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  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

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    Placement Test


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    6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)

  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 2 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    Placement Test Instructions and ResultsEnglish 6th & 7th

    Student Name:____________________________

    Birth date: _____________ Age: ______ Grade Level: ______

    Testing date: _________________

    Please begin with the first unit of this test and continueuntil the student scores below minimum score on 3 con-secutive units. Be sure to look beyond units where thestudent stops to ensure that there is nothing more he or

    she can complete.

    Where to begin:

    Please use the answer sheet to score your students test andcircle, on the chart below, the numbers of any units where thestudent scored below the minimum score.


    37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48

    49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

    61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72

    73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 8485 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96

    Place a / over the number where the student stopped.

    Units prescribed for student:______ ______ ______ ____________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______

    ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______

    (Office Use Only)

  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 3 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    Continue on to the next page.

    From this section on, please write all your answers incursive.Write these words in alphabetical order.

    October office owl obey ox open





  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 4 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    (7-32) Write the cursive small letters of the alphabet.

    Continue on to the next page.

  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 5 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    Are you writing your answers in cursive?

    (33-58) Write the cursive capital letters of the alphabet.

    Unit # 37Mastery Score: 58

    Minimum Score: 55Score______

  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 6 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    Underline the group of words if it is a complete sentence.

    (1) Fluffy saw a fat mouse.

    Chased a fat mouse.

    (2) Too hot to wear a heavy coat?

    Is it too hot to wear a heavy coat?

    On the line, write declarative if the sentence is a telling sen-

    tence, write interrogative if the sentence is an asking a question,

    write exclamatory if the sentence shows strong feeling.

    (3) I have five dollars. ____________________

    (4) Stop that dog! ____________________

    (5) Did you have a good time? ____________________

    (6) My grandma is a lot of fun.____________________

    Use a period (.), question mark (?), or exclamation point (!) at

    the end of each sentence.

    (7) Are you ready to go to school

    (8) My mother loves me

    (9) Help me

    (10) I have read that story before

  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 7 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    (11) Stop running right now

    (12) Have you watered your flowers Unit # 38Mastery Score: 12

    Minimum Score: 10Score______

    Write c before each word that is a common noun.

    Write p before each word that is a proper noun.

    (1) __________ Thomas (4) __________ October

    (2) __________ cake (5) __________ street

    (3) __________ bedroom (6) __________ Mary

    Write s on the blank if the noun is singular.

    Write p on the blank if the noun is plural.

    (7) __________ shirt (10) __________ boxes

    (8) __________ plate (11) __________ truck

    (9) __________ stories (12) __________ potatoes

    Underline the subject noun of each sentence.

    (13) Our flowers are blooming.

    (14) Is your mother coming today?

    (15) Jennifer is one of my friends.

    Unit # 39

    Mastery Score: 15Minimum Score: 13


  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 8 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    Underline the subject noun of each sentence and draw two

    lines under the action or state-of-being verb of each sentence.

    (1-2) The cat chased the mouse.

    (3-4) Mothers give the best hugs.

    (5-6) My aunt is careful with her baby.

    (7-8) The dog was here this morning.

    (9-10) The wind blew last night.

    Each sentence below has two adjectives and at least one article.

    Underline the adjectives and articles in these sentences.

    (1-3) The fun and wacky ride is for kids older than five.

    (4-7) Hannah gave her Mommy a big wet kiss on the cheek.

    (8-10) Orange and yellow crayons lay on the floor.

    Underline the rightpronoun in each sentence.

    (11) The teacher gave (him, we, my) an A.

    (12) That lunch box is (she, mine, them).

    (13) The cook baked (her, she, he) own birthday cake.

    (14) (We, Us, Them) are going to town.Unit # 41

    Mastery Score: 14Minimum Score: 11


    Unit # 40

    Mastery Score: 10Minimum Score: 8


  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 9 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    Underline theprepositional phrase in each sentence.

    (1) I found three quarters on the ground.

    (2) An acorn fell from the tree.

    (30) A squirrel is near the fence.

    Underline the two adverbs in each sentence.

    (4-5) The door closed quite abruptly.

    (6-7) The children dressed very quickly.

    (8-9) The news came rather suddenly.

    Underline the interjection in each sentence.

    (10) Wow, what an incredible prize!

    (11) Hooray, we won the game!

    (12) Whew, it is hot today!

    Underline the conjunction in each sentence.

    (13) May I have an apple and an orange?

    (14) I was hot; yet the air was cool.

    (15) Neither rain nor snow stops the mailman.

    Unit # 42

    Mastery Score: 15Minimum Score: 13


  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 10 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    Write the contraction for the two words._________________________

    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    (1) she is _________________________


    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    (2) will not _________________________


    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    (3) is not _________________________

    __________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    (4) I would _________________________

    Rewrite the sentence making the underlined word show


    (5) The bike of Michael has been found.


    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


    (6) The fish Father has is the biggest.________________________________________________________________

    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


    Continue on to the next page.

  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 11 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    Unit # 43

    Mastery Score: 15Minimum Score: 13


    Cross outeach letter which should be a capital letter.

    Write the capital letter above it. There are three changes in

    each sentence.

    (7-9) december 25 is christmas in america.

    (10-12) Last week I read swiss family robinson.

    (13-15) mr. john bunyan wrote the book.

    Put quotation marks in these sentences where needed.

    There are two sets of quotation marks.

    (1) The fireworks are beautiful! exclaimed Mother.

    (2) The teacher said, Quiet please.

    Put commas and colons in these sentences where needed.

    There are seven commas and one colon needed.

    (3-4) Our graduation ceremony will be held on Saturday May

    22 2010.

    (5-7) I would like the following a hamburger fries and a soda.

    (8) David it was good to hear from you again.

    (9-10) James works with boats airplanes and railroads.

  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 12 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    Draw a linebetween synonyms.

    Draw a linebetween antonyms.

    Underline the two abbreviations in these sentences. Above the

    abbreviation, write the word for the abbreviation.

    (11) Read the questions on p. 33 and answer them in yournotebook.

    (12) Follow this road to Second St., then turn left.

    Unit # 44

    Mastery Score: 12

    Minimum Score: 10


    (1) begin




    (3) sick (4) shy

    (2) rich










  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 13 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    In each sentence underline the correct homonym.

    (5) We chopped a pile of (wood, would).

    (6) We (eight, ate) lunch at noon.

    Unit # 45

    Mastery Score: 6

    Minimum Score: 5Score______

    Underline the correct wordin each sentence.

    (1) Mother went (to, too, two) town on Saturday.

    (2) I have (to, too, two) new books on my shelf.

    (3) Will he (let, leave) him go to the game?

