Download - ‘Enhancement of Living Standards & Area Based Development’ Programme Raising standards through good practices in capacity development Simon Forrester,

Page 1: ‘Enhancement of Living Standards & Area Based Development’ Programme Raising standards through good practices in capacity development Simon Forrester,

‘‘Enhancement of Living Standards & Enhancement of Living Standards & Area Based Development’ ProgrammeArea Based Development’ Programme

Raising standards through good practices inRaising standards through good practices in

capacity developmentcapacity development

Simon Forrester, December 6, 2010Simon Forrester, December 6, 2010

ELS/ABD Programme - raising standards ELS/ABD Programme - raising standards through good practices in capacity through good practices in capacity


Page 2: ‘Enhancement of Living Standards & Area Based Development’ Programme Raising standards through good practices in capacity development Simon Forrester,


ELS/ABD Programme - raising standards ELS/ABD Programme - raising standards through good practices in capacity through good practices in capacity


Page 3: ‘Enhancement of Living Standards & Area Based Development’ Programme Raising standards through good practices in capacity development Simon Forrester,

Purpose of the PresentationPurpose of the Presentation

To look beyond the ‘results’ of the To look beyond the ‘results’ of the ELS/ABD ProgrammeELS/ABD Programme

To have insight into how communities To have insight into how communities can participate more meaningfullycan participate more meaningfully

And how local administrations can be And how local administrations can be more responsivemore responsive

Discuss what UNDP and its partners Discuss what UNDP and its partners might do with these ‘lessons’might do with these ‘lessons’

ELS/ABD Programme - raising standards ELS/ABD Programme - raising standards through good practices in capacity through good practices in capacity


Page 4: ‘Enhancement of Living Standards & Area Based Development’ Programme Raising standards through good practices in capacity development Simon Forrester,

Overview of ELS/ABDOverview of ELS/ABD

ELS/ABD Programme - raising standards ELS/ABD Programme - raising standards through good practices in capacity through good practices in capacity


Overall Objective: Overall Objective: To improve living standards in Fergana Valley, To improve living standards in Fergana Valley, Kashkadarya & KarakalpakstanKashkadarya & Karakalpakstan

Budgets for 2008-10: (ELS) Budgets for 2008-10: (ELS) EU (3.5 mln. Euro) + UNDP (0.35 mln. Euro)EU (3.5 mln. Euro) + UNDP (0.35 mln. Euro) (ABD) (ABD) UNDP (2.9 mln. Euro)UNDP (2.9 mln. Euro)

Specific Objectives:Specific Objectives:

- Strengthened capacity for regional development planning and service delivery - More effective community participation and self help - Increased community based private initiatives

National PartnersNational Partners:: Ministry of Economy, Council of Ministers of Ministry of Economy, Council of Ministers of Karakalpakstan, Hokimiyats of Andijan, Namangan. Karakalpakstan, Hokimiyats of Andijan, Namangan. Kashkadarya, & Fergana regionsKashkadarya, & Fergana regions

Page 5: ‘Enhancement of Living Standards & Area Based Development’ Programme Raising standards through good practices in capacity development Simon Forrester,

Key QuestionsKey Questions

Interventions aimed at capacity development, hope Interventions aimed at capacity development, hope to answer 2 key questions:to answer 2 key questions:

‘‘how to increase responsiveness of how to increase responsiveness of local government?’local government?’

‘‘how can the poorest participate in the how can the poorest participate in the design & oversight of local policies design & oversight of local policies

and service provision?’and service provision?’

