Download - English III & IV -2ndgr - WK2


8/6/2019 English III & IV -2ndgr - WK2 1/11






A. Skills1. Note explicity stated and implied details from a story


2. Use pronouns that agree in number with its antecedent

3. Write the correct spelling of words in listening and



A. Skills

1. Locate answers to wh-, how, and why that are explicitly

stated in the texts.

2. Use the object pronoun that agrees in number with its


3. Write the correct spelling of words with stressed and

unstressed syllables; words with silent letters.


B. Insight/Value

To develop the habit of eating nutritious foods.

C. Curriculum Links

1. Give the bad effects of eating junk food

2. Name food good for one’s health


  Story  : Junk Food  Comprehension Skill  : Noting and locating details from story read  Language Structure : Using pronouns that agree in number with its antecedent  Decoding/Writing : Writing correct spelling of words learned  Curriculum Links 

Science : Nutritious foods  Health : Food Good for the children  Materials : Story, Enjoying Reading 4 pp. 41-43; chart; magazines ads

Sample of junk foods

English for You and Me, Language 3, pp. 77-90

English for You and Me, Language 4, pp 105-115

8/6/2019 English III & IV -2ndgr - WK2 2/11





A. UnlockingofDifculties

  1. Using context clues  Replace the underlined word with its synonyms found inside the parentheses. (Sentences are written on the board.)

a. Nowadays, T.V. screens brim with favorite stars. (overow, overshadow)

b. Favorite food nowadays are softdrinks, synthetic juices and chippies. (manufactured, original)

c. He has a relish for imformative books. (liking, distaste)

d. Mario is considered hyper. He is always moving. (active, lazy)

e. Do not alter the order of the choices. (change, arrange)

f. You can buy some shirts in these outlets. (store branches, store houses)

g. If you do not want to be overweight, you must resist the temptation to eat your snack. (attraction, keeping)h. Junk food role you of your appetite. (take away, give away)

B. Motivation

Show the class samples of junk foods. How many of you eat these foods? What are junk foods? What junk foods do you often

eat? Is it good for you?

C. Motive Question

In our story today, what are the foods that give bad effects on your health?


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During Reading

  Say: Listen as I read to you a selection.

  Junk Food

As a general rule, youngsters, like you, eat far too often for your heath. But you eat mostly junkfood. You are always attracted to

such foods.

Popular magazines, newspapers, and the T.V screens brim with your favorite stars with full color advertisements

endorsing junk food. You are greatly inuenced by them.

It is a fact that your favorite food nowadays are soft drinks (non-cola and cola), synthetic juices, chippies of all

sorts, candies, donuts, and a number of sugar-and-salt coated snack items. Often you take these items between

meals and sometimes just before mealtime. They rob you of your appetite for regular table meals. Sometimes you

take them in large amount to nish a meal. Such food is fattening and may eventually lead to a weight problem. Instead of making you

“hyper,” it will make you sick.

Take a look at when and where you eat the junk food and how to alter your wating habits after you have learned to

relish and enjoy it.

If you nd that you eat junk food at home, ask your parent to help in making sure that the food kept in the house is healthful. It will

be easier if your home does not store any of the food you should not eat, Do not buy problem food. If you do not see junk food wihtin

reach, the temptation is much less.

If you eat junk food in school, or on your way home, you are tempted to buy them from the fast-food outlets.

You can talk to your teacher about such food. You may also ask your parents to help you plan healthful snacks and

lunches. And to avoid buying junk food that is high in calories but low in nutrients and ber, maybe you should not

bring money to school anymore.

Whenever you are at a party and anyone else is eating junk food, just remember why you should not eat it,

Think about what may happen if you eat something that you should not eat. Perhaps there is a special kind of dish

that you love to eat, like your favorite cheese or a crunchy carrot stick. While everyone else is enjoying sweets, you

can also enjoy eating more nutritious food.

Why are junk 

food attractive?

Where do you

see these ads?

What are these

 juck foods?

Why do you eat

these foods?

How can you

avoid eating junk 


What should you

remember when you

are tempted to eat

 junk food?

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How will you change

your eating habits?

What should you remem-

 ber for your heatlh sake?

Group 3

Make a junk food advertisement that invites children to buy.

