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    E N E R G Y R E S E A R C H F O R T H E

    B U I L D I N G C O D E O F A U S T R A L I A

    The lea d Commonweal th

    agency on greenhouse


    VOLUME 1

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    E N E R G Y R E S E A R C H F O R T H E B U I L D I N G C O D E O F A U S T R A L I A V O L U M E 1


    The Australian Greenhouse Office wishes to acknowledge

    the authors of the reports outlined in these Executive Summaries.

    The Office of the Australian Building Codes Board author of the

    International Survey of Building Energy Codes.

    CSIRO Building, Construction and Engineering author of

    Feasibility Study - A National Approach to Energy Efficiency

    Measures for Houses.

    Energy Efficient Strategies author ofImpact of Minimum Energy

    Performance Requirements for Class 1 Buildings in Victoria.

    The Australian Greenhouse Office also wishes to acknowledge

    the support of the Sustainable Energy Authority of Victoria for

    co-funding Impact of Minimum Energy Performance Requirements

    for Class 1 Buildings in Victoria.

    While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy and

    completeness, no guarantee is given, nor responsibility taken by

    the Commonwealth for errors or omissions in the reports, and the

    Commonwealth does not accept responsibility in respect of any

    information or advice given in relation to or as a consequence of

    anything contained here.

    Design Wingrove Wingrove Design

    Photos Courtesy of the Housing Industry Association, Michael Shaw

    and Mirvac Lend Lease Village Consortium - Developers of

    Newington, the Sydney Olympic Village Background Image:courtesy of Robert Peck von Hartel Trethowan.

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  • 8/2/2019 Energy Research Building Code of Australia Vol 1 PDF


    E N E R G Y R E S E A R C H F O R T H E B U I L D I N G C O D E O F A U S T R A L I A V O L U M E 1

    F O R E W O R D


    The Australian Government recognises that improving the

    energy performance of buildings is an important part of the

    strategy to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions.

    The building and construction industry have reinforced to the

    Australian Government the need for uniform national building

    regulations to address energy and greenhouse concerns.

    In July 2000, the Commonwealth announced that agreement

    had been reached to incorporate minimum energy performance

    requirements into the Building Code of Australia.

    Before the changes can be developed considerableresearch will need to be conducted to ensure that the

    building code change is at the cutting edge of worlds

    best practice, is economically sound, and will deliver

    substantial greenhouse benefits.

    The Australian Greenhouse Office is pleased to present

    this set of three research papers as an important contribution

    to the debate on building code change.

    The first research paper examines current international

    building energy codes, the second paper considers the

    feasibility of climate zone based residential building energy

    codes, and the third paper examines the impact of a

    current State-based regulation.

    I would like to commend the authors of the three research

    papers, the Office of the Australian Building Codes Board,

    CSIRO Building Construction and Engineering, and Energy

    Efficient Strategies, as well as acknowledge the contribution

    of the respective Steering Committees representing industry

    and government organisations.

    I hope that this set of research papers will stimulate informed

    discussion about greenhouse issues, and facilitate the timely

    development of the Building Code of Australia.

    Gwen Andrews Chief Executive

    Australian Greenhouse Office

    September 2000

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    E N E R G Y R E S E A R C H F O R T H E B U I L D I N G C O D E O F A U S T R A L I A V O L U M E 1


    ISBN 1 876536 50 0

    Commonwealth of Australia 2000

    This work may be reproduced in whole or part for study or training

    purposes subject to the inclusion of an acknowledgment of the

    source and no commercial usage or sale. Reproduction for

    purposes other than those named above requires the permission of

    the Australian Greenhouse Office. Requests and inquiriesconcerning reproduction rights should be addressed to:

    The Communication Director

    Australian Greenhouse Office

    GPO Box 621, Canberra ACT 2601

    For additional copies of this document, please contact the

    Australian Greenhouse Office Infoline on 1300 130 606.

    This publication is also available on the

    Internet at the following address:

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    C O N T E N T S






    HOUSES 6

















    BUILDING TRENDS 1990-1999 14




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    International and domestic concern is rising over the effect of

    greenhouse gas emissions on climate change. The energy

    consumed in buildings is responsible for a significant

    proportion of total greenhouse gas emissions.

    Improving energy efficiency in buildings is an important part

    of Australias program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

    Regulating energy efficiency through building codes has been

    a successful strategy for many countries.

