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Page 2: English Laughs Best 300 Fabulous Pun Jokes to Learn English

Copyright 2013 by Razvan S. Macovei

Smashwords Edition

Cartoons by Razvan S. Macovei

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission.

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Table of Contents





Pun Mind Map

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This book is dedicated to all those who believe that English should be fun. It is also a tribute to all who struggle to write witty and inspirational materials for the study of English language.

I would like to express my gratitude to my teachers in the past who taught me part of the English I know now and who thus, indirectly, have contributed to the creation of this book.

I would like to thank Mr. Mario Rinvolucri whose teachings and books have inspired me to explore new ways of thinking and means of expression.

My grateful thanks are also extended to my students whose genuine thirst for knowledge has triggered in me the desire to put my ideas on paper.

Finally, I would like to thank my dear wife for the pertinent advice she has given me during the process of writing this book and the enormous amount of sunshine she brings to my life every day.

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"I never knew an enemy to puns who was not an ill-natured man."

(Charles Lamb)

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American humorist Erma Bombeck once said: "When humour goes, there goes civilization". Laughter is "the best medicine", indeed. It is known to boost the immune system, reduce stress, and improve creativity and imagination. Laughter is contagious and brings people together. It is also common knowledge that learning is more productive when it is funny.

Puns have always constituted a great source of humour in any language and English is no exception. They make an excellent learning tool due to the effective combination of two factors: fun and context. As the words that form the punch line meet in the context, they usually create a powerful visual image. As a result, the piece of language that is targeted is easily remembered.

The main purpose for which I have written this book is to put a smile on your face. My second goal, but of equal importance, is to help you enlarge your English vocabulary with useful idioms and phrases. As a student, you will find enough helpful and amusing material not only to learn but also to test your friends. As an EFL teacher, you will discover valuable puns and idioms to make your classes more entertaining, whether you teach beginners or advanced learners.

It is the duty of an English teacher to realize the importance of adequate language in teaching. Consequently, I have carefully selected the information to include here so that the book should be safe to read, regardless the age. At the end of it, I have provided you with an appendix which contains the most important idioms and phrases, their explanations, as well as a pun mind map. The latter includes the key words or the image associations that make each of the three hundred pun jokes easy to remember. For example, the pun mind map that I have suggested for the pun "Why did everyone try to climb on the bar's roof? They'd heard all drinks were on the house" is: "bar's roof - drinks on the house".

I do hope you will memorize some of these puns and share them with the others. I can assure you this will bring immense joy to you all.

Thank you for choosing this book! Good luck in learning English and don't forget: keep smiling!

The Author

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1. What did the fox tell the turkey on Thanksgiving Day?

"Can you stay for dinner?"

2. How much does a shark diving tour cost?

An arm and a leg.

3. How did the contortionist embarrass his future mother-in-law?

He put his foot in his mouth.

4. Why is punctuation so hard to digest?

It gets stuck in the colon.

5. Why do soldiers in the war rarely receive letters?

Nobody likes reading between the lines.

6. What's the best thing to do to prevent Alzheimer?

Forget about it.

7. Why can't garbage bins have long-term relationships?

They get dumped easily.

8. What was the snake's favourite subject?


9. Why don't welders go to classical music concerts?

They are addicted to heavy metal.

10. What do boxers always order when they eat out?

Spare ribs.

11. Why did the shipwrecked dentist feel miserable?

He missed some teeth.

12. How do cheetahs defy nutrition?

They eat only fast food but they never put on weight.

13. Why is Bill Gates the most religious man on the planet?

He has spent his whole life among icons.

14. How do you infuriate an artefact collector?

You say something bad about their mummy.

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15. Why did the sardine choose to become self-educated?

It didn't like schools.

16. Why did the Eskimo leave his bride at the altar?

He got cold feet.

17. What did the farmer say when the bull produced milk?

"Holy cow!"

18. Why couldn't the sailors see Moby Dick attack?

They were having a whale of a time.

19. How did Quasimodo figure out that people mocked at him?

He had had a hunch.

20. What do you have when a Leo insults a Scorpio?


21. Why do people always stammer when they talk about their ancestors?

Because everyone had a great-great-great grandfather.

22. Why couldn't the chameleon take its girlfriend out for dinner?

It had butterflies in its stomach.

23. Why aren't bald guys invited to parties?

They can't let their hair down.

24. What did the confectioner say when the exam was over?

"Piece of cake!"

25. What was the glutton's favourite season?

Season the steak.

26. Why don't balloons live long enough to get married?

Because they pop the question.

27. Why are English teachers' hearts different than others'?

They beat-beat-beaten.

28. What do IT workers take when they are sick?

A tablet.

29. Why couldn't the stuffed animals revolt against the taxidermist?

They didn't have the guts.

30. How do bees congratulate each other?

"Give me hive!"

31. What happened to the comedian who liked to drink?

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He skipped his number and went straight to the punch line.

32. What did a wet cloth say to another?

"Will you hang out with me?"

33. Why was the condor so conceited?

It had friends in high places.

34. Why are sculptors great lovers?

They put their spouses on a pedestal.

35. Why did the armless man come to the shop to get hired?

There was a sign on the door which read "No hands needed."

36. What is the worm still doing in New York?

It is looking for The Big Apple.

37. When do most people tend to lose their head?

Near the guillotine.

38. Why don't sloths ever argue with one another?

Because this means they have to move their mouths.

39. What's the only vegetable that you can create with your feet?

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40. Why is testament also called will?

Because it's all about "will I get the house or not?"

41. How did cavemen raise money for disco?

They clubbed together.

42. Why do donkeys make good listeners?

They are all ears.

43. Why did the ornithologist divorce?

Irreconcilable differences: he was an early bird and she was a night owl.

44. Why didn't the janitor put the "wet sign" in place?

It slipped her mind.

45. What did a flint piece say to its date?

"I see no spark between us."

46. What happened to the teacher who used to mistreat the king's children?

He eventually lost his pupils.

47. What did the jelly do when the earthquake happened?

It started to shake with fear.

48. How often does the sun go dark?

Once in a blue moon.

49. Why did the kitten make a scene when it went to have its head X-rayed?

They wouldn't do CAT scans.

50. Why are traffic officers always happy?

They have discovered that every day is a fine day.

51. What's the best advice for a student who finds it difficult to learn idioms?

"Take it easy!"

52. Why was the blanket weaver fired?

He took too many duvet days.

53. How does a cannibal ask for help?

"Can you give me a hand?"

54. Why did the rhino come across as rude?

It would always horn in.

55. Why couldn't the onion get a decent date?

It made everybody cry.

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56. What's a refuse collector?

A child who says "no" every time you ask them to take out the garbage.

57. Why was the poultry farmer so energetic every morning?

He went to bed with the chickens.

