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Enhanced the Reliability and Security of Communication in Vehicular Adhoc Network Using COM-AODV Model

Nidhi Saxena Ph.D. Scholar

Dr. Shilpa Sharma Associate Professor

School of Computer & System Science Jaipur National University [email protected]

School of Computer & System Science Jaipur National University [email protected]

Abstract The advancement of communication technology drives the concept of intelligent transporting systems. The intelligent transportation systems need the reliable and secured communication. The reliability and security of communication depends on the performance of vehicular ADHOC network. For communication, no any standard protocol is available. Some authors are used the extended from of AODV routing protocol, for the reliability and security of communication design COM-AODV Model. In this paper proposed the COM-AODV Model. The COM-AODV Model is basically work is filter. The filtration process depends on the cooperative mechanism of MAC layer and network layer. The processing of COM-AODV Model depends on the cross-platform protocol. The proposed COM-AODV Model simulated in MATLAB software and used sumo traffic for the simulation of proposed model. The proposed model compare with some other protocol of VANET network. The experimental results show that better improvements instead of previous algorithm of reliable communication. Keywords: - VANET, MAC, Network layer, COM-AODV Model, RSU, Security. I. INTRODUCTION The reliability and security is new area of researcher in the field of vehicular mobile adhoc network. For the reliable communicat ion in VANET network used various routing protocol, in extension of AODV and other routing protocol of mobile adhoc network [1,2]. The velocity of transportation element and mobility is major issue for the failure of communicat ion and security threats. For the communicat ion purpose used very limited bandwidth along with road side unit. The communication of VANET is combination of infrastructure and without infrastructure. The infrastructure components installed in road side unit and without infrastructure components installed in mobile cars and physical devices. Veh icle can connect with different vehicles specifically shaping vehicle to vehicle communicat ion (V2V) or speak with fixed gear alongside the street, alluded to as street side unit (RSU) framing vehicle to framework communication (V2I)[3,4]. These sorts of interchanges permit

vehicles to share various types of data, for instance, security data for mishap avoidance, post-mischance examination or traffic jams. Other kind of data can be scattered, for example, exp lorer related data which is considered as non-security data. The aim behind conveying and sharing this data is to give a wellbeing message to caution drivers about anticipated that perils would dimin ish the quantity of mis-chances and spare individuals' lives, or to g ive travelers lovely adventures [5]. Recent growth and popularity of VANET and their use in various settings has prompted new scenarios where secure operation is highly important. This is main ly caused by VANET playing an increasingly important role in many infrastructures-less environments and applications; especially, in critical settings, such as: vehicular, emergency rescue, as well as, military and law enforcement. Location informat ion has recently become increasingly available through small and inexpensive Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers, partially prompted by the emerg ing trend to incorporate location-sensing into personal handheld and other wireless devices. A natural step is to adopt such location-based operation to VANET. In such VANET devices are equipped with location-sensing capabilit ies and rely on location information in their operation is insufficient. In addition, accurate p roximity informat ion is essential for securing both applications and basic networking functions, e.g., prevention of “DOS” attacks or secure localization [8,9]. This requires secure, reliable and efficient verification of distances between nodes. Such security and privacy challenges in VANET remain largely unsolved. But due to node mobility and dynamic in frastructure that network are not secured. Various attacker attack on different approach and perform some illegal task and disturb the service of VANET network. For the reliable communication point view for reliable communicat ion we proposed a new scheme “COM-AODV” method. That method is a hybrid combination of MAC layer and network layer protocol. In this process, we generate a communicating link o f all mobile nodes and through MAC we maintain service ability for the use. Network work just like a filtering purpose of packet. Check point work on the master node that master node work as central control device. In this paper, propose a reliable communicat ion model for RSU-aided packet filter, called COM-AODV, to achieve efficient and reliable VANET

Nidhi Saxena et al , International Journal of Computer Technology & Applications,Vol 8(4),512-521