    This survey of current Building Energy Codes provides aninsight into the different regulatory provisions applied to

    buildings in selected countries. The countries whose energy

    provisions were evaluated as part of this study were: Canada;

    New Zealand; Singapore; the United Kingdom (UK); and the

    United States of America (USA) with particular reference to

    California and Hawaii.

    These countries were selected because they all have

    regulatory frameworks similar to Australia and climate zones

    comparable to particular parts of Australia.

    The current energy provisions of South Australia, Victoria

    and ACT are also analysed.

    The building energy codes reviewed contain many similarities.

    They all contain prescriptive provisions and several have

    some form of performance requirement. For those with a

    performance base, the prescriptive provisions, if followed,

    achieve compliance with the performance requirements.

    It should be emphasised that this is a survey of current

    practices. It is known that Canada, the USA and other

    countries are moving to performance based building codes

    which will mean significant changes that could in turn

    affect their energy efficiency provisions. The Kyoto Protocolmay also have prompted countries to commence reviewing

    their requirements.


    The overseas codes studied have various objectives including

    conserving fuel, improving energy efficiency, and/or reducing

    greenhouse gas emissions. In Australia, the ACT and Victoria

    focus on energy efficiency while South Australia also refers to

    reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Most other countries

    use energy as the stringency measure for their primary

    objective and it is understood that they all have some form

    of cost effectiveness.


    Most countries specify one or more regulatory approaches.

    Some, like the USA, have two or three methods, with up to

    five different procedures within each method. Further, there

    are tabulated alternatives or trade-offs within a procedure.

    However, all codes provide one or more of the following:

    s A performance approach.

    s A prescriptive approach with usually a multi-tabular format.

    s A trade-off approach which compares a notional buildingcomplying with the prescriptive tables with a proposed

    building. The trade-off approach usually trades between

    envelope thermal insulation elements. The system of

    trade-off may allow trading to take into account heating

    and cooling systems.

    s An energy rating approach that compares a notional

    building to the proposed building on an energy

    consumption or cost basis.

    E N E R G Y R E S E A R C H F O R T H E B U I L D I N G C O D E O F A U S T R A L I A V O L U M E 1

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    The proposed New Zealand and Canadian codes and current

    USA codes, all contain a method of compliance that involves

    comparing the proposed building with a similar standard

    building that complies with code requirements. The standard

    and proposed buildings must have similar features such as

    building dimensions, location, fuel sources and type of use.

    This allows direct comparison of unique characteristics and

    trade-offs between energy saving features. Any assumptions

    made in the calculations that may effect the result will be

    incorporated into both buildings and so minimise any impact.

    This is particularly important when using computer software.

    Some codes also have mandatory requirements,

    meaning those particular requirements cannot be traded,

    while other requirements for the same system can be traded.

    Even where trading is permitted there may be a limit on

    the extent of that trading.

    Other than New Zealand and the UK, the overseas codes

    studied are not strictly performance based in the Australian

    context. This may partially explain the degree of complexity

    in the Canadian and USA codes as they cover equivalence to

    Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions with the trade-off approach, and

    allow for options and innovation, all within the prescriptive

    code. In Australia, this is done outside the code as an

    assessment method.


    All national codes studied have a geographic basis with

    reliance on tables or maps to show values that vary around

    the country. These include weather or location specific data,

    thermal resistance values and for some, fuel type availability.

    Several national codes call up standards for example,

    Canada and the USA reference an ASHRAE standard;

    the UK references Approved Document L; and the New

    Zealand Code references New Zealand Standards.

    In all the codes examined, houses and other buildingsare treated separately. All overseas countries have air

    tightness requirements with most involving some sealing

    treatment for the building envelope for both housing and

    other buildings. These include the provision of dampers

    in flues, sealing of service penetrations, full caulking of all

    building joints, window sealing performance, construction

    precautions and on site pressure testing performance.

    The USA requires swimming pools and spas to have covers

    and has requirements for pumps, heaters and controls.

    None of the codes examined has provisions for

    embodied energy.

    The range of overseas exemptions and limitations are

    extensive. They include very small buildings, energy used for

    process equipment, farm buildings, holiday houses, buildings

    not using much energy, buildings with no heating or cooling

    proposed or likely, and certain building systems (emergency

    lighting, smoke control etc).