58. What happened to the workers who dropped the piano on the stairs?

They had to face the music.

59. Why was the tadpole unable to speak?

It had a frog in its throat.

60. Why did the skeleton fall out with his friend?

There was a bone of contention between them.

61. How do you start a debate on the importance of lawyers in today's society?

You play devil's advocate.

62. Why couldn't the typist enter the house?

She forgot her keys.

63. What queue would people never jump?

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Death row.

64. Why did it take so long for the cook to share his latest escargot recipe?

He used snail mail.

65. Why is it dangerous to be around locomotive drivers when they are cross?

They tend to blow off steam.

66. Why did the wolf have insomnia?

It counted sheep.

67. How do bomb squad agents party?

They have a blast.

68. Why did Mary divorce the butcher?

She was the one who brought home the bacon.

69. Which was the kangaroo's biggest defect?

It jumped to conclusions.

70. How does a K1-fighter encourage his son before an interview?

"Break a leg!"

71. Why did the driving instructor quit his job?

One student drove him up the wall.

72. What did the bank clerk say to the attractive customer?

"I have a huge interest in you".

73. How do you call the photo of somebody who suddenly loses their temper?

A snapshot.

74. How did the sauna address its lover?

"Hello sweatheart".

75. Why did Woody Woodpecker have no social life?

It used to bore everyone.

76. How does a lazybones define work?

A four-letter word.

77. Why aren't cats trustworthy?

Because they lie fifteen hours a day.

78. Why did the arsonist flunk British civilization?

He learnt only one lesson - the one about "The Great Fire".

79. How has the development of technology affected animals?

The mouse no longer squeaks but clicks.

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80. What do top models do for a living?

They work on their tan.

81. Why did the old man collapse when he saw his blind date?

She was drop dead gorgeous.

82. How do porcupines ask for something to write?

"Quill you lend me a pen"?

83. When do people usually start gambling?

When the chips are down.

84. How do tsunamis say goodbye?

They wave.

85. How do you call the situation when the boss puts out his cigar on your papers?

Fire alarm.

86. Why did the lemon cross the road?

To show everyone that it was not yellow.

87. Why can't storks fly in communist countries?

They have only one wing. The left one.

88. How do moles greet each other?

89. What's the best topic to break the ice?

Global warming.

90. Why did the giraffe have no friends?

It looked down on everyone.

91. How do you punish a nomad?

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You move them from their caravan in a trailer.

92. Why couldn't the vampire enjoy his victim?

The sight of him made her blood curdle.

93. What do prepositions say when they break up?

"We are through!"

94. What's the quickest way to climb from a port to a fort?

A one-step word ladder.

95. Why was the fashion designer so frustrated?

He never got to wear the trousers in his house.

96. Why didn't the meteorologist come to work?

She was under the weather.

97. Why didn't the insect ever brag?

It was a humble-bee.

98. Why wouldn't the hangman get married?

He had tied the knot too many times.

99. What is written on a polar bear's pantry door?

"Break seal in case of emergency".

100. Which was the librarian's biggest fear?

That she would end on the shelf.

101. What happened with the florist who was accused of tricking customers?

She came up smelling of roses.

102. Which is the best example of dead-end job?


103. Why was the flight delayed?

Nobody had the foggiest idea.

104. What did the electrician do when his wife cheated on him?

He blew a fuse.

105. Which is men's excuse to watch football all day long?

They are goal-oriented.

106. Why wouldn't the river go out with the spring?

It had found out it was shallow.

107. Why did the marathon runner have to shorten his speech?

His audience was miles away.

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108. Why are mountain climbers so hard to be served a drink?

Because they always want it on the rocks.

109. Why did the lamb have its wool dyed pink?"

It got tired of being the black sheep of the family.

110. Why was the British reporter so worried?

He hadn't seen "The Sun" in the streets for a month.

111. What does a puppet in need say to another?

"Can you pull some strings for me?"

112. What did the old rabbit think about all day?

Its salad days.

113. Why do women sneeze when they date police officers?

They wear pepper spray.

114. What do water drops do when they are happy?

Tap dance.

115. Why do foxes drool every time they see the world map?

Turkey is in the middle of it.

116. Why was the old woman fined for speeding?

She was pushing ninety.

117. Why don't Croatians ever have regrets about misspelling?

Because "it's no use crying over Split milk".

118. What did Zorro shout to the innocent man who had a noose around his neck?

"Hang on a minute! I'll set you free!"

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119. Why did the Japanese friends get drunk?

For old times 'sake.

120. What went wrong at the auction?

A Michelangelo's statue went under the hammer.

121. Why was the children's photo full of mice?

The photographer instructed "Say cheese!"

122. Why is Time more able than Space?

You can't do space but you can do time.

123. How does a medium feel in a haunted bar?

In high spirits.

124. Why didn't the hen do bungee-jumping?

It chickened out of it at the last minute.

125. Which is the baby's favourite music?


126. Why was the mechanic put in a nuthouse?

He had a screw loose.

127. Why did the weightlifter have an unfortunate accident?

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He pushed his luck with a 200 kg barbell.

128. Who would sing and dance in the company of a camel, an otter and a deer?

A party animal.

129. What do atoms say when they run into each other?

"It's a small world."

130. Do mute people use other ways of communication?

It goes without saying.

131. Why did the squirrel accept a menial job?

It got paid peanuts.

132. Why was the watchmaker crushing clocks?

He was killing time.

133. How can you tell if somebody adores tattoos?

It's written all over their faces.

134. Why couldn't the psychologist marry the porter?

He had too much baggage.

135. What does best match a nose ring?

A piercing scream.

136. Why did the masseuse get sacked?

She rubbed people up the wrong way.

137. How do lamps greet each other on October 31st?

Happy Halogen.

138. When do zoologists blush?

When they are asked about the birds and the bees.

139. What happened to the midget who became famous?

He was declared larger than life.

140. Why did the physicist win the Nobel Prize?

He managed to graze a horsepower on a magnetic field.

141. Why can't you beat Lady Gaga at cards?

She is well-known for her poker face.

142. How did the boa salute its guests?

"Give me a hug, will you?"

143. Why did everyone try to climb on the bar's roof?

They'd heard all drinks were on the house.

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144. What did the shampoo manufacturer do when he was angry?

He foamed at the mouth.

145. Why was the calendar the talk of the town?

It had no dates anymore.

146. Why did the two vowels go for a holiday in the Indies?

They decided to take a hiatus.

147. Which was Miss Left's deepest regret?

That she had never met Mr. Right.

148. Why did Humpty Dumpty climb on the wall?

His friends egged him on.

149. How did the Pope win the chess game?

He sacrificed one bishop.

150. Why are astronauts so difficult to date?

They always ask for the moon.

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151. Every time I park in front of the Opera the traffic police officer gives me a ticket.

