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ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Town Representation

Better Liveable Town

Tan Yong Chien | 0320200

Foundation in Natural & Built Environments (FNBE)August 2014 | Taylors University


Nigel Tan | 0320200 | Pn. Hasmanira | FNBE AUG 2014 | Taylor’s University

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ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Town Representation

Nigel Tan | 0320200 | Pn. Hasmanira | FNBE AUG 2014 | Taylor’s University


1. Introduction

2. City Versus Town

3. Town

4. Investigation & Data Collection

5. The New ‘X’ Town : CLASE

6. Conclusion

7. Reference Links

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ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Town Representation

Nigel Tan | 0320200 | Pn. Hasmanira | FNBE AUG 2014 | Taylor’s University

1. Introduction

For our Elements in Natural & Built Environments (ENBE) Final Project, we are asked to design our own “better liveable town”. The project parts which is – Part A and Part B.

-Part A [individual component 20%] : An A4 report and presentation slide/video of both of our understanding, along with the proposed town.

-Part B [group component 20%] : A maximum 3 A2 presentation boards and produce a physical model of the selected town.

By doing this, we would able to implement the characteristic of town planning like natural topology/terrain, landscape, infrastructure, space, building, etc. . .

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2. City VS Town

Before I proceed to the explanation of the city and town. I have to explore the similarities and differences of their needs. This will help me to understand them better. So that I won’t get confused by them.

Similarities & Differences

Cities are more densely populated than towns. Towns are smaller than cities but bigger than villages. Unlike towns, most cities are the seat of most of a region’s administrative functions,we can easily assume that cities have systems of sanitation, utilities , facilities, land usage, housing and transportation. On the other hand, a town is a settlement or an area with residential districts, shops and amenities or called as a local government.

Cities and towns are differentiated primarily by an area’s demography and its geography. In simple terms, cities are larger dwelling places than towns.

Cities cover a wider area than towns and as cities advance, they may sometimes incorporate or merge with surrounding areas. Towns on the other hand do not generally expand into other areas in the same way as cities. Furthermore, towns do not generally expand into the other areas in the same way as cities, but it is safe to say that towns do flourish in the same spectrum as cities – just not on a comparatively large scale.

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Town Representation

Nigel Tan | 0320200 | Pn. Hasmanira | FNBE AUG 2014 | Taylor’s University

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- Crime

- Traffic issues

- Unbalanced pay for public service providers like policemen and fire-fighters

- Poor planning

- Segregation

- Lack of diverse economic workforce

- Environmental issues

-Too much urban sprawl and not enough urban landfill

- Lack of Affordable housing

- Lack of space

- Dying enclosed malls and outodoor malls

- etc…

A town, city, village or what not, all of them share some common issues among the inhabitants and their living environment. Some are only present in certain areas, but to name a few…

Nigel Tan | 0320200 | Pn. Hasmanira | FNBE AUG 2014 | Taylor’s University

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Town Representation

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ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Town Representation

3. TownDefinitionThe definition of a town is translated into several meanings. The three most solid ones are:

1. A town is a human settlement larger than a village but smaller than a city.2. An area for people staying, working and living.3. An area which includes residential districts, shops and amenities or called as a local government.

DescriptionSize - Relatively smaller, covers a smaller area. Smaller than a city but larger than a village and does not tend to merge with surrounding areas.Population - More scarcely populated.Governance - Municipal bodiesRuler of body - Chairman


There are five different kinds of towns:1. “Infantile Town” : does not have any clear zoning. Often categorized as an unorganized settlement.2. “Juvenile Town” : which has a developed area for shops.3. “Adolescent Town” : which has factories and basic zonings.4. “Early-Mature Town” : which has separate areas for high-class housings.5. “Mature Town” : Organized structure, has zonings, defined areas for industrial, commercial, residential, etc..

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What forms a town/ a good town?Requirements / Components

All towns should have a basic coverage of :- Infrastructure- Residential- Commercial- Industrial

> InfrastructureTransportationTransportation should be efficient, able to move more people with less usage of energy and causes the lease about carbon emissions as possible.