    (4) My brother is anxious to (let, leave).

    (5) (Its, Its) a beautiful day!

    (6) The puppy chased (its, its) tail.

    (7) Please sit over (there, their, theyre).

    (8) (There, Their, Theyre) ready to go to the lake.

    (9) (Your, Youre) friend is here.

    (10) (Your, Youre) my best friend.

    (11) My dog (isnt, arent) going to bury his bone.

    (12) (Isnt, Arent) you going to the concert tonight?

  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 14 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    (13) We (werent, wasnt) able to find the lost cat.

    (14) He (werent, wasnt) so sure of himself.

    (15) How can three people (has, have) a ball game?

    (16) She (has, have) a new bicycle.

    (17) Everyone can (do, does) something helpful.

    (18) (Do, Does) your puppy have a name?

    (19) (A, An) bird was sitting in the tree.

    (20) The bird was (a, an) owl.

    (21) I (learn, teach) much from my parents.

    (22) Mother will (learn, teach) me how to cook.

    (23) Grandmother (sit, set) the table for dinner.

    (24) I must (sit, set) down to eat.

    (25) The dogs were (laying, lying) under the tree.

    (26) Mother must (lay, lie) down to rest.

    (27) I watch the sun (raise, rise) every morning.

    (28) (Raise, Rise) your hand if you need help.

    Unit # 46MasteryScore: 28

    MinimumScore: 24Score_____

  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 15 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    Underline the correct wordfor each sentence.

    (1) Please (write, wrote, written) neatly when doing your


    (2) When the bell (ring, rang, rung), the children quieted


    (3) I have (see, saw, seen) your wonderful report.

    (4) My tomatoes are (grow, grew, grown) already.

    (5) I will have it (do, did, done) in five minutes.

    (6) The class (begin, began, begun) at exactly six oclock.

    (7) Mother (go, went, gone) to the store this morning.

    (8) He has (know, knew, known) about this for at least aweek.

    Unit # 47Mastery Score: 8

    Minimum Score: 6


  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 16 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    Correctly identify the parts of a business Letter.

    Choose the Answers from this list:

    Inside Address - Signature - Heading

    Closing - Greeting - Body

    (1) 123 Gregory Lane ________________

    Uplift City, OH 54321

    June 28, 1999

    (2) Johnsons Bookstore _________________321 School Lane

    Uplift City, OH 54321

    (3) Dear Sir: _________________

    (4) Please send me a list of all of the _________________

    High school materials that you have.I would appreciate this information

    as soon as possible.

    (5) Sincerely, _________________

    (6) Mr. Fisher ________________

    Unit # 48

    Mastery Score: 6Minimum Score: 5


  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 17 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    Markeach sentence with the correct end punctuationperiod,

    question mark, or exclamation point.

    On the line, write what kind of sentence it isdeclarative,interrogative, orexclamatory.

    (1-2) Have you hugged your dog today ________________

    (3-4) Look out ________________

    (5-6) He is a cheerful worker ________________

    Using the guide words, underline the words which would be

    found on this dictionary page.

    before best

    (7) blend (8) band (9) between (10) big

    (11) been (12) begin (13) beggar (14) belief

    (15) belong (16) belt (17) began (18) blind

    Unit # 49

    Mastery Score: 18Minimum Score: 15


  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 18 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    Underline the subject noun once; then underline all

    other nouns twice. Each sentence has two nouns other than the

    subject noun.

    (1-2) Susie went to the park with her family.

    (4-6) She played on the swing and the slide.

    (7-9) The little children read stories about animals.

    Make these plural nouns singular.

    (12) donkey

    (10) dollies

    (13) lily

    (11) sheep

    Underline the verb in each sentence.

    (1) David has been an example for us.

    (2) David was thankful and full of joy.

    (3) We have souvenirs from our vacation for our friends.

    Make these singular nounsplural.

    Unit # 50Mastery Score: 13

    Minimum Score: 11


  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 19 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    Underline the helping verb; then underline the main verb. You

    will have underlined a verb phrase.

    (4) Have you been here before?

    (5) My baby is being very loud today.

    Complete this chart by giving the missing form of each regular


    Unit # 51

    Mastery Score: 9Minimum Score: 7


    Present Present Participle Past Past Participle

    (6) cook (helping verb)cooking ________________ (helping verb) cooked

    (7)jump (helping verb)jumping jumped (helping verb) __________

    (8)_________ (helping verb)playing played (helping verb) played

    (9) wish (helping verb)____________ wished (helping verb) wished

  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 20 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    Continue on to the next page.

    Present Present Participle Past Past Participle

    (6) run (helping verb)running ________________ (helping verb)run

    (7) hold (helping verb)___________ held (helping verb) held

    (8) know (helping verb)knowing knew (helping verb) _________

    (9) begin (helping verb)____________ began (helping verb) begun

    Complete this chart with the correct forms of these irregular


    Diagramthe subject and verb in each sentence.

    (1-2) He jumped the fence.

    (3-4) Our parents love us.

  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 21 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    Diagramthe subjectpronoun and verb in each sentence.

    (1-2) He learned about Michaels illness.

    (3-4)She sits quietly on the chair.

    On the line write singular if the noun and verb are singular.

    Write plural if the noun and verb are plural.

    (9) Composers write beautiful music for people to enjoy.


    (10) The doctor knows how to help people.


    Unit # 52

    Mastery Score: 10

    Minimum Score: 8


  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 22 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    On the blank, write singular if the subject pronoun and verb

    are singular. Write plural if the subject pronoun and verb are


    (5)They ate fruit at lunch._________________________

    (6) I sing to my kitten._________________________

    Underline the interrogative pronoun in the sentence.

    (7) Whom did he ask to go?

    Underline the demonstrative pronoun in the sentence.

    (8) Is that your coat on the chair?

    Underline the indefinite pronoun in the sentence.

    (9) Some of us are hungry.

    Underline the subjective case pronoun in the sentence.(10) (This, It, Others) will make Mother happy.

    Underline the objective case pronoun in the sentence.

    (11) Dad will take you and (I, me, Nate).

    Underline thepossessive case pronoun in the sentence.

    (12) Mother has found (each, you, my) sweater.

    Unit # 53

    Mastery Score: 12Minimum Score: 10


  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 23 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    Diagram the subject noun, action verb or verb phrase, and di-

    rect object (noun) in each sentence.

    (1-3) Bakers make fancy cakes.

    (4-6)They had planted many flowers.

    Diagram the subject pronoun, action verb or verb phrase, and

    direct object (pronoun) in each sentence.

    (7-9) She is baking it for Father.

    (10-12) We helped them paint.