IJCTA | July-August 2017 Available [email protected]



network [10]. With the process of packet filter technique to vehicles by RSUs, a vehicle can effectively network system filtered a packet received message from vehicles nearby even in the presence of frequent change of its neighbor ship. Compared with previously MAC layer based filter based packet filtrat ion protocols for traffic, the proposed protocol not only retains the traffic properties, but also has less packet loss ratio and lower transmission overhead, especially when the road traffic is heavy. Therefore, the protocol solves the scalability and transmission overhead issues, while maintaining acceptable packet rat io [12]. Thus, we propose a complementary Efficient and Cooperative Message Filter Protocol, called ECFVP, where each vehicle probabilistically filters a certain percentage of its received messages based on its own computing capacity and then reports any invalid messages detected by it. The rest of paper describe as section II discuss related work in the fields of reliable communication for the VANET network. In section III, Discuss the communication model fo r Reliable communicat ion. In section IV discuss the simulation result and finally discuss conclusion and future work. II. RELATED WORK

In this section discuss the related work in the field of VANET network for reliab le and secured communication.

Congyi Liu, Chunxiao Chigan and Chunming Gao Et al. [1] In this paper, creators discuss CS-DC as a v iable, versatile and strong data aggregation contrive for VANETs. In CS-DC, the detachment and adaptability based gathering tradition is discussed to achieve stable groups, which will accumulate close-by data reliably and fulfill data spatial significance. Meanwhile, the CS theory is associated with effectively encode/decipher the in-framework data in data aggregation, ensuring capable correspondence and exact data recovery. What's more, execution evaluations show that CS-DC can guarantee charming execution with higher efficiency, adaptability and resolute quality.

Narendra Mohan Mittal and Savita Choudhary Et al. [2] In particular, this paper separates their item qualities, g raphical UI, accuracy of multiplication, ease of use, omnipresence, input requirements and yield portrayal limits et cetera. The flexib ility generators considered consolidate SUMO, VanetMobiSim, MOVE, Citymob and FreeSim. MOVE, VanetMobiSim and SUMO all have action demonstrate sponsorships and incredible programming highlights However, just VanetMobiSim gives astonishing take after reinforces. FreeSim and Citymob both give awesome programming qualities. Finally, with respect to VANET test frameworks, they considered GrooveNet, TraNS, NCTUns, and MobiREAL. Both MobiREAL and TraNS incorporate the coupling of VANET convenientce generators with framework test frameworks. An outline of starting late dispersed papers exhib its that NCTUns and OPNET are more as frequently as conceivable used for VANET generations than others. they comprehend that further

refinement, increases and responsibilit ies are required before they can be extensively recognized and used for supporting VANET look at.

Duc Ngoc Minh Dang, Choong Seon Hong, Sungwon Lee and Eui-Nam Et al. [3] they look at an Efficient and Reliable MAC tradition fo r VANETs (VER-MAC) which licenses center points to impart security divides in the midst of both the control channel between time and organizat ion channel break to assemble the prosperity convey steadfast quality. By using the additional data structures, center points can transmit advantage bundles in the midst of the control channel interval to upgrade the organization throughput. They inspect the VER-MAC which licenses centers to impart the emergency packs in the midst of the SCHI and to exchange the organization packages in the midst of the CCHI. The informat ive and propagation comes to fruit ion show that the VER-MAC beats the IEEE 1609.4 to the extent the PDR of emergency packages and the throughput of organizat ion groups.

Mahmoud Hashem Eiza and Qiang Ni Et al. [4] in this actualize, the first to look at a creating chart based tried and true coordinating arrangement for VANETs to support nature of-organization (QoS) reinforce in the directing methodology. They outline, through the reenactment comes to fruit ion, that their inspected plot significantly beats the related tradit ions in the written work. The results exhib ited that EG-RAODV achieves the most hoisted PDR among all they took a stab at coordinating traditions. It obtains the most insignificant coordinating sales extent in light of the way that the telecom framework is not required in the course revelation get ready. As it picks the most tried and true course to the objective, it finishes minimal number of association disillusionments, the most lifted course lifetime, and the slightest ordinary E2E concede values.

