Download - ENGLISH STUDIES JSS 2 TOPIC: Noun phrases Examples · society or county. 1.2 The rule of law. The rule of law means the supremacy of the law of the land as written in the constitution

Page 1: ENGLISH STUDIES JSS 2 TOPIC: Noun phrases Examples · society or county. 1.2 The rule of law. The rule of law means the supremacy of the law of the land as written in the constitution


TOPIC: Noun phrases

A noun phrase is a phrase that has a noun or pronoun as the main word or head. The main word in a noun phrase can be modified by possessives, articles or adjectives.


1. Our English teacher

2. My office

3. Their books

4. The big house

5. A fat man

6. A student

7. Beautiful ladies

8. Handsome boys

The group of words in a noun phrase are used as a noun. A noun phrase performs the same function as a noun. Like a noun, a noun phrase can function as:

a) The subject of a verb

The little girl is my daughter. (The little girl) functions as the subject of the verb "is"

b) The object of the verb

The man killed a Snake. (a snake) functions as the object of the verb " killed "

c) The complement of the subject

He is the head boy. (The head boy) functions as the subject complement


Complete the following sentences with a noun phrase:

1. She reads ..............

2. He opened ..............

3. .................. is mine.

4. our English teacher.

5. ................... is my dog.

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Page 2: ENGLISH STUDIES JSS 2 TOPIC: Noun phrases Examples · society or county. 1.2 The rule of law. The rule of law means the supremacy of the law of the land as written in the constitution

English Studies Jss 2

Adjectival phrases

You have been taught that an adjective is a word

That describes or qualifies a noun.


(a) A tall lady (b) A fat man (c) A big house (d) A black bird (e) A wise man

The underlined words (adjectives) describes the

noun beside them. Therefore an adjectival phrase is a

phrase that also describe or qualifies noun. It does

the same work as an adjective.


(a) The man in the car is the driver. The adjectival phrase “ in the car” describes the noun “man”

(b) The bird on that tree is a vulture. The adjectival phrase “on the tree” describes the noun “bird”

(c) The house near the bridge is mine. The adjectival phrase “ near the bridge “ describes the noun “house”


Use the following adjectival phrases to form sentences:

(1) In the garden (2) With a beautiful cover (3) Three-legged table (4) A big house (5) All the school children

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Page 3: ENGLISH STUDIES JSS 2 TOPIC: Noun phrases Examples · society or county. 1.2 The rule of law. The rule of law means the supremacy of the law of the land as written in the constitution

P.H.E. JSS2.


Environmental pollution is an undesirable change in the physical, chemical or biological characteristic of the environment. It is a change in air, water and soil that may harmfully affect life or create a potential health hazard to any living organism.


1. Air pollution

2. Water pollution

3. land pollution

4. Noise pollution


1. Air pollution can be resolved by ensuring good ventilation

2. People should live in residential area not industrial area.

3. Government should ensure regular supply of electricity.

4. Proper treatment of water before drinking.

5. Use of chemical to kill equate animals school be banned.

6. Proper observation of health ethics

7. Old engines should be allowed.


1. In brief discuss the effect of environmental pollution in twenty first century.

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Page 4: ENGLISH STUDIES JSS 2 TOPIC: Noun phrases Examples · society or county. 1.2 The rule of law. The rule of law means the supremacy of the law of the land as written in the constitution


RULE OF LAW 1.1 What are laws

laws are agreed rule and regulations set by a group, society or nation to guide the conduct of behavioural patterns that would ensure peace and progress in the land. Laws are found in constitutions, judicial decisions and legislations of parliaments. They are different from morality, traditions or public opinions which also guide social behaviours patterns among groups in a society or county.

1.2 The rule of law. The rule of law means the supremacy of the law of the land as written in the constitution proclaimed by the courts of law. The rule of law dose not allow arbitrary Judgment using ones discretions. It is the rule of law that must be applied in all considerations and by all people without exception. The rule of law is based mainly on three principles. These are the:

a. Principle of equality This states that law should be applied equally to all citizens of a county regardless of their economics, social or political status in society.

b. Principle of impartiality This affirms that the law should not be partial in dealing with offenders. No person should be punished for any offence unless he or she is found guilty by a competent courts of justice.

c. Principle of individuals rights This states that individuals should exercise their fundamental rights to seek redress in the law court whenever such rights are abused.

1.3 The benefits of the rule of law against arbitrary rules 1. The rule of law guides relationships among and between people in a

county. 2. All people, rich or poor are equal before the law, so nobody, no matter

how highly placed, can bend the law in his or her favour.

