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Present Simple Tense

Afirmativ S+V (pers. a-III-a : -s,-es, -o, -ss, -ch, -sh)

Interogativ do/does+S+V (inf.scurt)

Negativ S+do/does+not+V (inf.scurt)

Interogativ-Negativ(Don’t you?) do/does+S+not+V (inf.scurt)

Question-Tag (Nu-i asa?) She goes there every day, doesn’t she?

 1.Este o actiune obisnuita, repetata, permanenta.# very day, every week, etc.  pozitia: la sfarsit sau la inceput de propozitie# ussualy, often, seldom, always, sometimes, generaly, never, okkasionaly, etc.  pozitia: dupa subiect# from time to time, once a week, twice a week, etc.  pozitia: numai la sfarsitul propozitiei2.Exprima un adevar general valabil.3.Apare in: comentarii, retete, demonstratii, indicatii scenice, titluri de articole, etc.4.Este o modalitate de exprimare a unui program oficialEx:We start a new term at school tomorrow5.In propozitii circumstantiale de timp (when, while, after, before, as soon as, till, until ) si conditional tip 1  viitorul este inlocuit cu prezentul simplu pentru actiune simultanaEx: I shall go to Bucharest if I have money.  Present Continuous Tense

Afirmativ S+to be(present)+V-ing

Interogativ to be+S+V-ing

Negativ S+to be+not+V-ing

Interogativ-Negativ to be+S+not+V-ing

Question-Tag She is reading now, isn’t she? I am disturbing you, aren’t I?

1.Este o actiune in desfasurare in momentul vorbirii cu: now, at this moment, just(now), etc.2.Arata ca o actiune este temporara3.Este o modalitate de exprimare a viitorului ca urmare a unui program personalEx: I’m visiting my grandparents this week.4.Arata ca o actiune este prea des repetata, si supara, irita vorbitorul cu often, forever, generaly, constantly, never, etc.Ex: This child is forever crying.Nota: verbele to grow si to get arata trecerea de la o stare la altaEx: It is getting dark.My parents are growing older and older.


Verbe care nu se folosesc la aspectul continuu

1)Verbe de perceptie: to feel, to hear, to notice, to see, to smell, to taste1

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2)Verbe care exprima o activitate mintala: to agree, to believe, to distrust, to doubt, to find, to foresee, to forget, to guess, to imagine, to know, to mean, to mind, to remember, to recognize, to recollect, to regard, to suppose, to think (that) , to trust, to understand3)Verbe care exprima o dorinta: to desire, to intend, to want, to wish, etc.4)Verbe care exprima o posesie: to belong, to have, to hold, to keep, to owe, to own, to possess5)Verbe care exprima atitudini, sentimente, stari emotionale: to abhor, to adore, to detest, to dislike, to displease, to like, to love, to hate, to please, to prefer, etc.6)Verbe care exprima o stare, o conditie: to appear, to be, to consist(of), to contain, to differ, to deserve, to equal, to exist, to resemble, to seem, to suitSemnificatia semnelor "+" si "-" este: "+" inseamna ca se foloseste la aspectul continuu, "-" inseamna contrarul.

to see  - to perceive + to meet, to visit, to interview

to expect  - to hope , to believe + to wait for

to think  - to believe, to give an opinion + to think of / about

to have

 - to possess + to take a bath, a shower, lunch, breakfast + a face pe cineva sa faca ceva pentru tine(verb cauzativ)Ex: I’m having my house painted

to be  - to exist + comportare temporaraEx: You are being rude today

 Ordinea cuvintelor in propozitie este: S+P+CD/CI+CM+CL+CT 

 Past Tense Simple

Afirmativ S+V(-ed)S+V (forma a II a)

Interogativ did+S+V (inf.scurt)

Negativ S+did+not+V (inf. scurt)

Interogativ-Negativ did+S+not+V (inf. scurt)

Question-tag They left yesterday, didn’t he?

1.Este o actiune terminata in trecut cu: as, when, then, yesterday, last week, last month,last year, that day, the other day, once in 1983, on Sunday, ago, etc.

