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Chartered Status- a Handbook for Applicants

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ENGINEERS AUSTRALIAChartered Status – A Handbook for Applicants

STATUS REVISION DATE AUTHORISATION Controlled Document 02/2011 February 2011 Director, Education and Assessment

Note: This Chartered Status Handbook for Applicants undergoes regular critical review and revision to reflect contemporary Engineers competencies and how they are gained. Accordingly, Applicants for Chartered Status should refer to the current version of the Chartered Status Handbook for Applicants on the Engineers Australia website at


© Copyright Engineers Australia 2011

This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without prior written permission from Engineers Australia. Requests and inquiries concerning the reproduction and rights should be addressed to the Director Education and Assessment, Engineers Australia, 11 National Circuit Barton ACT 2600.

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FOREWORDCongratulations on your decision to seek Chartered Status. In doing so, you have acknowledged that academic qualifications are only the beginning of a career in engineering and that continuing professional development is an essential component of maintaining your knowledge after initial formal education has been completed.

Chartered Status is the next important goal in a career in engineering.

Professional Engineers, Engineering Technologists and Engineering Officers (Associates) who attain Chartered Status represent the highest professional standards, expressing a commitment to keeping pace with the increasing expectations and requirements of engineering in our modern world. Chartered Status is a credential which affords you international recognition and most importantly, certification that you are competent to practise and exercise leadership within the engineering team.

Engineering employers, clients and governments are increasingly valuing the quality and professionalism that Chartered Status represents as insurance against risk and uncertainty and to match expectations of value and safety.

Additionally, Chartered Status is the linkage to registration, which is becoming more important to governments and consumers of engineering services. Having met the additional requirements of Engineers Australia, Chartered practitioners automatically qualify to join the National Professional Engineers Register (NPER), the National Engineering Technologists Register (NETR) or the National Engineering Associates Register (NEAR). Chartered Status will also provide a pathway to registration in Queensland under that state’s Professional Engineers Act.

This handbook has been designed to assist you in preparing for the competency based assessment for Chartered Status in one of the three occupational categories: Chartered Professional Engineer (CPEng), Chartered Engineering Technologist (CEngT) and Chartered Engineering Officer (CEngO) and subsequent registration on the respective register.

The achievement of Chartered Status and Registration will require effort and determination on your part. However, I can assure you that the benefits that will flow to you will make it well worth your while.

We are here to support you throughout the whole process.

Peter Taylor FIEAust CPEngChief Executive


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IntroductionChartered Status Pathways ................................................................................................. 6Defining the Engineering Team .......................................................................................... 7Competency Terms ................................................................................................................10Professional Formation ........................................................................................................10

Engineering Practice ReportPreparing your Engineering Practice Report .................................................................11Preparing for your Competency Based Assessment ..................................................11Mature Experienced Engineers Pathway to Chartered Status ...............................13

Appendix AStage 2 Competency Units and Elements .....................................................................14

Appendix BRegistration, Areas of Practice, Colleges and International Agreements ...........17

Appendix CPart 1: Stage 2 Competency Units, Elements and Defining Activities ................22Part 2: Standards to which Stage 2 Competencies must be Demonstrated .....36

Appendix DExample of a Career Episode Report ...............................................................................39

Appendix ECode of Ethics...........................................................................................................................41

Appendix FEngineers Australia Accredited Assessors .....................................................................44

Appendix GApplication for Chartered Status of Engineers Australia .........................................45


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The purpose of this handbook is to crystallise your understanding of engineering competencies and how they are gained. You will be able to apply this to preparing your Engineering Practice Report and successfully completing your application. Please follow the handbook carefully for the best results.

To become a Chartered Engineer (CPEng), Technologist (CEngT) or Officer (Associate) (CEngO) you must be eligible for membership of Engineers Australia. Please visit under Membership for information on becoming a member.

CHARTERED STATUS PATHWAYSThis diagram simplifies how to obtain and maintain Chartered Status for Engineers, Technologists and Officers (Associates):

Eligibility Requirements:1. Membership of Engineers

Australia or eligibility to become a member

2. Period of professional formation representing 3+ years of engineering experience

Maintaining Chartered Status:• 150 hours of Continuing

Professional Development required every 3 years

• Subject to audit every 5 years

The four ways to become Chartered:

1. Engineering Practice Report + Professional Interview

• Submit one report for assessment

• Attend professional interview

2. Professional Development Program + Professional Interview

• Submit continuous Career Episode Reports and be assessed for each

• Attend professional interview

3. Mature Experienced Engineers Pathway

• Submit Statement of Experience and Continuing Professional Development record

• Attend professional interview

• Requires 15+ years of experience including 5 in position(s) of responsibility

• Must be an Engineers Australia member

4. Mutual Recognition Agreement

• Recognised international qualification is checked and verified

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The engineering team includes a variety of occupations and specialisations. This handbook covers three occupational categories: Professional Engineer, Engineering Technologist and Engineering Officer (also known as Engineering Associate).

PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS The benchmark Stage 1 qualification for Professional Engineers is the four-year Bachelor of Engineering degree.

Professional Engineers are responsible for interpreting technological possibilities to society, business and government. They are also responsible for ensuring, as far as possible, that policy decisions are properly informed, and that costs, risks and limitations are properly understood as the desired outcomes. Professional Engineers are required to take responsibility for engineering projects and programs in the most far-reaching sense. They are responsible for the reliable functioning of all materials and technologies used; integration to form complete and self-consistent systems; and all interactions between the technical systems and the environment in which they function. The latter includes understanding the requirements of clients and of society as a whole; working to optimise social, environmental and economic outcomes over the lifetime of the product or program; interacting effectively with the other disciplines, professions and people involved; and ensuring that the engineering contribution is properly integrated into the totality of the undertaking.

Professional Engineers at the level of Stage 2 competency are expected to have demonstrated the propensity to take charge of major projects or interactions in a work situation, even if they have not actually done so.

The work of Professional Engineers is predominately intellectual in nature. In the technical domain, they are primarily concerned with the advancement of technologies and with the development of new technologies and their applications through innovation, creativity and change. They may conduct research concerned with advancing the science of engineering and with developing new engineering principles and technologies. Alternatively, they may contribute to continual improvement in the practice of engineering, and to devising and updating the Codes and Standards that govern it.

Professional Engineers have a particular responsibility for ensuring that all aspects of a project are soundly based in theory and fundamental principle, and for understanding how new developments relate to established practice and to other disciplines with which they may interact. One hallmark of a professional is the capacity to break new ground in an informed and responsible way.

Professional Engineers may lead or manage teams appropriate to these activities, may establish their own companies or move into senior management roles in engineering and related enterprises.

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ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGISTSThe benchmark Stage 1 qualification for Engineering Technologists is the three-year Bachelor of Engineering degree.

Engineering Technologists normally operate within a relatively well-defined technical environment and undertake a wide range of functions and responsibilities. They are typically specialists in a particular field of engineering technology and their expertise lies in familiarity with its current state of development and its most recent applications. Within their specialist field, their expertise may be at a high level and fully equivalent to that of a Professional Engineer. However, Engineering Technologists are not expected to exercise the same breadth of perspective as a Professional Engineer nor carry the same responsibilities for stakeholder interactions, for system integration and for synthesizing overall approaches to complex situations and complex engineering problems.

The work of Engineering Technologists combines the need for a strong grasp of practical situations and applications, with the intellectual challenge of keeping abreast of leading-edge developments in their particular field. For this purpose they need a strong understanding of scientific and engineering principles and a well-developed capacity for analysis. The work of Engineering Technologists is mostly about applying current and emerging technologies, often in new contexts or to applying established principles in the development of new practice. They may contribute to the advancement of particular technologies as well.

Some Engineering Technologist qualifications include an emphasis on technical management as well as a grounding in a particular area of technology. Technical management is seen as an appropriate field of specialisation in itself and many Engineering Technologists build their own career paths in this direction. Examples of such specialisation include product development, mine management, and the management and maintenance of processing plants, complex building services or testing laboratories.

Persons may also be recognised as Engineering Technologists who hold degrees in fields related to engineering and who have developed expertise and experience in applying their knowledge in conjunction with engineering work. Examples might be in geology and geotechnics, information technology and software development, mining, biomedical technology, optical communications, renewable energy systems and agriculture.

The competencies of Engineering Technologists equip them to approve and certify many technical operations such as calibration and testing regimes, compliance with performance-based criteria for fire safety and the design of components and sub-systems and of installations such as building services that do not call for significant new development. Such certification should be fully acceptable in the public domain and should not require further endorsement by other practitioners perceived to be more highly qualified.

Engineering Technologists may lead or manage teams appropriate to these activities. Some may establish their own companies or may move into senior management roles in engineering and related enterprises, employing professional engineers and other specialists where appropriate.

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ENGINEERING OFFICERS (ASSOCIATES)The benchmark Stage 1 qualification for Engineering Officers is the two-year Advanced Diploma/Associate Degree in Engineering, classified at Level 6 (AQF-6) under the Australian Qualifications Framework.

Engineering Officers focus mainly on practical applications. They may be expert in installing, testing and monitoring equipment and systems, in the operation and maintenance of advanced plant, and in managing or supervising tradespeople in these activities. They may be expert in selecting equipment and components to meet given specifications and in assembling these to form systems customised to particular projects.

Engineering Officers are often required to be familiar with Standards and Codes of Practice and to become expert in the interpretation and application of such Standards in a wide variety of situations. Many develop very extensive experience of practical installations. In fact, they are often more knowledgeable than a Professional Engineer or Engineering Technologist on detailed aspects that can contribute very greatly to safety, cost or effectiveness in operation.

In other instances, Engineering Officers may develop high levels of expertise in aspects of design and development processes. These might include, for example, the use of advanced software to perform detailed design of structures, mechanical components and systems, manufacturing or process plants, electrical and electronic equipment, information and communications systems. Another example might be in the construction of experimental or prototype equipment. Again, experienced operators in these areas often develop detailed practical knowledge and experience complementing the broader or more theoretical knowledge of others.

Engineering Officers need a good grounding in engineering science and the principles underlying their field of expertise to ensure that their knowledge is portable across different applications and situations. Context-specific training and experience in a particular job are not sufficient to guarantee generic competency. Given a good knowledge base however, Engineering Officers may build further on this through high levels of training in particular contexts and in relation to particular equipment. Aircraft maintenance is an excellent example.

The competencies of Engineering Officers equip them to certify the quality of engineering work and the condition of equipment and systems in defined circumstances, laid down in recognised Standards and Codes of Practice. Such certification should be fully acceptable in the public domain and should not require further endorsement by other practitioners who are perceived to be more highly qualified.

Engineering Officers may lead or manage teams appropriate to these activities. Some may establish their own companies or may move into senior management roles in engineering and other related enterprises, employing Professional Engineers and other specialists where appropriate.

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COMPETENCY TERMSCompetency is the ability to perform activities within an occupation to standards expected and recognised by employers and the community. Competencies are expressed in terms of Units and Elements and are demonstrated through the demonstration of the Defining Activities. The Unit title describes a particular area of performance, for example Engineering Practice. The Elements are the necessary components or activities which make up the Unit of Competency. Each Element has a set of Defining Activities which provide a guide to the level of performance and allow a judgment to be made on whether the element of competency has been achieved.

Graduates are Stage 1 Professional Engineers, Engineering Technologists or Engineering Officers, that is, they have demonstrated the attainment of essential educational competencies through the completion of a recognised tertiary engineering qualification. Graduates work under guidance and supervision.

Those with Chartered Status or Professional Engineers, Engineering Technologists or Engineering Officers (Associates) who have demonstrated Stage 2 competence will have undertaken broad-based experience. They have the competencies to work independently and display leadership in creating and applying new engineering practices on a regular basis, that is; they have demonstrated engineering skills and judgment in addition to educational competencies and can practice in a competent, independent and ethical manner.

PROFESSIONAL FORMATIONThe period during which a graduate engineer gains the necessary professional engineering competencies in order to practice in an independent and ethical manner is known as Professional Formation. Professional Formation mainly takes place following the completion of a formal engineering or technology degree or advanced diploma/associate degree. Engineering experience gained prior to graduation may be admissible in cases where the experience meets Stage 2 competency standards.

A minimum period of Professional Formation is not generally stipulated as the assessment for the award of Chartered Status is based on demonstrated competencies rather than a period of time. However, in accordance with Engineers Australia Bye-Laws and Membership Regulations, a graduate must have at least three years of work experience at the level of their related occupational category to achieve Chartered Status.