Page 5: ENGLISH STUDIES JSS 2 TOPIC: Noun phrases Examples · society or county. 1.2 The rule of law. The rule of law means the supremacy of the law of the land as written in the constitution

3. The rule of law forbids arbitrary rule by governments in power without regard for the established law of the land.

4. The rule of law disallows concentration of power in one authority because this could lead to tyranny and dictatorship.

5. The rule of law says an accused person for any offence is presumed innocent until a court of competent jurisdiction presided over by an impartial judge finds him or her guilty.

1.4 punishment for breaking the law All offences are punishable under the law these offences are categorized as civil offences or criminal offences Civil offences include traffic offences, prostitution, show of disrespect to constituted authorities, sanitation offences, libel, use of hard drugs and other offences that are not considered critical. Such offences attract fines and short sentences in detention or prison. Criminal offences include armed robbery, murder, rape, drug trafficking , bribery, corruption, examination malpractices etc. such offences attract heavy penalties when an accused has been found guilty by a competent court of justice. QUESTIONS 1. What does the legal aid council do to protect human rights? 2. Mention three ethnic unions and say what they do to protect

human rights.

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Page 6: ENGLISH STUDIES JSS 2 TOPIC: Noun phrases Examples · society or county. 1.2 The rule of law. The rule of law means the supremacy of the law of the land as written in the constitution

JSS 2.




The rise of Mali Empire began with expansionist policy of Sundiata Keita, the founder of the empire, and was complemented by other successive rules. The following were some of the factors that contributed to the rise of Mali Empire:

1. ABLE LEADERSHIP: Mali Empire was blessed with strong and able leadership. Notable among the leaders that contributed immensely to the rise and growth of Mali Empire were Sundiata Keita and Mansa Musa. These leaders established effective political administration in the empire. They also built strong military force that helped in the expansion of the empire.

2. GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION: The graphic position of the empire contributed to the growth of agriculture in the empire. The area was fertile for cultivation of food chops. The closeness of the empire to Nigeria River was another blessing. This made it possible for the transportation of bulky goods and provided water for irrigation.

3. ROLE OF ISLAM: Islam contributed also to the rise of Mali in so many ways. First, Islam brought about stability in Mali's government through activities of the mansas. Sundiata Keith and Manda Musa encouraged the growth of Islam in the empire. This led to the settlement of Islamic scholars and clerics in the empire.

4. THE ROLE OF TRADE: The absolute control of the commercial activities and the monopoly of gold trade in its producing areas of Wangara, Bambu and Bondu provided enormous wealth with which the empire grew to prominence.

5. STRONG AND LARGE ARMY: The rise of Mali Empire was facilitated by the availability of strong and large army. Through the standing army, the

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empire was able to embarrass on successful expansionist policy leading to the conquest of many territories. ASSIGNMENT DISCUSS THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF MANSA KANKAN MUSA TO THE GROWTH OF MALI EMPIRE. (NB: THE ASSIGNMENT SHOULD BE SUBMITTED THROUGH THE GIVEN EMAIL ADDRESS; [email protected]).

Page 8: ENGLISH STUDIES JSS 2 TOPIC: Noun phrases Examples · society or county. 1.2 The rule of law. The rule of law means the supremacy of the law of the land as written in the constitution


In voice training, there are two important factors about human voice that are often given proper consideration in categories of the human voice. They are:

1. RANGE: Range refers to the comfortable register of a singer. 2. COMPASS: This includes the entire vocal span of a singer in terms of his

or her highest and lowest pitches or notes.

Categories of the human voice are:

a) Soprano singer (Key C - A) b) Alto singer (Key F – C) c) Tenor singer (Key C – A) d) Bass singer (Key E – D)


Define the following musical terms:

1. Concerto 2. Sonata 3. Symphony

Note ꓽAssignment should be submitted via this email ꓽ[email protected]

Page 9: ENGLISH STUDIES JSS 2 TOPIC: Noun phrases Examples · society or county. 1.2 The rule of law. The rule of law means the supremacy of the law of the land as written in the constitution


Topic: The Last Supper (Lk22:7-20,Jn13:1-17)


Previously we have discussed the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem which he entered successfully,now he is organizing a Supper which we call the PASSOVER FEAST to eat with us showing how he willingly accepted to offer himself for our sins and our redemption and salvation as we continue doing the passover feast in remembrance of his death and resurrection.


Before the birth of Moses, the Jews celebrated the feast of passover to mark their passing from one pastoral area to another in the desert.

