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Entering party names

Entering party namesCHAPTER 2:

Chapter 2, Entering Party Names, in this chapter, you'll see examples of how to search party names in a way that will find appropriate matches. 1Common Party TypesIndividualsBusinesses and WebsitesGovernmentObjects or LocationsEstates

Here are some common party types you may encounter when adding parties.


Individual NamesGeorge Smith

Jesus Adolfo Villegas-Navarro

To enter individual names, enter the last name, first name, and middle name if applicable, in the corresponding fields. If your party has a hyphenated last name, enter both last names including the hyphen, in the last name field.

Clicking Search will check the court's database 3Individuals with a Nickname or AliasFor Alias Examples, See "Chapter 5: Adding Parties".

The individual may have a nickname or alias.

To add, click on "Alias" on the Participant Tree.

For alias examples, see Chapter 5, Adding Parties. 4

Businesses or Websites

Enter the full name in the Last Name field.

Do not use First Name or Middle Name fields.

For Businesses or Websites, enter the full name in the Last Name field. Do not use First Name or Middle Name fields. 5

BusinessesDrop small words such as The or A that precede thename of the business. Example: The Boeing Company = Boeing Company

For businesses, drop small words such as "the" or "a" that precede the name of the business.

For example 'The Boeing Company' would be entered as "Boeing Company". 6WebsitesWebsites are entered including the www preceding the name of the site.


For websites, enter the name of the site including the www preceding it.7Government AgenciesExample: State of WashingtonType Washington State in the Last Name field.

Example: City of SpokaneType Spokane, City of in the Last Name field.

For Government agencies, enter the agency name similar to other business names, leaving out the words "the" or "a" in the name.8Real PropertyExample: 1234 Byrd Drive, Spokane WA.Type: 1234 Byrd Drive Spokane WA in the Last Name field.NOTE: Do not use punctuation, such as commas or periods, in this field.

Type Real Property in the Party Text field on the Party Information screen.

For Real Property, type the address of the property in the last name field.

Describe the property further in the Party Text field. 9

EstatesEnter the deceaseds name in the last name and first name fields.Enter Estate of in the party text.

For Estates of deceased persons, enter the executor or personal representative as the main party.

Enter the name of the decedent using the Alias selection on the party text screen. 10