2.7kg 151x65x98mm

6907C 12Ah 4.0kg 151x98x98mm

6907D 50Ah 14.5kg 198x171x166mm

Sealed Lead Acid Battery Model 6907

Ordering Information

Model Description

6907A Sealed Lead Acid Battery 12V 1.2Ah.

6907B Sealed Lead Acid Battery 12V 7Ah.

6907C Sealed Lead Acid Battery 12V 14Ah.

6907D Sealed Lead Acid Battery 12V 50Ah.

Ordering Information

Model Description

2901B Lithium D Cell.

2902A Lithium C Cell.

6909C-1 3 X 3.6V Lithium Battery Pack.

6909C-2 6 X 3.6V Lithium Battery Pack.

6909C-3 3 X Shrink Wrap Lithium Battery Pack.

The Neon Remote Terminals and

Modules can be powered from long

life Lithium batteries. The battery

component is a high quality Lithium cell

with high capacity and minimal internal

discharge, while providing high in rush

current required for some cell phone


These batteries can be added as a

single cell of housed in a three or six

battery enclosure.



6909C-1 – 39 Ah at 10.8V]

6909C-2 depends on voltage


Operating Temperature:

-60°C - 85°C

Battery Type: 3.6V 13 Ah

Li-SOCI2 D-size Spiral Cell

Lithium Battery and Battery Packs Model 6909C





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This range of rechargeable,

maintenance free batteries offers three

capacity ranges.


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Solar Powered Systems and Controllers

Solar Powered SystemsThe most universal solar panel/

battery combination uses the Model

6904F Solar Panel (5W) with the

Model 6907C Sealed Lead Acid

Battery (12Ah).

This may be used for externally

powering all data loggers,

STARFLOW, conductivity

instruments and zero power

modems. It can also recharge a

logger’s NiCad pack.

In an installation with a prolonged

period (more than 10 consecutive

days) without sunlight we

recommend the following using the

Model 6904G Solar Panel (10W)

with two Model 6907C Sealed Lead

Acid Batteries (24Ah). This system

will also operate a cellular phone

site for up to 5 “sunless” days.

The Solar Recharge System enables

the long-term use of 12V Gel Cells in

the field without the need for recharging

from the mains. The entire system

is designed to be maintenance free

once installed. Each system includes a

sealed solar array, universal mounting

fittings and a power cable. The life of

the solar panel is at least fifteen years.


Voltage: 12VDC self regulating.


Model 6904F – 5W.

Model 6904G – 10W.

Cable: 2 metres, 2 wires.

Fittings: 2 x 60mm U bolt clamps.

Ordering Information

Model Description

6904F Solar Recharge System 5W.

6904G Solar Recharge System 10W.


Model 6904F:

258 x 238 x 25mm/3kg.

Model 6904G:


Loggers have an internal regulator to

limit the charge current so any size

solar panel may be used. However, if

this solar panel is connected directly

to a battery, a regulator such as the

6912C-12, is required.

Solar Powered Recharge System Model 6904


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This unit regulates the charging of a

12 volt sealed lead acid battery via a

solar panel. The unit also provides a

regulated power supply for modems.

This unit is designed to regulate the

charging of a 12 volt sealed lead

acid battery via a solar panel. It also

provides a regulated power supply for a

radio telemetry modem or DC powered

desktop modem.


Inputs: 12V solar panel. 2 x 12V

SLA battery (parallel connection).

Charging is thermally limited.

2 x relay control (open collector or

TTL – user can set).

Outputs: Modem power 12V

regulated. 500mA limit, shutdown

on low battery detect. Two relays

normally open contacts. 12V is

supplied to contacts upon closure.

Enclosure: UV stabilised

polycarbonate, IP67.

Terminals: Pluggable terminal

strip with terminals for two relay

outputs, logger control signals,

solar panel, battery and test.

Cables: 1m cable to data logger

terminal block of 6541-31/C.

0.3m battery leads.

Size (LxWxD):

125mm x 85mm x 75mm.

Weight: 250g.


Inputs: 12V solar panel. 2 x 12V

SLA battery (parallel connection).

Charging is thermally limited.

Outputs: 12V regulated,

500mA limit, shutdown on low

battery detect.

Size (LxWxD):

82mm x 62mm x 32mm.

