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Fullstack End-to-End Test Automation with Node.js

One year later

SF Selenium Meetup @ Saucelabs

Chris Clayman

Mek Srunyu Stittri

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● Background○ What we presented last year

● Async / Await - an alternative to Webdriver’s built-in control flow.○ Limitations with control flow○ Use Babel to write the latest ES6 JavaScript syntax.

ES6 Pageobjects

● Extending MochaJS○ Custom reporter with screenshots from Sauce Labs○ Parallel tests and accurate reporting

● Type-safe JavaScript with Facebook’s Flow-type library.● Robust visual diffs● What’s next

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Back in 2015, we started looking at node.js for end-to-end functional test framework.● Kept Node.js adoption in mind

○ More and more company moving to node.js○ Share code with fullstack developers

● Team presented at San Francisco Selenium Meetup in Nov 2015○ Event -

○ Recording -

○ Slides -

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Why we chose node.js

QA, Automation engineers

Frontend engineers

Backend engineers










Company A Company B Company C



Node.jsGo, Python


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What we presented last year

Input / update data

Get data

Input / update data

Get data

UI Framework : node.js● selenium-webdriver● mocha + wrapper● Applitools● co-wrap for webclient● chai (asserts)

Rest API Framework : node.js

● co-requests● mocha● co-mocha● chai (asserts)● json, jayschema



Webclient adaptor


Backend : Go, Python


Frontend : Javascript

Microservice #1

Microservice #2 ... #n

Rest APIs

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Selenium-webdriver usage

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Mocha usage

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Heavily dependent on selenium-webdriver control flows

What is the promise manager / control flow● Implicitly synchronizes asynchronous actions

● Coordinate the scheduling and execution of all commands.

Maintains a queue of scheduled tasks and executing them.

What we presented last year

driver.get('');driver.findElement({name: 'q'}).sendKeys('webdriver');driver.findElement({name: 'btnGn'}).click();

driver.get('') .then(function() { return driver.findElement({name: 'q'});}) .then(function(q) { return q.sendKeys('webdriver');}) .then(function() { return driver.findElement({name: 'btnG'});}) .then(function(btnG) { return;});

The core Webdriver API is built on top of the control flow, allowing users to write the below.

Instead of that This

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Achieving Sync-like Code

Code written using Webdriver Promise Manager

JavaScript selenium tests using Promise Manager




driver.getTitle().then(function(title) {



Equivalent Java code




assertEquals("webdriver - Google Search", driver.getTitle());

Hey, we look similar now!

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MochaJS with Webdriver WrapperProvided Mocha test wrapper with Promise ManagerSelenium-webdriver’s wrapper for mocha methods that automatically handles all calls into the promise manager which makes the code very sync like.

var test = require('selenium-webdriver/testing');var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');var By = require('selenium-webdriver').By;var Until = require('selenium-webdriver').until;'Login and make sure the job menu is there', function() { driver.get(url, 5000); driver.findElement(By.css('input#email')).sendKeys('[email protected]'); driver.findElement(By.css('input#password')).sendKeys(password); driver.findElement(By.css('button[type="submit"]')).click(); driver.wait(Until.elementLocated(By.css(' >'))); var job = driver.findElement(By.css('')); job.getText().then(function (text) { assert.equal(text, 'Jobs', 'Job link title is correct'); });});

Mocha wrapper makes the code very “synchronous” like.

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11'Verify data from both frontend and backend', function() { var webClient = new WebClient(); var projectFromBackend; // API Portion of the test var flow = webdriver.promise.controlFlow(); flow.execute(function *(){ yield webClient.login(Constants.USER001_EMAIL, Constants.USER_PASSWORD); var projects = yield webClient.getProjects(); projectFromBackend = projectutil.getProjectByName(projects, Constants.QE_PROJECT); }); // UI Portion of the test var login = new LoginPage(driver); login.enterUserInfo(Constants.USER001_EMAIL, Constants.USER_PASSWORD); var topNav = new TopNav(driver); topNav.getProjects().then(function (projects){ Logger.debug('Projects from backend:', projectsFromBackend); Logger.debug('Projects from frontend:', projects); assert.equal(projectsFromBackend.size, projects.size);});

Heavily dependent on the promise manager / control flowHere we handle execution order including a generator call

What We Presented Last Year

Context switching to REST API calls

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Alternatives to Webdriver’s Built-in Control Flow

Async / Await

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JS and Webdriver: the Good, the Bad...