The period for Professional Formation is usually minimised in cases where the enterprise you are working for has partnered with Engineers Australia to provide its employees with an approved Professional Development Program (PDP). Engineers can also join the PDP as individual participants. Details about the PDP can be found on the Engineers Australia website at

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PREPARING YOUR ENGINEERING PRACTICE REPORTYour Engineering Practice Report (EPR) consists of a series of written Career Episode Reports (CERs) each describing experience gained during your Professional Formation.

A Career Episode Report (CER) is a documented component of your professional experience. It indicates the attainment of experience related to relevant Elements of Competency. A career episode may be made up of a number of related professional experiences over a continuous period.

The significance of individual career episodes varies. A minor career episode may cover a relatively short period of time (several months) and be advanced to claim some Elements of Competency. A major career episode (a large or lengthy project for example) can be advanced to demonstrate an entire Unit of Competency.

A collection of narratives relating to the career episodes forms the basis of your EPR. Each narrative (report) should emphasise problems identified and the problem-solving techniques you utilised in overcoming them.

Full details of the Stage 2 Competencies and the Standards by which they are measured are given at Appendix C. Of particular importance are the Standards (Part 2 of Appendix C). The Standards set the context against which a competency must be demonstrated within each occupational category. The notes provide essential guidance as to how you should interpret and address the Unit.

There are several steps you should follow when preparing for the Competency Based Assessment. Follow the steps closely and contact the Engineers Australia Accredited Assessor identified at Appendix F if you have any queries.



To be eligible for Chartered Status you must:

• be a financial member, or eligible to become a member, of Engineers Australia in one of the three engineering occupational categories (for details of how to apply, refer to the Engineers Australia website

• have at least three years of engineering experience in the relevant occupational category.


Determine in which occupational category you will be applying for Chartered Status: Chartered Professional Engineer (CPEng), Chartered Engineering Technologist (CEngT) or Chartered Engineering Officer (CEngO). To assist you, please refer to the previous section titled “Defining the Engineering Team”.


Write the CERs that, when assembled, will form your EPR based on your professional experience in the general area of practice in which you are seeking recognition. Should you be seeking registration on the NPER/NETR/NEAR, browse through the section titled “Registration, Areas of Practice, Colleges and International Agreements” in Appendix B. If you are seeking recognition in a specific area of practice, you need to seek further information as explained in Appendix B. Your report then needs to demonstrate that you have practised independently in the specific area.

Reports should emphasise:

• your personal contribution and responsibilities

• the problems you faced

• the solution(s) you found

• the engineering judgments you made

• the impact your solution(s) and judgments generated.


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An example of a Career Episode Report (CER) is shown in Appendix D. Your CER is to be printed on A4 sheets, in English, in narrative form and using the first person singular, and should describe the specific contributions you have made.


Consult the list of Units and Elements of Competency in Appendix A and make a selection of the Elements you believe you have achieved.

Review your selection against the respective Defining Activities (Appendix C) and ensure that you have demonstrated most or all of the Defining Activities in order to claim that you have demonstrated an element of competence. Please note that only the Elements and not the Defining Activities are to be noted in the right hand column.

When writing your CERs you will need to refer to Appendix C both Part 1 and Part 2. Remember that your EPR must show that you have demonstrated your competency in all three Compulsory Units of Competency (including all seventeen Elements) plus two of the ten Elective Units of Competency (including the specified number of Elements).

If you have not demonstrated the requisite Units and Elements, write further career episodes until you have satisfied the requirement. Remember that the wording of each CER should clearly indicate how these Elements have been demonstrated (refer to the CER example at Appendix D).

Your EPR can now be formed by linking all your CERs.


Each of your CERs must be verified by a senior experienced engineer (preferably a Chartered Engineer) from at least the same occupational category in which you are seeking Chartered Status. Verifiers must be able to attest that you have performed the work you have written about. In some cases this may not be possible and a Statutory Declaration (refer to the Application Form in Appendix G) is required in lieu of attestation.


You are now able to complete your application by providing one original and two copies of the following documentation:

a) Completed Application Form

b) A certified passport-style photo

c) A certified true copy of your passport bio-data page or Australian Driver’s Licence (where this is not available, a certified copy of your Birth Certificate or Official Identity Document may be acceptable in lieu).

d) A verified Curriculum Vitae (CV) covering your employment experience since completing your first tertiary qualifications. The CV is to be verified by a responsible Engineer whose signature must be accompanied by their printed name, address, email address, phone number and status or if verified by a member of Engineers Australia, their membership number, printed name and signature. The CV verification should cover at least the last three years of engineering employment. The following statement is to be signed by the verifier: “I verify that this is a true statement of the career history of (candidate’s name) during the period (date) to (date).”If you cannot provide verification of employment for any of the last three year period, a properly witnessed Statutory Declaration stating why you have not been able to have the information verified, what steps you took to locate the verifier and that the information contained in your CV is true and correct covering that period must accompany your application. Refer to page 5 of the Application Form.

e) Details of your Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for example, formal education and training, seminars or conferences attended, presentations and papers and private reading. For further details refer to the Engineers Australia website at

f) Your Engineers Australia membership number (documented on the Application Form). If you are not a current member of Engineers Australia and hold accredited Australian engineering qualifications (typically a four-year professional engineering qualification, a three-year engineering technology qualification or a two-year advanced diploma/associate degree in engineering) you must provide a certified copy of your degree/diploma testamur(s). If your qualifications are not accredited by Engineers Australia or are from a country other than Australia, a certified copy of your assessment letter from Engineers Australia indicating that you have qualifications which meet the academic requirements to confer recognition as a Stage 1 Engineer must be provided. If you are applying under a Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) please refer to our website under Membership for further information.

g) Payment of the Chartered assessment fee. Please refer to the latest fee schedule at under Membership.

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Submit all of these documents and your payment to the Accredited Assessor located in your region identified at Appendix F.


When your EPR is assessed as satisfactory, you will be invited to attend a Professional Interview (PI). The PI is essentially a peer review of the competencies you have claimed. The PI will be conducted by a panel which includes Chartered Members of Engineers Australia in your chosen engineering discipline and area of practice. The Engineers Australia Accredited Assessor will also be present or linked by telephone to act as a facilitator and moderator at the interview.

At the start of the PI you will be asked to make an uninterrupted fifteen-minute presentation in support of your application. During the remainder of the PI you should be prepared to discuss the Defining Activities pertaining to your selected Elements of Competency. Questions by the Assessment Panel on technical aspects of your career are anticipated to take approximately 30 minutes. This may be extended depending on the circumstances. The interview is not expected to exceed 60 minutes.

You should also be prepared to answer questions on the Engineers Australia Code of Ethics (refer to Appendix E) and contemporary engineering issues such as the environment and sustainability. If there are points that require clarification, you may be requested to undertake a Technical Assignment at the completion of your PI.

Unsuccessful applicants will receive counseling and advice regarding future professional development requirements they should seek in order to attain Chartered Status.

Applicants for registration in a specific area of practice should note that the Assessment Panel has to be satisfied that you have:

• Met the Stage 2 competencies in a general area of practice; and

• Provided evidence of your practice in the specific area.

You should note that as a practicing engineer in Australia you are expected to be able to communicate effectively in the English language. Your competencies in English will be assessed during the PI and in the assessment of the EPR.

MATURE EXPERIENCED ENGINEERS PATHWAY TO CHARTERED STATUSMature and more experienced engineering participants with at least fifteen years of broad-based engineering experience since graduation and who have been responsible for substantial work in their occupational category may demonstrate their acquisition of competencies by submission of a less voluminous Statement of Experience.

Potential applicants should download the “Mature Experienced Engineers Pathway to Chartered Status” document available at and read in conjunction with this Handbook.

Applicant’s attention should be drawn to the Entry Requirements and Method of Application.

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COMPULSORY UNITS AND THEIR RESPECTIVE ELEMENTSFor competency demonstration requirements, refer to Step 4 of the previous section Engineering Practice Report.

Fuller details of the Competencies are given in Appendix C (Part 1 and 2).

When applying for Chartered Status and registration on the National Professional Engineers Register (NPER) / National Engineering Technologists Register (NETR) / National Engineering Associates Register (NEAR) you need to address the following three Compulsory Units of Competency (UNIT C1, C2, C3). Note that all seventeen [17] Elements within the Units must be addressed.


C1.1 Presents and Develops a Professional Image YES NO

C1.2 Pursues Continuing Professional Development YES NO

C1.3 Integrates Engineering with Other Professional Input YES NO

C1.4 Develops Engineering Solutions YES NO

C1.5 Identifies Constraints on Potential Engineering Solutions YES NO


C2.1 Interprets and Scopes Design Requirements YES NO

C2.2 Prepares Concept Proposal and Seeks Advice on Latest Technology YES NO

C2.3 Implements Planning and Design Process YES NO

C2.4 Reviews the Design to Achieve Acceptance YES NO

C2.5 Prepares and Maintains Documentation During the Design Process YES NO

C2.6 Validates Design YES NO


C3.1 Manages Self YES NO

C3.2 Works Effectively with People YES NO

C3.3 Facilitates and Capitalises on Change and Innovation YES NO

C3.4 Plans and Manages Work Priorities and Resources YES NO

C3.5 Maintains Customer Focus and Relationships with Clients/Stakeholders/Suppliers/Regulators


C3.6 Manages Information YES NO

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You need to address two of the ten Elective Units and the specified number of Elements stipulated within the Units. Note that E1A and E1B are mutually exclusive, as are E4A and E4B.



E1A.1 Contributes to Engineering Business Strategies YES NO

E1A.2 Develops Client Relationships YES NO

E1A.3 Manages the Implementation of Engineering Plans within the Business YES NO

E1A.4 Manages Resources YES NO

E1A.5 Manages People YES NO

E1A.6 Manages Suppliers YES NO

E1A.7 Manages Business Information YES NO

E1A.8 Monitors Engineering Business Performance YES NO



E1B.1 Develops Project Integration YES NO

E1B.2 Scopes the Project YES NO

E1B.3 Manages People YES NO

E1B.4 Manages the Physical Resources within the Project YES NO

E1B.5 Manages Quality, Safety, Environment and Risk YES NO

E1B.6 Manages Cost and Procurement YES NO

E1B.7 Manages Time and Progress YES NO

E1B.8 Finalises the Project YES NO


E2.1 Plans Operations and Systems YES NO

E2.2 Manages the Process with the Operation/System YES NO

E2.3 Manages the Assets within the Operation/System YES NO

E2.4 Manages People YES NO

E2.5 Measures and Documents Engineering Operation/System YES NO

E2.6 Management of Environmental Performance YES NO


E3.1 Determines Engineering Requirements YES NO

E3.2 Designs/Develops Materials/Components/Systems YES NO

E3.3 Defines Processes to Prepare Materials/Components/Systems YES NO

E3.4 Manages the Uses of Materials/Components/Systems within the Project/Operation


E3.5 Manages the Recovery, Reuse and Disposal of Materials/Components/Systems YES NO

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UNIT E4A ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Your checklistPlease note: Applicants for NPER Environmental (general) MUST address this Unit and MUST also respond to the “Guideline for Environmental Engineering*”.


E4A.1 Determines the Existing Environmental Condition YES NO

E4A.2 Establishes Stakeholders’ Expectations YES NO

E4A.3 Reviews Existing Environmental Conditions Against Stakeholders’ Expectations YES NO

E4A.4 Develops and Ranks Strategies to Achieve Sustainable Development YES NO

E4A.5 Implements, Monitors and Evaluates Strategies YES NO

*The “Guideline for Environmental Engineering” can be located on the National Engineering Registration Board website at under Areas of Practice – General Areas – Environmental Engineering.



E4B.1 Responds to/Identifies Problems YES NO

E4B.2 Plans the Investigation YES NO

E4B.3 Carries out the Investigation YES NO

E4B.4 Draws Conclusions and Makes Recommendations YES NO


E5.1 Identifies Opportunities for New or Improved Processes and/or Products YES NO

E5.2 Identifies the Resources Required for the R&D YES NO

E5.3 Initiates Concept Development YES NO

E5.4 Gains Commitment to the R&D Proposal YES NO

E5.5 Ensures Research is Undertaken YES NO

E5.6 Collaborates in the Commercialisation of Research Outcomes YES NO


E6.1 Defines Requirements and Sources for Materials YES NO

E6.2 Estimates Materials YES NO

E6.3 Procures Materials/Resources YES NO

E6.4 Prepares Materials/Components/Systems for use in the Project/Operation YES NO


E7.1 Participates in Planning the Introduction of Technical Change YES NO

E7.2 Develops Technically Creative and Flexible Approaches and Solutions YES NO

E7.3 Manages Emerging Technical Challenges and Opportunities YES NO


E8.1 Identifies Sales Opportunities YES NO

E8.2 Applies Product Knowledge to Client Requirements YES NO

E8.3 Promotes Technical Capability of the Product/System YES NO

E8.4 Seeks Client Feedback YES NO

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Public Safety is protected when only competent practitioners are registered to provide engineering services in critical areas. Registered practitioners will be engaged to provide services in such areas only if stipulated by regulation or demanded by the market.

