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Entreat Me Not:

The Story of Ruth

By Trudy Wright Edited by Barbara Chase and Janel Tyson


Cast Member Character Meaning, position

Ruth “Friend,” Wife of Mahlon, Wife of Boaz

Naomi “My Pleasantness,” Wife of Elimelech

Elimelech “My God is King,” Husband of Naomi

Mahlon “Sickly,” Son of Elimelech

Chilion “Pining,” Son of Elimelech

Boaz “In him is strength,” Son of Salmon and Rahab, born 1396 B.C. (R) 35th generation

Kinsman Relative

Orpah “Ornamented richly with hair,” Wife of Chilion

Eliphal “God has judged,” Elder in Bethlehem

Jamlech “He grants dominion,” Elder in Bethlehem

Lael “Belonging to God,” Elder in Bethlehem

Elisheba “My God is fullness,” Naomi’s friend in Bethlehem

Beulah “Married,” Woman of Bethlehem

Joanna “Yahweh has been gracious,” Woman of Bethlehem

Heman “Faithful,” Overseer of the reapers

Ruhamah “She has received compassion,” Gleaner

Amah Handmaid, Gleaner

Geber Man, Reaper (extra)

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Pronunciation Guide





A’. mah



























La’ . el

LAY- ul










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Entreat Me Not, The story of Ruth

Act I Bethlehem-Judah

Scene I My God is King

Scene II My Pleasantness

Act II Moab

Scene I My Inheritance

Scene II My Sons

Scene III My Daughters

Scene IV My Bread

Scene V My Journey

Act III Redemption in Bethlehem

Scene I My Return

Scene II My Service

Scene III My Blessing

Scene IV My Kinsman

Scene V My Kinsman Redeemer

Scene VI My Redemption


New King James Bible

Reese Chronological Bible (R)

Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Judges and Ruth

Seventh-day Adventist Bible Dictionary

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Act 1: Stage I- Bethlehem-Judah

Scene 1: Stage I- My God is King

Setting: City Gate (Elimelech, Eliphal, Lael, Jamlech)

Narrator: Our story was most likely written by the greatest of Prophets, Samuel, during the end of the ministry of

Eli and in the early days of the Judges after the death of the Ehud, the second judge, and Shamgar the third judge

that held duel judgeship with Ehud for one year. Originally, the story of Ruth was an appendix to the Book of

Judges. The story takes place during Israel’s third apostasy and servitude, this time in northern Israel to Jabin,

King of Canaan, along with his captain, Sisera. The time of the judges was one of apostasy, personal decline,

national decline, oppression and servitude, and then came repentance and deliverance by God. It happened over

and over.

The judges were appointed by God to deliver the Israelites from the heathen nations after the death of Joshua.

The judges were not civil judges as we know a judge, but more like a general or chieftain. It was God who

appointed each judge. The story begins in Bethlehem-Judah, a town about 5 miles south of Jerusalem and east of

the Dead Sea, the very town where the Messiah was to be born. It is a story that establishes the lineage of Christ,

the Messiah. There are 64 generations from Adam to Christ.

It is an historic and narrative epic written to the creative imagination and to the emotions. This story is a story of

redemption, a story that prepared a people to give a message of redemption to the Gentiles. This is in fact a

story of redemption for all people.

Turning away from the protection of God leaves one under the control of Satan. Loyalty to God brings happiness,

safety, and redemption. Moral degeneracy brings national weakness. The children of Israel were crying unto the

Lord for deliverance. God in his mercy permits suffering and disaster to turn hearts to repentance. He will send a

deliverer to redeem his people.

Our first character is Elimelech. He was probably born when there was talk of a human king and his parents

wanted to express their belief that God was their rightful king, therefore he was named Elimelech meaning My

God is King. The story begins about 1268 B.C.

(Elimelech listening intently to elders in the city)

Eliphal: (Passionately) Deliverance. That’s what we need--deliverance.

Jamlech: Now that Ehud the judge has died, we need a strong judge that can deliver us.

Eliphal: (Shaking his head) He served Israel for eighty years.

Jamlech: Shamgar served only a year here in the south, and I still can’t see how it was possible for him to kill 600

men with an ox goad, a simple rod that drives the cattle.

Lael: Anything is possible with God. It is God who appoints his leaders. Our failure is due to our lack of trust and

faithfulness. God permits us to suffer, so that our characters may be ready to serve others and be ready for


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Eliphal: God better appoint a judge soon.

Jamlech: It’s a crisis. We can’t go on much longer. People are starving.