    E N E R G Y R E S E A R C H F O R T H E B U I L D I N G C O D E O F A U S T R A L I A V O L U M E 1

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    E N E R G Y R E S E A R C H F O R T H E B U I L D I N G C O D E O F A U S T R A L I A V O L U M E 1



    Most overseas codes examined have a relatively straight

    forward national approach for houses. They usually cover

    envelope thermal resistance; sealing the envelope; efficiency

    of the basic equipment; provision of easily accessible controls,

    and; insulation of hot water piping ductwork.

    Hawaii and Singapore have specific provisions for highly

    ventilated houses and their climates are similar to some

    parts of Australia. Further investigation into the effectiveness

    of their provisions would be useful if Australia was toconsider similar requirements.

    The extent of climatic or geographic zoning usually depends

    upon the size of the country or the diversity of its climate.

    They range from 38 zones in the USA to one in Singapore.

    For the envelope of houses, most overseas codes cover

    wall, floor and roof insulation, windows and air leakage.

    Some include requirements for window shading, heater

    efficiencies, low water flow showerheads and the prohibition

    of pilot flames in equipment.

    The requirements for windows range from a maximum

    window to wall ratio, to more complicated calculations.

    No country in the study regulates internal lighting of houses.

    Some regulate external lighting to the extent of requiringautomatic or timer actuated switching. Some have

    requirements for lighting in common areas of group housing.

    For the codes examined, provisions for houses are

    summarised in Figure 1.

    Performance Space Heating HotCountry v Prescriptive Building Envelope or Cooling Lighting Water Other Exemptions

    United Kingdom Performance Minimum R rating Yes No Yes Small extentions

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    All overseas codes examined focus on the building

    envelope and the main engineering systems including

    lighting, air-conditioning, hot water systems, principal

    equipment, piping insulation and system controls.

    The Canadian and USA codes for public and commercial

    buildings have multiple methods, procedures and option

    paths, and appear complex. All performance and

    prescriptive codes require specialist energy expertise

    to use and assess compliance.

    Most overseas provisions for envelopes in large buildings

    are complex but are considerably simpler for smaller

    commercial and public buildings. The prescriptive approach,

    in particular, for larger buildings can be very detailed taking

    into account thermal resistance of walls, floors, roof and

    windows as well as radiant gains through windows and

    skylights. The radiant gains mean that shading devices,

    fenestration and building orientation become important.

    Usually the simplistic approach is based on a specified

    maximum window area not being exceeded.

    The more complex approach gives a range of options for

    the performance of all envelope elements as the windowarea increases.

    Although the scope varies, all overseas countries surveyed

    have requirements for the air-conditioning systems.

    These regulations cover the efficieny and fuel type of

    refrigeration and heating equipment, electric motors, pumps

    and fans. They also cover isolating and operating controls,

    acceptable or prohibited system types, as well as piping

    and ductwork insulation.

    Most countries require metering to individual residential

    units in apartment blocks and to each floor or tenancy in

    other buildings. Most also require monitoring or data logging

    facilities in commercial and public buildings to assist energy

    management and auditing. Hawaii has requirements thatinclude providing access for maintenance and the provision

    of manuals.

    Some countries have requirements for electric motors

    and the avoidance of continually burning pilot flames on

    gas equipment.

    For the codes examined, provisions for commercial and

    public buildings are summerised in Figure 2.


    The findings of this survey, and the recommendations

    contained in the Scoping Study published by the Australian

    Greenhouse Office in 1999 provide a strong technical basis

    for the development of appropriate energy performance

    regulations for Australian buildings.

    E N E R G Y R E S E A R C H F O R T H E B U I L D I N G C O D E O F A U S T R A L I A V O L U M E 1

    Performance Space Heating HotCountry v Prescriptive Building Envelope or Cooling Lighting Water Other Exemptions

    United Kingdom Performance Minimum R rating Yes Yes Yes Small extentions

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    Reducing the amount of energy used to achieve comfortable

    levels of temperature and humidity in buildings is an important

    strategy to reduce Australias greenhouse gas emissions.

    The Commonwealth, State and Territory Governments have

    agreed to incorporate a nationally consistent framework of

    minimum energy performance requirements into the Building

    Code of Australia (BCA), with the aim of significantly

    reducing the greenhouse impact of all new and substantially

    refurbished buildings.


    This study assesses the feasibility of incorporating energy

    efficiency measures into the national building regulatory

    framework for houses. It builds on the Scoping Study of

    Minimum Energy Performance Requirements for Incorporation

    into the Building Code of Australia, published by the Australian

    Greenhouse Office in 1999.