Moses instituted the passover to mark the liberation of the Israelites from bondage out of Egypt to the promised Land.

Today, Jesus marked the passover to institute the Holy Eucharist/ communion of Jesus, eating together with Jesus and a new covenant relationship with God. THE LAST SUPPER.

Jesus knowing about his death, prepared for the passover feast by sending two of his disciples Peter and John to go and prepare the passover hall(upper/supper room).

Jesus inaugurated the new covenant at the passover with: a.Bread and wine which are the elements. b.Jesus and his disciples representing us who are the participants. c.And the bread and wine turned to Jesus' body and blood as the meaning of the passover given for the salvation of humanity and the seal of the covenant of love is the blood of Christ.( 1cor11:23)

Thereafter their meal, Jesus washed his disciples feet as a sign of being servant leadership to show his love for them and how he wants them to treat others. Nota Bene:At the last Supper two important events happened (a) the breaking of bread and eating in communion (b) the washing of the disciples feast.


1. Give 5 significance of the last Supper of Jesus Christ. 2. Define the following terms (a)Feast of the unleavened bread (b) Passover (c) New

covenant (d) Eucharist.


Page 10: ENGLISH STUDIES JSS 2 TOPIC: Noun phrases Examples · society or county. 1.2 The rule of law. The rule of law means the supremacy of the law of the land as written in the constitution


“ Identifier les choses Nouvelles dans la communate”

Il ya beaucoup des choses Nouvelles dans la communauté maintenant.

Par examples

a) Le portable b) La television á l’ecranplat c) Les micro ondes d) Le systéme solaire e) Le tableau blanc f) L’internet g) La banque ATM h) L’ordinateur i) Le scanner du corps j) Le powerpoint

Draw and label these objects on your notebook


Make sentence with these objects in French.

please submit your work to this E-mail address [email protected]

Page 11: ENGLISH STUDIES JSS 2 TOPIC: Noun phrases Examples · society or county. 1.2 The rule of law. The rule of law means the supremacy of the law of the land as written in the constitution

SUBJECT: Cultural and Creative Art

CLASS: Jss 2

TOPIC: Painting


INTRODUCTION: Painting is by classification under fine Art and is also a two dimensional art. If you ask a layman to look at your drawing, he may say that the work is not finished, probably because you have not applied paint to it. What this implies is that unless paint or colour is applied to the work, it is not finished. In the field of painting it could be true. Drawing becomes more lively and real when colour is added to it.

Painting can be defined as an aspect of art which involves the use of colours or paints to express creative ideas on paper, board, canvas, or wall through drawings, picture making or imaginative compositions.

Painting, simply put, is drawing and shading with colour. There are various media used in painting, they include- poster colour, water colour (for wash), oil colour, acrylics, pastel (chalk or oil) etc. At the secondary school level, students are encouraged to paint in either poster colour or water colour because the two media are cheaper, easier to manage and they dry faster.


Paintings can be done from:-

i. Still- life painting – This is the painting of non living objects like table, cup, tools, shoe etc.

ii. Nature painting– The painting of fruits, leaves, insects, animal, shell, grass, etc.

iii. Figure or Life painting – This is the painting of human beings (Models)

iv. Imaginative composition – Paintings that are carried out from our imaginations

v. Mural - wall painting

vi. Abstract or geometric shapes – Abstract is painting of non representational or irregular shapes while geometric applies to basic shapes like rectangle, square and the rest, abstract painting can be in the form of depicting real objects but distorting their forms using geometric shapes.

Page 12: ENGLISH STUDIES JSS 2 TOPIC: Noun phrases Examples · society or county. 1.2 The rule of law. The rule of law means the supremacy of the law of the land as written in the constitution

vii. Landscape painting – This is also known as outdoor painting, it is the painting of scenes that include land, water (river or sea) cloud (background), trees, shrubs, rocks, hills, mountains etc.


Making a picture through painting is an extensive area of Art which gives the student a wide opportunity to explore and express themselves visually, using the materials and tools available to them.

In painting however, there are basic guides, which a beginner should know irrespective of one’s style or medium of painting. These guides cut across various kinds of paintings like: flowers, animals, landscapes, humans, etc. the basic guides include: having a theme i.e. topic for painting; having a sketch; dummy and approach to the use of a particular material (medium).

1. Choice of the theme for painting: For a beginner, students should make a choice of objects that can be easy to accomplish.