Eliphal: It’s terrible. The twelve tribes of Jacob cannot communicate with each other. The Canaanites have

strong fortifications with chariots of iron and many weapons. They are keeping us apart.

Jamlech: Yes, we lack communication and organization.

Eliphal: True. It seems that God has forsaken us. I have begged God to hear our cries for help.

Lael: Let us remember why northern Israel is under the servitude of Jabin, King of Canaan and his general Sisera.

Many of our people have taken on the ways of the heathens we were to drive from this land. Instead, we took

on not only their methods of agriculture, but also their gods of agriculture. Sin is a reproach to any people. Our

strength is only in the God of Abraham.

Eliphal: (Shaking his head, slowly) Why do the evil prosper?

Jamlech: I know we failed to heed God’s warnings.

Lael: The only way to receive God’s blessing is to forsake other gods and worship the God of Abraham, Isaac, and


Elimelech: Yes. In the scroll of Deuteronomy it is written, “As the nations which the Lord destroys before you, so

you shall perish, because you would not be obedient to the voice of the Lord your God.” i

Jamlech: Some say we need a King of our own to lead us because every man is doing what seems right in his own


Elimelech: God is our King. We do not need an earthly King.

Lael: Judah’s unfaithfulness to God is why we have drought and famine. I tell you…God cannot bless us!

Jamlech: But right now, how can we provide food for our families?

Elimelech: We must remain faithful to God. He is a God of miracles. Remember Jericho. God used a harlot,

Rahab, who lives right here in Bethlehem to save the spies. God knew Rahab’s heart. She repented and chose to

place her allegiance with the God of heaven. She had heard the miraculous stories: the parting of the sea, the

manna, the water. (Wistfully) If only our own people would remember the miracles.

Elders: Hmm.

Eliphal: I have heard there is a blessing of plenty in the land of Moab. Many are going. If I had a family, I would

consider it. They have abundant water, fertile soil, and a warm, semi-tropical climate with a long growing season.

There is peace between our people since Ehud defeated King Eglon of Moab.

Jamlech: Yes, there is plenty, but the men will have the worst of jobs, hard labor in the grain fields under the hot

sun. (Shaking his head) I don’t know.

Eliphal: Their language is similar to ours, so that isn’t a problem.

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Lael: Yes, but whether we stay or go, we must remain faithful to God at all costs and influence others to do


Elmelech: (Soberly) Going to Moab is something I must consider for my family. I am praying that God will guide

my family through this famine. My fear is the influence of their gods on my sons.

Lael: God will hear you and will answer your prayer. Our only safety and happiness is in serving the one true


Elimelech: God will show me what to do--just as he showed Abraham.

Scene II: Stage III- My Pleasantness

Setting: Home in Bethlehem (Elimelech, Naomi, Mahlon, Chilion)

Narrator: The land of Moab was on the other side of the Salt Sea. It was inhabited by the descendants of Lot

that had long forgotten the God of Abraham. The chief deity was Chemosh and the people practiced human


Elimelech: (Enters his home, to greet his family) Naomi, Mahlon, Chilion! (Embraces his wife and sons)

Naomi: Elimelech, let us sit together for our evening meal. Tonight we have little bread. (Sit to eat flat bread)

Elimelech: I have been talking to the Elders. Many people are starving in our land.

Naomi: It pains me to see my family and friends hungry. (Wiping a tear) I am afraid my friend Elisheba’s little

boy may die in this famine. He is only two and not well. I know she is worried. I am thankful my sons are finally


Elimelech: Let me tell a story of Israel, a story that happened right here in southern Israel, a story of repentance

and courage.

Mahlon and Chilion: Yes, Father, tell us a story.

Elimelech: The children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord. The Lord permitted Eglon, the king of Moab, to

conquer Israel because of Israel’s evil ways. The Israelites were worshiping idols. When Israel occupied this land,

they were a nomadic people and took on not only the agricultural ways of the people, but also their gods. They

were supposed to drive the heathen people out from this land, but lacked the faith to allow God to do so. They

only drove out the people in the mountain, but did not drive them out of the low lands. King Eglon held the

Israelites in servitude for eighteen years.

Mahlon: Father, why would God allow his people to suffer?

Chilion: Yes, Father, why?

Elimelech: The Israelites had forsaken the God of heaven and began sacrificing their children to other gods.

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Chilion: Oh, I am sure that must have made God very sad.

Naomi: How could they do such a thing?

Mahlon: Go on, father.

Elimelech: The Israelites repented, destroyed their idols and returned to worship the God of heaven. God heard

the cries of his children and raised up the second judge, Ehud, a Benjamite, to deliver Israel. Ehud was a man of

God, a man of courage. He went before Eglon, King of Moab. He told him he had a message from God and killed

him with a two-edged dagger he had hidden under his raiment on his right thigh. The blade was 20 inches long.