Weight: 60g.

Ordering Information

Model Description

6912C-12 Solar power controller, 12V input, suits 7W or 12W solar panel, charges 12V SLA battery.

Solar Power Controller – Dual Relay Output Model 6912CR-12

Ordering Information

Model Description

6912CR-12 Solar power controller with two relays, suits 7W or 12W solar panel, charges, 12V SLA battery.





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sSolar Power Controller Models 6912C-12


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Cable: Flat ribbon cable to Data


Mounting: Inside Model 6701

Weatherproof Enclosure.

Mounting frame: 0.8mm zinc

plated steel, black epoxy painted.

Size (HxWxD):

227mm x 155mm x 100mm.

Weight: 1.0kg.

Datalogger Field Termination Strips

STARLOGGER Field Termination Strip and Mounting Frame Model 6103E

STARLOG Field Termination Strips

A Field Termination Strip (FTS) is normally added to a Data Logger to simplify instrument connection and to identify one logging site from another.

The FTS extends a Data Logger’s

signal connections to a row of

numbered screw terminals. These

terminals, mounted on a printed

circuit board, make it easy to

connect/disconnect instruments

to/from the Logger on site. An

FTS is a welcome option when

logging projects use more than one


The FTS provides mounting

facilities for reference resistors

and additional signal filtering

and conditioning components.

It also has an optional facility to

differentiate one logging site from

another, called Site Identification

(Site ID).

To record different types of input

signals, signal attenuation and

amplification options are available

for the STARLOG Data Logger.

Our selection includes Signal

Amplifiers, Special Interfaces,

Voltage Dividers, Current Loop

References, other Special Purpose

Modules and Precision Reference


Signal conditioning equipment

is typically soldered onto a Field

Termination Strip becoming part of

the on-site installation.

The FTS is available with a steel frame

(Model 6103E) which is designed to fit

within the Model 6701 Weatherproof


The FTS mounts onto the steel frame

with hinged clips, allowing it to be

swung clear of the frame for on-site

installation and wiring maintenance.

The Starlogger Field Termination Strip

is compatible with the previous PDL

Field Termination Strip (6103B) except

that Site ID is offered as a separate

module and counter channels have

different allocations.


• Morelinksforsignalconditioning

and custom configuration.

• Moreterminalsforscan

synchronised power, continuous

Micro power and continuous

external power.

• Built-infacilitytoaddspecial

purpose modules.

• Anextrathreeterminalsforcustom


• Ananaloggroundforallchannels.


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Comparison of Features

6103E 7100E

Terminations 50 58

Analog inputs 8 (8 or 10 bit) 16 (16-bit)

Counter inputs 4 4

Serial I/O 2 (16 channels) 2 (16 channels)

External power 12VDC 12VDC

Connector 25-pin D plug 37-pin D plug

The 7100E FTS is required for

installations where the Prologger is

being used.

The 7100E FTS is similar to the 6103-1

and shares the same specifications. It

is also available with the Model 6103C

steel frame which is designed to fit

within the Model 6701 Weatherproof


Signal Amplifier modules are not

applicable to the Prologger which has

inbuilt signal amplification. Note also

that this version requires a separate

Site ID module.


• Morelinksforsignalconditioning

and custom configuration and more

terminals for scan synchronised

power, continuous Micro power and

continuous external power.

• Built-infacilitytoaddspecial

purpose modules and an extra three

terminals for custom use.

• AnAnalogGroundisprovidedforall


To accommodate these features, the

PCB has links on both sides.

Prologger Field Termination Strip Model 7100E

Ordering Information

Model Description Used With

6103E Starlogger Field Termination Strip. Starlogger & PDL

6103M-L Mounting Frame. All loggers

6103K STARFLOW Termination Strip. Model 6526 Starflow

7100E Prologger Field Termination Strip. Prologger


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Input Signal: Single ended or

Differential 0 to ±5VDC.

Output Signal: Isolated input

signal, not amplified.

Isolation: Flying capacitor,

relay isolated.

Power: 5VDC, 25mA

from Logger.


Input signal: Single ended

differential unipolar, bipolar.

Input impedance:

100KΩ to $2.5KΩ.

Output signal: 0 to 2.5 Volts.

Zero Offset: Adjustable.

Gains: 1 to 250.

Power: 5VDC from Data logger.