2.Este o actiune obisnuita, repetata in trecut.In acest caz se foloseste used to pentru actiune incetata in prezent

Nota: este timpul naratiunii la trecut si se traduce prin perfect simplu, perfect compus, imperfect, conditional prezent, conjunctiv perfect.


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 Past Tense Continuous

Afirmativ S+was/were+V (-ing)

Interogativ was/were+S+V (-ing)

Negativ S+was/were+not+V

Interogativ-Negativ wasn’t/weren’t+S+V (-ing)

Question-Tag  They were reading at this time yesterday, weren’t they?

 1)Este o actiune in desfasurare intr-un anumit moment in trecut cu: at this time yesterday, yesterday at 5 o’clock,… when he came, etc.2)E folosit pentru a exprima iritare, indignare

Present Perfect Simple

Afirmativ S+have/has+V (forma a treia )

Interogativ have/has+S+V (forma a treia)

Negativ S+have/has+not+V (forma a treia)

Interogativ-Negativ have/has+S+not+V (forma a treia)

Question-tag They haven’t arrived yet, have they?

1)Este o actiune inceputa in trecut si continuata pana in momentul vorbirii cu: since, for, how long

2)Este o actiune petrecuta intr-un moment neprecizat(se simte efectul)Ex: I have washed my blouse (it is clean)3)Este o actiune care tocmai a avut loc# just, already  dupa auxiliaryet in intrebare=deja  ma informez; in negatie=incayet apare la sfarsitul propozitiei#till, now, up to now, so far, until now, up to the present moment  la sfarsit sau la inceput de propozitie#lately(in ultima vreme),recently, of late, latterly  numai la sfarsit propozitiei#during the last week, the last few days, theese twenty minutes4) O actiune petrecuta intr-o perioada de timp care nu s-a terminat inca: today, this week, this month, this year, this sommer, all day, all night, etc.5)cu adverbe de frecventa: ever, never, seldom, often, sometimes, several times, etc.6)In propozitiile circumstantiale de timp si propozitiile conditionale de tip 1- viitorul este inlocuit cu Present Perfect Simple pentru actiune prioritara anterioara   Present Perfect Continuous



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Afirmativ S+have/have+been+V (-ing)

Interogativ Have/has+S+been+V (-ing)

Negativ S+have/has+not+been+V (-ing)

Interogativ-Negativ Have/has+S+not+been

 Este o actiune inceputa in trecut, este in desfasurare in momentul vorbirii si actiunea pleaca spre viitor.Cu: since, for, how long   

Modalitati de exprimare a viitorului1)Future Simple  S+shall/will+V (infinitiv scurt)2)Future Continuous  S+shall/will+be+V (-ing)  a)este o actiune in desfasurare, in viitor, intr-un anumit moment: at this time tomorrow, tomorrow at 5 o’clock, ... when he comes, etc.  b)este o actiune programata in viitor3)Future Perfect Simple  S+shall/will+have+V (forma a III a)  a) este o actiune terminata in viitor, inaintea altei actiuni tot din viitor(voi fi citit, va fi terminat)   cu: by tomorrow, by the end of the ..., by next year, etc.   b) in propozitii circumstantiale de timp si if   tip 1  Future Perfect Simple este inlocuit numai de Present Perfect4)Future perfect Continuous  S+shall/will+have+been+V (-ing)  Este o actiune in desfasurare in viitor, terminata inaintea altei actiuni tot din viitor cu: for, since, how long5)Present Simple6)Present Continuous7)Present Perfect8)to be to...=a urma sa...9) to be about to...=a fi pe punctul de a..., a sta sa...10) to be going to...=a avea de gand sa..., a intentiona sa..., o sa...11) Future in the Past Simple12)Future in the Past Continuous13)Past Tense14)Past Perfect 

Propozitie principala Propozitie secundara

Future Present Simple(actiune


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Type Isimultana)

Present Present Perfect(actiune anterior-prioritara)


este o conditie deschisa, probabila

Type II

Present Conditional  Past Tense 

S+should/would+V (inf. scurt) to be-were la toate persoanele

este o actiune improbabila, ipotetica, respinsa, ireala (as merge, ai merge,...etc)

Type III

Past Conditional  Past Perfect

S+should/would+have+V(forma a III a)

este o conditie imposibila

As fi mers la cinematograf/mergeam la cinema daca as fi avut bani/ aveam bani.