ELS/ABD Programme - raising standards ELS/ABD Programme - raising standards through good practices in capacity through good practices in capacity


Page 6: ‘Enhancement of Living Standards & Area Based Development’ Programme Raising standards through good practices in capacity development Simon Forrester,

Understanding Capacity DevelopmentUnderstanding Capacity Development

1.1. InstitutionalInstitutional

2.2. OrganisationalOrganisational

3.3. IndividualIndividual

ELS/ABD focuses on levels 2 & 3ELS/ABD focuses on levels 2 & 3

Communities as ‘organisations’Communities as ‘organisations’

ELS/ABD Programme - raising standards ELS/ABD Programme - raising standards through good practices in capacity through good practices in capacity


Page 7: ‘Enhancement of Living Standards & Area Based Development’ Programme Raising standards through good practices in capacity development Simon Forrester,

Functional-Rational Dimensions of Capacity

Political Dimensions of Capacity

Focus on factors within the community

1 = Being able to participate & getting the ‘job’* done

2 = Distribution and means of exercising power & authority

Focus on factors in the external environment

3 = Creating an enabling environment for participating and doing the ‘job’

4 = Changing power relations

ELS/ABD Programme - raising standards ELS/ABD Programme - raising standards through good practices in capacity through good practices in capacity


Understanding Capacity DevelopmentUnderstanding Capacity Development

Page 8: ‘Enhancement of Living Standards & Area Based Development’ Programme Raising standards through good practices in capacity development Simon Forrester,

Functional-Rational Dimensions of Capacity Political Dimensions of Capacity

Focus on factors within the community

Being able to identify problems related to both service delivery and economic development, and prioritise them

Project design & costing

Project management

Monitoring & evaluating service delivery

Management of infrastructure and business

Mobilising resources

Continuous Learning

Full access to information for all the community members

Shared responsibilities

Raising awareness to gender equity

Focus on factors in the external environment

Introduction of new technologies to improve service delivery & income generation

Procurement of local supplies and services

CDP acceptance by Hokimat & Public Utility Companies

Contributing to multi-stakeholder meetings/consultations

Making comparative analysis

Raising community prestige ELS/ABD Programme - raising standards ELS/ABD Programme - raising standards

through good practices in capacity through good practices in capacity developmentdevelopment

Page 9: ‘Enhancement of Living Standards & Area Based Development’ Programme Raising standards through good practices in capacity development Simon Forrester,

A Governance PerspectiveA Governance Perspective

ELS/ABD Programme - raising standards ELS/ABD Programme - raising standards through good practices in capacity through good practices in capacity


Page 10: ‘Enhancement of Living Standards & Area Based Development’ Programme Raising standards through good practices in capacity development Simon Forrester,

Good Practices in Capacity DevelopmentGood Practices in Capacity Development

An integrated An integrated approachapproach

Effectively building capacity for Effectively building capacity for both participation for better both participation for better

service delivery & for income service delivery & for income generation/entrepreneurshipgeneration/entrepreneurship

ELS/ABD Programme - raising standards ELS/ABD Programme - raising standards through good practices in capacity through good practices in capacity


Page 11: ‘Enhancement of Living Standards & Area Based Development’ Programme Raising standards through good practices in capacity development Simon Forrester,

““Because of the access to safe water, Because of the access to safe water, people have started to tin fruits and people have started to tin fruits and vegetables. These are not only for vegetables. These are not only for their own consumption in winter, but their own consumption in winter, but they are beginning to sell the they are beginning to sell the products in the local markets.” products in the local markets.”

(An Initiative Group member in(An Initiative Group member in

Turakurgan District, Namangan).Turakurgan District, Namangan).

ELS/ABD Programme - raising standards ELS/ABD Programme - raising standards through good practices in capacity through good practices in capacity


Page 12: ‘Enhancement of Living Standards & Area Based Development’ Programme Raising standards through good practices in capacity development Simon Forrester,

Good Practices in Capacity DevelopmentGood Practices in Capacity Development

The Community The Community Development Plan Development Plan & Process& Process

A tool which helps to build A tool which helps to build skills for analysis & skills for analysis & prioritisation; integrates prioritisation; integrates social & economic social & economic development; promotes development; promotes multi-annual planning; multi-annual planning; demands attention to demands attention to feasibility & costs; and feasibility & costs; and which fits to the District which fits to the District planning processplanning process

ELS/ABD Programme - raising standards ELS/ABD Programme - raising standards through good practices in capacity through good practices in capacity


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Page 14: ‘Enhancement of Living Standards & Area Based Development’ Programme Raising standards through good practices in capacity development Simon Forrester,

An MCC in Chimbay, Karakalpakstan:An MCC in Chimbay, Karakalpakstan:

““Being able to identify and classify existing Being able to identify and classify existing community problems and then prioritize them has community problems and then prioritize them has been a great boost to our capacity”.been a great boost to our capacity”.