    The national vehicle for building regulation is the BCA.

    The Housing Provisions cover Class 1 and Class 10 buildings,

    which are essentially domestic buildings.

    There is a requirement that measures in the BCA be cost-

    effective. The diversity of Australian climates means that

    the cost benefits of energy efficiency measures will vary

    considerably across the country and this must be reflected in

    the BCA. These same climatic factors contribute to the variety

    of building styles in Australia and the variety of methods used

    to achieve thermal comfort. Mindful of these issues, particular

    attention has been given in this study to the development of

    a structure which may differentiate acceptable construction

    practice (called Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions in the BCA)

    according to:

    s geographic location; and

    s building style (for example, whether the building is

    designed for predominant use of natural ventilation

    or to be conditioned)

    Australian Standard AS 2627.1 provides a structure for

    geographic differentiation since it gives recommendations

    for wall and ceiling insulation by location. This standard is

    not suitable in its present form for referencing by the BCA,

    but the possible form and role of its successor is considered

    in the study.

    This report explores the form and general content of

    potentially feasible energy efficiency measures. All of those

    presented are hypothetical. No actual measures have been

    developed at this stage.


    Heat flow controls

    The types of heat flow that a building must control to be

    energy efficient are:

    s conductive heat flows through roofs, walls, floors and


    s solar heat gains through windows and skylights

    s ventilation and infiltration

    For each of these, there are measures specific to building

    elements which could be regulated by the BCA in order to

    control heat flow. These measures include:

    s minimum insulation levels for ceilings, walls,

    floors and windows

    s specified permanent shading of window and walls

    s maximum window areas (as a percentage of total

    floor area) and shading coefficients for solar gain

    s specified opening sizes (as a percentage of total floor

    area) and maximum ventilation path lengths to facilitate

    natural airflow

    s weather stripping and dampers to control infiltration

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    Defining climate zones

    Dividing Australia into a number of climate zones is a simple

    way of devising climate-specific regulations. These zones

    would be regions that are climatically sufficiently similar to

    justify common energy efficiency measures.

    The overall process for establishing suitable climate zones

    appears to be feasible. The study found that an important step

    is the development of basic zoning methodology or criteria.

    The number of zones to be established depends on the

    balance between accuracy and simplicity. Given an

    expectation of reasonably spaced transitions between

    levels of insulation, glazing or other measures, an

    appropriate number of zones would be between 6 and 12.



    Three approaches have been studied as possible ways

    to frame Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions to meet residential

    energy efficiency requirements. These frameworks have

    common features. They all presume an Australian climatemap which would have a number of zones that would allow

    practical tabulation of measure sets for each zone; they

    categorise houses into either low or high ventilation; and

    they categorise houses according to their thermal mass and

    window size.These choices may have a fundamental influence

    on the thermal performance of the house and the relative merits

    of measures for insulation and glazing.

    Framework A: Elemental requirements

    This framework would be based on tables specifying values

    for the nine key performance measures for each zone.

    These measures are roof, wall and floor insulation, overall

    glazing area, window shading, wall shading, ventilation,

    infiltration, and other climate specific measures.

    Framework B: System performance measures

    This framework would be based on system performance

    measures. It would replace grouped elemental measures

    (such as insulation levels for walls, ceilings and floors) with asingle index that represents a weighted average for individual

    component contributions. This system would allow trade-offs

    between the measures in each group, providing greater

    flexibility for designers and builders.

    Framework C: Point-score methods

    This framework would be based on a point-scoring system.

    Under this system, points could be allocated to each measure

    according to its cost-benefit and energy performance value.

    Houses would have to achieve a minimum total number of

    points to satisfy the energy efficiency requirements.

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    E N E R G Y R E S E A R C H F O R T H E B U I L D I N G C O D E O F A U S T R A L I A V O L U M E 1


    Framework comparison

    All three frameworks are technically capable of setting

    realistic minimum criteria for energy performance for

    Australian housing. While frameworks B and C may

    provide greater accuracy and flexibility, they require

    more calculations and impose some additional complexity

    during checking at the building permit/approval stage.

    They are therefore not recommended as a framework

    for Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions.

    It is recommended that a detailed form of framework A,

    incorporating elemental requirements for three levels of

    thermal mass and two levels each of ventilation and

    glazing, be the starting point for development of

    Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions.