Ming-Chin Chuang and Meng Chang Chen Et al [5] analysts presented, a Density-careful Emergency Message Extension Protocol (DEEP) in multi-way turnpike circumstance. Under DEEP, a message is fast sent to the issue zone locale and passed on to all vehicles in the domain to satisfy the enduring quality establishment. In addition, they find the fitting starting piece evaluate for d ifferent auto densities by method for a numerical model. The diversion comes to fruition demonstrate that the discussed tradition achieves low spread deferral and high unfaltering quality while scrambling emergency messages. Since traffic informat ion is circled rapid ly, drivers can change their courses and keep up a key separation from t raffic jams.

N. Sakthip riya and P. Sathyanarayanan Et al. [6] they have discussed an accessibility plot in which maxi-mum bundle length is ensured by utilizing the rational think of it as; expect a key part in choosing the authenticity of a gathering, which is the compactness of each individual vehicle concerning distinctive vehicles to which it is related with.

Nidhi Saxena et al , International Journal of Computer Technology & Applications,Vol 8(4),512-521

IJCTA | July-August 2017 Available [email protected]



Ramon Bauza, Javier Gozalvez and Miguel Sepulcre Et al. [7] as per analysts examined strategies have been discussed to perceive tried and true sending center points in perspective of the associations' quality, generally assessed through the guide gathering rates from neighboring vehicles. In this one of a kind circumstance, this letter discusses PoLiQ, a novel arrangement to reliab ly assess the association quality with neighboring vehicles in perspective of guide get-together rates and the neighbors' transmission settings. The drove considers has demonstrated that PoLiQ can manufacture the end-to-end PDR while dimin ishing the correspondence overhead in circumstances where vehicles transmit at variable power levels.

Alejandro Cornejo, Saira Viqar and Jennifer L. Welch Et al. [8] In the section of the paper they analyze different customer layer estimations which would benefit from the strong neighbor disclosure layer depicted in this paper. A pioneer choice figuring for component graphs is shown. The pioneer choice estimation guarantees that after topology changes stop, over the long haul there is a fascinating pioneer in each related fragment. With little work, it is possible to exhib it comparable results hold while using the trustworthy neighbor disclosure layer portrayed in the principal paper. Th is does not suggest that their neighbor revelation organization can be used for all applicat ions.

Khalid Abdel Hafeez, Lian Zhao, Bobby Ma and Jon W. Check Et al. [9] creators presented the model enables the affirmat ion of the probability of tolerating status and security messages from all vehicles inside a transmitter's range and vehicles up to a particu lar partition, separately. The discussed model is developed in perspective of another versatility demonstrate that considers the vehicle's take after on prosperity guideline to decide exact ly the relationship between the ordinary vehicle speed and thickness. The entertainment comes to fruit ion, which agrees with the informat ive results, show that the analyzed model is extremely correct in p rocessing the system unflinching quality, and the discussed AMBA figuring has prevalent differentiated and diverse counts.

Mohamed Ahmed, Mohammad Reza Jabbarpour Sattari, Mostofa Kamal Nasir, Saeid Ghahremani, Sajad Khorsandroo, Syed Adeel Shah Ali and Rafidah Md Noor Et al. [10] In this paper, a green correspondence structure is discussed to reinforce the operation protect together with green correspondence essentials. The discussed model is affirmed using two parameters which are o rdinary package transport extent and level of obstruct messages. The results are promising since they are using the 802.11Ext to allow vehicle-to-vehicle correspondences. This paper introduced outline of vehicular off the cuff and remote sensor frameworks to give green vehicle trades. A direct correspondence in the flexibility get-together is tried using NS-2. The two parameters are used to survey five one of a kind circumstances.

