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Page 1: English

How did you feel when you returned to Escape The Fate and had to coexist with two new members?When I first came back to the band I was a little nervouse because I hadn't seen or talked to the guys in almost 2 years since I had left in 2011. I also really never thought id be back in my band. But I mean I have alot of history with Craig and Robert obviously, and iand ive known Kevin Thrasher since 2006-2007. Some people assumed things would be weird with TJ, but he was just as stoked as the other guys to have me back and it feels like him and I have been in been playing music together for a long time.

What can we expect from the new Escape The Fate that you didn't have with the former members? Well people can expect to see the band together and happy now. We all enjoy doin things together and involving the fans alot more because now theres no awkwardness between members like there was before.




APRIL 2014

Page 2: English

What will Escape The Fate do during the summer? Any plans for a new album?Well we have an offer to do a big festival style tour in a few months, and then I think were trying to bring the BTH tour to other countries. But between all that we’ve also set time aside to write our new album and we’ve alreadybeen doin scbeen doin scratch demo songs to get prepared for that.

What do you think about Ungrateful? Do you think it's missing your personal touch? I think Ungrateful as an album os pretty good. To be honest I hadnt heard it until I came back to the band. It hurt to much, so I had refused to listen to it when it came out. But I think the record has alot of good songs on it, I think the band did a good job of choosing and wrI think the band did a good job of choosing and writing songs that all fit together as a piece of art. I think they honed in on a certain sound sonically and to me it sounds pretty good. Although I will say that you can def tell that the record was musically written mostly by one member as opposed to the whole band being involved in the writing process like the first 3 albums show. But maybe thats also why I think it sounds diff, because since I I wasnt involved in the writing on this record it has a diff sound to me. So yea, I think it is kinda missing that "Max Green" touch haha. But overall its pretty rockin. But im stoked to bring back my writing style and infuse it into the next record.

Which Escape The Fate album do you relate to the most?Why?Honestly I don't think theres one album that I relate to more than athan any other. I put my heart, soul, blood, sweat and tears into every album that im apart of. Each album is part of me musically and lyrically, and all have bits and peices of my life at that time hidden in the tracks from the music or lyrics that I wrote.

What has been your best moment with ETF?Honestly, every show is the best moment in ETF. I am so lucky to get to play music and see the world and meet people.and meet people.

How would you describe the song My Apocalypse?Ummm....I dont know how I’d describe that song. I guess i’d say its....good. haha. I mean it’s a song, it’s us, it’s just Escape The Fate.

Which was the best moment from the DILTF era? What's the best song?

Best moment from DIYLF was probably all the crazy nights, breaking things, driving for hours, playing pranks and

living the dirty band, tour van rock lifestyle. You never know if your gonna make it

to the next show but to the next show but you do what you can and somehow we made it through haha.

Oh and my fav song is the webs we weave.




APRIL 2014

How did the idea of creating a new band come about? Well it came about when Monte wanted to be the only writer in the band

and change hiw we had done things on our first 2 albums. When we did the 3rd was when it kinda stopped being

a full band effort and I was not happy with that at all!! So I decided that I needed another outlet for my art

and cand creativity and decided to do another project. And when I left ETF it seemed like the right time obviously

to take it serious and get things moving.

How did you come up with the name of the new band?I got the band name just from how I was feeling and wanting

to create a new sound and new project and create a revolution. I wanted a name that really represented that.

Do Do you have all the permanent members?I am about 1 member away from having everyone I need.

I am being very selective because I want this band to be really great and stay together for years and years.

Are you planning to record an album or release any song soon? I’ve got some meetings with record labels and

have already been recording new demos on my time off tour. SSo hopefully by the end of the year or beginning of next year

I’ll have an album recorded and ready to release with a label behind me.

How is the life of a singer/songwriter? What are your goals with VNB?It's great going from bass player/writer in ETF to singer and songwriter in VNB,

All the ideas I have I just get to do myself now and getting to write on guitar with other guitar players is alot of fun. Especially being in a recording booth and playing

wwith vocal melodies is one of my fav things!!My goal with VNB is to give music with real attitude and

emotion to the fans all over the world and share a victory with everyone who supports me and my new band.