In an evaluation interview the Hokim of Yazyavan In an evaluation interview the Hokim of Yazyavan District (Fergana) made it very clear that those District (Fergana) made it very clear that those Mahallas working with ELS were able to make the Mahallas working with ELS were able to make the District-level planning process much more District-level planning process much more efficient and effective. And he would like to efficient and effective. And he would like to promote the CDP process across all the promote the CDP process across all the communities in his District.communities in his District.

ELS/ABD Programme - raising standards ELS/ABD Programme - raising standards through good practices in capacity through good practices in capacity


Page 15: ‘Enhancement of Living Standards & Area Based Development’ Programme Raising standards through good practices in capacity development Simon Forrester,

Good Practices in Capacity DevelopmentGood Practices in Capacity Development

Building confidence Building confidence for Participationfor Participation

Using ‘champions’ and Using ‘champions’ and demonstrating success; demonstrating success; ensuring full access to all ensuring full access to all information for all the information for all the community members; community members; establishing Initiative establishing Initiative Groups; formal training & Groups; formal training & regular mentoring; regular mentoring; recognising every recognising every community is differentcommunity is different

ELS/ABD Programme - raising standards ELS/ABD Programme - raising standards through good practices in capacity through good practices in capacity


Page 16: ‘Enhancement of Living Standards & Area Based Development’ Programme Raising standards through good practices in capacity development Simon Forrester,

““People are not all alike. There are people who do People are not all alike. There are people who do not understand and misunderstandings happen. not understand and misunderstandings happen. They affected the rest and tried to lose trust of They affected the rest and tried to lose trust of the rest to the implementation of the community the rest to the implementation of the community project. We worked separately with these people project. We worked separately with these people and achieved mobilization of the community. In and achieved mobilization of the community. In this, the trainings and seminars conducted by ELS this, the trainings and seminars conducted by ELS helped greatly” helped greatly” (Initiative Group member from the Fergana)(Initiative Group member from the Fergana)

ELS/ABD Programme - raising standards ELS/ABD Programme - raising standards through good practices in capacity through good practices in capacity


Page 17: ‘Enhancement of Living Standards & Area Based Development’ Programme Raising standards through good practices in capacity development Simon Forrester,

Good Practices in Capacity DevelopmentGood Practices in Capacity Development

Continuous learning Continuous learning & importance of & importance of Monitoring and Monitoring and EvaluationEvaluation

Robust monitoring by the Robust monitoring by the ELS/ABD teams; facilitating a ELS/ABD teams; facilitating a flow of information between flow of information between communities & District communities & District Administration; use of Administration; use of ‘satisfaction surveys’ and ‘satisfaction surveys’ and participatory evaluationparticipatory evaluation

ELS/ABD Programme - raising standards ELS/ABD Programme - raising standards through good practices in capacity through good practices in capacity


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“ “ The last words I would like to say is The last words I would like to say is “the knife should be regularly “the knife should be regularly sharpened” . Even today’s sharpened” . Even today’s discussion was something which discussion was something which sharpened our mind and reminded sharpened our mind and reminded everything we learnt.”everything we learnt.”

(A focus group discussion in Yazyavan District, Fergana)(A focus group discussion in Yazyavan District, Fergana)

ELS/ABD Programme - raising standards ELS/ABD Programme - raising standards through good practices in capacity through good practices in capacity


Page 19: ‘Enhancement of Living Standards & Area Based Development’ Programme Raising standards through good practices in capacity development Simon Forrester,

Good Practices in Capacity DevelopmentGood Practices in Capacity Development

Supporting better Supporting better targeted investmentstargeted investments

The CDP process enables The CDP process enables community priorities (and community priorities (and related costs/resources) to be related costs/resources) to be factored into Local Development factored into Local Development Plans (of Hokimats & Public Plans (of Hokimats & Public Utility Companies); Utility Companies); demonstrated good demonstrated good performance can be rewarded performance can be rewarded with further investment & a with further investment & a lever on other fundslever on other funds