(fShows with his hands how long) He escaped and blew his trumpet in the mountain of Ephraim. The Israelites

came. He told them to follow him for the Lord had delivered the Moabites into their hands. They went with him

and slew ten thousand men of valor and not one escaped.

So Moab was subdued against the Israelites for forty years. Ehud also delivered the north of Israel from the


Mahlon: I am glad the Israelites repented and God sent Ehud to deliver them from the Moabites.

Chilion: Has God forsaken our people because many are worshiping idols again?

Elimelech: I am afraid so. We must pray and seek the Lord’s deliverance. We need his guidance as what to do

for our family. Come. Let us seek our God. (They kneel and bow)

O God, the one true God, we seek your guidance. Very few in Israel worship you. We worship only you. Show us

what to do. Bethlehem means “House of bread” but there is no bread. Are we to go as did Abraham into

another land to share our faith in you? We have waited for rain, but there is none. There is hunger in our land,

show us your will, Oh Jehovah God. Amen.

Mahlon: Father, whatever God wills I am willing to do.

Chilion: I am willing, father.

Elimelech: You young men are always ready for an adventure. It would not be all adventure, I assure you. It will

be a hungry, long journey. We will be refuges and have to do the lowest work. (He looks at Naomi)

Naomi: Elimelech, I will follow you anywhere. God will show you, because you trust in him.

Elimelech: Naomi, my dear sweet pleasantness, you always make the best of any situation.

Mahlon: Does that mean we are going, Father?

Elimelech: We have asked God. We will wait for his answer. He will impress our hearts.

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Act II Moab

Scene I: Stage III- My Inheritance

Setting: Home in Moab (Elimelech, Naomi, Mahlon, Chilion)

Narrator: Elimelech felt God was calling him to leave and take his family to Moab, temporarily. The Moabites

were descendants of Lot’s son Moab, whose name meant His Mother is his Father. They should have been

worshiping God instead of Chemosh. The family had a long, long journey on foot as it was over seventy-five miles

around the Dead Sea to the tableland of Moab on the sea’s eastern side. It was a high fertile tableland bordered

by the desert of Arabia. From Bethlehem their descent was about 4,500 feet to the Dead Sea, and then their

ascent was another 4,000 feet to the tableland of Moab, a long journey.

In Moab as refugees they did have the lowest and most difficult jobs, and Elimelech became very ill.

Characters: Elimelech, Naomi, Mahlon, Chilion

Naomi: Rest now, Elimelech. Eat some lentil porridge. You must eat and drink so you will get well.

Elimelech: My Pleasantness, this sickness is not unto life.

Naomi: Don’t speak so. Surely God will hear us and restore you.

Elimelech: No, my pleasantness, God has my inheritance waiting for me. Call my sons that I might bless them.

Naomi: (Softly weeping leaves to call Mahlon and Chilion) (Returns with them)

Elimelech: (Sons kneel solemnly by his bedside) I must tell you a story.

Mahlon and Chilion: No, Father, you are too weak and ill. Save your strength.

Elimelech: (Shakily) Then I- I- want-- to remind – (gasps for breath) the stories you know: Noah-- Abraham, --

Joseph, --Moses, --Joshua, stories of God redeeming his people, stories of miracles. (Rests) Promise you won’t

forget! Pray and look for more than a judge to deliver us from bondage here. Pray that God will come and

restore Israel. (Rests, again)

God gave this blessing to Moses to give to the children of Israel. (Rises up a little to place his hands on his son’s

heads) I want to give it to you. “The Lord bless you, and keep you: The Lord make his face to shine upon you, and

be gracious to you: The Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.” ii Remain faithful to God, my

sons, as did the great patriarchs, wait patiently for God.

Mahlon and Chilion: We will father. We promise.

Elimelech: (He sighs and sinks back onto the pillow.) I go to my inheritance. (He closes his eyes and is quiet)

(Naomi, Mahlon, and Chilion bow their heads and weep)

Naomi: (Raises her eyes to heaven) My grief is great! (Mahlon and Chilion put their arms around their mother)

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Scene II My Sons

Setting: Home in Moab (Naomi, Mahlon, Chilion, Ruth, Orpah)

Prop: Broom

Narrator: Naomi was sad. She had lost her dear, husband, but she still had her two faithful sons. The Mosaic law

allowed for Israelite males to marry women from other tribes if they converted to worship God.