I dont ever wanna stop touring and I wanna make heavy rock/metal music with catchy choruses that you almost hate because you can’t get it out

of your head with REAL lyrics written from my heart.




APRIL 2014

Page 3: English

How did the idea of creating a new band come about? Well it came about when Monte wanted to be the only writer in the band

and change hiw we had done things on our first 2 albums. When we did the 3rd was when it kinda stopped being

a full band effort and I was not happy with that at all!! So I decided that I needed another outlet for my art

and cand creativity and decided to do another project. And when I left ETF it seemed like the right time obviously

to take it serious and get things moving.

How did you come up with the name of the new band?I got the band name just from how I was feeling and wanting

to create a new sound and new project and create a revolution. I wanted a name that really represented that.

Do Do you have all the permanent members?I am about 1 member away from having everyone I need.

I am being very selective because I want this band to be really great and stay together for years and years.

Are you planning to record an album or release any song soon? I’ve got some meetings with record labels and

have already been recording new demos on my time off tour. SSo hopefully by the end of the year or beginning of next year

I’ll have an album recorded and ready to release with a label behind me.

How is the life of a singer/songwriter? What are your goals with VNB?It's great going from bass player/writer in ETF to singer and songwriter in VNB,

All the ideas I have I just get to do myself now and getting to write on guitar with other guitar players is alot of fun. Especially being in a recording booth and playing

wwith vocal melodies is one of my fav things!!My goal with VNB is to give music with real attitude and

emotion to the fans all over the world and share a victory with everyone who supports me and my new band.

I dont ever wanna stop touring and I wanna make heavy rock/metal music with catchy choruses that you almost hate because you can’t get it out

of your head with REAL lyrics written from my heart.




APRIL 2014

Page 4: English

Lady Gaga calls her fans "Little Monsters". How would you call yours?Good question, I dont know yet. But for now I call them “FAMILY”.

How does it feel to know that every day there are peoplewho support you as a person and your work?If theIf there were words to describe it i’d surely tell you but there aren’t. All I can say is that I couldn't ask for a better support group.

How do you feel knowing there are people who"would do anything for you"?Again, the same answer as the previous question. And I would do anything for them!!

What would you like to improve in your life?I’d I’d like to improve how much I work. I’d like to record more and put a book out and be able to touch the lives of more people.

If you had another job, what would you like it to be? If I had another job i’d probably like to be an actor. That’s always been a big passion of mine.

3 things that defined your childhood?1. Changing schools 2. Music 3. Outcast1. Changing schools 2. Music 3. Outcast

What's your favorite makeup?My favorite makeup is MAC and Sephora.

What shampoo do you use?L'Oréal Paris Power Moisture

How many tattoos and piercings do you have?5 piercings (ears - nose - lips) 21 tattoos =]

WWould you go back to the haircut you had during DIYLF? Sometimes i think about join back to that haircut, I did like it a lot but its taken me so long to grow my hair out and I'm not ready to cut it yet.

As a bassist, which was the hardest technique to master,and the most useful technique? ‘I’d say the hardest technique to master for me is learningslap bass pslap bass properly to be able to play like that and only use your fingers and make it sound clean was kinda hard for me to get down when I started learning it.

Who is your idol or biggest influence? I have lots of idols and influences, it be really hard for

me to narrow it down to just one. honestly though from about the time I was in

4th or 5th grade was when I heard my first motley cure album and that was a huge influence on me and 5th grade was when I hea when I heard my first Marilyn Manson song and he was

probably my very first idol and influence and then Motley and Nikki Sixx

had made a huge impact on me towards the end of junior high and both people still influence me today.

As a bass player, do you consider Twiggy Ramirez or Nikki Sixx as your biggest influences?