ELS/ABD Programme - raising standards ELS/ABD Programme - raising standards through good practices in capacity through good practices in capacity


Page 20: ‘Enhancement of Living Standards & Area Based Development’ Programme Raising standards through good practices in capacity development Simon Forrester,

In Markazy Mahalla in the Marmahat District of Andijon, ELS In Markazy Mahalla in the Marmahat District of Andijon, ELS supported the community to install a new artesian well. supported the community to install a new artesian well. This installation has successfully enabled all the households This installation has successfully enabled all the households in Markazy to now have access to safe drinking water piped in Markazy to now have access to safe drinking water piped to their homes, without having to pay the high costs of to their homes, without having to pay the high costs of running older wells that require electrical pumps. The running older wells that require electrical pumps. The impact of digging this artesian well has been so well impact of digging this artesian well has been so well received by the District Administration that the Hokim has received by the District Administration that the Hokim has lobbied and secured funding from the State 2011-2015 lobbied and secured funding from the State 2011-2015 Socio-Economic Programme in order to install 4 more Socio-Economic Programme in order to install 4 more artesian wells to supply the two neighbouring communities artesian wells to supply the two neighbouring communities to Markazy.

Thus, by contributing just 40.7% of the costs for the first Thus, by contributing just 40.7% of the costs for the first installation of a new well at Markazy Mahalla, the ELS installation of a new well at Markazy Mahalla, the ELS Project has actually stimulated a much bigger and well Project has actually stimulated a much bigger and well targeted investment, tripling the number of beneficiaries in targeted investment, tripling the number of beneficiaries in some of the poorest villages in the region.some of the poorest villages in the region.

ELS/ABD Programme - raising standards ELS/ABD Programme - raising standards through good practices in capacity through good practices in capacity


Page 21: ‘Enhancement of Living Standards & Area Based Development’ Programme Raising standards through good practices in capacity development Simon Forrester,

Good Practices in Capacity DevelopmentGood Practices in Capacity Development

Strengthening ‘know Strengthening ‘know how’ in the external how’ in the external environmentenvironment

Introducing new technologies Introducing new technologies for more efficient service for more efficient service delivery; demonstrating delivery; demonstrating diversity and diversity and entrepreneurship; promoting entrepreneurship; promoting efficient & transparent efficient & transparent procurement; coaching procurement; coaching contractorscontractors

ELS/ABD Programme - raising standards ELS/ABD Programme - raising standards through good practices in capacity through good practices in capacity


Page 22: ‘Enhancement of Living Standards & Area Based Development’ Programme Raising standards through good practices in capacity development Simon Forrester,

Further ChallengesFurther Challenges

Disaggregating the benefits within the Disaggregating the benefits within the communities & households from improved service communities & households from improved service delivery - delivery - what will an evaluation through a what will an evaluation through a gender lens show us?gender lens show us?

Addressing the institutional capacity issues - Addressing the institutional capacity issues - how to better bridge the gap between community how to better bridge the gap between community & hokimat?& hokimat?

Scaling-up the CDP methodology - Scaling-up the CDP methodology - what policy what policy support is needed?support is needed?

ELS/ABD Programme - raising standards ELS/ABD Programme - raising standards through good practices in capacity through good practices in capacity


Page 23: ‘Enhancement of Living Standards & Area Based Development’ Programme Raising standards through good practices in capacity development Simon Forrester,

Thanks for your commentsThanks for your comments

Presentation prepared for ELS/ABDPresentation prepared for ELS/ABD

by Simon Forresterby Simon Forrester

(Community Development consultant)(Community Development consultant)

Tashkent, 6 December 2010Tashkent, 6 December 2010

([email protected])([email protected])

ELS/ABD Programme - raising standards ELS/ABD Programme - raising standards through good practices in capacity through good practices in capacity