  Passive Voice

a fi   la timpul cerut + forma a III a a verbului de conjugat

 Present Simple : The room is cleaned   every day.Present Continuous : It is being cleaned.Past Tense Simple: It was cleaned.Past Tense Continuous: It was being cleaned.Present Perfect: It has been cleaned.Past Perfect: It had been cleaned.Future : It will be cleaned.Present conditional: It would be cleaned.Past Conditional: It would have been cleaned.Infinitive:  to be cleaned  Trecerea din diateza activa in diateza pasiva:

Mary gives mother a flower

Mother is given a flower

by Mary



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NOTA: CI sau CD din propozitia activa devine subiectul propozitiei pasive.Complementul de agent (the doer) poate sa lipseasca atunci cand e exprimat printr-un pronume personal (I,you), pronume nehotarat (somebody, anybody) sau substantive ca: a boy, some peopleNOTA: verbele cu prepozitie isi pastreaza prepozitia alaturi din in diateza pasiva.Ex: You can rely on this man.  This man can be relied on.NOTA:People say that he is a good... It is said that he is a... He is said to be...People think that he was a... It is thought that he was a... He is thought to have been a...NOTA: infinitivul prezent arata ca o actiune este simultana; infinitivul perfect arata ca atiunea este anterioara.

Direct-Indirect Speech 

A. Daca in propozitia principala verbul to say, to tell, etc.(reported verbes) sunt la prezent, in propozitia secundara (completiva directa) se pune orice timp cerut de inteles.

B. Daca reported verbs sunt la trecut in completiva directa au loc schimbari la nivel de pronume, adverb si verb


I he/she

we they

my his/her

our their

this that

these those


Here there

Now then

Today that day

Tonight that night

Tomorrow the next day


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the following day

Yesterday the day before

the previous day

Ago before

Next the next

the day after tomorrow in two day time

the day before yesterday two days before


Present simple Past simple

Present continuous Past continuous

Present perfect Past perfect

Past tense Past perfect

Futur Futur in the past

Imperative Infinitive

NOTA: prezentul simplu poate ramane neschimbat atunci cand exprima un adevar general valabil sau o actiune valabila si in prezent.NOTA: If poate fi inlocuit cu whether   atunci cand exprima o indoiala sau posibilitatea unei alegeri.Ex: ’Shall I help you?’ he said.  He said whether I should help him.NOTA: Intrebarile...

a. ‘Do you speak english?’ he asked.  He asked me if I spoke english.b. ‘How are you?’ she said.  She said how I was.

NOTA: imperativul cu let :

SingularI  Let me go!

II  Go!

III  Let him/her/it go!

I  Let us go! (Let’s)


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Plural II  Go!

III  Let them go!

Ex: "Let’s go", he said.  He sugested that they should go.NOTA: exclamatiile

"What a ...! "

She said it was ...

"How a ...!"

"My goodness!"

She exclaimed with horror/disgust/surprise

"Oh dear!"



"For goodness sake!"

"Look out!!"

"Thank you!" He thanked me

"Good morning!"

She greeted me

She wished me a...

"Liar!" She called me a liar.

"Damn!" She swore...

NOTA: Conditional tip II si III raman neschimbate.Modal verbs

Conceptul de capacitate, posibilitate, necesitate sau obligatie este redat de asa numitele "modal auxiliary verbs" : can, could, shall, should, must, need, ought to, used to, dare.Caracteristici:

Nu au infinitiv lung Nu primesc "s" la persoana a III a singular prezent simplu Nu primesc "-ing" Verbele care urmeaza sunt la infinitiv scurt; excceptie: used to, ought to Nu au toate timpurile si modurile unui verb normal, de aceea unele au echivalenti Formeaza interogativul prin inversiune; negativul + not

Can-could  to be able toMay-might (numai in Indirect Speech)  to be allowed to; to be permited toMust  to have to Verbe modale (click pe link-uri)

Will Exprima vointa, hotarare I will pay you as much as you ask for.