Input and Output Modules

This Isolated input amplifier 6107B

Replaces Universal amplifier 6142A and

Relay Output module 6143A

The Amplifier extends the signal

range for Starloggers and Neon

Remote Terminals allowing devices

with low level input signals such as

thermocouples and PT 100 bridges to

be connected.

This module is designed to be mounted

on the 6103E Field Termination Strip

and provides isolation for transducers

which cannot be directly connected to a

Data Logger.

Ordering Information

Model Description

6107B Isolated Input Amplifier for Starlogger

Isolated Interface Module Model 6141A

Ordering Information

Model Description

6141A Starlogger – Isolated Interface Module.

Isolated Input Amplifier Model 6107B


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Input Signal: Single ended or

Differential. 0 to ±5VDC.

Output Signal: Isolated input

signal, not amplified.

Isolation: Flying capacitor,

relay isolated.

Power: 5VDC, 25mA

from Logger.

This module provides isolation for

transducers which cannot be directly

connected to the Prologger/MACRO,

e.g. current loop transducers powered

from separate supplies. Up to eight

modules can be fitted to the 7100E

Prologger Field Termination Strip.Ordering Information

Model Description

7121A For Prologger & Macro – Isolated.

4-20mA Current Loop Isolator Model 6144A

This module isolates a Starlogger from

a 4-20mA current loop input signal.

The signal is optically coupled, then

converted to a voltage signal suitable

for measurement by the logger. The

module is partially powered by the loop

current, allowing for a low power drain

from the logger.

Ordering Information

Model Description

6144A 4-20mA Current Loop Isolator – Starlogger


Input Signal: 0 to 20mA

Output Signal: 0.5 to 2.5V

(factory calibrated, user adjustable)

Non Linearity: 0.25% of FS


Isolation: >300VDC

Operating Temp: -20° to 60°C

Power: <1mA from logger’s 5V


This module isolates a Prologger from

a 4-20mA current loop input signal.

The signal is optically coupled, then

converted to a voltage signal suitable

for measurement by the logger. The

module is partially powered by the loop

current, allowing for a low power drain

from the logger.

4-20mA Current Loop Isolator Prologger/MACRO Model 7121C

Ordering Information

Model Description

7121C 4-20mA Current Loop Isolator – Prologger


Input Signal: 0 to 20mA

Output Signal: 0.5 to 2.5V

(factory calibrated, user adjustable)

Non Linearity: 0.25% of FS


Isolation: >300VDC

Operating Temp: -20° to 60°C

Power: <1mA from logger’s 5V







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Isolated Input Module – Prologger/MACRO Model 7121A


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4-Channel Relay Control Module Model 6525B

The 4-Channel Relay Control Module

is an interface designed to allow the

Data Logger to control four magnetically

latched relays.

This permits the Logger to be used as

a controller of four external devices

through the four potential free contacts.

Up to four modules can be connected to

a Prologger or Starlogger.


Input: Programmable output

control from Data Logger via high

speed serial.

Output: Potential free latched

relay contact (DPDT).

Contact rating:

240VAC, 0.5A Max.

Power: 5VDC, 2mA from Logger.

Enclosure: UV stabilized

polycarbonate, IP67.


115mm x 65mm x 56mm.

Weight: 350g.

This module is used to switch on/off an

external instrument from the Logger,

for example, switch on a pump or a

lamp, or set off an alarm. It is mounted

on a Field Termination Strip and uses

the pulse output from the Logger

to latch the relay. To control more

devices, consider the Model 6525B

4-Channel Relay Control Module, or

the 6912CR-12 Solar Power Regulator

(two relays).


Input: Programmable output

control from Data Logger.

Output: Potential free latched

relay contacts, Double Pole Double

Throw (DPDT).

Contact Rating:

240VAC, 0.5A Max.

Power: 5VDC, 10mA from Logger.

Ordering Information

Model Description

6525B 4-Channel Relay Control Module.

Single Channel Relay Control Module Model 6114A

Ordering Information

Model Description

6114A For Starlogger & PDL – Single channel relay control module.

Input and Output Modules

The Universal Counter Module extends

the number of available counter

channels of the data logger. The

standard operation mode is set as four

8-bit counters. Alternatively, two 16-bit

counters may be configured for use with

a Prologger or Starlogger. Cascading of

up to eight modules is possible.