DefinDefinitely Nikki Sixx, he's a great song writer, entertainer and visionary. If it wasn't for people like Nikki Sixx there would be

no people like Twiggy Ramirez.

Which artists or bands would you like to work with? I’d like to work with Nikki Sixx, Jacoby from Papa Roach,

Tim Skold, John 5, Dave Grohl and Trent Reznor just to name a few.

What other bands or artists hWhat other bands or artists have you been listening to lately?

Lately I've been listening to a lot of rap artists and pretty much just bands from the 70's and 80's and Pink Floyd quite specifically.

I am actually writing for the new Violent New Breed album right now and whenever I'm focusing on songs for an album.

I don't really like to listen to recent bands or anything, I alI always worry that its gonna throw off my creativity and

I don't wanna write music thats inspired from any recent trends or fads. I do this even when writing for Escape The Fate.

Favorite song by Mötley Crüe? Avenged Sevenfold? Pantera?

Favorite song by MC: “Primal Scream” “Dr. Feelgood” “Wild Side” “Same Old Situation”

“If i die tomor“If i die tomorrow” “Motherfucker of the year” and “Shout at the devil

Favorite song by A7X: ”The Wicked End” and “Chapter 4”. Pretty much the majority of Waking The Fallen and City of Evil.

Pantera: “Cowboys from hell” and ”Cemetery Gates”.




APRIL 2014

Page 5: English

Lady Gaga calls her fans "Little Monsters". How would you call yours?Good question, I dont know yet. But for now I call them “FAMILY”.

How does it feel to know that every day there are peoplewho support you as a person and your work?If theIf there were words to describe it i’d surely tell you but there aren’t. All I can say is that I couldn't ask for a better support group.

How do you feel knowing there are people who"would do anything for you"?Again, the same answer as the previous question. And I would do anything for them!!

What would you like to improve in your life?I’d I’d like to improve how much I work. I’d like to record more and put a book out and be able to touch the lives of more people.

If you had another job, what would you like it to be? If I had another job i’d probably like to be an actor. That’s always been a big passion of mine.

3 things that defined your childhood?1. Changing schools 2. Music 3. Outcast1. Changing schools 2. Music 3. Outcast

What's your favorite makeup?My favorite makeup is MAC and Sephora.

What shampoo do you use?L'Oréal Paris Power Moisture

How many tattoos and piercings do you have?5 piercings (ears - nose - lips) 21 tattoos =]

WWould you go back to the haircut you had during DIYLF? Sometimes i think about join back to that haircut, I did like it a lot but its taken me so long to grow my hair out and I'm not ready to cut it yet.

As a bassist, which was the hardest technique to master,and the most useful technique? ‘I’d say the hardest technique to master for me is learningslap bass pslap bass properly to be able to play like that and only use your fingers and make it sound clean was kinda hard for me to get down when I started learning it.

Who is your idol or biggest influence? I have lots of idols and influences, it be really hard for

me to narrow it down to just one. honestly though from about the time I was in

4th or 5th grade was when I heard my first motley cure album and that was a huge influence on me and 5th grade was when I hea when I heard my first Marilyn Manson song and he was

probably my very first idol and influence and then Motley and Nikki Sixx

had made a huge impact on me towards the end of junior high and both people still influence me today.

As a bass player, do you consider Twiggy Ramirez or Nikki Sixx as your biggest influences?

DefinDefinitely Nikki Sixx, he's a great song writer, entertainer and visionary. If it wasn't for people like Nikki Sixx there would be

no people like Twiggy Ramirez.

Which artists or bands would you like to work with? I’d like to work with Nikki Sixx, Jacoby from Papa Roach,

Tim Skold, John 5, Dave Grohl and Trent Reznor just to name a few.

What other bands or artists hWhat other bands or artists have you been listening to lately?

Lately I've been listening to a lot of rap artists and pretty much just bands from the 70's and 80's and Pink Floyd quite specifically.

I am actually writing for the new Violent New Breed album right now and whenever I'm focusing on songs for an album.