Information imbalance is reduced when registration standards are made available. Published information must express the observable functions that are necessary to practise competently in each area of the register in terms of competency-based eligibility criteria.

In some instances, Regulatory Schemes are used when governments find a need to place aspects of practice under the law. This is usually because the government has assessed that practice by unqualified or inadequately experienced or uninsured practitioners in such areas puts the community at a greater risk than the constraints on competition associated with registration.

The National Professional Engineers Register (NPER) was launched in 1994, the National Engineering Technologists Register (NETR) was introduced in 1996 and the National Engineering Associates Register (NEAR) was launched in 2008. Engineers Australia administers the three National Engineering Registers on advice from a board established to ensure the registers operate with integrity and in the public interest at no cost to the government, with a particular emphasis on public safety and the risks associated with information imbalance in an engineer-client relationship.


The National Engineering Registration Board (the Board) was established jointly by Engineers Australia, the Association of Professional Engineers, Scientists and Managers, Australia (APESMA) and Consult Australia (formerly ACEA). The Board, representing State and Territory Governments, Community Organisations and Professional Associations, ensures that national registers are administered in the public interest. The Board, which includes a nominated Engineering Technologist and Engineering Associate, supervises the administration of the registers. Engineers Australia administers NPER, NETR and NEAR as the service provider to the Board.


The Engineers Australia Professional Standards Scheme is a limitation of liability scheme approved under the professional standards legislation of each State and Territory. The scheme is designed to improve the occupational standards of the profession, protect consumers and put a cap on the amount of damages a court can award against members covered by the scheme in legal actions for economic loss or property damage arising from anything they did or did not do in carrying out their occupation.

Engineers Australia is an approved assessment entity under the Professional Engineers Act 2002(QLD), approved to assess qualifications and competencies under Part 2 of the Act for persons wishing to apply for registration as a Registered Professional Engineer of Queensland (RPEQ). Registration on NPER or CPEng provides sufficient evidence for a successful assessment.

Registration on NPER also provides evidence of technical competence required for accreditation as a certifier under the Building Professionals Act 2005 (NSW).

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Assessment against Stage 2 Competency Standards (Appendix C Part 2) is necessarily related to the occupational roles in which the competencies have been exercised, and to the scope offered by those roles – but is not necessarily limited to them. A person employed in one occupational group may well demonstrate some of the attributes of another group; and different people may perform the same role in different ways, for example, in the degree of initiative shown.

The integrity of the registration system is sustained where applicants expect to be assessed against objective competency standards that take account of their knowledge and understanding as well as their workplace activities in a way that is both visible and defensible.


Members of Engineers Australia and non-members who register on NPER/NETR/NEAR undertake to be bound by Engineers Australia’s Code of Ethics and the Disciplinary Regulations that underpin it. All registrants are required to practise only within the limits of their competence and to maintain records of their Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for audit purposes.

Chartered members and registered non-members, at the time of application, undertake to record a minimum of 150 hours of CPD activities in any three-year period. Applicants also must certify that they have spent a total of at least one year during the last three years engaged in independent practice or working as an employee under general direction or have been enrolled in a formal postgraduate course directly related to their areas of practice. Details of acceptable CPD activities, minimum requirements and certain limitations can be found on the Engineers Australia website at


Twelve general areas of practice are available for registration on the National Engineering Registers: Aerospace Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Building Services Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Information, Telecommunications, Electronics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Structural Engineering, Naval Architecture and Management.

Five specific areas of practice are currently available to practitioners who are registered in an appropriate general area of practice on a National Engineering Register: Fire Safety Engineering, Heritage and Conservation Engineering, In-service Inspection of Amusement Rides and Devices, Pressure Equipment Design Verification and Subdivisional Geotechnics.

Information on areas of practice can be found at


The following descriptions are provided to help you choose your general area of practice on a national Engineering Register. For further information and guidelines on eligibility criteria, applicants should visit


Aerospace Engineering is concerned with aerodynamics and performance, aircraft stores, airports and ground systems, airways systems, cabin environment, cockpit ergonomics, communications systems, computer systems and avionics, crashworthiness, electrical systems, electronic warfare, environmental effects, fire safety and control, flight management systems, flight simulators, flight navigation systems noise and acoustic effects, propulsions systems, radar systems, risk management, satellite systems, software, structures, test flight control, tracking systems, vehicle dynamics and vehicle launch and recovery.


Biomedical Engineering is concerned with research, design, development, evaluation, manufacture, installation, operation, maintenance, management and control of biomedical devices, facilities and equipment designed to support and enhance human life and help individuals to overcome physical disabilities. It is also concerned with the planning and assessment of medical procedures and the development of related data handling facilities. Applicants must have significant training in the life sciences, typically 80 hours of formal education or equivalent, and hold or have held a position of professional responsibility in biomedical engineering.


Building Services Engineering is concerned with aspects of the built environment, involving air conditioning and mechanical ventilation, electrical light and power, fire services, Fire Safety Engineering, water and waste services, data and communications, security and access control, vertical transportation, acoustics in buildings and energy management.


Chemical Engineering is concerned with research, teaching, design, development, economics, manufacture, installation, operation, sales, maintenance and management of commercial scale chemical plants and process systems, industrial processing and fabrication of products undergoing chemical and/or physical changes being applied to materials for construction, process systems and equipment for instrumentation and control, and protection of the environment. Applicants must have experience in the safety aspects of design and/or operations. In addition, they must have experience in two of the following functions involving process systems and equipment: design, evaluation, operation, materials selection and fabrication.

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Civil Engineering is concerned with materials such as steel, concrete, timber, earth and rock, and with their application in the research, design, development, manufacture, construction, operation, maintenance and management of hydraulic, structural, environmental and systems aspects of infrastructure works and services such as water, sewerage, transport, urban development and municipal services, and with building and construction for other infrastructure industries.


Electrical Engineering is concerned with research, design, development, manufacture, installation, operation, maintenance and management of equipment, plant and systems within the electrical, electronic, communication and computers systems areas being applied to electrical power generation, transmission, distribution and utilization, manufacture, instrumentation and control in industry, communications networks, electronic plant and equipment, integration and control of computer systems.


Environmental Engineering is concerned with water and waste water treatment and environmental management (including application or re-use and recycling), waste management (including ecoefficiency and cleaner production concepts, and life cycle assessment), surface and ground water system environmental management (including water quality management), contaminated land assessment and remediation, natural resource management, environment protection, management and pollution control, environmental management system design (including environmental management planning and auditing), environmental impact assessments and environmental information systems, natural systems accounting (including economic evaluation), social impact analysis, community consultation and dispute resolution, sustainable assessment and management, and environmental policy formulation.


Information, Telecommunications and Electronics Engineering is concerned with communications and telecommunications systems and engineering, computer systems engineering, software engineering, electronics engineering, internet, microelectronics and optical fibre technology.


This category is for practitioners who undertake functions recognised as being managerial rather than technical in content. Applicants seeking registration under the management category would be expected to be undertaking activities which call upon their engineering qualifications and experience.

Such managerial activities might typically include general management in an engineering environment, policy development, quality assurance and total quality management, design and delivery of training programs, marketing of engineering products or services, financial or human resource management. You will not normally be able to register in the management category unless you previously have gained sufficient experience in an engineering discipline and have met the requirements for registration in this engineering discipline. Subsequent to this experience you must have acquired appropriate skills and knowledge in general management.


Mechanical Engineering is concerned with design, development, research, evaluation, manufacture, installation, testing, operation, maintenance and management of machines, mechanical and mechatronic systems, automated systems and robotic devices, thermodynamic and combustion systems, fluid and thermal energy systems, materials and manufacturing equipment and process plant and materials handling systems. This is applied to manufacturing, land, sea and air transportation, electricity generation, mining, minerals and metals processing, food, agricultural and forest products processing, thermal and environmental control systems in buildings and industry and refrigeration and air conditioning systems. Applicants must have experience in the safety aspects of design and/or operation of machines, plant, systems or processes and with noise, airborne and waterborne emission controls to reduce environmental impact.


Naval Architecture is multidisciplinary in nature but, at its simplest: A Naval Architect is a Ship Designer. To expand on this: A Naval Architect is a Professional Engineer who is responsible for the safe design and specification of ships, boats and marine structure, both civil and military, including merchant ships (cargo and passenger), warships, submarines and underwater vehicles, offshore structures (fixed and floating), high speed craft, workboats and pleasure craft. The Naval Architect can also be involved in, or manage, the construction, repair/refit or operation of such ships/marine structures.


Structural Engineering is concerned with research, planning, design, construction, inspection, monitoring, maintenance, rehabilitation and demolition of permanent and temporary structures and structural systems and their components and with associated technical, economic, environmental, aesthetic and social aspects. Structures might include buildings, bridges, in-ground structures, footings, frameworks and space frames, including those for motor vehicles, space vehicles, ships, aeroplanes and cranes, composed of any structural material including composites and novel materials.

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If you also require registration in a specific area of practice, you may apply for it concurrently with your application for Chartered Status. However, you should note that the evidence of competency you offer in support of your application would then need to demonstrate that you have practiced independently in the specific area and, in some cases, that you have undertaken certain required professional development activities. For further information applicants should refer to

Alternatively, please contact an Engineers Australia office for this information to be mailed to you.



A registration system that distinguishes areas of engineering service and lists registered practitioners provides a ready and reliable mean to confirm a practitioner’s competence. Registration enables government, industry and individual consumers to engage the appropriate professional person or team to perform the required engineering services.

There are three occupational categories in the engineering work force – Professional Engineer, Engineering Technologist and Engineering Officer (Associate). Members in these categories cooperate in various ways to perform engineering services. Their activities and competencies are often closely inter-related and it is difficult, and sometimes artificial, to say where the responsibilities of one occupational category end and those of another begin. There are activities that could be undertaken in different circumstances by any member of the engineering team. Other activities are clearly the province of one occupational category and not of another – for example, the province of a Professional Engineer but not an Engineering Associate, or vice versa. This distinction will often be determined by the standard to which competency has been demonstrated against the Australian Engineering Competency Standards Stage 2.

Some features of engineering are common to all three categories. All engineering is about the application of a distinctive body of knowledge, based on mathematics, science and technology. Engineering practice is integrated with business opportunity and risk management. Practice continually evolves in the light of new theories, new evidence and new experience, and specializes to a greater or lesser extent in particular fields of application.

All registered engineering professionals observe a common Code of Ethics, undertake to accept responsibility for outcomes only within their area of competence and specifically commit to keeping up-to-date through continuing professional development to support their engagement in delivering engineering services. They deliver engineering outcomes that minimise adverse social, economic and environmental

consequences, with due regard for the safety, health and welfare of the community.

The full range of engineering services demands a broad spectrum of knowledge, skills and expertise from the engineering team which comprises Professional Engineers, Engineering Technologist and Engineering Associates. The national engineering registration system provides guidance on the scope of practice within its three occupational categories on the basis of the following distinguishing attributes.



Professional Engineers apply their lifelong learning, critical perception and engineering judgment to the performance of engineering services. They challenge current thinking and conceptualise alternative approaches, often engaging in research and development of new engineering principles, technologies and materials. Engineers apply their analytical skills and well developed grasp of scientific principles and engineering theory to design original and novel solutions to complex problems. Their disciplined and systematic approach to innovation and creativity, comprehension of risks and benefits and informed professional judgment enables them to select optimal solutions, justify and defend the selection to colleagues, clients and the community.

Registered Professional Engineers can be expected to comprehend complexity, function independently and display leadership within multi-disciplinary and cross-cultural teams. Within their engineering discipline, they will optimise costs and benefits to clients and community within identified constraints, while achieving desired outcomes ethically, and within the context of a safe and sustainable environment. They accept ultimate responsibility for the selection and application of design tools, implementation strategies and overall integration and functionality of engineering projects and programs.


Engineering Technologists exercise ingenuity, originality and understanding in adapting and applying technologies, developing related new technologies or applying scientific knowledge within their specialised technical environment. Their education, expertise and analytical skills equip them with a robust understanding of the theoretical and practical application of engineering and technical principles. Within their branch of technology, they contribute to the improvement of standards and codes of practice, and the adaptation of established technologies to new situations.

Registered Engineering Technologists can be expected to determine interactions between a technology and the system in which it operates, recognise and take account of its suitability and manage associated technical risks.

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Technologists accept responsibility for the detailed technological requirements of their engineering services with due regard to the fundamental properties and limitations of components and systems involved. They may lead and manage teams engaged in the inspection, approval and certification of designs, tests, installations and reliable operations. They identify problematic circumstances, take remedial action and keep colleagues, clients and community informed, while ensuring performance-based criteria are satisfied within a safe and sustainable environment.