Input: Suitable for potential free

contacts and 5 – 12VDC digital

signals, up to 20kHz.

Output: High speed serial.

Enclosure: UV stabilized

polycarbonate, IP67.

Size (HxWxD):

115mm x 65mm x 56mm.

Weight: 400g.

Universal Counter Module Model 6118B

Ordering Information

Mode Description

6118B For Starlogger & Prologger – Universal Counter Module.54

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Systems, Integration Enclosures & Radiation Screens

Unidata Systems Integration

Unidata can provide equipment

components for a range of

applications along with engineering

support services, data logging

scheme writing and Neon and Starlog

applications software.

Unidata can also provide systems

integration services to build up

specific systems, combining Unidata

equipment, and purpose built

enclosures, and Systems Integration,

documentation, and Systems

installation services for major projects.

When systems are developed, the

customer’s specific requirements

are considered and the configuration

is decided based on technical and

commercial criteria. One key issue

is maintainability and field support,

especially for remote systems. The

Neon Applications Software allows for

remote configuration and adjustment

of logger / Neon Remote Terminal

configuration, which can be very cost

effective, minimizing or eliminating

the need to travel to remote logging

sites to reconfigure and diagnose the


Systems can be set up inside

customer defined enclosures, with the

only connection necessary being a

field termination strip or panel, which

simplifies the field installation process.

When Systems are considered, there

are some key issues to consider:

• Instrumentselection,deciding

on the most appropriate

measurement method.

• Sitepowerselection,decidingif

a sealed lead acid battery with

solar panel support is best, or

an alternative power source, for

example a bank of high capacity

lithium batteries may be best.

Unidata has battery calculator

tools available to decide on

the best battery option for such


• Instrumentenclosureselection,

deciding on the most appropriate

housing, weatherproof

polycarbonate or steel enclosure,

with or without sun shade


• Telemetryselection,eitherdialup,

or IP communications via cell phone

or satellite communications.

• Loggingandreportinginterval

selection, deciding on the balance

between the cost of the telemetry.

communications ( important for

satellite links) and the need for 5

minute, 15 minute, hourly or daily


• Powerusageconsiderations,

deciding on the balance between

battery consumption and the logging

and reporting interval.

Please contact Unidata for more

information on Systems Integration.

Some Examples of Systems are shown



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The Weatherproof Enclosure protects

the Data Logger from moisture, wind

and sun, and would-be vandals. It

is constructed of robust, glass-filled

polycarbonate which has been UV

stabilized for outdoor use. Signal cables

enter through glands in the base of the

enclosure. The logger is installed and

removed from the enclosure through the

front lid which seals the enclosure when

shut. Tamperproof screws and a key are


Model 6701M includes pole mounting

hardware and fittings which provide

a complete field installation set. The

Model 6701D is a double width version

of this enclosure.



Grey Hi-impact polycarbonate

material, IP67

Cable Glands:

Set of three PG9 size, IP67

Set of two PG11 size, IP67

Cover screws:

Set of four triangular head


Set of four wing head.

Hinge and Blind plugs to cover

screw holes (hinged side).

Ordering Information

Model Description Mounting Plate Description

6701B Polycarbonate Enclosure 280 x 190 x 130

6701M-S 6701M-3

Stainless Steel Mounting Hardware 3mm AI SUN SHADE 270 x 350 x 220 with Mounting Hardware

6701C Polycarbonate Enclosure 280 x 190 x 180

6701D Polycarbonate Enclosure 380 x 280 x 130

6701M-M 6701M-L

Stainless Steel Mounting Hardware (vertically mounted) Stainless Steel Mounting Hardware (horizontally mounted)

6701D with Mounting Plate

6701B with Mounting plate

Systems, Integration Enclosures & Radiation Screens

Weatherproof Enclosure Model 6701


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Radiation Gill Screen & Mount Model 6704Radiation Gill Screen & Mount Model 6704

Ordering Information

Model Description Mounting Plate Description

6703A/B Steel Enclosure 300 x 300 x 210

6703M-S Stainless Steel Mounting Hardware

6703C Steel Enclosure 380 x 380 x 210

6703M-L 6703M-3

Stainless Steel Mounting Hardware 3mm AI SUN SHADE 480 x 470 x 300 with Mounting Hardware



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Steel Enclosure Model 6703

This radiation gill screen provides

a good shield against the effects of

precipitation and direct radiation and

dust particles. Ambient temperature

and humidity sensors can easily be

mounted within. A universal U-clamp

support allows horizontal or vertical pole


This double-width, grey, steel enclosure

houses the Data Logger, Field

Termination Strip and Mounting Frame,

and additional equipment in a single

enclosure. Equipment mounting plate,

nuts and a special key are supplied.