Good Stuff● Functional programming● More Collaboration with

front-end development teams● JavaScript Developers writing

Selenium tests● Fast paced open source

community● Able to build things really quick● JavaScript is fun!

Bad Stuff● Webdriver’s Control Flow & Promise

Manager○ Not agnostic○ Parent variable declarations○ Iteration can be hacky

● Context switching between Webdriver and non-Webdriver asynchronous function calls

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...and the Ugly

const promise = require('selenium-webdriver').promise

PageObject.prototype.getMessages = function() {

const els = this.driver.findElements(By.css('.classname');

const defer = promise.defer();

const flow = promise.controlFlow();

flow.execute(function* () {

const textArray = yield => {

return el.getText();




return defer.promise;


We want our tests to be:● Readable / Flat structure ✔● Agnostic / Context-free ❌● De-asynchronous ✔● In line with ECMA standards ❌

Context Switch

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...and the (kind of) Ugly'Archives job', function () {

const flow = promise.controlFlow();

let job;

flow.execute(function* () {

// Create a job through API

job = yield webClient.createJob();



const jobInfo = new ViewJob(driver);


jobInfo.isModalDisplayed().then((displayed) => {

assert.isTrue(displayed, 'Modal should be displayed');


flow.execute(function* () {

yield webClient.deleteJob(;



We want our tests to be:● Readable / Flat structure ● Agnostic / Context-free ❌● De-asynchronous ✔● In line with ECMA standards ❌

Context Switch

Context Switch

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JobsPage.prototype.getJobList = function () { this.waitForDisplayed(By.css('.job-table')); const jobNames = []; const defer = promise.defer(); const flow = promise.controlFlow(); const jobList = this.driver.findElement(By.css('.job-table')); // get entries flow.execute(() => { jobList.findElements(By.css('.show-pointer')).then((jobs) => { // Get text on all the elements jobs.forEach((job) => { let jobName; flow.execute(function () { job.findElement(By.css('.job-table-row-name')).then((element) => { element.getText().then((text) => { jobName = text; });

// look up more table cells... }); }).then(() => { jobNames.push({ jobName: jobName }); }); }); }); }).then(() => { // fulfill results defer.fulfill(jobNames); }); return defer.promise;};

...and the Really Ugly

Not planning for complexity + promise chaining =

We want our tests to be:● Readable / Flat structure ❌● Agnostic / Context-free ❌● ‘De-asynchronous’ ✔● In line with ECMA standards ❌

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As if we had trainer wheels on...

Doing complex things with selenium-webdriver promise manager ended up taking more time and being more cumbersome.

What It Felt Like

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What We Wanted

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Introducing Async/Await● ES2016 language specification grabbed from C#● Async functions awaits and returns a promise● No callbacks, no control flow libraries, no promise

chaining, nothing but simple syntax.● ‘De-asynchronous’ done easy

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function notAsync () {

foo().then((bar) => {





async function isAsync() {

const bar = await foo();



Given function foo() that returns a promise...