Engineering Associates apply their detailed knowledge of standards and codes of practice to selecting, specifying, installing, commissioning, monitoring, maintaining, repairing and modifying complex assets such as structures, plant, equipment, components and systems. Their education, training and experience equip them with the necessary theoretical knowledge and analytical skills for testing, fault diagnosis and understanding the limitations of complex assets in familiar operating situations.

Registered Engineering Associates can be expected to exercise engineering judgment within the scope of accepted standards and codes of practice to the design, inspection, certification, safe operation and cost-effectiveness of complex assets. They may supervise tradespeople, lead and manage teams and utilise advanced software and design aids to achieve practical and reliable designs, installations and operations of complex assets.


Becoming a Chartered Member of Engineers Australia may allow you to join overseas institutions without having to undertake further examination or interview. Engineers Australia has negotiated mutual recognition agreements with numerous overseas professional associations that provide reciprocal membership. This information can be found at

Engineers Australia is part of two multilateral international registers, the APEC Engineer Register and the EMF International Recognition agreement for Professional Engineers – IntPE (Aus).

The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Engineer Register is an initiative of the Commonwealth Government and Engineers Australia to facilitate cross border mobility for Professional Engineers in the APEC region. An APEC Engineer Register has been established in Australia, Canada, Chinese Taipei, Hong Kong China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, the United States of America and Russia.

The Engineers Mobility Forum (EMF) has constituted an International Recognition Agreement for Professional Engineers. The International Register of Professional Engineers is operated in Australia, Canada, Chinese Taipei, Hong Kong China, India, Ireland, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, Sri Lanka, South Africa, the UK and the USA. Engineers registered on the International Register may use the postnominal IntPE (Aus).

A person who is registered on the National Professional Engineers Register (NPER) has already met, to a significant extent, the requirements for enrolment on the APEC Engineer Register or on the IntPE (Aus) Register. The APEC Handbook and Application Form can be found at >Registers > International.


Colleges represent the learned-society function of Engineers Australia. They are responsible for maintaining, extending and promoting the body of knowledge, formulating standards for accrediting university degree programs and practice competencies for admission to Chartered Status and Registration, providing expert members of accreditation and assessment panels, promoting discipline-specific continuing professional development, and mentoring the development of graduate engineers.

There are currently eight Colleges of Engineers Australia: Biomedical, Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Environmental, Information Telecommunications and Electronics, Mechanical and Structural, which together broadly cover all areas of practice in engineering.

When you apply for Chartered Status (CPEng, CEngT or CEngO), you should also nominate a College. This would indicate that you would be seeking Chartered Membership of this College, which covers your area of engineering practice. For example, you may have studied Mechanical Engineering but your work-related competencies could have been in Structural Engineering. Your nominated College would therefore be “Structural”. You are able to nominate more than one College, however, your EPR must show that you have gained experience in areas of practice covered by the College(s) you nominate.

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UNIT C1: Engineering Practice COMPULSORYDESCRIPTOR: This Unit requires members of the engineering team to apply a professional approach to a specific area of engineering practice.Element Defining ActivitiesC1.1 Presents and develops a professional image

a. Practises in a field of engineering, in accordance with the code of ethics, as a significant part of normal work duties

b. Demonstrates use of appropriate engineering techniques and toolsc. Produces outcomes that require innovative thought and intellectual rigourd. Publishes the outcomes of innovation in reports or professional paperse. Achieves recognition for engineering expertise from colleagues and clientsf. Identifies opportunities to solve problems through applying engineering

knowledgeg. Demonstrates an awareness of environmental/community/political issues

that would benefit from engineering input

C1.2 Pursues continuing professional development

a. Reviews own strengths and determines areas for developmentb. Plans for further professional developmentc. Undertakes engineering professional development activitiesd. Improves non engineering knowledge and skills to assist in achieving

engineering outcomes

C1.3 Integrates engineering with other professional input

a. Interacts with appropriate professionals and specialists to achieve agreed outcomes and develop broader knowledge

b. Seeks a range of information sources to develop and strengthen present engineering focus

c. Challenges current practices to identify opportunities for improvement through a multi-disciplined, inter-cultural approach

C1.4 Develops engineering solutions a. Identifies and proposes options to achieve engineering solutionsb. Produces new concepts/design/solutions/methodsc. Demonstrates the achievement of improvements in processes and

outcomesd. Plans and manages the development of solutionse. Proposes means of testing, measuring and evaluating solutionsf. Develops and applies new engineering practices on a regular basis

C1.5 Identifies constraints on potential engineering solutions

a. Identifies the interrelationship of social, physical, environmental, political, financial and cultural issues with the proposed engineering solutions

b. Identifies professional risks, statutory responsibilities and liabilitiesc. Implements Occupational Health and Safety and other statutory

requirementsd. Identifies hazards and consequent risks, and initiates appropriate safety

and disaster management measurese. Identifies long term environmental and sustainability issues associated

with engineering activities


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UNIT C2: Engineering Planning and Design COMPULSORYDESCRIPTOR: This Unit requires members of the engineering team to be involved in the interpretation of requirements, apply engineering principles, conceptualise options and apply creativity to development of plans and designs that meet the client’s requirements.Element Defining ActivitiesC2.1 Interprets and scopes design requirements

a. Negotiates and interprets the client’s requirementsb. Brings to the client’s attention the implications of sustainability and

options for an improved environmental outcomec. Documents the requirements, negotiates and obtains agreement on

acceptance criteriad. Analyses client requirements for the design criteria to ensure that all

appropriate specification are included in the design requirementse. Reviews the design requirements by considering the impact of the

plan/design of all development and implementation factors, including constraints and risks

f. Selects and applies engineering standards and design specifications to write functional specifications which meet the requirements

g. Defines and agrees the acceptance criteria with the client

C2.2 Prepares concept proposal and seeks advice on latest technology

a. Applies innovative approaches to the development of possible design concepts, responding to imperatives such as sustainability

b. Investigates and analyses the possible design concepts to achieve the design requirements

c. Seeks advice from appropriate personnel and sources where the concept proposal has non standard engineering requirements

d. Collaborates with the client to adapt the plan/design brief/concept to improve outcomes and overcome possible problems

e. Advises the client of the likely impacts on the communityf. Seeks advice on the latest technologies

C2.3 Implements planning and design process

a. Arranges design tasks to meet the agreed outcomes and cost structure

b. Analyses and selects resources/processes/systems to develop the plan or design

c. Develops and checks the design solution using the engineering specification

d. Creates (when appropriate) a demonstration model of the designe. Establishes documentation management process

C2.4 Reviews the design to achieve acceptance

a. Reviews the design to ensure that user requirements are metb. Informs the user of the likely impact on the user’s lifestylec. Incorporates corrections and makes improvements to the design

ensuring social responsibilities, such as sustainability, are metd. Reviews the design with the client to gain documented acceptance

C2.5 Prepares and maintains documentation during the design process

a. Ensures that the supporting documentation required to implement the design is accurate, concise, complete and clear

b. Ensures that the designed item is identified by agreed design documentation/records

c. Applies the agreed documentation control process when making changes to the design

d. Ensures that the documentation for the design remains accurate and current during the design development

C2.6 Validates design a. Prepares and implements plans to verify that completed physical work meets clients’ requirements

b. Develops periodic test schedules to monitor performance and enable others to take any corrective action necessary

c. Seeks feedback from the commissioning process to facilitate corrective actions or improvements

d. Evaluates the performance of the design outcome in the user’s environment using appropriate tools

e. Evaluates community reaction to the design outcome


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UNIT C3: Self-Management in the Engineering Workplace COMPULSORYDESCRIPTOR: This Unit requires members of the engineering team to perform work competently, making judgments about work priorities and information requirements to achieve effective working relationships and engineering outcomes.Element Defining ActivitiesC3.1 Manages self a. Manages own time and own processes

b. Exercises initiative in the workplacec. Completes tasks in a competent and timely mannerd. Demonstrates professional ethics as the opportunity occurse. Copes with change

C3.2 Works effectively with people a. Communicates effectively with othersb. Recognises the value of cultural diversity and applies appropriate workplace

practices for a viable workplace ecologyc. Develops and maintains trust and confidence of colleagues, clients and

suppliers through competent performanced. Seeks and values input from internal and external sources to enhance

communicatione. Mentors others in specific areas of engineering focusf. Builds and maintains network relationships that value and sustain a team


C3.3 Facilitates and capiltalises on change and innovation

a. Initiates opportunities to introduce changeb. Works with others to introduce changec. Develops creative and flexible approaches and solutionsd. Manages emerging challenges and opportunitiese. Manages in a manner to advance sustainability

C3.4 Plans and manages work priorities and resources

a. Prioritises competing demands to achieve personal, team and the organisation’s goals and objectives

b. Prepares, monitors and reviews work plans, programs and budgetsc. Plans resource use to achieve profit/productivity/sustainability/

environmental impact minimisation targets

C3.5 Maintains customer focus and relationships with clients/stakeholders/suppliers/regulators

a. Identifies client needsb. Works in collaborative relationships with clients/suppliers in the planning

and implementation of the projectc. Demonstrates commercial awarenessd. Manages the procurement processe. Negotiates to ensure that available capability meets requirementsf. Provides regular and complete progress reports

C3.6 Manages information a. Locates and reviews relevant informationb. Applies relevant legislation, statutory requirements and standardsc. Manages information relating to insurances, indemnities, and commercial

instrumentsd. Documents processes and outcomese. Analyses information


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UNIT E1A: Engineering Business Management ELECTIVEDESCRIPTOR: This Unit requires members of the engineering team to contribute to business strategies through the provision of specialist engineering knowledge and experience.Element Defining ActivitiesE1A.1 Contributes to engineering business strategies

a. Provides engineering analysis to contribute to the development of strategic plans and sustainability

b. Integrates engineering objectives into business planningc. Seeks emergent business opportunities based upon engineering initiatives

to create opportunitiesd. Works with others to develop engineering performance targets and financial

planse. Provides advice on engineering related costs and risksf. Implements processes to monitor and adjust team performance within the

organisation’s continuous improvement policiesg. Undertakes risk assessment within organisational guidelinesh. Develops quality plans for engineering operationsi. Applies whole of life costing

E1A.2 Develops client relationships

a. Plans to meet internal and external clients’ engineering requirementsb. Ensures delivery of quality engineering products and servicesc. Seeks client feedback on the delivery of engineering products and servicesd. Monitors, adjusts and reports on the client service receivede. Assists customers to identify sustainable options and implications

E1A.3 Manages the implementation of engineering plans within the business

a. Allocates roles and responsibilities to staff to achieve engineering plansb. Provides engineering leadershipc. Manages performance and standardsd. Contributes to the solution of engineering problemse. Monitors strategic engineering plans, goals and targetsf. Manages costsg. Manages safety and qualityh. Manages environmental issuesi. Manages risks and contingencies

E1A.4 Manages resources a. Implements resources management plansb. Procures resourcesc. Manages asset maintenanced. Manages disposal, waste management and recycling planse. Provides advice on engineering costsf. Contributes to the innovative management of resources

E1A.5 Manages people a. Implements people management plansb. Monitors team and individual performance targetsc. Participates in the selection of staffd. Ensures the provision of skills and competencies requested to meet business

targetse. Manages the workplace culture so that staff work in a continual learning

environmentf. Ensures the adherence to ethical, OH&S and quality standardsg. Provides performance feedback

E1A.6 Manages suppliers a. Participates supplier selectionb. Prepares documents for engagement of suppliersc. Plans and implements monitoring of suppliers

E1A.7 Manages business information

a. Indentifies and complies with all statutory reporting requirementsb. Uses management information systems effectively to store and retrieve data

for decision makingc. Prepares and presents business plans/budgets in accordance with the

organisation’s guidelines and requirements

E1A.8 Monitors engineering business performance

a. Establishes monitoring processes and feedback systems to ensure agreed targets are met

b. Establishes monitoring and reporting processes to ensure statutory requirements are met

c. Establishes and monitors processes so that continuous improvement is achieved at all levels of the business


The nature of this elective Unit, referring to the Descriptor above, requires that normally 5 out of 8 elements are demonstrated and claimed in one CER to fulfill the essential requirement of this Unit.