Material: UV stabilised Lurans.

Mounting: 60mm ZP U-bolt &

saddle. (set of 2).

Size: 125mm diameter.


6704A: 380mm.

6704B: 190mm.



Grey painted steel, IP66.

Cable Glands:

Set of four PG11 size, IP67


6703A/B 7.0Kg

6703C 9.8Kg

Ordering Information

Model Description

6704A Radiation Gill Screen & Mount – full size.

6704B Radiation Gill Screen & Mount – half size.

Mounting Hardware 6703M-3 Sun Shade for 6703 Range


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Communicating with Data Loggers

Cables, Connectors and Interfaces

The model 6543A Protocol Converter

converts Modbus to SDI-12 requests

OR converts HSIO data to Modbus

data. This allows Unidata data loggers

and third party SDI-12 sensors to be

integrated into process control (PLC,

SCADA) systems. Modbus data is in

RTU format. Modbus communications

are via RS232 or RS485.

Ordering Information

Model Type

6543A Protocol Converter

Modbus to SDI-12 Conversion:

The model 6543A Protocol Converter

acts as a Modbus slave on a Modbus

RTU bus. On receipt of certain Modbus

commands the Protocol Converter

module initiates SDI-12 commands,

awaits the response and returns the

results as Modbus values. The data

returned is selectable as either a binary

decimal values with a sign delimiter or

an IEEE 32bit floating point values.

Modbus to HSIO Conversion:

The 6543A Protocol Converter can

also act as a HSIO slave on the HSIO

connection from a UNIDATA data

logger or Starflow. On receipt of HSIO

data the Protocol Converter module

stores the HSIO data into memory. On

receipt of certain Modbus commands,

the Protocol Converter returns the

requested memory values as Modbus

values. The data returned is an exact

representation of the HSIO value/s




RS232 D9 Socket

RS485 Terminal Block

DC Power Terminal Block

Power Supply:

5 to 24 V DC @ 14mA-active

Housing Size:

80mm W X 140mmL X 65mm D

Housing Type:


Enclosure – IP64

Operating Temperature:



Storage Temperature:


Weight: 250g

Protocol Converter Model 6543A


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SDI-12 Explorer Model 6409A

Ordering Information

Model Description

6409A USB to SDI Interface Tester

The 6409A is a diagnostic tool that turns

your PC screen Into a ‘window’ that

allows you to observe that data traffic

on your SDI-12 communications bus

It has Auto SDI-12 sensor address

detection and it is powered from the PC

USB port – no battery is needed

With this device you can listen in on

SDI-12 conversation or issue SDI-

12 commands and diagnose SDI

communications generally.

Unidata Connection Cables Summary

The Tables below list various cables available for Unidata equipment.

Cables for Starflow

Model Description

6600F 8 way Data MCS Cable

6600G 9 way Vented Cable

6600H 2 way Shielded Dacron Cable

6600K 6 way Data MCS Cable

6600L 4 way Data MCS Cable

6603D-SDI Adaptor Cable with SDI-12 option

6603V-LENGTH Vented Extension Cable

Cable - USB to Serial Interface for use with Starlog 4

Model Description

6603U USB to Serial Interface Cable (for Starlog 4 Connections to Computers not equipped with a Serial Interface)

SDI-12 Dual Listener Model 6411A

Ordering Information

Model Description

6411A SDI 12 Dual Listener Interface

This device assists with integration

projects where you may wish to have

both a Starlogger and a neon remote

Terminal use the same SDI-12 bus.