I don't really like to listen to recent bands or anything, I alI always worry that its gonna throw off my creativity and

I don't wanna write music thats inspired from any recent trends or fads. I do this even when writing for Escape The Fate.

Favorite song by Mötley Crüe? Avenged Sevenfold? Pantera?

Favorite song by MC: “Primal Scream” “Dr. Feelgood” “Wild Side” “Same Old Situation”

“If i die tomor“If i die tomorrow” “Motherfucker of the year” and “Shout at the devil

Favorite song by A7X: ”The Wicked End” and “Chapter 4”. Pretty much the majority of Waking The Fallen and City of Evil.

Pantera: “Cowboys from hell” and ”Cemetery Gates”.




APRIL 2014

Favorite TV show?I gotta say that my favorite show might be "ARCHER" I've been addicted to it lately. That and another show called "The League"

Have you read "The Heroin Diaries" by Nikki Sixx?If you did, What do you think about it? I' I've read the heroin diaries, I thought the book was extremelydeep and honest. I really related to so much in that booso many times I’d be reading and I’d stop and say to myself “Wow I do that same thing”. I think it’s an amazing read and you get a great look into the mind of an addict as an artist.

Are you currently single or in a relationship?I am single.I am single.

What do you think went wrong in your last relationships? With saskia we were both young and I just started touringand that took a toll on our relationship as well as my addictions starting to become more predominate in my life.With lexus that was A LOT of different things hahahaand with Samie I was a full blown heroin addict at that pointand that pand that pretty much says it all.And with Lallie...well that was the first girl I dated while being sober and I quickly realized I jumped into a relationship to soon. She's actually a really nice girl =]

What's the first thing you notice about a girl?First thing I notice about a girl is probably her lips,teeth and eyes.

WWould you ever date a fan?I don't know if I’d ever date a fan... I’d be to afraid that they'd like the personI am on stage and in interviews and not the real Max Green.




APRIL 2014

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Does it bother you when people talk or ask youabout your drug problem?No it doesn't bother me when people talk or ask about my drug problem. I mean I've seen people say shitty things about me before and its obvious that they're just not educated in that subject and don't really know what their talking about.

How do How do you feel being clean and sober? Being clean and sober is a totally new feeling for me, I spent that last 10 years of my life self medicating and living in a world consumed by drugs. to live life without that is pretty amazing,I appreciate s much more about life now and notice that I smile and laugh so much.

How long have you been clean?10 months now =]

How How was your first week of rehab?I went to an actual rehab years ago before I actually wanted to get clean. It was alright, I went through a lot of diff emotions at that time, I felt like I was being forced into something and it made me feel a lot of hatred and resentment for some people, I also felt defeated and weak as a person because I needed rehab. theres a lot of diff feeling I went through but this most recent time (as in 10 months ago) I just went home to I just went home to my family in Ohio and Kentucky and stayed therewhile I got my life together. I didn't attend a rehab facility out there, I just stayed with family and went to local NA meetings.

Do you get bored? It's not a secret the majority of ETF member drinks, do you think you're missing out on all the fun by not drinking?No, I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything, it’s pretty funny actually, the mothe more the other drink and get drunk.....the funnier they all think I am hahah. I think it’s fun hanging out with my band when they've had a few drinks, I get to see how silly I looked when I would get wasted hahaha.

What was the hardest part of rehabilitation?The hardest part of the rehabilitation process is battling the depression that you feel when you first rid your body of the drugs and chemicals.It takes anywhere from a month to 6 months for your body and your bbrain to level itself out. Being active helps speed up the process though.

What advice would you give to someone with an addiction and who wants to get clean?I’d say it gets easier as the days go on, and I promise it gets better. You just have to make sure your doing it for yourself and you have to realize that you can't live using drugs.

