Download - encrypt. protect. trust. - NIAS2019€¦ · Page 7 15.10.2019 NIAS 2019 –secunet Workshop Hardening and Protection of Infrastructure Risks Weaknesses in OpenStack services Misconfiguration

Page 1: encrypt. protect. trust. - NIAS2019€¦ · Page 7 15.10.2019 NIAS 2019 –secunet Workshop Hardening and Protection of Infrastructure Risks Weaknesses in OpenStack services Misconfiguration

Dr. Kai Martius

Chief Technology Officer – secunet

October 15th 2019

NIAS Workshop

How to achieve conscious competence in controlling & protecting your data

in a cloud infrastructure - A CTO’s view

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Cloud Infrastructure – Areas of impact


o Economic efficiency

o Sustainability

o Efficiency of resources

o Operating models

o Self Service

o Scalability


o Confidence and security

o Verifiability

o Dependency

o Data sovereignty

o Selection of applications

o Selection of suppliers / in-house operation

o Data security

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Motivation Example

Energy consumpt ion in da ta cen te rs

Source: Nature 561, 163-166 (2018)











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To ensure:

Consistent encryption of data

End-to-end security

Cryptographic client separation

Potential approach

Prov id ing a secure , sus ta inab le and energy -e f f i c ien t c loud so lu t i on

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Potential solution

An OpenStack -based „C loud Opera t ing Sys tem“

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Secure cloud solution - Layers of Improvement

Secured Access to Infrastructure

Isolation / Protection of Tenant-Networks

Control over Crypto Keys by Tenants

Encryption of User Data In Block Storage

Encryption and Signature of Images

Hardening and Protection of Infrastructure

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Hardening and Protection of Infrastructure


Weaknesses in OpenStack services


External attacks against the host (Linux) and OpenStack platform (REST services, databases, RPC services)

VM breakout leading to an „internal“ attack on host and OpenStack platform

Countermeasure 1: Encryption / Authentication / Policy Enforcement between OpenStack services

TLS-based authentication and encryption of REST-based services

Group-key based encryption of RPC-based services

Definition (and enforcement) of communication policies based on Use Cases

Countermeasure 2: classical hardening of the Linux-Platforms

IPtables, Minimization

Sandboxing of OpenStack Services

VM hardening

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Isolation of Tenant Networks


Eavesdropping user data on the network

Misconfiguration (mixing up different tenant’s data flows)

Attacking user workloads (VMs)

Countermeasure: Encryption / Authentication of Tenant’s network traffic

MacSec based Layer 2 encryption of Tenant networks throughout the Cloud infrastructure

Group-key management layer based on secunet’s SOLID technology

Integration in OpenStack Neutron machinery to setup keys on virtual MacSec network interfaces

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Encryption of User data in Block Storage


Manipulation of User Workload in Guest VMs at storage nodes

Eavesdropping of Data Blocks on the network while accessing storage nodes / Cinder Service

Countermeasure: (Re)Encryption of Images before copied into Volumes

Block-based file / storage encryption with Tenant-provided keys

Integration of Tenant-”Intervention” to provide Image / Volume key during creation of Volumes

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Encryption and Signature of Images


Manipulation of User Workload in Guest VMs at a central

place (Glance) even before VMs are created

Eavesdropping of Data Blocks on the network while

accessing storage nodes / Glance Service


Encryption / Signature of Images before upload

Block-based file / storage encryption and signature on

Tenant premises (hybrid encryption)

At that point, key can stay on Tenant premises

Encrypted image upload in Glance

At the time images are accessed and ported into volumes,

the User / Owner has to present the key

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Control over Crypto Keys by Tenants


Even if data is encrypted, unauthorized access to keys

could make encryption useless

Keys in a (central) storage (Barbican) or even HSMs in

the Cloud are more risky than keys staying on User’s


Countermeasure: Keys in User Hand

Hierarchical key management

Involving user within the access process to encrypted

data explicitly

“Call-back” / SmartCard based two factor key protection

possible by design

Integration in OpenStack processes (VM creation,

different storage types, Image / Volume / Ephemeral


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Secured Access to Cloud Infrastructure


Eavesdropping / Manipulation of Data on the network

through the Internet and inside the Cloud Infrastructure

Unauthorized access to User VMs

Risks on Client side due to weak network protection of

Client host platform


Strong Layer 3 VPN Encryption of Data

Client-side: IPsec VPN / SINA Workstation as a secure

endpoint to protect local data and access into Cloud


Cloud-side: Virtual SINA Box appliance connecting the

Cloud network infrastructure / Internet access to the

Tenant’s virtual network (which itself is protected by a


Integration of SINA Box into the OpenStack Secure Router


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The desired outcome

Prov id ing a secure , sus ta inab le and energy -e f f i c ien t c loud so lu t i on





Key Management


Secure Clients

Secure networks


virtual infrastructure




compute storage network

physical infrastructure

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