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Energy Babble - design interventions for energy reduction communities

Tobie Kerridge & Liliana Ovallewith Matthew Plumber-Fernandez,

Jennifer Gabrys, Bill Gaver, Mike Michael & Alex Wilkie, Goldsmiths,

University of London

[email protected]

Energise Hastings, White Rock Hotel, 26/10/12

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Research Context

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•DECC Low Carbon Community challenge, £10m for 20 ‘test beds’

•RCUK identifies Energy Communities research call, 7 awards

•ECDC - 3 years mixed methods, practice based, 5 energy communities

•Deploy platform relating to energy demand reduction practices, fieldwork

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Energy Communities

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Energy demand reduction discourse, shifts in government policy, wide range of practitioner commitments

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Bristol Energy Network, Energise Hastings, Transition New Cross, Low Carbon Living Ladock, Meadows Partnership Trust, Reepham Green Team, Energise Hastings

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PV display at Hastings Trust, inappropriate technology at Claremont

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Workshop with 30 attendees, includes LCCC participants, academics, local government

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Collaborative mapping of issues and notions of community

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Future front pages and comfort diagrams to get at energy commitments and mundane practices

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Probes and Workbooks

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Probes given to participants, they are drawn on and written into, capture material that is used for making design proposals

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A letter of confession regarding an “energy usage secret”

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An obituary for an appliance from EcoFabulous 2011

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Workbooks are sets of design proposals arranged by theme

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A workbook page mixes up an informant’s comment, found images and a title to suggest a theme or direction for design

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Trying to read the meter,Trying to read the meter,with preparedness advice with preparedness advice for the end of oil blaring out.for the end of oil blaring out.

A diagram of a design proposal where a gas meter box conceals a radio with a transition activist broadcast

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From East To West, from North to South.

3580 kW

One morning, a group of birds arrived at the Meadows.

Energy meters are remained as birds which speak about energy usage in distant communities

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web scraping

multiple domestic inputs

databasevarious media

multiple selection/presentation routines

home PCs low-range TV/radio transmitters

public babble display

multiple domestic outputs

A diagram of a system that aggregates a range of energy information sources to be parsed by an appliance

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Design Proposal

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Design an Energy-Babble system that displays material, collected from some combination of individual, community and public sources, to open and promote constructive affect and involvement in energy reduction issues and orientations. More specifically, the system should support understandings of, and practices related to, energy demand reduction.

A design brief provided the basis for focused activity

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LOCAL CONTRIBUTIONS� � � � � � � � �� � � � � � �� �� � � � � � �� � � � �� � � � � � � � � �� � � � � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �

WEB SCRAPING� � � �� � � � � � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � � � � �

Hardware and software allows text and audio data to be gathered from an open and extensible network

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A server process aggregates and transforms input sources into audio files that are broadcast by each device

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Experience prototypes are used to test the system, comprise of computer, speaker and microphone and rely on network

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Embodying the system

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Reconfiguring textures

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research features

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•ECDC mixes methods, is practice based, engages energy communities

•Probes, workbooks, proposals alongside fieldwork and workshops

•Designs emerge through and are entanglements of these materials

•Anticipate and will support modifications during deployment

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Energy Babble - design interventions for energy reduction communities

Tobie Kerridge & Liliana Ovallewith Matthew Plumber-Fernandez,

Jennifer Gabrys, Bill Gaver, Mike Michael & Alex Wilkie, Goldsmiths,

University of London

[email protected]

Energise Hastings, White Rock Hotel, 26/10/12