CommunicationsCommunication is a power bringing people of any distance closer together. It should be efficient and provide a wider range of exchanging information

Waste ManagementWaste management is the management of waste material, such as human waste, trash/rubbish etc…

Water and Power SupplyWater supply should be able to promote water saving mentality. Smart usage of water with minimum waste, it should also encourage water saving systems like rain water collection, etc… Power supply should be able to encourage the use and implementation of reusable energy sources which include solar and etc…

> Commercial , Residential, Industrial

EducationEducational facilities, for example schools, colleges, and other educational centres. Without education, cities/town would not be able to form as a community.

BankingBanking buildings, loan offices and others of the same represent the economical and financial side of a settlement. For example, National, Retail, Commercial, Investment, Central Banks and Credit Unions.

HealthcareHealth is one of the most important requirements in any sort of settlement. No matter city, town or village must have a facility to serve as health centre.

ReligionReligion is more of a personal requirement for the residents. Some settlements have areas dedicated to religious practice – though not all.

Re-CreationalRecreational facilities must be taken into consideration because the inhabitants should have something dedicated to recreational activities. So some areas should at least be dedicated to some given space. For example parks, clubs, sport centre shopping complex and etc…

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4. Investigation & Data Collection:

Ancient/Past Cities & TownsAncient Cities/Towns are important to look at in order to understand the history or the design concept of them and the issues that we can use as a guideline to improve or solve it within our own town

Ancient City - Atlantis

HistoryPlato’s theory on Atlantis

The source of the great legend stems from an account written by Plato in “Critias and Timaeus”.

“Now in the island of Atlantis there was a great and wonderful empire which had ruled over the whole

island and several others, and over parts of the continent… But there occurred violent earthquakes and

floods, in a single day and night of misfortune… the island of Atlantis … disappeared in the depths of the


The Poseidon Theory

Over 11000 years ago in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean there was an island inhabited by great

and wealthy people. Then greed started to take over them and they were obsessed with money.

Poseidon got mad at city of Atlantis and it was gone with the sea. Info from the book “Unsolves

Mysteries Atlantis”

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A huge canal connected the outer rings of water to the ocean. On the outskirts of the capital city there were huge fiends where farmers grew city’s food. Past the field there were mountains where wealthy villagers lived.

Plato goes great detail about the amazing buildings – complete with hot and cold fountains, shared dining halls and stone walls covers with precious metals.

According to Plato, the island of Atlantis was at the top of and underwater volcano and shaped like a doughnut and that is where king build his temple


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Shape- Geometric - Sea wall built up with houses channel 50 stades long , leading to outer harbour.- The city was a smooth and level plain, enclosing it round about.- The plain was originally a quadrangle, rectilinear for the most part and elongated.- The plain was enclosed by mountains rising sheer out of the sea to great height. ( High about the level of the sea )- The mountains were renowned for their beauty and contained many steams and villages.- Canals were dug in straight lines across the plain and they cropped the land twice a year making rains from Heaven in the winter and conducting the steams from the trenches in summer.- Poseidon had five pairs of twin sons. The eldest was named Atlas, and after him, the whole island was called Atlantis, and the sea spoken of as the Atlantic.- In the centre of the plain, about 50 stades from the sea, there was a mountain low on all sides.- In order to make it impregnable, Poseidon, god of the seam and of earthquakes, broke up the surface creating concentric circles of land and sea, there were two of land and three of sea enclosing one another alternately.- The wall which encompassed the outer circle they cover in bronze, the next circle they coated in tin and the inner circle they covered in orichalcum whilst the entire complex was surrounded by a wall of stone.- The rocks which they quarried were black, white and red in colour and hot and cold springs were carried in channels to outer circles.

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Zoning Of Atlantis






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The ancient city Atlantis is a well-planned city. For every ring of Atlantis, it is covered by strong material like bronze and tin. The geometric shape also allowed the ship easy to access. The basic infrastructure also provided for the people.

Information I will consider for my better town.

I have learnt from analysing the structure of Atlantis during the past, how they have clearly displayed the difference of certain areas to server their own purpose. This helps each area to conduct their own work without complicating with one another, but also supporting in terms of growth. I hope to utilize their example when planning my town.

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ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Town Representation

Current/Present Cities & Towns

Looking at the cities & towns of our current time help us feel more relatable to design scope and trends of our needs within a community. By doing this, we can analyse and break down the issues and useful elements that will help us be more stable when planning our own town.