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Promisiune I will not make such a mistake again. Posibilitate, presupunere That girl will be his sister? (Fata ceea o fi sora lui?) Ceva inevitabil (expresii fixe) Children will be children.Accidents will

happen(accidentele sunt inevitabile) Inlocuieste prezentul simplu pentru actiune obisnuita, repetata I always drink milk in

the morning=I will drink milk in the morning Invitatie, cerere politicoasa Will you come and...?( Vrei sa...?) Shall Hotarare The enemy shall not pass. Promisiune If you get a good mark you shall have a present. Refuz, insistenta, amenintare He shall pay for insulting my daughter. Exprima o interdictie in acte oficiale All the candidats shall not bring(may not) the

dictionaries into the examination room. Oferta, sugestie Shall I help you?

NOTA: What about going to the cinema? Û Let’s go to the cinema, shall we?

Can Abilitate fizica si intelectuala la prezent si viitor Exprima o continuitate alaturi de verbele de perceptie Exprima o permisiune (informal English) Exprima o posibilitate atunci cand imprejurarile o permit If you come in my town we

can swim (I have a swimming pool) Exprima o imposibilitate, neincredere: cu acest inteles can poate fi urmat de un

infinitiv prezent(pentru actiune simultana) sau infinitiv perfect (pentru actiune anterioara )

Nu se poate/este imposibil sa faca o asemenea greseala

He can’t make such a mistake

Nu se poate sa fi facut o asemenea greseala

He can’t have made such a mistake

Exprima o cerere politicoasa Can I help you?

Could Abilitate fizica si intelectuala la trecut.Cu acest inteles can/could poate fi inlocuit cu

echivalentul.Dar cand intelesul este de to succid in, to manage, to achieve-se foloseste numai echivalentul, dar nu si la negativ

Cerere politicoasa, mai politicoasa deca can Could I help you?

May Exprima o permisiune(formal english).Cu acest inteles el poate fi inlocuit cu

echivalentul ® to be allowed to; to be permited to Exprima o posibilitate.Cu acest inteles el poate fi inlocuit cu it is


Poate ca o cunostiIt is possible for you to know her

Maybe/perhaps you know her

You may hnow her



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May+infinitiv continuu=posibilitatea unei actiuni in momentul vorbirii ® Ex: She may be sleeping now.May+infinitiv perfect=posibilitatea unei actiuni in trecut ® Ex: She may have lost the key.

Exprima o urare, speranta May all your dreams come true! sau May good luck attend you!

In propozitia concesiva dupa:   whatever, whenever, whereever, whoever, thought, althought, no matter how   No matter how much money you have don’t spend it in one day1

In completiva directa dupa to hope, to trust: I hope that you may find tickets. In propozitia de scop dupa so that: I sit on the first row so that I may see and hear well.

Might Exprima o permisiune la trecut Exprima o posibilitate in prezent, viitor si trecut (o posibilitate mai indepartata)

Might+infinitiv continuu=posibilitatea indepartata a unei actiuni in momentul vorbiriiMight+infinitiv perfect=posibilitatea indeparata a unei actiuni in trecut

Exprima indignare, iritare, repros You might look in to my eyes when I’m talking to you.

In propozitia concesiva dupa:   whatever, whenever, whereever, whoever, thought, althought, no matter how

In completiva directa dupa to hope, to trust In propozitia de scop dupa so that

Must Exprima obligatie, comanda, necesitate.Cu acest inteles el poate fi inlocuit cu

echivalentul to have toMust=obligatie impusa de vorbitor(regula)Have to=obligatie externa impusa de autoritati sau imprejurari externe pe care vorbitorul nu le poate controla

Don’t have toLipsa de obligatie

Haven’t got to


Must not Interdictie, prohibitie (regula)

Eprima deductie, concluzie logica, probabilitateNOTA: cand must   exprima probabilitate el poate fi inlocuit cu:

I’m sure/certain/positive


It’s likely/probable

Is likely

Need A.verb notional, obisnuit= to be need of (dupa care apare un pronume, substantiv, verb la

gerunziu sau infinitiv lung) Ex: Mother needs a pair of shoes.The windows need washing.