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UNIT E1B: Engineering Project Management ELECTIVEDESCRIPTOR: This Unit requires members of the engineering team to scope and manage engineering projects within a program of work ensuring that time, cost and quality are managed effectively and that progress is maintained to achieve the outcomes within and across a number of projects.Element Defining ActivitiesE1B.1 Develops project integration a. Integrates the project with the business direction

b. Manages communication across the project with all stakeholdersc. Designs/agrees upon the documentation system across the projectd. Manages integration of all aspects of project designe. Plans and manages the integration of the transition of each stage of the

project cyclef. Relates the project to community aspirationsg. Develops the Project Plan

E1B.2 Scopes the project a. Collaborates with the clients/project owners and the team to define project deliverables for various phases within the project budget

b. Identifies measurable outcomes to evaluate the project on completionc. Develops project scope and feasibility accessing other areas of expertise

as requiredd. Defines parameters for the environmental management plane. Manages the relation between project management and environmental


E1B.3 Manages people a. Implements people management plansb. Monitors team and individual performance targetsc. Ensures that the project team has adequate skills and resources to

achieve the project outcomesd. Participates in the selection of staffe. Manages the workplace culture so that staff work in a continual learning

environmentf. Discusses project scope and project objectives with those involved in the

projectg. Delegates the achievement of outcomes to ensure cost, time and

material resources are appropriately allocated and appliedh. Ensures the adherence to ethical, environmental, OH&S and quality

standardsi. Provides performance feedbackj. Informs project members of the relationship of the project to other

program outcomes

E1B.4 Manages the physical resources within the project

a. Develops resource, material conservation, recovery and waste management plans

b. Defines project resource performance parameters in consultation with others

c. Develops strategies to maintain the effective performance of the resources

d. Initiates training programs for staff to monitor resource conditione. Diagnoses problems and identifies requirements for appropriate testingf. Establishes environmental and sustainability criteria for procurement of

materials, equipment and services

E1B.5 Manages quality, safety, environment and risk

a. Initiating a quality program to ensure that outcomes are achieved to the required standard of quality specified in the contract

b. Manages the reporting and documentation of quality and controls non-conformances

c. Establishes plans for management of OH&S and Environmental Controld. Manages hazard identification and the prevention of accidentse. Manages remedial action and reporting when accidents occurf. Identifies risks, their potential impacts, and produces a risk

minimisation plan

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E1B.6 Manages cost and procurement

a. Determines procurement requirements for the projectb. Ensures that the procurement process conforms with all probity

requirementsc. Determines project budget and monitors and controls project costsd. Monitors the production of deliverables to ensure that cost trend

deviations from budget are quickly identified and remediede. Specifies contract requirements to achieve the project outcomesf. Reviews requested variations against contract terms and conditions,

the agreed project outcomes and variations in project requirements or conditions

g. Reviews and approves matters during any defects and liability periods

E1B.7 Manages time and progress a. Determines and implements project programsb. Monitors project progress against programs and initiates remedial action

if necessaryc. Identifies and manages potential areas of conflict at the work site and

between stakeholders, customers and regulatorsd. Monitors contracts against outcomese. Keeps accurate records on all aspects of project progress including

environmental conditions and performance reportingf. Communicates on project progress to the project team, clients,

stakeholders and regulators

E1B.8 Finalises the project a. Reviews and documents the project outcomes against the project requirements

b. Establishes the acceptance criteria for the project in consultation with the client

c. Plans the handover of the project


The nature of this elective Unit, referring to the Descriptor above, requires that normally 5 out of 8 elements are demonstrated and claimed in one CER to fulfill the essential requirement of this Unit.

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UNIT E2: Engineering Operations ELECTIVEDESCRIPTOR: This Unit requires members of the engineering team to manage or coordinate ongoing engineering operations and make decisions to optimise the performance of the plant/system in a dynamic environment.Element Defining ActivitiesE2.1 Plans operations and systems a. Liaises with design, development and other related groups to develop the

plant/system operational planb. Takes a whole of life perspective when identifying future requirements and

possible impacts on the plant/system/operationc. Confirms that the goal of the operation meets the organisation’s objectivesd. Plans to optimise the flexibility and productivity of the operatione. Communicates engineering requirements and implications for financial

planningf. Communicates the plan for the operation/plant/system to those involved

in implementation or adaptation

E2.2 Manages the process within the operation/system

a. Specifies, procures and allocates resources required to carry out the processes

b. Regulates process/system to control variationc. Implements logistics plan to ensure spares and parts are availabled. Initiates corrective action to reduce variation and operational faults in the

process or systeme. Monitors processes and modifies them to achieve optimum outcomesf. Analyses the relative value of modifications to the system/processg. Advocates improvements to the operation to commercial managers and

other stakeholdersh. Manages sustainable environmental practices during the operation of the


E2.3 Manages the assets within the operation/system

a. Defines asset performance parameters in consultation with othersb. Develops maintenance strategies and maintenance implementation plansc. Prepares and manages whole of life costingd. Trains staff to implement condition monitoringe. Diagnoses faults and identifies requirements for appropriate technical

testingf. Develops logistics and costings for the resources acquisition required to

support the maintenance plang. Plans for and implements the decommissioning and disposal of assetsh. Develops an energy and resource minimisation plan

E2.4 Manages people a. Ensures that the staff are trained in the operation of the process/systemb. Briefs and coordinates work teams to operate the process/systemc. Provides system/plant/operational proceduresd. Reviews performance and competency development of operational teamse. Collaborates with and guides work teams to optimise the process/systemf. Guides work teams to implement all OH&S practices

E2.5 Measures and documents engineering operation/system

a. Reviews outcomes of the process in terms of quality, cost and time against the operational plan

b. Analyses productivity to determine where improvements can be madec. Develops system or work procedures required to operate and improve the


E2.6 Manages environmental performance

a. Conducts regular environmental audits of processes/procedures and systems

b. Devises energy demand management plan and monitoringc. Devises waste management plan and monitoringd. Devises water conservation plan and monitoringe. Devises materials conservation plan and monitoringf. Monitors and manages workplace environmental conditions and risksg. Devises environmental reporting structure and process


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UNIT E3: Materials/Components/Systems ELECTIVEDESCRIPTOR: This Unit requires members of the engineering team to select safe and sustainable materials, components and systems which are a part of solutions to engineering problems and meet client and community expectations.Element Defining ActivitiesE3.1 Determines engineering requirements

a. Determines fundamental project/operation parameters in consultation with the client

b. Considers the characteristics of specific projects/operations with regard to materials, components and system requirements

c. Determines and evaluates client and community expectations of the materials/components/systems used

d. Identifies and evaluates factors affecting the selection of materials/component/ systems including client and community expectations

e. Determines a selection strategy that includes methods, costs and benefits

f. Brings sustainable consequences and options to the client’s notice

E3.2 Designs/develops materials/components/systems

a. Defines design requirements and environmental performance criteria for materials/components/systems

b. Scopes the design and development processc. Gains acceptance of the specifications for material/components/

systemsd. Plans for disposal/renewal/long term storage optionse. Applies engineering principles to the development of the materials/

components/systemsf. Tests the developed materials/components/ systems against the

design requirements and environmental performance criteria prior to integration into the project/operation

E3.3 Defines processes to prepare materials/components/systems for use in the project/operation

a. Defines cost effective, sustainable and efficient methods for the preparation of materials/components/systems

b. Schedules the access and preparation of materials/components/systems

c. Carries out tests using the selected methods to ensure agreed standards are achieved

d. Determines interaction that may occur between materials/components/systems within the operation/project

e. Prepares certification reports on the characteristics and uses of materials/ components/systems

f. Defines appropriate lifespan profiles for materials/components/systems

E3.4 Manages the use of materials/components/systems within the project/operation

a. Maintains the material/components/systems according to the quality systems

b. Reviews the performance of the material/components/systems against the required outcomes of the project/operation

c. Applies and modifies procedures to ensure that the material/component/system is protected from deterioration

d. Researches new methods to improve performance and introduces new components/materials/systems according to the quality systems

e. Reviews community satisfaction with the functionality, sustainability and aesthetics of the materials/systems used in the project/operation

E3.5 Manages the recovery, reuse and disposal of materials/ components/systems

a. Defines a process for recovery and reusing the maximum amount of material

b. Defines the process for disposal/long term storage, minimising materials to landfill and the production of greenhouse gas emissions

c. Defines risks in material disposald. Selects the appropriate engineering methods following a consideration

of optionse. Applies relevant legislationf. Documents the process of disposal/storage/renewal


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UNIT E4A: Environmental Management ELECTIVEDESCRIPTOR: This Unit requires members of the engineering team to examine and determine the environmental management requirements of engineering work.Element Defining ActivitiesE4A.1 Determines the existing environmental condition

a. Researches and reviews sustainable imperatives and environmental values for the engineering project area through consultation and research

b. Develops/responds to and initiates briefs for environmental studies which adequately reflect the extent of required work

c. Audits existing environmental condition and identifies prioritiesd. Scopes the environmental impact of any engineering intervention into the

biophysical and socio-cultural environmente. Identifies probable environmental engineering outcomes for the specific

parameters within the brieff. Records/reports on the findings of the initial assessment

E4A.2 Establishes stakeholders’ expectations

a. Consults with all major stakeholders to establish clear and agreed sustainability goals and objectives

b. Determines expectations regarding each component of the environmentc. Integrates environmental considerations and the imperative for

sustainability with the overall outcome of the operation or projectd. Identifies stakeholder views on specific options for environmental

improvement and development of sustainabilitye. Records and reports on expectations for project/operation integration

E4A.3 Reviews existing environmental conditions against stakeholders’ expectations

a. Determines variations between environmental and sustainability goals and the current condition of the environment

b. Establishes the possibilities and options for the ongoing minimisation of environmental impacts, environmental regeneration and the development of sustainability

c. Determines existing directions of project requirements against expectations

E4A.4 Develops and ranks strategies to achieve sustainable development

a. Develops options from professional and stakeholder adviceb. Determines criteria to assess the feasibility of optionsc. Evaluates available options against assessment criteria to identify risks and

prioritiesd. Provides an environmental reporte. Develops and reports on strategies to implement preferred options

E4A.5 Implements, monitors and evaluates strategies

a. Implements strategies in consultation with appropriate stakeholders and communities

b. Integrates environmental management plan and procedures into all aspects of engineering design and application

c. Collects and reviews data on implementation of strategiesd. Evaluates progress and reviews strategiese. Reviews outcomes with stakeholders


This unit is MANDATORY for candidates seeking Environmental College membership and registration on the National Engineering Registers (NPER, NTER or NEAR) in the General Area of Practice of Environmental Engineering.

The nature of this elective Unit, referring to the Descriptor above, requires that normally all 4 Elements are demonstrated and claimed in one CER to demonstrate the ability to manage the key components of environmental management of a project in its entirety.

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UNIT E4B: Investigation and Reporting ELECTIVEDESCRIPTOR: This Unit requires members of the engineering team to identify and respond to opportunities for engineering investigation and to make recommendations that solve engineering problems or improve present applications.Element Defining ActivitiesE4B.1 Responds to/Identifies problems

a. Redefines problems as necessaryb. Identifies opportunities for engineering investigations and the likely

stakeholdersc. Identifies sources of appropriate knowledged. Develops/acts on a brief to carry out the investigatione. Researches relevant information, seeking input from stakeholdersf. Confirms likely scope of investigation and possible engineering

applications with the relevant stakeholders by developing acceptance criteria

E4B.2 Plans the investigation a. Assesses likely resources required for the investigationb. Costs the investigationc. Identifies and plans interaction with stakeholdersd. Provides a structure for review which may lead to recommendations for

other projectse. Sets sustainability objectives and prioritiesf. Produces a program of activities for the investigationg. Determines method of approachh. Ensures that the necessary resources are availablei. Liaises with other organizations and individuals who may be affected

by/or who are involved in the investigationj. Defines and agrees upon acceptance criteria and direction with


E4B.3 Carries out the investigation a. Researches and analyses to isolate problemsb. Reflects on the definition of problems to ensure accurate definitionc. Identifies the technological requirements for the investigationd. Develops initial options for actione. Integrates both the engineering and possible multi-disciplinary issues

into the research to achieve a sustainable solutionf. Identifies hazards and risksg. Applies scientific methodologies taking into account the legal, financial,

health and environmental requirementsh. Reviews and improves the brief continuouslyi. Completes the investigation ensuring that all relevant factors have been

taken into account

E4B.4 Draws conclusions and makes recommendations

a. Synthesises information and develops creative recommendationsb. Considers all aspects of the research in developing conclusionsc. Costs the recommendationsd. Reviews the development of conclusions with stakeholderse. Seeks feedback on deliverables to ensure that the brief is satisfied


The nature of this elective Unit, referring to the Descriptor above, requires that normally all 4 Elements are demonstrated and claimed sequentially in one CER to provide the required continuity of events.

