Download - Enterprise Europe Network | Benefits of dual fuel vehicles for Northern Ireland | Kevin Morgan.

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Dr Kevin MorganQueen’s University Belfast

Centre for Advanced Sustainable Energy

Benefits of dual fuel vehicles for Northern Ireland

Enterprise Europe Network Event12th October 2016

Page 2: Enterprise Europe Network | Benefits of dual fuel vehicles for Northern Ireland | Kevin Morgan.


Centre for Advanced Sustainable Energy

The Project Consortium

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Dual Fuel Vehicles

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Vehicle Emissions

Dual Fuel Vehicles

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Vehicle Emissions

Dual Fuel Vehicles

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Centre for Advanced Sustainable Energy

Impact for HealthSignificant air pollution comes from diesel engines emissions

Particulates produced when sunlight reacts with both NOx and VOCs in the emissions

NHS treating 5.4M people for asthma (UK; £1B annually)182,000 in NI£185 per patient annually (£33.7M in NI)

Vehicle emissions responsible for 5,000 deaths annuallyCOPD and asthma

Emissions regulations will get stricter for all vehicles

Dual Fuel Technology reduces emissions

Dual Fuel Vehicles

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Centre for Advanced Sustainable Energy

Dual Fuel Vehicles

So fossil fuels are badand electric is good?

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Dual Fuel Vehicles

Environmental Benefits from Driving Electric Vehicles?National Bureau of Economic Research; Working Paper No. 21291

That depends on the source of electricity!

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Centre for Advanced Sustainable Energy

Dual Fuel Vehicles

Fossil Fuelled versus Electric VehiclesRange electric vehicles: In 2015, cars range of 68-103 miles per full charge (except for Tesla 85D @270 miles)

HGVs: Limited information; reports of 100 mile rangeNot ideal for haulage or intercity public transport

Refuelling time: Fossil Fuels: Minutes Electric vehicles: Overnight (i.e. hours; not necessarily viable for HGVs etc)

NOx Reductions?Whenever a fuel is burned in air, you will form NOx

But where does the electricity come from?In UK, only 12% from renewable sources. And targets are only for 20%.Fossil fuel power stations contribute significantly to emissions also (CO2, NOx, etc)UK taken to court by EU for NOx emissions from a power plant (2015)Electric vehicles not going to address NOx issues

Actually need to think in terms of improving GHG and NOx catalyst technology

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Centre for Advanced Sustainable Energy

Dual-Fuel Technology

1. Reduced diesel fuel consumption → reduced fuel cost!Diesel = £1.06 per Litre

CNG = £0.63 per DLE59% of equivalent price of diesel

2. Relative ease of converting diesel engines for dual-fuel capabilities

3. Can operate interchangeably on either DF or DO modes

4. DF engine performance is comparable to diesel

5. Decreased exhaust emissions↓CO2 ↓ NOx ↓ PM

600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 20000










Engine Speed (RPM)


ne L



Incomplete combustion region – DO Mode

Efficient NG/AIR combustion – Optimum

Dual-Fuel Region

Pre-ignitions & knock - DO Mode

Full Load

Typical engine load vs. revolutions per minute (RPM) in a dual-fuel engine.



DO or DF Modes Possible

Königsson “Advancing the Limits of dual fuel combustion” (2012)

Dual Fuel Vehicles

A. Harris

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Trends in Fuel Prices

Diesel prices have shown more variation

Dual Fuel Vehicles

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Energy Costs

Natural gas and bio-methane cost less per kWh

~25% less carbon in natural gas and bio-methane equivalents

Diesel substitution with gas means lower costs and lower emissions

Diesel Natural Gas(87-97% Methane)

Bio-Methane(>95% Methane)


LHV (MJ/kg) 42.6 47.1 50.0

LHV (kWh/kg) 11.8 13.1 13.9

Feb 2012 2015 2016 2012 2015 2016 2016 2012 2015 2016

£ per L 1.44 1.14 1.00 0.45 0.5 0.57

£ per kWh 0.15 0.12 0.10 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.08-0.11 0.14 0.15 0.16