    Unit # 54

    Mastery Score: 12Minimum Score: 10


  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 24 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    Lines have been drawn to indicate the simple subject and the

    simple predicate in each sentence.

    Draw a line dividing the complete subject from the complete


    (1) The children visited the zoo.

    (2) Many people enjoy beautiful painting.

    Diagram the simple subject, the action verb, and the direct


    (3-5)She called her brother. (6-8)Did you obey Father?

    Diagramthe simple subject, the state-of-being verb or verbphrase, and the predicate noun or predicate pronoun.

    (9-11) The scarf is Mothers. (12-14) You will be a teacher.

    Unit # 55

    Mastery Score: 14Minimum Score: 11


  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 25 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    Underlinethe adjectives, including articles, in this story. There

    are 13 adjectives.

    (1-13) Violet gazed at the starry sky. She saw the beautiful

    stars. It made her think about one wonderful night when herDaddy showed her many twinkling stars. They lit up the big,

    dark sky that night.

    Draw a line dividing the complete subject from the complete

    predicate in each sentence.

    Write A above the predicate adjective.

    (14-15) Sarah was dedicated in all her work.

    (16-17) We must be careful in the car.

    Diagram the simple subject, the simple predicate, and the

    predicate adjective in each sentence.

    (18-20) Peters courage was strong.

    (21-23) Was John being mean?

    Unit # 56

    Mastery Score: 23

    Minimum Score: 18


  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 26 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    Underline the adverb in each sentence.

    (1) The red balloon floated up.

    (2) Janie sang beautifully.

    Change these adjectives to adverbs.

    (3) gentle _____________ (4) glad _____________

    (5) bright _____________ (6) colorful_____________

    Underline the correct form of comparison for the adjective or

    adverb in each sentence.

    (7) Matthew is (more talented, talented) than he used to be.

    (8) Sharon sang the song (good, well).

    Diagram the noun with its adjectives.

    (9-11) a blue pen

  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 27 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    Underline the coordinating conjunction in each sentence.

    (1)Samantha wanted a beautiful garden, but she did not own

    any land.

    (2) Samantha and her sister planted a garden at her sisters


    Diagram these adverbs and the words they describe.

    (12-13) run fast (14-15) too soon (16-17) very sweet

    In each sentence a word has been underlined and an arrow

    drawn to the word it describes.

    Decide whether the underlined word is an adjective or anadverb.

    Write adjective or adverb on the line.

    (18) Lynette sang beautifully. ___________________

    (19) Jack has exceptional talents. ___________________

    Unit # 57

    Mastery Score: 19

    Minimum Score: 15


  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 28 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    Underline the interjection in this sentence.

    (3) Oh, what beautiful stars!

    In this sentence set off each prepositional phrase with

    parentheses ( ); then draw lines under the words which form the

    subjectaction verb sentence pattern.

    (4) As the rain began, the people ran into the nearest building.

    In this sentence set off each prepositional phrase with

    parentheses ( ); then draw lines under the words which form the

    subjectaction verbdirect object sentence pattern.

    (5) The bell in the tower warned the villagers of fire.

    In this sentence set off each prepositional phrase with

    parentheses ( ); then draw lines under the words which form the

    subjectstate-of-being verbpredicate noun sentence pattern.

    (6) He is the top player in the league.

    In this sentence set off each prepositional phrase with

    parentheses ( ); then draw lines under the words which form the

    subjectstate-of-being verbpredicate adjective sentence


    (7) That pregnant dog is ready to deliver her puppies.

  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 29 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    Cross out each letter which should be a capital letter; then write

    the capital letter above it. There are three changes in each sen-


    (1-3) Jim and daniel went to philadelphia on saturday.

    (4-6) On monday, rebekah and i went shopping.

    Choose the correct verb and underline it.

    (8) Bob (laid, lay) down his book.

    (9) Has the bread (raised, risen) yet?

    (10) (Can, May) I hold the kitten?

    (11) Will you (leave, let ) me here?

    Diagram this prepositional phrase.

    (12-15) with all their help

    Unit # 58Mastery Score: 15Minimum Score: 12


  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 30 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    Put commas and colons where needed in these sentences. There

    are four commas and one colon needed.

    (7) Father gets up at 6 30 every morning.

    (8-9) We visited the art museum the courthouse and city hall.

    (10) Bruce taught the children to read and Jane taught them

    many songs.

    (11) The Smiths took a trip to Boston Massachusetts.

    Put quotation marks and underlines where needed in each sen-

    tence. There are two sets of quotation marks and one underline


    (12-13) Where, asked Dorothy, did you put the ice cream,


    (14) The Red Door is a book I read in fourth grade.

    Unit # 59

    Mastery Score: 14

    Minimum Score: 11


  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 31 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    Put an apostrophe where needed in each sentence.

    (1) Wasnt that game fun?

    (2) That little girls face is full of ice cream.

    Decide whether the pair of words aresynonyms, antonyms,

    homonyms, orheteronyms. On the line write syn for syno-

    nym, ant for antonym, hom for homonym, and het for


    (3) screamyell __________ (6) updown __________

    (4) fullempty __________ (7) jumphop __________

    (5) readread __________ (8) sewso __________

    In this paragraph, cross out the sentence which does not tell

    about the topic sentence.

    (9) Cats are animals with four feet and fur. Cats make very

    nice pets. Dogs are pets, too. There are long hair cats and

    short hair cats. Cats often like to curl up on someones lap and

    take a nap.

  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 32 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    Write a friendly letter to David Williams, 897 Frederick Blvd.

    New York, NY 55555. Include your address and include a

    proper closing.

    (11) _________________

    (12) __________________________________________________________________________________




    (10) _________________



    (13) _________________

    (14) _________________




    (15) __________________



    (16) _____________________



  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 33 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    Unit # 60

    Mastery Score: 21Minimum Score: 17


    (18) _________________

    (19) __________________________________________________________________________________










    (17) _________________



    (20) _________________

    (21) _________________

    Use your address to write a business letter to the Bridgeway

    Academy, 334 Second Street, Catasauqua, PA 18032, asking for

    information on their computer and on-line courses for home

    schooling students.

  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 34 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    (1) fox

    (2) far

    Using the guide words below, underline the words which would

    be considered entry words on this dictionary page.

    (5) fix

    (6) flaw

    Draw one line under the simple subject and two lines under the

    simple predicate in each sentence. Then, draw a line dividing

    the complete subject from the complete predicate.

    (12) The boy went downtown.

    (13) Dogs are running wild.