152. People in Greenwich are good and kind but they follow a mean time.

153. The entertainer boasted that he had unusually flexible limbs but in fact he was just pulling everyone's leg.

154. I was planning to go Dutch but then we had a fight and dinner was on me.

155. Did you hear about the forensic photographer who was framed for murder?

156. The solution to tornado preventing technology came during a brainstorming session.

157. Which is the stressed syllable in the word "deadline"?

158. The Eagles had a concert in a café last week. Only culture vultures were allowed in.

159. What on earth are we doing to the planet?

160. When the tailor told the joke about the sewing machine he had everyone in stitches.

161. In my mind I have this project about a huge bonfire but I just can't put it on paper.

162. The waitress never bothered to change our ashtray so in the end we left her a filter tip.

163. After a terrible row, the patients who suffered from meteorism decided to clear the air.

164. Do all woodcutters sleep like a log?

165. One thing is for sure: the fear of tooth extraction is deeply rooted in us.

166. A seaweed addict pregnant crab took part in a marathon race. The baby grew its first arm in the second leg.

167. Once I dated a telephone operator for six months but in the end I couldn't give her a ring.

168. Much to the public's surprise, the strongest man in the world was unable to carry a tune.

169. With his "Journey to the centre of the earth", Jules Verne went down in history.

170. "I don't want to hear another word about punctuation! Period."

171. The tasty grape juice during fermentation is a must.

172. People have been trying to find out the reason of the last week major blackout but they are still kept in the dark.

173. Imagine my fury when I saw that my net salary was gross.

174. "It's so hard to learn the ropes!", the trainee puppeteer complained.

175. When the lion entered the arena, the crowd started to roar.

176. "Love moves mountains". Perfectly correct. Love for gold moves people to move mountains.

177. Selling pails at the market surely wasn't on my bucket list.

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178. The idea that the level of the oceans is rising is gaining ground.

179. "Dracula" is a book to get your teeth into.

180. During World War II, the Japanese planes were given zero tolerance.

181. Fruit picking should be done when the time is ripe.

182. "Do you know that the bird flu video you posted yesterday has already gone viral?"

183. After a good night sleep the coach figured out the names of the dream team players.

184. Did you hear about the coffee maker who was fired on the grounds of bad coffee?

185. I think my surgeon and I started off on the wrong foot.

186. In autumn, all the trees in the military unit were censused and the oak was absent without leaf.

187. The customer who agitated the fork created quite a stir in the dining room.

188. Did you hear about the rail worker who lost his train of thoughts?

189. Wearing a Bugs Bunny tie at a business meeting is definitely a hare-brained idea.

190. Athletics runs in the family.

191. I am in the doghouse again; and my girlfriend's schnauzer relaxes on my bed.

192. When Mom saw that I'd stained the floor she hit the roof.

193. The two stand-up comedians dated for several months before they began to get serious.

194. 7.777.778 remains an even number against all odds.

195. The botanist had to hang up on his wife to answer nature's call.

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196. Once I donated blood for a heart bypass surgery patient and she thanked me from the bottom of her heart.

197. Did you hear about the soldier toy that beat the drum all day? It was eventually charged with battery.

198. Carol is a workaholic. Luckily for her, her stress ulcer is indolent.

199. The adhesive expert suddenly found herself in a sticky situation.

200. Whenever I give a speech on nutrition, I make sure to put enough food for thought in it.

201. There is a rumour going around that gossip is bad.

202. How come the inventor of the fountain pen was never given an inkblot test?

203. In this restaurant, the meat that is very lightly cooked is rare.

204. The explorer proudly followed in his father's footsteps and ended up in the same crevasse in Alaska.

205. I tried to read "All about PC mistakes" on line. All I got was "fatal error".

206. To criticize a fine, expensive champagne is just sour grapes.

207. Andrew has been studying entomology since he was bitten by the bug few years ago.

208. When I first met him time stood still. He had a face that would stop a clock.

209. A king and a toilet cleaner played poker; the cleaner had good cards but the king won with a royal flush.

210. Playing violent video games is all the rage.

211. One referee almost got away with embezzlement but somebody in the club blew the whistle on him.

212. Some people just can't stomach tripe soup.

213. They say "love handles everything" but her love handles were simply too large for me to handle.

214. The chemistry teacher demonstrated that liquids cannot fracture. Then her water broke.

215. Matter makes the universe. The rest doesn't matter.

216. I spent the whole night trying to understand why I couldn't sleep then it dawned on me.

217. In the army there are many particular cases but the generals rule.

218. The active tenor that had been assigned to the grammar course hated the passive voice in it.

219. When they won the championship, the basketball team threw a huge party.

220. One may have mixed feelings about smoothies.

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221. "A relationship must always have ups and down", said the elevator mechanic.

222. Despite the tough election campaign, the candidate of the Soil Erosion Association won by a landslide.

223. Our new furniture is to arrive tomorrow - knock on wood.

224. During the show, the magician was told to perform the handkerchief trick but it went in one ear and out the other.

225. The two archeologists couldn't remember how long they had been flirting with each other so they agreed to have a carbon dating.

226. Sam used to work in a footwear company but one day he got the boot.

227. A number of rude mathematicians entered politics and created a

vulgar fraction.

228. "Do you know how much a wedding costs these days? You will have to fork out £ 1000 only for cutlery!"

229. The little boy didn't want to confess he'd broken the vase but when his mother confronted him he cracked.

230. "For crying out loud, stop screaming!"

231. The charge of the dental surgery was a real kick in the teeth.

232. Did you hear about the half-naked guy who entered the restaurant? He just wanted a jacket potato.

233. Two tiles met in the basement of a hotel and clicked instantly.

234. In its pursuit of highly qualified personnel, the administration of the dam has decided to hire only eager beavers.

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235. The show was cancelled because of the storm and everyone was given rain checks.

236. Paying for my girlfriend's weekly manicure at a posh salon is a nail in my coffin.

237. A slogan at the entrance of a container factory: "Think outside the box!"

238. The giants were engaged in small talk.

239. One treasure hunter just couldn't get a nice metal plate out of his head. It was from the First War.

240. "I have never had a memory loss ...uh, what was I saying?"

241. The menacing huge dogwood tree was all bark and no bite.

242. Did you hear about the citrus grower who wanted to buy a good car? They sold him a lemon instead.

243. They majority of DJ training schools started from scratch.

244. The maintenance technician failed to repair the loom so his boss called him on the carpet.

245. A stressed out turtle went to the doctor. It was recommended a change of pace.

246. I asked the beautiful fruit seller for a date but she gave me a fig.

247. Susan hoped to become a famous chef but her career proved to be only a flash in the pan.

248. "Don't you ever turn your back on me! After this, there is no turning back."