2. Have a sketch before painting: Having a sketch means drawing out major areas of the intended object or objects for painting before starting. Emphasis here should be to get the shapes and proportions as guides, before going into details in the painting.

3. Making a trial Painting: This is not compulsory but very helpful to a beginner. A trial painting is an experimental painting made of a theme for painting, which guides the painter into having the real work accomplished efficiently. Errors, which would have been made in the real work, could be avoided by the use of the trial painting. Moreso, the use of the trial painting makes the painter more confident in his ability to accomplish the work.


The materials (medium) with which one is using to paint can affect one’s technique for that work to a reasonable extent. For instance, for a successful and effective painting to be achieved, one may not be successful if the same approach to oil painting is used for water colour, pastel or mixed media painting.

A. WATER COLOUR PAINTING: Water colour is a pigment that is water-base; it makes use of water as its vehicle. It is a transparent colour; that is, one can see through the colour, the colour of the paper used in the painting, which forms part of the painting. It is important to note that the more you add water to a water colour, the lighter the colour becomes.

For a better result, the paper to be used for painting in water colour should be immersed in water and taped to the drawing board with paper-gum also called paper tape. It should be

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allowed to dry before you start any work on it. The purpose of soaking the paper for painting is to make sure that this doesn’t swell in the process of painting. Most water colour painters like to use textured papers such as “niddle-point” and “Lizard” embossed cards in order to achieve a good effect in the finishing. Ordinary cardboard papers too have been proved quite suitable for water colour painting because they easily and quickly absorb water colours; and dry fast also. But students using drawing books or sketch pads may not be able to achieve the same output.

When the paper is properly dried, draw the theme you intend to paint. Use 2B pencil and make your drawing with thin and faint lines.

Prepare your paint by mixing them appropriately; then lay out the ‘’wash’’.’’WASH’’ means mixing your colour with water. The more the water added to the colour, the lighter the wash, the less water added the darker the wash. After painting a particular tone of the wash, allow the surface to dry before painting a darker wash. It is very important to note that in water colour painting, we paint from light tones to dark tones until the finishing of the work.

It is also important to note that water colour painting when dried looks lighter than what it was when wet. You should therefore make your finished work (wash) a little darker when it is wet; so that when it dries, your finished work will be rich in colour in appearance. You should be fast in the painting process in order to catch up with the drying process of your work.

Finally, mix up colours much more than you may need for every stage of the painting. This will help you have a well achieved painting because when a particular colour mixed up is not enough, it will be difficult to get the same tone if you begin to mix another one to make up for the previous mixture.


Poster colour also called Gouache, which is Opaque water colour paint made by grinding opaque pigments in water and adding substance such as gum-Arabic and honey to form a thick paste. The effect produced is said to be TRNSLUSCENT, which is between transparent water colour and opaque oil paint.

The approach in the use of poster colours is similar to that of the water colour painting but there is a difference in the treatment of the paint or colour for use.

In as much as water is the principal agent in creating shades and tints in water colour, it does not play such a vital role in poster colour painting. Here, in poster colour painting, the colours are toned with the Neutral colours-Black and white in order to achieve the shades and the tints needed in the work.

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Oil colour painting is quite different from water colour and poster colour paintings with regard to approaches to the finished work.

While we use sable (soft) brushes for water colour and poster colour paintings, the brushes mainly used for oil colour painting are bristles (hog) brushes which are a bit hard and are suitable to move the oil colour as they are a bit viscous in nature. Viscous means that they are sticky and semi-liquid.

In oil painting, the approach to the finished work is for the artist to start his painting with darker colours and finish up the work with lighter colours. This is quite opposite as it affects the water and poster colour works where paintings are build up from light tones to dark tones.

Water colour and poster colour paintings are done mainly on papers for their durability, but oil paintings are rendered in variety of surfaces including papers, boards, canvas, metals, etc. Surfaces for oil colour painting should receive the painting freely without absorbing it or crating cracks.


Properties or characteristics of colours are qualities for which colours could be identified. The properties of colour are: HUE, VALUE and INTENSITY or CHROMA; It was Albert H. Munsell that identified the pigment colours into hue, value, intensity (chroma).

i. HUE : Hue is the quality that distinguishes one colour from another such as Red, Blue, Orange, Indigo, Green, and purple or the basic colour name or identity. The primary colours Red, Blue, Yellow and their derivatives such as the secondary and tertiary colours are all hues as they are free from the influence of the neutral colours.

