Download - Enc 1102 fall 2012 oct 23

Page 1: Enc 1102 fall 2012 oct 23

Revisions?Tuesday, October 23rd

Page 2: Enc 1102 fall 2012 oct 23

New Schedule

Page 3: Enc 1102 fall 2012 oct 23

Revision vs. Proofreading?

Global vs. local

Consider both

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Nov. 1st!

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Page 6: Enc 1102 fall 2012 oct 23

Introduction Connect to our genre readings:

Through interacting with genres and viewing them as “lived textualities” the reader will begin to reveal useful information regarding the values and goals of a discourse community. As genre theorist Amy J. Devitt states, “Because genres represent their communities, they effect and make consequential the communities’ interests” (543). In the future, I plan to enter the community of Public Relations because I find great interest in the ways companies and people maintain and manage a public image. In order to analyze the methods of communication in this community I will be examining three articles from the field looking specifically at its settings, participants, features, subjects, and patterns.

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Feedback? “It’s clear to me that you understand how to analyze genres, and you

bring up some interesting points in your discussion. In some areas, however, I wish that you had been more specific with the statements that you make about your community, perhaps including more specific examples from your articles. You set up a nice framework regarding the genre features that you’ve identified, but more examples and elaboration on the features and patterns would have been helpful”

“You do a nice job setting up your discussion about discourse and genres. Once you get into the details, however, you tend to remain a bit too general. Instead of making generalizations about your community, it would have been helpful to see more direct examples from the text. It’s clear that you understand the importance of looking at genres, but more support for your arguments were necessary throughout”

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Examples! These articles were very professionally written, cited, and executed

throughout. Although the authors were widely trusted, each fact had another trusted peer or research conducted to prove as fact. Just glancing over the articles, it is seen that they were constructed in a very professional manner. From the segmentation of all of the dividing sections to the format overall genre tells the public that this is a document well written which leads the reader to believe the contents more readily. Presentation is everything, but formatting this appropriately the authors can get their message across as effectively as possible in the most constructive way. The professional tone of the articles shines through every aspect of the papers to express their impact on the business world. The thought is if they conduct themselves in a professional manner, the elite professional personals will be more incline to agree and take their opinions into consideration.

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What does this reveal about your

community? Douglas N. Harris and Tim R. Sass, authors of “What Makes for a Good

Teacher and Who Can Tell?” ask questions in their article such as, “Are there important determinants of teacher productivity that are not captured by teacher credentials but that can be measured by subjective assessments? And would evaluating teachers based on a combination of subjective assessments and student outcomes more accurately gauge teacher performance than student test scores alone (Harris and Sass 1)?” Harris and Sass also use data because “using data from a midsize Florida school district, this paper explores both questions by calculating teachers' "value added" and comparing those outcomes with subjective ratings of teachers by school principals actually believe (Harris and Sass 19).” The data shows “teacher value-added and principals' subjective ratings are positively correlated and principals' evaluations are better predictors of a teacher's value added than traditional approaches to teacher compensation focused on experience and formal education (32).”

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Annotated Bib Citations?

Quotes and explain quotes

Address audience

Connect sources

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What should we add? This article is very relevant to my topic because it

explains the basics of what and event planner/manager does and what it entails. For example, the author explains, “planners need such a variety of skills because no two days are alike for them” (98).

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What should we add? Their purpose was to show that sustainability needs to be

incorporated into management development in order to keep the industry market from decreasing and to keep stakeholders happy. The intended audience of this article is management companies in the hospitality industry, as well as training companies, HR departments, and large names in the industry that are looking to increase profits and make a move toward sustainability.

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What should we add? Stating, “Sustainability in terms of the environment has

been incorporated into many university communities’ operations and into numerous degree programs, such as in engineering, business, and architecture, however, sustainability appears to be receiving scant attention in hospitality management degree programs in the United States: these programs educate future operations and financial managers in hospitality who will ultimately grapple with the triple bottom line of sustainability issues,” meaning that out of all the degrees that are educated on sustainability, hospitality is equally important because at the end of the day.

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On a new sheet of paper

How satisfied are you with your progress in class?

What could you do to be more satisfied with your progress?

What can I do to help you be more successful in class?

Any other suggestions for how we’re doing things?