249. Much to everyone's surprise, the demolition company was under construction.

250. Seven guests showed up at eight o'clock. They were dressed to the nines.

251. The boomerang kid was eventually thrown out in the street by his parents.

252. David had to grease the mayor's palm to keep his hand cream shop running.

253. The tent has been torn apart by wind. R.I.P.

254. At the end of winter all plants spring in the air.

255. Did you hear about the policeman who fell in love with the heart surgeon? He had a cardiac arrest.

256. I went to the gym and spent one hour trying to work out how the treadmill functioned.

257. The astronaut that went into space came down with a strange disease.

258. If one grows the seeds of wrath, one is expert in angryculture.

259. A famous banker published a book. On the first page he gave credits to everybody.

260. Two tomatoes danced rumba on the table. Then they met on the floor for salsa.

261. When William insisted on showing me his new angling rod I knew he was fishing for compliments.

262. I've just had a nostril piercing made and I've paid through the nose for it.

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263. Ever since he got a job in a bowling club, Stewart has discovered that life isn't all beers and skittles.

264. We should find a way to give Death a toll-free number.

265. Did you hear of the hot dog seller who lost his job because he couldn't cut the mustard anymore?

266. "I will never go out with a volcanologist. The last one set my heart on fire."

267. Seeing a grizzly ten feet away from you is more than anyone can bear.

268. I wanted to attend a pilot slow-paced training but they offered only crash courses.

269. "Doctor, I'm afraid I have too many phobias!"

270. When the plumber divorced he took everything but the kitchen sink.

271. The baker had a sponge cake in the stove and a bun in the oven.

272. Last week I bought my dog a collar at a flea market and he's got this terrible itch ever since.

273. The man who claimed to be a reincarnated owl didn't give a hoot about what people thought of him.

274. A judge that can't pronounce a sentence must consult a speech therapist.

275. TV breaking news: "Five agonizing flies were accidentally caught on tape this morning".

276. I just knew there was something wrong about that orthopedic doctor. I could feel it in my bones.

277. The two cosmetologists used to fight at breakfast and make up at lunch.

278. We wanted to buy a Johnny Cash DVD but they would accept only credit cards.

279. Everybody agreed that the lady who had an obsession with loose clothes needed a shrink.

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280. I had been on the barber's chair for few minutes when the earthquake started. Let's just say it was a close shave.

281. Beginners feel disheartened when they study phrasal verbs but in the end they get over it.

282. Jack is willing to have a go at horse shoeing - just for kicks.

283. Kidnapping is the act of stealing a baby goat while the shepherd is napping.

284. The person who is suspected to have sabotaged the cruise ship has a watertight alibi.

285. My wife has just emptied my card on a silk dress. No hard feelings.

286. As she couldn't help fidgeting, the actress who played the role of the statue got her walking papers.

287. "People say I am lazy. I think it's just idle speculation."

288. Cliff is a fervent supporter of levitation but he doesn't have a leg to stand on.

289. Did you hear about the dyslexic witch who seemed to be under a spell?

290. The author of the article on corporal punishment requested a correction.

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291. "Don't lend any money to George! That's borrowing trouble."

292. The stationery items started a riot. Obviously, they missed a firm


293. Insomniacs constantly keep their eyes open for a discount on sleeping pills.

294. The name of the new gloss on the market was on everyone's lips.

295. Did you hear about the vocalist who killed a famous song? They sent him to Sing Sing.

296. The gardener had green fingers but was caught red-handed while stealing violets.

297. A Bengal tiger courted a Siberian tigress but it was given the cold shoulder.

298. The government stopped financing the space research program because it turned out to be a black hole.

299. Front-page headline: "Digital publishing industry faces serious opposition from a massive group of bookworms which threaten to go on hunger strike".

300. I say: "Jesus, it's cashmere, honey!"

She says: "Jesus, it's mere cash, honey!"

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absent without leave = absent from one's post or duty without official permission

addicted to = unable to stop taking harmful drugs, or using or doing something as a habit

a flash in the pan = briefly successful or popular

against all odds = despite many difficulties

all bark and no bite = when someone is "all bark and no bite," it means that they threaten to do something to someone else, but they are not really willing to do it

all beers and skittles = all fun and pleasure

all ears = informal ready to pay attention to what someone has to say

all the rage = informal very popular

an early bird = someone who gets up early in the morning

a nail in the coffin = one of a series of event or actions that seriously harm someone or something

a night owl = a person who tends to stay up until late at night

artefact = an object made by a human being, typically one of cultural or historical interest

ask for the moon = make unreasonable demands

auction = a public occasion when things are sold to the people who offer the most money for them


(emotional) baggage = unresolved emotional issues from the past

battery = an object that fits into something such as a radio, clock or car and supplies it with electricity; LEGAL the crime of hitting someone

be given the cold shoulder = informal to be treated in an unfriendly way by someone you know

be miles away = be thinking of something else and not paying attention to what you are doing or what someone is saying

be pushing (age) = informal be approaching a specified age

be through (with someone) = have ended a relationship

bishop = a Christian priest with a senior position who is responsible for all the churches in a particular area; a piece in the game of chess shaped like a bishop's hat

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(be) bitten by the bug = informal become very enthusiastic about something

black hole = ASTRONOMY an area in outer space where the force of gravity is so strong that light and everything else around it is pulled into it; informal a situation in which large amounts of money are spent without bringing any benefits

black sheep of the family = the outcast of the family

blast = explosion, especially one caused by a bomb; spoken a very enjoyable experience

blind date = an arrangement in which two people who have never met before spend some time together in order to find out whether they like each other enough to start a relationship

blow a fuse = informal suddenly become very angry

blow/let off steam = express your feelings of anger or excitement without harming anyone

blow the whistle on (something/someone) = informal to tell someone in authority that someone is doing something dishonest or illegal

bookworm = the larva of a wood-boring beetle which feeds on the paper and glue in books

boomerang kid = informal a young adult who, after having lived on his or her own for a time, returns to live in the parental home, usually due to financial problems

bone of contention = something that people disagree or argue about

borrow trouble = make trouble for oneself

brag = talk about your achievements or possessions in a proud way that annoys other people

break a leg! = informal good luck!

break the ice = do or say something that makes people feel less shy or nervous in a social situation

bring home the bacon = to bring home money earned at a job

bucket list = informal a number of experiences or achievements that a person hopes to have or accomplish during their lifetime

(have) butterflies in one's stomach = feel very nervous or excited about something that you have to do, especially something important


call someone on the carpet = reprimand someone

caravan = a vehicle that people can live and travel in on holiday. Caravans are usually towed (=pulled) by a car. The American word is trailer; a group of people and vehicles travelling together, especially in a desert

carbon dating = a method of finding out the age of a very old object by measuring the amount of radioactive carbon it contains