    Basis for setting stringency levels

    The report found that the stringency levels should be

    based in the main on energy or related criteria, such as

    greenhouse gas production. In general, the use of comfort

    or other non-energy-based criteria is not feasible. However,

    comfort-related factors will be involved in assessing the true

    energy performance of houses and in the suitability andstringency of different measures in different climates.


    When developing new building controls there are three

    distinct areas within the Housing Provisions performance

    structure that need to be considered.

    s clear Performance Requirements

    s acceptable Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions

    s methodology for Alternative Solutions

    The three areas are an integral part of the Housing

    Provisions and work together to provide effective

    building controls.



    The energy efficiency measures should apply to all new

    Class 1 buildings. For alterations and additions,

    the proposed energy efficiency measures should only apply to

    the proposed construction works. A guideline for refurbished

    buildings should be published for jurisdictions where the

    legislation may require the existing Class 1 building to be

    upgraded to comply with the new Housing Provisions

    Performance Requirements. The general community should

    be informed about the benefits of upgrading existing

    buildings during the alterations and additions process.

    The Housing Provisions should include controls for

    services and fixtures that can be approved at building

    permit and occupancy approval stage and can be

    demonstrated to be a permanent feature or fixture of the

    building. The control of fixtures can be implemented as

    part of, or as an additional requirement to, the building

    envelope requirements. The requirements for services

    controlled in the Housing Provisions must be compatible

    with other legislative requirements.


    s The Australian Building Codes Board should form

    a committee to advise on the development and

    implementation of energy efficiency measures for houses.

    s If the energy efficiency measures are determined likely

    to have a significant negative impact on current industry

    practices, then a staged approach to their introduction

    could be considered.

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    Education and advice

    s An education strategy should be developed and

    implemented. The education strategy should be delivered

    during the development and implementation of the energy

    efficiency measures. The education process should

    involve all aspects of the industry and community affected

    by the proposed energy efficiency measures. An explanatory

    information guide should be developed to accompany

    the introduction of energy efficiency measures into the

    Housing Provisions.

    s Individual jurisdictions or associations should consider the

    likely need for advice when measures are introduced and

    may wish to provide an energy efficiency measures advisory

    service for some 18 months from the implementation of

    the energy efficiency measures.


    s Special conditions for enforcementare not necessary

    provided that: an education strategy has been developed

    and implemented; the measures are compatible with

    industry practice; and supporting resources are available

    during the implementation period.

    Future development

    s The Australian Building Codes Board and Australian

    Greenhouse Office should agree to continue the

    development program beyond the initial introduction of

    energy efficiency measures.


    The direction of the Objectives, Functional Statements and

    Performance Requirements of the energy efficiency measures

    should be determined by the Australian Building Codes Board

    in conjunction with the Australian Greenhouse Office as a

    matter of priority.

    The Performance Requirements should clearly state that the

    intent is to minimise greenhouse gas emissions by using

    energy efficiently.

    To provide information to assist compliance with Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions it is recommended that the Housing

    Provisions contain Acceptable Construction Practice and

    reference Acceptable Construction Manual(s).

    The development of the Acceptable Construction Manual(s)

    should be managed so that they are available when the energy

    efficiency measures are introduced.

    To assist verification of Alternative Solutions, the following

    processes should be considered: development of assessment

    methods; publication of a guideline document to assist in

    the use of assessment methods, and development of an

    education module and implementation of training on the use

    of Alternative Solutions.

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    Following studies during the 1980s, regulations for the

    insulation of new dwellings came into force in Victoria

    under the Building Control Act (Vic) on 18 March 1991.

    These regulations were replaced by similar provisions for

    Class 1 buildings in the Victoria Additions of the Building

    Code of Australia 1996 Volume Two (BCA96).

    To meet the objective of efficient use of energy for internal

    heating and cooling, when seeking building approval it

    must be demonstrated that the building either:

    s Complies with specified minimum R values of insulation

    for roof or ceiling, external walls and ground floor

    (Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions), or

    s Achieves a House Energy Rating of at least 3 star

    using a nominated software tool.

    In practice, almost all residential building approvals in

    Victoria have been based on compliance with minimum

    insulation requirements.



    The National Greenhouse Strategycalls for energy efficiency

    standards for residential and commercial buildings to be

    implemented by mandatory standards through amendment

    of the Building Code of Australia.

    To help build a better understanding of the effectiveness

    of Building Energy Codes, the Australian Greenhouse

    Office and the Sustainable Energy Authority of Victoria,

    in co-operation with the building industry, the Australian

    Building Codes Board and Local Government in Victoria,

    examined the impact of current mandatory energy

    efficiency measures for houses in Victoria.