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B.Verb modal auxiliar=to have to apare mai mult in interogativ si negativ; poate sa apara si in afirmativ alaturi de never, hardly, barely

Ex: She need hardly mention her name, since I know it. Diferenta dintre prezent si trecut:


Do I need...? actiune obisnuita, repetata

Need I...? ocazie speciala


Didn’t need to... actiune care nu a fost necesara si nu a fost facuta

Needn’t have+V (forma a III a) actiune care nu a fost necesara, dar a fost facuta

Should Exprima obligatie, sfat, recomandare(obligatia este mai slaba decat cea cu must) Exprima surpriza in intrebare retorica Ex:Why should I go there? Exprima presupunere, deductie logica In completiva directa dupa: to suggest, to propose, to insist, to recommend, to advise, to

urge...that In propozitia subiectiva dupa constructii impersonale: it is/was

advisable/essential/better/fair/important/natural/necessary/right..that In propozitia de scop dupa: so that, in order that, lest(ca sa nu..., ca sa nu cumva...), for

fear that In propozitia conditionala tip I si II (intamplare) Dupa verbe de emotie: to feel sory, to be delighted, to be annoyed, to be shocked Dupa: don’t think why, see no reason why, can’t think why

Ought to (ar trebui, s-ar cuveni) Exprima o datorie, obligatie morala Ought to + Infinitive Perfect= datorie, obligatie neimplinita Ex:You ought to have

waited until the light were green.NOTA: According to the wheather forecast it ought to rain today.He worked here for 5 years.® You ought to know him.

Would Exprima o cerere politicoasa

Would you pass...

Would you please...

Would you be so kind...

Would you mind+ V (-ing)

# Would like/care=want# Would care nu se foloseste in afirmativ


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Would rather (arata preferinta) +infinitiv scurt (pentru acelasi subiect)

+past tense (pentru subiecte diferite)Would better/had better (mai bine)

Would sooner (mai degraba)

Exprima o actiune repetata in trecut si incetata prezent (obisnuiam sa...) Diferenta dintre used to si would+infinitiv este ca al doilea se foloseste narativ Apare dupa wish si if only pentru o dorinta in viitor Exprima o probabilitate Ex: That girl would be his sister! Exprima o vointa la trecut iar la negativ refuz Ex:She had to go there whether she would

or wouldn’t.Used to

A nu se confunda cu to use= a folosi Used to modal auxiliar cu forma numai de trecut Desi e un modal auxiliar formeaza interogativul cu did si negativul cu did not (formal

english) A nu se confunda cu: to be/get accustomed to dupa care urmeaza un substantiv sau un

verb la gerunziu Ex:I am not used to drinking tea in the morning.Dare

La afirmativ e un verb notional obisnuit La interogativ si negativ el poate fi atat verb modal cat si verb obisnuit Ex:How dare you

contradict me? (modal) I dared her/I challenged him to run in the street(a provoca)Hypothetical Constructions

Wish+Past Tense=dorinta in prezent (to be, were-la toate persoanele)

Wish (ed)+Past Perfect=regretul, o actiune a avut loc sa nu a avut loc

Wish(ed)+would+infinitiv=dorinta in viitor

If only=constructie echivalenta cu wishNumai sa..., de-as....

Would rather (arata preferinta) +infinitiv scurt (pentru acelasi subiect)

+Past Tense (pentru subiecte diferite)Would better/had better (mai bine)

Would sooner (mai degraba)

It’s time/it’s about time/ it’s high time +for+acuzativ+infinitiv lung=e timpul potrivit sa...

+S+Past Tense=e putin cam tarziu sa..

as if/ as thought(ca si cand)/ even if/ even thought

+S+Past Tense=actiune contrara realitatii in prezent

+S+Past Tense=actiune contrara realitatii in trecut


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The SubjunctiveA.The synthetical subjunctive1.The Present Subjunctive

Este identic cu infinitivul scurt al verbului, este socotit vechi, pretentios si nu se foloseste in limba contemporana

Apare in urari(expresii fixe)

Far be it from me! (departe de mine)


Be that as it may!