    (11) Circle the word in the list that is not in alphabetical order.







    fair fill

    (3) feet

    (4) fail

    (7) fool

    (8) fate

    (9) fish

    (10) fall

  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 35 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    Unit # 61

    Mastery Score: 17

    Minimum Score: 15


    Form the following singular nouns.

    singular singular possessive plural plural possessive

    (1-3) arm ____________ ___________ ___________

    (4-6) house ___________ ___________ ___________

    (7-9) student ___________ ___________ ___________

    Underline all three nouns in the following sentences.

    (10-12) The group, Acapella, sings without music

    (13-15) The students drove their new truck to the convention.

    Label the following pairs of words as syn for synonyms,

    ant for antonyms, hom for homonyms, or het for


    (14) __________ chordcord (16) __________ sweetsour

    (15) __________ lead-lead (17) __________ talestory

    Unit # 62

    Mastery Score: 15Minimum Score: 12


  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 36 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    Draw two lines under the verb in each sentence. Label itAVfor

    action verb orLVfor linking verb. Draw one line under and la-

    bel the direct objects DO, draw one line under and label the

    indirect objects IO, draw one line under and label the predi-cate nouns PN, and draw one line under and label the predi-

    cate adjectives, PA.

    (1-2) David drove his car to the meeting.

    (3-5) Mark gave me the soda when he heard me coughing.

    (6-7) The soda was a Sprite.

    (8-9) Sprite is much too sweet.

    Diagram the following sentences.

    (10) The dog ate his food.

    (11) My chair is broken

    Unit # 63

    Mastery Score: 11

    Minimum Score: 9


  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 37 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    Underline the subjective case pronouns in the following


    (1) Grandpa, you should have seen the fish I caught yesterday.

    (2) It was a rainy day but the fish were hungry.

    (3) They were tugging on our fishing line.

    Underline the objective case pronouns in the following sen-


    (4) Sharon went to the grocery store with mother and me.

    (5) It was nice to have my big sister go to the store with us.(6) Mother bought her a new mop for her new home.

    Underline the possessive case pronouns in the following sen-


    (7) I am thankful for my grandparents.

    (8) They are willing to share their home with others.

    (9) This same kind of hospitality can be yours, too.

    Underline the interrogative pronoun.

    (10) Which book belongs to Joey?

    Underline the relative pronoun.

    (11) The book that I have is the same as Joeys.

    Underline the demonstrative pronoun.

    (12) These books are the same.Unit # 64

    Mastery Score: 12

    Minimum Score: 9


  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 38 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    Complete this chart by giving the missing forms of these verbs.

    Present Present Participle Past Past Participle

    (1-2) talk ______________ talked _________________(3-4) ______ asking _______ have asked

    Fill in each blank with the tense of the verb indicated.

    (5) Jenny______________an oral report on Friday. past tense of give

    (6) She_______________to earn an award. present tense of want

    (7) She and her parents______________a concert. past tense of attend

    Draw two lines under the verb in each sentence. On the line

    write present, past, or future to indicate the tense of the


    (8-9) Years ago, the Wright brothers built the first airplane. __________

    (10-11) Adam wants a cookie after his meal. __________

    (12-13) Mary is going to the store with Mother. __________

    Complete the chart by giving the missing forms of these verbs.

    Present Present Participle Past Past Participle

    (14-15) freeze (were) freezing _________ (has)___________________

    (16-17) get (am) getting _________ (had)__________________

    (18-19) go (is) going _________ (have)_________________

    (20-21) know (are) knowing _________ (has)__________________

    Unit # 65

    Mastery Score: 21

    Minimum Score: 17


  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 39 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    Underline all of the adjectives including articles in the following


    (1-8) The sweet, little, blond girl with the big blue eyes sang in the festival.

    (9-11) The silver coins fell out of her wallet when she dropped it.

    Underline all of the adverbs in the following sentences.

    (12) Eating quickly, the boys rushed to beat the crowds.

    (13) They wanted to be safely seated before the game started.

    (14) The team can play better when they are at home.

    Underline the correct verb in the following sentences. Be sure

    your verb agrees with the subject.

    (1) My mother ( is, are ) a wonderful person.

    (2) She always ( take, takes ) time out of her day when we need her.

    (3) We ( are, am ) grateful to have her.

    (4) All of my brothers and sisters and I ( say, says ) she is our best friend.

    (5) An empty film case was ( sitting, setting ) on my dresser.

    (6) Hundreds of coins ( lie, lay ) on my closet floor.

    (7) Hot air ( raises, rises ); cold does not.

    (8) The group of children ( was, were ) running down the hall.

    (9) Fruit, vegetables, fish, and chicken ( are, is ) good for you.

    (10) All flowers ( make, makes ) me sneeze. Unit # 66Mastery Score: 10

    Minimum Score: 8


  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 40 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    Underline the conjunctions and interjections in the following sentences.

    (15) Yikes! Were going to be late.

    (16) We did our best to be on time but the traffic was terrible.

    Underline the prepositional phrases. There are two in each sentence.

    (17-18) I sat beside the pitcher on the bus

    (19-20) We read about him in a news story.

    Unit # 67Mastery Score:20

    Minimum Score: 16


    Label the underlined word with its part of speech (noun, pronoun, verb,adjective, adverb).

    (1) __________. Michael is now the youngest child in our family.

    (2) __________. He has two sisters.

    (3) __________. When he cries, he cries so softly that we dont hear him.

    (4) __________. His Mom and Dad were excited when he was born.

    (5) __________. They called everyone to share the awesome news.

    Label the underlined word with its part of speech (interjection,

    preposition, conjunction).

    (6) ___________. Help! My flashlight went out; I cant see!

    (7) ___________. These batteries came with the flashlight when I boughtit yesterday.

    (8) ___________. I guess using it all night last night and tonight wore

    them out.

  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 41 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    Diagram the following sentences. Be sure to place all of the modifiers

    under the word they are describing.

    (9-13) The baby can drink her milk from a cup.

    (14-15) The bottle is too difficult for her.

    Proofread the following paragraph. Correct capitalization and punctua-

    tion (quotation marks, end punctuation, semi-colons, colons, apostro-

    phes, commas) errors. There are two sets of quotation marks, six capi-

    talization changes, one colon, one semi-colon, one apostrophe, one ex-

    clamation point, one comma and three periods needed.

    my teacher is convinced that I can do anything. She said, You are too

    talented to sit around and twiddle your thumbsit is time to get busy I

    was surprised that she was so sure about it. she made me memorize the

    following speeches the declaration of independence Patrick henrys

    speech and the commencement address that C.S. Lewis gave. Lewis

    speech was the easiest he simply said, Try, try, try I guess that was themessage she really wanted me to get

    Unit # 68

    Mastery Score: 17Minimum Score: 14


    Unit # 69

    Mastery Score: 16

    Minimum Score: 13


  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 42 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    Underline the prepositional phrase in each sentence. On the

    line, indicate whether it is used as an adjective or and adverb.

