Download - English Paper 1 SJK Set 3

  • 7/30/2019 English Paper 1 SJK Set 3


    SULIT 034/1


    Questions 1 4

    Read the text and choose thebestword based on the pictures given.

    The pineapple is commonly seen in the markets and fruit stalls. It has a

    __________ (1) skin. The flesh is __________ (2)

    and sometimes sour. The flesh can be grated to make__________ (3) which is

    used as the filling for cookies and also as bread spread. Its __________ (4)

    is very refreshing and has a lot of vitamins.

    1 A smooth

    B rough

    C thorny

    D smooth

    2 A juicy

    B salty

    C spicy

    D bitter

    3 A flour

    English Paper 1/SJK/Set 3

  • 7/30/2019 English Paper 1 SJK Set 3


    SULIT 034/1

    B jam

    C candy

    4 A plant

    B leaves

    C skin

    D juice

    Questions 5 7

    Choose the best phrase to complete the sentences below.

    5 Alisha was _____________________ because she passed her examination.

    A as happy as a king

    B as graceful as a swan

    C as clear as crystal

    6 A ______________ monkeys is playing happily in the zoo.

    A troop of

    B herd of

    C brood of

    7 The teacher __________________ at the naughty pupils.

    A spoke softly

    B shouted angrily

    C danced gracefully

    Questions 8 10

    English Paper 1/SJK/Set 3

  • 7/30/2019 English Paper 1 SJK Set 3


    SULIT 034/1

    Choose the best sentence that describes each picture.


    A The girls are swimming in the pond.

    B The girls are watching the fish in the pond.

    C Sheila and her friend are picking the flowers near the pond.

    D Sheila is watering the plants at the pond.


    A The girl is sweeping the floor.

    B The girl is mopping the floor.C The girl is brushing the floor.

    D The girl is washing the floor.

    English Paper 1/SJK/Set 3

  • 7/30/2019 English Paper 1 SJK Set 3


    SULIT 034/1


    A Sherry is planting some flowers.

    B Sherry is watering the flowers.

    C Sherry is selling the flowers.

    D Sherry is cutting the flowers.

    English Paper 1/SJK/Set 3

  • 7/30/2019 English Paper 1 SJK Set 3


    SULIT 034/1


    Questions 11 15

    Choose the best answer to fit the situation shown in the picture.


    A You must cut it.

    B Oh, I hadnt noticed.

    C But I like long hair, sir!

    D Im sorry, sir, Ill get a haircut today.


    A Sure. Here you are!

    B Theres the chilli sauce.C Oh, get up and get it yourself!

    English Paper 1/SJK/Set 3

    Could you pass

    me the chilli

    sauce, please?

    Your hair is toolong.

  • 7/30/2019 English Paper 1 SJK Set 3


    SULIT 034/1


    A Could you give me a lift please, Mrs Tan?

    B I want a lift now, Mrs Tan.C Where are you going?


    A Has bus No. 210 gone?B Do you have the time?

    C Has the bus broken down?

    D Have you been waiting long?


    A Wheres the report?

    B I want to make a report.

    C When can I make the report?

    D When will the report be ready?

    English Paper 1/SJK/Set 3

    Sure! Wherewould you like

    to go?

    Yes. Aboutforty minutes.

    It will be ready in two

    days time.

  • 7/30/2019 English Paper 1 SJK Set 3


    SULIT 034/1


    Questions 16 20

    Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.

    16 My mother _______________ the clothes every day.

    A wash

    B washes

    C washing

    D washed

    17 I __________ be late today, so dont wait for me.

    A should

    B might

    C must

    D can

    18 Be careful when you walk _____________ the street.

    A across

    B around

    C into

    D through

    English Paper 1/SJK/Set 3

  • 7/30/2019 English Paper 1 SJK Set 3


    SULIT 034/1

    19 Raju is standing _________________ Anand and Vinoth.

    A at

    B between

    C across

    D against

    20 Danny still went to school _____________ he was sick.

    A but

    B and

    C although

    D because

    Question 21

    Choose the question that has the opposite meaning of the underlined word.

    21 Many pupils were present at the school hall yesterday.

    A arrive

    B absent

    C come

    Questions 22 23

    Choose the answer with the correctspelling.

    22 A eyebrow

    B eyebro

    C eyebow

    English Paper 1/SJK/Set 3

  • 7/30/2019 English Paper 1 SJK Set 3


    SULIT 034/1

    23 A ketle

    B kettel

    C kettle

    D kelltel

    Questions 24 25

    Choose the sentence with the correctpunctuation.

    24 A What is that in Rajus pocket? Asked Siti.

    B What is that in Rajus pocket, asked Siti?