Mahlon: (Coming in alone, Naomi is sweeping the floor and humming in a mournful way.) Mother, there is

someone I wish you to meet. It is the girl I wish to marry. Her name is Ruth.

Naomi: Yes. I expected it. Oh that we were back in Judah, I should be happy for you to marry one of our own.

Mahlon: We are not in Judah, Mother. Ruth has promised to worship our God.

Naomi: (Seriously) I hope that is true, my son. You know we will only worship the Creator God in our home, the

God of Abraham and Moses. No idols in our home.

Mahlon: Mother, I have told Ruth about our God. She believes and loves our God. I love her. She is beautiful on

the inside. I know you will love her, as I do. She is a real friend to me. Wait. (Goes outside and brings Ruth in)

Naomi: (Smiling and embracing her) Ruth, my daughter, welcome to our home.

Ruth: (Shyly) May I call you mother?

Chilion: (Enters) Mother, Mahlon. (Looks at Ruth)

Mahlon: I have just told mother that I am marrying Ruth.

Chilion: I see. I want you to meet Orpah. We are going to be married, too.

Naomi: I just told Mahlon, we will only worship God in our home.

Chilion: Yes, mother. I have told Orpah about the God in heaven. (Goes out and brings in Orpah)

Naomi: (Gives Orpah an embrace) My daughter, you live up to your name. You do have beautiful hair. God is

blessing our home. Perhaps he will bless us with children as well. (Longingly) I wish Elimelech was here to see

this day and give his blessing.

Mahlon: You will see how much easier life will be for you, mother. Ruth will be a wonderful friend and company

to you.

Chilion: Yes, mother, we must carry on Father’s inheritance. Perhaps life will be better for all of us. Just think,

you will no longer be lonely, but have two sons and two daughters.

Naomi: If it were only as you say, but the work will not be any easier for you with more mouths to provide for.

Chilion: We don’t mind, we are healthy and strong now. (Flexing his muscles) (They join hands, raise them, and

skip in a circle together and pull Naomi in to join them)

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Scene III: Stage III- My Daughters

Setting: Home in Moab (Naomi, Ruth, Orpah, Mahlon, Chilion)

Narrator: Mahlon and Chilion married and the home became a happy home once more.

(Naomi working at the table grinding grain with stone pestle) (Ruth comes in happily and gives Naomi a hug)

Ruth: How may I help you get ready for the evening meal?

Naomi: Thank you, Ruth. Will you continue grinding grain for me? We will have the lentils we made today as

soon as your husbands come in from the fields.

Ruth: Mmmm!

Orpah: (Comes in, soberly) Shall I set the table Naomi?

Naomi: Yes, thank you. You girls are my delight.

Orpah: Mother, I am worried about Chilion. When he left for work this morning, he was not feeling well. I am

hoping he is better this evening.

Naomi: (Worriedly) Really? I had no idea, but I worry about them both working long hours in the hot sun. It has

been very hot today. Mahlon and Chilion were sickly lads when they were young.

Orpah: There is much sickness these days. My mother says the God’s are angry.

Ruth: But we know better than that now, Orpah. We worship the true God, not ones of wood and stone. We

have been faithful to God. We must trust God’s will for our lives. The first commandment is: Thou shalt have no

other gods before Me.

Orpah: Commandments, commandments.

(They go about preparations for the meal)

Chilion & Mahlon: (Stagger in holding each other up)

Chilion: It was terribly hot in the field today.

Mahlon: There was no relief. It was terrible for all of us.

Ruth: Quick, prepare a place for them.

Orpah: Oh, what can we do?

Mahlon: We were on the far end of the field and they did not bring us water. (Looking for Chilion)

Chilion: We are just overheated… water… we need water. (Ruth and Naomi rush to get them water)

Orpah: (Bitterly) Where is your God now?

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Scene IV: Stage III- My Bread

Setting: Moab home (Naomi, Ruth, Orpah)

Narrator: Mahlon and Chilion both died, and Naomi was left with only her daughters-in-law. She had lived in

Moab for 10 years.

Naomi: (Seated with daughters at the table preparing food, sorrowfully) My daughters, you are all I have left. I

have heard the Lord God of Israel has blessed his people with bread in Judah. My heart is just too heavy to stay

in the land of Moab that has taken my joy from me. I have no husband. I have no sons. I feel very akin to Job.

Yes, very akin to Job.

Ruth: God told Job, “Would you indeed annul My judgment? Shall the one who contends with the Almkghty

correct Him.” iii We must trust Him, for he is all knowing and all powerful.