It is important to note that the colour wheel or colour circle is made up of hues only i.e the primary colours and their derivatives. It was Isaac Newton that originally designed the colour wheel.

ii. VALUE : The lightness or darkness of a colour due to the effect of mixing the hues with the neutral colours in different tints and shades is referred to as Value. The basic neutral colours are black and white. When black is added or mixed with any hue, such a hue is said to be a shade. Likewise when white is mixed up with any hue, such a hue is said to be a tint. This implies that adding or mixing black with any hue produces a shade of that hue while mixing white with any hue produces a tint of that hue.

Page 15: ENGLISH STUDIES JSS 2 TOPIC: Noun phrases Examples · society or county. 1.2 The rule of law. The rule of law means the supremacy of the law of the land as written in the constitution

It is also important to note that the value of a colour can be increased or decreased by adding white or black to such colour (hue). When white is mixed with any hue, it is said that the value of such a hue is decreased. The word “TONE” is used interchangeably with value. The reason is that value of colours is derived by toning them between white and black; (the neutral colours) For example, in the terminology of Art therefore, one could say, the shade of Red is Brown while the tint of Red is Pink; likewise the shade of Blue is Navy Blue while the tint of Blue is Sky Blue.

iii. INTENSITY (CHROMA) : Intensity also known as chroma is the quality of pure hue present in a colour, which are found in colours free from neutralization. Such colours include: Red, Blue, Yellow, Purple, Orange, Indigo, Green and the tertiary colours.

Intensity has to do with colour brilliance or dullness in its pure state. Intense hues are also called saturated colours.

It is important to note that a colour could be of high value at the same time less intense. A clear- cut example is RED and PINK.

We should remember that pink is a neutralized red i.e a tint of red as a result, it has lost its purity even though it has an increased value more than red. On the other hand, red is of higher intensity because it has a maintained high level of purity free from any atom of the neutral colours.

It is also necessary to observe that yellow is higher in value than green even though both of them are equal in intensity. The reason is that the hue yellow is a warm colour while green is a cool colour. Warm colours tend to advance towards the eyes of the observer; they are harsh to the eyes of the observer; Cool colours tend to recede from the eyes of the observer into the background. Emotionally, they appear cool as the name implies.


1. Define painting

2. State any five types of painting and explain them

3. Highlight any three techniques in painting

4. Mention and explain the three properties of colour

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Page 16: ENGLISH STUDIES JSS 2 TOPIC: Noun phrases Examples · society or county. 1.2 The rule of law. The rule of law means the supremacy of the law of the land as written in the constitution



Drug trafficking refers to the illegal trade or movement (trafficking ) in dangerous drugs usually across national borders.


Various reasons can be given for drug trafficking

1. The simplest reason is ignorance. Some people who are caught trafficking in drugs do not know what they are carrying, they just assist the owners to deliver parcels to somebody across the borders

2. Some are too poor to take care of their needs and that of their families. To such people drug trafficking becomes alternative to poverty.

3. Some traffic in drugs because they are unemployed. The just think it is another way of getting jobs to do.

4. Some make a lot of money from it and now wants to “show off” these wealth at parties and different social gatherings.

5. Finally the main reason for drug trafficking includes poverty, laziness, ignorance of the stiff penalties of the law and greed.


1. Because drug trafficking causes a lot of harm many counties have harsh rules against offenders e.g countries like Saudi Arabia and Singapore, drug traffickers are killed when they are caught. They do not send offenders to jail.

2. In many countries, drug traffickers are jailed, sometimes for life.

3. Drugs traffickers bring shame to themselves, families and their countries


We said many people involved in drug trafficking do not know the dangers in the business people , therefore, need a lot of education in this regard. This will create awareness about the dangers involved in the trade

- A very stiff law against drug trafficking should be enacted by parliament.

Page 17: ENGLISH STUDIES JSS 2 TOPIC: Noun phrases Examples · society or county. 1.2 The rule of law. The rule of law means the supremacy of the law of the land as written in the constitution

- Poverty alleviation programmers- government should come up with programmes that would eradicate poverty and unemployment in the society ASSIGNMENT 1. What is the difference between drug trafficking and drug abuse 2. Discuss any four ways we can prevent drug trafficking in Nigeria Please submit your work to this email address [email protected]

Page 18: ENGLISH STUDIES JSS 2 TOPIC: Noun phrases Examples · society or county. 1.2 The rule of law. The rule of law means the supremacy of the law of the land as written in the constitution


The hacksaw consists of two parts: The frame and the blade. It is used mainly for cutting metal s in the metal workshop.

TYPES OF SAW There are three types of saw generally in use: The adjustable, tabular and junior hacksaws.