Karan Verma, Halabi Hasbullah and Ashok Kumar Et al. [11] the procedure makes usage of a limit capable data structure and a Bloom channel based IPCHOCK REFERENCE distinguishing proof strategy. This lightweight approach makes it respectably easy to pass on as its advantage need is sensibly low. Propagation happens dependably showed that the system is both capable and fruitfu l in ensuring against UDP flooding attacks under different IP ridicu ling sorts. Specifically, the technique beat others in achieving a higher acknowledgment rate yet with lower stockpiling and computational costs. In perspective of the Bloom station, a limit beneficial data structure is discussed which just requires a settled length table for recording relevant development informat ion. A Bloom channel based IP Chock Reference (BFICR) technique, CUSUM, is then associated with perceive sudden changes in the action ascribes which identify with the occasion of the flooding strikes.

Jacek Rak Et al. [12] In this paper, they investigated the issue of end-to-end multipath transmission openness in V2V frameworks. Probabilistic examination of multipath association disjoints end-to-end transmission movement engaged us to look at redesigns to the representation AODV guiding approach to manage give isolated levels of protection against association disillusionments with respect to three introduced classes of organizat ion availability, particularly: bronze, silver, and gold, and to fabricate the correspondence way lifetime. Propagations performed to examine the execution of CBM-AODV count conversely with the reference AOMDV plot certified focal points of their framework to the extent the typical way cost and the ordinary way lifetime.

Marica Amadeo, Claudia Campolo and Antonella Molinaro Et al. [13] in th is paper, they focus on steadfastness issues tended to at the vehicle level of a CCN configuration properly changed to be passed on top of the IEEE 802.11p get to advancement in VANETs. They considered transport level issues in substance driven vehicular frameworks. Specifically, they focused on the conceivable outcomes of substance division to reduce the over-rush toward better experience the confined direct resources in the testing and extraordinarily dynamic vehicu lar circumstances. Fulfilled results exhib it the benefits of greater knot sizes, trad ing off suitability and efficiency in substance movement under low and significant traffic stack conditions.

Ivan Stojmenovic Et al. [14] this paper researches CPS past M2M thought and looks applications. Their vision is CPS with scattered incitation and in-framework get ready. Robot improvements are all things considered picked by virtual qualities. The improvement is toward vector aggregate of each associated drive. The test is to pick the significance of these forces to fulfill close-by responsive-ness while join ing toward alluring overall d irect. Delineation applications join fly ing robo-copter bunch for district mapping or sensor dropping, aggregate scattering profiling with marit ime distinguishing by a gathering of computerized fishes, and

Nidhi Saxena et al , International Journal of Computer Technology & Applications,Vol 8(4),512-521

IJCTA | July-August 2017 Available [email protected]



robot association in a calamity ranges, domains with hard morphology and zones with moving hotspots, to engage diverse customers on the ground with remote affiliations.

Celimuge Wu Satoshi Ohzahata and Toshihiko Kato Et al. [15] In this paper, they look at PFQ-AODV, which is a helpful VANET controlling tradition that takes in the perfect course by using a feathery prerequisite Q-learn ing count in light of extemporaneous on-demand expel vector (AODV) coordinating. They have discussed PFQ-AODV, a soft prerequisite Q-learn ing guiding trad ition for VANETs. PFQ-AODV uses cushy method of reasoning to survey an association and usages a Q-learning-based approach to manage select a course in a way that can give mult i-ricochet steadfast quality and efficiency. PFQ-AODV takes in the best course by using hey messages and RREQ messages. PFQ-AODV can be tuned for use in various circumstances by changing the fleecy enlistment limits and soft rules. Since it is moreover free of lower layers and does not require GPS, PFQ-AODV gives a flexib le, conservative, and practicable response for guiding in VANETs. Through trial results and PC propagations, they have confirmed the upsides of PFQ-AODV over various alternatives. III RELIABLE COMMUNICATION MODEL In this paper enhanced the EG-AODV routing protocol using mult iple constraints function. The multip le constraints function measures the minimum distance between neighbor node and control the function of mobility. The control of node mobility modified the control massage protocol for the processing of node discovery process and path establishment. The constraints process used three function for the controlling the all process of communication during the EG-AODV routing protocol. The control function defines the threshold value. The value of threshold meets then allow for the node communicat ion.

