Download - Enjoy Your Baby - New York · When your baby cries, knowing you’re close makes her feel like she’s not alone. Hold your baby. When you rock your baby she feels secure, when you

Page 1: Enjoy Your Baby - New York · When your baby cries, knowing you’re close makes her feel like she’s not alone. Hold your baby. When you rock your baby she feels secure, when you


Enjoy Your Baby

Building Healthy Foundationsfor a Lifetime of Success

Page 2: Enjoy Your Baby - New York · When your baby cries, knowing you’re close makes her feel like she’s not alone. Hold your baby. When you rock your baby she feels secure, when you



Love and Attention


What Your Baby is Saying


Can You Spoil a Baby?


Make Ordinary Things Count


Relationships Matter


Your Baby Knows When You’re Stressed


Baby Blues and Postpartum Depression


Everybody Needs Support


Babies are Affected by the World Around Them


How to Get Help

Page 3: Enjoy Your Baby - New York · When your baby cries, knowing you’re close makes her feel like she’s not alone. Hold your baby. When you rock your baby she feels secure, when you

Parents and grandparents: You are themost important people in your baby’s life.Your love and attention are as important asfood and a place to live.

When your baby cries, comfort her. Whenyou hold her close, this calms her down. She knows it’s you — she knows your voiceand your smell. When your baby cries,knowing you’re close makes her feel likeshe’s not alone.

Hold your baby. When you rock your babyshe feels secure, when you cuddle her shefeels loved. Sometimes all it takes is a touchor a smile to show your baby that you care.

Show affection. Giving lots of affectionate care will build your baby’s social and emotionaldevelopment. Developing this foundation earlyon prepares her for pre-school and beyond.

Love andAttention1

Page 4: Enjoy Your Baby - New York · When your baby cries, knowing you’re close makes her feel like she’s not alone. Hold your baby. When you rock your baby she feels secure, when you

Your baby has feelings right from birth. At first your baby will just express a fewemotions. She’ll show you when she’scontent by cooing or smiling and when she’sdistressed by crying or fussing. As she getsbigger, she’ll giggle when she’s happy orwiggle her arms and legs with excitement.

Even though she can't talk, she’s learning tocommunicate with you. In time, you’ll get to know her different cries and movements.

How your baby gets your attention. Yourbaby will repeat your sounds and movementsto get your attention. Later, she’ll do thiswith words. As she shows feelings, she’slooking for your reactions and learning fromyour responses. She’ll mimic your facialexpressions and begin to understand yourfeelings.

Talk and listen to your baby. Reading,singing and telling stories will help your baby connect with you and feel the loveand affection she needs to grow and develop.

Sharing activities helps your baby’s braindevelop. Right now she’s learning to taketurns and how to give and get attention,important social skills she’ll have for alifetime.

What YourBaby is Saying


Page 5: Enjoy Your Baby - New York · When your baby cries, knowing you’re close makes her feel like she’s not alone. Hold your baby. When you rock your baby she feels secure, when you
Page 6: Enjoy Your Baby - New York · When your baby cries, knowing you’re close makes her feel like she’s not alone. Hold your baby. When you rock your baby she feels secure, when you

Maybe you’ve heard that it’s good to let a baby cry or that picking him up too much willspoil him. It’s not true.

Babies can’t be spoiled by too much love and attention. Babies cry only when they needsomething — a clean diaper or a feeding or aburp. Or to let off steam.

Maybe you've heard that ignoring a crying babymakes him independent. It doesn’t. It makeshim scared and sad.

Your baby depends on you — not just forfood or clothes or a place to sleep, but becausejust being close to you comforts him. Yourtouch, your voice, your smell all soothe him and make him feel secure. Knowing you’rethere will help him learn and grow.

Can You Spoila Baby?3

Page 7: Enjoy Your Baby - New York · When your baby cries, knowing you’re close makes her feel like she’s not alone. Hold your baby. When you rock your baby she feels secure, when you

You don’t have to wait for the right momentor buy special toys to give your baby whatshe needs. What she needs the most is youand all the ordinary things you do.

Babies love everyday things. The sound of your voice. Playing peek-a-boo, singingsongs, giggling together. They love whenyou notice everything they see and talkabout it: “Look, a pigeon, a cloud, a noisybus. What’s up today at the corner store, at the park, at the supermarket?”

Show her things, let her touch them. Babies learn by exploring. Encourage hercuriosity. Show her flowers, fabrics, babybooks, pictures in magazines. Let her touchthe first snow, mommy’s hair, toys in the tub.

MakeOrdinaryThings Count


Page 8: Enjoy Your Baby - New York · When your baby cries, knowing you’re close makes her feel like she’s not alone. Hold your baby. When you rock your baby she feels secure, when you


Your baby is building a special attachment toyou first, and then to other close caregivers,such as grandparents, babysitters and daycare staff.

You might notice that your baby looks to youfor cues when he’s in a new or uncertainsituation or follows your gaze to see whatyou’re looking at. Your interactions eachtime he reaches out help his brain develop.

