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SG Sta. Cruz Phoenix comes up with the idea of dressing the area with the concept of a Paskong Pinoy considering that Phoenix is a proud Filipino owned petroleum enterprise. We intend to depict the role that phoenix plays in making Pinoy’s Christmas traditions possible. The mural painting that was made in our service station highlighted the key role of Phoenix in the celebration of Christmas. Family gathering is most important during the holidays and family members/ relatives from distant land go home to celebrate Christmas with the family. It is also during Christmas, that we arrange to visit friends and colleagues. Let us remember that every “trip” during this special occasion is fuelled by phoenix. Another striking feature in our service station is the punch line above our office canopy that says “SAGOT NG PHOENIX ANG TRIP MO” with Santa Claus on his sleigh. However, our Santa Claus is not transported by reindeers but, with the fire-spirited bird, Phoenix.

We adorned the center island with the traditional Christmas tree and the regular figures in traditional accounts of nativity, known as the three wise men. A striking twist with the biblical magi was made. Instead of having camels to bring them to the new born Jesus, we made use of a motorcycle. The three wise men were pointing to the Phoenix flag that may indicate that they might need to fuel up in order to complete their journey.

Another known Filipino tradition during Christmas is Simbang Gabi thus we place a replica of a church in our pocket garden. This is another “trip” that Filipinos continue to practice which incorporates the importance of Phoenix service station by providing quality fuel in order to shuttle church goers. Alongside is a Car being refuelled by the famous Christmas icon, Santa Claus.

We also adorned the station with drums painted with carolling kids to provide added attraction to customers. Illuminating star lanterns were hung; it emits warmth unparalleled among holiday adornments and is unique in our country. Huge lighted gifts were placed in the cashier’s booth to symbolize another common activity during the season that is the gift-giving.

All decors were creatively made with cheaply cost materials such as Coconut dried parts (palwa, butay, bunot), recycled woods, drums, colourful art textiles and paints. Every piece was made sure to light up during night thus we installed lighting materials. In general, our service station is not only colourful during the day but also shining, shimmering, splendid at night. Finally, what makes every piece special is that it was made from the heart with no other than the dealer’s family itself. No single decor was commercially bought. The enjoyment that was experience during the installation was transformed into a well-conceptualized, unique and beautiful Christmas theme decorated Phoenix station.