MULTIPLE CONSTRAINTS FUNCTION The mult iple constraints function used some derivate for the estimation of function cost for route discovery, path establishment and finally path maintained. In itially used the distribution function for the deployment of node in wireless area network.

Steps 1 Distribution of data sample

Let us consider {𝑥∗ (𝑖, 𝑗)Ι 𝑖 = 1, 2, … . . , 𝑛 ; 𝑗 = 1, 2,… , 𝑝} is sample set of node for the distribution in given area used mapping function using equation (1) and (2)

For the estimat ion of hop used these formulae

𝑥(𝑖 , 𝑗) =�𝑥∗(𝑖,𝑗)− 𝑥𝑚𝑖𝑛(𝑗) �

(𝑥𝑚𝑎𝑥(𝑗)− 𝑥𝑚𝑖𝑛 (𝑗)) (1)

For the validation of the total hop used for the communicat ion:

𝑥(𝑖 , 𝑗) =�(𝑥𝑚𝑎𝑥(𝑗)− 𝑥∗ (𝑖,𝑗) �

(𝑥𝑚𝑎𝑥(𝑗)− 𝑥𝑚𝑖𝑛 (𝑗)) (2)

Where 𝑥𝑚𝑖𝑛(𝑗) the minimum value of is node 𝑗 , and 𝑥𝑚𝑎𝑥(𝑗)is the maximum value of node𝑗.

Step 2 estimates the value of route cost 𝑅(𝑎).

{𝑥(𝑖 , 𝑗)Ι 𝑗 = 1, 2 … . , 𝑝} is distributed into route path get hope values 𝑧(𝑖) through distribuation 𝑎 = [𝑎(1) , 𝑎(2), … . . , 𝑎(𝑝) ] as:

𝑧(𝑖) = ∑ 𝑎(𝑗)𝑥(𝑖 , 𝑗), 𝑖 = 1, 2, … … . 𝑛𝑝𝑗=1 (3)

The evaluation final path for the communication is determined by𝑅(𝑎), shown as:

𝐹(𝑎) = 𝑆𝑧𝐷𝑧 (4)

Where 𝑆𝑧is the standard deviation of 𝑧(𝑖); 𝐷𝑧 is the threshold value; standard deviation 𝑆𝑧and local density 𝐷𝑧are defined in formula (5):



𝑆𝑧 = �∑ (𝑧(𝑖) − 𝐸(𝑧))2𝑛𝑖 = 1

( 𝑛 − 1)

𝐷𝑧 = �.𝑛


��𝑅 − 𝑟(𝑖 , 𝑗)�𝑢(𝑅 − 𝑟(𝑖, 𝑗 ))𝑛

𝑗 =1

� (5)

. Step 3

(1) Defining 𝑑�𝑧(𝑘), 𝑧(ℎ)�as the absolute distance between the two-mobile node

𝑑�𝑧(𝑘) , 𝑧(ℎ)� = ��𝑧(𝑘) − 𝑧(ℎ)��𝑧(𝑘) − 𝑧(ℎ)�

= ��𝑧(𝑘) − 𝑧(ℎ)�2


𝑘 = 1, 2, … … … . . ,𝑁 ;ℎ = 1, 2, … … … . . ,𝑁

𝑁(𝑛 ≥ 𝑁 ≥ 2) is evaluation level number or same mobility area? And 𝐷𝑞(𝑞 = 1, 2, … … ,𝑁) is used to describe the different group on the basis of hop count 𝐺𝑞( 𝑞 =1, 2, … … ,𝑁),

Step 4 Determin ing constraints established the communicat ion in AODV, which gave the constraint conditions s.t. ∑ 𝑎2 (𝑗) = 1.𝑝

𝑗=1 but it did not specify a value range.