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cardiac arrest = heart attack

carry a tune = be able to sing accurately

cashmere = very soft wool that comes from a type of goat

CAT scan = Computerized Axial Tomography scan

catch on tape = film

census = an official count or survey, especially of a population

change of pace = a shift in normal routine, a variation in usual activities or pattern

charge = to put electricity into a piece of electrical equipment such as a battery; to accuse someone officially of committing a crime

chicken out = not do something you were going to do because you are too frightened

clear the air = get rid of stale or bad air; get rid of doubts or hard feelings

click = informal if two people click, they realize immediately that they like each other and understand each other

close shave = a narrow escape

club together = if people club together, each of them gives some money so that all the money collected can be used to buy something

(get) cold feet = lose previous enthusiasm or courage

colon = the symbol: used in writing, for example before an explanation or list. A colon is a punctuation mark; the lower part of your bowel

come/go under the hammer = be sold at an auction

come down with (a disease) = to become ill with a particular disease, usually one that is not serious

come up smelling of roses = to have people believe that you are good and honest after a difficult situation that could have made you seem bad or dishonest

conceited = arrogant

cosmetologist = a beauty professional who is trained in treating skin, hair, and nails

cost an arm and a leg = be very expensive

count sheep = to imagine sheep and count them as a way of making yourself go to sleep

crack = informal to lose control of yourself and say or do things that you would not normally say or do, for example, because you are tired or you have been threatened

crash course = a rapid and intense course of training or research

credit = an arrangement to receive goods from a shop or money from a bank and pay for it later; praise for something you have done or achieved

crevasse = a very deep crack in rock or ice

culture vulture = a person who is very interested in the arts

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curdle = if milk or another liquid curdles, or if something makes it curdle, lumps begin to form in it


date = an arrangement to meet someone who you are having or starting a sexual or romantic relationship with; a sweet brown sticky fruit with a hard narrow seed inside that grows on palm trees

dawn on someone = become evident to the mind

dead-end job = a job that provides you with no chance of getting a better job

death row = the part of a prison for housing inmates who have received the death penalty

dogwood = a bush or tree with red stems and berries

do time = informal spend time in prison

dream team = a team or group whose members are among the most qualified or talented in their particular fields

dressed to the nines = informal to be wearing fashionable or formal clothes for a special occasion

drive someone up the wall = annoy or irritate someone

drool = let saliva come out of your mouth

drop-dead gorgeous = informal extremely attractive

dump = informal end a romantic relationship with someone

duvet day = a day when someone stays off work because they are tired or ill

dyslexic = someone who has dyslexia (a medical condition affecting the brain that makes it difficult for someone to read and spell words correctly)


eager beaver = someone who is extremely enthusiastic and enjoys working extremely hard

early bird = a person who usually gets up early in the morning

egg on = to encourage someone to do something that they should not do

embezzlement = the act of stealing money that people trust you to look after as part of your work

escargot = the edible snail especially as an item on a menu

everything but the kitchen sink = nearly everything that you own


face the music = informal to accept punishment or criticism for something you have

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done wrong

fall out with = informal stop being friendly with someone because you have had a disagreement with them

fidget = keep making small quick movements with parts of your body because you are bored, nervous or impatient

fine = an amount of money that you have to pay because you have broken the law; if something is fine, it is good enough and acceptable to you

fish for a compliment = to try to get someone to pay oneself a compliment

flea market = a market where old things are sold at low prices

flint = a hard grey stone that was used in the past for making tools

flunk = fail a test or a course

flush = make water pass through a toilet; a group of cards held by someone in a card game that all belong to the same suit

foam at the mouth = informal be very angry

follow in someone's footsteps = to do the same work or achieve the same success as someone else before you

food for thought = something for someone to think about

for crying out loud = used to express frustration, exasperation, or annoyance

forensic = relating to the use of scientific methods to solve crimes and find out who committed them

for kicks = informal if you do something for kicks, especially something dangerous, you do it because you think it is exciting

fork out = spend money on something especially when you do not want to

for old times' sake = so that you can remember a happy time in the past

four-letter word = a short word that is considered rude or offensive, especially because it refers to sex or other functions of the body

frame = informal to make someone seem guilty of a crime when they are not, for example by lying to the police or by producing false evidence

from the bottom of one's heart = with the deepest appreciation; most sincerely

(have) friends in high places = important people whom you can ask for support and help in getting what you want

(have a ) frog in one's throat = a feeling of hoarseness in one's throat that causes you to lose your voice or be unable to speak clearly for a short time.


gain ground = become more popular or accepted

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get someone/something out of one's head = manage to forget someone/something

get the boot = informal be told to leave your job

get your teeth into something = to get completely involved in something

give me five = spoken used for asking someone to hit their open hand against yours usually as a way of celebrating

give someone a hand = informal help somebody

give someone a hug = put your arms around someone to show your love or friendship

give someone a ring = give somebody a call

goal-oriented = a person or team that is goal-oriented works hard to achieve good results in the tasks that they have been given

go down in history = be remembered or recorded in history

go Dutch = share the cost of something, especially a meal, equally

go in one ear and out the other = if information goes in one ear and out the other, the person who is told it forgets it immediately because they do not listen carefully enough

go to bed with the chickens = go to bed very early

grease someone's palm = bribe someone

gross = a gross amount of money is the total amount before taxes or costs have been taken out; informal extremely unpleasant. This word is used mainly by young people

gossip = conversation about unimportant subjects, especially people's private lives

guillotine = a machine used in the past for cutting off somebody's head


hang on = wait for a short period of time

hang out with = informal spend time enjoying or relaxing with someone

hare-brained = rash; ill-judged

have a bun in the oven = humorous be pregnant

have a frog in your throat = be unable to speak clearly for a short time because your throat is dry or blocked

have a screw loose = informal be slightly crazy

have a whale of a time = enjoy yourself very much

have green fingers = have a natural ability in growing plants

have the guts = informal have courage

hiatus = formal a period of time when something does not happen; LINGUISTICS a pause between two vowel sounds that come one after the other for example in the word naive