Suffice it to say that...

Good bye!(God be with you!)

God forgive/bless you!

Apare dupa impresii impersonale

It is natural that they should come! It is natural that they come.

Dupa advise, to recommend...should

They suggest that he should read.They suggest him to read.They suggest that he read.

2.The Past Present Subjunctive Identic cu Past Tense –ul verbului (to be/were) Apare dupa constructii ipotetice In conditional tip II

3.The Past Perfect Subjunctive Identic cu Past Perfect-ul verbului Apare dupa wish, if only, as if, as thought, even if, even thought

B.The Analythical Subjunctive Format dintr-un verb modal(shall, should, would, may, mught, could) Este mai des folosit si apare atat in propozitia secundara cat si in propozitia principala.


Prozitia principala Propozitia secundara

Shall I help you? (oferta) Amenintare (informal english)


Propozitia principala Propozitia secundara

Why should I go there? In conditional tip I si II


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Dupa constructii ipotetice

In completiva directa

In propozitia de scop


Propozitia principala Propozitia secundara

exprima o urare:May all your dreams come true!

Oh, that they might win!

Dupa constructii impersonale: it is/was possible, probable, likely

In propozitia concesiva

In propozitia de scop


In propozitia secundara dupa wish si if only


Exprima scopul ca o alternativa a lui may/might, could avand un grad mai mare de siguranta

I studied so that I might pass the exam (but I didn’t).I studied so that I could pass the exam (I am a student).

The infinitive1)The Split Infinitive

E socotit vechi pretentios, e scos din uz Ex:To really understand.2)Short Infinitive

Apare dupa verbe modale si verbe de perceptie Ex: I heard her sing. Dupa verbe cauzative (make, let, have) Ex: He made me laugh. Dupa would/rather/sooner/better/had better/cannot but (anu putea decat sa...) Ex:I

cannot but consent   to his opinion. Apare dupa to do nothing but/except Ex: She does nothing but lie in the sun all day long In constructii eliptice Ex:Why not go on the trip?

NOTA:dupa to help apare atat infinitivul scurt cat si lungEx:The boy helps his sister do/to do her homework.Constructii cu infininive

Acuzativ+infinitiv: format dintr-un substantiv sau pronume in acuzativ+un infinitiv Apare dupa verbe de perceptie si acuzative

I heard her sing I heard her singing

AC infinitiv Participiu prezent


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NOTA: cand aceste verbe sunt in diateza pasiva ele sunt urmate de infinitiv lung Ex:She was heard to sing

Dupa verbe de vointa Ex:I want him to understand me. Dupa verbe de activitate mentala Ex: I imagined him to be right. Dupa: to order, to command, to allow, to force, etc. Ex: I ordered the soldiers to live. Dupa expresii impersonale Ex:It is important for them to come. Nominativ+Infinitiv:format dintr-un substantiv sau pronume in nominativ + infinitiv Dupa verbe de perceptie si de activitate mentala in diateza pasiva Ex: She was heard to

sing.He is known to be... Dupa: to be lucky/unlucky/fortunate/unfortunate...etc. I was lucky to find you.

The Long Infinitive Exprima scopul;el poate fi precedat de in order to/so as to Ex:I went to the country(so as

to) to help my grand-parents. Inlocuieste o subordonata care incepe cu what, where, how, etc. She adviced me what to

buy.She adviced me to go. Dupa adjective care exprima o calitate morala sau intelectuala: clevered, brave, cruel,

kind Dupa superlative, numerale ordinale si the only Dupa too si enough In constructii absolute: to tell the rtuth, to be sure, to be frank, to say nothing of, to be

honest, to be more precise. 