�𝑠. 𝑡 .∑ 𝑎2 (𝑗) = 1𝑝


1 ≥ 𝑎(𝑗) ≥ 0� (7)

Step 5 established the communication

Nidhi Saxena et al , International Journal of Computer Technology & Applications,Vol 8(4),512-521

IJCTA | July-August 2017 Available [email protected]




In this section discuss the constraints based COM-AODV routing protocol. The constraints based routing protocol describe in three sections. In first section discuss the constraints function for the measure the number of hop count, in second section measure the mobility condition of node(MBC), and finally path establishment and path allocation.

Algorithm process for hop count


Step1: call control message ()

Step 2: for k:=1 to n-1

Call update hope message

Send hop message to all mobile node

End for

Step 3 create control message

Step 4 communicate all node

Here init ialed three condition for the predict ion of mobility of node

i. Node have stable ii. Node have move in same path iii. Node can move in different path and location

1st condition process


Estimate the function of BMC

Set n= current node

Set F= true

Add node id

Return end

2nd condition

If (n=true)

Then if (fail N !N)

Then create new hop

End if


Add another route

End if


3rd condition

BMC = all node id

Change the control message

Connect the node



Figure 1: Block diagram of Proposed algorithm

IV S IMULATION & RES ULT ANALYS IS Simulation is an experimental process in that process proposed a simulated model for VANET network and put some standard parameter for valuation of result. In our research work perform rural area traffic in VANET network. The proposed model of COM-AODV written in MATLAB language and scenario of network generated by SUMO software as input of protocol. Different performance metrics are used to check the performance of proposed model in various network environments. In our experiment, we have selected throughput and packet drop to check the performance of VANET proposed model protocols against denial of service attack. The reason for the selection of these performance metrics is to check the performance of proposed model p rotocols in highly mobile environment of VANET. Moreover, these performance metrics are used to check the effectiveness of VANET proposed model protocols i.e. how well the protocol delivers packets and how well the algorithm for a proposed model protocol

Nidhi Saxena et al , International Journal of Computer Technology & Applications,Vol 8(4),512-521

IJCTA | July-August 2017 Available [email protected]



performs in order to discover the route towards destination. The selected metrics for proposed model protocols evaluation are as follows:

• Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR): It represents the average ratio of all successfully received data packets at the destination node over all data packets generated by the application layer at the source node.

• Link Failures: It represents the average number of link failures during the routing process. This metric shows the efficiency of the routing protocol in avoiding link failures.

• Routing Requests Ratio: It expresses the ratio of the total transmitted routing requests to the total successfully received routing packets at the destination vehicle.

• Average End-To-End (E2E) Delay: It represents the average time between the sending and receiving times for packets received.

• Route Lifetime: It represents the average lifet ime of the discovered route. A longer lifetime means a more stable and more reliable route. This metric is used in Experiment C only.

Table 1.6.1 lists the simulation parameters, their values and description of these parameters used in the simulat ion.

Parameter Value Description

Environment size

1500 * 800 Area of simulat ion

Total number of nodes

50 Relative load issued by client requests

Node types Vehicle mobile node

Relative load due to attack traffic.

Node speed 30m/s,40m/s,50m/s Mobility t ime of node

Packet type TCP/UDP Application load

Packet size 1400 bytes Load

Malicious node 2 UDP flooding


Simulation time 400 Total time

Receiver node one Single destination

Table 1: Simulation Parameters.

For the h ighway scenario, we selected 50 nodes with the total area of 1500 x 800 meters. Distances between the vehicles are randomly selected. In first case, vehicles move with maximum speed of 20 m/s and in later case vehicles move with speed of 30 m/s. Total simulation t ime for each scenario is 400 seconds. The purpose of simulat ion for highway scenarios is to prevent the DOS attack for VANET in terms of throughput and packet drop. The highway scenario for our simulation is shown in figure.

Figure 2: Main result windows and plot all nodes pointed then process completed, when value of node is 10.

Nidhi Saxena et al , International Journal of Computer Technology & Applications,Vol 8(4),512-521

IJCTA | July-August 2017 Available [email protected]



Figure 3: Main result windows and plot all nodes pointed again pointed 8 nodes, when value of node is 8.