Normally two SDI-12 masters on the

same bus will cause problems, but with

this device a master logger can control

all SDI-12 communications activity,

but if that logger fails, the secondary

logger for example, a Neon remote

Terminal, can assume command of the

SDI bus and can allow the operation of

the system to continue in the event of



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Product Index

2011E/2013D Neon Metering Module – 2G / 3G 8

2011E/2013D Neon Remote Module – 2G / 3G 8

2014E/2016D Neon Remote Terminal – 2G / 3G 9

2015D Neon Remote Terminal

– Globalstar Satellite


2017E Neon Remote Terminal – Ethernet 11

2018E Neon Remote Terminal –

Inmarsat BGAN M2M Satellite


2019E Neon Remote Terminal

– Ethernet Wi-Fi


2103E NRT Field Termination Strip 16

2104E NRT Field Termination Strip with

4x4-20mA isolation modules


2301A/2302A Neon Server Applications Software 17

2500E NRT Display Unit 10

2502A Neon Camera System and Module 14

2502B Neon High Resolution Image

and Video Camera System


2504E Neon HSIO LCD Display Unit 9

6004D-11 Standard Starlogger 42

6004D-2 Display Starlogger 43

6103E Starlogger Field Termination

Strip and Mounting Frame


6103K Starflow Termination Strip 30

6107B Isolated Input Amplifier 52

6114A Single Channel Relay

Control Module


6118B Universal Counter Module 54

6122C MicroWire to 4-20mA Interface 28

6141A Isolated Interface Module 52

6144A 4-20mA Current Loop Isolator 53

6308A/AUE Starlog 4 Logger & NRT

Management Software


6409A SDI-12 Explorer 59

6411A SDI-12 Dual Listener 59

6501V Weather Transmitter 20

6506C Tipping Bucket Rainfall Gauge 18

6506G/H Tipping Bucket Flow Gauge 33

6507 Thermistor Temperature Probes 22

6507D Precision Thermistor Probe 23

6525B 4-Channel Relay Control Module 54

6526 Ultrasonic Doppler Instrument 27

6526LCD-C Starflow LCD Display Unit 30

6526M Stainless Steel Mounting Bracket 29

6528 Double Junction Gel Filled pH

and ORP (Redox) Probes


6529-1 Evaporation Monitoring System 35

6529-2 Evaporation Recording System 35

6529-3 Automatic Evaporation

Recording System


6533 Wind Monitor Instrument 19

6535A Linear Temperature Probe (LM34) 21

6536E Water Electroconductivity



6536P-2-10 Four Electrode Water

Conductivity Probe


6539B Humicap® Humidity &

Temperature Probe


6541 Precision Water Level Instrument 32

6542D Hydrostatic Water Depth &

Temperature Probe – SDI 12


6543A Protocol Converter 58

6600F 8 way Data MCS Cable 59

6600G 9 way Vented Cable 59

6600H 2 way Shielded Dacron Cable 59

6600K 6 way Data MCS Cable 59

6600L 4 way Data MCS Cable 59

6603D Adaptor Cable 28

6603D-SDI Adaptor Cable with SDI-12 option 59

6603DT Drying Tube 28

6603U USB to Serial Interface Cable 59

6603V <SQL> Vented Extension Cable 29

6603V-LENGTH Vented Extension Cable 59

6701 Weatherproof Enclosure 56

6701S Weatherproof Enclosure

for Starflow


6701S/LCD Weatherproof Enclosure

with LCD for Starflow


6703 Steel Enclosure 57

6704 Radiation Gill Screen & Mount 57

6705 Expanding Band Kit 29

6904 Solar Powered Recharge System 48

6905E Sealed Lead Acid Battery Charger 47

6907 Sealed Lead Acid Battery 47

6909C Lithium Battery and Battery Packs 47

6910A Alkaline Battery Pack 46

6912C-12 Solar Power Controller 49

6912CR-12 Solar Power Controller

– Dual Relay Output


Model Description Page Model Description Page


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Model Description Page Model Description Page



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7001D-11 Prologger 44

7100E Prologger Field Termination Strip 51

7121A Isolated Input Module –



7121C 4-20mA Current Loop Isolator



7241A Pyranometer Sensor

– Solar Energy


7241B PAR Sensor – 350 to 750nm 25

7241M Radiation Sensor

Mounting Assembly


7422A Dissolved Oxygen Probe 37


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Available from:Unidata Pty Ltd 40 Ladner Street, O’Connor, 6163, Western Australia Tel: +61 8 9331 8600 [email protected] Revision 01072013