    (1) _______________. I made the chicken in the oven.

    (2) (a) _________________. The sauce for the chicken is a

    white cream sauce made with cheese

    (b) _________________

    Underline the three clauses in the following sentence.

    (3-5) I pounded the chicken first, then browned it on the stove

    before I put it in the oven.

    Underline the topic sentence of the following paragraph.

    (6) No matter what we do, the fish in our tank keep dying. We

    feed them every day, clean the tank twice a month and always

    watch for algae. We even bought two bottom feeders to try tokeep things clean. But we still must be doing something wrong

    because Bubba, our oldest fish, died this morning.

    Unit # 70

    Mastery Score:7

    Minimum Score: 6


  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 43 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    Organize the following pre-writing lists into an organized

    outline by placing letters and numbers where necessary.

    Underline the prepositional phrase in each sentence. On the line

    write adjective or adverb to indicate how it is used.

    (1-2) The flowers of spring smell lovely.

    (3-4) We saw a field of yellow daisies.

    (5-6) The weeds grew in the yard.

    Underline the two clauses in this sentence.

    (7-8) Willie sped down the hill on his bike, and Spike raced

    along behind.

    In each sentence, underline the special introductory word and

    clause that follows it.

    (9) Patience and perseverance are two character traits which I

    want to learn.

    (10) Our teacher is the one who will speak next.

    Underline the topic sentence of this paragraph.

    (11) Katie was always a good girl. She always tried to be

    obedient to her parents, and was kind to the other children at

    the playground. She would help elderly neighbors with their

    Unit # 71Mastery Score: 11

    Minimum Score: 9Score______

  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 44 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    New Brunswick, Canada

    I] New Brunswick has two geographical regions

    A) Both have many rivers and streams

    1) Appalachian Region

    a) Contains wooded hills and valleys

    Coastal Lowlands


    1410 miles of coastline

    Atlantic Ocean

    Bay of Fundy

    Gulf of St. Lawrence

    Chaleur Bay

    New Brunswick has some interesting features


    Highest tides on the earth occur in the Bay of Fundy

    Water depth rises 70 feet

    Reversing Falls rapids

    The Saint John river flows backwards over a series of low


    Some of the most important things in New Brunswick

    St. Johns River

    Source is the U.S. state of Maine










    Largest City

    St. Johns

    Unit # 72

    Mastery Score: 28Minimum Score: 23


  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 45 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    Unit # 73Mastery Score: 12

    Minimum Score: 10


    Fill in the blanks with the missing forms of these regular verbs.

    Present Present Participle Past Past Participle

    (1-2) Play (am) ________ played (have) ___________

    (3-4) Jump (is) jumping _______ (has) ____________

    On the line, identify whether the group of words is a complete sentence

    or a sentence fragment.

    (1) I heard you were a strong student academically. _______________

    (2) The dog and cat. __________________

    Action/Linking Verbs

    Draw two lines under each verb. On the line, label the underlined verb

    as action or linking.

    (3-4) Have Abigail and Hannah been swimming yet? _____________

    (5-6) They are excited about the new swimming


    (7-8) They have a lot of talent.__________________________

    Draw two lines under each verb. Then, on the blank, indicate whether

    the verb has active or passive voice.

    (9-10) Everything we need is provided for by our parents.___________

    (11-12) She loves me so much that she hugged me. ____________

  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 46 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    Fill in the blanks with the missing forms of these irregular verbs.

    Present Present Participle Past Past Participle

    (5-6) Swim (am) swimming __________ (have) _________

    (7-8) Throw (is) _________ threw (has) __________

    Draw two lines under each verb. Then identify whether the verb tense

    is present, past, or future.

    (9-10) Finally, the girls arrived at the pool. _____________________

    (11-12) They will swim in the shallow end first. _________________(13-14)They certainly do well in their swimming class. ___________

    Draw two lines under each verb. Then on the line identify whether theverb tense is written in present perfect, past perfect, or future perfect


    (1-2) The boys have become good mountain climbers._____________

    (3-4) The mountains had always seemed too tall to climb.__________

    (5-6) They will have become experts in a few years.______________

    Unit # 75

    Mastery Score: 6Minimum Score: 4


    Unit # 74

    Mastery Score: 14Minimum Score: 11


  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 47 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    On the line, indicate whether the underlined noun in each sentence is used

    as a subject, predicate nominative, object of preposition, direct ob-

    ject, or indirect object.

    (1) When Carolyn was five, she gave her doll to a homelessgirl._______________

    (2) She also gave Rebecca a book. ________________________

    (3) Markrealized that Gracies father was dedicated to serving the commu-

    nity. ____________________

    (4) Hard work left little time for games. __________________

    (5) Kyle became Kates walkingbuddy after he met her._____________

    Fill in the blanks with the missing forms of these nouns.

    Singular Singular Possessive Plural Plural Possessive

    (6-7) Car __________ cars ____________

    (8-9) Man mans ___________ ____________

    (10-11) Sheep _________ sheep ____________

    On the line, identify whether the underlined verb is:

    transitive (verb has a direct object) or

    intransitive(verb has no direct object).

    (12) Timmy knows his multiplication tables. ___________________

    (13) When he recites them, everyone listens. __________________

    Unit # 76

    Mastery Score: 13

    Minimum Score: 11


  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 48 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    Underline the nominative case personal pronoun in each sentence. On

    the line, identify whether the pronoun is used as a subject or

    predicate nominative.

    (1-2) What a strong guy is he!__________________________(3-4) He can pull a wagon with six kids in it!___________________

    Underline the objective case personal pronoun in each sentence. On the

    line, identify whether the pronoun is used as a direct object, indirect

    object, object of preposition.

    (5-6) Have any of you seen him pull the wagon?__________________

    (7-8) The time Thomas pulled Dad out of the mud gave him such areputation.__________________________

    (9-10) Thomas incredible strength keeps him safe. ______________

    On the line identify whether the underlined pronoun is a

    demonstrative, interrogative, relative, or reflexive pronoun.

    (11) This is the clock that Richard has made. __________________

    (12) We can thank our parents, whose love forus is very strong. __________________

    (13) What kind of candy is this? __________________

    (14) We can enjoy ourselves by telling

    funny stories. ___________________

    Unit # 77

    Mastery Score: 14

    Minimum Score: 11


  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 49 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    Above each underlined word, label (AV) for adverb and (AJ)

    for adjective.

    (1-3) Emily helped her Mom in order to finish the job quickly.

    (4-6) The dark stain washed completely out of the white shirt.

    On the blank, write the correct degree of comparison for the word at the

    end of the sentence.