What advice would you give to someone who stays sober?Well I’d probably say remember to meet with other people who battle addiction and have a good amount of clean time. It’s easy sometimes to get out of the routine of talking about our problem with other addicts because we don't have that pain anymore, but it’s very important to stay connected with other sober people hehere and there and not forget about the daily battle and struggle. It helps keep us out of trouble and alive




ABRIL 2014

Page 7: English

Does it bother you when people talk or ask youabout your drug problem?No it doesn't bother me when people talk or ask about my drug problem. I mean I've seen people say shitty things about me before and its obvious that they're just not educated in that subject and don't really know what their talking about.

How do How do you feel being clean and sober? Being clean and sober is a totally new feeling for me, I spent that last 10 years of my life self medicating and living in a world consumed by drugs. to live life without that is pretty amazing,I appreciate s much more about life now and notice that I smile and laugh so much.

How long have you been clean?10 months now =]

How How was your first week of rehab?I went to an actual rehab years ago before I actually wanted to get clean. It was alright, I went through a lot of diff emotions at that time, I felt like I was being forced into something and it made me feel a lot of hatred and resentment for some people, I also felt defeated and weak as a person because I needed rehab. theres a lot of diff feeling I went through but this most recent time (as in 10 months ago) I just went home to I just went home to my family in Ohio and Kentucky and stayed therewhile I got my life together. I didn't attend a rehab facility out there, I just stayed with family and went to local NA meetings.

Do you get bored? It's not a secret the majority of ETF member drinks, do you think you're missing out on all the fun by not drinking?No, I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything, it’s pretty funny actually, the mothe more the other drink and get drunk.....the funnier they all think I am hahah. I think it’s fun hanging out with my band when they've had a few drinks, I get to see how silly I looked when I would get wasted hahaha.

What was the hardest part of rehabilitation?The hardest part of the rehabilitation process is battling the depression that you feel when you first rid your body of the drugs and chemicals.It takes anywhere from a month to 6 months for your body and your bbrain to level itself out. Being active helps speed up the process though.

What advice would you give to someone with an addiction and who wants to get clean?I’d say it gets easier as the days go on, and I promise it gets better. You just have to make sure your doing it for yourself and you have to realize that you can't live using drugs.

What advice would you give to someone who stays sober?Well I’d probably say remember to meet with other people who battle addiction and have a good amount of clean time. It’s easy sometimes to get out of the routine of talking about our problem with other addicts because we don't have that pain anymore, but it’s very important to stay connected with other sober people hehere and there and not forget about the daily battle and struggle. It helps keep us out of trouble and alive




ABRIL 2014

How did you meet him and what was the first thing you thought about him?We went to high school together. I thought he was a crazy guy and funny. I thought he was someone id like to be friends with, someone I could relate to.

Would you like Ronnie to return to lead ETF again with the former lineup?At this point to much time has passed so I’d say no.BBut if I could go back in time, I’d love for us to still be playing music together.

Or would you collab with him or start a new band with him?Yeah, I would collar with him for sure, and I’d def be in band with him again. Especially now that we’re both clean....I think we’d have a shit ton of fun together.

Would you be willing to rap with Ronnie?Hahah Yeah, I’d rap on a track with him. I think that would be pretty epic, haha.

Who took the initiative to get in touch again?WWell I heard he got out of jail and we obviously have a lot of the same friends....I think originally our friends had played messenger for us and We had them give each others number and emails to the other and kinda just left it open.

What was the first thing you said to each other?I think we really just laughed to be honest.

How did you feel sharing the stage with Ronnie again?Oh it was great, looking at each other together on stage every night is something amazing and the feeling we get from being onstage with each other is completely unique. We don't get that feeling from any other band member.

What did you like the most about the tour with FIR?Just hanging out before the shows and talking about old times. The guys in FIR aThe guys in FIR are really nice too. We've all kinda been fans of each others bands for years. And I mean like the previous bands that they were in before Falling in Reverse.




APRIL 2014

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Which country has the craziest fans?Honestly South America really does have the absolute craziest fans hahaha.

What song do you enjoy playing live the most? I like playing all the songs live, they're all really fun to be honest.