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hit the roof = informal become very angry

hive = a container in which bees live and make honey

holy cow! = informal an exclamation of surprise

horn in = try to become involved in something that other people do not want you to be involved in

horsepower = a unit for measuring the power of a vehicle's engine

humble-bee = another term for bumblebee (a large hairy bee)

hunch = a feeling or guess based on intuition rather than fact; sit or stand with your back and shoulders curved forwards

hunger strike = voluntary fast undertaken as a means of protest


I (can) feel it in my bones = something that you say when you are certain something is true or will happen, although you have no proof

idle = lazy; (speculation, threat, etc) without foundation

indolent = lazy; slow to heal, grow, or develop

in high spirits = extremely joyful and enjoying oneself

injury time = time added at the end of a match because time has been lost dealing with injured players

inkblot test = a psychological test in which a person is shown spots of ink and asked what they look like as a way of learning about the person's personality or feelings

in one ear and out the other = PROV. heard but not remembered (used to describe something that someone does not listen to)

in stitches = informal laughing very hard

in the doghouse = if you are in the doghouse, someone is angry with you because you have done something wrong

itch = unpleasant feeling on your skin that makes you want to scratch it

it goes without saying = phrase used to mean that something is obvious

it's no use crying over spilt milk = something that you say which means you should not get upset about something bad that has happened that you cannot change


jacket potato = a potato cooked with its skin on

jump to conclusions = to judge or decide something without having all the facts


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keep someone in the dark = keep someone uninformed about someone or something

kick in the teeth = informal if you get a kick in the teeth, something bad happens to you or you feel that you've been treated poorly

kidnap = illegally take someone away and make them a prisoner

kill a song = ruin a song by singing it the wrong way

kill time = do something while waiting

knock on wood = said as a wish for good luck


landslide = an overwhelming majority of votes for one party or candidate in an election

larger than life = more interesting and more exciting than an ordinary person or thing

learn the ropes = informal to know or learn to do something, especially a job

leg = part of body; part of a journey/race

lemon = informal an unsatisfactory or feeble person or thing

let one's hair down = informal relax and enjoy yourself because you are in a comfortable environment

look down on = think that you are better or more important than someone else

lose your train of thought = forget what you are thinking

love handles = informal excess fat around waistline


make a scene = to be loud and rude with other people or in public

make up = become friends again

mean= informal cruel or unkind

menial = menial work is boring or dirty and is considered to be of low status

mere = used for emphasizing that something is small or unimportant

meteorism = condition in which there is an excessive accumulation of gas in the intestinal tract

Mr. Right = informal the ideal future husband

mummy = informal a mother; a dead body that has been treated with special oils and wrapped in long narrow pieces of cloth to prevent it from decaying, especially in ancient Egypt

must = if something is a must it means something that you definitely need in a particular situation; freshly pressed grape juice that contains the skins, seeds, and stems of the fruit


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nature's call = the feeling of a need to go to the toilet

night owl = a person who usually stays up and is active until late at night

no hard feelings = no anger or resentment

not cut the mustard = informal to not be good enough

not give a hoot = to not care about something

not have a leg to stand on = have no reasonable or logical basis for an opinion

not have the foggiest idea = spoken used for emphasizing that you do not know anything at all about something

nuthouse = a home or hospital for people with mental illnesses


once in a blue moon = informal very rarely

one's salad days = the period when one is young and inexperienced

on everyone's lips = being talked about by a lot of people

on (the) grounds of = a reason for what you say or do, or for being allowed to say or do something

on the house = given to you free in a restaurant, hotel, bar, or club

on the rocks = informal (of a drink) served undiluted with ice cubes

on the shelf = unlikely to find a partner or get married, usually because of being too old


(get) paid peanuts = be paid a small amount of money

party animal = informal a very outgoing person who enjoys parties and similar social activities

pay through the nose = pay a very high price for something

phrasal verb = a combination of words that is used like a verb and consists of a verb and an adverb or preposition, for example get over

piece of cake = informal something that is very easy to do

piercing = the practice of having a hole made through a part of your body so that you can put jewelry in it

play devil's advocate = pretend to disagree with someone in order to start an argument or interesting discussion

poker face = an impassive expression that hides one's true feelings

pop the question = informal ask someone to marry you

porcupine = a small animal whose back is covered with hairs that have sharp points that it uses to defend itself by making them point up

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pull somebody's leg = try to persuade someone to believe something that is not true as a joke

pull strings = to use your influence in order to get something that you want or to help someone, especially when this is unfair

punch line = the last few words of a joke, including the part that makes the joke funny

pupil = the black round part in the middle of your eye; someone, especially a child who goes to school or who has lessons in a particular subject

put one's foot in one's mouth = say something stupid or embarrassing.

push one's luck = to try too hard to get a particular result and risk losing what you have achieve

put somebody on a pedestal = admire or love someone so much that you believe they have no faults

put on weight = to get fat


queue = a line of people waiting for something in a shop or similar place

quill = a large feather from the wing or tail of a bird; a pen made from a quill feather; a long thin sharp object like a stick that grows from the body of porcupines and some other animals


rain check = a piece of paper that you can use to buy something later that is not available at the moment

rare = not happening very often ; rare meat has been cooked only for a short period of time and is red inside

read between the lines = try to understand the deeper meaning of something which is not said or written explicitly

red-handed = used to indicate that a person has been discovered in or just after the act of doing something wrong or illegal

R.I.P. = abbr. Latin requiescat in pace (= may he/she rest in peace)

ripe = ripe fruit or crops have grown to their full size and are ready to eat or use; if the time is ripe for something it means that a particular time is right for something to happen

roar = if a crowd of people roar, they all shout at the same time because they are angry or excited; if a lion roars, it makes a loud deep sound

rub someone up the wrong way = informal do or say things that annoy someone

ruler = an object used for measuring or for drawing straight lines; someone who controls a country

rumba = a dance from Cuba done by a man and a woman together

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rumour = unofficial information that may or may not be true

run in the family = if a characteristic or ability runs in the family, a lot of people in that family have it

run into somebody = meet someone you know when you are not expecting to


sake = an alcoholic beverage of Japanese origin that is made from fermented rice

salsa = a sauce made from tomatoes, onion, chilli peppers and spices, served with Mexican or Spanish food; a type of Latin-American dance music influenced by jazz and rock

say cheese = an instruction used by a photographer who is trying to get their subject to smile

school = a large group of fish

seal = a large sea animal that eats fish and lives mainly in cold parts of the world; a piece of something such as wire or wax that seals a container and that you have to break before you can open the container

season = add salt, pepper, or other spices to food

shallow = if water is shallow it is not deep; a shallow person is not interested in serious ideas, strong feelings, or other important things

shrink = become smaller in size; informal psychiatrist

sleep like a log = sleep very well

slip one's mind = if something slips your mind, you forget to do it

sloth = an animal that lives in trees and moves very slowly

small talk = casual or trivial conversation

snail mail = conventional postal delivery services

snapshot = a photograph taken without the use of professional equipment

sour grapes = criticism of something that you make because you are annoyed that you cannot have it

spare ribs = a variety of pork ribs and beef ribs

squash = damage something by pressing or crushing it and making it lose its normal shape; a large hard vegetable with very thick skin

stammer = keep repeating a sound and have difficulty in saying certain words because of a speech problem, nervousness, excitement etc

start from scratch = to start from nothing

start off on the wrong foot = being things incorrectly

stationery = pens, paper, envelopes, pencils and other things used for writing

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sticky situation = a situation that is difficult or dangerous

stir = move food around in a dish or pan using a spoon or other object; a situation in which a lot of people feel interested or angry

stomach = (usually in negatives) if you cannot stomach something, you cannot bear to do it or deal with it

swing = a style of jazz or dance music with a flowing but vigorous rhythm


tadpole = a small animal that live in water and develops into a frog

take it easy = be calm and not get too excited or angry

tan = the dark colour of your skin when you have spent time in the sun

tap dance = a style of dancing in which you move your feet very quickly and make sounds with the special shoes that you wear