    (7) Jacob is the __________________boy in the family. (young)

    (8) Matthew is the _____________________ of everyone. (active)

    (9) Andrews hair is _____________________ than James. (blond)

    On the line, identify whether the underlined word is used as a preposi-

    tion, conjunction, or interjection.

    (10) I went to the beach by following the sand trail._____________

    (11) Help! I keep getting bowled over by the waves.____________(12) Swimming and building sand castles are the most popular beach

    activities. _______________Unit # 78

    Mastery Score: 12

    Minimum Score: 10


    On the line, identify the underlined words part of speechnoun, verb,

    pronoun, adjective, adverb, preposition, interjection, or conjunction.

    (1) My most recent story is about Gettysburg. __________________________

    (2) The main character in the story is a young soldier

    from Harrisburg. __________________________

  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 50 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    Diagram the following compound and complex sentences.

    (1-4) Andrew lifted his sister and she saw the fireworks clearly.


    (3) He is overwhelmed by the war __________________________

    (4) He wonders how anyone can kill a fellow countryman.


    (5) His letters are filled with uncertainty.


    (6) Alas! He is unable to escape the terror of the battle.


    (7) He throws himself on top of his friend in order to save him.


    (8) Both men recovered slowly from the anxiety of the battle.


    Unit # 79

    Mastery Score: 8

    Minimum Score: 6



  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 51 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    Underline the infinitive in this sentence.

    (10) Abigail loves to read biographies.

    Underline the participle used as an adjective in this sentence.

    (11) The sleeping baby is refreshing herself.

    Underline the gerund in this sentence.

    (12) Finishing the six-mile race is something to be proud of!

    Underline the introductory word of the noun clause.

    (13) Can you see what is in the water?

    Underline the introductory word of the adjective clause.

    (14) The girls, who love to sing, will begin the concert.

    Underline the introductory word of the adverb clause.

    (15) Hannah sped far ahead, until she tripped over the log.

    (5-6) Madeline knew what would happen next.

    Unit # 80 Mastery Score: 15 Minimum Score: 13 Score______

    Madeline knew

  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 52 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    Add quotation marks and end punctuation for each quotation in these


    (1-2) I now pronounce you husband and wife said the officiating


    (3-4) What a wonderful day said the new married couple.

    Put semicolons, colons, apostrophes, and hyphens where needed in

    these sentences. One of each is needed.

    (5) My sister is very happy she got married today.

    (6) She d love to keep all thirty five flowers!

    (7) She will fly out for her honeymoon at 6 30

    Unit # 81Mastery Score: 7

    Minimum Score: 5


    In each of the following sentences, draw one line under the subject and

    two lines under the verb.

    (1-2) Max has provided all the party food.

    (3-4) Into the hoop, the basketball went.

    Label the following sentences as declarative, interrogative, exclama-

    tory, or imperative. Place ending punctuation where needed.

    (5) Thomas loves his baby sister ______________

    (6) Emily, watch out for that wall ______________

    (7) When was Madeline born __________________

    (8) Go wash your hands before picking up the baby __________________

  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 53 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    (14-24) Proofread the following letter. There are eleven errors.

    322 Highland Ave.Big Heart, MA 55545

    january 26, 1999

    Deer joshua,

    you are cordially invited to a surprise goodbye Party for jacob

    shelheimer. The party will be held at covered bridge park on

    Saturdey, February 27, at 11:00 AM. Please respond as soon as



    Mrs. Shelheimer

    Label the following sentence as active or passive voice.

    (9) The flowers were given as an act of friendship._______________

    (10) They gave them the flowers to show their friendship. _____________

    On the line, identify the sentence as simple, compound, or complex.

    (11) James took the clock apart. _______________

    (12) After pulling out the workings,

    he found the problem. ______________

    (13) The clock needed tightening and

    it needed a new battery. ______________

  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 54 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    Unit # 82Mastery Score: 28

    Minimum Score: 23


    (25) _____________________________________



    (26) _______________________________

    (27) __________________________________________________________________________




    (28) _____________________________________


    Fill in the blank with the correct answer from the list below.

    Guide Entry Title

    (1) Words listed in alphabetical order in the dictionary are

    called _______ words.

    (2) Words at the top of a dictionary page are called __________ words.

    Write a letter of acceptance for this invitation.

  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 55 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    Read the paragraph and place a check beside the sentence that is the

    topic of the paragraph.

    (3) Many senior citizens find themselves feeling lonely and forgotten.

    Often, they do not know where to turn for comfort. We can help by tak-ing the time to show that we care. If you know an older person who

    lives alone or in a nursing home, visiting them might be just the thing to

    cheer them up. By making an effort to talk and laugh with them regu-

    larly, after awhile they may not feel lonely anymore!

    ______ Many people are lonely

    ______ By spending time with older people, we have the ability

    to help them feel loved and appreciated.

    ______ Laughing with someone makes us happy.

    Read the following paragraphs and answer the questions below.

    Jacob couldnt believe the beauty of the ocean. The calm, lapping

    waves moved gently into the golden sand. As he gazed across the deepwaters, he admired the soft orange hues of the setting sun. The peaceful

    scene made him feel rested and refreshed.

    There are many techniques for stopping the hiccups. Some believe you

    must simply hold your breath; others say it is best to drink water; and

    still others are convinced you simply need to stand on one foot. In my

    opinion, the best way to stop the hiccups is a combination of many

    methods. First, get a glass of water. Then, lay down and have someone

    plug your ears while you hold your breath. After 30 seconds, drink thewater while your assistant continues to plug your ears. It works every


    (1) The first paragraph was (a description, an explanation).

    (2) The second paragraph was (a description, an explanation).

    Unit # 83Mastery Score: 3

    Minimum Score: 2Score______

  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 56 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    (3-18). Decide which of these are the main topics, sub-topics,

    and points and complete the outline.

    II] Write an outline.

    A. Select a topic that interests you.

    C. Arrange the ideas in the best order.

    1. Cross out each part of the outline as you write it in your


    III] Write your rough draft.

    A. Make sure the composition is in the best order

    I] Choose an interesting topic.B. Use strong transitions between points to help the composition flow


    1. The more interested you are, the more you will enjoy writing about

    your topic.

    C. Check that each sentence is clear and complete.

    B. Select a topic for which you can find information.

    C. Write clear sentences.2. Cross out the ideas that will not support your topic well.

    A. Follow your outline.

    B. Choose ideas that best support your topic.

    C. Select a topic that you know well.

    A. Pre-write by writing down all of your ideas.

    B. Make sure each sentence supports the topic.

    1. Highlight the ideas you want to use.

    IV] Revise

  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 57 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    Unit # 84

    Mastery Score: 13Minimum Score: 11


    How to Write a Composition

    I] Choose an interesting topic_____________________________________________________________________________

    1. _______________________________________________________________



    II] Write an Outline_____________________________________________________________________________





    III] Write the Composition_____________________________________________________________________________




    IV] Revise_____________________________________________________________________________



  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 58 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    On the line write sentence or fragment to indicate whether the

    group of words is a complete sentence or a sentence fragment.