    In the study, energy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG)

    emission estimates were based on the thermal efficiency

    of a representative sample of Class 1 buildings built in

    1990 (pre-regulation) compared with a sample of similar

    buildings built in 1999.

    The study examined 110 council approved house plans

    from 1990 and 240 plans from 1999. The houses were

    screened to make sure they were representative of the

    total building activity in Victoria.

    The House Energy Rating software tool used for analysis

    was FirstRate, a member of the NatHERS family of energy

    modelling tools, developed by the Sustainable Energy

    Authority of Victoria.

    Apart from the business-as-usual scenario (with regulations

    in place from 1991), the study also modelled alternative

    thermal performance scenarios of the building shell for

    comparative evaluations.


    The study estimated that both heating and cooling energy

    consumption and GHG were 9% less per annum by year

    2000 than would have been the case if the minimum energy

    performance requirements of the building regulations had

    not been introduced.

    Figure 3: Comparative estimates for statewide energyconsumption and GHG emissions, per annum

    Case Energy GHGstudy consumption emissions

    1990 before regulations 59.0 PJ 4.0 Mt CO2-e

    2000 without regulations 82.6 PJ 5.5 Mt CO2-e

    2000 with regulations 75.0 PJ 5.0 Mt CO2-e

    2000 savings 9% 9%

    PJ (Peta Joules = 1015


    Mt CO2-e (million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent)



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    Three alternative cases were modelled for GHG emissions

    for statewide heating and cooling across the period 1990

    to 2000 for the total residential building stock. These case

    studies assumed thermal performance equivalent to an

    average performance standard of NatHERS 1, 3 and 5 stars

    ratings, instead of the current legislation.

    This modelling has established that without regulations,

    houses built between 1990 and 2000 would have had

    an average thermal performance equivalent to less than

    NatHERS 1 star rating. With current regulations, the post

    1991 housing stock was found to have an average

    performance level of 2.2 stars.

    Looking solely at houses built after March 1991 (ie those

    subject to energy efficiency regulations), the study modelled

    GHG emissions for heating and cooling for a range of thermal

    performance standards. The findings are compared with the

    actual performance standard set in the 1991 regulations.

    Figure 4: GHG emissions of buildings for

    various thermal insulation scenarios in 1999

    Case % Change instudy GHG emissions

    5 star rating 31 reduction

    4 star rating 23 reduction

    Higher insulation + double glazing (low -e) 21 reducti on

    3 star rating 14 reduction

    Regulations + double glazing (low-e) 14 reduction

    Higher insulation 7 reduction

    With 1991 regulations base line 0

    2 star rating 3 increase

    No regulations + double glazing (low-e) 22 increase

    1 star rating 27 increase

    No regulations 36 increase

    Distribution of efficiency

    Despite the introduction of mandatory minimum insulation

    requirements, the 1999 sample showed that a substantial

    number of poorly performing houses were produced.

    Across the total 1999 housing sample, more than 80 percent

    failed to meet the 3 star performance requirement, with some

    only achieving 1 star or less. It appears that many cost-

    effective opportunities for energy saving have been missed.

    Figure 5: Thermal Efficiency DistributionBy Star Rating of the 1999 Sample Housing

    E N E R G Y R E S E A R C H F O R T H E B U I L D I N G C O D E O F A U S T R A L I A V O L U M E 1

    0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0




    Star Rating

















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    E N E R G Y R E S E A R C H F O R T H E B U I L D I N G C O D E O F A U S T R A L I A V O L U M E 1


    BUILDING TRENDS 1990-1999

    Analysis was also conducted to identify the impacts of the

    insulation regulations and to highlight trends that have been

    occurring since regulations were introduced.

    Thermal efficiency

    Improvements in average thermal efficiency since

    the introduction of regulations have been modest:

    s Since 1991-1992 there has been a total of only

    6% improvement in building shell thermal efficiency(in terms of energy per unit of floor area).

    s This weak trend has levelled off to practically

    zero over the last few years of the study.

    s Due to the increasing average floor area per house,

    total energy consumption per house has actually

    increased significantly over the period.

    Apart from improvements gained as a result of mandatory

    insulation regulations, improvements in building shell

    thermal efficiency in other areas of building design are

    almost non-existent.