The Gerund Exprima prohibitie, interdictie Ex: No parking!No smoking! Dupa: to admit, to advise, to anticipate, to avoid, to begin, to consider, to continue, to

delay, to deny, to detest, to dread, to dislike, to enjoy, to escape, to excuse, to fancy, to finish, to forget, to forgive, to hate, to imagine, to intend, to involve, to keep (on), to like, to love, to mind, to miss, to omit, to postpone, to practice, to recollect, to remember, to regret, to resist, to risk, to save, to start, to stop, to suggest, to try, to understand

Dupa: to accuse of, to aim at, to agree with, to approve, to consist of, to count on, to dissuade from(a schimba parerea), to excuse from, to insist on, to prevent from, to rely on, to result in, to succed in, to think of

Dupa: to be afraid of, to be agreeable to, to be annoyed at, to be averse to, to be capable of, to be intent on, to be interested in, to be responsible for, to be suitable for, to be surprised at, to be tired of, to be/get used to, to be/get accustomed to

Dupa: to go on, to keep on, to give up, to put off Dupa: can’t help, can’t stand, it’s no good/use, to be looking forward to, to be

worth(while), to feel like Substantive cu prepozitie: apology for, art of, change of, disappointment at, experience in,

habit of, necessity of, objection to, apportunity of, preasure of, possibility of, process of, reason for, right of, skill in, surprise at, way of...

to stop, to begin, to


+gerunziu=actiune deliberata+infinitiv=incetarea unei actiuni pentru a incepe altaShe stops crying.She stoped to look at me.

to like +infinitiv=to prefer+gerunziu=to be fond of

+infinitiv=to intend


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to mean +gerunziu=to signifyTo be good at english means working hard

 The Inversion

Not only, never, rarely, seldom, hardly, barely, scarcely, no sooner, anly, on no condition, not until, suchExamples:Not only did he fail to report the accident but also...Never have I enjoyed myself moreOnly after posting the letter did I remember that I had forgotten to put on a stamp.On no condition are they to open a...But until got home did I notice that..Little does the government appriciate...Such was the force of/the storm that...La conditional tip II si tip III inversiunea se realizeaza prin omiterea lui If 

Irregular verbs

short infinitive

2nd form 3rd form translation

abide abidedabode

abided a rabda; a inlocui

arise arose arisen a se ridica

awake awokeawaked

awoken a (se) trezi

be was/were been a fi

bear bore borne a purta, a da nastere

beat beat beaten a bate

become became become a deveni

begin began begun a incepe

bend bent bent a (se) indoi

bet betbetted


a paria

bid bid bid a ruga; a adresa(un


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bade bidden salut); a porunci

bind bound bound a lega

bite bit bitten a musca

bleed bled bled a sangera

bless blessedblest


a binecuvanta

blow blew blown a sufla; a bate

break broke broken a sparge

breed bred bred a creste, a educa

bring brought brought a aduce

broadcast broadcast broadcast a emite(radio, TV)

build built built a construi

burn burntburned


a arde

burst burst burst a izbucni; a navali; a crapa

buy bought bought a cumpara

cast cast cast a arunca

catch caught caught a prinde

choose chose chosen a alege

cling clung clung a se agata

come came come a veni

cost cost cost a costa


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creep crept crept a se tari, a se furisa