The Big Apple = nickname for New York City

the Big Bang = an explosion that some scientists believe happened 15 billion years ago and caused the universe to begin to exist

the birds and the bees = this expression refers to courtship and sexual intercourse, and is usually used in reference to teaching someone, often a young child, about sex and pregnancy

there is no turning back = phrase used to mean that you can't back out of something

the talk of the town = a current subject of widespread gossip or speculation in (a particular place)

the time is right for something = used for saying that a particular time is right for something to happen

think outside the box = to think differently, unconventionally

throw a party = have a party

ticket = a piece of paper that shows you have paid to go into a place of entertainment such as a cinema or football ground; an official piece of paper that shows a driver that they must pay money for committing a traffic offence

tie the knot = informal get married

tip = a narrow or pointed end, especially of something long or thin; a small amount of money that you give to someone in addition to what you owe for a service

toll = the number of deaths or casualties arising from a natural disaster, conflict, accident, etc.

toll-free number = a toll-free telephone number is one that you can call without having to pay

trailer = an advertisement for a film or television programme that shows a short part of

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that film or programme; American a caravan pulled by a car

tripe = the stomach of a cow or a sheep eaten as food

turn your back on someone = refuse to help someone


ulcer = MEDICAL a sore area on the inside of an organ in your body or on your skin that sometimes bleeds or produces a poisonous substance

(be) under the weather = if a person is under the weather, they do not feel well

ups and downs = a mixture of both good and bad experiences


viral = caused by or relating to a virus; informal very popular and spreading very quickly, especially on the Internet

vulgar fraction = a fraction expressed by numerator and denominator, not decimally


walking papers = informal an act of telling someone that they are no longer wanted, needed or employed

(a woman's) water broke = the placenta has broken, enabling the baby to begin traveling down the birth canal

watertight = flawless

wave = a line of water that rises up on the surface of a sea, lake or river; move your hand to say hello or goodbye or as a signal

wear the trousers = informal be the person in a relationship who has the most control and makes all the important decisions

when the chips are down = when you are in a difficult or dangerous situation, especially one which tests whether you can trust people

workaholic = someone who spends most of their time working and has little interest in other things

work out = to solve a problem by considering the facts; do physical exercise as a way of keeping fit

wrath = very great anger

written all over somebody's face = it is very evident and can easily be detected when looking at someone's face.


yellow = informal coward

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zero tolerance = used to describe a set of rules that allow for absolutely no exceptions

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Pun Mind Map

1. fox - turkey - Thanksgiving

2. shark diving tour - an arm and a leg

3. contortionist - put foot in mouth

4. punctuation - digest - colon

5. soldiers - letters - read between the lines

6. Alzheimer - forget about it

7. garbage bins - get dumped

8. snake - hisstory

9. welders - heavy metal

10. boxers - spare ribs

11. shipwrecked dentist - miss teeth

12. cheetahs - nutrition - fast food

13. Bill Gates - icons

14. artefact collector - mummy

15. sardine - schools

16. Eskimo - altar - cold feet

17. farmer - bull - holy cow

18. Moby Dick - a whale of a time

19. Quasimodo - have a hunch

20. Leo - Scorpio - horrorscope

21. stammer - great-great-great grandfather

22. chameleon - dinner - butterflies in stomach

23. bald guys - parties - let hair down

24. confectioner - piece of cake

25. glutton - season - steak

26. balloons - pop the question

27. English teachers - beat-beat-beaten

28. IT workers - sick - tablet

29. stuffed animals - taxidermist - have the guts

30. bees - give me hive

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31. comedian - punch line

32. wet cloth - hang out with

33. condor - friends in high places

34. sculptors - lovers - pedestal

35. armless man - "no hands needed"

36. worm - New York

37. people - lose head - guillotine

38. sloths - argue

39. vegetable - feet - squash

40. testament - will

41. cavemen - disco - club together

42. donkeys - all ears

43. ornithologist- early bird - night owl

44. janitor -slipped one's mind

45. flint piece - no spark

46. teacher - king's children - pupils

47. jelly - earthquake

48. sun - dark - once in a blue moon

49. kitten - CAT scans

50. traffic officers - fine day

51. difficult - idioms - take it easy

52. blanket weaver - duvet days

53. cannibal - give me a hand

54. rhino - rude - horn in

55. onion - date - cry

56. refuse collector - "no" - take out the garbage

57. poultry farmer - go to bed with the chickens

58. drop the piano - face the music

59. tadpole - frog in throat

60. skeleton - bone of contention

61. debate - lawyers - play devil's advocate

62. typist - house - keys

63. jump the queue - death row

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64. escargot - recipe - snail mail

65. locomotive drivers - blow off steam

66. wolf - count sheep - insomnia

67. bomb squad - party - blast

68. divorce - butcher - bring home the bacon

69. kangaroo - defect - jump to conclusions

70. K1 fighter - break a leg

71. driving instructor - drive up the wall

72. bank clerk- have an interest in

73. picture - lose temper - snapshot

74. sauna - sweatheart

75. Woody woodpecker - bore

76. lazybones - four letter-word

77. cats - trustworthy - lie

78. arsonist - Great Fire lesson

79. technology - mouse - click

80. top models - work on tan

81. old man - blind date - drop dead gorgeous

82. porcupines - quill - pen

83. gamble - the chips are down

84. tsunami - goodbye - wave

85. boss - cigar - fire alarm

86. lemon - cross road - yellow

87. storks - communist - left wing

88. moles - long time no see

89. topic - break the ice - global warming

90. giraffe - no friends - look down on

91. nomad - caravan - trailer

92. vampire - blood curdle

93. prepositions - break up - through

94. port - fort - word ladder

95. fashion designer - wear the trousers

96. meteorologist - under the weather

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97. insect - brag - humble-bee

98. hangman - tie the knot

99. polar bear - pantry - break seal

100. librarian - fear - on the shelf

101. florist - come up smelling of roses

102. dead-end job - gravedigger

103. flight - delayed - the foggiest idea

104. electrician - blow a fuse

105. men - excuse - goal-oriented

106. river - spring - shallow

107. marathon runner - speech - miles away

108. mountain climbers - drink - on the rocks

109. lamb - pink - black sheep

110. British reporter - worried - "The Sun"

111. puppet - in need - pull strings

112. old rabbit - salad days

113. police officers - pepper spray

114. water drops - tap dance

115. foxes - world map - Turkey

116. old woman - speeding - pushing ninety

117. Croatians - misspelling - Split milk

118. Zorro - noose - hang on

119. Japanese friends - drunk - sake

120. Michelangelo - under the hammer

121. photo - mice - "say cheese"