ES5 Javascript ES2016 Latest Javascript

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PageObject.prototype.getMessages = function() {

const els = this.driver.findElements(By.css('.classname');

const defer = promise.defer();

const flow = promise.controlFlow();

flow.execute(function* () {

const textArray = yield* => {

return el.getText();




return defer.promise;


async getMessages() {

const els = await this.driver.findElements(By.css('.classname');

return Promise.all( => {

return el.getText();



We want our tests to be● Readable / Flat structure ✔● Portable / Context-free ✔● De-asynchronous ✔● In line with ECMA standards ✔

Promise Manager vs. Async/Await

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22'Archives job', function () { const flow = promise.controlFlow(); let job; flow.execute(function* () { // Create a job through API job = yield webClient.createJob(); driverutil.goToJob(driver,; }); const jobInfo = new ViewJob(driver); jobInfo.clickArchive(); jobInfo.isModalDisplayed().then((displayed) => { assert.isTrue(displayed, 'Modal should be displayed'); }); flow.execute(function* () { yield webClient.deleteJob(; }); });

Promise Manager vs. Async/Await

it('Archives job', async function () { const job = await webClient.createJob(); await driverutil.goToJob(driver,; const jobInfo = new ViewJob(driver); await jobInfo.clickArchive(); const displayed = await jobInfo.isModalDisplayed(); assert.isTrue(displayed, 'Modal should be displayed'); await webClient.deleteJob(; });

We want our tests to be● Readable / Flat structure ✔● Portable / Context-free ✔● De-asynchronous ✔● In line with ECMA standards ✔

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How to use Async / Await

How did we get Async / Await?

● Babel compiles latest JS syntax to ES5 compatible code

● Babel-register can be a pre-runtime compiler in Mocha.

● See the repo!

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'use strict';var BasePage = require('./BasePage');var By = require('selenium-webdriver').By;

//Constructor for the Top Navigation Barfunction TopNav(webdriver) {, webdriver); this.isLoaded();}

//BasePage and Constructor wiringTopNav.prototype = Object.create(BasePage.prototype);TopNav.prototype.constructor = TopNav;

TopNav.prototype.isLoaded = function () { this.waitForDisplayed(By.css('.options')); return this;};

TopNav.prototype.openProjectDropdown = function () { this.waitForDisplayed(By.css('.options')); this.waitForEnabled(By.css('.options ul:nth-of-type(1)'));'.options ul:nth-of-type(1)')); return this;};

'use strict';import BasePage from './BasePage';import { By } from 'selenium-webdriver';import ui from './../util/ui-util';

export default class TopNav extends BasePage {

//Constructor for the Top Navigation Bar constructor(webdriver: WebDriverClass) { super(webdriver); }

async isLoaded(): Promise<this> { await ui.waitForDisplayed(this.driver, By.css('.options')); return this; }

async openProjectDropdown(): Promise<this> { await ui.waitForDisplayed(this.driver, By.css('.options')); await ui.waitForEnabled(this.driver, By.css('.options ul:nth-of-type(1)')); await, By.css('.options ul:nth-of-type(1)')); return this; }}

ES6 Pageobjects with flow annotation

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What we presented last year

Input / update data

Get data

Input / update data

Get data

UI Framework : node.js● selenium-webdriver● mocha + wrapper● Applitools● co-wrap for webclient● chai (asserts)

Rest API Framework : node.js

● co-requests● mocha● co-mocha● chai (asserts)● json, jayschema



Webclient adaptor


Backend : Go, Python


Frontend : Javascript

Microservice #1

Microservice #2 ... #n

Rest APIs

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Backend : Go, Python

BrowserRead & Write- Click, Drag- Enter text- Get text

Frontend : Javascript

Microservice #1

Microservice #2 ... #n

Rest APIs

Read & WriteAPI CallsGet, Post, Put, Delete

UI tests● selenium-webdriver● requests

Rest API tests● requests● Json, jayschema

WebClients- Job Client- Project Client- File Client- etc..

UI Pageobjects- Project List - Job List- Job info- Maps- Annotations

Node.js common tooling● Mocha● Babel (ES6)● Bluebird● Asserts (Chai)● Flow type (Facebook)

Visual tests● Applitools (visual diffs)

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Async / Await Cons

● Error handling / stack tracing● Forces devs to actually understand promises● Async or bust - difficult to incrementally refactor● Promise Wrapper optimizations gone● Chewier syntax than control flow - `await`


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● Async / await was almost designed for browser automation ‘desync’ing. The glove fits

● Refactoring out of Promise Manager is cumbersome

● Simplifying test syntax -> less dependencies and opinion -> happy and efficient devs

The Bottom Line...