    (1) I want to be an honest leader. __________________

    (2) Unto me. __________________

    (3) I should be a good example to other students.__________________

    (4) Had the correct spelling. __________________

    (5) His hope for the future. __________________

    Place the correct punctuation after each sentence. On the line indicate

    whether the sentence is declarative, interrogative, exclamatory, or im-


    (6) Which famous authors have we studied this year _______________

    (7) The stories were based upon mythical characters ______________

    (8) How much we appreciate her character ______________

    (9) Rememberthat was your homework assignment ______________

    Draw one line under the subject and two lines under the complete verb

    in each sentence.

    (10) A friend found Mr. Harrisons books.

    (11) Once, because of a robbery, all of his valuables were taken from

    his home.

  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 59 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    Diagram the subject and the compound verb of this sentence.

    (18-21) The boys fish in the lake and wander along the trails.

    In each sentence draw one line under the subject and two lines under

    the verb or helping verb that agrees in number with the subject.

    (12) Into the park ( goes, go ) two fishermen.

    (13) Andrew and Michael ( is, are ) avid fishermen.

    Diagram the compound subject and the verb of this sentence.

    (14-17) Andrew and Michael went to the lake.

    Unit # 85

    Mastery Score: 21Minimum Score: 18


  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 60 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    6. Andrew wrote a letter to his friend.

    Draw two lines under each verb in the sentence. On the line, indicate

    whether the verb is action or linking.

    1-2. Young Andrew was surrounded by nature. _______________

    3-4. Andrew remained a happy fisherman. _______________

    Diagram the sentences below.

    5. Andrew loves the forest

    7. Andrew sent Peggy a letter of comfort

  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 61 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    Draw one line under the subject and two lines under the linking verb.

    (8) A motivated worker is not lazy.

    (9) Andrew was a motivated, dependable student in the classroom.

    A line has been drawn under the verb. On the line, indicate whether the

    verb is transitive or intransitive.

    (10) Andrew dusts the shelves and books in the classroom. _________

    (11) Andrew also works in the bookstore down the street. __________

    Draw two lines under each verb. On the line, indicate whether the verb

    is active or passive.

    (12-13) Sometimes Andrew catches fish. _________________

    (14-15) Andrew is taught the necessary fishing skills

    by his father. __________________

    Unit # 86

    Mastery Score: 15

    Minimum Score: 13


  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 62 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    Unit # 87

    Mastery Score: 21Minimum Score: 18


    Complete this chart by giving the missing forms of these regular and ir-

    regular verbs.

    Present Present Participle Past Past Participle

    (1-3) lay _____________ ____________ ___________

    (4-6) freeze _____________ ____________ ___________

    (7-9) open _____________ ____________ ___________

    (10-12) help _____________ ____________ ___________

    Draw two lines under the correct verb form.

    (13) The water froze in the pipe and ( broke, busted ) it.

    (14) The squirrels have food now that winter has ( come, came ).

    (15) The raccoon ( stoled, stole ) food from the dogs dish.

    Draw two lines under each verb. On the line, indicate whether the verb

    is the present, past, or future tense.

    (16) Who helps my mother? ________________

    (17) What will become of the squirrel this winter? ________________

    (18) Uncle Lou inspired me to become a teacher. ________________

  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 63 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    The verb in each sentence is underlined. Indicate whether the tense of

    the verb is present, past, future, present perfect, past perfect, or future


    (1) Andrew heard his fathers instructions. ________________

    (2) He will learn those new lessons taught. ________________

    (3) Andrew is fishing in the lake today. ________________

    (4) Andrew enjoys fishing as much as his father. _______________

    (5) Andrews fatherhad fished in the same lakewhen he was young. _______________

    (6) A member of their family will have fished in

    this lake for fifty years. _______________

    Fill in the correct tense of the verb in the person indicated.

    help helping helped helped

    (7) I__________________________________ present

    (8) I__________________________________ past

    (9) I__________________________________ future

    (10) I _________________________________ present perfect

    (11) I _________________________________ past perfect

    (12) I _________________________________ future perfect

  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 64 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    Draw two lines under the correct form of the verb in the sentence.

    (19) Who ( taught, learned ) Andrew to fish?

    (20) Andrew ( set, sat ) down to rest while he fished.

    (21) He ( lets, leaves ) his sister come to the lake with him.

    (22) Andrew ( laid, lain ) his fishing rod on the ground.

    (23) He ( rose, raised ) from his seat to check the fish he had caught.

    (24) Andrew ( left, let ) the lake at noon.

    go going went gone

    (13) I _________________________________ present

    (14) I _________________________________ past

    (15) I _________________________________ future

    (16) I _________________________________ present perfect

    (17) I _________________________________ past perfect

    (18) I _________________________________ future perfect

    Unit # 88

    Mastery Score: 24

    Minimum Score: 21


  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 65 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    On the blank, write subject, predicate nominative, direct object,

    indirect object, object of preposition, appositive or direct ad-

    dress to show how the underlined noun in each sentence is used.

    (1) Andrew was a boy who loved to fish. _______________

    (2) His friends liked to go fishing with him. _______________

    (3) He gladly gave his sister his best fishing rod. _______________

    (4) Michael, a good friend, also liked to go fishing. _______________

    (5) He also liked to fish at the lake. _______________

    (6) Catching fish brought great happiness to both boys . ____________

    (7) Oh, Andrew, said Michael, I will see you at the

    lake again tomorrow. ______________

    Write the singular possessive, plural, and plural possessive of each


    Singular Plural

    Singular Possessive Plural Possessive

    (8-10) potato _____________ _____________ _____________

    (11-13) man _____________ _____________ _____________

    (14-16) story _____________ _____________ _____________

    (17-19) mouse _____________ _____________ _____________

  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 66 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    Write NC for nominative case, OC for objective case, or PC for posses-

    sive case above each personal pronoun.

    (1-2) James made an excellent choice, and by following his example, I

    can learn much about leading a dedicated life.

    (3-5) Good advice inspired him, and I will base all my decisions on

    wisdom, too.

    Underline the correct word in each sentence.

    (6) James learned that ( its, its ) wise to follow good examples.

    (7) When you follow good examples, ( youre, your ) living your life

    the way it was meant to be.

    (8) When people do the right thing, ( their, theyre ) to be rewarded.