µ [KM/hr]



V [KM/hr]



σ [KM/hr]

20 35 7

35 50 190

55 75 18

70 90 25

85 115 27

Table 2: Shows that the performance evaluation of Packet Delivery Ratio, Routing Requests Ratio and Route lifetime for EG-AODV.



µ [KM/hr]



V [KM/hr]



σ [KM/hr]

30 40 9

50 65 215

70 90 21

90 120 27

110 145 33

Table 3: Shows that the performance evaluation of Packet Delivery Ratio, Routing Requests Ratio and Route lifetime for COM-AODV.



µ [KM/hr]



V [KM/hr]



σ [KM/hr]

15 30 5

30 40 170

45 65 10

55 17 15

65 85 20

Table 4: Shows that the performance evaluation of Link Failures and Average End-To-End (E2E) Delay for EG-AODV.



µ [KM/hr]



V [KM/hr]



σ [KM/hr]

12 25 4

25 30 150

35 55 8

45 12 12

40 65 15

Table 5: Shows that the performance evaluation of Link Failures and Average End-To-End (E2E) Delay for COM-AODV.

Nidhi Saxena et al , International Journal of Computer Technology & Applications,Vol 8(4),512-521

IJCTA | July-August 2017 Available [email protected]




Figure 4: Shows that the performance evaluation of Packet Delivery Ratio, Routing Requests Ratio and Route lifetime for EG-AODV Method.

Figure 5: Shows that the performance evaluation of Packet Delivery Ratio, Routing Requests Ratio and Route lifetime for COM-AODV Method.

Figure 6: Shows that the performance evaluation of Link Failures and Average End-To-End (E2E) delay for EG-AODV Method.

Figure 7: Shows that the performance evaluation of Link Failures and Average End-To-End (E2E) delay for COM-AODV Method. V. CONCLUS ION & FUTURE S COPE












0 2 4 6

Comparative Result evaluation of Packet Delivery Ratio, Routing Requests Ratio and

Route lifetime for EG-AODV

µ [KM/hr]

V [KM/hr]

σ [KM/hr]







0 2 4 6

Comparative Result evaluation of Packet Delivery Ratio, Routing Requests Ratio and

Route lifetime for COM-AODV

µ [KM/hr]

V [KM/hr]

σ [KM/hr]












0 2 4 6

Comparative Result evaluation of Link Failures and Average End-To-End (E2E)

Delay for EG-AODV

µ [KM/hr]

V [KM/hr]

σ [KM/hr]











0 2 4 6

Comparative Result evaluation of Link Failures and Average End-To-End (E2E)

Delay for COM-AODV

µ [KM/hr]

V [KM/hr]

σ [KM/hr]

Nidhi Saxena et al , International Journal of Computer Technology & Applications,Vol 8(4),512-521

IJCTA | July-August 2017 Available [email protected]



In this paper modified the EG-AODV routing protocol for the enhancement of routing protocol in VANET network. The modified protocol is called multiple COM-AODV on demand routing p rotocol (COM-AODV). The COM-AODV protocol based on two functions one is threshold based function and one is MBC function. The threshold based function measure the distance of mobility of node during the process of communication. The mobility of node measure in two different scenarios. In 1st scenario measure the same level of path and 2nd level used in case of different path. For the evaluation of performance our modified protocol tested in different network scenario tested through simulations for different distributions of nodes in different connectivity models. Under all the evaluated scenarios, the technique demonstrates excellent routing probabilities with few path failures that depend on the value of threshold. The results of the proposed are batter then the previous approaches to packet delivery ratio and network throughput. This work has focused on enhanced the EG-AODV routing protocol in mobility condition. Future work includes developing a technique for real time VANET network and some other network. In this work, it seems to be that network packet has increased. Due to number of packets the performance of network can reduce. It also increases the network conjunction. So, there is need to reduce the packets in the network. References

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Nidhi Saxena et al , International Journal of Computer Technology & Applications,Vol 8(4),512-521

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Nidhi Saxena et al , International Journal of Computer Technology & Applications,Vol 8(4),512-521

IJCTA | July-August 2017 Available [email protected]