cut cut cut a taia

deal dealt dealt a trata, a se ocupa de

dig dug dug a sapa

dive diveddove

dived a (se) scufunda, aploja

do did done a face

draw drew drawn a trage; a desena

dream dreameddreamt


a visa

drink drank drunk a bea

drive drove driven a mana; a sofa

dwell dweltdwelled


a locui

eat ate eaten a manca

fall fell fallen a cadea

feed fed fed a hrani

fell felt felt a (se) simti

fight fought fought a (se) lupta

find found found a gasi

flee fled fled a fugi

fling flung flung a arunca

fly flew flown a zbura


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forbid forbadeforbad


a interzice

forecast forecast forecast a prevedea

foresee foresaw foreseen a prezice

forget forgot forgotten a uita

forgive forgave forgiven a ierta

freeze froze frozen a ingheta

get got gotgotten

a primi; a obtine

give gave given a da

go went gone a merge

grind ground ground a macina

grow grew grown a creste

hang hunghanged


a atarna; a spanzura

have had had a avea

hear heard heard a auzi

hide ghid hidden a (se) ascunde

hit hit hit a lovi

hold held held a tine

hurt hurt hurt a lovi, a rani, a durea

keep kept kept a tine, a pastra

kneel kneltkneeled


a ingenunchea


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knit kinittedknit


a tricota

know  knew known a sti, a cunoaste

lay laid laid a pune, a aseza

lead led led a conduce

lean leantleaned


a (se) apleca, a (se) sprijini

leap leaptleaped


a sari

learn learnedlearnt


a invata

leave left left a pleca, a lasa

lend lent lent a da cu imprumut

let let let a lasa, a permite

lie lay lain a sta intins, a se afla

light litlighted


a aprinde

lose lost lost a pierde

make made made a face

mean meant meant a insemna

meet met met a (se) intalni

mislead misled misled a induce in eroare

mistake mistook mistaken a confunda

mow mowed mown a cosi


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overcome overcame overcome a depasi

pay paid paid a plati

prove proved provedproven

a dovedi

put put put a pune

read read read a citi

rend rent rent a rupe, a sfasia

rid ridridded


a se descotorosi de

ride rode ridden a calari, amerge cu (bicicleta, sania)

ring rang rung a suna

rise rose risen a rasari, a se ridica

run ran run a fugi

saw sawed sawnsawed

a taia cu ferastraul

say said said a spune

see saw seen a vedea

seek sought sought a cauta

sell sold sold a vinde

send sent sent a trimite

set set set a potrivi, a monta, a fixa, a apune


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sew sewed sownsewed

a coase

shake shook shaken a scutura, a tremura

shear sheared shornsheared

a tunde oi

shed shed shed a varsa(lacrimi,sange)

shine shoneshined


a stralucia lustrui

shoe shod shod a potcovi

shoot shot shot a trage, a impusca, a filma

show showed shownshowed

a arata

shrink shrankshrunk

shrunk a intra la apa, a se strange

shut shut shut a inchide

sing sang sung a canta

sink sanksunk

sunk a (se) scufunda

sit sat sat a sedea

slay slew slain a ucide

sleep slept slept a dormi

slide slid slid a aluneca

sling slung slung a arunca

slit slit slit a despica


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smell smeltsmelled


a mirosi

sow sowed sownsowed

a semana

speak spoke spoken a vorbi

speed spedspeeded


a accelera

spell speltspelled


a ortografia

spend spent spent a cheltui, a petrece un timp

spill spiltspilled


a varsa (lapte)

spin spunspan

spun a toarce

spit spatspit


a scuipa

split split split a despica

spoil spoiledspoilt


a rasfata, a strica

spread spread spread a (se) raspandi

spring sprangsprung

sprung a izvori, a (ra)sari

stand stood stood a sta in picioare

steal stole stolen a fura

stick stuck stuck a (se) lipi, a infige

sting stung stung a intepa


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stink stankstunk

stunk a mirosi urat

stride strode stridden a merge cu pasi mari

strike struck struck a lovi

string strung strung a insira

strive strovestrived


a se stradui, a nazui

swear swore sworn a jura, a injura

sweep swept swept a matura

swell swelled swollenswolled

a se umfla

swim swam swum a inota

swing swung swung a (se) legana

take took taken a lua

teach taught taught a preda, a invata(pe cineva)

tear tore torn a rupe, a sfasia

tell told told a spune, a povesti

think thought thought a (se) gandi

thrive thrivedthrove

thrived a prospera

throw threw thrown a arunca

thrust thrust thrust a infinge

tread trod troddentrod

a calca, a pasi


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undergo underwent undergone a suferi (shimbari)

understand understood understood a intelege

undertake undertook undertaken a intreprinde

wake wokewaked


a (se) trezi

wear wore worn a purta

weave wove woven a tese

wed weddedwed


a se cununa

weep wept wept a plange

wet wettedwet


a (se) uda

win won won a castiga

wind wound wound a rasuci, a serpui

withdraw withdrew withdrawn a (se) retrage

wring wrung wrung a stoarce, arasuci

write wrote written a scrie