Dual Fuel Vehicles

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Centre for Advanced Sustainable Energy

Impact on Northern Ireland Economy

In 2012, freight used 383M litres of fuel ( statistics)Total Cost: £383-550M

~60% substitution of diesel with natural gas (Dual-Fuel)Total Saving: £124-180M

Natural gas is imported to Northern IrelandLimited grid supply (see Map); improving over next 3 years

ALL these fuel costs still exit the NI economyLocally sourced bio-methane via Anaerobic digestion (AD): Retain a further >£130M in NI

R. Walker, P. McKenzie, C. Liddell, C. Morris, Applied Geography 63 (2015) 369-379

Dual Fuel Vehicles

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Centre for Advanced Sustainable Energy

Can AD bio-methane displace diesel?383M litres of diesel creates same energy as 210M m3 of methane

500 kWe AD plant can generate >1M m3 of bio-methane

Standard DF displaces 60% diesel: Needs 120 AD plants

55-60 AD plants will be operational by 2018

1 hectare of land can produce 33 tonnes of silage

1 hectare can produce 2400 m3 of bio-methane: equivalent to 4,500L of diesel

60% displacement would require ~7% total grassland in Northern Ireland

500,000 tonnes of food waste generated annually in NI: enough bio-methane to displace 10% of diesel

Dual Fuel Vehicles

Fresh material

(tonnes)Dry material

(tonnes)Total biogas

(m3)Total methane

(m3)Grass Silage 7,500 1,875 1,035,000 579,600Litter 3,100 1,705 716,100 386,694Slurry 5,000 400 125,200 70,112 Total 1,036,406

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Centre for Advanced Sustainable Energy

Status of Dual FuelInfrastructure Lack of refuelling infrastructure: grid connections, fuel pumps EU directive: Refuelling every 150 km along port corridors AD sites as refuelling sources/filling stations AgriAD in discussion with Gas Networks Ireland

EmissionsEmissions are a major concern: Health/Environment Increased regulation on vehicle emissions VW Scandal: highlights issue of emissions versus fuel economy

PolicyLack of local policy/initiatives related to DF Grid connections Duty on CNG or bio-gas

Dual Fuel Vehicles

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Centre for Advanced Sustainable Energy

Project Outcomes

Dual Fuel Vehicle Modelling

Encourage local uptake: EU directive for rapid fill gas stations; Gas Networks Ireland refuelling investmentsWrightbus already developing gas buses (QUB Wrightbus centre involved)Models to be used for consultation with potential end users.

Shape Local Policy: AgriAD already presenting information from this project to NI Executive

Shape QUB Research Direction:New Pioneering Research Programme to prioritise biomethane for transport

Leverage Funding/Investment: Data from this project already in use for further funding applications

CASE Photocatalysis for automotive after-treatment (methane oxidation)INTERREGInnovate UK (Wrightbus as a partner)

Data can also be used for business plans (biogas upgrading)/business loans (infrastructure)

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Centre for Advanced Sustainable Energy

ConclusionsThere are significant issues arising from air pollution

NHS treat >5M people for asthma (182,000 costing £33M annually in NI)

Vehicle emissions responsible for ~5,000 deaths in the UK annually (COPD, asthma, etc)

Dual-Fuel Technology displaces up to 90% of diesel with natural gas Significantly less particulates formed from using natural gas/bio-gasNatural/bio-gas also costs less than diesel

Use of renewable natural gas from AD plants has environmental benefits

Need more Renewable Energy/Electricity

Significant health, environmental and economic benefits for Northern Ireland

Dual Fuel Vehicles

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Centre for Advanced Sustainable Energy


Dual Fuel Vehicles

Prof Roy Douglas Dr Beatrice Smyth Dr Juliana Early Dr Stephen Glover

William McMaw

Thomas Cromie Karen McDowellNeil Winters

Sam McCloskey Tony GallagherKevin Meehan

Andrew Harris

Centre for Advanced Sustainable Energy

Richard Finlay