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UNIT E5: Research and Development and Commercialisation ELECTIVEDESCRIPTOR: This Unit requires members of the engineering team to identify opportunities for Research & Development (R&D), identify commercial opportunities for the outcomes and to plan and design the research. Research is a significant aspect of the work and may involve pure research as well as applied research.Element Defining ActivitiesE5.1 Indentifies opportunities for new or improves processes and/or products

a. Identifies and documents opportunities for the engineering application or adaptation of new concepts, products or technologies

b. Analyses situations or required outcomes, in consultation with potential clients and other stakeholders, to determine justification for research

c. Defines the process for initial background documentation and literature reviewd. Identifies emerging risks of pursuing or rejecting the opportunitye. Identifies potential benefits and tangible outcomes of the research and development

opportunityf. Identifies how sustainability can drive innovation and improvement in process and


E5.2 Identifies the resources required for the R&D

a. Scopes the R&D concept to develop project objectives in terms of results and time lines

b. Formulates and submits cost estimates of development, design, methodology, procedures, research and analysis

c. Defines research deliverables in terms of specific measurable results by stages of the research

d. Conducts R&D scoping under the direction of environmental management requirements

E5.3 Initiates concept development

a. Determines preliminary strategic objectives and priorities being addressed by the research

b. Refines the research process required through a collaborative process to ensure that all parties that could have a potential interest have an opportunity to express their interest

c. Identifies the extent and combination of fundamental or applied researchd. Analyses the impact of emerging engineering methods, technologies, processes and

hypotheses to refine the R&D concepte. Scopes the R&D concept to develop project objectives in terms of results and time

limitsf. Clarifies commitment to the concept with all parties directly involvedg. Develops the concept in relation to the imperatives of sustainability

E5.4 Gains commitment to the R&D proposal

a. Prepares formal application for research funds together with supporting documentsb. Identifies commercial opportunities for R&D application

E5.5 Ensures research is undertaken

a. Establishes R&D project managementb. Identifies a research focus, conducts tests and identifies information for general

applicationc. Methodically measures and records research project parametersd. Communicates and monitors R&D progresse. Ensures R&D continues to provide innovative engineering applications/ systems/

processesf. Ensures regulatory and legal requirements are addressedg. Analyses recorded results and develops conclusionsh. Reports results with analysis of their significance to the underlying engineering

problemi. Prepares demonstrations (models or prototypes) of the R&D outcomes

E5.6 Collaborates in the commercialisation of research outcomes

a. Collaborates with others to review the costs and benefits of R&Db. Provides recommendations for the implementation of R&D based on commercial

analysisc. Consults on the development of projects that are implementing R&D outcomesd. Provides engineering advice on specific aspects of commercialisation such as

regulatory and legal requirements, pricing, distribution and promotione. Consults to transfer new technology into commercial production

NOTE: ELEMENTS E5.1, E5.2, E5.3, E5.4 AND AT LEAST ONE OTHER ELEMENT MUST BE ADDRESSED IN ORDER TO SATISFY THIS UNITThe nature of this elective Unit, referring to the Descriptor above, requires that normally all 5 Elements are demonstrated and claimed in one CER to demonstrate competency in the key components of a research project.

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UNIT E6: Source and Estimate Materials ELECTIVEDESCRIPTOR: This Unit requires members of the engineering team to define requirements, estimate the material required and identify appropriate sources to access the material from.Element Defining ActivitiesE6.1 Defines requirements and sources for materials

a. Defines the scope and parameters for the estimate following interpretation of technical information

b. Brings to the client’s attention the sustainable implications and optionsc. Analyses estimate requirements in consultation with interested partiesd. Compares options for materials against technical requirementse. Determines and evaluates community expectations of the aesthetics

and functionality of the materials used in the project/operationf. Identifies options and costs to sources of materials

E6.2 Estimates material a. Carries out calculations to ensure the currency and accuracy of the figures and rates used

b. Defines cost effective sustainable and efficient methods for the preparation of materials/components/systems

c. Calculates estimates using the correct units in accordance with specification requirements and procedures

d. Determines interaction that my occur between materials/components/systems within the operation/project

e. Documents and presents estimates to meet the initial requirement

E6.3 Procures material/resources a. Uses ordering documentation to identify materials and components for purchasing

b. Orders materials and componentsc. Maintains ordering and purchasing documentation

E6.4 Prepares materials/ components/systems for use in the project/operation

a. Defines cost effective sustainable and efficient methods for the preparation of materials

b. Schedules the access and preparation of materialsc. Carries out tests using the selected methods to ensure agreed

standards are achievedd. Determines interaction that may occur between materials within the

operation/ projecte. Prepares certification reports on the characteristics and uses of

materialsf. Accepts or rejects materials


The nature of this elective Unit, referring to the Descriptor above, requires that normally all 4 Elements are demonstrated and claimed in one CER to demonstrate competency in the key components of the subject engineering function.

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UNIT E7: Change and Technical Development ELECTIVEDESCRIPTOR: This Unit requires members of the engineering team to implement technical developments and act as a catalyst for the implementation of technical innovation so that improvements in products and services are achieved.Element Defining ActivitiesE7.1 Participation in planning the introduction of technical change

a. Contributes effectively in the product/service planning processes to introduce technical improvements/change

b. Identifies opportunities for technical improvements in products and systems

c. Consults with designated individuals/groups to introduce technical and operational improvements/change

d. Explains the business objective and plans to justify technical change to products/services/systems

E7.2 Develops technically creative and flexible approaches and solutions

a. Identifies and analyses alternative approaches to managing technical problems

b. Assesses risks and ensures an environmentally sustainable position is taken to achieve technical improvements with a recognised benefit or advantage to the organisation

c. Participate in the workplace by promoting the development of innovative approaches to achieve technical outcomes

d. Reviews resource management to improve productivity and/or reduce costs

E7.3 Manages emerging technical challenges and opportunities

a. Responds to the changing technical needs of customers/stakeholdersb. Keeps individuals/teams informed of progress in the implementation of

technical changesc. Negotiates and implements recommendations for improving the methods/

techniques to manage technical change


The nature of this elective Unit, referring to the Descriptor above, requires that normally all 3 Elements are demonstrated and claimed in one CER to provide the required sequence of events.

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UNIT E8: Technical Sales and Promotion ELECTIVEDESCRIPTOR: This Unit requires members of the engineering team to identify opportunities for the sale of technical products/systems and provide technical product information to internal and external clients.Element Defining ActivitiesE8.1 Identifies sales opportunities a. Identifies potential clients

b. Establishes contact with clients through providing information on technical products related to their processes/product

c. Seeks information on potential client concerns or awareness of shortcomings in present processes

d. Researches to identify future technical and market trendse. Identifies opportunities to present the features and the benefits of the

technical product/process

E8.2 Applies product knowledge to client requirements

a. Analyses the client’s process/service/product to identify areas for improvement

b. Assists the client to specify their requirementsc. Provides information on the technical product/process to meet the

client’s acknowledged requirements or likely future requirementsd. Promotes the environmental and energy factors of the producte. Trains clients in applying technical products

E8.3 Promotes technical capability of the product/system

a. Provides internal sales staff with information on the technical capability of the product/system

b. Develops and presents product/system promotional informationc. Attends and contributes to industry conferences in the area of product/

system specialisation

E8.4 Seeks client feedback a. Contacts clients to establish satisfaction with the productb. Reviews and acts on feedbackc. Communicates with other staff to review process and improve service

where requiredd. Provides ongoing client support as required


The nature of this elective Unit, referring to the Descriptor above, requires that normally all 4 Elements are demonstrated and claimed in one CER to demonstrate competency in the key components of the subject engineering function.

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PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS Professional Engineers are responsible for engineering projects and programs in the most far-reaching sense, for bringing knowledge to bear from multiple sources to develop solutions to complex problems and issues, for ensuring that technical and non-technical considerations are properly integrated, and for managing risk.

Professional Engineers must demonstrate Stage 2 competencies in relation to projects, activities and situations that involve some or all of the following:


• A knowledge background equivalent to an accredited four-year Bachelor of Engineering degree or recognised alternative, with in-depth knowledge across one or more broad fields of engineering.

• Ability to tackle technically challenging problems and work from first principles to make reliable predictions and outcomes.

• Ability to ensure that all aspects of a project are soundly based in theory and fundamental principles and to recognise results, calculations or proposals that may be ill-founded, identify the source and nature of the problem and take appropriate action.

• Understanding how new developments relate to established theory and practice and to other disciplines with which they may interact.


• Ability to address issues and problems that have no obvious solution and require originality in analysis.

• Infrequently encountered issues and problems, outside those encompassed by standards and codes of practice for professional engineering.

• Development of new engineering principles and technologies including use of new materials, techniques or processes for existing materials, techniques or processes in innovative ways.

• Innovation, creativity and change and capacity to break new ground in an informed and responsible way. Engagement with wide-ranging or conflicting technical, engineering and other issues, and resolution of significant problems arising from interactions between such issues.

• Interaction with diverse groups of stakeholders with widely varying needs.

• Use of diverse resources including people, money, equipment, materials and technologies.

• Integration of all functional elements to form a complete and self-consistent system.

• Disciplined, holistic approach to complex situations and problems and to the conduct of complex activities.

• Disciplined and systematic approach to design and synthesis on a substantial scale.

• Ability to conceptualise alternative approaches, comprehend and define the risks and benefits of each, use informed professional judgment to select an optimum that is deliverable in practice and justify and defend selection.

• Participation in research or R&D teams.


• Significant consequences in a range of contexts.

• Interactions between the technical system and the environment in which it operates, and integration of social, environmental, and economic outcomes over the lifetime of the product or program.

• Interacting effectively with other disciplines and professions and ensuring that the engineering contribution is properly integrated into the totality of the project or enterprise.

• Interpreting technological possibilities to society, business, and government, and ensuring that policy decisions are properly integrated into the totality of the project or enterprise.

• Working with clients or non-technical stakeholders to ensure that their objectives are properly reflected in a technical brief or specification.



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• Professional engineers may lead or manage teams appropriate to these activities and may move into senior management roles in engineering and related enterprises. In these management roles, Professional Engineers should clearly conceptualise risk across all facets of engineering, i.e.:

- Identifying, assessing and managing risk, both of a technical kind and in relation to clients, users, the community and the environment.

- Ensuring that technological costs, risks and limitations are properly understood as well as desirable outcomes.

- Recognising limits to own knowledge and seeking advice or undertaking research, to supplement own knowledge and experience.

ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGISTSEngineering Technologists specialise in the theory and practice of a particular branch of engineering technology or engineering-related technology, and in its application, adaptation and management in a variety of contexts.

Engineering Technologists must demonstrate Stage 2 competencies in relation to projects, activities and situations that involve some or all of the following:


• A knowledge background equivalent to an accredited three-year Bachelor of Engineering Technology degree or recognised alternative.

• Thorough understanding of the theoretical and/or experimental basis of the technology sufficient to keep pace with or actively contribute to its advancement.

• Understanding of engineering and technical principles sufficient to manage interactions between the technology and other parts of an overall technical system.


• Application of the technology in a variety of situations and contexts.

• Adaptation of the technology to varied or new applications or situations.

• Familiarity with standards and codes of practice relating to the technology, and ability to contribute to their progressive improvement based on understanding of both theoretical and practical factors.

• Design of equipment or installations utilising the particular technology.

• Management of a range of technical functions and personnel on a significant scale in an engineering or engineering-related context such as manufacturing, software development, mining, construction, building services, precision testing or plant operation.

• Knowledge and competence in a scientific or technological field other than engineering, together with well-developed expertise in its application in close conjunction with engineering work.

• Exercise of ingenuity, originality and innovation in adapting the technology to new applications and developing new practices for its use. Contributions to the advancement of relevant codes and standards

• Participation in research or R&D teams concerned with advancing the technology or developing new technologies that relate to it.


• Inspection, approval and certification of designs, tests, installations or engineering work utilising the technology in circumstances where the technology is agreed to be suitable for the purpose in question.

• Certification of compliance with performance-based criteria by equipment or installations utilising the technology.

• Ability to communicate the significance of the technology and its use in a particular context to other technical and non-technical stakeholders involved in the project.

• Ability to recognise fundamental properties and limitations of the technology, identify circumstances that suggest a significant problem, and take appropriate action.

• Assessment, communication and management of technical risk associated with equipment or installations utilising the technology.

• Recognising limits to own knowledge and seeking advice to supplement own knowledge and experience.


• Engineering Technologists may lead or manage teams appropriate to these activities. Some may move into senior management roles in engineering and related enterprises, employing Professional Engineers and other specialists where appropriate.

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ENGINEERING OFFICERS (ASSOCIATES)Engineering Officers focus on the practical implementation of engineering work or the conduct of engineering operations, and in the application of recognised standards and codes of practice in familiar and unfamiliar situations.