Naomi: Yes, it is comforting to remember the story of Job. Elimelech said the story of Job goes back almost to

the beginning of time on the earth. Satan took everything from his faithful servant Job, but Job never turned his

back on God. He remained faithful through much loss. His friends tried to get him to forsake God, but Job would

not denounce Him. God blessed his faithfulness and restored to him twice as much as he had. It is an amazing


Orpah: I find no comfort in the story.

Naomi: God has impressed my heart to return, just as the Lord spoke to Jacob saying, “Return to your country,

and to your kindred and I will deal well with you.”iv Perhaps God will deal well with me, but I have no inheritance

for you…

Ruth: (With love in her voice and eyes) Say no more, mother. You have us. (Thoughtfully) I understand why you

wish to return to your land. We will go with you. You must not go alone. You are our mother now. You mean

everything to us. (Ruth looks at Orpah)

Orpah: Yes, surely we will go with you. (A little less heartily, even worriedly)

Naomi: I know custom binds you to me, but….

Ruth: (Sternly) Say no more mother. It is settled. We have preparations to make. We have learned a new way: a

new way of thinking, a new way of living, and most importantly, a new way of worship. It is a better way. We

live without fear of the gods. We have a hope and trust in the one true living God…We must get ready to go.

Orpah: Yes, and farewells to make. (Ruth gives Orpah a look of concern)

Naomi: (Resignedly) God charged Moses to tell the Israelites, “What does the Lord your God require of you, but

to fear the Lord your God, to walk in all His ways and to love him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart

and with all your soul, and to keep the commandments of the Lord, and His statutes, which I command you this

day for your good?”v

Ruth: Orpah, it is for our good.

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Scene V: STAGE II- My Journey

Setting: Tableland of Moab (Naomi, Ruth, Orpah)

Props: Sacks to carry

Narrator: Naomi is an example to all mothers-in-law of future generations. On the border of Moab, Naomi is

impressed with the great sacrifice of Ruth and Orpah to leave their homeland.

Naomi: Orpah, Ruth, go back to your mother’s house and the Lord deal kindly with you just as you have with me

and with my two sons. I pray that the Lord will give you another husband and home. (Naomi kisses each one)

Ruth: Surely we will return with you to your people.

Naomi: Turn back, my daughters. Why won’t you turn back? Do I have any hope of having more sons to marry?

Ruth: We will return with you to your people.

Naomi: Turn back, my daughters. Go your way. I am too old to have another husband. I have no more sons to

give you. I am without hope. It grieves me. It seems the hand of the Lord is against me. I know that our customs

binds you to me, but I do not press your service to me. You do not have to begin life in a foreign land. You are

very young and you will find new husbands. You will want homes of your own. You are both lovely girls...

(Orpah kisses her mother-in-law) (Ruth clings to her mother-in-law)

Orpah: Forgive me mother, Naomi. With Chilion gone I do long for my home, my family. The journey is too great

for me. I fear a new land. I will return to the people I know, their ways and their gods. Perhaps I can marry

again. (She looks at Ruth) I will miss you my sister, you have been a kind friend to me.

Ruth: Oh, Orpah. I fear for you. Mahlon said that Moses charged Joshua, “Be strong and of good courage,…the

Lord, He is the one who goes before you, he will be with you, he will not leave you nor forsake you, fear not nor

be dismayed.”vi

Orpah: I wish I had your courage and faith.

Naomi: (Turns and opens her arms up to her and they embrace) Bless you my daughter.

Ruth: (Implores her) Think about it, Orpah. Here in Moab, your husband will have more than one wife and live

immorally, drink strong drink and get violent, and perhaps sacrifice your children to Chemosh. Chilion was

honest and true. (Orpah sadly turns back, torn, begins journey back to Moab, waves, Ruth weeps)

Naomi: Look, Orpah has returned to her people and gods. Ruth, you may go. Do not feel you must go with me.

Ruth: (Kneels and clings to Naomi and with passion speaks) Entreat me not to leave you, or to return from going

with you. Where you go, I will go, where you sleep, I will sleep. Your people will be my people, your God my

God, where you die I will die and there I will be buried: The Lord do so to me and more also, if anything, but

death part us.

Naomi: Ruth, you are my true friend. You were a friend to Mahlon and you have become a friend of our God,

the one true God. (Arm in arm they walk to the end of the stage)

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Act III Redemption in Bethlehem

Scene I: STAGE II- My Return

Setting: Bethlehem Marketplace with cart of veg/fruit (Naomi, Ruth, Elisheba, Beulah, Joanna)

Narrator: Ruth made her decision for the true God. Her only knowledge of God was what she had seen in

Naomi’s home, and a change had taken place in her. She knew that she would be more content in the land of

Israel then in Moab. Naomi and her God had become her kin. Not even Orpah’s return could change her mind.