Health Me


Group 4

Make a poster about good health. Complete the line.

  Health is .

Your friends can help by reminding you too. But you will to make up your mind to change. Keeping an

honest record of everything you eat and keeping track of calories can help you change your eating habits.

Remember, you should eat to live, not to live to eat for your health’s sake.



Engagement Activity 1

Let’s form four groups. Do your activity as written in the

newsprint given to your group.

Group 1

Make a list of favorite foods for your snacks.






Group 2

Draw 3 foods that are good for your lunch. Name them.

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Engagement Activity 2

Let’s go back to the story.

1. Who eat too much junk food? (youngsters)2. Why do you think they are attracted to it?

Group 3 will present their junk food advertisement. What makes children buy these kinds of food? It is wise to buy these junk food?

Why not?

3. Where do you see food advertisement?

4. What are these junk foods?

Group 1 will show the list of favorite food for snack. From the list which ones are considered healthy to eat? Which are not ought to

be included? Why not?

5. When do you eat these foods?

Group 2 will present their favorite food for lunch.

6. What should you remember when buying food to eat?7. How will you change your eating habits if you are fond of junk foods?

8. Why are nutrious food important?

Group 4 will present their poster .

Skill Development

Pupils read a selection, individually think about

responses, discuss their ideas with a partner. Then share

their ideas to class.

1. Susana is a new pupil in school. During recess, she wouldalways sit along on a bench under the tree. She wished

that her family had never moved to Manila.

Why do you think Susana sits along on a bench under the


Skill Development

Practice Exercise A

Read the paragraphs. Answer the questions that follow.

1. Ismael turned off the light quietly. He did it so that hisparents will not be disturbed in their sleep.

a. Why did Ismael trun off the light?

b. How did Ismael tunn off the light?

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How does she feel moving to Manila?

2. One day, the teacher told susana to sit next to another 

new girl in school named Lani Tan. Susana wished they

could be friends. To her surprise, Lani looked at her and

gave her a big smile.

How did Susana feel when Lani gave her a big smile?

Do you think it would be easier for Susana to make friends

with Lani Tan? Why?

2. Many passengers travel by bus. They do not ride on cart

because they went to reach their home on time.

a. How do passengers travel?

b. Why do they travel by bus?

3. Crabs have ten legs. The front legs are pichers. The crab

uses its pichers to protect itself. When it is frightened it

runs sideways. Crabs like to live near the seashore, where

they can get food.

a. How do crabs protect themselves?

b. Why do crabs like to live in the seashore?

4. A product must be protected in order to be fresh.

To reform freshness, transfer contents in a dry

resealable container.

a. How can a product retains its freshnes?

b. Why must a product be protected?

5. Orchids are beautiful. Some stay fresh for quiete a long

time. It is the reason why orchids are made into corsage.

Orchids cost quite high. Some people make money by

raising and selling the owers.

a. How do people make money from orchids?b. Why are orchids made into corsage?

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1. Presentation

These sentences are from our story “Junk Foods”.

1. TV stars endorse junk food. You are greatly inuenced by them.

2. Junk foods attract you most. They are not good for your health.

3. You should eat to live, not to live to eat for your health’s sake.

2. Generalization

Read the underlined words. What do you call these words? (pronouns)

Why did we use them in sentence 1?

What does them refer to? (TV stars)

What do you call TV stars? (antecedent)In sentence 2, what does your refer to? (you)

What does they refer to? (junk food)

What should you remember in using pronoun?

Pronoun agrees with its antecedent. Antecedent is the word to which the pronoun referes.

3. Exercises

Let’s ll out this graphic organizer with the missing ideas.

1. Possessive Pronoun that agrees

in gender with its antecedent.

3. feminine gender 

5. she, her, hers

4. masculine gender 

6. he, him, his

2. neutral gender 

7. it, its


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Read the sentences and nd the antecedent of underlined pronoun.

1. Mother keeps her house clean.

2. Edison left his car on the driveway.

3. Gina left her toys.

4. The girls fround their pens in the box.

5. The curtain has lost its glossy texture.

4. Assimilation

  Practice A

Choose the correct pronoun. Compare your answer with

your seatmate.