Engineering Officers must demonstrate Stage 2 competencies in relation to projects, activities and situations that involve some or all of the following:


• A knowledge background equivalent to a two-year Advanced Diploma/ Associate Degree in Engineering, classified at Level 6 (AQF-6) of the Australian Qualifications Framework or a recognised equivalent.

• Theoretical knowledge sufficient to appreciate the detailed functioning of plant and equipment, its practical scope and limitations, and the salient features of its interaction with the operating environment.

• Detailed understanding of performance of equipment and components against technical specifications.

• Analytical skills sufficient to quantify familiar and unfamiliar operating situations and to recognise when accepted methods of solution are likely to prove inadequate in a given situation.


• Close familiarity with standards and codes of practice relating to a recognised field of engineering and expertise in their interpretation and application to a wide variety of situations.

• Specifying the components, equipment or system required to meet a given objective in compliance with the relevant standards and codes.

• Selecting and combining available components to form systems meeting given specifications.

• Installing, commissioning, maintaining, repairing and modifying plant and equipment to given specifications and/or in accordance with recognised standards and codes.

• Testing and fault diagnosis in complex plant and systems in accordance with accepted procedures.

• Utilising advanced software or other design aids to perform detailed design of critical elements and/or complex systems.

• High levels of training, and periodic updates and upgrades, in specific plant, equipment, systems or techniques.

• Contribution to the advancement of technologies, practices, codes and standards in the light of practical experience and theoretical understanding.

• Participation in research or R&D teams, as experts in the construction of research equipment or otherwise.


• Supervision of tradespeople in appropriate aspects of the above functions.

• Responsibility for the safe operation of complex plant under agreed guidelines.

• Inspection and certification of work in compliance with recognised standards and codes.

• Exercise of engineering judgment within the limits of accepted practice, and knowledge of when and how to seek or employ additional advice or expertise.

• Understanding of risk associated with normal engineering operations. Recognition of limits of applicability, detection of unlikely results and appropriate corrective action.

• Recognising limits to own knowledge and calling in other expertise as necessary.


• Engineering Officers may lead or manage teams conducting these activities. Some may move into senior management roles in engineering and related enterprises, employing Professional Engineers and other specialists where appropriate.

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The example Career Episode Report (CER) below is only intended to give applicants for Chartered Status an overview of the type and style of documentation required and is not to be used as a mechanism of comparison or moderation against other reports.

Applicants wishing to view further example reports should download the comprehensive CER example registry which is available from www.

Career Episode Title: Project X Competency Element Claimed

Dates of Career Episode: 16/02/10 – 07/10/10

This project consisted of the construction of a new medium-rise building in Sydney. Our office was commissioned by the head office to complete the majority of the detailed design of the complex suspended ground floor slab.

After being briefed on the project by the chief project engineer, my first task was to break down the entire floor system into an ordered set of discrete designable elements such as slabs, bands and transfer beams. Next I used the RAPT computer program to carry out the detailed design of each of the forty or so elements. This involved measuring the span, dimensions and loading on each element and entering this data to model it in the program. My aim was to make the models as accurate as practicable, while still leaving some chance to incorporate any future changes. After re-assessing the specified design criteria, I realised that the reinforcement cover I had used did not satisfy fire resistance and durability requirements. Luckily, because each design element was already set up as a computer model, it was simple enough to change the covers and make the necessary design modifications. To ensure the clarity of the design to others, I documented and ordered the calculations and computer output in a lever arch file, including summary pages and assumptions used.

C2.3: Implements Planning and Design Process

Throughout the design process, I produced, ordered and maintained all the design documentation including computations and reinforcement drawings. I arranged the calculations, numbering approximately 1000 pages, based on the site grid system. The RAPT output for each element designed was sorted in this system, with summary pages of input and conclusions provided for each. I clearly outlined content pages and the design concepts and philosophies at the front of the documentation, while also including sections for superseded computations and verification documentation.

C2.5: Prepares and Maintains Documentation Through the Design Process

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Example Career Episode Report (CER) Continued

I drew up and updated the reinforcement drawings. I produced a sample markup which was checked by the chief project engineer and the clients to ensure an acceptable format for the rest of the drawings. After we issued this sample markup, the chief project engineer went on several weeks holiday, which left me with the task of managing the timing and production of the rest of these drawings, with minimal supervision from the department manager. Using the original design computations as my basis, I drew up all the detailed reinforcement plans. This approach allowed me to check and verify the comps as I went, and update the drawings accordingly. Altered drawings were revised and re-issued as a next revision, in many cases with copies of relevant calculations to show reasoning. During this time the rest of my workload was light so, apart from one or two difficult areas, I took the chance to push the drawings ahead and have the first revisions largely ready before time. Whilst in the middle of this process, the client advised us that the pile capping drawings needed to be issued earlier than anticipated, so I diverted more of my time and resources to this task in order to get the drawings and documentation ready for the deadline. The key documentation met this deadline, with supporting section drawings being delivered a few days later.

The client was concerned about the deflection under load of the suspended ground floor slab. I discussed my computer model results with the client and demonstrated that the design case deflections were acceptable. I also showed that changing the design to provide less deflection would significantly increase construction costs. Another engineer completed an independent verification of the ground floor structure. I then went through and addressed all the issues raised, making changes where necessary. The head office also reviewed and directed many queries to our chief project engineer. I then reviewed and addressed many of these issues and provided responses. The reviewed design was provided to the client who advised that the design brief had been met.

C2.4: Reviews the Design to Achieve Acceptance

By coincidence, a couple of months later, I was on holiday in Sydney. I used this opportunity to contact the head office and organise a site visit with one of their engineers. At the time, they were constructing the basement and foundations, so not much of my design had been built yet. However, the experience was still very valuable and allowed me to see the site and discuss my designs with the site engineer to unearth any problems and ways he believed things could have been done better.

Signature of Candidate:

Candidate’s Verifier/s Details:




Relationship to Candidate:

Engineering Qualification (or Engineers Australia Membership Number):

I verify that the above narrative is a true account of the candidates own work


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CODE OF ETHICS Adopted 28 July, 2010

As engineering practitioners, we use our knowledge and skills for the benefit of the community to create engineering solutions for a sustainable future. In doing so, we strive to serve the community ahead of other personal or sectional interests.

Our Code of Ethics defines the values and principles that shape the decisions we make in engineering practice. The related Guidelines on Professional Conduct provide a framework for members of Engineers Australia to use when exercising their judgment in the practice of engineering.

As members of Engineers Australia, we commit to practise in accordance with the Code of Ethics and accept that we will be held accountable for our conduct under Engineers Australia’s disciplinary regulations.

In the course of engineering practice we will


1.1 Act on the basis of a well-informed conscience

1.2 Be honest and trustworthy

1.3 Respect the dignity of all persons


2.1 Maintain and develop knowledge and skills

2.2 Represent areas of competence objectively

2.3 Act on the basis of adequate knowledge


3.1 Uphold the reputation and trustworthiness of the practice of engineering

3.2 Support and encourage diversity

3.3 Communicate honestly and effectively, taking into account the reliance of others on engineering expertise


4.1 Engage responsibly with the community and other stakeholders

4.2 Practise engineering to foster the health, safety and wellbeing of the community and the environment

4.3 Balance the needs of the present with the needs of future generations

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GUIDELINES ON PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT The Guidelines on Professional Conduct provide a framework for members of Engineers Australia to use when exercising their judgment in the practice of engineering.

The Guidelines are not intended to be, nor should they be interpreted as, a full or exhaustive list of the situations and circumstances which may comprise compliance and non-compliance with the Code of Ethics. If called upon to do so, members are expected to justify any departure from both the provisions and spirit of the Code.

Ethical engineering practice requires judgment, interpretation and balanced decision-making in context.

Engineers Australia recognises that, while our ethical values and principles are enduring, standards of acceptable conduct are not permanently fixed. Community standards and the requirements and aspirations of engineering practice will develop and change over time. Within limits, what constitutes acceptable conduct may also depend on the nature of individual circumstances.

Allegations of non-compliance will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and administered in accordance with the disciplinary regulations.


1.1 Act on the basis of a well-informed conscience

a) be discerning and do what you think is right

b) act impartially and objectively

c) act appropriately, and in a professional manner, when you perceive something to be wrong

d) give due weight to all legal, contractual and employment obligations

1.2 Be honest and trustworthy

a) accept, as well as give, honest and fair criticism

b) be prepared to explain your work and reasoning

c) give proper credit to those to whom proper credit is due

d) in managing perceived conflicts of interest, ensure that those conflicts are disclosed to relevant parties

e) respect confidentiality obligations, express or implied

f) do not engage in fraudulent, corrupt, or criminal conduct

1.3 Respect the dignity of all persons

a) treat others with courtesy and without discrimination or harassment

b) apply knowledge and skills without bias in respect of race, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, marital or family status, national origin, or mental or physical handicaps

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2.1 Maintain and develop knowledge and skills

a) continue to develop relevant knowledge and expertise

b) act in a careful and diligent manner

c) seek peer review

d) support the ongoing development of others

2.2 Represent areas of competence objectively

a) practise within areas of competence

b) neither falsify nor misrepresent qualifications, grades of membership, experience or prior responsibilities

2.3 Act on the basis of adequate knowledge

a) practise in accordance with legal and statutory requirements, and with the commonly accepted standards of the day

b) inform employers or clients if a task requires qualifications and experience outside your areas of competence


3.1 Uphold the reputation and trustworthiness of the practice of engineering

a) advocate and support the extension of ethical practice

b) engage responsibly in public debate and deliberation

3.2 Support and encourage diversity

a) select, and provide opportunities for, all engineering practitioners on the basis of merit

b) promote diversity in engineering leadership

3.3 Communicate honestly and effectively, taking into account the reliance of others on engineering expertise

a) provide clear and timely communications on issues such as engineering services, costs, outcomes and risks


4.1 Engage responsibly with the community and other stakeholders

a) be sensitive to public concerns

b) inform employers or clients of the likely consequences of proposed activities on the community and the environment

c) promote the involvement of all stakeholders and the community in decisions and processes that may impact upon them and the environment

4.2 Practise engineering to foster the health, safety and wellbeing of the community and the environment

a) incorporate social, cultural, health, safety, environmental and economic considerations into the engineering task

4.3 Balance the needs of the present with the needs of future generations

a) in identifying sustainable outcomes consider all options in terms of their economic, environmental and social consequences

b) aim to deliver outcomes that do not compromise the ability of future life to enjoy the same or better environment, health, wellbeing and safety as currently enjoyed

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CANBERRAMr Doug Tompsitt FIEAust CPEng - National Assessment ManagerEngineers AustraliaEngineering House11 National Circuit, BARTON ACT 2600Tel: (02) 6270 6518 Fax: (02) 6273 2354Doug Email: [email protected]

NEWCASTLEMr John Waanders CEng FIChemE FIEAust CPEng - National AssessorEngineers Australia 122 Parry Street, NEWCASTLE WEST NSW 2302Tel: (02) 4926 4440 Fax: (02) 4929 7121 John Email: [email protected]

NORTHERN TERRITORYMr Chris Jenkins FIEAust CPEng - National AssessorEngineers Australia Northern DivisionSurvey House14 Shepherd Street, DARWIN NT 0800Tel: (08) 8981 4137 Fax: (08) 8941 3449Chris Email: [email protected]

QUEENSLANDPlease email all enquiries to: [email protected] Address:National AssessorEngineers Australia Queensland DivisionLevel 1, 447 Upper Edward Street, SPRING HILL QLD 4004Tel: (07) 3832 3749 Fax: (07) 3832 2101

SOUTH AUSTRALIA Mr Ewan Hazeldine FIEAust CPEng - National AssessorMr Maurice Berry FIEAust CPEng - National AssessorEngineers AustraliaLevel 11, 108 King William Street, ADELAIDE SA 5000Tel: (08) 8202 7100 Fax: (08) 8211 7702Ewan Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

SYDNEY/OVERSEASMr Roland de Broglio FIEAust CPEng - Deputy National Assessment ManagerMrs Amal Hanna FIEAust CPEng - National AssessorMs Sheila Anderson MIEAust CPEng - National AssessorMr Neil Wyles FIEAust CPEng - National AssessorEngineers Australia Sydney DivisionLevel 3, 8 Thomas Street, CHATSWOOD NSW 2067Tel: (02) 9410 5600 Fax: (02) 9410 0000Roland Mobile: 0417 825 508Roland Email: [email protected] Mobile: 0402 963 344Amal Email: [email protected] Mobile: 0412 271 105Sheila Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

VICTORIA/TASMANIAMr Lyal Douglas FIEAust CPEng - National AssessorMr Robert Law AM FIEAust CPEng - National AssessorEngineers Australia Victoria Division21 Bedford Street, NORTH MELBOURNE VIC 3051Tel: (03) 9329 8188 Fax: (03) 9326 6515Lyal Douglas Mobile: 0425 719 874Email: [email protected]

WESTERN AUSTRALIAMr Keith Collins FIEAust CPEng - National AssessorMr Peter Brearley FIEAust CPEng - National AssessorEngineers Australia Western Australia Division712 Murray Street, WEST PERTH WA 6005Tel: (08) 9321 3340 Fax: (08) 9326 6515Keith Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

HONG KONGProf Daniel P.C. Chan FIEAust CPEng - National AssessorSuite 1908-1910, Asian House1 Hennessy Road, WANCHAI, HONG KONG SARTel: +852 2838 1138 Fax: +852 2838 2708Email: [email protected]




This list is current at the date of publication. For updates, please refer to

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THIS APPLICATION IS FOR: (Please tick relevant boxes)

Chartered Professional Engineer (CPEng)

Registration on the National Professional Engineers Register (NPER)

Chartered Engineering Technologist (CEngT)

Registration on the National Engineering Technologists Register (NETR)

Chartered Engineering Officer (CEngO)

Registration on the National Engineering Associates Register (NEAR)

Private Address

Street: ..............................................................................................