Ruth’s declaration is the most sublime affirmation of love and devotion in all of literature. After many long, hot,

weary days Naomi and Ruth reach Bethlehem-Judea in the beginning of harvest.

Beulah: (To Joanna) (People milling about watching) (Pointing) Is that Naomi?

Joanna: Where?

Beulah: That woman over there in mourning. You remember her don’t you? Elimelech’s wife.

Joanna: Yes, I believe it is Naomi. (They move to see and talk to her) Who is with her? Where is her husband and


Beulah: I don’t know. Let’s find out. (Pulling her along)

Elisheba: Naomi! Is that really you? (She throws her arm around her) Oh, I have missed you so! (Beulah and

Joanna join them)

Beulah: Naomi, you are back from Moab.

Joanna: But where is Elimelech?

Naomi: Call me Mara, for the Lord has dealt bitterly with me. I left full with my husband and sons and have

returned empty. (Passionately and shaking her head) No, don’t call me Naomi. The Lord has afflicted me and

spoken against me. I left full and have returned empty!

Elisheba: I am so sorry. (Embracing her and comfortingly) You are home now.

Naomi: Elisheba, how is your little son that was so ill?

Elisheba: He is fine and the Lord has blessed us with three more sons. But who is this lovely girl with you?

Naomi: Mahlon’s wife has returned with me. She is a true friend to me. Her name is Ruth. She is pure, unselfish

and extraordinarily kind. She has chosen our God (Smiling affectionately at Ruth)

Beulah: Welcome to you both.

Joanna: (Waving goodbye) A warm welcome to Ruth. We’ll be seeing you.

Elisheba: Come with me. You must stay with me until things are settled.

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Scene II: Stages III & II- My Service

Setting: Home (Naomi, Ruth)

Narrator: In keeping with Mosaic Law, the poor were allowed to glean in a portion of the fields after the harvest

by the reapers. Naomi had a kinsman of her husband’s family, a wealthy and influential man of the family of

Elimelech named Boaz. Boaz owned a lot of land with many fields of different kinds of grain and many workers.

Ruth is led by divine providence to the fields of Boaz.

Ruth: Mother, let me go into the fields and glean ears of corn as is the custom after the reapers. We need bread

to eat, and perhaps I will find grace.

Naomi: Yes, my daughter, go. Stay back with the other maidens.

Setting: Field (Ruth, Boaz, Ruhamah, Amah, Heman)

(Ruth is in the field gleaning with other young women)

Ruhamah: I haven’t seen you before. Where are you from?

Ruth: I have recently come from Moab.

Amah: Are you in need of bread as we are?

Ruth: Yes, My mother-in-law returned to Bethlehem and I returned with her. We have only what we could carry.

Ruhamah: I have heard that is a very long difficult journey. We will help you begin gleaning. Stay with us.

Ruth: How very kind of you.

Amah: Is your husband unable to work?

Ruth: The men in my family are all dead. I must provide for my mother.

Ruhamah: How sad. May God help you.

Amah: Yes, God will help you. Consider us your friends.

Ruth: Thank you. (To both) May the God of heaven bless you.


Boaz: (Off to the side of the field) Who is the new girl? Where does she come from?

Heman: It is the girl that returned from Moab with Naomi, Elimelech’s wife. She was married to their son. It is

very sad, Naomi has lost her husband and both sons. It is told that contrary to custom, she was released from

being bound to Naomi. Instead, Ruth left her father and mother to come to Bethlehem with Naomi and has been

a wonderful help to her.

Boaz: Ruth! Oh! I heard that Naomi had returned without Elimelech. Elimelech was my Father Salmon’s brother.

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Heman: She is a diligent worker. She came here early this morning. I heard she even believes in the God of

heaven. Imagine a Moabite women who believes in our God! Now that is something to take note of. (Raising his

eyebrows) She is winsome!

Boaz: Tell the men not to touch her. Let her glean. She is to drink from our water jugs the men draw from the


Heman: It will be done as you wish.


Boaz: (Goes to Ruth) Good Morning.

Ruth: Please let me glean and gather after the reapers.

Boaz: Listen, my daughter. Stay and glean in my fields. Stay close to my maidens. Don’t glean anywhere else.

Glean until the end of harvest. I have charged the young men to leave you alone and let you reap anywhere.

When you are thirsty, drink out of our vessels the young men draw from the well.