122. Time - more able - Space

123. medium - haunted bar - high spirits

124. hen - bungee-jumping - chicken out

125. baby - music - swing

126. mechanic - nuthouse - screw loose

127. weightlifter - accident - push one's luck

128. camel - otter - deer - party animal

129. atoms - it's a small world

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130. mute people - it goes without saying

131. squirrel - pay peanuts

132. watchmaker - kill time

133. tattoos - written all over the face

134. psychologist - porter - baggage

135. nose ring - piercing scream

136. masseuse - sacked - rub up the wrong way

137. lamps - Happy Halogen

138. zoologists - the birds and the bees

139. midget - larger than life

140. Nobel Prize - horsepower - magnetic field

141. Lady Gaga - poker face

142. boa - give me a hug

143. bar's roof - on the house

144. shampoo manufacturer - foam at the mouth

145. calendar - the talk of town

146. vowels - the Indies - hiatus

147. Miss Left - Mr. Right

148. Humpty Dumpty - climb - egg on

149. Pope - sacrifice - bishop

150. astronauts - ask for the moon

151. park - Opera - ticket

152. people - Greenwich - mean time

153. entertainer - pull everyone's leg

154. go Dutch - dinner on me

155. forensic photographer - framed for murder

156. tornado technology - brainstorming session

157. stressed syllable - deadline

158. The Eagles - culture vultures

159. what on earth - planet

160. tailor - joke - in stitches

161. project - bonfire - put on paper

162. waitress - ashtray - filter tip

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163. row - meteorism - clear the air

164. woodcutters - sleep like a log

165. fear - tooth extraction - rooted

166. pregnant crab - marathon - arm in leg

167. date - telephone operator - ring

168. strongest man - carry a tune

169. Jules Verne - go down in history

170. punctuation - period

171. grape juice - must

172. blackout - keep in the dark

173. net salary - gross

174. learn the ropes - trainee puppeteer

175. lion - crowd - roar

176. love - mountains - love for gold

177. selling pails - bucket list

178. oceans - rising - gain ground

179. "Dracula" - get your teeth into

180. Japanese planes - zero tolerance

181. fruit picking - time - ripe

182. bird flu video - viral

183. sleep - coach - dream team

184. coffee maker - fired - on grounds of

185. surgeon - on the wrong foot

186. oak - censused - absent without leaf

187. customer - fork - stir

188. rail worker - train of thoughts

189. Bugs Bunny tie - hare-brained idea

190. athletics - run - family

191. in the doghouse - schnauzer - bed

192. stain the floor - hit the roof

193. stand-up comedians - get serious

194. 7.777.778 - against all odds

195. botanist - nature's call

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196. donate blood - from the bottom of the heart

197. soldier toy - charged with battery

198. workaholic - ulcer - indolent

199. adhesive expert - sticky situation

200. speech - nutrition - food for thought

201. rumour - gossip - bad

202. fountain pen - inkblot test

203. meat - lightly cooked - rare

204. explorer - follow footstep - crevasse

205. PC mistakes - fatal error

206. criticize champagne - sour grapes

207. entomology - bitten by the bug

208. time stood still - face - stop a clock

209. king - toilet cleaner

210. violent video games - all the rage

211. referee - blow the whistle

212. can't stomach - tripe soup

213. love handles everything - love handles

214. chemistry teacher - water broke

215. matter - universe - doesn't matter

216. couldn't sleep - dawn on

217. army - particular - generals

218. active tenor - passive voice

219. basketball team - throw a party

220. mixed feelings - smoothies

221. ups and downs - elevator mechanic

222. soil erosion - landslide victory

223. furniture - knock on wood

224. magician - in one ear and out the other

225. archeologists - flirt - carbon dating

226. footwear company - get the boot

227. rude mathematicians - politics - vulgar fraction

228. wedding - fork out - cutlery

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229. confess - break the vase - crack

230. crying out loud - scream

231. dental charge - kick in the teeth

232. half-naked guy - jacket potato

233. tiles - click

234. dam - eager beavers

235. show - cancel - rain checks

236. manicure - nail in coffin

237. container factory - think outside the box

238. giants - small talk

239. treasure hunter - metal plate - the First War

240. memory loss - what was I saying

241. dogwood tree - all bark and no bite

242. citrus grower - car - lemon

243. DJ schools - start from scratch

244. technician - loom - call on the carpet

245. stressed turtle - doctor

246. fruit seller - date - fig

247. chef - career - flash in the pan

248. don't turn your back - no turning back

249. demolition company - under construction

250. seven guests - eight - dressed to the nines

251. boomerang kid - thrown out

252. grease palm - hand cream shop

253. tent - R.I.P

254. winter - plants - spring

255. policeman - heart surgeon - cardiac arrest

256. gym - work out - treadmill

257. astronaut - strange disease

258. seeds of wrath - angryculture

259. banker - book - credits to everybody

260. tomatoes - rumba - salsa

261. angling rod - fish for compliments

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262. nostril piercing - pay through the nose

263. bowling club - all beers and skittles

264. Death - toll-free number

265. hot dog seller - cut the mustard

266. volcanologist - set heart on fire

267. grizzly - more than anyone can bear

268. pilot training - crash courses

269. afraid - too many phobias

270. plumber - divorce - kitchen sink

271. baker - sponge cake - bun in the oven

272. dog collar - flea market - itch

273. reincarnated owl - not give a hoot

274. judge - sentence - speech therapist

275. five flies - caught on tape

276. orthopedic doctor - feel it in bones

277. cosmetologists - fight - make-up

278. Johnny Cash - credit cards

279. obsession - loose clothes - shrink

280. barber - earthquake - close shave

281. beginners - phrasal verbs - get over

282. horse shoeing - just for kicks

283. kidnapping - shepherd - nap

284. sabotage - watertight alibi

285. silk dress - no hard feelings

286. actress - statue - walking papers

287. lazy - idle speculation

288. levitation - a leg to stand on

289. dyslexic witch - under a spell

290. corporal punishment - correction

291. lend money - borrow trouble

292. stationery items - riot - ruler

293. insomniacs - sleeping pills - discount

294. new gloss - on everyone's lips

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295. vocalist - Sing Sing

296. green fingers - red-handed - violets

297. tiger - tigress - cold shoulder

298. space research program - black hole

299. digital publishing - bookworms - hunger strike

300. cashmere - mere cash