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Custom reporter with screenshots from Saucelabs

Extending MochaJS

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Why Roll Your Own Reporter?

● Start a conversation with developers:○ What is the most important data you need to see in

order to be efficient and successful?

● 5 things important to Airware cloud team:○ Failures First○ Flakiness vs. Failure○ Assertion messaging ○ Screenshots○ Video

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Keeping Reporting Simple

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Parallelization Try mocha-parallel-tests. But be careful!

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● Take advantage of scalability to deliver what other devs want

● Keep an eye on the OS-community for new solutions

The Bottom Line...

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Type-safe JavaScript

Facebook FlowType

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Flowtype and Eslint

Don’t like the willy-nilly-ness of JavaScript? Lint! Type check!

● Static type analysis is available with Flow and TypeScript● Both have awesome IDE / editor plugins● We picked Flow in order to start annotating our code piece by

piece.● We added Webdriver, Mocha, and Chai type definitions● ESlint has some great plugins related to test structuring. We’ve

also written our own● The bottom line: the best time to capture test errors is as you write


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And best practices

Robust visual diffs

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Robust automated visual tests

Powered by

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Size of test

The test pyramid*




Martin Fowler - Test Pyramid, Google Testing Blog2014 Google Test Automation Conference

BigE2E tests

MediumIntegration tests

SmallUnit tests

As you move up the pyramid, your tests gets bigger. At the same time the number of tests(pyramid width) gets smaller.

● Cost: Test execution, setup time and maintenance is less as you come down

● Feedback: Detection cycle (time) is less as you come down

● Stability: Smaller tests are less flaky

● Coverage: E2E workflow tests have better coverage but with tradeoffs; longer time, flakiness

# Number of tests

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Google suggests a 70/20/10 ratio for test amount allocation. (Of a total 100 tests)

○ 70% unit tests, ○ 20% integration tests○ 10% end-to-end tests

The exact mix will be different for each team, but we should try to retain that pyramid shape.

The ideal ratio

Google Testing Blog2014 Google Test Automation Conference




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Visual diff test pyramid


UI Seleniumtests

REST API tests

QA test pyramid

BigE2E tests

MediumIntegration tests

SmallUnit tests

Engineeringtest pyramid Browser


Backend image diffs

Visual difftest pyramid

Apply the test pyramid concept to automated visual test suite

● Browser screenshot tests are big E2E tests

● Add smaller visual testing with commandline image diffs. No browsers involved.

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Applitools commandline image diff

Powered by

Using Applitools eyes.images SDKvar Eyes = require('eyes.images').Eyes;await image = getImage("","/download/contact_us.png/" + version);// Visual validation point #1await eyes.checkImage(img, 'Contact-us page');

● Downloads or streams the images as PNG format● Uploads images to validate against Applitools service

More info -

Thanks Liran Barokas !!

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Visual diff test pyramid


Backend image diffs

Powered by

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Test trend analysis and etc.

Whats next ?

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Important attributes of CI/CD systems

● Trustworthy results● Tests that do not add value

are removed● Tests have the privilege

(not the right) to run in CI

● Metadata from build and test results

● Trend analysis● Is the feature ready to ship

● Cutting edge technology○ Visual diff

■ Applitools○ Kubernetes○ Containers○ Unikernels

Denali Lumma (Uber), testing in 2020

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Test trend analyticsWork in Progress!

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Testability as a product requirement

Collaboration between Frontend and Automation teams Surface data attributes in the UI DOM

● uuids - test can cross validate by making API calls in UI tests● Image group, image names, photo clustering attributes● etc.. Testability as a

product requirement! :)

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Github links

The Airware Github repos

Our Async / Await Example

Flowtype interfaces for Webdriver, Chai, Mocha

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Thank you

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Questions ?