Ruth: (Bows to the ground) Why have I found favor in your sight that you should speak to me? I am but a


Boaz: I was told all you have done for your mother-in-law since the death of your husband and how you left your

father and mother, the land of your birth, and come unto a people you do not know. The Lord bless you and give

you a full reward because you trusted in the Lord God of Israel, the one true God. Be sure to keep fast by my

maidens for the whole harvest.

Ruth: Thank you. You have been a great comfort to me, to befriend me though I am not like one of your


Boaz: At mealtime you must come and sit and eat with the reapers.

Setting: Mealtime

Characters: Boaz, Ruth, Heman, Amah, Ruhamah

Boaz: Ruth, here is some parched corn. (Hands her parched corn) Eat and take rest.

Ruth: Thank you. (Eats) (Rises and leaves to glean.)

(Boaz turning to Heman)

Boaz: Let her glean even among the sheaves and don’t reproach her. Let some fall on purpose for her.

Heman: It will be as you have said.

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Scene III My Blessing

Setting: Home in Bethlehem (Ruth, Naomi)

Prop: Ruth with a full ephad (bushel- sack or basker) of barley and struggling to carry it.

Naomi: (Eyes wide) What do you have, my daughter? So much!

Ruth: Isn’t it wonderful? I gleaned over a bushel of barley today. (Happily) We shall have bread!

Naomi: Where did you glean that you have so much? Blessed is he that took knowledge of you today.

Ruth: The man’s name where I gleaned today is Boaz. He showed me much kindness.

Naomi: Blessed is this man of God, who is kind to the living and the dead.

Ruth: He told me to stay close behind his young men until the harvest is over.

Naomi: It is good my daughter that you go out with his maidens and not go into any other man’s fields.

Ruth: Yes, that is what he told me.

Naomi: (With gladness) Blessed be the Lord. He has not left us!

Scene IV: Stage II- My Kinsman

Setting: Threshing Floor with straw (Boaz, Ruth)

Narrator: So Ruth kept fast by the maidens of Boaz to glean until the end of the barley and wheat harvest, all the

while dwelling with her mother-in-law.

Naomi loved her daughter very much. During the threshing time, Naomi called her daughter in and told her she

wanted to seek a husband for her. She told her that Boaz, the owner of the fields, was related to her husband.

She said tonight Boaz will be winnowing barley in the threshing place. She told her that this is how it is done in

this culture. Wash, anoint yourself, take off your widow clothes, put on your best clothes, and go down to the

threshing place. When Boaz has finished threshing he will eat, drink, and then lie down to rest. When all is quiet,

go to Boaz, uncover his feet, and lie down at his feet, a position of servanthood. She told her not to worry. Boaz

would tell her what to do. Ruth agreed she would do this.

Boaz: (Threshing, then eating, then drinking, then lying down to rest)

Ruth: (Comes in softly, uncovers Boaz feet and lies down at his feet)

Narrator: At midnight, Boaz awoke afraid and was surprised to see a woman lying at his feet.

Boaz: Who are you?

Ruth: I am Ruth, your handmaiden: Spread your robe over me: for you are my near kinsman.

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Boaz: Blessed are you of the Lord, my daughter: for you have shown me great kindness. You have not followed

after young men, rich or poor. Now, my daughter, I will do all that you require: for all the people of my city

know you are a virtuous women.

It is true that I am your near kinsman, but there is a kinsman nearer than I. Stay right there tonight and in the

morning I will find out if he is willing to play the part of the kinsman. If he won’t, than I will.

Setting: Morning

Narrator: At the first light of dawn before anyone else could see Ruth, they rose.

(They rise)

Boaz: Hold out your mantle. (An upper garment, a large square piece of cloth thrown over the left shoulder and

then brought over or under the right arm). Boaz measured out three measures of barley into her veil. (Ruth

holds out her veil for Boaz to fill it. She ties it and puts it on her head or head and shoulder) (Ruth goes home)

Scene V: Stage I- My Rest

Setting: Home in Bethlehem (Naomi, Ruth)

Prop: Large bag of grain

Naomi: How did you fare, my daughter?

Ruth: Mother, Look! (Excitedly) He told me not to worry. He gave me over 60 lbs of barley to give to you. This

is only part. There is more. This is what he said, “Don’t go empty to your mother-in-law.” Isn’t that thoughtful?

He is going this morning to the city gate to talk to a kinsman nearer that he is. Oh, I do hope he is able to redeem

our inheritance.

Naomi: Wait patiently, my daughter. Boaz will not rest until the matter is settled today.