1. ADJUSTABLE HACKSAW: The adjustable saw is a type of saw that has the advantage of accommodating blades of different length. The frame is designed in such a way that it length can be varied.

Adjustable hacksaw

2. TABULAR HACKSAW: Tabular hacksaw has affixed frame. Therefore, it can accommodate only a blade of a particular length.

Tabular hacksaw

3. JUNIOR HACKSAW: The junior hacksaw is provided with a special kind of blade, which has to be fixed by compressing the frame and the blade after entering the narrow slot of the frame. The frame is then release from the compression to put the blade in tension.

Page 19: ENGLISH STUDIES JSS 2 TOPIC: Noun phrases Examples · society or county. 1.2 The rule of law. The rule of law means the supremacy of the law of the land as written in the constitution

The adjustable hacksaw

Generally, hacksaws are used for the following purposes: 1. Cutting off lengths of piece required from a metal stock. 2. Cutting away excess metal from a marked out work piece. 3. Opening out narrow slots. NOTE: SAWING is the process or art of cutting metals with hacksaw.

ASSIGNMENT 1. List and explain the three types of hacksaw. 2. State three general uses of hacksaw. Send the assignment through this email: [email protected]

Page 20: ENGLISH STUDIES JSS 2 TOPIC: Noun phrases Examples · society or county. 1.2 The rule of law. The rule of law means the supremacy of the law of the land as written in the constitution


The brief history of the missionary activities in Nigeria (Warri and Lagos)

The missionary activities started with the Augustian Bishop Gaspar Cao in Sao Tome following the establishment in warri in the 16th Century with the aim of evangelizing the people. Christianity did not have firm roots in Warri despite the fact that some of the kings (Olus) were later converted. This was due to lack of priests, the inclement weather and the influence of the traditional religion, especially polygamy. Attempt to train indigenous priest also failed. The few converts lacked deep conviction.

The Missionary Activities in Lagos are:

a. Expansion of the Church and establishment of new prefectures, and later, nine dioceses by 1980, with over 600,000 Catholics.

b. Hospitals, clinics and health centres, including Sacred Heart Hospital, Abeokuta, established by Rev. Fr. J.M. Coguard

c. Monsignor Carlo Zappa’s Igbo prayer book, catechism book and French – Igbo dictionary.

d. Ordination of the first Nigerian priest- Rev. Fr. Paul Emechete [ordained by Bishop Broderick in Asaba in 1921. He was an Igbo man

e. Establishment of a printing press in Lagos which published the first Catholic newspaper the Nigeria Catholic Herald from 1925 to 1957

The obstacle the first Missionaries to Nigeria had in their work:

The obstacle were as follows:

1. Stronghold of the traditional religion on the people 2. The missionaries were ignorant of the people’s institutions and tradition 3. Frequent deaths of the missionaries due to tropical diseases 4. The climate was hostile to them, as many died prematurely 5. Muslim opposition to Christian presence 6. There was the language problem 7. Rivalry among Christian Churches 8. Defection of early missionary converts.

Page 21: ENGLISH STUDIES JSS 2 TOPIC: Noun phrases Examples · society or county. 1.2 The rule of law. The rule of law means the supremacy of the law of the land as written in the constitution

What assisted the missionaries for conversion and expansion in Onitsha province

The early methods of conversion assisted the missionaries in converting and expanding in Onitsha province. The early methods are of three ways:

i. Charitable way of building orphanages and housing slaves and outcast ii. Educational way of building and staffing schools.

iii. The enclosure way of the Christian village (i.e) isolating converts from the rest of the society and establishing new homes for them around the mission).

The problems the missionaries encountered in spreading the faith in Kaduna province:

i. Its vast land mass, difficult terrain and difficult of communication (language)

ii. Presence of strong muslim territories ruled by powerful emirs, especially in Sokoto, Katsina and Adamawa areas.

iii. Restrictions placed on missionary work by Bristish administrator who feared their work might disrupt the “status quo” in the emirates.

Test Questions

1. Mention Three (3) missionary activities in Lagos. 2. Mention Five (5) obstacle the first missionary in Nigeria had. 3. Give Five (5) obstacle in the spreading of Catholic faith in Nigeria.

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Internet Browser/Email address/Website address

Internet browser is a special type of software that enables internet users to go on internet and all its sites. When a user requests a web page from a particular website, the web browser retrieves the necessary content from a web server and then displays the page on the screen. Examples of internet browsers are Mozilla Firefox, internet explorer, opera, etc.