City: ...................................................................................................

State: ...................................Post Code: .......................................

Country: ..........................................................................................

Phone: ............................................ Fax: ........................................

Email: ...............................................................................................

Mobile: .............................................................................................

Business Address

Employer: ........................................................................................

Street: ..............................................................................................


City: ...................................................................................................

State: ...................................Post Code: .......................................

Country: ..........................................................................................

Phone: .............................................Fax: .......................................

Email: ...............................................................................................

Mobile: .............................................................................................


Title: Prof Dr Mr Mrs Ms Miss Other (please specify) .............................................................

Family Name: .....................................................................................................................................................................................................

Given Names (in full): .....................................................................................................................................................................................

Date of Birth: .........../.........../........... Gender: Male Female

(Please tick preferred contact address):

day month year


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Qualification Title: .............................................................................................................................................................................................

Engineering Discipline: ....................................................................................................................................................................................

University or College: .......................................................................................................................................................................................

Date of award of qualification: .............../............../..............

Tick if applicable: Full-time Part-time Sandwich

Full-time normal duration of course: ................................................. Date of Conferring: .............../............../..............

day month year

day month year

Please affixyour certified passport-style

photograph here

This list is current at the date of publication. For updates, please refer to

Page 46: Engineers Australia Chartered Status

Application for CHARTERED STATUS of Engineers Australia (continued)

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In support of my application for Registration,

• I certify that I have been engaged in independent practice or have worked as an employee under general direction or have been enrolled in a formal postgraduate training program in my area of practice for at least the equivalent of one full-time year, during the past three years.

• I acknowledge that by paying my registration fee each year I will be indicating to Engineers Australia that I have recorded details of my CPD activities in my selected area(s) of practice during the previous three years (pro rata), which may be audited at any time, and will be confirming that my circumstances have not placed me outside the minimum practice requirements.

• I consent to my business address (see Contact Personal Details on Page 1 of this form) being published in any form associated with my registration on NPER/NETR/NEAR.

Signature: .............................................................................................................................................. Date: ............/............./.............



I nominate for membership of the following College(s) - (please tick):

Biomedical Engineering Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering

Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Structural Engineering

Environmental Engineering Information, Telecommunications and Electronics Engineering

I apply for registration in the general area of practice indicated below:

Aerospace Engineering Building Services Engineering Biomedical Engineering

Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering

Environmental Engineering Mechanical Engineering Management

Structural Engineering Naval Architecture Information, Telecommunications and Electronics Engineering

I apply for recognition in the specific area of practice indicated below (Subject to availability for your register):

Fire Safety In Service Inspection of Amusement Rides and Devices

Subdivisional Geotechnics Pressure Equipment Design Verification

Heritage and Conservation Engineering

I have read Appendix B and other relevant guidelines available on the Internet and I have provided evidence in my EPR of my professional involvement in each area of practice.


day month year

All statements of fact in my Engineering Practice Report are true and correct and I have made claims of acquired competencies in good faith. The report is my own work and is a true representation of my personal competency in written English. I confirm that I have read and that I understand the Code of Ethics of Engineers Australia. I agree that, if admitted as a Chartered Engineering Officer / Chartered Engineering Technologist / Chartered Professional Engineer of Engineers Australia, I will observe and be bound by Engineers Australia’s Royal Charter, Bye-laws and Code of Ethics.

I understand that I have an obligation to inform Engineers Australia of any matter that may affect my fitness for admission to Chartered Status.

Disclosure statement (please cross out as appropriate and sign): I note that my mailing address details will be passed onto Engineers Australia wholly-owned subsidiaries Engineers Media Pty Ltd and Engineering Education Australia Pty Ltd (EEA). I CONSENT/DO NOT CONSENT to the disclosure of my mailing address details to other third parties.

Signature: ................................................................................................................................................................................... Date: ........ .../......... .../... month year


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Application for CHARTERED STATUS of Engineers Australia (continued)

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Application form completed with:

- A certified passport-style photograph

- Membership or CID number (if applicable)

- Full name

- Date of birth

- Correct address

- Educational qualifications

- Engineering Practice Report declaration

- College nomination

- NPER/NETR/NEAR application

- Registration declaration signed

- Payment

A certified true copy of your passport bio-data page or Australian Drivers’ Licence (where this is not available a certified copy of you Birth Certificate or Official Identity Document may be acceptable in lieu)

Verified Engineering Practice Report (EPR)

Verified Curriculum Vitae with statement signed by the verifier

Continuing Professional Development statement

If not a Member of Engineers Australia a certified copy of degree/diploma testamur(s) from an Engineers Australia accredited course, Stage 1 assessment letter or requirements as per Mutual Recognition Agreements




Please see under Membership for the most up to date fees in the ‘Fees for Australian Residents’ and ‘Fees for Overseas Residents’ schedules. Please note registration on the NPER, NETR or NEAR is an additional fee to Chartered Status.

Credit Card Details Please charge my credit card (tick one)

American Express Visa Mastercard Diners

Card No:

Expiry: ............./............. Amount: $.......................

Name on Card: ..........................................................................................

Signature: ....................................................................................................

Date: ........./........../ month year

month year

Method of payment (Please tick appropriate box)

Money Order or Cheque drawn in $A on an Australian bank and payable to Engineers Australia

With Credit Card (see opposite)

Professional Development Program participants

I am a PDP participant and may be eligible for a CER rebate

PDP Company to pay Chartered Status Application and Registration Fee

Authorised by (print name):


Signature: ................................................................

Please refer to Step 6 on Page 12 of this Handbook for detailed information on preparing your application for Chartered Status.






Page 48: Engineers Australia Chartered Status

Application for CHARTERED STATUS of Engineers Australia (continued)


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(This page has been left blank intentionally)

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(Please complete this section only when verification cannot be obtained)

I ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... (Applicant’s full name, address and occupation in BLOCK CAPITAL letters)

do solemnly and sincerely declare as follows:

I am an applicant for: Chartered Professional Engineer (CPEng) Chartered Engineering Technologist (CEngT) Chartered Engineering Officer (CEngO) status within Engineers Australia.

I declare that it is not possible for me to provide independent verification of certain sections of my Engineering Practice Report (EPR) and/or CV. This is due to the following circumstances which were beyond my control (State circumstances which prevent independent verification and/or the provision of written references, and the steps taken to locate the verifier):






I declare that the information given by me in relation to these sections in my attached application dated .........../............/............ is accurate, true, correct and complete in all relevant details to the best of my knowledge and

belief. (Show date EXACTLY as it appears next to your signature on the application form).

I also declare that the relevant experience and level of professional responsibility claimed in the application and supporting documents provide a fair and balanced statement which may properly be taken into account by Engineers Australia in assessing my eligibility for Chartered Status. This particularly applies to the following Units and Elements of my EPR. ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................





I stand ready to attend the Professional Interview and to respond to any reasonable requests of Engineers Australia for explanations or further information in relation to my application.

I make this solemn declaration by virtue of the Statutory Declarations Act 1959, and subject to the penalties provided by that Act for the making of false statements in statutory declarations, conscientiously believing the statements made in this declaration to be true in every particular. I am fully aware of the serious nature of making a Statutory Declaration or it has been explained to me.

Signed: ................................................................................................................................................................. (Signature of declarant)

Declared at ..................................................................................................................... the ............................. day of ................................

Before me …………………………………………..…..………………………………………..

Signature, plus NAME AND ADDRESS IN BLOCK LETTERS, of person authorised, under the Statutory Declarations Act 1959 to witness statutory declarations. See list – extract from Act – overleaf. Engineers Australia Membership Number is acceptable identification for a Member witnessing.

Note: The items marked MUST be completed.


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Application for CHARTERED STATUS of Engineers Australia (continued)

Page 50: Engineers Australia Chartered Status

Application for CHARTERED STATUS of Engineers Australia (continued)



Agent of the Australian Postal Corporation who is in charge of an office supplying postal services to the public

Australian Consular Office, or Australian Diplomatic Officer, (within the meaning of the Consular Fees Act 1955)


Bank Officer with 5 or more years of continuous service

Fellow of the National Tax Accountants’ Association

Finance company officer with 5 or more years of continuous service

Holder of a statutory office not specified in another item in this Part

Judge, or Master, of a court

Justice of the Peace


Member of the Association of Taxation and Management Accountants

Member of the Australian Defence Force who is an officer; or a non-commissioned officer within the meaning of the Defence Force Discipline Act 1982 with 5 or more years of continuous service; or warrant officer within the meaning of the Act

Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia, the Australian Society of Certified Practising Accountants or the National Institute of Accountants

Member of the Institute of Corporate Managers, Secretaries and Administrators

Member of Engineers Australia, other than at the grade of student

Member of the Parliament of the Commonwealth; or the Parliament of a State; or a Territory legislature; or a local government authority of a State of Territory

Minister of religion registered under Division 1 of Part IV of the Marriage Act 1961

Notary Public

Permanent employee of a Commonwealth or of a Commonwealth authority; or a State or Territory or of a State or Territory authority; or local government authority, with 5 or more years of continuous service who is not specified in another item in this Part

Permanent employee of the Australian Postal Corporation with 5 or more years of continuous service who is employed in an office supplying postal services to the public

Person before whom a statutory declaration may be made under the law of the State or Territory in which the declaration is made

Police Officer

Registrar, or Deputy Registrar, of a court

Senior Executive Service officer of the Commonwealth, or of a State or Territory, or of a Commonwealth, State or Territory authority

Sheriff, or Sheriff’s officer

Teacher employed on a full-time basis at a school or tertiary education institution

STATUTORY DECLARATIONA statutory declaration under the Statutory Declarations Act 1959 as amended may be made before:


Chiropractor Medical Practitioner Pharmacist Veterinary surgeon

Dentist Nurse Physiotherapist

Legal Practitioner Patent attorney Psychologist

CERTIFICATION OF DOCUMENTSA person listed under the Statutory Declaration Act, who certifies a document must sign each photocopied page, including certified translations and must state that it is a true copy of the original document that they have seen. The signature must be accompanied by their printed name, address and status or if certified by a member of Engineers Australia, their membership number. Engineers Australia will only accept copies of documents certified by persons listed as persons before whom a Statutory Declaration may be made.

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Engineering House 11 National CctBarton ACT 2600Tel: 02 6270 6555 Fax: 02 6273 1488 Web:


Survey House14 Shepherd StreetDarwin NT 0800Tel: 08 8981 4137 Fax: 08 8981 3449 [email protected]


122 Parry StreetNewcastle West NSW 2302Tel: 02 4926 4440 Fax: 02 4929 7121newcastle@


Level 11, 108 King William Street Adelaide SA 5000Tel: 08 8202 7100 Fax: 08 8211 [email protected]


447 Upper Edward StreetBrisbane QLD 4000Tel: 07 3832 3749 Fax: 07 3832 2101queensland@


Royal Engineers Building2 Davey StreetHobart TAS 7000Tel: 03 6234 2228 Fax: 03 6234 [email protected]


Level 3, 8 Thomas StreetChatswood NSW 2067Tel: 02 9410 5600 Fax: 02 9410 [email protected]


712 Murray StreetWest Perth WA 6005Tel: 08 9321 3340 Fax: 08 9481 [email protected]


Level 2, 21 Bedford StreetNorth Melbourne VIC 3051Tel: 03 9329 8188 Fax: 03 9326 [email protected]


Engineering House11 National CircuitBarton ACT 2600Tel: 02 6270 6519 Fax: 02 6273 [email protected]

GENERAL ENQUIRIES: [email protected]

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