Narrator: Custom, based on the Levirate marriage law was that if a man dies without children to inherit his name

in Israel and property, his wife should not marry a stranger, but her husband’s brother. If the brother did not

wish to marry her, he would take off his shoe and give it to the elders. Mahlon did not have another brother, so

the responsibility would go to a near kinsman. Boaz needed to face his kinsman and let him have opportunity or

the kinsman could take legal action against him. He needed to follow proper procedure and custom.

Scene VI: Stage I- My Kinsman Redeemer

Setting: City Gate (Boaz, Eliphal, Jamlech, Lael, Kinsman)

Prop: Sandal

Narrator: Boaz did not waste any time. He went right to the city gate to wait for the kinsman nearer to Mahlon.

(Boaz comes in and sits down at the city gate. Eliphal, Jamlech, and Lael come one-by-one and sit with him.)

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Boaz: Good morning, friend. (As they each sit down, they say good morning to each other.)

Eliphal: What brings you to the city gate today, Boaz?

Boaz: I have some business with one of my kinsman. I am waiting for him now. Oh, look, here he comes….

Come, Uncle, sit down. I have some business to transact with you today.

Kinsman: It is a pleasure, my friend. (Puzzled) What kind of business?

Boaz: (Nervously) Our kinsman Naomi has returned from Moab without Elimelech and the land is to be

redeemed. I thought to advertise it to you before the elders. Are you interested in redeeming the land? You are

a nearer kinsman than I. If you don’t wish to redeem I want to know, for I am after you. I will redeem it.

Kinsman: (Thinking it over, slowly) Yes, very interesting.

Boaz: (Worriedly) Now hear me out. There is more to it. Elimelech and his only two sons have died. Ruth, a

Moabitess, Mahlon’s wife, is here and is in need of a husband. Her husband died.

Kinsman: Oh? Yes, I heard. That is a different situation. I see how it is. I don’t need a wife, I have one.

(Chuckling) You redeem the land. You could use a good wife. (Kinsman takes off his shoe and gives it to Boaz)

(To elders) Boaz may redeem the inheritance.

Boaz: You are my witnesses. I have bought all that was Elimelech’s, and all that was Chilions’s and Mahlon’s of

the hand of Naomi. I have purchased Ruth, the Moabitess, the wife of Mahlon, to be my wife, that the name of

the dead will not be cut off from this place.

Eliphal, Jamlech, Lael: We are witnesses.

Lael: The Lord make the woman that is come into your house like Rachel and like Leah, which built the house of

Israel and worthy in Ephratah and famous in Bethlehem.

Eliphal: May you be blessed with many children like the house of Pharez, the son of Judah.

Scene VII: Stage III- My Redemption

Setting: Home (Elisheba, Naomi, Ruth, Boaz, a baby)

Prop: Baby or wrapped doll

Narrator: Boaz took Ruth for his wife. This meant the first child born to Ruth and Boaz would inherit the name of

Elimelech and Mahlon to continue their family name and land inheritance, so Boaz would hold the inheritance in

trust until the child became of age. Ruth and Boaz were blessed with a baby boy.

Elisheba: Naomi, blessed is the Lord, who has not left you without a kinsman redeemer. This child’s name will be

famous in Israel. He shall be to you a restorer of your life, a nourisher of your old age. Your daughter-in-law,

who loves you, is better to you than seven sons.

Naomi: (Takes the baby from Ruth onto her lap)

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Elisheba: There is a son born to Naomi, his name is Obed, “Worshiper of Jehovah God.”

(Ruth and Boaz look proudly at the baby and then each other. They smile with pleasure.)


Abraham begat Isaac

Isaac begat Jacob

Jacob begat Judah

Judah begat Pharez

Pharez begat Hezron

Hezron begat Amminadab

Amminadab begat Nahshon

Nahshon begat Salmon

Salmon, the husband of Rahab, begat Boaz

Boaz and Ruth begat Obed

Obed begat Jesse

Jesse begat Davidvii

This is a part of the genealogy of Jesus Christ our Redeemer.

A question for you: who is your redeemer?

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Stage & Backdrop

Stage I Stage II Stage III

Stone Wall with City Gate

Barren Land overlooking sea

Inside walls of a home

Props Props Props

Square stone block Sheaves/ grain bags Rock Grain

Market cart: Veg. Fruit

Chaise/bed- Pillow- Wooden table and stools

Wooden bowl/spoon, Ceramic jug & Pitcher

Metal cups Wooden stools, Stone bowl Basket with dark flat bread

i Deut. 8: 20 ii Numbers 6: 22-26 iii Job 40: 2, 8 iv Genesis 32: 9 v Deuteronomy 10:12, 13 vi Ibid., 31:7, 8 vii Ruth 4:18-22