    Application of solar passive design principles

    Based on criteria established in the report for assessing

    solar passive design, only 7 houses out of the 240 sampled

    in 1999 were found to meet the criteria. This is considered

    representative of current building practice in Victoria.

    This demonstrates that passive solar design practices

    are not applied to any significant extent in Victoria by the

    building industry.


    SECTOR 1990-1999

    Since the introduction of energy efficiency legislation in 1991,

    it is estimated that 226,000 new Class 1 buildings have been

    added to the Victorian housing stock, comprising 200,000

    detached dwellings and 26,000 attached dwellings.

    A number of factors unrelated to the 1991 regulations have

    contributed to improving the overall thermal performance of

    Victorian housing.

    Increase in average floor area

    Average floor areas of detached housing from 1990 to 1999

    has risen by 43m2

    or 25%. Average floor areas for detached

    housing has risen by 35m2

    or 31%. Increased floor area is

    usually associated with an increase in the floor area to wall

    area ratio.

    Analysis of the samples show that the floor area to wall

    area ratio has increased by approximately 10% between

    1990 and 1999. Such an increase will in itself improve the

    thermal efficiency of the house, all other things being equal.

    Housing types

    Over the study period, there has been a general trend

    towards an increase in the proportion of attached housing

    in the building stock in terms of total floor area - from 4%

    in 1990 to 9% in 1999.

    The average thermal efficiency of attached housing in the

    sample was found to be 11% better than for detached

    housing. The increase in the proportion of attached

    housing is estimated to account for about 0.6% of the overall

    improvement in thermal efficiency of housing built since 1991.

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    Over the study period, the use of concrete slab-on-ground

    floors increased by 5% at the expense of timber construction.

    The study also shows that the thermal performance of

    buildings with concrete floors in the sample is 14% better

    than for suspended timber floors.

    Whilst other factors apart from greater use of concrete floors

    may be driving this improvement, this trend is estimated to

    account for a 0.7% improvement in thermal efficiency of the

    housing stock since the introduction of the 1991 energy

    efficiency legislation.

    Wall construction

    The proportions of each type of wall construction for detached

    housing were almost identical in 1999 as they were in 1990.

    Brick veneer accounts for about 85% of all construction for

    the detached housing market.


    The area of glass per house increased on average by 17%

    over the period of the study. At the same time, the average

    conditioned floor area increase by 34%. As a result, the

    average window to floor area ratio reduced from 31% to 27%.

    As the thermal resistance of insulated walls is generally

    higher than for currently used glazing, the trend towards

    reduced window areas is estimated to account for a small

    part of the improvement in thermal efficiency of the post

    1991 building stock.

    The use of high performance windows continues to be very

    limited in Class 1 buildings in Victoria, estimated at less than

    2% of the market.

    Housing orientation

    The 1990 and 1999 housing samples were analysed to

    determine the average area of glazing on each facade.

    While there is a clear bias for facades to align with the

    ordinal points of the compass there is little bias shown

    towards the use of windows in any one of these directions.

    For the majority of houses in the sample, it appears that

    little consideration was given to improving thermal efficiency

    through optimisation of glazing on facades with a

    northerly aspect.

    Housing location

    Since the introduction of legislation in 1991 there has been a

    5% increase in building activity in the Melbourne climate zone

    at the expense of the more severe Ballarat and Bendigo

    climate zones. This trend is estimated to account for about

    1.8% of the improvement in average thermal efficiency of

    houses built since the 1991 legislation.


    The introduction of thermal performance requirements for

    the building shells of Victorian houses have reduced energy

    consumption and GHG emissions. Avenues for additional

    savings have been identified and quantified in the study but

    not costed.

    While the present policy of mandatory thermal insulation will

    continue to deliver significant savings in energy consumption

    and GHG emissions, the policy offers little scope to go beyond

    the current practice.

    The report finds that while there is overall compliance with

    mandatory requirements for thermal performance, it appears

    that the residential building industry does not always takeadvantage of simple or low-cost design options for additional

    thermal efficiency.

    The Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions of BCA96 have

    delivered residential buildings with a state average rating

    of NatHERS 2.2 stars, although the performance goal is

    3 stars. The insulation component of the Deemed-to-Satisfy

    Provisions has also permitted buildings with less than 1 star

    rating to be constructed.

    E N E R G Y R E S E A R C H F O R T H E B U I L D I N G C O D E O F A U S T R A L I A V O L U M E 1

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