Email address (Account) it is an address or an account which allows one to send and receive email messages. It identifies an email box to which email messages are delivered. Examples of email account

1. [email protected], 2. [email protected], 3. [email protected], 4. [email protected].

Website Address, also known as a URL(Uniform Resource Locator), is an internet name that points to a location where a file, directory or webpage is hosted e.g

1., 2. http//, 3. http//, etc.


1. Internet browser is software that enables internet users to go on internet. e.g are Mozilla Firefox, internet explorer, etc.

Page 23: ENGLISH STUDIES JSS 2 TOPIC: Noun phrases Examples · society or county. 1.2 The rule of law. The rule of law means the supremacy of the law of the land as written in the constitution

2. Email address (Account) it is an account which allows one to send and receive email messages. e.g [email protected],

[email protected] etc. 3. Website Address is an internet name that points to a location where a file,

directory or webpage is hosted e.g, http//, etc.


1. Give any two (2) internet browsers that are not mention here. 2. Write any five(5) samples of email address 3. Write any three(3) samples of website address

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Page 24: ENGLISH STUDIES JSS 2 TOPIC: Noun phrases Examples · society or county. 1.2 The rule of law. The rule of law means the supremacy of the law of the land as written in the constitution



These are make-ups or substances applied on the body mainly on the skin in order to improve natural features. They include powders, body creams and oils, assorted face make-ups, nail vanishes, lip sticks, etc.

DEODORANTS: These are substances which can be applied to the skin to prevent odor from forming on the body when a person sweats.

ANTI-PERSPIRANTS: These are special products that reduce the amount of perspiration a person secretes for several hours. It is now possible to buy products which are both anti-perspirant and deodorants combined. They are called anti-perspirant deodorants. Proper use of cosmetics will make the skin beautiful, wrong use could result in unattractive looks and sometimes skin infections.

Free makeup includes the following:

i. Cleaning cream: used to remove stubborn dirt which could not be removed by water and soap.

ii. Skin tonic: used after cleaning the skin to close skin pores iii. Foundation helps face powder to stay on the face iv. Face powder: used to improve facial appearance, hide spots, blemishes and

wrinkles on the face, protects the face from harsh weather. v. Eye shadow: used to make eye ball look either bigger or smaller. It is

applied on the eye lids and is available in different shades vi. Eye pencil or liners: these are used on the eye brows. They come in

different colors. vii. Mascara: used to thicken and darken eye lashes viii. Lipsticks: used on the lips to keep them soft and give them attractive colors.

ix. Beauty blush: this is brushed lightly across the cheekbones, forehead and chin to tone the complexion USES OF COSMETICS

i. They are used to make a person’s skin smooth and beautiful

Page 25: ENGLISH STUDIES JSS 2 TOPIC: Noun phrases Examples · society or county. 1.2 The rule of law. The rule of law means the supremacy of the law of the land as written in the constitution

ii. They are used to enhance the persons natural beauty especially on the face iii. They are used to hide undesirable features like skin wrinkles and blemishes iv. They make people look younger and attractive v. They can be used to protect the skin from the harsh effects of the weather vi. Some cosmetics are very useful in the treatment of common skin problems

like pimples. vii. Oily or dry skin is usually improved through the use of cosmetics


1. Define cosmetics 2. State any five items that comprises face make up and explain any 3 uses 3. Mention any 3 uses of cosmetics

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Page 26: ENGLISH STUDIES JSS 2 TOPIC: Noun phrases Examples · society or county. 1.2 The rule of law. The rule of law means the supremacy of the law of the land as written in the constitution



1. Melting: The process due to which a solid changes into liquid state by absorbing heat energy is called melting and the constant temperature at which this process occurs is called melting point.

2. Boiling: The process due to which a liquid changes into gaseous form by absorbing heat energy is called boiling and the constant temperature at which a liquid rapidly changes into gaseous state by absorbing heat is called boiling point

3. Evaporation: The process due to which liquid slowly change into gaseous form at a temperature far below their boiling points this process is called evaporation.


1. Define melting

b. State the difference between boiling and evaporation.

c. State the difference between melting point and boiling point

d. State and explain five (5) factors that can affect evaporation.

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Page 27: ENGLISH STUDIES JSS 2 TOPIC: Noun phrases Examples · society or county. 1.2 The rule of law. The rule of law means the supremacy of the law of the land as written in the constitution




Farm animal disease can be defined as an illness or unhealthy condition in the body of farm animal. It is also defined as any abnormality or disorder in the normal functioning of organs in the body of an animal.