1. Kara visited (his, her) grandmother in the city.2. All the pupils were taking (their, his) test.

3. Angelo brings (his, her) cat to school.

4. Jose and Fred wash (his, their) toys.

5. My teacher carries (her, its) bag daily.

  Practice B

Supply the correct pronoun.

1. Ruben reads newly-bought book.

2. The lady sings favorite song.

3. The parents watch children playing.

4. The cap was given to Paulo and color is


5. The actor is studying lines in the play.

4. Assimilation

  Practice A

Choose the correct pronoun.

1. Father opened (her, his) gifts before us.

2. The girls brought (her, their) books.3. The cats are hunry. Junjun feed (them, him).

4. The boys came. We asked (him, them) to help us.

5. The box is on the table. The bag is inside (him, it).

  Practice B

Supply the correct pronoun. Compare your answer 

with your seatmate.

(boys) 1. We call to get inside.

(I) 2. My friend told her secret.(Terry and Luz) 3. “Leave alone, They


(Gina) 4. Mother sews dress.

(people) 5. The priest told to be good


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1. On our story, we meet the following words.

Copy the words correctly.

sometimes junkjuices change

nowadays everyone

nish everthing

outlet nutritious

2. Discussion

How many syllables are there in the word sometimes?

Read while you clap. Do the same with other words.

3. Reading Phrases

for sometimes

sweet juices

living nowadays

almost nish

store outlet

junk foods

change clothes

love everyone

lost everything

good nutrition


1. On our story, we meet the following words.

Copy the words correctly.

favorite synthetic

healthful appetite

relish everything

meal time magazines

nutrients newpapers

2. Discussion

Clap while you say a words in the list. How many syllables

are ther in favorite? (3)

Do the same withe other.

3. Reading Phrases

healthful living

relish for 

mealtime fun

food nutrient

synthetic juices

strong appetite

almost everything

womans magazines

daily newspaper.

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4. Sentence Reading

1. Adobo is my favorite food.

2. We always want healthful living.3. It’s mealtime fun watching the T.V.

4. Sentence Reading

1. Children like sweet juices.

2. Cost of living nowadays is high.3. I am almost nish with my project.


A. Direction: Read the story then answer the questions.

Write your answer on you paper.

Hamster are cute animals that can be our pets at

home. They are so small, you have to keep them in a

cage. They eat lettuce, sunower seeds and pellets. They

eat almost everything.

1. Why are hamster kept in a cage?

2. What do hamster eat?

Hamster have tiny teeth that look like those of a rabbit

but unlike rabbits, they are smaller. Ther teeth are very


3. How are hamsters teeth different from those of a


4. Why are hamsters’ teeth made sharp?


A. Locate the answer to the questions below the selection.

Write the number of your choice on the blank.

1. Do you know how many hours a spider eats its food?

2. The spider has a small mouth, a narrow throat and

has no way of chewing its food.

3. As soon as the cochroach is caught in the web, thespider slowly goes towards it.

4. The spider can move its sticky web becaue its legs are

coated with oil.

5. It moves silken thread around the cockroach until it can

not move anymore and put poison in it until it dies.

6. The spider is man’s true friend because it eats insects

that can destroy earth.

a. Why can a spider move in its web?

b. How does a spider kill a cockroach?c. How does a spider catch a cockroach?

d. Why is spider man’s true friend?

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B. Select the correct pronoun in the parentheses.

1. Gino loves his pet cat so much. (His, My) cat is a

siamese.2. Benjie enjoys shing. (Her, His) father is a sherman.

3. I lost (mine, my) pen in the canteen.

4. The box of crayon belongs to Ben and Vicky. It is (they,



  Write sentences using the following pronouns.

1. her 4. yours

2. them 5. him

3. it

B. Use the correct pronoun to used in the sentence.

1. Mryna told (her, their) friends about the new pet.

2. I have just read the story. I like (him, it) very much.

3. The boys throw stones at the dog. The dog ran after 

(him, them).

4. Nora disobeyed my mother and so she punished (me,



  Write sentences using the following pronouns.

1. theirs 4. him2. hers 5. ours

3. its


  Health: Pupils will have a list of nutritious food for their snacks, breakfast, lunch and dinner.