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ENGLISH 2 WEEK 119.1 transport / articles

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Work in pairs

1A p88 Which types of transport can you see in the pictures?

Look at the transport collocations in 1B - which type of transport does not go with the verb each time?

Go to the photobank pages , p. 159 and find the right transport word for each picture

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Work in pairs

A: say a name of transport, e.g. ‘bike’B: say the verbs that can go with it, e.g. ‘go by bike, get on a bike, ride a bike...’

Discuss these questions:1. How do you usually get to work/school?2. What’s your favourite type of transport? Why?3. Which type(s) of transport don’t you like using?Why not?

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pre-listening: match pictures A-C with the titles in ex. 2A

Listen to a museum guide and answer the questions:1. Which transport ideas from 2A does he talk about?2. What are his favourite ways of travelling?

Listen again -What’s the problem with each transport idea?

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3A Listen to an extract from the museum tour and complete the text with ‘a / an / the / - (no article)

Find examples for rules a-f from the text in 3A

Do language bank activities 9.1 A, B and C

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GRAM - LB 9.1 P145 KEY

A: he’s a doctor / grew up in - Venice / outside a small town / in the morning / leaves - home / in the town centre / has - lunch / with - colleagues / in the afternoon / At the weekend / by - car

B: 2. a 3. the 4. a 5. - 6. the

C: a dictionary / a bookshop / - dictionaries / an English-Spanish dictionary / the teacher= correct / the only problem = correct / - books / a library

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Write a message on the wall (week 9)

other questions / problems?