Disease result in ill health. I’ll health prevents the animals from performing well. The animals may be sluggish and weak, some may not eat while some may even die as a result of disease attack.


1. PHYSIOLOGICAL DISEASES: These are diseases that occur in animals as a result of poor feeding, food poisoning and harsh climatic conditions. Examples

Bloat Kwarshiokor Stunted growth Fever etc.

2. CONTAGIOUS DISEASES: These are diseases that occur when already infected animals come in close physical contact with the healthy ones. Examples

Foot and mouth disease Mastitis

Overcrowding of farm animals allow easy spread of contagious diseases.

3. INFECTIOUS DISEASES: These are diseases that affect animals without coming in close contact with the infected animals. Such infectious diseases are airborne, waterborne or soilborne.


Newcastle Anthrax Fowl typhoid etc.

Page 28: ENGLISH STUDIES JSS 2 TOPIC: Noun phrases Examples · society or county. 1.2 The rule of law. The rule of law means the supremacy of the law of the land as written in the constitution


Health status of the animal Sanitation Nutrition Management (non-administration of vaccines and drugs) Breeds of animals Poor housing Unfavourable climatic condition


1. List seven (7) symptoms of Farm Animal Diseases/Signs of Ill-health and Diseases Please submit your work to this email address [email protected]




Livestock diseases are classified into six (6) namely;

I, Bacterial Diseases

Ii, Viral Diseases

Iii, Fungal Diseases

Iv, Metazoan Diseases

V, Protozoan Diseases

Vi, Nutrient – deficiency Disorder

Bacterial Diseases

Page 29: ENGLISH STUDIES JSS 2 TOPIC: Noun phrases Examples · society or county. 1.2 The rule of law. The rule of law means the supremacy of the law of the land as written in the constitution

The singular of bacteria is bacterium. Bacteria are single- celled or unicellular micro- organisms ranging from 0.002m to 0.005 in diameter. They depend on living and non- living organisms for food. Bacteria cause bacteria infections in farm animals during the period of feeding.

Examples of Bacteria diseases includes;

Mastitis Contagious abortion / Brucellosis Anthrax Fowl typhoid Foot rot Tuberculosis

Disease name Animals Affected

Causal organism

Symptoms Mode of Transmission Prevention and control

Mastitis Cattle, sheep and goats

Bacteria Uneasiness during milking

Traces of blood in milk

Swollen udder Pains around

the udder High fever

Contaminated feed, milk, water

Injury on udder and teat

Dirty environment

Contagious abortion/Brucellosis

Cattle, sheep, goat and pigs

Bacteria Frequent abortion in female animals

Still birth High fever Infertility in

male animals Reduced milk


Mating with infected female animals

Licking of vaginal discharge of infected animals

Ingestion of food, water or other materials

Page 30: ENGLISH STUDIES JSS 2 TOPIC: Noun phrases Examples · society or county. 1.2 The rule of law. The rule of law means the supremacy of the law of the land as written in the constitution

Inflammation (swollen) testicles or scrotum in bulls and uterus in female animals

Emaciation (the animals grows thin)

contaminated with bacteria


1. DISCUSS ANTHRAX on the following headings

a, Animals Affected

b, Causal organism

c, symptoms

d, Mode of Transmission

e, Prevention and control

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Page 31: ENGLISH STUDIES JSS 2 TOPIC: Noun phrases Examples · society or county. 1.2 The rule of law. The rule of law means the supremacy of the law of the land as written in the constitution



This is a cashbook designed to have two amount columns labelled cash and bank respectively. On the debt side the columns are used as follows:

1. The cash Columbia is for recording all physical cash received. 2. The bank Columbia is used to record all cheques received or cash paid into bank.

I. All cash paid out are recorded under the cash column. II. All payment made by cheque are recorded under the bank column..



Date Particular Folio Cash Bank Date Particulars Folio Cash Bank

The above diagram is an example of two column cashbook.


I. Dr means debt. II. Cr means credit.


Write up a two column cash book from the following details and show the balances at the end of the month.

1. Balances brought down from last month April. 2. Cash at hand #2,000. 3. Cash in bank #5,000. 4. Paid rent by cheque #200. 5. Bought goods by cheque #400 6. Cash sales #500. 7. Bought a new typewriter for #600 cash. 8. Received a cheater of #1,000 from B. Obi. 9. Paid the following expenses in cash, Petroleum #200,Repairs #100. 10. Paid #1,200 by cheque to M. Awolowo.