    C What is that in Rajus pocket? asked Siti.

    25 A Lina, whose pencils are these?

    B Lina! Whose pencils are these!

    C Lina, whose pencils are these.


    Questions 26 30

    Based on the picture, choose the best answer to fill in the blanks.

    English Paper 1/SJK/Set 3

  • 7/30/2019 English Paper 1 SJK Set 3


    SULIT 034/1

    This is Dr Sivas family. Doctor Siva is (26) ___________ a newspaper in the

    garden. (27) ___________ son is playing football. One of his daughters (28) __________

    riding her bicycle and the other is watering the (29) ___________. Mrs Siva is

    (30) ___________ their youngest son.



    A resting

    B reading

    C folding

    D looking



    A trees

    B grass

    C garden

    D plants



    A His

    B Him

    C Their



    A walking

    B scolding

    C standing

    D carrying



    A is

    B amC are

    D was

    English Paper 1/SJK/Set 3

  • 7/30/2019 English Paper 1 SJK Set 3


    SULIT 034/1


    Questions 31 35

    Read the schedule below carefully. Then answer the questions that follow.


    From To Type of transport Time taken

    Kuala Lumpur Penang AeroplaneBus


    45 mins7 hours

    8 hours

    Kota Bharu Kuala Lumpur Aeroplane


    45 mins

    10 hours

    Ipoh Penang Aeroplane



    40 mins

    3 hours

    3 hours

    Johor Bahru Kuala Lumpur Aeroplane


    45 mins

    6 hours6 hours

    Kuching Kota Kinabalu Aeroplane


    45 mins

    30 hours

    31 If Salmiah wants to travel from Ipoh to Penang, she can use all these modes of

    transport EXCEPT

    English Paper 1/SJK/Set 3

  • 7/30/2019 English Paper 1 SJK Set 3


    SULIT 034/1

    A bus

    B train

    C ferry

    D aeroplane

    32 My father wants to fly from Johor Bahru to Kuala Lumpur and from Kuala Lumpur toPenang. The flight will take a total of ____.

    A 30 mins

    B 45 mins

    C 60 mins

    D 1 hours

    33 A ferry travels ________________.

    A on roads

    B on water

    C in the air

    D on tracks

    34 From the schedule given, how many types of transport are given?

    A Two

    B Three

    C Four

    D Five

    35 This travel schedule is from

    A Kaya Travel Agency

    B National Express Bus

    C Keretapi Tanah Melayu

    English Paper 1/SJK/Set 3

  • 7/30/2019 English Paper 1 SJK Set 3


    SULIT 034/1

    Questions 36 40

    Read the letter below carefully. Then answer the questions that follow.

    No 5566 F, Jalan Tanjong,Taman Seri Tanjong Mas,

    43200 Cheras,


    14 June 2004

    Dear David,

    Thanks for your letter that I received a few days ago. I really like the pictures that yousent together with your letter. Your nephews are so good looking and the kangaroos are

    so cute. We cannot see kangaroos here unlike in Australia.

    Anyway, I am so glad to hear that you have finally decided to come to visit me duringyour school holidays. Don't worry about your accommodation. You can always stay in

    my house. I'll be sharing my room with you. I'm so eager to meet you.

    Hopefully you will arrive in time before the Chinese New Year which is a joyous

    occasion for the Chinese in Malaysia. My family too will be celebrating it grandly. All of

    us will gather at my grandfather's house on the New Year Eve. I'm looking forward forthat day because I can meet all my uncles, aunties and cousins. We will have our grand

    dinner together. It will be a very important dinner for our family.

    I am enclosing a few photographs taken during our school Sports Day. I hope youenjoy seeing the photographs. I took part in the 100 m event. Hopefully you can send me

    some pictures about your school Sports Day. Tell me more in your coming letter.

    I am very excited to see you soon. So till then, goodbye my friend.

    Your friend,


    English Paper 1/SJK/Set 3

  • 7/30/2019 English Paper 1 SJK Set 3


    SULIT 034/1

    36 David and Chew are most probably

    A schoolmates

    B neighbours

    C classmates

    D pen-pals

    37 Where is David living?

    A Malaysia

    B Australia

    C Singapore

    38 Where will David stay if he comes to visit Chew?

    A Hotel

    B Hostel

    C Chews house

    D Awanas apartment

    39 When will David probably visit Malaysia?

    A During the first semester holidays

    B At the end of the year

    C In the beginning of the year

    D During the school holidays

    40 What is Chew really looking forward to?

    A To hear from David

    B To meet David

    C To take part in the 100m event

    D To celebrate Chinese New Year

    English Paper 1/SJK/Set 3