I like the parts that I write and have playing them.

Will there be a ETF tour in Europe or the UK?WWe’re talking about it sometimes this year hopefully

Is it possible for the "Bury The Hatchet Tour" to hit South America?We want to bring the BTH tour to Europe/UK, South America and Australia.

Favorite place in the world?Australia, South America and Japan.

Any fun/crazy stories from being on tour?Crazy stories from tour huh.......hahahah.

WWell this has been a long interview and somethings are just better left unsaid boys and girls hahaha.

Maybe if I had more time, maybe next time =]

What countries would you like to visit? I’d like to go to Sweden, Egypt and Greece and the countries around there.

I bet it beautiful and I'm interested in the culture and the diff gods they worshipped.




APRIL 2014

What kind of comments do you get about the fact that you are a gorgeous female heavy metal guitarist?Oh wow! Everything from marriage proposals to Oh wow! Everything from marriage proposals to some of the most awful, horrifying insults I've ever heard. It's a whole spectrum of comments. I guess if you're not getting a strong reaction, you're not doing it right!

How does it feel to be #1 of Guitar World's 10 Female Guitarists You Should Know About?It was such an honor to even be included on that It was such an honor to even be included on that list of talented women, much less to be the first name on it. I feel truly humbled and blessed. And I feel pretty cool, too!!

How did you feel when The Iron Maidens made you an official member of the band?That's actually a common misconception! I have never been an official member of The Iron Maidens. That's why I don't do all the shows. I fill in for the band, along with Nikki Stringfield.

WWe know that your stage name is Mega Murray after Iron Maiden's Dave Murray, but why "Mega"? It's a bit of a play on words. The band had a guitar player for years who called herself "Mini Murray". I've always had a big stage personality, so I took "Mega" to reflect that.

Have you ever met Iron Maiden? If so, what was Have you ever met Iron Maiden? If so, what was it like? If not, what would your first question be if you had the chance?I've met Adrian and Nicko. Both were really nice! They knew about the band and had awesome things to say to us. It was very flattering.

Do you have a favorite Iron Maiden song? Which and why?Which and why?Fear of the Dark is my favorite all around. It's just such a high energy song to play and really gets the crowd moving every time!

How did Consume The Fire form? Was it difficult for you to be taken seriusly as a musician by the guys? Consume The Fire was formed by Logan Mader (Machine Head, Soulfly) as a group with the original intent to write songs for sports and TV placement. Our chemistry clicked and we evolved into a great live band.we evolved into a great live band. The guys always treated me with tremendous respect as a musician and a band member.

What do you feel when you're on stage? Is it different with the Maidens than with Consume The Fire? Does the crowd react differently?Playing in an original band is a diPlaying in an original band is a different kind of rush. Playing your own music gives you a chance to shine in a way that is truly your own instead of thinking of what another guitarist did before you.

What is the band status?ConsumeConsume The Fire is no longer together and all the members have their own projects now. The last EP is available for free download on sound-cloud.



APRIL 2014

Page 9: English

Which country has the craziest fans?Honestly South America really does have the absolute craziest fans hahaha.

What song do you enjoy playing live the most? I like playing all the songs live, they're all really fun to be honest.

I like the parts that I write and have playing them.

Will there be a ETF tour in Europe or the UK?WWe’re talking about it sometimes this year hopefully

Is it possible for the "Bury The Hatchet Tour" to hit South America?We want to bring the BTH tour to Europe/UK, South America and Australia.

Favorite place in the world?Australia, South America and Japan.

Any fun/crazy stories from being on tour?Crazy stories from tour huh.......hahahah.

WWell this has been a long interview and somethings are just better left unsaid boys and girls hahaha.

Maybe if I had more time, maybe next time =]

What countries would you like to visit? I’d like to go to Sweden, Egypt and Greece and the countries around there.

I bet it beautiful and I'm interested in the culture and the diff gods they worshipped.