Venice-Italy History It was founded in 421 AD on April 25th, Saint Mark’s day, who is the patron of Venice. It is located in north-eastern Italy sited on a group of 117 small islands separated by canals and linked by bridges. During the Romanic period Venice was not the name of the city we know now but it was the name given to the northern region of Italy. It was just after the fall of the Empire and the arriving of the Long Bards that the name started to be used in indicating the settlements that born in a group of small islands in the lagoon. The city is divided into six areas. These districts consist of parishes. The transportation used are cars, boats, walking, water buses, water taxis, train and gondola. Venice is built on an archipelago of 117 islands formed by 117 canals in a shallow lagoon, connected by 409 bridges. What makes it a significant city is that it is one of the most important tourist destinations in the world for its celebrated art and architecture. Tourist are attracted to visit this country is because of its culture which is performing arts and music, its grandeur architecture, interior design, cuisine, literature, art and festivals.

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Geometric Shape

Venice captured the impression of a magical floating city.

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The Future Cities & Towns

Though analysing the past two types of cities & towns, we now have a great understanding of the problems and types or style within the settlement. Thus, it helps us implement the trend of the future towns & cities in order to rectify this.

LILYPAD-Vincent Callebaut

History According to the melting rate of iceberg at North Pole, the global sea levels predicted to rise significantly over the next century due to climate change, a lot of people living in low lying areas are expected to be displaced from their homes. Architect Vincent Callebaut has come up with a possible relocation destination for these climate change refugees in the form of the “Lilypad” concept- a completely self-sufficient floating city that would accommodate up to 50,000.

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Structure This future floating city is designed according to the shape of a water lily, it is intended to become a zero emission that floating on the ocean. The double skin of the floating “ecopolis” would be made of polyester fibres which covered by a layer of titanium dioxide (TiO2), which wold react with ultraviolet rays and absorb atmosphere pollution via a photocatalytic effect in the say way as the air-purifying concrete and paving stones we looked at last year.

Energy This floating city would also include the full complement of renewable energy technologies, including solar, thermal, wind, tidal and biomass to produce more energy than it consumes. The Lilypad could be located close to land or set free to follow the ocean currents wherever they may lead.

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5. The New ‘X’ Town:

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ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Town Representation

The “Clase” town plan is propose to overcome and extract the benefits of the rising seawater caused by global warming. The reason why I decided to go Underwater concept is to shelter the people from the sun, scorching heat and ultraviolet rays caused by the thinning of ozone layer and global warming. Next is to extract seawater which can provide sufficient water supply to the city. It is a Win-Win situation.

I also extracted some of the key elements of sustainability from reputable countries like Singapore’s iconic desalination of seawater to supply the countries water needs. Portland’s example of connectivity and systematic grid planning and design. Lastly, this town adopts a concept called “Live, Work, Learn and Play.” the all-in one package city planning design and also public transportation that enables the people to reach their destination within minutes of traveling time.


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The town will be made up of two main discs, one above the water and one below the surface, connected by five columns and a vertical shaft for the stairs and lift. Smaller circular volumes above the surface will contain additional facilities, with a helicopter landing pad mounted on one.

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-Residential areas-Commercial areas-Business areas-Religious and Cultures areas-Public Spaces-Recreation areas & Plantation-Educational areas-Transportation areas ><-Government Buildings-Public Services areas

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The structure sits up on three sturdy legs fixed to the seabed, and the upper disc is running elevator formula under or suspended above the water surface. These two technical solutions will ensure that Water Discus remains safe even in the event of a fairly high tsunami, which can normally flood the nearest coastal areas. It Equipped with monitoring and warning systems for safety, the above water discs have “positive buoyancy, which means they can be used as lifesavings vessels after being detached from the main body of the upper disc.”

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I can feel to be a urban planner it is extremely

challenging after weeks of vigorous research

regarding planning and design, but wide exposure

was definitely a commendable experience overall.

During the process of doing research for my

town, I found there were a lot to be concern about.

Besides that, going through trial and errors in the

process really makes me someone who give up

continuing sketching or planning. Throughout this

project, a new city or town even a village is not

easy even though it sounds easy.

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7.Reference Links