    Draw two lines under the correct form of the verb in each sentence.

    (20) Andrew ( has, have ) been fishing at the lake.

    (21) Andrew and Michael ( love, loves ) to be together at the lake.

    (22) One story Andrews father tells ( is, are ) about the big fish that

    got away.

    (23) The boys always ( run, runs ) back home to tell about their day at

    the lake.

    (24) These boys ( remind, reminds ) me of my youth, said Andrews

    father.Unit # 89

    Mastery Score: 24Minimum Score: 22


  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 67 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    Draw two lines under the antecedent for each italicized pronoun.

    (9) Father tells stories about his fishing experiences.

    (10) Andrew thought a new fishing rod would greatly help him catchmore fish.

    (11) Michael and Andrew enjoyed theirfishing adventures.

    Write demonstrative, interrogative, relative, reflexive, or

    indefinite on the line to show what kind of pronoun the underlined

    word in each sentence is.

    (12) Whose basket of flowers is this? _____________

    (13) Everyone can learn from their past experiences. _____________

    (14) Andrew helped himself to more vegetables at lunch. __________

    (15) We must help those who are not as fortunate. _____________

    (16) These are two important items we must not forget. ____________

    Unit # 90

    Mastery Score: 16Minimum Score: 13


  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 68 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    On the line, show whether each underlined word is used as a noun, a

    verb, a pronoun, an adjective, an adverb, a preposition, a conjunction,

    or an interjection.

    (1) Father was invited to assist the boys on a fishing trip. ___________

    (2) When fully assured he would help, the boys were elated. ________

    (3) Even though the trip was short, they had a good time. __________

    (4) Thinking ahead, Father took lunch to the lake. ________________

    (5) Eventually they went fishing, and they caught several large fish.


    (6) The lake was known for having a large picnic grove. ___________

    (7) Yes, Father enjoyed the trip as much as the boys did. ___________

    (8) He was thrilled to be included in their fun at the lake. __________

    Underline the correct degree of comparison in each sentence.

    (9) Tell us about the ( more, mucher, most ) interesting story you

    have ever read.

    (10) The lake was ( calm, calmer, calmest ) than yesterday.

    (11) The trips became ( enjoyable, more enjoyable, most enjoyable )

    each time they went.

    Underline the adjectives in the sentences.

    (12) Andrew and Michael, excited and happy, prepared for the nextfishing trip.

    (13) The puppy left a large, muddy print on the kitchen floor.

  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 69 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    17. The cost of the corn is written under the shelf.

    Unit # 91

    Mastery Score: 17

    Minimum Score: 14


    Underline the adverbs in the sentences.

    (14) Mother soon discovered the muddy puppy.

    (15) Even though he had made a mess, she still loved him.

    Diagram the following sentences.

    (16) All students should read daily from their favorite books.

  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 70 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    Identify each underlined word as a noun, verb, pronoun,

    adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, or interjection.

    (1) For Andrew, every day at the lake was full

    of exciting adventures. ___________________

    (2) My, how he looked forward to each trip! ___________________

    (3) There, he enjoyed fishing. ___________________

    (4) Later in the day, this enjoyment proved

    to be very satisfying. ___________________

    (5) When Andrew was thirteen, he was

    given more responsibility. ___________________

    (6) Father appointed him head fisherman

    of the family. ___________________

    (7) Later, he took his sister to the lake and

    taught her how to fish. ___________________

    (8) His patience was rewarded, and Father

    honored his sincere efforts. ___________________

    Diagram these sentences.

    (9) The results of his patience were clearly seen in his sisters ability.

  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 71 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    Diagram this compound sentence.

    (1-10) The game amazes me; therefore, I must practice every day.

    (10) He anxiously sought his fathers opinion in this decision.

    Unit # 92

    Mastery Score:10

    Minimum Score: 8Score______

  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 72 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    On the line write S, F, or R to show whether the group of words

    is a complete sentence, a sentence fragment, or a run-on sentence.

    _____1. Out on the lake a raging storm big waves.

    _____2. Brave Andrew was frightened by the storm, his younger sister

    was also extremely frightened.

    _____3. Finally the storm passed and all was calm.

    11-20. When the boys were children, their parents nurtured their many


    Unit # 93

    Mastery Score: 20

    Minimum Score: 16



  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 73 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    Match the following.

    _____ (4) expository paragraph A. states the topic of a


    _____ (5) paragraph B. states an opinion

    _____ (6) narrative paragraph C. explains an idea, gives

    information, or tells how to

    do or make something

    _____ (7) topic sentence D. describes people, places,

    experiences, or feeling

    _____ (8) descriptive paragraph E. tells a story

    _____ (9) persuasive paragraph F. sentences about one idea or


    Unit # 94

    Mastery Score: 9

    Minimum Score: 7Score______

    Add the end punctuation, quotation marks, and commas as needed in

    the following sentences.

    (1-3) You are a wonderful fisherman exclaimed Father after the fishing


    (4-6) Andrew smiled and asked Do you really think so

    (7-11) Yes commented Father expectantly I certainly do

  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 74 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    Add underlines, quotation marks, apostrophes, hyphens, and dashes

    where needed in the following sentences.

    (12-13) The book Swiss Family Robinson tells us about the Robinsonslife on the island.

    (14-15) Diligence, dedication, and character these are just a few

    words used to describe the well known person.

    (16) Andrew enjoys singing the song The Star Spangled Banner.

    In each of the following groups, underline the option that is correctly

    punctuated and capitalized for a friendly letter or a business letter.

    (17) a. Dear sir, (18) a. 123 Uplift Lane

    b. Dear Sir: Uplift City, Uplift 99999

    June 30, 1999

    (19) a. Dear Friend, b. 123 uplift lane

    b. Dear Friend: Uplift City, uplift 99999

    June 30, 1999

    (20) a. Your Friend,

    b. Your friend,

    Unit # 95

    Mastery Score: 20

    Minimum Score: 18


  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 75 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)

    Choose a topic you would like to write about. Create an outline for

    your composition. Use main topic, subtopics, and points. Then write

    your composition. Use scratch paper for your rough drafts, then copy

    your final draft of the outline and the composition on these pages.

    Attach the rough draft copies to this sheet. Your composition should beat least three paragraphs long. Remember to use correct capitalization,

    punctuation, spelling, and grammar. If you need additional paper,

    please use notebook paper and attach the page to these pages.


  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    English Diagnostic Test page 76 Grades 6th & 7th (Units 37 - 96)


    Unit # 96

    Mastery Score: 50Minimum Score: 45


  • 8/2/2019 English TEST - 6th & 7th Grades (Units 37-96)


    End of English Diagnostic

    Units 37-96