APRIL 2014

What kind of comments do you get about the fact that you are a gorgeous female heavy metal guitarist?Oh wow! Everything from marriage proposals to Oh wow! Everything from marriage proposals to some of the most awful, horrifying insults I've ever heard. It's a whole spectrum of comments. I guess if you're not getting a strong reaction, you're not doing it right!

How does it feel to be #1 of Guitar World's 10 Female Guitarists You Should Know About?It was such an honor to even be included on that It was such an honor to even be included on that list of talented women, much less to be the first name on it. I feel truly humbled and blessed. And I feel pretty cool, too!!

How did you feel when The Iron Maidens made you an official member of the band?That's actually a common misconception! I have never been an official member of The Iron Maidens. That's why I don't do all the shows. I fill in for the band, along with Nikki Stringfield.

WWe know that your stage name is Mega Murray after Iron Maiden's Dave Murray, but why "Mega"? It's a bit of a play on words. The band had a guitar player for years who called herself "Mini Murray". I've always had a big stage personality, so I took "Mega" to reflect that.

Have you ever met Iron Maiden? If so, what was Have you ever met Iron Maiden? If so, what was it like? If not, what would your first question be if you had the chance?I've met Adrian and Nicko. Both were really nice! They knew about the band and had awesome things to say to us. It was very flattering.

Do you have a favorite Iron Maiden song? Which and why?Which and why?Fear of the Dark is my favorite all around. It's just such a high energy song to play and really gets the crowd moving every time!

How did Consume The Fire form? Was it difficult for you to be taken seriusly as a musician by the guys? Consume The Fire was formed by Logan Mader (Machine Head, Soulfly) as a group with the original intent to write songs for sports and TV placement. Our chemistry clicked and we evolved into a great live band.we evolved into a great live band. The guys always treated me with tremendous respect as a musician and a band member.

What do you feel when you're on stage? Is it different with the Maidens than with Consume The Fire? Does the crowd react differently?Playing in an original band is a diPlaying in an original band is a different kind of rush. Playing your own music gives you a chance to shine in a way that is truly your own instead of thinking of what another guitarist did before you.

What is the band status?ConsumeConsume The Fire is no longer together and all the members have their own projects now. The last EP is available for free download on sound-cloud.



APRIL 2014

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APRIL 2014

How would you describe yourself?I love eating good food, drinking good beer and playing the guitar!

Do you like any brand of makeup in particular? So many! Smashbox, Too Faced and Stila are some of my favorites.

What animal you think best represents you?What animal you think best represents you?I was born in the Chinese year of the Tiger, and I've always kind of identified with that. I even used to write "Tiger" instead of my name on my papers when I was in school!

Do you play video games? If you do, which are your favorite and least favorite ones? I don't get to play many video games these days. I used to play I don't get to play many video games these days. I used to play StarCraft all the time. It was awesome to get to do some work with Blizzard last year, because I saw the characters from the game I know so well come to life with my guitar playing in the background!

Which is your favorite movie?Star Star Wars IV, V and VI!! I truly believe those movies made me the person I am today.

In every picture and performance you show yourself as a very confident and strong woman, are you the same way in your personal life? Absolutely. Even at times when it's hard to be confident and strong, it's all about how you carry yourself.

What was your childhood like? Which were your main influences as a kid?I grew up in a house where there was noI grew up in a house where there was no TV allowed, and classical music was the main soundtrack. Music has always been in my family, going back to my composer ancestor Johann Strauss. So before I knew about all the rock bands and artists I listen to today, composers like Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninoff were a big part of my life.

What was school like for you?I didn't have many friends in my school. Most of my friends I didn't have many friends in my school. Most of my friends were from other schools, that I knew from playing in bands. So it was a little lonely! I went to a school where art and music was a big focus though, so I learned a lot!

We know that before guitar, you played drums and bass, but what made you stick to the guitar? What makes you so passio-nate about it?When I picked up the guitar, it just felt right in my hands. It felt like it was supposed to be there. That's the best way I can describe it.

Page 11: English



APRIL 2014