Your relationship helps your baby learnand grow. Give him lots of smiles and hugsevery chance you get: when he wakes up,before bed, when he’s feeding, during bathtime. Your engagement helps your baby forma secure attachment with you. This buildshis trust in you and creates a safe base fromwhich he can explore the world and grow.

Page 9: Enjoy Your Baby - New York · When your baby cries, knowing you’re close makes her feel like she’s not alone. Hold your baby. When you rock your baby she feels secure, when you

To take care of your baby well, you mustalso take care of yourself. Have a regulardoctor who knows you, so you can get thehealth care you need. Eat healthy foods. Getenough sleep and physical activity. Somethingas simple as walking every day will make youhealthier and improve your mood. Make timeto connect with friends and family.

Find healthy ways to relax. Take a nap when the baby sleeps. Get out of your hometoday — take the baby to the park. Put yourfeet up after work. Babies sense your level ofstress. Take special care to keep your ownstress down.

Your BabyKnows WhenYou’reStressed


Page 10: Enjoy Your Baby - New York · When your baby cries, knowing you’re close makes her feel like she’s not alone. Hold your baby. When you rock your baby she feels secure, when you

Many new moms experience changes inmood and cry more often after their baby is born. This is common and usually goesaway in a couple of weeks.

But if you’re crying a lot, feel sad, guilty,hopeless or overwhelmed for more than two weeks, you may have postpartumdepression. Talk to your doctor.

Depression makes it hard for you to care for your child. It also can stress your baby,causing lifelong problems.

Don’t suffer in silence. Depression can betreated. For help or mental health referrals,talk to your doctor or call 311 or LifeNet:800-LIFENET (800-543-3638).

Baby Blues andPostpartumDepression


Page 11: Enjoy Your Baby - New York · When your baby cries, knowing you’re close makes her feel like she’s not alone. Hold your baby. When you rock your baby she feels secure, when you



It happens to every parent sooner or later. The baby won’t stop crying. You’ve triedeverything — feeding, cuddling, a new diaper, a pacifier. Now you’re just too tired, sick orangry to take it anymore.

If you’re having a hard time, put your baby inthe crib and go into the other room for a fewminutes. Take five deep breaths — inhale andexhale s-l-o-w-l-y. Check back in to make sureshe is safe.

It’s important to ask for support. Call a friend, family member or neighbor who can help you calm down or come over andkeep you company. If you need a break, asksomeone you trust to watch your baby. Gofor a walk or do something you really enjoy.

Page 12: Enjoy Your Baby - New York · When your baby cries, knowing you’re close makes her feel like she’s not alone. Hold your baby. When you rock your baby she feels secure, when you
Page 13: Enjoy Your Baby - New York · When your baby cries, knowing you’re close makes her feel like she’s not alone. Hold your baby. When you rock your baby she feels secure, when you

Even before they have words, babies canfeel, remember and experience stress andtrauma. Many things can cause stress ortrauma: loud and violent arguments, fights,physical and sexual abuse, name calling andhurtful teasing, being around people who usealcohol or drugs, losing a parent or caregiver,or neglect by the person who is supposed tobe in charge.

Exposure to chronic stress or trauma interfereswith your baby’s brain development and canlead to lifelong medical problems. Childrenexposed to chronic stress or trauma may alsohave problems with learning, memory andconcentration — skills needed to “make it” in school.

If you or your baby has experiencedserious stress or trauma, talk to yourdoctor. Help your child feel safe. Create asteady routine so he knows what to expectand give him lots of loving attention. Beaware of your own stress and take care ofyourself too.

Babies areAffected bythe WorldAround Them


Page 14: Enjoy Your Baby - New York · When your baby cries, knowing you’re close makes her feel like she’s not alone. Hold your baby. When you rock your baby she feels secure, when you

Being a parent is the hardest and mostimportant job you’ll ever have. You don’t need to do it alone. Join a group to meet new people and find support. There are manygroups for new moms and dads.

To learn more about your baby’s social andemotional development, talk to yourpediatrician or family doctor. Your doctorcan tell you what to expect at each stage,suggest activities for bonding with your babyand help if you have any concerns.

If you’re having a hard time coping with your new baby or the changes in your life, orneed a mental health referral, call 311 orLifeNet: 800-LIFENET (800-543-3638).

If you’re worried about someone hurting you or your child, call 311 for the DomesticViolence Hotline. Someone will help you,even if you're undocumented.

These hotlines are available anytime, night or day.

In an emergency, call 911.

How to Get Help10

Page 15: Enjoy Your Baby - New York · When your baby cries, knowing you’re close makes her feel like she’s not alone. Hold your baby. When you rock your baby she feels secure, when you
Page 16: Enjoy Your Baby - New York · When your baby cries, knowing you’re close makes her feel like she’s not alone. Hold your baby. When you rock your baby she feels secure, when you


For more copies of this pamphlet, call 311.

For this pamphlet online and more information, visit

and search for child mental health.

NYC Project LAUNCHStrong families and communities

Promoting social and emotional development Healthy, happy and successful children

This pamphlet was revised and reprinted under grant number 1H79SM060274 from theSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), U.S. Departmentof Health and Human Services (HHS). The views, policies and opinions expressed are thoseof the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of SAMHSA or HHS.



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